On a side note: The Y and U in the lettering on the wall behind you are the wrong way round. Need to be turned 180 degrees around vertically. (I studied typography).
I agree Pastor O’Steen. We have listened to Mr. Roverino a couple of times and something wasn’t right. Now, hearing about his stance on the apocrypha, we know he’s way off track. Thank you for this video.
I'm a Pauline bible believer saved out of roman catholicism back when I was about 30 years old (I'm now 70). I vividly remember how the archbishop who was doing our confirmation ceremony lit up like a Christmas tree when I told him what my "confirmation name" would be, which was Judith, after my own Aunt Judy. He probably thought we were acquainted with the book of Judith. Most catholic little girls will take names like Mary, Anna, Elizabeth, etc. I am solid King James bible and hold it as my final authority and have never regretted leaving the catholic church. I thinking more and more folks are being drawn into the idea that we can mix it up with catholicism, but I'm not surprised by it.
I searched for this guy Gary Rovarino and how surprised was I to see he was a guest speaker at Hillview baptist church. Always felt something was fishy with this ministry. Teaching Paul wrote Hebrews, flat earth, and other spaced out stuff... Now Rovarino is an invited guest speaker. People need to be vetted before going behind a pulpit to teach. Hate to say it but some churches flirting with strange stuff sometimes...and strange teachers... As for me, the minute someone tells me God showed him something. and goes to the bible to support it 🚩🚩🚩 go up... It should always be the opposite... the scripture show you something and it's the H.S. that supports it... Thanks but no thanks. Really appreciate the SOUND MIND of Hope Bible Church.
Seen Hillview going off the rails about the time Rovarino came in to the picture with them. When they said that whoever didn't believe that Paul wrote Hebrews didn't believe the KJB ,that was the last straw for me. Seems David is the only one left that believes the KJB and doesn't handle it deceitfully
@@dealexander4751 I must sadly agree with you. If God would've wanted for us to know who wrote the epistle, he would've. Doctrinally speaking, apart from some applications that could be made, it is clearly not doctrine for the B.O.C. If anyone believe Paul wrote it, I would not make it a fellowship issue. But if one starts saying that it's doctrine for the BOC, or, even worse, that if you don't believe Paul is the author, that you are not a KJV believer... we have a problem. Many old KJV were printed WITHOUT the mention, "Paul's epistle to the hebrews" . That the printer's choice. Might not make friends here, but ministries that raise fellowship issues on secondary things such as who wrote Hebrews, flat earth ...etc... pointing the heretical finger... sorry but that's not right. (Philippians 4:5 (KJV) Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord [is] at hand). There is a time to withdraw from people who teach blatant false doctrine. Same with those who create fellowship issues out of their personal interpretation. There is a time to let go in order to avoid the snares of the devil. The unity of the Spirit has to be preserved around what is clear, and Paul layed down what is the body of doctrine ( The faith) around which we must unite. Keep the main thing the main thing.
@@donedeploying4now His name “Paul” (originally in his own handwriting) is the first word in every epistle he wrote by inspiration of God. Compare the last verse in 2 Thess. with the last verse in Revelation and you will see that is not the token as commonly believed
@@HopeBibleChurchGano disrespect intended here, but scripture seems to indicate otherwise... twice: 1 Cor 16:21 & Col 4:18 both offer examples of the token without his name, and certainly not at the start of an epistle. Point is, there is internal evidence that points to Paul's role in compiling Hebrews (at least in draft form, through ch12) within the book of Collosians. Tough to argue with internal evidence. But take it a step further: How confusing it would be had Paul taken overt credit for compiling doctrine for a different dispensation? Rather, it makes perfect sense to do this covertly.
Did you watch my lesson The Apocrypha and the King James Version? SoCal Preston is my channel. I address everything you mentioned about Apocrypha objections.
Grace Life Bible Church, SW Michigan. I also witnessed his teaching the authority of the early church "leaders" as authoritative to explaining scripture... As if scripture-defining-scripture was insufficient. This notion about the authority of the early church is the basis of Osteen's warnings, since it also plagues most denominations
@@donedeploying4now I can say with confidence that having spoken to Bryan face to face on this issue that he most certainly does not view men as "authoritative" as a historian he simply looks to how men have understood different things to check how things have changed over time like the meaning and usage of terms or words. Knowing how they understood things back then can help us understand older language and its usage in the past.
here is a great idea I got from the Bible. Reach out and talk to Bryan directly and ask him what questions are bothering you. Or we could always just bite and devour one another.... there is that option too.
Has Paul Lucas regretted having Rovarino speak to his congregation? Yet ! Lucas and David Osteen are very close brothers in Christ, so what conversation have they had concerning this issue If Rovarino is off the mark then Lucas should be the one who says so .
I emailed Riplinger and she replied with an excerpt from her booklet, Blind Guides, p. 32, where she answered Cloud, who pretended she believed God wrote New Age Bible Versions. (The entire document is available at Freebies on AV Publications website, the fourth item down). She is still living, so she can answer for herself. She said she, “DOES NOT and HAS NEVER believed that God wrote my book or that it was in any way inspired. I was bed-ridden for 6 years and unable to walk. God helped me. Period." Here is what she wrote to Cloud’s readers: “Cloud finds "frightful" the use of rhetorical devices such as rhyme (stage and page), double-entendre, pun, alliteration (close 'the cover'), and acrostic metaphor (G.A. & God and). Experienced readers can identify when style is being emphasized, at the expense of precise thought, to create word pictures. Only a Pharisee would take literally, what was written metaphorically. Cloud is very facile himself, however, at using the technique of propaganda writers, that is, inserting words like "frightful" to 'frighten' readers, when no frightening information, other than the word "frightful," is given. Cloud cleverly OMITS the very next sentence in his quote from "End Times." It read, "My soul shall make her boast in the LORD: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad" (Ps. 34:2). The humble, the meek, and the weak rejoice when God is glorified. It is crystal clear to "the weak things of the world," of whom I am one, that as Jesus said, "without me ye can do nothing" (John 15:5). Why does God choose little Davids to slay big Goliaths, young Gideons to conquer the multiplied Midians, weak Jaels to kill strong Siseras, a feeble woman to deck Abimelech? He does it so "that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us" (II Cor. 4:7) and so "that no flesh should glory in his presence." The meek are being edged off the pew with a push from new versions. In Isaiah 61:1, "good tidings to the meek" has been replaced with "good news to the poor" in the NIV and NKJV. Cloud's five "I" statements, about his accomplishments, are reminiscent of Lucifer (Is. 14). He fell through pride. Pride holds Satan captive and inadvertently traps others with him and his cause. The LORD said, "With lies ye have...strengthened the hand of the wicked, that he should not return from his wicked way." Ez. 13:22 May God have mercy on David Cloud for his conscious attempt to DECEIVE his reader.”
