DISORGANIZED Cathay! - Warhammer 3 Campaign Battle Tactics

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 29 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 69

  • @55JoNNo
    @55JoNNo 2 ปีที่แล้ว +62

    shoulda put your infantry line just on the river shore so that the enemy infantry line is getting debuffed MA the whole time :)

    • @QuarPro85
      @QuarPro85 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      Do you know exactly how the water debuff works in terms of how much of a unit needs to be in it? Does every model need to be in the water? So you should place your troops maybe a quarter of the way in so their troops are fully saturated? Or is it a single model so your troops should be well back from it? Or is the the troop banner carrier so somewhere in the middle

    • @thatbrohh2366
      @thatbrohh2366 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@QuarPro85 Probably the banner carrier. You have to remember your units might enter it so its worth leaving a small gap with yourself and the water.

    • @jackcool1101
      @jackcool1101 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      The video show his units is running a bit slow to do that.

    • @yosoy1loco
      @yosoy1loco 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@QuarPro85 It is either by having the banner carrier in the water which carries on the debuff/buffs onto the entire unit or it is per entity level, same as the combat penalties when getting flanked. A good way to test would be letting a unit on a test map run through the water and attack something on the other side, watching the speed differences of individual entities. When you just move the unit through the water without an attack command, it is possible that the unit slows down entirely, even if only one entity has the debuff as the speed is tight to the slowest entity in order to hold the formation box. But that restriction is uplifted when charging and attacking.

    • @castlebravo2023
      @castlebravo2023 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@thatbrohh2366 Thank, realised after 1000 hours of Warhammer 2 Ive used skinks wrong and never taken advantage of the Aquatic trait

  • @alicadus
    @alicadus 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Awesome. I suck so watching these videos help me understand the game better

  • @Zuginator
    @Zuginator 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    You don't HAVE to wait to kill the Lord. The game will ask you "Do you want to Declare Victory or Wait for Reinforcements?"

  • @therealdoomsage
    @therealdoomsage 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    This was during the live stream iirc.
    The misbehaviour of your troops were the catalyst for my great art work entitled 'speaka engree pree' and its just the southpark citywok dude, but actually no its zerk and the last thing you ever hear is: "Herro and wercome to zerka channeru canna take ah order pree?" as you're netted by skulkers and set upon by breakfast, err, shroom-zoom bacon-soons...

  • @silverazrael9562
    @silverazrael9562 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    So was that swamp terrain behind the archer line towards the end? If so wouldn't that have been better to position(because you didn't have enough time to fully.organize)

    • @Cloud9vegas1
      @Cloud9vegas1 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Was gonna say if he played a lil more behind he would have been ok. Could have even had an option to fall back behind those group of lakes if need be.

  • @bjack1547
    @bjack1547 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Great vid

  • @Szyperak
    @Szyperak 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Admit it Zerk, you just thought this battle was cool and wanted to show off

  • @mitchelbrown793
    @mitchelbrown793 2 ปีที่แล้ว +31

    It'd be great if you would do these regularly.

  • @ollyrukes
    @ollyrukes 2 ปีที่แล้ว +68

    If you defeat the enemy before the reinforcements arrive, you can still choose to wait for the reinforcement sand fight them too if you want to.

    • @nobady9752
      @nobady9752 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Except sometimes it bugs out atm and you can't wait for reinforcements.

    • @darthnihilus6211
      @darthnihilus6211 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Or, when they are in force march, they just die, without a fight

    • @PropheticShadeZ
      @PropheticShadeZ 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@nobady9752 how? Even if you dont press the button the enemy just show up after their 2 minutes

  • @ccreasman
    @ccreasman 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I love ALL of these kinds of videos. This is why I subscribe to you, and as someone who still has not bought wh3, I want to learn as much as possible. Of course, as the new patch demonstrates, I think you will need to show this kind of thing multiple times (like with your “best unit” comparisons) over the months to come. Maybe you should think of a certain kind of engagement (facing enemy with more mobile forces or enemy that out ranges you), and then show how you would confront it with each faction’s army (or at least the most likely factions that will struggle with such an enemy).

  • @thatbrohh2366
    @thatbrohh2366 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Not sure if you noticed but your main army was getting hit in the back by your artillery towards the end there. It happened to me quite a few times during my Cathay run too. Something to be aware of.

    • @Cloud9vegas1
      @Cloud9vegas1 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yeah i noticed that as well. I think he could have had better micro with the rockets and blown up the blob that the peasant spears were tied into. Could have freed up his left flanker earlier.

    • @maryrose2676
      @maryrose2676 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      It happens to me a lot when using a faction with art. 😂😂😂

  • @willfeen
    @willfeen 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I f*%#^g hate that water texture so much.. it depresses me. Especially since the game has beautiful-looking rivers on other maps... why???? Why give us this milky white creepy railroad track. It must be a mistake (please let it be patched out, lol)

  • @thomaswoods7522
    @thomaswoods7522 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I would love to see more of this type of videos

  • @gabrielforgeron5468
    @gabrielforgeron5468 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Really liked it, hope you'll consider doing more of those.

  • @donright4492
    @donright4492 ปีที่แล้ว

    As the night was starting to caress over the hill Manetti Genovese and
    His two family members Asher and Marina Genovese was approaching
    There families villa estate
    As they were returning from Port Reaver Lustria as Manetti Genovese
    Had a letter in his hand regarding the situation with the border Prince
    As Ansher replied in his Tilea accent well Greco has gotten things out of control and spend a considerable Fortune on mercenaries worth a King's Ransom
    Then Marina replied it can't be help
    He's not going to let go trying to control the border princess I say
    We should support him nonetheless
    We've already spend so much on the trying to control that backward of a province within the border princes
    Then Manetti spoke with a thick gruff Tilea accent we will see what are dear brother has gotten ourselves into for I hear he's not doing too good right at this moment
    If it's true I swear he is going to regret it
    Then they finally arrived within the courtyard of their estate as they
    Were marvel statues of beautiful women and men huge water fountains and noticing the huge mercenary presents
    Then they got out of the white and gold carriage as Ansher replied
    Look brother Manetti he bought steam tank oh brother I bet that cost a lot
    Then Manetti slammed his fist
    On the side of the carriage the tenacity of his stupidity they
    Descended within the villa
    As Greco Genovese met them at the front entrance of the old Villa estate
    Well Well my brother how everything been going within Port Reaver is are gambling dens flourishing
    Then Manetti slapped Greco you
    Fool you let things get out of control
    Well I've been strengthening our hold within Lustria I've found out you've been playing war with the local border princess now dear brother tell me about this nobleman name Lance who comes to destroy our families very name
    As the Long Drong recovered he kept to his Oath escorting the pale Queen like he promise he held on to the black pearls that was given as payment but it was a bittersweet victory for he was still upset at the fact of losing to a chaos dwarf
    And wanting nothing more to obliterate the very smile of
    Off the face of Baurick Raven
    Year the you humiliation is too much to go through I've been defeated by that scurvy dog of chaos dwarf
    Then diamond beard walked up to
    Long Drong and replied I've could
    Challenge him myself in a duel
    Of knives
    Then Long Drong look back and replied to diamond beard you
    Thank your scurvy old hide could
    Beat that conniving chaos dwarf Aya matey I know I can
    Then we'll wait when we have the right opportunity matey
    As Lance was sitting down he talk to Rihanna am sorry for what I did to you it was so wrong and beneath me
    How I ended your life and therefore you will rest in peace within morr's realm for pendants of my actions
    Then Rihanna spoke back sadly
    My Lord Lance I knew the risk I signed a contract to kill I've
    No better after all I killed
    Lord Harrison so don't feel bad about it in the end I'm nothing but
    a professional killer who got way over her head
    Then Lance replied back yes that's true but in the end you're still a human being who was trying to make a living and I Kill you in the
    Most unhonorable way fore I let my blood lust get the best of me I am
    Not too be this way I'm supposed to change who I am only to find out I'm one of those very creature I've hate
    I've become over the years
    Then Lance of the border princess
    You did what was required of your rank and station of any Lord don't
    Let it bother you
    Then Lance close his eyes and prayed to his god morr as the gate of his realm appeared within the Very room adjusting its height and size
    To fit within the room then it open up
    As Rihanna smiled thank you Lance von strickett I will give some Free advice you are who you are and don't
    Try to deny it the day we put a sword or bow within our hands was the day we became killers and Lance your
    Still a good man what you did to stop me is what you said you did it out of concern of protecting your family and friends as long you keep to those ideas the darkness within you Won't succeed because you have people you care about and therefore they Will be your Light within the darkness remember that
    Then Lance smiled and replied Thank You Rihanna now rest in peace as she walkthrough Morr's
    Realm finding her self peace within her soul

