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I dont see the supply pack as a good option in solo play as you will get plenty of ammo from supply drops as you dont have to share and will have full control of when it's called in. Shield is way more valuable for solo, in my opinion.
I’d say it depends on the weapons. I did supply pack for a while but now that I run with a shotgun I don’t go through ammo as fast. But if you wanna go grenade launcher with supply that’s nice.
@@AverageJoesLibrary agreed. Really I think it's almost either/or. Solo I run the shield but mainly because you won't get slowed down so it gels really well with the infiltrator armor and ammo drops keep a solo player covered. With a group I run the supply pack because then we can keep everyone's special weapon fed on higher levels. Lower levels it's not that big of a deal because you can take out pretty much everything with grenades, the redeemer, and the breaker/liberator. But once you get into challenging/hard those extra rounds for railguns/autocannons are huge because you can spam them. Really one of the most amazing things about this game is that you can succeed with a lot of different builds. I've seen dudes build around "bad" weapons and strategems and just spread some fucking democracy like it's melted butter.
One thing to consider is the ease of access of the ammo pack. Using resupply pods requires you to take from a stationary source, meaning you'd have to circle back to it repeatedly. Not a hard ask on missions where you're staying in one location, but on missions where you need to move around, that's a much harder ask. You have to deal with everything personally, so you'll run through ammo a lot, meaning you'd be needing to resupply more frequently. The backpack makes this a non-issue, you carry ammo with you, and it sort of acts like a second resupply to give you even more ammo so you can go ham. On solo I'd say it very much depends on the mission whether you need the ammo on the go, and it depends on how much traveling the mission requires.
I think you should discuss the automaton and bugs separately. The automaton fight is mainly long range battles, with a lot of medium armor units. The bug is mainly close range battles, with a combination of light and heavy armor units. You don't use the same build against the 2 factions.
The second heavy armor gets fixed, supply pack should be taken on 8+. Especially if folks are running Scorcher. It runs out of ammo fast and is good against both factions (maybe even the one coming?). Bile Titans feel like they got nerfed or Rail gun damage got buffed and have been dying fast in the last few days. Eagle Airstrike is good all round, Laser is a comfy pick for horde clear and heavy harassment and Railcannon Strike for the too many Bile Titan/Tanks that spawn on Bot Drops/Bug Breaches. Dont Forget! The Scout helmet reduces armor (not an issue) for slightly better stamina use/speed. When armor values get fixed, the Dynamo premium pass helmet does the opposite and if armor does make a difference that might be something to take into consideration for a slight edge.
I wouldn’t bank on the helmets too much. I’d imagine those are gonna be included in the armor fix but I’m ready to see if medium/heavy will be worth running
Still have to run around a lot. Dont think its gonna change all that much. Already splitting up to look for the samples is the main tactic. Then gather at bigger missions
breaker/railgun/supply pack/EMSmortar because it doesnt kill team and makes hordes stand there and die/eagle-orbital of choice mission dependant/frag grenade/stam or radar booster and green scout armor with helmet that gives a little extra hidden stam/speed stats, its taken me from hard difficulty to suicide missions in about 2 days. I can kite a pair of bile titans and a horde pack while my team completes objectives as I pick away with the rail cannon stutter sprint/shoot. I havent used any other weapon that shutdowns chargers mid charge like it does, so im having a hard time ever putting the rail down in my loadout. I swap to breaker for those little guys that get past my mortar CC and rarley break out the pistol uzi when i dont want to wait for a reload. Super fun build I'm getting really effective with now.
The EMS mortar was never really on my radar because dead enemies > slow enemies...but the EMS slows SO MANY enemies there's some real merit to it. It won't clear off an extraction point that's been overrun but I can think of so many ways it can help complete objectives it's really starting to appeal to me now.
theres some team play to it. If your turret can immobilize a giant pack of heavies, your teammates airstrikes are going to get 5x the value, also the electric cloud helps you see where the threats are because its obviously shooting at something, and i can just dump railgun shots/grenades into the piles without worrying about them getting too close to me and me getting blapped by my own turret, which happens way too often from others sentries@@urborg74
i'd say have 1 person with statis turret so it can slow down a good horde, in matches where the enemy is coming from 1 direction, that statis turret comes clutch holding the choke hold. mortar turret also combos well with it
Quick tip: I've seen lots of people that don't know that if you hit 5 on kbm, you can use the supply pack on yourself. This might be widely known, but I've seen plenty of dudes complaining about not having ammo, whilst literally wearing a supply pack.