@@navn6132watch the video again, starting at about 20:00 mark. He clearly establishes a rapture of "the church" at Rev4. Not John alone, as would be the case of a rapture "of sorts".
If receiving extra revelation from God makes you cooky (I agree with you on that) why do you promote Gail who claims the same? She claimed several times and is publicly recorded in stating God inspired her book like the Bible authors where inspired and that God revealed to her the special algebra she uses to support her claims.
Great question, why the double mindedness, David? . “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” Matthew 6:24 KJV . “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.” James 1:5-8 KJV
Please provide the quote where she said that “God inspired her book like the Bible authors where inspired”. There is a difference between spiritual revelation concerning what is written in the scripture (1 Cor. 2:10; Eph. 1:17; 3:5) and being inspired and given new revelation.
@@HopeBibleChurchGa One of Riplinger's most criticized actions is her belief that she is doing God's will. House goes on to suggests that Riplinger "claims some sense of divine inspiration for her work".[1] New Age Bible Versions has the author's name "G. A. Riplinger", which stands for "God and Riplinger": "Each discovery was not the result of effort on my part, but of the direct hand of God - so much so that I hesitated to even put my name on the book. Consequently, I used G. A. Riplinger, which signifies to me, God and Riplinger - God as author and Riplinger as secretary."[1] David Cloud calls this statement "amazing and frightful", and says that "even the most radical charismatic prophets hesitate to use such intemperate language".[2]
@@HopeBibleChurchGa a simple google search will result in many articles and interviews where she is quoted saying things similar but you already knew that bro
@@natekooienga9091You failed to provide a quote of her saying that “God inspired her book like the Bible authors where inspired”. You said she claimed that several times and was publicly recorded in stating that. That is slander. I give her the benefit of the doubt that she simply meant that God helped her as she studied and wrote the book. That is not claiming divine inspiration. David Cloud is a Pharisee who condemns everyone and everything.
Such Apocrypha passages are to be understood the same way such Old Testament passages are to be understood such as “money atoning for the soul” in Exodus 30:16. You will read to justify or you will read to condemn. Always remember the 1611 KJB is judging the heart of the reader. You are not judging it. If you come to find errors into errors you will go. If you come to justify God will give you understanding. Answered in grace.
@@AboveGodsName Just now saw this comment. Once again you are handling the word of God deceitfully to support your false doctrine. The atonement in Ex. 30:15-16 is defined in the context: "that there be no plague among them, when thou numberest them" (v.12). The apocrypha falsely claims that alms purges away (i.e., not just covers but takes away) ALL SIN, something only the BLOOD OF CHRIST can do.
@@HopeBibleChurchGa There is no deception whatsoever in pointing someone to scripture to show that there are equally things in the Old Testament that if not handled carefully, such as "money atoning for the soul", will lend to misinterpretation. That is what I did. I advised caution in rushing an interpretation without careful handling which is what most do with Tobit 12:9. For example, Tobit's usage of "all" is a synecdoche, where "all" represents a "part" of something within a context. Tobit who was made under the law is speaking of alms in the same spirit as Jesus who was made under the law when he used the word "all" speaking of alms: But rather give alms of such things as ye have; and, behold, "all" things are clean unto you (Luke 11:41). Jesus is not saying Israel does not need his blood to cleanse them when he says "give alms...and, behold, "all" things are clean unto you". There is more yet I could say in rightly dividing Tobit 12:9 to the man who is seeking the love of God through honoring his 1611 King James Holy Bible where God has placed his Apocrypha.
@@AboveGodsName There is NO connection whatsoever between Ex. 30:15-16 and Tobit 12:9. The interpretation of Ex. 30:15-16 is not difficult for those who study it in context. What is meant in Tobit 12:9 is also plain to those who do not have an agenda. It is the LYING angel (see Tobit 5) speaking in the context, not Tobit. You claim that he was using a figure of speech to get around the plain meaning of what he said because it is false doctrine. Then you have the audacity to compare something a lying angel said in a non-inspired book to something Christ said when you don't even understand what He said. He was rebuking the hypocritical Pharisees who believed their outward works made them clean (Lk. 11:39). In Luke 11:41 Christ was sarcastically referring to what the Pharisees believed: that if they gave alms (Matt. 6:1-4) they were free to live how they pleased (like the Catholic indulgences). You try to sound humble and pious, but that you have exalted yourself in your own imagination is proven by your ridiculous claims (such as you were prophesied in the epistle dedicatory, God has revealed things to you alone and given you a special ministry to make them known to the world, blah, blah, blah). You vainly think that those who disagree with you don't love God or believe His word. Sadly, you have a few simple people fooled, but those who have spiritual discernment can see that you are a heretic.
Gary ROVARINO is a close friend to me, we were witnessing together the other day to try and win a man to Christ. Gary has supported our small fellowship in England this year, I greatly value that man. It’s a shame because I was avid listener of yours David. We are all learning but I can tell you that Gary has the most charity and temperance I have ever seen in a believer. Gary is helping us get the gospel and 1611 round England, unless you want to do his job??
So if someone is our friend and does good works we should just overlook it when he publicly teaches the apocrypha is the word of God and that Christ taught Paul the mystery from the apocrypha? Claiming the apocrypha is scripture is ADDING to the word of God (Prov. 30:5-6). "... let God be true, but every man a liar... (Rom. 3:4). God and His word comes first, not our friends.
We must watch out for emotional attachment getting in the way of our discernment. Here is part of my comment that I wrote elsewhere: ...his boasting of his books with "the most powerful book I've written....because it is so wonderful; obviously the Lord has poured out by the holy Ghost the content for this book" Really?! If the holy Ghost poured out the content of his (Gary's) book through Gary, then wouldn't that be considered inspiration and more content to be added to God's holy word? To me, that borders on blasphemy, but for certain it gives the appearance of him thinking highly of himself and being boastful. Also, the statement that God is sending him (Gary) back to England to unlock the course for the return of the KJB w/the apocrypha, ultimately to make its way back to Jerusalem to be in the hands of the Lord at his return....I mean come on; this is some grandiose thinking of himself...that's what I am getting from this man. Also, like another commenter said, this is likely where Paul Lucas got the "Apostle Paul writing Hebrews" nonsense....another red flag. I hope our brother Paul will reassess the teachings of Gary R. Our pastors and teachers need to keep in mind Acts 20:30--Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them. Heresies are a work of the flesh for those who want others to follow them which creates division in the body of Christ. Be careful!