  • @donright4492
    @donright4492 ปีที่แล้ว

    As Toffee Brother's slept in their cabins Lance new ghostly familiar
    Rihanna faded and reappeared into their room message from Master Lance to come see him in officers dining room please then Rihanna
    Then han's replied at
    least he ask please
    Then Todd got up you
    really think He meant it
    As two huge twins
    Of Karnov and Mikael
    Stood as Karnov reply
    with a booming broad
    voice If father requires to see him we should at least see what he wants and make our decision of what we hear from him
    Crane got up look everybody in the eyes and just walked out the door
    And then the rest of the brothers followed
    As the toffee Brothers was coming in they saw that Baurick was already there and captain Quintar sitting at the table
    Then all join them as Baurick replied
    Ahh lad's so good you to join I thought I was the only one
    going to listen to Lance's
    Apology it's good for him to see
    us all here it lets him know we're
    all willing to stand by his side
    Still and if gonna give us more
    crap you all can help me beat
    some sense into him
    Then Toffee's Brothers laughed
    as Baurick laughed with them
    Captain Quintar stood silent
    As he felt Lance presents
    He replied quiet down
    for our Master approaches
    Lance slowly emerged past the doorway silently he walked his shadow followed this time it
    It was self-aware it's face watched everybody well it's translucent
    white eyes emotionless stared
    at everybody mysterious yet
    Always observant like a curious
    child It watched on
    Lance sit down into his armchair
    He looked at everybody stared
    them in the eyes as he replied
    softly gentlemen eye believe
    I've mistrust our friendship
    And integrity of this family
    And for that I'm very sorry
    But keep this in mind we fight enemies who are harden killers
    And if they're paid so not give no mercy they will not show it
    That is the reason why I did the things I did please understand
    I'm at no disrespect how much any of you I only care for your survival
    And therefore I'll use any means necessary to preserve your lives
    Even if I have to walk the path of darkness again but if you want
    Me honorable then so beat it
    Will you forgive me for wanting
    My friends and family to live
    For it was out love not power or bloodlust that drove me that day
    To Kill for one day when you walk the path of fatherhood you would understand
    Then all toffee Brothers stared
    At Lance stood up and picked
    up their goblets and then they all
    reply together we Toffee Brothers
    Son's of your heir's salute your forgiveness would you accept
    ours Of as they will
    Lance let a brief warm smile
    and replied with a voice of happiness yes my son's as
    Lance raised his goblet up
    In a salute back
    Then the doors burst open as Sheena slowly methodically walked in with a lustful and sinister grin
    She replied mischiefly oh I don't know I'd rather like the bloodlust side of Lance it makes me feel
    So So deliciously good inside
    Then Baurick reply cynically yes drookie you would like to see him like that You sick She devil
    Oh look what we got here
    a chaos dwarf who needs
    to be Back at its tomb of
    A home waiting for his
    inevitable End like
    the dog he is
    Then Baurick rised up and replied why you little winch I won't take lip from a slap nose drookie like you
    Get over here and back of those word's
    Thin Lance raised his hands towards Baurick as he ask Sheena what she wanted get to what you need to say woman for your distasteful acts is starting to insult me
    Then Sheena got to a certain end of the table then she put her right hand finger down in the table slowly moving it upwards towards Lance
    Replying lustfully voice
    Oh what about poor Luna Lance have you forgotten her you have no idea how she's been feeling lately
    Feeling all shut off and sad inside
    Knowing that one night I will take you in my arms
    Then without warning Lance slammed his fist on the table that is enough of you're a wicked tongue
    Then Todd toffee replied with an angry voice you give us back Luna
    You wicked and disgraceful thing
    Then Sheena slowly got behind Lance and put both her hands on his shoulders and look straight at Todd with sinister lustful cold eyes
    she replied with a cold voice oh
    You going to make me little boy
    Give back Luna then Sheena replied angrily sit down for you're not even my equal yet you dare challenge me for I would be your death little boy
    Then Sheena lean down and whispered to Lance's ear
    Oh Lance do not ignore your nature for I love who you are I think I will take my leave for I am getting bored and very tired at this moment so if you need anything else just let me know fore I got what you need Lance don't ever forget that oh and if you ever see Luna think of me then she left the room casually as if no one was ever existing in the room except Lance
    Then crane look to Lance and replied warningly oh my we definitely must do something about mistress Sheena
    As the pale Queen was entering the coast cappo cinno the ironclad Fair Fregar was closing in slowly for the crew of the Fregar got lucky with a toll from the ship blue veil and got additional repairs at Monte Cristo
    Now they ready their sales for destiny

  • @donright4492
    @donright4492 ปีที่แล้ว

    As Lance was in his library study
    Reading on books of strategy and warfare of many things he heard Luna oh Lance your here what
    are You reading many things for
    I know there will be a conflict pretty soon and Eye want to be prepared
    Lance you really don't think it's going to go that far with Lord sven then Lance was quiet then he replied I believe so for they gotten the father and now they want him
    Why Lance why do they want Sven Carsson for then Lance was
    silent then he replied with a cold calculating voice his kingdom they want him to bow down to their power I've should have been more vigilant Now that boy will suffer what you do not know Luna he his in pain now he'll have to be strong
    If he's going to be a strong border Prince I've only wish Ceridan was here I cannot be everywhere that's
    Why he'll be here for a while where I can oversee his protection
    Luna Replied with sadness did
    You give his father peace yes Eye
    Did he's now at rest within Morr
    Realm and if I'm not careful Sven Carsson will be join his father pretty soon Ahh here we go I figured I've seen them before who Lance the birdman of Catrazza as Lance pulled out a poster for hire for them
    So they are the mercenaries that tried to kill Sven Carsson
    Yes Luna they specialize with air surprise attacks they are led by a captain named Darddallo but i must
    Find out who hired them they are
    the true masterminds behind this charade
    Then crane walked into the
    room Master Lord Sven Carsson has been kidnapped and Captain Bernard has been severely injured Lance sit back in his chair in silence as his shadows were slowly making the room dark crane realize Lance was upset Oh master where are your attentions My master Lance got up silently as his shadow followed behind him
    Then crane looked at Luna oh
    my That's not good lady Luna
    Why is that crane for Master Lance have taken a liking to the boy they
    Have insulted him I'm afraid what he'll do to get him back
    As Sven Carsson woke up he was in a room full of deadly mercenaries
    As Graco Genovese replied welcome Young Carsson I've been waiting for you to wake up now that you have
    It's time for you submit to my will
    Are I kill you and wait for the next border Prince to rise too power
    Then Sven reply your a parasite that lives off people's future rulers using them and their power well I'd rather die before I make my people out of your slaves
    Oh Young Carsson you're forgetting where you at as Sven looked on and saw mercenaries he seen before
    As Vespero's vendetta and Catrazza birdman then he seen Rihanna long shot then Carsson smiled is this the best you got
    Then Graco smack Sven in the face
    As the other mercenaries just stood silent you young fool only reason why you survived because your
    Friend and what he did to Bosch
    I know he's on his way and my men
    I have hired will be ready for him
    That's the same logic that got Bosch killed well we'll see then captain Darddallo replied I think he's right we should not underestimate him I've lost three of our men already
    Due to this mysterious man I think you should pay us more for dealing with such a deadly unknown
    Then Greco got up in Darddallo face
    I've paid you enough and if you talk about walking out maybe I put a bounty on you for I think the others would be interesting how much it would pay to have your head on my table so sit down
    Then the captain Darddallo complied as the other mercenaries looked him then Graco looked out the window as he watched steam
    a tank roll into his large courtyard
    With thousands of mercenary standing at the ready
    Oh Sven Carsson I truly believe this Lord Lance of yours have no idea what he is coming to looking at young Carsson in the eyes with
    his own calculated cold stare

