Finally! After a couple days of only watching famidaily I am caught up! I was wondering if you thought about ever doing videos on the best games in certain genres for the famicom, a buying guide, or even a tour of your whole collection? Keep up the great work your videos are amazing!!
Actually, yes! A Famicom (and general import) buying guide and a collection tour are on my list of videos to do in the two months between when Famidaily ends and I start working my way through the FDS.
huh never knew anyone wanted to copy the SD Gundam games, but suppose I shouldn't be surprised. not sure how i feel about the HP fraction instead of MP, but yeah I suppose it'd wind up being a lot less at higher levels. and then severe castlevania style knock-back? suppose it's a pass from me.
Famidaily is my favorite show on youtube
Finally! After a couple days of only watching famidaily I am caught up!
I was wondering if you thought about ever doing videos on the best games in certain genres for the famicom, a buying guide, or even a tour of your whole collection? Keep up the great work your videos are amazing!!
Actually, yes! A Famicom (and general import) buying guide and a collection tour are on my list of videos to do in the two months between when Famidaily ends and I start working my way through the FDS.
This game is excellent 💗💎💗
I wonder if it will reach a point that the famicom will be free of this kind of kusoge before it's final months
I wish.
Nope. There's some kusoge in 1993/1994 too. To be fair, most systems go out with a whimper, not with a bang.
In all fairness, it's better than most systems ending with mini-floods of licensed dreck.
Considering how many shows with SD robots there were in the 90s I have nothing against them. Some of them are probably good.
The multi chapter thing seems interesting, I wonder how that plays out
I think there's an additional chapter, once you finish the first 4... probably doesn't matter which order you complete them in.
This is a bad Hydlide 3/Ys clone, and it should feel bad for itself.
So Transformers had their Go-Bots and SD Gundam has whatever this is.
Any Avengers RPGS on the Famicom? Just asking =)
This game looks really out of place in 1991, and not just because of the graphics.
huh never knew anyone wanted to copy the SD Gundam games, but suppose I shouldn't be surprised. not sure how i feel about the HP fraction instead of MP, but yeah I suppose it'd wind up being a lot less at higher levels. and then severe castlevania style knock-back? suppose it's a pass from me.