1:49 I have been using the Dominator against bugs. My "trick" is to switch to the Redeemer whenever I encounter small bugs or warriors, and save the explosive rounds for larger enemies. It has worked well so far up to Dificulty 7.
Sentries are very effective, but no one runs them on Helldive difficulty. They are too situational, get destroyed too easily and have too long cooldown. Regardless, why would you deploy them when most of the time you're on the move? Better to bring an Orbital/Eagle strike. They should reduce sentries' cooldown, it would make them way more effective at higher difficulties.
Good luck getting any value from turrets on bugs on impossible or helldive. They will get instantly swarmed and instantly taken out. Cluster and Airstrike on the other hand are super effective especially when you have the highest module upgraded.
@MinimalObzerver Precisely why I've ignored sentry upgrades. I might bring an ems mortar for clutch bot missions to keep them off my back but I don't need them to stay alive for very long to accomplish that.
They are great in a group, despite what folks are saying in the comments, playing on helldive with a full group cooperating around one person who focus' all turrets is extremely powerful. But as we literally every piece of equipment in the game, you have to build your team around your synergies.
Incorrect. There are several solo Helldive missions shown with crucial use of turrets. Placing is key, if placed correctly, the auto cannon turrets beats EVERY strategem for a situation you’re being swarmed.
It pays a lot to stop moving, crouch and aim. The Breaker is great and still kills fast if you hit the weak spots. I noticed a lot of missing in this footage when using the Breaker
If you’re talking end game then you should’ve said the trailblazer scout armor instead of the infiltrator armor. It gives the same perks but the stats are higher.
If point man is running an Arc Thrower, it’s a slept on weapon. Make sure your teammates watch your 6. I was melting bugs until the heavies pull up but it can hold its own if you can create distance
Shield + Arc Thrower = I'm a one man army that doesn't even need a resupply. I killed 22 Chargers and 2 Bile Titans with the Arc Thrower last night in one game.
So Remnant II just got new corrupted weapons with the update and finally crossplay. Also the abberation event is back till March 5th. 2nd dlc is coming soon and I can’t wait for y’all to cover Remnant II again.
I use railgun, Rover, Auto sentry and gatling. I've gotten up to 895 kills in a match with this loadout. If you place both sentrys together you can slaughter.
I love your attitude and videos on Helldivers in every other video but this build is so close to the META is almost indistinguishable and isn’t going to shake up the community enough. I know we’re limited with weapon balancing but we gotta get more creative with the options we have
Love this game, Games Workshop needs to hook up with these devs for a Warhammer 40k game. I pretend automatons are Necron, and the bugs are Tyranids. lol
Impact. Being able to throw and kill certain enemies (like Bile Spitters) instantly is invaluable. You can still kill bug holes and factories, you just have to aim better.
Can't wait for the sweaty crowd to get bored and move on. Helldivers 1 had such a great community and they didn't care what you brought to the table, they just wanted you to fight and get objectives done. Hopefully this is where Helldivers 2 will end up.
Everyone keeps sleeping on the Dominator but its also good against a lot of terminid enemies, its just wasted against lesser enemies. If you are running a Dominator against nids, take the Rover backpack and the grenade launcher. Yes the loadout cant really deal with chargers and bile titans, but thats what teammates are for, or stratagems like 500kg, orbital laser and orbital railgun. And with the ship upgrade to be able to launch 2 500kg before re-arm its even better. but this is only for terminids. Dominator kills everything automaton except hulks and tanks. You can easily kill berzerkers, devastators, rocket devastators and heavy devastators with less than a single magazine, aim for the head and backpacks, you can easily hit the backpacks and heads of the heavy devastators over their should and shield with the dominator, or you can use a railgun and shield which is better for fighting automatons.
Is there any chance that you guys will make a video on just what other guns can do or just other fun guns to try out? Right now i feel like the info of breaker railgun being the best is beyond common knowledge to the point that im feel like the capabilities of other guns that are perfectly viable are just over looked and if im being perfectly honest, im personally so tired and bored of the meta. If you guys are interested at all or just want to know a bit more about this im down to help out.