@@HopeBibleChurchGa I hear what you are saying. The thing is, every KJb Bible believer has faults, and errors, we all do, none of us have it all figured out. I mean you think the earth is a spinning ball! 😆 But we forebear. If we cast off every Bible believer that we weren’t in lockstead with, we would be completely isolated. I cannot comment on the Apocrypha as of yet as have not read it, but will be reading it soon. What I do know is, Gary believes the gospel of salvation by grace through faith, the KjB is the perfect word of God and he rightly divides the word of truth as best to his conscience so I am honoured to call him my brother.
@@michaelbooker16 I don't think you hear what I am saying. Obviously we are all a work in progress and we are to be forbearing with one another. The men who preached at our recent Bible conference would not agree on everything, and that is okay because not everything is a fellowship issue. But, there comes a time to mark and avoid. If you consider adding to the word of God to be a minor issue, that is very disappointing. I am not telling you who to fellowship with, that is between you and God, but you will never convince me that what Gary is teaching about the apocrypha is no big deal. It is serious FALSE doctrine.
@@HopeBibleChurchGa No, we’re saying you should talk to Gary, find out what he believes. Judge if he’s a brother and act accordingly. That’s all. Do some more looking into it, before you “WARN” people not to listen to someone. He might just have what a particular believer needs. If I find some of your sermon notes between the OT and NT, should I just throw all the notes in the trash?
"The Apocrypha" was NOT found in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Scraps similar to sentences out of maybe 2 apocryphal books were found. That is hardly 'the Apocrypha.'
With all due respect, I would not be too hasty with judging Gary Rovarino. I personally met him and was his guest at The 1611 King James Bible Museum for several days last year. After reading his book Concealed From Christians For The Glory Of God, The 1611 King James Bible. Which I recommend reading before passing judgement. Brother Gary loves the Word of God more than anyone I know. His teachings are strong meat for lovers of God’s word. Some brethren are still drinking milk though. I do not believe that he is adding anything to the Bible. The Bible speaks for itself! The Apocrypha is not for this dispensation anyway, so it shouldn’t really matter. I have never heard Gary say that it is of equal importance as the Old Testament and the New Testament. I think you should have spoken to him before publicly condemning him. His TH-cam channel Above God’s Name, is based on Psalm 138:2. I will worship toward thy holy temple and praise thy name for thy loving kindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.
AMEN! I've yet to hear one of Gary's more "out there" beliefs actually cause him to teach any wrong doctrine. All of his "strange" beliefs simply re-enforce something we already know. That the 1611 is the pure word of God. David has judged this issue without ever talking to Gary, reading his books, and without even finishing the Apocrypha cover to cover. What he has read from the Apocrypha he has read with the same heart of unbelief that he reads every single verse that supports Biblical cosmology. The mocking and scorn I hear in this video is very cringeworthy.
@ I agree with you on that, the mockery coming from the pulpit was disturbing to me for sure. After watching Gary’s video again, I remembered how he specifically said that the Apocrypha was not inspired scripture but that it had its place between the Testaments. Gary has brought forth some great things about the 1611 Holy Bible that nobody else has ever noticed before. I thank God for his ministry, he has caused me to be much more observant of the Word of God, and because of that, I now see things that I didn’t see before. In God will I praise his word: in the Lord will I praise his word. Psalm 56:10
Don’t worry one second about the critics! Preaching Our Lords Word correctly is all that matters. Didn’t Rovarino preach at Paul Lucas’s church. And, what and why did Lucas allow him to give a sermon at His church?
Just for your correction the 1611 is the Word of God! that would include every word that is in the 1611 KJB. You are failing to understsnd how to rightly divide the Apocrypha in its dispensation position and how to understand the connection to other books within the 1611 KJB. To say there is wrong teaching or wrong doctrine seems to tell me you are lacking knowledge and failing to deliver wisdom as a KJB BELIEVER.
@@HopeBibleChurchGaAgain you are failing to understand a few things that I might be able to help with your understanding.. At what time was this doctrine wrote and who was this addressing considering the context in the time frame as a right divider and following the pattern. This was clearly the saints who was keep at Abrahams bosom and for those who the Lord preached to, the spirits in prison that he Jesus was the order of melchizedek and the seed of the woman as the promise. All within that time period to wit what they all believed and died believing at that time. The main problem you are having is you are trying to make sence of the Apocrypha from a Body of Christ state and therefore trying to make sence writing the dispensation of grace back into a different dispensation that can not be compared! but correctly handled these books can add a great deall of Value to the 1611 KJB BELIEVER🎉
@@HopeBibleChurchGa who wins the election shouldn’t be of any concern to you or any member of the Body of Christ. . “Praise ye the Lord. Praise the Lord, O my soul. While I live will I praise the Lord: I will sing praises unto my God while I have any being. Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help. His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish. Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God: Which made heaven, and earth, the sea, and all that therein is: which keepeth truth for ever: Which executeth judgment for the oppressed: which giveth food to the hungry. The Lord looseth the prisoners: The Lord openeth the eyes of the blind: the Lord raiseth them that are bowed down: the Lord loveth the righteous: The Lord preserveth the strangers; he relieveth the fatherless and widow: but the way of the wicked he turneth upside down. The Lord shall reign for ever, even thy God, O Zion, unto all generations. Praise ye the Lord.” Psalm 146:1-10 KJV
The Holy Bible - King James 1611 - is the perfectly preserved word of God. Authorised by a king. Ecclesiastes VIII vs 4 Where the word of a king is, there is power: and who may say unto him, what doest thou? The Apocrypha sits right between the Old and New Testaments, just where God intended it to be. Let's not question His word and remove any of it.
I’ve met Gary. Anybody debating his material is ignorant of it or scared of it because their arrogant heart didn’t already know it. I love all these men who have already attained unlike Paul. God is currently in the process of BUILDING SOMETHING! Why don’t some of you guys get busy helping Him instead of just tearing down those who are? Another feigning Bible believer. I think I’m just gonna make an entire social media presence correcting everyone and never actually help them EFFECTIVELY put on the MIND OF CHRIST!