  • @donright4492
    @donright4492 ปีที่แล้ว

    The day was fast approaching as Lance set down with Baurick
    As he replied your have to stick to the plan and guide the pale Queen
    To Remas we'll need her in the end
    My friend and besides I noticed you have something on your mind tell
    Me about it
    Then Baurick reply brutally about Luna your relation with that woman is gonna be Death of you are her if you're not careful laddie she's so confused And broken but I will say she is very beautiful and pleasant lad but she's On the verge of losing her mind
    Well Baurick I've see you talked with Luna she is it what she is I can't do anything at this moment about it
    And what would you have me do leave her on the wayside to be judged she's made a commitment to me so I must do the same I must protect her and that undesirable Sheena who will kill if I'm not vigilant about her
    Well lancey Boy I've notice you've left your mark on her so I know
    It's more than what it is tell me
    Is she one your blood wives or what
    No Baurick she is not one of my blood wives you insult me for
    It was previous engagement I had with her that she has my mark on her
    And and even if she did receive my blood kiss I will not let her be a slave to it and it's only by her will alone that she resist the temptation of
    Of the blood kiss it's that drookie
    That's doesn't want to resist she
    Been wanting it
    Then Baurick smiled and replied then you should give that Little She-Devil what she wants and get it over with
    You have no idea what I want to really want to do too that woman and believe me my friend i think it is the best course we don't discuss any further about this for it's just pissing me off Baurick and you have a funny way of testing my limitations of my patience so let's just drop it for now
    All right laddie I understand besides
    I like this Lassie it's that she elf I do not like and if you don't put her in her place Boyle I will
    As Todd toffee clean his blunderbuss he Realize that Hans
    Wasn't his usual self as he sat in the corner staring into it then he fell to the floor Conversing then Todd realize he was having one of his stroke fits he yelled out to crane
    As Mikael and Karnov ran in
    They found Todd along with crane
    Holding han's body down he was drooling down his mouth as his body moved up and down as todd yelled out get Lance and Luna
    Then Mikael pounded on the door as Lance got to the door he open it as Mikael stood there yelling at Lance
    come father it's Han's he's having a convotion stroke again then Lance
    Realize the only time they call him father was when they were emotional and knew there was trouble with Han's he Ran along with Mikael to Hen's as Luna was behind Them both with her bag of herbs and potions
    Lance grab the hold of Han's talking in Kislev to him as Lance was trying to quiet him down then Luna showed up she pull out a bag of white powder as she mixed it with water
    Then she gave it to Lance telling him
    To pour it down his mouth then he did pouring the drink slowly in han's
    Mouth then Todd look at Luna and replied is he going to be all right
    Then Luna replied yes he'll be all right then han's body stop conversing as his eyes we're starting to have life back over within them
    Lance pick up han's and took him to his bed laying him down like a little child carefully Lance Lay next to Han's petting his head looking the rest of the toffee Brothers in the eyes as they sit down next to Han's
    Near the bed they sit down like children cross their legs waiting for Hans to get better than Baurick appeared in the room looking down
    At Lance as he set down as well
    Then Luna grab the hold of Lance's hand sitting next to him with a warm smile Lance grip relaxed knowing
    Luna was there for them all
    As the town of Pavezzand was being
    Sieged by the Orc Warlord black horn who was having a hard time sieging the town of Pavezzand as it's defenders and there merchant Prince family the bellas was keeping
    The Orc warlords green skins out
    As Fracesco Nika Bella fought on the battlements he only hope that reinforcements would get to him
    or some kind of miracle as the
    Orc Raiding party was almost overwhelming them with their numbers then Francisco Sword
    Came down on a Orc's skull
    As it cut through its head as brain matter and blood oozed out then
    Francisco saw a ship in the horizon upon the coast Of Cappo Cinno hoping it was the reinforcements
    That He desperately seek

  • @donright4492
    @donright4492 ปีที่แล้ว

    As Lance was leaving all five of the toffee Brothers stood in the Great Hall of Dungeness then Lance stop
    Looking all five brothers they were packed with their own weapons
    And supplies as their eyes were fixated on Lance to go along
    Lance replied with a not so amused voice you're not going with me not this time for I am going on this venture by myself
    Todd replied worry but master they will be waiting for you we know you can take care of yourself we just don't want you fighting alone
    We're worried that you won't come back you're not invincible my master
    Then Lance stood there silently looking at all five brothers he knew that when they made their minds up
    It's was over for they were going to go with him no matter what
    You have no idea what you're getting yourself into these are dangerous professionals but crane replied emotionally master you forgetting we fought in the most dangerous war there was remember the chaos how they devastated our homes
    how you found us out in the cold fighting those monstrosities we were just boys then but now we're men please Lance I'm not asking as your servant but your son
    Lance knew he would disappear
    in the mist and get away and still
    they would follow they were his responsibility now he could not leave them he smiled very well
    men Let Us prepare remember
    the choice was yours
    Then a familiar sensual mature voice came out Well Well now you got all the boys together how about an Elvin touch then Lance turned his head as Sheena took over Luna's body
    Lance replied I suppose you want to go along too Sheena why yes me and Luna made a deal and this deal that you made I would like to know for there will be no secrets within my home
    We both share similar interests in you Lance so she decided since I'm the more capable one with the blade I was to go along with you to protect you while she sleeps trust me Lance
    My blade will be most useful on this trip not only that but my company will be also quite useful for I know you're a very bored man and I can think of many ways to keep your mind occupied
    Lance smiled amusingly I bet you can't keep my mind occupied for if you betray me Sheena it probably will be your last don't endanger anybody and keep your true nature
    to yourself do you understand this
    Oh am hurt Lance how you still don't trust me well I have to think we're way to trust me then front the door open as a all familiar voice lad I
    can think of many reasons not
    too Trust elf then the toffees
    ran towards Baurick Raven hand
    As the two twin brothers Karnov
    And Mikael picked up the chaos dwarf then Todd replied oh Baurick
    I knew you'd get our message
    Then Baurick laughed reply to Lance
    Well lad still haven't changed one
    bit still the dark sad one but glad
    to see you my old friend you too my friend Lance replied now you beardlings put me down the two twin toffee Brothers put Baurick
    Down as Baurick Shuck Lance's hand
    Well Baurick I'm going to need you
    Then Lance you got me
    As Lance looked back at Todd the young toffee brother smiled nervously back at Lance as Todd replied it was Crane's idea but Lance shook his head I wonder who else is going to come to this trip surprisingly
    As Night we're on Lance's ship was waiting in the black golf it was old
    And creepy for it was and old Araby
    Corsairs Class ship as man from a distance was watching Lance
    and his friends and family get
    aboard the old haunted ship
    from a telescope
    As the mask cloak man put the telescope down he pull a messenger pigeon as it headed towards the island of Sartosa

  • @donright4492
    @donright4492 ปีที่แล้ว

    As Night we're on Sven was laying down on the straw mat on his belly for his back was lacerated with whip marks his eyes stared off into the corner of the dungeon cell
    He thought about what the elf did to him how he whipped him for had solution on it that made the pain from the whip feel like it was burning into a skin from each strike of the whip
    Then he would have take a hot need to the toes squeezing it in each toe
    As the pain was unbearable Sven remember how it made him pass out everything what he did was about everlasting pain as Sven wondered how much he could take the next day or the next day
    Then he over heard the guards talking As they replied I heard that ship they're trying to stop won't go down even though they send three ships against it
    Also I heard that the boss assassin
    Got kill on one his jobs
    Then Sven Carsson smiled knowing that Lance was on his way for who could it be he's only one that would
    Try two save him he was hoping
    That he could survive a lot longer
    As Luna put on her blue dress
    and Brown cloth vest she look
    In the mirror seeing her face for
    the first time and not through
    eyes of Sheena's mind
    Then she put her long black hair into a ponytail and wrapped it with a long red ribbon as she force a smile onto her face to ready herself to meet everybody back over again
    As Lance flew over on the flying carpet Long Drong was on the upper deck of the Fair Fregar he stood there with a gold brim black captain's hat with an eye patch over his left eye golden nose piercings
    In multiple skulls and crossbones and dwarven ringing placements holding his beard extensions
    His teeth were gold filling
    Armed with pistols over his body
    He had one peg leg on his right leg
    And a hook for his left hand
    Then the magic carpet stop as Lance appeared as he replied are you the infamous Captain known as
    Long Drong
    Then dwarven Slayer pirate replied
    Back Year Lad it is me speak your peace you perish looking bag of bones
    As Lance look back on how to reply back from such an insult but he kept calm for he had friends and family depending on him all right I offer you payment of huge big of black pearls in return you offer us safe passage it's more than enough to compensate for your damage to your ship and a whole lot more with pearls like these you can live like kings that's if you prefer too
    Year are they even real and do you even have one Matey
    Then Lance pulled one out and threw it to the dwarven Slayer pirate he caught it in midair then he put the Black Pearl in his mouth tasting it and chewing on it slightly then he held it out slightly looking at it
    As he was satisfied he threw it right back to Lance
    As Lance caught it and replied back eye take a guess that you're satisfied
    Year for now lad for now but I want more a whole lot more Matey
    Then Lance looked on in surprise as he replied skeptically and just how much more do you want Long Drong
    I fight with that chaos dwarf friend of yours he insulted me in so many ways and only then would I think about letting you go matey
    Then Lance thought about it then he smiled what about this since I'm in no mood for uninsurances if you manage to defeat my chaos dwarven friend not only will I give up myself to you for the reward out
    for me but my friend as well to do whatever you want as your prisoners in return I only ask for you to let the people aboard my ship to go back home in peace and all the worldly treasure on the boat including the pearls as your payment are yours
    Only if you keep to your Oath For letting them go safe
    Year if you win what do you want in return
    Safe passage and your oath that you will not harm or turn your back on us once the deed is done in return I'll still pay you the black pearls
    If my chaos dwarven friend defeat you my friend you cannot lose either way you win
    Then long Drong thought about it as he's tapped his peg leg onto his boat and replied well shimmer My timbers Matey we got a deal
    Then Lance smiled as he replied
    I will return back make preparations
    We two meet with both our ship's pointing towards each other I will make a platform where you will duel
    My friend in combat then Lance return back to the pale Queen
    As he got back Baurick and the toffee Brothers we're waiting
    Then Lance got off the magical carpet as Baurick replied well
    Did they take the deal or what lad
    Then Lance answered Yes and no
    han's reply what kind of answer is that so did they offer at least a
    Somewhat coherent deal
    Then Todd replied course they did
    Those black pearls are worth a lot of money so why is this so murky all the sudden it would be deal
    Then Lance raised his hands up in the air replying ok listen Baurick is two fight their leader in a one-on-one fight if they win me and him becomes their prisoners you guys will be talking back home as promised if we lose
    Then they all toffee Brothers including Baurick got very upset as yells and swear words were being thrown up
    Then Baurick reply and if we win the fight what do we get back in return
    Then Lance smiled that's the beauty thing about it my plan win or lose we win in the end here my friends
    Then han's replied how master
    If you lose then you and Baurick
    Get captured and Die
    Then Lance reply if me and Baurick lost than we get straight line ticket to the leader of who kidnapped Young Carsson if we win we will get safe passage for all of us one way or another we will succeed
    All right my boys get prepared
    Where about to have guests
    Captain Quintar have your men
    Take the extra lumber for making repairs from the ship and make a platform Al handle the rest
    Yes my master
    As Lance was about to head back to
    Captain quarters Luna appeared in front of everybody Lance I've know
    Haven't been around and Sheena has
    Been in control but am here now for I
    Plan to fight at your side to the very end
    Then Lance grabbed Luna's hand and kiss it and replied mylady I wouldn't have in any other way
    For am glad you prevailed for
    I have feeling your experience in healing will be needed then Lance
    Disappeared back into his cabin
    As Luna looked at the toffee Brothers and smiled my friends show me around ship then Baurick
    Walked up in front of her and bowed
    No Lassie let me for have much to discuss with you
    Then Luna looked on in curiosity
    for This was Lance best friend