I don't see a problem with the breaker against robots or a low rate of fire against bugs. You can precisely hit the robot weak spots with the SSG and since most bugs can be one-shot, rate of fire isn't really required if you know how to hit the weak spots. Also, the Rocket Sentry is better in every regard than the AC Sentry and has more ammo and health. I also think that the Grenade Launcher is a good support weapon if there are already rail guns in the squad. Last but not least, you should know if you are going on the attack or stay on the defense. Bringing a defense strategem to a fast-moving attack is a waste, while on the defense you should bring more sentries than just one.
Honestly most of the guns are top tier...breaker is good out of the box, but a low skill ceiling weapon. Liberator and its variants can shine immensely once mastered. The counter sniper is absolutely great. The dominator shreds enemies, secret to mastering the dominator is learning to lead the shots..once you do, it is insane.. Everything is (mostly) viable no matter the difficulty.. and that is what i love about this game.
The railgun meta is mainly because the other AT weapons really need a buff , a Rail can 1 shot a titan and the javelin the supossed best AT takes the entire backpack
Same with the breaker. It just has better firerate, range, damage, accuracy than most of the other weapons and the elemental weapons feel like a gimmick
The only reason you would need a supply pack is if you messed up and are out of ammo. If you play smart, you wont run out of ammo. Laser orbital over the one and done rail orbital. It doesn't even one shot a bile titan, while the laser will kill a titan and then more enemies. Also, if you are bringing a sentry, its morter or nothing P.s. the reason you seem to notice a damage increase with the rail orbital with the orbital upgrade is because it is listed in the effected orbitals
Any body else think the supply pack is useless in solo or duo since you can keep yourself stocked up so quick without it with just one or 2 divers. Maybe I’m a noob but guard dog rover seems like the best option in solo
I've made it a point to never use the Breaker at this point. The M16/MP40 from the early CoD days. Overused and makes gameplay boring IMO. Diligence/Anti-Material Rifle has been a lot more satisfying to win with. Just kite Chargers and kill everything else.
Just play for fun dude, meta is bubble shield + rail gun, but I guarantee that you can make anything work. I play smg, riot shield, 110 eagle, and orbital gas (blows up factories and nests). It's a ton of fun and I usually do better than randoms on suicide-helldive. If I have that 4th slot open I'll bring an expendable rocket for even more booms
Didn't even know this stuff was 'meta' before using anything else is just a detriment. On 8s and 9s, against bugs rail and breaker is necessary for all 5 crushers they throw at you at the same time every10 seconds. In matchmaking, players that bring other stuff are practically helpless against them, running around in circles like headless chickens. Nothing comes close. Orbital rail gun as well. I get away with not using shield pack though.
ya i find that when using rail, and the CC it brings I dont get hit often enough to need the shield pack, especially when i have an almost unlimited supply of stims on my back for when i do.
I HATE the concept of "meta" builds in a game like this. Getting kicked from a team becuase you don't have the exact same build as the other three is highly toxic and hurtful to the game. I change my build almost every time, depending on the mission or what the other people on the team bring. Having four people bringing a railgun and a shield limits the teams stratagems, as the one with the railgun easily can bring down a new one after a couple of minutes, and thus allowing the others to bring more explosions or utility. Having four solo allround people running around, trying to cover every situation by themselves is so limited, compared to what an organised 4-man team could do.
at least in PVE, a lot of it is a result of the games grindy mechanics. If you are someone who has more fun when they complete objectives like having all the tools unlocked, you will tend to find the things that make you kill everything more effectively vs die and fail over and over making no progress, its a solution to a problem in itself, which when taken too far becomes a bigger problem.