Feigned Bible believer? That's a ridiculous accusation, especially if you've consistently listened to his videos. Just because you've met Gary, means nothing and the fact that you say anyone questioning his material is scared or arrogant is an arrogant statement in and of itself. Have you not read 1 Cor. 2:15--But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. We should be careful and judge what a brother in Christ is teaching. I, too, had some red flags about this brother's teachings when I first heard him, but was willing to give the benefit of the doubt, but when I heard him say that the Lord Jesus and Apostle Paul took from the apocrypha, along with his boasting of his books with "the most powerful book I've written....because it is so wonderful; obviously the Lord has poured out by the holy Ghost the content for this book" Really?! If the holy Ghost poured out the content of his (Gary's) book through Gary, then wouldn't that be considered inspiration and more content to be added to God's holy word? To me, that borders on blasphemy, but for certain it gives the appearance of him thinking highly of himself and being boastful. Also, the statement that God is sending him (Gary) back to England to unlock the course for the return of the KJB w/the apocrypha back to Jerusalem to be in the hands of the Lord at his return....I mean come on; this is some grandiose thinking of himself...that's what I am getting from this man. Also, like another commenter said, this is likely where Paul Lucas got the "Apostle Paul writing Hebrews" nonsense....another red flag. I hope our brother Paul will reassess the teachings of Gary R. Our pastors and teachers need to keep in mind Acts 20:30--Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them. Heresies are a work of the flesh for those who want others to follow them which creates division in the body of Christ. Be careful.
@@diligent_seeker You are ignorantly understanding the entire topic. If nothing a man ever says is inspired by God…I see no need to listen to anything David O’Steen rofl says or writes in any of his books either. I will just read my Bible. Thanks for the insight brother. All the contrary teachings out here today. I think I will just be safer casting off David O’Steen, Ruckman, Ross, Rod Bilieluulu, Paul Lucas and all the others.
@@LIGHTeonTopics And your very small light will go out completely. You have not a clue about these men except Rodney B. because Rodney has went off the rails. Why not start your own podcast since you’re filled with biblical knowledge . Let’s see how you do.
Does anyone here know why out of more than 20 million books in the library of congress contains that only the King James Bible does not have a copyright?
I will help raise the money to pay for your trip to Arizona to Gary’s museum if you want to go and learn things for yourself and actually talk to the man you are attacking.
It’s not an attack to point out obvious errors when one is not teaching sound doctrine according to the inspired word and is introducing things that don’t belong. Paul did say “reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine didn’t he?
@@Lamb-t7m It’s an attack when you go after someone without actually knowing or speaking to the person. That’s why I posted what I did. David needs A LOT more research and investigation into this. In the very least it was hasty and done without knowledge. At the worst, it’s an attack. Maybe David hasn’t learned to control his tongue, a sign of charity, and only speak when and if he can offer edification.
Correction of a brother in Christ is to lead to restoration through grace. To drop this video with no follow up with Gary will prove to me David has no charity. Going to Arizona, receiving Gary’s full museum ministry, then talking to Gary in love would show otherwise. We’ll see where it goes. There’s only one head of the body and David O’Steen, Gary, Rovarino, Paul Lucas, or anyone else that thinks they are something, better realize they are simply members of this thing by grace. And, the weaker brethren are NECESSARY. David as a big strong needful member of the body, should reach out to Gary if he perceives Gary to be out of line.
@@LIGHTeonTopics Jamie Lucas (aka LIGHTeonTopics), you sure are waxing eloquent in the comments about edification and charity while you evidently think that you have the ability and authority to judge my motives and ministry. Do you realize how hypocritical your comments come across to those with any discernment? I don't need to talk to Gary or visit his museum to know whether I agree with him or not on the apocrypha. I listened to his PUBLIC teaching on the matter. He is writing a book to support his claim. We are past the stage of having private conversations first. Public false teaching requires a public rebuke. I have talked to several people who were confused by his claims about the apocrypha. My goal is to help people, not try to straighten out a teacher who has already made up his mind on the issue. I was not "hasty" as you claim. I spent hours researching the matter. Have you even read the apocrypha? I didn't address all his "material" that you claim I am "ignorant" and "scared" of because of my "arrogant heart." I don't recall you having a problem with me calling out Rodney B. or Bryan R. for their public teaching. Now you are upset because Gary is your friend. Do you really think that all I do is tear down and never edify? By the grace of God, I have taught verse by verse through 30 books of the Bible. Calling out false teaching is not the main focus of my ministry, but it needs to be done.
People use the word "attack" way too liberally these days which ought not to be the case amongst the saints. Pointing out error is not an attack. Gary is wrong and in error and it should be dealt with. Also, the Lord said in 1 Cor. 11:19 For there must be also heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you.
*Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.* John 16:13 KJB God didn't tell you that. The Spirit of TRUTH reveals the Holy scriptures. If God wanted us to know what Enoch said, He is more than capable of preserving it, and He chose not to.
Thank you for telling the truth sir, and may God richly bless you and the church you pastor.
The Apocrypha is spurious literature. I agree with this preacher on this subject.
Looking forward to the Isaiah study. I trust the 66 books I have are inspired and sufficient.
On a side note: The Y and U in the lettering on the wall behind you are the wrong way round. Need to be turned 180 degrees around vertically. (I studied typography).
Thanks for the teaching Brother David. Very thankful for your ministry.
I agree Pastor O’Steen. We have listened to Mr. Roverino a couple of times and something wasn’t right. Now, hearing about his stance on the apocrypha, we know he’s way off track. Thank you for this video.
I'm a Pauline bible believer saved out of roman catholicism back when I was about 30 years old (I'm now 70). I vividly remember how the archbishop who was doing our confirmation ceremony lit up like a Christmas tree when I told him what my "confirmation name" would be, which was Judith, after my own Aunt Judy. He probably thought we were acquainted with the book of Judith. Most catholic little girls will take names like Mary, Anna, Elizabeth, etc. I am solid King James bible and hold it as my final authority and have never regretted leaving the catholic church. I thinking more and more folks are being drawn into the idea that we can mix it up with catholicism, but I'm not surprised by it.
I pray that it doesn’t affect the relationship between David Osteen and Paul Lucas! They both have preached at each other’s church.
So many ads I couldn’t really get through this
It doesn't take much to immediately know the apocrypha is not the Word of God. When one knows the real.....the counterfeit is obvious.
