These are available in two versions. The ones in the video have a rechargeable battery and are supplied with a USB lead for charging. The other version needs to be powered from a USB supply.
Pretty interesting Alan. They bring out some quite amazing displays these days. I had a temperature gauge that used the same display technology. They use micro edge connectors and don't tolerate diassembly, believe me ;) Incredible what they can do with on chip low power programing these days. Cool gadget. Cheers Rob
Hi Rob. I thought so. I was hoping to add them to my ancient HiFi setup but they are just too small. Hopefully the larger 2.4" ones will do the job. The ones in the video measure 1.5" x 1.125" x 0.5" and I imagine that most of that is battery. Cheers, Alan.
Hello Alan, They are sort of cool... Maybe I should get some to try and stop me going into mumble mode when I film my videos - lol. I will be interested to see the bigger ones. Take care. Paul,,
Hi Paul. Just a novelty item, too small to be practical but hopefully the larger ones can be incorporated into my ancient HiFi setup somehow! Cheers, Alan.
@@RetroSteamTech Oh that's awesome! This is exactly what I've been looking for in a cosplay project. I know its not fully accurate but I just needed something small & simple that has a needle function that interacts with sound
Hi Kev. I like my vintage HiFi and thought they might make a good addition to my graphic equaliser display. They are just too small though so hopefully the 2.4" ones will do the job. Cheers, Alan.
These are available in two versions. The ones in the video have a rechargeable battery and are supplied with a USB lead for charging. The other version needs to be powered from a USB supply.
I had one of those creative portable speakers, really liked it. probably in a box in the garage now.
Although they are small, they don't sound too bad at all. Really useful for testing kit out.
Pretty interesting Alan. They bring out some quite amazing displays these days. I had a temperature gauge that used the same display technology. They use micro edge connectors and don't tolerate diassembly, believe me ;) Incredible what they can do with on chip low power programing these days. Cool gadget. Cheers Rob
Hi Rob. I thought so. I was hoping to add them to my ancient HiFi setup but they are just too small. Hopefully the larger 2.4" ones will do the job. The ones in the video measure 1.5" x 1.125" x 0.5" and I imagine that most of that is battery. Cheers, Alan.
Good review. Thank you.
The units don't look responsive enough to be put to practical use (imo)
Probably not, they are also just too small.
Could you kindly advise what the windows size of this VU meter is: Width x Height. Much thanks !
Hi. The actual display is 25mm by 25mm.
Hello Alan,
They are sort of cool... Maybe I should get some to try and stop me going into mumble mode when I film my videos - lol. I will be interested to see the bigger ones.
Take care.
Hi Paul. Just a novelty item, too small to be practical but hopefully the larger ones can be incorporated into my ancient HiFi setup somehow! Cheers, Alan.
Brings back memories of back in the day when we all copied music from LP to cassette and tried to get the gain correct on our VU meters. 👍👏👏😀
I don't know about memories Andrew, I still do that! 😃
@@RetroSteamTech 😂🤣
Do these keep the selected screen after being shut off or do you have to go back through and try to find the display you liked for it again?
Yes, they do keep the selected screen.
@@RetroSteamTech Oh that's awesome! This is exactly what I've been looking for in a cosplay project. I know its not fully accurate but I just needed something small & simple that has a needle function that interacts with sound
interesting Alan👍👍👍👍
Hi Kev. I like my vintage HiFi and thought they might make a good addition to my graphic equaliser display. They are just too small though so hopefully the 2.4" ones will do the job. Cheers, Alan.
That is completely different
🙂 They are good but really too small unless you were going to build them into a homemade MP3 player or similar.
anyone ever figure out the "GPS" ?