I wouldn’t know I use to be a hardcore gamer then I stopped playing multiplayer games then I played halo infinite multiplayer and I was like wtf is this? It’s like gears of war multiplayer everyone shufflin around with shotguns. But yeah I understand your point years of grindy mechanics has definitely done it’s damage
i fully agree, and i'll probably do that after I get everything unlocked so i can try everything out, but currently things are gated behind samples and the tier 3 samples require running suicide(lvl 8) difficulty at a minimum, and unless you get matched with a good squad you can spend hours getting none, or losing them right before extraction- yes the intensity is crazy fun- which i havent felt since Left For Dead... but its still frustrating when you just want to finish the task so you can stop thinking about it. Once everything is unlocked I wont have any need to runanything above 5 or 6, which is the sweet spot for feeling like a warmachine dispensing democracy like a beast.@@Carnefice
It is absolutely worth it and having at least 1-2 people on a team with it during helldive missions has helped immensely more than personal shield generators.
never cared to follow meta in any games... Only thing I care about is results.. did we win. great. But then there are the meta sweats... where even though we beat a mission in 10 minutes if we where all following meta it would of only took us 8 minutes! It's a video game, its not that deep. If you are a hardcore player you need to make friends with other players with that mindset rather than getting big mad that the 30 year old mom or dad is just trying to have fun in a video game for a couple hours before needing to cook dinner and go to bed .
God I hate these videos, players get the take away that they should run these builds and the entire group dynamic is fucked and cant deal with swarms. If you see everyone rocking a railgun bring a grenade launcher or Auto Cannon to deal with groups.
what end game the game isn't done yet. Y'all already beat the game and it just came out? Lol why are folks in a rush to be bored? Life is just passing you by by sitting and playing for 100 hours straight for just a cookie and pat on the back in the comments
Rush? Didn't realize playing a game a lot because you ENJOY it is called "rushing". And with most live service games, "end game" is temporary until the next update. But please, you do you.
@madafaka2137 Wait, but isn't that exactly what 'meta slaves' do? They tell people 'this build is the Only one you can use,' and kick out those who even Dare to try something else out, despite the fact that other people ALSO paid to enjoy their game as well.
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I dont see the supply pack as a good option in solo play as you will get plenty of ammo from supply drops as you dont have to share and will have full control of when it's called in. Shield is way more valuable for solo, in my opinion.
I’d say it depends on the weapons. I did supply pack for a while but now that I run with a shotgun I don’t go through ammo as fast. But if you wanna go grenade launcher with supply that’s nice.
@@AverageJoesLibrary agreed. Really I think it's almost either/or. Solo I run the shield but mainly because you won't get slowed down so it gels really well with the infiltrator armor and ammo drops keep a solo player covered. With a group I run the supply pack because then we can keep everyone's special weapon fed on higher levels. Lower levels it's not that big of a deal because you can take out pretty much everything with grenades, the redeemer, and the breaker/liberator. But once you get into challenging/hard those extra rounds for railguns/autocannons are huge because you can spam them.
Really one of the most amazing things about this game is that you can succeed with a lot of different builds. I've seen dudes build around "bad" weapons and strategems and just spread some fucking democracy like it's melted butter.
One thing to consider is the ease of access of the ammo pack. Using resupply pods requires you to take from a stationary source, meaning you'd have to circle back to it repeatedly. Not a hard ask on missions where you're staying in one location, but on missions where you need to move around, that's a much harder ask. You have to deal with everything personally, so you'll run through ammo a lot, meaning you'd be needing to resupply more frequently. The backpack makes this a non-issue, you carry ammo with you, and it sort of acts like a second resupply to give you even more ammo so you can go ham. On solo I'd say it very much depends on the mission whether you need the ammo on the go, and it depends on how much traveling the mission requires.
I think you should discuss the automaton and bugs separately. The automaton fight is mainly long range battles, with a lot of medium armor units. The bug is mainly close range battles, with a combination of light and heavy armor units. You don't use the same build against the 2 factions.
FUN.. is the dominating meta
you god damn right
The second heavy armor gets fixed, supply pack should be taken on 8+. Especially if folks are running Scorcher. It runs out of ammo fast and is good against both factions (maybe even the one coming?). Bile Titans feel like they got nerfed or Rail gun damage got buffed and have been dying fast in the last few days.
Eagle Airstrike is good all round, Laser is a comfy pick for horde clear and heavy harassment and Railcannon Strike for the too many Bile Titan/Tanks that spawn on Bot Drops/Bug Breaches.
Dont Forget! The Scout helmet reduces armor (not an issue) for slightly better stamina use/speed. When armor values get fixed, the Dynamo premium pass helmet does the opposite and if armor does make a difference that might be something to take into consideration for a slight edge.