I searched for this guy Gary Rovarino and how surprised was I to see he was a guest speaker at Hillview baptist church. Always felt something was fishy with this ministry. Teaching Paul wrote Hebrews, flat earth, and other spaced out stuff... Now Rovarino is an invited guest speaker. People need to be vetted before going behind a pulpit to teach. Hate to say it but some churches flirting with strange stuff sometimes...and strange teachers... As for me, the minute someone tells me God showed him something. and goes to the bible to support it 🚩🚩🚩 go up... It should always be the opposite... the scripture show you something and it's the H.S. that supports it... Thanks but no thanks. Really appreciate the SOUND MIND of Hope Bible Church.
Seen Hillview going off the rails about the time Rovarino came in to the picture with them. When they said that whoever didn't believe that Paul wrote Hebrews didn't believe the KJB ,that was the last straw for me. Seems David is the only one left that believes the KJB and doesn't handle it deceitfully
Just curious if you may know.... Just exactly what is the token of authenticity that Apostle Paul includes with each epistle he compiled?
@@dealexander4751 I must sadly agree with you. If God would've wanted for us to know who wrote the epistle, he would've. Doctrinally speaking, apart from some applications that could be made, it is clearly not doctrine for the B.O.C. If anyone believe Paul wrote it, I would not make it a fellowship issue. But if one starts saying that it's doctrine for the BOC, or, even worse, that if you don't believe Paul is the author, that you are not a KJV believer... we have a problem. Many old KJV were printed WITHOUT the mention, "Paul's epistle to the hebrews" . That the printer's choice. Might not make friends here, but ministries that raise fellowship issues on secondary things such as who wrote Hebrews, flat earth ...etc... pointing the heretical finger... sorry but that's not right. (Philippians 4:5 (KJV)
Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord [is] at hand). There is a time to withdraw from people who teach blatant false doctrine. Same with those who create fellowship issues out of their personal interpretation. There is a time to let go in order to avoid the snares of the devil. The unity of the Spirit has to be preserved around what is clear, and Paul layed down what is the body of doctrine ( The faith) around which we must unite. Keep the main thing the main thing.
@@donedeploying4now His name “Paul” (originally in his own handwriting) is the first word in every epistle he wrote by inspiration of God. Compare the last verse in 2 Thess. with the last verse in Revelation and you will see that is not the token as commonly believed
@@HopeBibleChurchGano disrespect intended here, but scripture seems to indicate otherwise... twice: 1 Cor 16:21 & Col 4:18 both offer examples of the token without his name, and certainly not at the start of an epistle. Point is, there is internal evidence that points to Paul's role in compiling Hebrews (at least in draft form, through ch12) within the book of Collosians.
Tough to argue with internal evidence. But take it a step further: How confusing it would be had Paul taken overt credit for compiling doctrine for a different dispensation? Rather, it makes perfect sense to do this covertly.
Didn't the translators remove the Apocrypha in 1885?
Did you watch my lesson The Apocrypha and the King James Version? SoCal Preston is my channel. I address everything you mentioned about Apocrypha objections.
Which Brian Ross are you referring to? Can you PLS send me any link to him so I can know if it's the same Brian Ross i watch.
Grace Life Bible Church, SW Michigan. I also witnessed his teaching the authority of the early church "leaders" as authoritative to explaining scripture... As if scripture-defining-scripture was insufficient. This notion about the authority of the early church is the basis of Osteen's warnings, since it also plagues most denominations
@@donedeploying4now I can say with confidence that having spoken to Bryan face to face on this issue that he most certainly does not view men as "authoritative" as a historian he simply looks to how men have understood different things to check how things have changed over time like the meaning and usage of terms or words. Knowing how they understood things back then can help us understand older language and its usage in the past.
here is a great idea I got from the Bible. Reach out and talk to Bryan directly and ask him what questions are bothering you. Or we could always just bite and devour one another.... there is that option too.
@@stevenwoodruff9730 exactly. "Bryan is not allowed to quote the translators, here is a quote I found from the translators"
@@natekooienga9091he speaks with the serpents tongue
Has Paul Lucas regretted having Rovarino speak to his congregation? Yet ! Lucas and David Osteen are very close brothers in Christ, so what conversation have they had concerning this issue If Rovarino is off the mark then Lucas should be the one who says so .
I emailed Riplinger and she replied with an excerpt from her booklet, Blind Guides, p. 32, where she answered Cloud, who pretended she believed God wrote New Age Bible Versions. (The entire document is available at Freebies on AV Publications website, the fourth item down). She is still living, so she can answer for herself. She said she, “DOES NOT and HAS NEVER believed that God wrote my book or that it was in any way inspired. I was bed-ridden for 6 years and unable to walk. God helped me. Period." Here is what she wrote to Cloud’s readers:
“Cloud finds "frightful" the use of rhetorical devices such as rhyme (stage and page), double-entendre, pun, alliteration (close 'the cover'), and acrostic metaphor (G.A. & God and). Experienced readers can identify when style is being emphasized, at the expense of precise thought, to create word pictures. Only a Pharisee would take literally, what was written metaphorically.
Cloud is very facile himself, however, at using the technique of propaganda writers, that is, inserting words like "frightful" to 'frighten' readers, when no frightening information, other than the word "frightful," is given.
Cloud cleverly OMITS the very next sentence in his quote from "End Times." It read, "My soul shall make her boast in the LORD: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad" (Ps. 34:2). The humble, the meek, and the weak rejoice when God is glorified. It is crystal clear to "the weak things of the world," of whom I am one, that as Jesus said, "without me ye can do nothing" (John 15:5). Why does God choose little Davids to slay big Goliaths, young Gideons to conquer the multiplied Midians, weak Jaels to kill strong Siseras, a feeble woman to deck Abimelech? He does it so "that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us" (II Cor. 4:7) and so "that no flesh should glory in his presence."
The meek are being edged off the pew with a push from new versions. In Isaiah 61:1, "good tidings to the meek" has been replaced with "good news to the poor" in the NIV and NKJV.
Cloud's five "I" statements, about his accomplishments, are reminiscent of Lucifer (Is. 14). He fell through pride. Pride holds Satan captive and inadvertently traps others with him and his cause.
The LORD said, "With lies ye have...strengthened the hand of the wicked, that he should not return from his wicked way." Ez. 13:22
May God have mercy on David Cloud for his conscious attempt to DECEIVE his reader.”