  • @donright4492
    @donright4492 ปีที่แล้ว

    As ships of pirates bombarded
    the pale Queen the toffee Brothers
    got into action as the captain of
    ship Ran into Baurick my Lord
    The enemy out numbers us
    three to one and one of the
    ships there's the dreaded flag
    of long Drong Slayer's pirates
    Then Baurick stood there with
    Disturbed over the news what
    Is it Baurick crane replied
    Well slayers are hard to kill but pirate slayers are even worser I'm going to need Lance's help on this as Baurick
    Went up to the upper deck cannons balls bombard their position as some hit the upper Deck or hit the ocean beside them as skeletal crew work fluently to prepare some of the work on the ship while preparing cannons for battle
    Then Long Drong looked on as there ships fired repeatedly at the ship of the pale Queen then as captain
    Drong replied aya lads either we are going to be rich and famous or we are going to meet our perfect Doom
    One way or another lads there's is no losing this one lads prepare to bort her
    Baurick enter the room of the Captain's quarters as Lance was fast asleep Sheena laid perfectly still next to Lance resting together as if they were a perfect couple who died together
    Then Baurick reply if that doesn't beat all where does he get these
    Women all the time who are insanely in love with him ahh I got no time to ponder about this Lance wake up Lad we're about to be boarded
    Then Baurick Slap him in the face
    Waking him out of his slumber
    Only for Lance hissed at the chaos dwarf with viciousness
    Then Baurick step back giving Lance room to realize who he was Baurick
    Is that you should know better not to wake me during my slumber like that I could have killed you
    Well sorry Mr dead and wonderful
    I figure that I would warn you about the coming Slayer pirates who are going to kill us all lad
    Then Lance knew of the so-called Slayer pirates then Luna woke up what is going on Lance Look back
    We're being attacked Luna
    We're on the sea yes maylady Luna
    Then Baurick realize the Drookie what he saw earlier ago was gone
    Who is she Lance I don't remember her being here as Lance was putting in his boots on he looked at Baurick
    I'll explain later right now I need to get out there before things get out of control
    Lance and Baurick appeared on
    the upper deck of the ship then
    Captain quintar came to Lance
    Master the enemie out numbers
    us as Lance stood at the front
    Of the ship he replied yes I already know this I suspect that they would do this then Baurick reply angrily if you knew that then why did you come down the black golf lad
    Knowing they would attack us
    Then Lance replied well they had all the roads and passages look over so it left me to use the ocean root but
    So they would come at me at sea which gives me an advantage how's
    That Lad Baurick replied cynically as Canon ball went past the ship creating explosions that rock and swayed the ship sideways then Lance replied my crew can go in
    The water then Lance Open his mouth as thin white Mist left
    his mouth it surrounded the ship
    Covering their approach Lance smiled a grin that look like a cat ate the canary Lance replied would you Captain please hand me a few gunpowder barrels
    Then Rihanna long shot watched on the 3rd ship the void of tides as the pale Queen and the two other pirate
    Ships the Slayer ship the Fair Fregar
    And the sea witch
    Then the pale Queen was covered in mist making it hard for the ships to fire into it then Rihanna realized they were heading Into mist
    Captain Abram couldn't believe that mist came out of nowhere realizing something was not right as heard splashing noises on the side of his ship his men were frightened
    Then a scream erupted amongst the crew as skeleton Ram his Cutlass through the man it yelled for Captain
    quintar aya the many skeletons with cutlasses and hand axes attack the crew of the sea witch
    Then out of nowhere Sheena flew out of the Fog with her twin blades
    Cutting down all before her each cut
    Of her strike cut open arteries leaving many pirates laying on the deck bleeding profusely dying a slow death she raveled in their death
    Laughing the skeletons would cut down many of the crew of the sea witch as their morale broke causing panic
    Then captain Abrams yelled fight back your sorry liver belly cowards
    Then Sheena leap across the deck appearing out of the Mist flying towards the old captain He turned around only to see Two blades come towards him
    Captain Long Drong crew of the Fair Fregar iron clad couldn't see what they were shooting there cannons
    At as the White mist disabled review
    They heard fighting on the sea witch
    But cannot reach them then a huge
    Explosion hit the rear runners as iron
    Clad was dead in the water Long Drong swore in Khazalid knowing
    They could do nothing
    Baurick was on top of Fair Fregar
    Laughing as he left across the water on a magical carpet the slayers fired on him but it was too late as he disappeared within the mist

  • @schadlprinz7534
    @schadlprinz7534 ปีที่แล้ว

    A few days ago I had a battle on the same map.
    Bloppeed up the reeinforcment and overcastet the vortexspell of Tzeentch. Die the job as well 😅

  • @donright4492
    @donright4492 ปีที่แล้ว

    As Bolt's went flying towards Sven Carsson Lance appeared in front of
    Sven as grab the both Bolt's in midair then birdman jump back out the castle tower windows gliding back into the air then Captain Bernard came in as he replied what is going on Lance replied back get sven out of here and double the guard on him and you my lord don't worry about me then Lance grew wings as they burst from his back
    He took to the air
    As the birdman of Catrazza glenelli reply and yelled to andretti daddallo it's not going to like we failed then glenelli reply back it can't be helped for what was that man that was there
    Then out of nowhere's one of their men's wings went flying off as he dropped his Doom screaming then
    Realize it was the same man in the tower this time he was flying with wings of his own
    Then glenelli reply hes above us they both fire their crossbows only to miss as Lance flew right directly
    At andretti cutting off his leather strap to his wings with his talon's
    as Catrazza went flying to his Doom
    Then glenelli looked around and he couldn't believe he was the only one left then out of the darkness a huge mist came right at him as it was the last thing he ever saw
    Luna came down from waiting room as Crane ask Luna where was Lance
    Lord Sven was attacked oh my well
    We better prepare things Master Lance may be hurt when he gets in
    Then Luna replied you may be right
    I did bring a couple of bloodberries along then crane smiled joyfully
    Ahh lady Luna brilliant with a couple of these Lance could be healed in no time let us wait for his return
    Then glenelli notice he was on the ground he looked around for any signs of the man that was flying attacking him in the air he looked at his equipment and noticed that his wings were all right he found a waterway to drink he bent down to get a drink then he felt paralyzed
    Then he heard a voice within his head
    I say that is some fancy equipment you have there my friend now you will tell me who sent you who's out there oh no I'm already inside you
    Now take a look into the water
    As glenelli looked on in horror as
    His face was getting nearer to the water he felt no control steadily his face slowly went towards the water
    Tell me what I need to know mercenary
    As the mercenary replied please stop I know nothing please you can have what coins I have left let me live
    Oh no I don't think so the money you have is nothing to me what I want is
    Who Hired you now you give me that name or you'll drown by yourself out in the middle of nowhere's
    As Sven Carsson came down he noticed Luna's sitting next to Crane
    He notice how beautiful she was
    How long her black hair was her blue eyes he just had to talk to her
    then he noticed crane sitting next to her Lance's own personal servant
    Then you remembered she was the possessed one how his father would not approve him talking to her for she was also a commoner
    Then he got up the courage and made his presence known to her
    Ahh maylady Luna and crane how are you to doing this evening oh Lord sven as Luna bow down to the border Prince
    He smiled and replied oh no you don't have to do that you are my friend's then Luna replied with a sadden voice am sorry for your father then Sven reply it's all right
    He made his peace with morr
    Then Bernard and contingent men came to escort young Carlson back to his Castle just as he was leaving
    He stop looked at Luna and replied
    Lady Luna would you and accompany me tonight for dinner
    She was so surprised of his indirectness then she realized her duty to Lance oh Eye can't my Lord
    Sven for my many responsibilities is to Lance now but you should come over and have dinner with us
    Crane is an excellent cook
    Then Lance call out my lord sven before Sven could reply Lord
    Lance you all right yes and I see
    You were being a gracious host for my friends thank you
    Well It was my pleasure Lord Lance
    Also what news do you bring me
    Well it's better we do not speak here about it Then Luna replied how about you come over to Lance's
    And have dinner with us you can discuss it there my Lord
    Then Lance smile yes we can discuss at my place then Sven bow Down as grabbed Luna's hand and kissed it Lance realize he was smitten by her already Lance
    Knew he could get know her too
    well as Lance would have to find away for him not get kill by Sheena