I wouldn’t bank on the helmets too much. I’d imagine those are gonna be included in the armor fix but I’m ready to see if medium/heavy will be worth running
I feel like I kill myself with the scorcher against the bugs. they are too in your face but against bots its great.
Still have to run around a lot. Dont think its gonna change all that much. Already splitting up to look for the samples is the main tactic. Then gather at bigger missions
Any proof for the helmet info? Find nothing reliable for that topic and would heavily differ even from Arrowheads own infos. Just curious. @@MisterFunkee
breaker/railgun/supply pack/EMSmortar because it doesnt kill team and makes hordes stand there and die/eagle-orbital of choice mission dependant/frag grenade/stam or radar booster and green scout armor with helmet that gives a little extra hidden stam/speed stats, its taken me from hard difficulty to suicide missions in about 2 days. I can kite a pair of bile titans and a horde pack while my team completes objectives as I pick away with the rail cannon stutter sprint/shoot. I havent used any other weapon that shutdowns chargers mid charge like it does, so im having a hard time ever putting the rail down in my loadout. I swap to breaker for those little guys that get past my mortar CC and rarley break out the pistol uzi when i dont want to wait for a reload. Super fun build I'm getting really effective with now.
The EMS mortar was never really on my radar because dead enemies > slow enemies...but the EMS slows SO MANY enemies there's some real merit to it. It won't clear off an extraction point that's been overrun but I can think of so many ways it can help complete objectives it's really starting to appeal to me now.
theres some team play to it. If your turret can immobilize a giant pack of heavies, your teammates airstrikes are going to get 5x the value, also the electric cloud helps you see where the threats are because its obviously shooting at something, and i can just dump railgun shots/grenades into the piles without worrying about them getting too close to me and me getting blapped by my own turret, which happens way too often from others sentries@@urborg74
i'd say have 1 person with statis turret so it can slow down a good horde, in matches where the enemy is coming from 1 direction, that statis turret comes clutch holding the choke hold. mortar turret also combos well with it
Shoutout this combo, it's stellar and very satisfying.
Quick tip: I've seen lots of people that don't know that if you hit 5 on kbm, you can use the supply pack on yourself. This might be widely known, but I've seen plenty of dudes complaining about not having ammo, whilst literally wearing a supply pack.
when you say "hit 5 on kbm" what do you mean by kbm?
@@SnoopVee keyboard and mouse, press 5 on your keyboard basically
@@ryean8212 Ooohh...PC Terminology. Gotcha!
@@SnoopVeeHold dpad down button on controller for PS5. Same as 5 on pc
on more than one occasion ive hit E on a pack carrying teammate to give him ammo as i see hes got 2 packs still in his own bag, lol
I think we need to get the message out for all divers to knock out the galaxy objective before other things. We just lost to the automatons
1:49 I have been using the Dominator against bugs. My "trick" is to switch to the Redeemer whenever I encounter small bugs or warriors, and save the explosive rounds for larger enemies. It has worked well so far up to Dificulty 7.
Personal shield, railgun, eagle cluster and orbital rail and or emp cannon
Ive seen a lot of people find success with turrets but ive been really enjoying a more on the move airstrike focused loadouts
Sentries are very effective, but no one runs them on Helldive difficulty. They are too situational, get destroyed too easily and have too long cooldown. Regardless, why would you deploy them when most of the time you're on the move? Better to bring an Orbital/Eagle strike. They should reduce sentries' cooldown, it would make them way more effective at higher difficulties.
Good luck getting any value from turrets on bugs on impossible or helldive. They will get instantly swarmed and instantly taken out. Cluster and Airstrike on the other hand are super effective especially when you have the highest module upgraded.
@MinimalObzerver Precisely why I've ignored sentry upgrades. I might bring an ems mortar for clutch bot missions to keep them off my back but I don't need them to stay alive for very long to accomplish that.
They are great in a group, despite what folks are saying in the comments, playing on helldive with a full group cooperating around one person who focus' all turrets is extremely powerful. But as we literally every piece of equipment in the game, you have to build your team around your synergies.
Incorrect. There are several solo Helldive missions shown with crucial use of turrets. Placing is key, if placed correctly, the auto cannon turrets beats EVERY strategem for a situation you’re being swarmed.
