I park on the A77 car park then 'walk-in' to the Black Loch. The angling club are not too keen on swimming as it can disturb their fishing. I tend to swim in winter outwith the rod fishing season November to January... The White Loch, as you may know, is a daily open water swimming venue. Watch out for blue-green alagae (cyanobacteria) during the summer months. This site irecord.org.uk/ is useful in getting copied reports within the East Ren area and beyond... The Long Loch is also a nice swimming area - Triathletes like it as it can give good mile swims. Park at the Middleton Wind Farm gates and 'walk-in' to the top of the hill - there are some sheep paths heading down the other side of the hill to the loch - see my previous videos on them.
I guess the black loch is okay for swimming and parking area!
I park on the A77 car park then 'walk-in' to the Black Loch. The angling club are not too keen on swimming as it can disturb their fishing. I tend to swim in winter outwith the rod fishing season November to January...
The White Loch, as you may know, is a daily open water swimming venue. Watch out for blue-green alagae (cyanobacteria) during the summer months. This site irecord.org.uk/ is useful in getting copied reports within the East Ren area and beyond...
The Long Loch is also a nice swimming area - Triathletes like it as it can give good mile swims. Park at the Middleton Wind Farm gates and 'walk-in' to the top of the hill - there are some sheep paths heading down the other side of the hill to the loch - see my previous videos on them.
@@JimBennettdreamdaredazzle Thank you very much for your kind response.