  • @donright4492
    @donright4492 ปีที่แล้ว

    The Catrazza Birdman glided in the air towards Greco Genovese Villa fortress it was located in the North End city of Remus he finally landed
    On homemade platform within the villa then he took off his wingsuit and went inside then he relayed
    the message to one of the house servant as it got too Greco The
    Merchant Prince in the midst of his writing then he heard a knock as he told him to come in what news do you bring as the servant held the parchment paper it replied the
    sea witch and the of voided
    tides destroyed crews wiped
    out the fair Fregar disabled
    The pale Queen still remaining on course to Remus ship integrity still
    Then Greco Genovese roll up the parchment paper and threw it out the window as he replied frustrating
    What the heck happened out there they all out numbered the ship and yet two of our ships get's wiped out and the third gets disabled what is this huh can you tell me Sven
    Then the young border Prince smiled
    I told you he would not be deterred and is nothing to be trifled with release me and he will stop if
    you don't he'll continue on killing everybody who gets in his way
    Then Greco replied to one of The mercenaries Vespero put his hand on the table then he grab a hold of young Young Carsson putting his hand onto the very table where Greco set he pulled out of blade
    Warning the boy if he did not
    Cooperate he would stab his
    Now boy one more time who is this Lord Lance but Sven resisted I will not tell you will find out when he gets here then you can ask him himself
    Oh so you going to play the tough heroic type I figured that your father was the same way Vespero stabbed him in the hand as Young Carsson
    Screamed in agony blood oozed out of the top of his hand as it trickled downward off the table and onto the floor forming a pool
    Then Greco grab a hold of Sven's hair then he asked again who is Lance but Carsson passed out from the pain
    As Lance Stood on void of tides it was slowly sinking for the bloody tree men's weight was causing it to slowly sink then Lance pulled out a glass small thin vial scooping up Rihanna Blood then he commanded her spirit to follow him off the
    Ship as the other spirits formed a pathway for Lance he strolled across the spiritual platform to the pale Queen as Han's screamed at Lance
    Why did you kill her Lance you didn't have to make her suffer you've already defeated her why you promised us you wouldn't do such things ever again this is not you
    Then Lance stood there silently listening to Hans anger and frustration Lance could feel his emotions he felt his eyes of anger as
    Well of crane we stood there silently watching then the twin brothers of
    Karnov and Mikael looked on in disappointment as well then Todd
    Replied he knew what he was doing
    The only reason why he did it because he's let himself go tell me Lance was this your excuse to let yourself fail after all the years of bolstering that you would never give in
    Then Lance swiftly turn around as his face was contorted into a animal like face snarling words of anger
    Silence for they would have killed you if I didn't do what I had to do they are mercenaries paid to kill
    they knew what they were doing when they signed on the contract what did you think I was going to
    do let them blow this ship up and
    kill everybody on board or let them board the ship and massacre everybody here while they loot your corpses This Is war and people die in war you should know this boy's as Lance turn around to head to the Captain's quarters as crane replied with a intelligent voice of anger
    You mean it's your war Lance
    not ours have you forgotten your obligation to us you said to us we were your light we were your pillar
    And now you seek the destroy that very light and pillar which is in every one of us for your inviting the very darkness you hate back in you this is not honorable combat it was just slaughter father
    Then Lance face slowly reformed back too normalcy he closed his eyes and look down to the deck of the pale Queen then he slowly went to his Captain quarters ignoring
    the toffee Brothers as his Shadow
    Following him it closing the door
    Behind him
    Then Luna was in her quarters and she was taking a bath rinsing the blood off her body she felt cold inside horrible she felt what
    She did to captain Abrams
    She remembered him screaming
    The blood it got to her mind for
    there was so much of it then
    there was what Sheena was
    doing to Lance
    Trying to seduce him everyday ever since she was aboard the ship she tried Luna continued to hold on to herself within the tub wanting forget about the bloodshed and the death she would see in the coming days
    As Baurick stood outside Lance's cabin he was pondering what
    he would say to his old friend
    The chaos dwarf was suspected Lance to revert back to his old ways
    Then closed his eyes and went into the Captain's cabin room he slowly went in carefully and cautiously
    Oh look at here we got a night creature who likes to hide in
    Corner of the room
    As Lance was in the corner of the
    room the lamps light from the ceiling swung back and forth illuminating Lance once in awhile
    His eyes would glow momentarily
    From the lamp that would shine back and forth for his shadows
    Almost threatened to evelop the room then Baurick walked up to Lance and stared him in the eyes
    You have no idea what you are doing
    Don't you Lance you can remain silent all you want Lad but we all know why you do this it's because you seek the control of the darkness within you by becoming it but Lance if you continue on you will get lost within it and therefore it will control you
    Then Lance disappeared from
    the corner as if he was never there
    The chaos dwarf remain stationary
    Don't play your games lad with me
    Then Lance's voice sounded primal and violent as hid in the shadows
    Baurick you're reaching a thin line with me I advise you to stop and leave me in peace before I kill you
    Oh kill me you've tried that before remember when we had that disagreement on the silver road
    I could have killed you with that very silver dagger of mine of course you could have took of me with you but in the end you would have died right along with me Lad
    Then Lance screamed out then why did you do it Baurick then the chaos dwarf threw down a silver essence bomb as it exploded silver dust within the cabin room causing Lance to choke then Lance fell from out of his shadow wheezing and coughing
    Then Baurick grab the hold of Lance
    you're just another slap nose vampire who thinks he's Superior than anybody who's got all the answers but doesn't have common sense to use it right
    Then Lance felt sick as Baurick
    Held him by the neck with both his huge meaty hands as the chaos dwarf looked him in the eyes
    As he viciously replied now
    you Get your act together Lad
    Are the next time I'll kill you myself
    Then Baurick left Lance choking
    And to think about things for himself

  • @donright4492
    @donright4492 ปีที่แล้ว

    As night wore on Harrison Carlson was out on his balcony he watched on through the night and his small town he wanted it to grow even bigger he hoped that his son Sven
    Carsson would make it even greater
    Then Out the darkness allowed boom Was Heard when a bullet
    Went Flying through the heart of Harrison Carlson as border Prince went flying back onto the floor
    Dying as he bleeded profusely
    He stared into the nightly sky and whispered his wife and son's name's as he took his last breath within the old world
    As Lance Lay on his stone slab table Harrison appeared to Lance as he spoke Lance's name over and over
    Then woke up and noticed Harrison beside him what is it do you want there Harrison I need your help on
    Finding the one on who murdered me then he disappeared
    As Lance got up he went up stairs
    With Black cloth pants and a cloth
    shirt then he enter a room we're
    A chair set in the middle of the
    The room then Lance sit down in that very chair
    As voice spoke out to Lance I see you up early Can You feel The sun right now even though we are in this dark room Lance replied yes I can feel it not so bad since I'm in this room but I could sure feel it
    Then out of the darkness Luna revealed herself smiling warmly
    And she replied with a soft voice
    Are you ready take the potion now
    Then Lance look on with discuss
    Yes hand me the potion and so i
    get this over with
    Then Lance drunk the unknown blue translucent potion as he had a
    reflex motion from the drinking the magical substance then he closed his eyes for what will happen next
    As when No ceilings open up revealing the Sun as Lance
    Felt it's warmth than it started stinging and burning as Lance try to hold on then the window ceilings were closed as Lance fell off the chair feeling himself drawn and burned as Luna give him one of
    his bloodberries then Lance
    Felt in peace as his Burns went
    away his body relaxed as Luna looked down at his body and face
    he looked like he was in peace
    Then he open his eyes and looked at Luna we're going to have to stop the experiments now for a tragedy has happened
    Then Luna replied what tragedy I'm not aware that anybody died today Lance for the halls of your home has been peaceful since the year of the attack of that creature
    Lance rised up to his feet looking Luna in the eyes I'm afraid I'm not put it in good context to you Luna
    As of today Harrison Carsson is dead someone murdered him and his Spirit visits me and he wants me to figure out who murder him and help out his son
    Luna replied do you want me to go along with you Lance smiled and replied yes that would be pleasant for you to go along it would ease things with your company
    Sven Carsson stood next to his father casket he realized how much he meant to him now that he was dead Sven felt empty and alone now
    For his father was the last of his family and now was up to him to put it together his family a long time ago started way back when it was more lawless and during the most harshest Of times of winter and the brutals battles to protect their lands from other border princes and Orc's and goblins trolls ogres Skaven and the many things that continue to threaten his existence
    Then Captain Bernard showed up by his side my Lord Lance is here to see you tell him Al see him shortly
    Then Bernard left as sven whispered
    Too father's ears rest in peace father
    As the Prince reach down and close his father's eyes
    As Lance stood in the war room Captain Barnard came out Lord Lance Sven well be seeing you shortly then Lance set down on
    One of the chairs as his long Black and Yellow cloak hung on his left side of the shoulder then Sven
    Came out
    Well Lance am glad you're here
    to pay your respects to my father
    Then Lance got my Lord Sven did
    You capture your father's killer
    No for he got away and no one saw him Then Lance ask what kill your father then Sven define what is your interest in all this then Lance look
    At Sven replied serious sadding with voice you're father came to me
    Tonight and ask me to help you
    and He ask me help you find his murderer as well
    Then Sven got up and got angry Lance don't play games with me then Lance replied you're emotions are getting the best of you al get
    By Lance then Al show you Sven
    As Lance was gonna bring Harrison existence window burst open as men wearing pair of wings came in
    As they lifted up crossbows and fire
    At sven