It pays a lot to stop moving, crouch and aim. The Breaker is great and still kills fast if you hit the weak spots. I noticed a lot of missing in this footage when using the Breaker
Ain’t nobody trying to do that on impossible/helldive 😂
If you’re talking end game then you should’ve said the trailblazer scout armor instead of the infiltrator armor. It gives the same perks but the stats are higher.
If point man is running an Arc Thrower, it’s a slept on weapon. Make sure your teammates watch your 6. I was melting bugs until the heavies pull up but it can hold its own if you can create distance
It can crack titan armor in one charge
@@aidenbrailsford8916 I’ve been having fun with it
Shield + Arc Thrower = I'm a one man army that doesn't even need a resupply. I killed 22 Chargers and 2 Bile Titans with the Arc Thrower last night in one game.
@@Spectacular_Insanity What difficulty level?
@@Spectacular_Insanity gotta love that bug zapper 😂
So Remnant II just got new corrupted weapons with the update and finally crossplay. Also the abberation event is back till March 5th. 2nd dlc is coming soon and I can’t wait for y’all to cover Remnant II again.
Woooooaaaahhh this is news to me! I'm hyped!
Awesome I love remnant 2 😁
Wait it got crossplay ??
you surely picked the best possible video to discuss that.
wow crossplay really? been hoping for that
I use railgun, Rover, Auto sentry and gatling. I've gotten up to 895 kills in a match with this loadout. If you place both sentrys together you can slaughter.
I love your attitude and videos on Helldivers in every other video but this build is so close to the META is almost indistinguishable and isn’t going to shake up the community enough. I know we’re limited with weapon balancing but we gotta get more creative with the options we have
And on Helldive difficulty the meta is basically a must.
Pretty sure thats the point of the video…..
Las scythe laser cannon rover and orbital laser
@@MiltonDemetres I SO wanted schyte to work, but jesus does it need a buff or 15..
Love this game, Games Workshop needs to hook up with these devs for a Warhammer 40k game. I pretend automatons are Necron, and the bugs are Tyranids. lol
Thanks for the video. Liked.
Once I played with 3 other players. End of mission, he killed 3 of us, took all the simples & kicked us out. lol
Thank you, this will be a perfect build for me
Which grenade? High Explosive or Impact?
Impact by a mile.
Impact. Being able to throw and kill certain enemies (like Bile Spitters) instantly is invaluable. You can still kill bug holes and factories, you just have to aim better.
Can't wait for the sweaty crowd to get bored and move on. Helldivers 1 had such a great community and they didn't care what you brought to the table, they just wanted you to fight and get objectives done.
Hopefully this is where Helldivers 2 will end up.
Got a question is hell divers 2 worth it just beat SSKJL is hell divers 2 solo game should I buy it
I dont find any reason to run anything other than the shield backpack, theres plenty of ammo on the map and supply drops come often enough.
That's like, your opinion man.
if you hold R on the Railgun and turn it to Unsafe, you can 3 shot a Charger in the head and 1 shot a Bile Titan in the head.
That never happens for me, especially with a Bile Titan. I aim for the mouth while it is glowing, and it's not enough.
Still better to use 2 shots to strip armour off charger then finish it with breaker. Unsafe mode helps with bile titan though
Everyone keeps sleeping on the Dominator but its also good against a lot of terminid enemies, its just wasted against lesser enemies. If you are running a Dominator against nids, take the Rover backpack and the grenade launcher. Yes the loadout cant really deal with chargers and bile titans, but thats what teammates are for, or stratagems like 500kg, orbital laser and orbital railgun. And with the ship upgrade to be able to launch 2 500kg before re-arm its even better. but this is only for terminids.
Dominator kills everything automaton except hulks and tanks. You can easily kill berzerkers, devastators, rocket devastators and heavy devastators with less than a single magazine, aim for the head and backpacks, you can easily hit the backpacks and heads of the heavy devastators over their should and shield with the dominator, or you can use a railgun and shield which is better for fighting automatons.
Is there any chance that you guys will make a video on just what other guns can do or just other fun guns to try out?
Right now i feel like the info of breaker railgun being the best is beyond common knowledge to the point that im feel like the capabilities of other guns that are perfectly viable are just over looked and if im being perfectly honest, im personally so tired and bored of the meta. If you guys are interested at all or just want to know a bit more about this im down to help out.
