Have you considered, instead of using a credit card, to set aside a few hundred bucks in your account (whatever amount makes sense for you) and spend from that using a debit card? Then your cash unstuffing process would be the same without the risk of accruing interest on your spending if you miss a payment.
I love how organized and accountable you are for everything you spend.
The new frame with the bell on it sounds so cute 🥰
Thank you for answering the Target envelope question.
Great job 👏🏼
Have you considered, instead of using a credit card, to set aside a few hundred bucks in your account (whatever amount makes sense for you) and spend from that using a debit card? Then your cash unstuffing process would be the same without the risk of accruing interest on your spending if you miss a payment.
I love your videos! How about you do unstuffing with 5 $100 and 5 $50 so you could easily condense?
Great condensing video. Do you put the stuff on a card because it’s cash back?
I love watching your unstuffing videos Desiree. It makes sense to condense too! I do the same 😊🩷
Where can I buy the beautiful cash tray?
First comment again
Lovely video 🩷