This is one of my very favorite Lps ever!! Two great geniuses at work together,Harnoncourt and Brüggen!! Other beautiful versions of this music have come through the years...still this one has a melancholy in the adagios and a wit in the allegros which is still unmatched ,it's so subtle,refined and poetic!!!
Wunderschöne Interpretation dieses fein komponierten Konzerts mit mildem doch gut phrasiertem Ton der unvergleichlichen Soloblockflöte sowie gut harmonisierten und perfekt entsprechenden Tönen der andren historischen Instrumente. Der dritte Satz klingt besonders schön und echt lyrisch. Der intelligente und ebenso unvergleichliche Dirigent leitet das ausgezeichnete Kammerorchester im gut analysierten Tempo und mit perfekt kontrollierter Dynamik. Einfach wunderbar!
Not many know that great recorders are like Stradivari in their rarity. For such a “simple” instrument this album shows how incredibly expressive not only through composition but execution it can be. One of my favorites of all time..and I was a pro Horn player 25 years in symphony. I also love the Cecilia Bartoli All Vivaldi project album..just stunning. Now that I’m disabled and not playing anymore, it’s very difficult to listen to music without being overcome with a lot of emotions…
Check out The Harmonious Blacksmith with Trevor Pinnock…another stunning album, and Cecilia Bartoli All Vivaldi album..unbelievable talent..I love the very electric, strong harpsichord tone on the Harmonious Blacksmith album.
This is one of my very favorite Lps ever!! Two great geniuses at work together,Harnoncourt and Brüggen!!
Other beautiful versions of this music have come through the years...still this one has a melancholy in the adagios and a wit in the allegros which is still unmatched ,it's so subtle,refined and poetic!!!
Wunderschöne Interpretation dieses fein komponierten Konzerts mit mildem doch gut phrasiertem Ton der unvergleichlichen Soloblockflöte sowie gut harmonisierten und perfekt entsprechenden Tönen der andren historischen Instrumente. Der dritte Satz klingt besonders schön und echt lyrisch. Der intelligente und ebenso unvergleichliche Dirigent leitet das ausgezeichnete Kammerorchester im gut analysierten Tempo und mit perfekt kontrollierter Dynamik. Einfach wunderbar!
Not many know that great recorders are like Stradivari in their rarity. For such a “simple” instrument this album shows how incredibly expressive not only through composition but execution it can be. One of my favorites of all time..and I was a pro Horn player 25 years in symphony. I also love the Cecilia Bartoli All Vivaldi project album..just stunning. Now that I’m disabled and not playing anymore, it’s very difficult to listen to music without being overcome with a lot of emotions…
È il più grande flautista? Non conosco nessuno alla pari. Intonazione sempre stupenda. Un suono che di per se ti concilia con la vita.
Wow, Harnoncourt - so elegant. Thank you.
War Vorbild. Bleibt Vorbild für alle Blockflöten und alle ausführenden barocker Musik.
Na 58 jaar is Brüggen nog steeds een voorbeeld en niet alleen voor blokfluitisten. De begeleiding ook heel mooi maar ondertussen wat gedateerd.
Beautiful music 🎹 Thanks 🎶
¡Bravo!. 😀😉💓👋
Thank you, nice music. There is irony and melochality here, as mentioned in the comments.
Love this. Why is the Harpsicord used so infrequently these days?
Can you please elaborate? What do you mean when you say "used so infrequently"? You mean in recorded performances? Thanks
Check out The Harmonious Blacksmith with Trevor Pinnock…another stunning album, and Cecilia Bartoli All Vivaldi album..unbelievable talent..I love the very electric, strong harpsichord tone on the Harmonious Blacksmith album.