Armor should be : SC-30 Trailblazer Scout ( has AR:56 / Sp:544 / SR: 122). It’s the fastest that I found so far✌️😉
Edit: Passive is the same as SC 34
I don't see a problem with the breaker against robots or a low rate of fire against bugs. You can precisely hit the robot weak spots with the SSG and since most bugs can be one-shot, rate of fire isn't really required if you know how to hit the weak spots. Also, the Rocket Sentry is better in every regard than the AC Sentry and has more ammo and health. I also think that the Grenade Launcher is a good support weapon if there are already rail guns in the squad.
Last but not least, you should know if you are going on the attack or stay on the defense. Bringing a defense strategem to a fast-moving attack is a waste, while on the defense you should bring more sentries than just one.
Honestly most of the guns are top tier...breaker is good out of the box, but a low skill ceiling weapon. Liberator and its variants can shine immensely once mastered. The counter sniper is absolutely great. The dominator shreds enemies, secret to mastering the dominator is learning to lead the shots..once you do, it is insane.. Everything is (mostly) viable no matter the difficulty.. and that is what i love about this game.
The railgun meta is mainly because the other AT weapons really need a buff , a Rail can 1 shot a titan and the javelin the supossed best AT takes the entire backpack
Same with the breaker. It just has better firerate, range, damage, accuracy than most of the other weapons and the elemental weapons feel like a gimmick
Potato Aim Guide
The only reason you would need a supply pack is if you messed up and are out of ammo. If you play smart, you wont run out of ammo.
Laser orbital over the one and done rail orbital. It doesn't even one shot a bile titan, while the laser will kill a titan and then more enemies.
Also, if you are bringing a sentry, its morter or nothing
P.s. the reason you seem to notice a damage increase with the rail orbital with the orbital upgrade is because it is listed in the effected orbitals
Any body else think the supply pack is useless in solo or duo since you can keep yourself stocked up so quick without it with just one or 2 divers. Maybe I’m a noob but guard dog rover seems like the best option in solo
How do you use the supply pack to resupply yourself?
You press down on the dpad on console
Or 5 on the keyboard, if on pc.
Make a video about the scout build for Helldivers 2
I've made it a point to never use the Breaker at this point. The M16/MP40 from the early CoD days. Overused and makes gameplay boring IMO.
Diligence/Anti-Material Rifle has been a lot more satisfying to win with. Just kite Chargers and kill everything else.
great as usual
This video could've been, use the exact build I've been using since I hit level 20 :p(for me of course.)
I’ll prob avoid the too few difficulties cause idk about the “meta” or even fully understand it. I just wanna have some chaotic fun.
Just play for fun dude, meta is bubble shield + rail gun, but I guarantee that you can make anything work.
I play smg, riot shield, 110 eagle, and orbital gas (blows up factories and nests). It's a ton of fun and I usually do better than randoms on suicide-helldive. If I have that 4th slot open I'll bring an expendable rocket for even more booms
Everyone says FUN is META but for some reason people still get kicked for not using META.
We need an Boop Cannon
Didn't even know this stuff was 'meta' before using anything else is just a detriment. On 8s and 9s, against bugs rail and breaker is necessary for all 5 crushers they throw at you at the same time every10 seconds. In matchmaking, players that bring other stuff are practically helpless against them, running around in circles like headless chickens. Nothing comes close. Orbital rail gun as well. I get away with not using shield pack though.
ya i find that when using rail, and the CC it brings I dont get hit often enough to need the shield pack, especially when i have an almost unlimited supply of stims on my back for when i do.
I HATE the concept of "meta" builds in a game like this. Getting kicked from a team becuase you don't have the exact same build as the other three is highly toxic and hurtful to the game.
I change my build almost every time, depending on the mission or what the other people on the team bring. Having four people bringing a railgun and a shield limits the teams stratagems, as the one with the railgun easily can bring down a new one after a couple of minutes, and thus allowing the others to bring more explosions or utility.
Having four solo allround people running around, trying to cover every situation by themselves is so limited, compared to what an organised 4-man team could do.