I use TH-cam so I don’t have to read so much. 🙄
I can testify that i watched Gary Rovarino teach (at a recent conference) that the pre-trib rapture of the Body of Christ is described at Rev ch4.
Was that the one at Hillview Baptist?
Bearing false witness, tsk, tsk... Gary taught Rev 4 that John experienced a “rapture of sorts”. Repent.
@@navn6132watch the video again, starting at about 20:00 mark. He clearly establishes a rapture of "the church" at Rev4. Not John alone, as would be the case of a rapture "of sorts".
If receiving extra revelation from God makes you cooky (I agree with you on that) why do you promote Gail who claims the same? She claimed several times and is publicly recorded in stating God inspired her book like the Bible authors where inspired and that God revealed to her the special algebra she uses to support her claims.
Great question, why the double mindedness, David?
“No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”
Matthew 6:24 KJV
“If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.”
James 1:5-8 KJV
Please provide the quote where she said that “God inspired her book like the Bible authors where inspired”. There is a difference between spiritual revelation concerning what is written in the scripture (1 Cor. 2:10; Eph. 1:17; 3:5) and being inspired and given new revelation.
@@HopeBibleChurchGa One of Riplinger's most criticized actions is her belief that she is doing God's will. House goes on to suggests that Riplinger "claims some sense of divine inspiration for her work".[1] New Age Bible Versions has the author's name "G. A. Riplinger", which stands for "God and Riplinger": "Each discovery was not the result of effort on my part, but of the direct hand of God - so much so that I hesitated to even put my name on the book. Consequently, I used G. A. Riplinger, which signifies to me, God and Riplinger - God as author and Riplinger as secretary."[1] David Cloud calls this statement "amazing and frightful", and says that "even the most radical charismatic prophets hesitate to use such intemperate language".[2]
@@HopeBibleChurchGa a simple google search will result in many articles and interviews where she is quoted saying things similar but you already knew that bro
@@natekooienga9091You failed to provide a quote of her saying that “God inspired her book like the Bible authors where inspired”. You said she claimed that several times and was publicly recorded in stating that. That is slander. I give her the benefit of the doubt that she simply meant that God helped her as she studied and wrote the book. That is not claiming divine inspiration. David Cloud is a Pharisee who condemns everyone and everything.
To anyone that believes the apocrypha is inspired scripture, do you believe alms purge away all sin and makes an atonement for sin?
Asking in grace.
Such Apocrypha passages are to be understood the same way such Old Testament passages are to be understood such as “money atoning for the soul” in Exodus 30:16. You will read to justify or you will read to condemn. Always remember the 1611 KJB is judging the heart of the reader. You are not judging it. If you come to find errors into errors you will go. If you come to justify God will give you understanding. Answered in grace.
@@AboveGodsName Just now saw this comment. Once again you are handling the word of God deceitfully to support your false doctrine. The atonement in Ex. 30:15-16 is defined in the context: "that there be no plague among them, when thou numberest them" (v.12). The apocrypha falsely claims that alms purges away (i.e., not just covers but takes away) ALL SIN, something only the BLOOD OF CHRIST can do.
@@HopeBibleChurchGa There is no deception whatsoever in pointing someone to scripture to show that there are equally things in the Old Testament that if not handled carefully, such as "money atoning for the soul", will lend to misinterpretation. That is what I did. I advised caution in rushing an interpretation without careful handling which is what most do with Tobit 12:9. For example, Tobit's usage of "all" is a synecdoche, where "all" represents a "part" of something within a context. Tobit who was made under the law is speaking of alms in the same spirit as Jesus who was made under the law when he used the word "all" speaking of alms: But rather give alms of such things as ye have; and, behold, "all" things are clean unto you (Luke 11:41). Jesus is not saying Israel does not need his blood to cleanse them when he says "give alms...and, behold, "all" things are clean unto you". There is more yet I could say in rightly dividing Tobit 12:9 to the man who is seeking the love of God through honoring his 1611 King James Holy Bible where God has placed his Apocrypha.
@@AboveGodsName There is NO connection whatsoever between Ex. 30:15-16 and Tobit 12:9. The interpretation of Ex. 30:15-16 is not difficult for those who study it in context. What is meant in Tobit 12:9 is also plain to those who do not have an agenda. It is the LYING angel (see Tobit 5) speaking in the context, not Tobit. You claim that he was using a figure of speech to get around the plain meaning of what he said because it is false doctrine. Then you have the audacity to compare something a lying angel said in a non-inspired book to something Christ said when you don't even understand what He said. He was rebuking the hypocritical Pharisees who believed their outward works made them clean (Lk. 11:39). In Luke 11:41 Christ was sarcastically referring to what the Pharisees believed: that if they gave alms (Matt. 6:1-4) they were free to live how they pleased (like the Catholic indulgences). You try to sound humble and pious, but that you have exalted yourself in your own imagination is proven by your ridiculous claims (such as you were prophesied in the epistle dedicatory, God has revealed things to you alone and given you a special ministry to make them known to the world, blah, blah, blah). You vainly think that those who disagree with you don't love God or believe His word. Sadly, you have a few simple people fooled, but those who have spiritual discernment can see that you are a heretic.
Gary ROVARINO is a close friend to me, we were witnessing together the other day to try and win a man to Christ.
Gary has supported our small fellowship in England this year, I greatly value that man. It’s a shame because I was avid listener of yours David.
We are all learning but I can tell you that Gary has the most charity and temperance I have ever seen in a believer.
Gary is helping us get the gospel and 1611 round England, unless you want to do his job??
So if someone is our friend and does good works we should just overlook it when he publicly teaches the apocrypha is the word of God and that Christ taught Paul the mystery from the apocrypha? Claiming the apocrypha is scripture is ADDING to the word of God (Prov. 30:5-6). "... let God be true, but every man a liar... (Rom. 3:4). God and His word comes first, not our friends.
We must watch out for emotional attachment getting in the way of our discernment. Here is part of my comment that I wrote elsewhere: ...his boasting of his books with "the most powerful book I've written....because it is so wonderful; obviously the Lord has poured out by the holy Ghost the content for this book" Really?! If the holy Ghost poured out the content of his (Gary's) book through Gary, then wouldn't that be considered inspiration and more content to be added to God's holy word? To me, that borders on blasphemy, but for certain it gives the appearance of him thinking highly of himself and being boastful. Also, the statement that God is sending him (Gary) back to England to unlock the course for the return of the KJB w/the apocrypha, ultimately to make its way back to Jerusalem to be in the hands of the Lord at his return....I mean come on; this is some grandiose thinking of himself...that's what I am getting from this man. Also, like another commenter said, this is likely where Paul Lucas got the "Apostle Paul writing Hebrews" nonsense....another red flag. I hope our brother Paul will reassess the teachings of Gary R.