  • @Cezar835
    @Cezar835 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    u can click on an inf unit and hover over water to see what actually the sebuffs are.
    same with large bois and trees

    • @PropheticShadeZ
      @PropheticShadeZ 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I thought you just held alt over the terrain and it tells you the effect

  • @kulik7403
    @kulik7403 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Zerkovich, please share settings, I just wondering why your water looks so different to mine, since its green

  • @duckterdoland3881
    @duckterdoland3881 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hm, but what about just running into the closest enemy and start smashing?

  • @Exor2
    @Exor2 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Good content, hope we see more like this.

  • @Nathan-ct9eh
    @Nathan-ct9eh 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    been playing cathay, would love a video of the fire rain VS the cannon - which is better!

    • @linushallgren4156
      @linushallgren4156 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Fire rain missiles are fantastic against infantry but struggles against single entities because of poor aim. There the cannon is better

    • @thatbrohh2366
      @thatbrohh2366 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yeah in my campaign i actually dropped my 2 fire rains more celestial bowmen and kept a single cannon for single units in my LL army. Only because the progression battles for rift souls made artillery useless imo.

  • @Khichira2012
    @Khichira2012 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The art of war beautifully executed there!

  • @Catalyst-xi6um
    @Catalyst-xi6um 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    is this ... river flowing ... up?
    Goddamn tzeentch shenanigans

    • @willfeen
      @willfeen 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      It's the worst looking river in the game... they paste this really bad water texture over the otherwise beautiful, reflective water on random maps... it's like a disgruntled map designer did it right before quitting CA

  • @donright4492
    @donright4492 ปีที่แล้ว

    As Lance got on board the pale Queen he stood in middle of the
    ship As he cut his pulm of his hand
    The blood slowly trickled then it flow
    Out as Lance's life essence hit the deck of the ship it came alive with activity the sail's moved on its own
    Then skeleton like figures came upward from below deck as one
    Of them had a chainmail over It's Araby clothing for it was Lance Captain friend quintar aww my
    Old friend so it was you who woken us I figured it was your blood now my Lord where do you need to go
    Lance put his hand on The Araby captain's shoulder well friend we are going to the republic of Remas aww
    Very good my friend as skeletal Corsair captain yelled out all right men get your backs into it
    Then the toffee Brothers and Baurick
    Along with Sheena got aboard the ship they noticed the activity all around the ship as many of the skeletal crew of the pale Queen
    was hard at work as bones cracked and sound of scuttling was all heard around the ship
    Then Lance notice the Sun he decided to go to the Captain's quarters or he would reside for the day then toffee's went below the deck laughing as Baurick went along
    Then Sheena stood at side of the ship's deck looking to the sea she
    Took big huge breath of it as she
    Was glad to get out of Dungeness
    Then Sheena went to the Captain's quarters as she found the door locked she lifted up her foot and kicked outward into the door
    As it slammed open she smiled
    For Lance was fast asleep on
    he lay in bed the windows were locked off by wooden boards
    Then Sheena walked up to Lance smiling a wicked grin as she stood over him with dagger at hand
    The pigeon flew as glided towards
    It's destination it's eyes scan the horizon then it found its destination flapping its wings even harder as it leaded into the pigeon coop
    A old man picked it up he pulled
    the message off bird then he went downstairs of the old keep watchtower then he went into a room we're a beautiful woman stood
    She was aiming her enchanted rifle out the window as lucini give Rihanna the message she smiledthen she grabbed
    hold over rifle went downstairs
    As she appeared in the room there was many orange haired dwarf's
    Pirates one particular one had a captain's hat the dwarf lost his left eye and his left hand for a head of hook in place instead then he looked at the beautiful Estalia woman for she wore dark clothing with a red vest she wore glasses to keep her eyesight as a long black hair was at the waist
    She replied long Drong get your scurvy crew up we got work to do
    Then long Drong reply aya lass what's the job your help me destroy a ship coming from the black gulf
    There's a man in their companions were to kill them and destroy their ship sink them to the bottom of the ocean of the black gulf
    The pay then Rihanna replied cheerfully pay is very good and worth your time and effort now get your ship and your dwarven slayers to work or there's money to be had for my next Target is worth a lot of money as she pointed her rifle as she shot it one shot took down five seagulls as they were alk bloody mess falling to the Sea
    As Sheena stood over Lance she crawled up on top of him she whispered too Lance can your here hear me Lance this would be so easy to kill you oh You would be a mighty good prize for Kane but I don't think I want to share you with my God maybe I want you all by myself do you hear me Lance but he was fast asleep She brought out her dagger crested it over his neck as she got a sick pleasure knowing she could end him right there and then but she couldn't there was something she wanted and she attended to get it one way or another then she bent down and stole the kiss from Lance
    Then she lick his face there was a part of her felt she wanted to cut his throat out and bathe in his blood but that wasn't good enough for her
    Then she lay next to Lance smiling before she close her eyes and went to sleep beside him
    Then toffee Brothers we're all wondering where Sheena was
    Then Han's reply she's probably
    with Lance then Todd got up
    and reply well let's go get her
    No will leave this one alone Baurick Lance got it all controlled now lads
    Tell me what's been going on
    Well we kill a huge monster
    Then han's said no Lance kill
    The monster
    Then Baurick reply who's that elf woman oh no no Baurick she not
    What you think she's actually human
    Then Baurick was surprise that she
    Devil I don't think so I've seen plenty
    Of drookie to know lad
    Then crane replied no Baurick she inside lady Luna they are the same
    Then Baurick was confused all right Lads she's and elf and a human
    Yes Baurick then chaos dwarf laugh
    Oh we're gonna to be just fine then
    Baurick drink out of his troll skin flask then explosion hit the ship
    As debris and smoke was everywhere the Toffee Brothers scream we're under a attack

  • @donright4492
    @donright4492 ปีที่แล้ว

    As the next night were on Lance had everything prepared he got some of the supplies onto the island coast
    Then got toffee Brothers over along the coast then had Luna sitting next to him on the magic carpet he look
    Down at Baurick and replied
    Take good care of this ship of mine
    And be careful of those Slayer pirates for I Sense they will be still trouble then Lance left As he control the magic carpet through his will
    And mind guiding it across the waters and onto the coastline
    Of Cappo Cinno then Luna
    Held on to Lance's shoulder
    As they finally landed on dry land
    As the toffee brothers were ready
    Lance and Luna got off with the rest of their supplies and theirs selves
    Then Lance look at Han's and replied are you going to be all right my son
    Yes my father
    Then Lance roll the magic carpet up
    As he got ready to travel along with everybody
    As The trench siege line held along the town of Pavezzand it's defenders were very wary and holding on with little morale they had left then a boy
    Of age 17 fought on as he was very tired and his chainmail had all kinds of blood mud and grime all over it
    His black short hair was muddy as well he sit next to a old man it was
    Only friend Rubio as Lars pull out
    Some bread for old man Rubio
    replied take it you haven't eaten
    for a while and who knows when reinforcements will get here and supplies
    Then Rubio took the bread and replied yes my boy thank you
    But I don't think it's will get any reinforcements anytime soon and besides we're the only thing that's keeping the town from being overwhelmed
    Now boy go fetch me some
    Water and be careful for we might have to fall back into the town itself
    Then Lars heard Rubio scream as
    A huge Boulder crushed him where he's stood then Lars try to pull him out but it was to late for his legs were crushed Blood ran underneath the boulder then the boy heard Rubio
    Pleaded painfully go boy for there's
    No helping me now then Lars left the first trench line as he and what was left of the defenders of Pavezzand
    Fell back to the second trench line
    As the group travel five miles in Lance stop them he lifted up his left hand as crane replied what's wrong
    I smell blood in the wind and i feel
    Death all around us
    We're it's coming from Lance as Todd toffee replied
    Then Lance look straight ahead of them his green eyes glow bright
    He looked at the toffee Brothers as
    Lance replied stay here with Luna
    And stick together I am going ahead of the group I will be back then Lance turn into mist and let the wind take him away
    As Baurick sit in the Captain's room
    He remembered his little talk with Luna as he drink deeply within his troll skin flask
    Well Lassie I see you took my
    offer to Came have a talk with me
    Well really never seen a chaos dwarf before And Lance always talked about you Like your his bigger brother oh You're making me blush besides lassy your been bad I've seen That drookie who's taken over your body
    Oh Baurick please don't remind me
    Of her she is probably listening
    Then Baurick replied oh hope she does hear me now that I'm here
    She learn her place as for you
    Luna I've seen how people be possessed I've even seen it within my own Kin folk trying to control the very demons to make our weapons and armor of war and believe me you never want to get close to a hell Cannon for they are the Hungary machines of war
    I am not hungry for souls Baurick
    Am only looking for peace within myself and to keep my obligation to Lance to free him of his curse
    Then Baurick replied laughing how about you Lassy if there is anybody needing be free of their curse is you
    How can you free Lance if you can't Free yourself and if you're not careful he will kill you in the end
    for he lust for your blood Lassy
    Oh Baurick do you hate me for I sense you're anger am sorry that I'm such a burden to him
    Lassie don't get me wrong I do not hate you I known better and Lance can be so naive for the love of a woman can blind him quite well
    And your are great example of that
    Then will you help me for I want to be your friend and Lance's please understand Baurick I'd rather die
    Then let Sheena hurt or kill someone
    I've even thought about throwing myself into the sea and let myself along with her drowned in the dark
    abyss of the ocean itself
    Oh Lassy don't even think about that
    Forget about what I said and just remember your his woman now
    And you must be careful of his emotions for he's still a predator
    And you walk a fine line of receiving
    A kiss that will be your last Lassy
    Now I think I've had enough of your company just remember to be cautious with his emotions
    Then Baurick broke out of his trance as he realized the ship was being fired upon Baurick Raven hand
    Ran out the door ready for Battle