There both is no end game and you’re immediately in the end game?
kids, listen to Uncle Codiak... 7:57
This still the meta?
i much prefer the smg personally
Can't sleep on the Scorcher.... that weapon is amazing
that grind tho! As a father of 7 and 119 wives I can only dream about reaching the amount of medals needed for that bad boi...
Fun > Meta
you have just described Meta, nothing new here.
they gotta buff the guns
Makes build video saying it's not going to be about meta,
Proceeds to say the best build is the current meta build XD
God I hate the sweat lord culture in gaming now
at least in PVE, a lot of it is a result of the games grindy mechanics. If you are someone who has more fun when they complete objectives like having all the tools unlocked, you will tend to find the things that make you kill everything more effectively vs die and fail over and over making no progress, its a solution to a problem in itself, which when taken too far becomes a bigger problem.
I wouldn’t know I use to be a hardcore gamer then I stopped playing multiplayer games then I played halo infinite multiplayer and I was like wtf is this? It’s like gears of war multiplayer everyone shufflin around with shotguns. But yeah I understand your point years of grindy mechanics has definitely done it’s damage
Games are supposed to be fun, and for me I've had fun on failed missions. Anyone should be able to use whatever loadout they want to use
i fully agree, and i'll probably do that after I get everything unlocked so i can try everything out, but currently things are gated behind samples and the tier 3 samples require running suicide(lvl 8) difficulty at a minimum, and unless you get matched with a good squad you can spend hours getting none, or losing them right before extraction- yes the intensity is crazy fun- which i havent felt since Left For Dead... but its still frustrating when you just want to finish the task so you can stop thinking about it. Once everything is unlocked I wont have any need to runanything above 5 or 6, which is the sweet spot for feeling like a warmachine dispensing democracy like a beast.@@Carnefice
@@esburn7895 fair! I've only unlocked Level 6 so far myself
sorry, supply pack is not worth it. It's the 3rd best backpack strategem.
It is absolutely worth it and having at least 1-2 people on a team with it during helldive missions has helped immensely more than personal shield generators.
Many errors in this video.
Want to elaborate for the rest of us?
"endgame" content out for a game that's barely a month old
2 ads? Cmon bro
never cared to follow meta in any games... Only thing I care about is results.. did we win. great. But then there are the meta sweats... where even though we beat a mission in 10 minutes if we where all following meta it would of only took us 8 minutes! It's a video game, its not that deep. If you are a hardcore player you need to make friends with other players with that mindset rather than getting big mad that the 30 year old mom or dad is just trying to have fun in a video game for a couple hours before needing to cook dinner and go to bed .
Yea no, everyone needs a shield in endgame
Why play the Game Solo? It's a Team Game not nothing else.
I got killed by my team mates 5 times in a row last night and they also used up the entire resupply when i had literally 0 bullets.
I will not bow to meta.
ahhnn but what is the helldiver. it is american ww2 naval strike aircraft eeeeeeeee
God I hate these videos, players get the take away that they should run these builds and the entire group dynamic is fucked and cant deal with swarms. If you see everyone rocking a railgun bring a grenade launcher or Auto Cannon to deal with groups.
I let people run whatever
Which is exactly what we always say
The fact majority of ya listing to some TH-camr on builds lol
Why not? I'm sure there's many people out there struggling on a particular difficulty and looking for tips on improving their build.
You're one of those people who kick people out because they dont have a "Meta" build huh? I feel it.......
@@SnoopVee that or he’s the type that thinks they know how to make a build but ends up getting carried the whole time
@@Swampdonkey796 BINGO
Saves yourself time from having to test mechanics yourself.
this is the most basic build ive seen lol
what end game the game isn't done yet. Y'all already beat the game and it just came out? Lol why are folks in a rush to be bored? Life is just passing you by by sitting and playing for 100 hours straight for just a cookie and pat on the back in the comments
Rush? Didn't realize playing a game a lot because you ENJOY it is called "rushing".
And with most live service games, "end game" is temporary until the next update.
But please, you do you.
Some people enjoy it, why wouldn't you enjoy a game, don't tell people how to play the game THEY paid for
It’s not that serious dude.
I'm not telling them how to play, I'm asking why the rush?
Wait, but isn't that exactly what 'meta slaves' do?
They tell people 'this build is the Only one you can use,' and kick out those who even Dare to try something else out, despite the fact that other people ALSO paid to enjoy their game as well.