Our pastors and teachers need to keep in mind Acts 20:30--Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them.
Heresies are a work of the flesh for those who want others to follow them which creates division in the body of Christ. Be careful!
@@HopeBibleChurchGa I hear what you are saying. The thing is, every KJb Bible believer has faults, and errors, we all do, none of us have it all figured out. I mean you think the earth is a spinning ball! 😆
But we forebear. If we cast off every Bible believer that we weren’t in lockstead with, we would be completely isolated.
I cannot comment on the Apocrypha as of yet as have not read it, but will be reading it soon.
What I do know is, Gary believes the gospel of salvation by grace through faith, the KjB is the perfect word of God and he rightly divides the word of truth as best to his conscience so I am honoured to call him my brother.
@@michaelbooker16 I don't think you hear what I am saying. Obviously we are all a work in progress and we are to be forbearing with one another. The men who preached at our recent Bible conference would not agree on everything, and that is okay because not everything is a fellowship issue. But, there comes a time to mark and avoid. If you consider adding to the word of God to be a minor issue, that is very disappointing. I am not telling you who to fellowship with, that is between you and God, but you will never convince me that what Gary is teaching about the apocrypha is no big deal. It is serious FALSE doctrine.
@@HopeBibleChurchGa No, we’re saying you should talk to Gary, find out what he believes. Judge if he’s a brother and act accordingly. That’s all. Do some more looking into it, before you “WARN” people not to listen to someone. He might just have what a particular believer needs. If I find some of your sermon notes between the OT and NT, should I just throw all the notes in the trash?
Strange that you would say that the Apocrypha was written in Greek since it was found in the Dead Sea scrolls written in Hebrew.
"The Apocrypha" was NOT found in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Scraps similar to sentences out of maybe 2 apocryphal books were found. That is hardly 'the Apocrypha.'
Since you’re obviously calling out people. Give us the names so we can steer clear.
The Bible has the answer for everything.
Romans 14:1 KJV
Him that is weak in the faith receive ye, but not to doubtful disputations.
With all due respect, I would not be too hasty with judging Gary Rovarino. I personally met him and was his guest at The 1611 King James Bible Museum for several days last year.
After reading his book Concealed From Christians For The Glory Of God, The 1611 King James Bible.
Which I recommend reading before passing judgement.
Brother Gary loves the Word of God more than anyone I know.
His teachings are strong meat for lovers of God’s word.
Some brethren are still drinking milk though.
I do not believe that he is adding anything to the Bible. The Bible speaks for itself!
The Apocrypha is not for this dispensation anyway, so it shouldn’t
really matter. I have never heard Gary say that it is of equal importance as the Old Testament and the New Testament.
I think you should have spoken to him before publicly condemning him.
His TH-cam channel Above God’s Name, is based on Psalm 138:2.
I will worship toward thy holy temple and praise thy name for thy loving kindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.
AMEN! I've yet to hear one of Gary's more "out there" beliefs actually cause him to teach any wrong doctrine. All of his "strange" beliefs simply re-enforce something we already know. That the 1611 is the pure word of God. David has judged this issue without ever talking to Gary, reading his books, and without even finishing the Apocrypha cover to cover. What he has read from the Apocrypha he has read with the same heart of unbelief that he reads every single verse that supports Biblical cosmology. The mocking and scorn I hear in this video is very cringeworthy.
@ I agree with you on that, the mockery coming from the pulpit was disturbing to me for sure. After watching Gary’s video again, I remembered how he specifically said that the Apocrypha was not inspired scripture but that it had its place between the Testaments. Gary has brought forth some great things about the 1611 Holy Bible that nobody else has ever noticed before. I thank God for his ministry, he has caused me to be much more observant of the Word of God, and because of that, I now see things that I didn’t see before.
In God will I praise his word: in the Lord will I praise his word. Psalm 56:10
Don’t worry one second about the critics! Preaching Our Lords Word correctly is all that matters. Didn’t Rovarino preach at Paul Lucas’s church. And, what and why did Lucas allow him to give a sermon at His church?
Word = the Son of God
word = written scripture
How about you prove all things to yourself lie instructed to do in His Word.
The old deceiver is busy .
Sounds like this Gary guy is a plant. He's fixing to mess up those British believers that don’t know their Bible.
@@kathiemiller321 rofl
Just for your correction the 1611 is the Word of God! that would include every word that is in the 1611 KJB.
You are failing to understsnd how to rightly divide the Apocrypha in its dispensation position and how to understand the connection to other books within the 1611 KJB.
To say there is wrong teaching or wrong doctrine seems to tell me you are lacking knowledge and failing to deliver wisdom as a KJB BELIEVER.
Dave is full of pride, pray for him.
Alms “shall purge away all sin” (Tobit 12:9) and “alms maketh an atonement for sin” (Ecclesiasticus 3:30) is false doctrine in any dispensation
@@navn6132since you know all things, including the hearts of men, can you tell me who will win the presidential election next week? Thanks
@@HopeBibleChurchGaAgain you are failing to understand a few things that I might be able to help with your understanding..
At what time was this doctrine wrote and who was this addressing considering the context in the time frame as a right divider and following the pattern. This was clearly the saints who was keep at Abrahams bosom and for those who the Lord preached to, the spirits in prison that he Jesus was the order of melchizedek and the seed of the woman as the promise. All within that time period to wit what they all believed and died believing at that time.
The main problem you are having is you are trying to make sence of the Apocrypha from a Body of Christ state and therefore trying to make sence writing the dispensation of grace back into a different dispensation that can not be compared! but correctly handled these books can add a great deall of Value to the 1611 KJB BELIEVER🎉
@@HopeBibleChurchGa who wins the election shouldn’t be of any concern to you or any member of the Body of Christ.
“Praise ye the Lord. Praise the Lord, O my soul. While I live will I praise the Lord: I will sing praises unto my God while I have any being. Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help. His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish. Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God: Which made heaven, and earth, the sea, and all that therein is: which keepeth truth for ever: Which executeth judgment for the oppressed: which giveth food to the hungry. The Lord looseth the prisoners: The Lord openeth the eyes of the blind: the Lord raiseth them that are bowed down: the Lord loveth the righteous: The Lord preserveth the strangers; he relieveth the fatherless and widow: but the way of the wicked he turneth upside down. The Lord shall reign for ever, even thy God, O Zion, unto all generations. Praise ye the Lord.”