  • @donright4492
    @donright4492 ปีที่แล้ว

    As Graco stood in his study
    He was moving back and forth relentlessly as waiting for Sadler
    Then the drookie came in my
    Lord he still's does not break
    For someone young as he is I got
    to say he's very strong and I get
    the feeling that he is waiting for somebody two Save him
    Then Graco looked out the window out to the Sea yes he is waiting for somebody but he'll never make it he would have to get past the coast of
    Sartosa where almost I've hired every pirate to be on the lookout for his ship I wish him the best of luck against so many bloodthirsty opportunists like them then he
    Smiled as if he gotten away with murder
    Lance summon fourth a spiritual platform that held the wooden platform afloat within the middle
    of the there ships as ghostly apparitions held everything in place
    Under Lance will
    As the toffee Brothers sit down on chairs next to Lance a huge black campus protected Lance from the Sun as chair was next to him for it
    Was a seat for Luna westenburg
    Long Drong stood on the spiritual platform waiting For Baurick Raven hand to show up as his Slayer pirates watched on then Baurick showed up with his enchanted demonic hammer breaker of souls
    As Lance reply smiling be very careful my friend I'm afraid you found you a fight today and
    Only hope you take it very careful
    Then Baurick reply don't worry laddie
    You just sit there and look dead and wonderful well I have myself a little bit of fun Lad and besides he's going to enjoy it more than I am the
    suicidal fool well here go's nothing
    Then Lance look on smiling with confidence as his chaos dwarf friend
    Leap off the ship landing on the platform then replied to Long Drong
    Well you ready Lad
    Then Long Drong swore yes you
    Scurvy dog for gonna rip off those tusk of yours and use them for earrings
    Oh boyo your dreaming if you think it's going to be that easy laddie
    Then they ran right at each other
    Colliding with their weaponry
    As Long Drong as he spin his Cutlass
    Around in the air gaining momentum
    As he thrusted it towards Baurick
    The chaos dwarf deflected it with his hammer as Baurick roll between long Drong legs and lifted to his feet
    With a spinning back hand to the dwarven pirate slayer face as
    The pirate Slayer sprung around
    From the impact of the blow
    As he redoubled his efforts
    Attacking Baurick
    As Lance and Toffee Brothers watched on Luna set next to Lance
    Watching the chaos dwarf fight
    She was worried for she became quite good friends with Baurick
    And didn't want to see the dwarf die
    Then Lance put his hand onto Luna's hurt hand not looking at her but watching on his friends duel
    She felt his cold touch but it eased her mind knowing that Lance still cared about her he held her hand
    With a gentle care she looked at his face as he watched on within silence
    Then She held Lance's hand back tighter as she watch Baurick fight
    Long Drong pulled out a pistol and fired right at the chaos dwarf but miss as Baurick side rolled out of the way then he rushed the Slayer pirate but the Slayer busted him in the side of the head with his pistol grip Baurick replied back in anger
    You like to play dirty well laddy
    You just invited yourself dirtiest
    Fight ever lad as Baurick use his
    Ring as he press a small little button
    That ejected a small needlepoint blade within the ring carefully without the Slayer pirate knowing
    He punch Long Drong in the neck
    Holding the ring into the neck of the Slayer as it sleeping toxins slowly
    Entered his bloodstream then Baurick reply Look's like somebody's going to be taking a nap real soon Laddie Baurick smiled pointing the ring out with his fist and laughing oh this got real easy lad get ready for that new shame
    Then Baurick leap and dive with
    his head impacting Long Drong stomach the impact causes Slayer pirate too puke Then Baurick
    got uppercuted by the Slayer
    as the impact of the uppercut
    Lifted him off his feet chaos dwarf landed on his back as the impact
    Took his breath away
    Then Long Drong got on top of
    Baurick hitting him multiple times in the face with his left hand then Baurick got his left hook hand it just in time
    the chaos dwarf smiled
    a crooked grin and replied my turn
    Baurick pound the hook into Long Drong face creating a hook bruise then he twisted the hook off his arm then Baurick rammed his forehead into the face of Long Drong
    Baurick through his hook hand
    out into the ocean as Baurick head-butted Long Drong off him
    the sleeping poison was starting
    to take effect on the Slayer pirate
    Baurick got up and rammed his fist
    Multiple times in the face of the Slayer pirate then Long Drong was
    On his was crawling around on his
    Then Baurick reply oh look your taking your sleeping break then
    Baurick laughed and rammed his left boot into Long Drong face as
    The Slayer pirate flew off the platform and into the sea then
    Baurick through a gold crown
    At the Slayer pirate who was floating
    Into water replying here you go lad
    Now you can have a drink on that new shame of yours Laddie
    Then Toffee Brothers cheered
    As Lance raise his left hand outward
    Replying well done my friend then
    Baurick got back on board the pale Queen
    As the rest of the crew of the Fair Fregar fish Long Drong out of the sea cursing the day they lost

  • @donright4492
    @donright4492 ปีที่แล้ว

    As Luna approached Sheena
    she caught her in suspended midair sleeping within her soul then Luna realize this would be easy chance two kill her right there but she couldn't she was not a killer but a healer
    And knew she had too fight for what was hers and that was control of her body so she waited patiently in the shadows of her soul waiting for Sheena to wake up
    As the drookie woke up she landed gently from the air onto the foggy surface of the Soul then Luna came out of nowhere ambushing Sheena
    Hiting her everything she had with one punch to the her face
    She felt her knuckle crack and break but she could not relent for Sheena would retaliate as Luna got on up top of Sheena punching her in the face repeatedly as Blood gushed out of the mouth and nose punching
    the drookie multiple times
    And tell Sheena Finally passed out from the pain Of unconsciousness
    As Luna walked away into her soul carrying her broken hand hoping
    That would give her time to help Lance out
    As Sven laid in his cell he heard noises of other prisoners being tortured then a man came as he look
    In his cell he was very tall he had Long point of ears and Eyes that were no man had then Sven
    realized he was dark elf as
    Greco Genovese came up by his side
    Oh you're awake young Sven well
    I've brought someone special here for you today his name is Sadler black feather he's an expert at pain and torture for you're about to get to know him quite well young Carsson
    Then Sven reply angrily you'll get nowhere torture me Greco I told you I'll give you nothing and I will do nothing I'd rather die like I told you
    Oh no no my young Prince and ruin the fun by the time Sadler gets done with you wish your were dead
    As Fair Fregar was slowly approaching the pale Queen Long Drong notice something wasn't right for the ship was trying to held them down as diamond beard look at long
    Drong Aya Lad's what do you think
    Then diamond beard reply I don't know lad there are a sneaky bunch they are I say we quit while we are ahead go look for more lost chest out in the sea for contracts this is not our type of work
    Then long Drong replied aya you do know it's been a hard as it is and those type of contracts are getting rare we finish up this job and then we go back to do what we do best but until then this is a opportunity lads so no more ideas of running away from the job or I'll make you walk the prank myself and then you'll never get your glorious End or pay
    As Lance was Baurick in the Captain's room they were standing over a map on the table planning what to do as Baurick replied Lad it's going to be kind of difficult if we tried to sail pass Sartosa
    Then Lance pointed at the plain
    of Luccini as he replied will take turns Landing us and supplies with the magic carpet on the coast of
    Cappo cinno
    Then Baurick smiled that might just work lad then smiled and replied even better my friend captain quintar can let the ship sail by itself making it a ghost ship while they sleep in their secret compartments
    Then Baurick set back into his chair smiling then captain quintar came in
    Lord Lance it's the dwarven Slayer ship it's back then Lance and Baurick
    Headed outside the door as they got up onto the main deck the toffee Brothers join them as well
    Then Lance looked on with his eyesight as he saw them bearing down on them
    crane asked Lance how long will
    It take them to catch up with us
    Then Lance looked back at everybody in about 30 minutes
    Then everybody knew that the battle with the dwarven Slayer pirates would be catastrophic
    Then Lance smiled and replied I have an idea then Baurick reply out with it for I would like to hear it before they start firing on us
    Then Lance went into detail their pirates right well I have lots of money on board the ship still Captain quinter
    Then captain quintar thought about it yes my Lord the very compartment you used to hide some of your loot you still have some
    Then captain quintar fetch me that big silky bag of black pearls if there still in the chest as Lance smiled methodically

