2024 Naginata Katori Shinto ryu Otake Shinbukan Dojo 2024 薙刀術 | 香取神道流 神武館(師範:大竹)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 25 ธ.ค. 2024
  • Naginata
    In our tradition we study and train naginata order to be able to counter any attacks of naginata with the sword. The oldest historically proven school to pioneer naginata out of four hundred twenty-five ryu is Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto Ryu.
    In our tradition students first have to develop strong skills in swordsmanship prior to undertaking training with the naginata. In the past men with naginata would encounter swordsmen on the battlefield and would have to be able to counter any sword attacks and target the weaknesses of swordmen.
    Naginata-jutsu, or halberd art, requires great stamina. This long heavy weapon, is employed in direct and reversal fashion, interchangeably. We use the blade, the shaft, and the butt. We use it to stab, cut, slash, chop, deflect and catch the opponent’s weapon.
    Turning the blade smoothly and quickly (ha-kaeshi), enables practitioners to slash or cut like with a sword but at a greater distance and with more leverage. We target the head, neck, arms, sides and legs among other parts of the body.
    当流では、薙刀の相手を刀で迎撃することができるように、薙刀術(薙刀 対 刀)も学びます。425の流派の中で、薙刀術を創始した最古の由緒ある流派が天真正伝香取神道流です。

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