Psalm 146:1-10 KJV
The Holy Bible - King James 1611 - is the perfectly preserved word of God. Authorised by a king.
Ecclesiastes VIII vs 4 Where the word of a king is, there is power: and who may say unto him, what doest thou?
The Apocrypha sits right between the Old and New Testaments, just where God intended it to be. Let's not question His word and remove any of it.
I’ve met Gary. Anybody debating his material is ignorant of it or scared of it because their arrogant heart didn’t already know it. I love all these men who have already attained unlike Paul. God is currently in the process of BUILDING SOMETHING! Why don’t some of you guys get busy helping Him instead of just tearing down those who are? Another feigning Bible believer. I think I’m just gonna make an entire social media presence correcting everyone and never actually help them EFFECTIVELY put on the MIND OF CHRIST!
Feigned Bible believer? That's a ridiculous accusation, especially if you've consistently listened to his videos. Just because you've met Gary, means nothing and the fact that you say anyone questioning his material is scared or arrogant is an arrogant statement in and of itself. Have you not read 1 Cor. 2:15--But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. We should be careful and judge what a brother in Christ is teaching.
I, too, had some red flags about this brother's teachings when I first heard him, but was willing to give the benefit of the doubt, but when I heard him say that the Lord Jesus and Apostle Paul took from the apocrypha, along with his boasting of his books with "the most powerful book I've written....because it is so wonderful; obviously the Lord has poured out by the holy Ghost the content for this book" Really?! If the holy Ghost poured out the content of his (Gary's) book through Gary, then wouldn't that be considered inspiration and more content to be added to God's holy word? To me, that borders on blasphemy, but for certain it gives the appearance of him thinking highly of himself and being boastful. Also, the statement that God is sending him (Gary) back to England to unlock the course for the return of the KJB w/the apocrypha back to Jerusalem to be in the hands of the Lord at his return....I mean come on; this is some grandiose thinking of himself...that's what I am getting from this man. Also, like another commenter said, this is likely where Paul Lucas got the "Apostle Paul writing Hebrews" nonsense....another red flag. I hope our brother Paul will reassess the teachings of Gary R.
Our pastors and teachers need to keep in mind Acts 20:30--Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them.
Heresies are a work of the flesh for those who want others to follow them which creates division in the body of Christ. Be careful.
@@diligent_seeker You are ignorantly understanding the entire topic. If nothing a man ever says is inspired by God…I see no need to listen to anything David O’Steen rofl says or writes in any of his books either. I will just read my Bible. Thanks for the insight brother. All the contrary teachings out here today. I think I will just be safer casting off David O’Steen, Ruckman, Ross, Rod Bilieluulu, Paul Lucas and all the others.
I had David’s book lying on my nightstand intending to read it. But, since ONLY the two testaments contain inspiration…why would I?
@@LIGHTeonTopics And your very small light will go out completely. You have not a clue about these men except Rodney B. because Rodney has went off the rails. Why not start your own podcast since you’re filled with biblical knowledge . Let’s see how you do.
Does anyone here know why out of more than 20 million books in the library of congress contains that only the King James Bible does not have a copyright?
The Apocrypha is the word of God. See the 1611 King James Holy Bible for details.
I will help raise the money to pay for your trip to Arizona to Gary’s museum if you want to go and learn things for yourself and actually talk to the man you are attacking.
It’s not an attack to point out obvious errors when one is not teaching sound doctrine according to the inspired word and is introducing things that don’t belong. Paul did say “reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine didn’t he?
@@Lamb-t7m It’s an attack when you go after someone without actually knowing or speaking to the person. That’s why I posted what I did. David needs A LOT more research and investigation into this. In the very least it was hasty and done without knowledge. At the worst, it’s an attack. Maybe David hasn’t learned to control his tongue, a sign of charity, and only speak when and if he can offer edification.
Correction of a brother in Christ is to lead to restoration through grace. To drop this video with no follow up with Gary will prove to me David has no charity. Going to Arizona, receiving Gary’s full museum ministry, then talking to Gary in love would show otherwise. We’ll see where it goes. There’s only one head of the body and David O’Steen, Gary, Rovarino, Paul Lucas, or anyone else that thinks they are something, better realize they are simply members of this thing by grace. And, the weaker brethren are NECESSARY. David as a big strong needful member of the body, should reach out to Gary if he perceives Gary to be out of line.
@@LIGHTeonTopics Jamie Lucas (aka LIGHTeonTopics), you sure are waxing eloquent in the comments about edification and charity while you evidently think that you have the ability and authority to judge my motives and ministry. Do you realize how hypocritical your comments come across to those with any discernment? I don't need to talk to Gary or visit his museum to know whether I agree with him or not on the apocrypha. I listened to his PUBLIC teaching on the matter. He is writing a book to support his claim. We are past the stage of having private conversations first. Public false teaching requires a public rebuke. I have talked to several people who were confused by his claims about the apocrypha. My goal is to help people, not try to straighten out a teacher who has already made up his mind on the issue. I was not "hasty" as you claim. I spent hours researching the matter. Have you even read the apocrypha? I didn't address all his "material" that you claim I am "ignorant" and "scared" of because of my "arrogant heart." I don't recall you having a problem with me calling out Rodney B. or Bryan R. for their public teaching. Now you are upset because Gary is your friend. Do you really think that all I do is tear down and never edify? By the grace of God, I have taught verse by verse through 30 books of the Bible. Calling out false teaching is not the main focus of my ministry, but it needs to be done.
People use the word "attack" way too liberally these days which ought not to be the case amongst the saints. Pointing out error is not an attack. Gary is wrong and in error and it should be dealt with.
Also, the Lord said in 1 Cor. 11:19 For there must be also heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you.
I’m sure you know David, that Jesus Christ quoted the Apcrypha. You better warn folks about Him.
Gary ravioli is now on blast. Enoch 1 is authentic, Not so much 2&3 thats why everyone knows the name azazel semyaza
*Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.*
John 16:13 KJB
God didn't tell you that. The Spirit of TRUTH reveals the Holy scriptures. If God wanted us to know what Enoch said, He is more than capable of preserving it, and He chose not to.