  • @Kodiac
    @Kodiac ปีที่แล้ว

    Love videos like these

  • @jonlueckenotte1673
    @jonlueckenotte1673 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    i knew zerk was a dam tau commie "giving thier lives for the greater good" pfah dam zenos.....great walk through tho keep it up!!!

  • @huanggeorge9592
    @huanggeorge9592 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I feel like Cathy is the only one in warhammer 3 that have good artillery, in kislev campion I make alliances just to get the artillery from humans or dwarf

    • @AGenericFool
      @AGenericFool 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Nah for example ogre artillery is kinda busted

  • @Olav_Hansen
    @Olav_Hansen 2 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @alpacaofthemountain8760
    @alpacaofthemountain8760 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Great video!

  • @Glitch_Online
    @Glitch_Online 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Love these.

  • @darthnihilus6211
    @darthnihilus6211 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    How to keep seeing the setup off units, when you order them to set up somewhere?
    That overlay, that was on spacebar in TW WH2

    • @Joeyjoejoe1708
      @Joeyjoejoe1708 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      As far as I know it still is spacebar in Warhammer 3, at least for me. When holding down spacebar you also get toggle options on the right side of the screen where you can select/deselect which information is shown on screen.

    • @darthnihilus6211
      @darthnihilus6211 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Joeyjoejoe1708 I played a lot, with that setup and it doesn't work for some reason

  • @charleslister8465
    @charleslister8465 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Nice work

  • @thefinn12345
    @thefinn12345 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    What mod allows you to draw on the map like that?

    • @Joeyjoejoe1708
      @Joeyjoejoe1708 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      It's no mod, you can use the different colours to draw on the battle field during replays or in multiplayer.

  • @MathieuH96
    @MathieuH96 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You forgot to mention the elevation buff standing on the hill near the river.
    Up to 30% bonus damage and up to 30% damage reduction.

  • @sev5348
    @sev5348 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I love this explanation! Hope to see more of these tactics

  • @donright4492
    @donright4492 ปีที่แล้ว

    As void of tides move on Rihanna
    Look through her telescope on top
    Of the Crow's nest she saw nothing
    For the mist was hard too see in
    It had thick unearthly presents
    Then she saw the sea witch
    She watched the crew through
    her telescope as crew move on sluggishly then right deck of the
    ship explosions hit the side of
    the void of tides she turn around
    As the pale Queen was on the
    port right side firing a barage
    then sea witch fired on her left
    port Hitting void of tides hard
    As Lance was in lower deck of void of tides he stood there with a mossy
    Wooden bark as he had his left hand
    Over it Blood drip down onto it
    As it was growing then a sailor
    Came in yelling Jack what are
    You doing then Lance will Jack's right arm pointing his flintlock
    Pistol shooting down sailor
    Off his feet
    Then Lance left the body of Jack
    As his Mist flow to the floor forming him back into human form then
    he went towards the upper deck
    Rihanna couldn't believe she was
    Out flank from both sides she wondered what happened to the
    sea witch we're was the Fregar
    Then she look back realizing the crew of the sea Witch was dead
    As mist clear the way mysteriously
    As her ship was being hit hard from all sides as Sea Witch and pale Queen circles around the void of tides as some of the sailors would be blown off the deck screaming into the ocean are shot by Hand
    rifles as bodies lay all over the deck
    Then they started rising up from the dead attacking the other sailors
    As they pull them down ripping
    and tearing into their flesh then
    The crew of the void of tides
    Jumped off ship to their own
    Then Rihanna long shot leap from the Crow's nest landing on her feet she realized she was the only one left she lifted her long rifle to her shoulder looking around as she
    seen the devastation
    There were bodies everywhere and zombies standing still as if they were waiting for orders to an unknown Force
    Then Rihanna fired her rifle at them
    In fear of them attacking her the
    Shot magically kills every one of them as their heads explode simultaneously
    Zombies drop down to the wooden deck then she started reloading
    Putting magical powder within the rifle then the ruins from the rifle glowed as her hand rifle was now reloaded
    She looked around then she noticed
    Woman on the deck of the sea witch
    In a short black dressed as she we're
    Black leather bra strap her hair was long and black that stretched down to her waist as she had steel leggings on then she noticed her staring right back at her smiling with a wicked grin temping her to fire on her
    Then Rihanna took aim only to hear a man walking up the wooden stairs
    Ascending to the upper deck she turned around and notice a man
    In black leather clothing
    He had radiant green eyes and
    Long reddish brown hair that stretch down to his waist as two purple ribbons kept it in place
    Then she noticed the two scimitar swords in his hands he looked her
    in the eyes as he replied
    cold-heartedly surrender now for I would hate to kill someone beautiful as you
    Then Rihanna realized the man
    that stood before her may be a necromancer but she felt like something else was sinister
    about him as she replied back
    With a calm reasonable voice
    And if I don't what would you do
    Then Lance replied amusingly we could work out a deal would if I hire you surely you did this for the coin so I have lots of it how about it
    I'm very sorry for I'm not the very mercenaries that you killed already
    I serve a master he wants you dead
    Oh then can I have the name of your master
    No you would have to pry it out of my own dead body to get his name
    That smiled coldly as he replied coldly well I guess I will have to do that for there is worser things than death and you are about to find out before I slowly take you in a way
    In a pleasure full of pain
    Then Rihanna fired her hand rifle
    As Lance went to block the shot
    The round went past him as it hit
    his Right arm sending it flying into the sea
    Then Lance went to advance to attack her but the round came back hitting him in the shoulder he swung around onto the deck landing hard
    They're Rihanna smile a cocky grin
    As Lance laid bleeding over the
    deck He couldn't understand how the bullet hit him from that direction
    Then Rihanna walked up to Lance
    And bashed his head and repeatedly
    With the button end of her rifle as
    She Laugh out loudly
    As Toffee Brothers screamed out loud for Lance to get up as Han's
    Had tears coming down his eyes
    Praying for Lance to get up
    Then Lance crawled in the middle
    of the deck bleeding profusely as Rihanna taunted of him oh it looks like you're running out of time
    And all that talk of making me
    Suffer slowly with pleasure
    That's a promise you should have not kept for now you're the one suffering how does it feel to have your arm blown off
    Then Lance looked her in the eyes
    I don't know for you would have to ask the real me to get that answer
    Then his body dissolved in front of her eyes she backed away real quick scared not understand how to take the situation of his death
    Then the bow of the deck was
    Rumbling as the ship deck was splintering then loud roar erupted
    As bottom beneath her exploded
    Wooden debris spread like shrapnel
    Hiting some of her body causing slight lacerations as she lifted to the air by the force of the explosion then a huge wooden hand grab her gently
    It held her in place
    Then Lance came back up the deck this time it was the real him smiling
    Methodically Strolling slowly across the deck of corpses and wreck debris of the ship then Rihanna try to get out as Lance stood face to face with her as smiled his sharp fangs grew as he spoke to her coldly you told me I had to prid out of your cold dead body for I did promise you pleasure and pain as Lance ordered the tree man to squeeze into her body his hand punctured her chest open as his wooden talon thrusted through her chest cavity
    She screamed out loud then Lance
    Slowly approached her as lean
    down to her neck she felt his
    breath caressing her skin of her
    neck then she closed her eyes Redding herself for the painful embrace then Lance bit into
    Her neck as he drink deeply
    She howl in pain only to turn into pleasure as Lance kept going
    Until Rihanna would eventually
    Sheena watched on in ecstasy
    As she loved bloody Carnage
    That was before her then
    Realize Captain Abrams was alive
    As he was struggling to get away into the lower deck but Sheena slowly stalked him like a predatory
    She watched Lance as he slowly
    Drink Rihanna she then look down at Captain Abrams repeatedly stabbing him with her daggers then she reach down into his blood rubbing it all
    Her as she watched Lance she
    Got aroused repeating Lance's name
    In pleasure then she made her prayer to kain