Dutchik Also im Deutschen ist das halt so... Genau so wie es im Englischen ist. Klar ist das ein Problem für manche, also ist diese Idee für dieses Video so cool, weil man so etwas gutes lernen kann. ;) xD
Like many times with this language, it's hard to speak it correctly if you weren't rise german. If you use it incorrectly a german will notice that of course but still understands what you mean
Thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU. I was studying German in High School, and my teacher kept using "also" a lot. I asked him, point blank, what it meant. And he said he couldn't give me a definitive meaning for it. I was like, "But, you're German. And you teach German. So, teach me." He just became annoyed and pretended to be busy." So, (my U.S. "so", not your "so"), you're a way better teacher than my acutal German teacher. Also, (again, my "also" that means "too"), we Americans use "so" in very similar ways, and in very simiilar circumstance, as our German friends. Thank you, again, for this very valuable video on two seemingly small words, but words that give important "touches" to statements.
This is a perfect video for my German-learning English secondary school classes. One of many you produce. Also (English meaning) you have accomplished the "impossible" once again - by making an entire video about German "also" without using the English word we use to define it in British Primary Schools: "therefore". The chocolate was a very nice touch! As usual, well done.
even as a german, i find the word "also" kind of weird, when i think about it, because i couldn't even explain in my own language how to use it. Trixi did very well. the meaning of "also" even changed during the centuries; friedrich nietzsche for example, used it in "also sprach zarathustra" in a way, which isn't common nowadays.
Deutsch ist halt auch kompliziert, sei es unsere Kommataregeln oder auch die ganzen zusammen gesetzten Wörter und dann noch die Groß- und Kleinschreibung. Schreibe öfters auf Twitter auf englisch, weil es einfach wesentlich einfacher und auch KÜRZER ist ...
Also, ich bin so froh, dass Deutsch meine Muttersprache ist, so brauche ich so was kompliziertes, nicht als Fremdsprache lernen! - und so weiter (usw.) Und ich finde Du machst SOOO super Videos! Also weiter so!
I just happened a few days ago to say "also" in English to a client when what I really meant was "So...". And you just come here and make a video on that. Not a coincidence.
Wow ,really in polish we have the same usage of "so" and "also" .So means "tak" and we use it in EVERY situation you've mentioned :O I'm quite surprised ,because even in the last situation when you said "so so" ,in polish I would say "tak tak" and it is 100% correct :O Wow I didn't expected our languages to be so similar.
Your videos about German language usually save many hours of study (even though my mother language is Portuguese). When I need to use some expression, I recall you saying that. It is much more easier than remember what I had studied on books. Please, don't stop making this kind of video.
Mostly? Are you serious? I know that most of her videos are made to be funny. But it is easy to distinguish. And it´s easy too to remember a native speaker saying something (correct) in a funny way. Can't figure out why are you sayng that.
Right away, I'm my self totally shitty in languages, and I don't claim to be any better than anyone spoken about in this post! It's just a post! If theres anyone aiming his hate at me because of this post, do so quietly and in private, thx. You can't master German (and most languages) living outside a German speaking community. The worst thing is that most teachers, teaching German as foreign language, also never lived in a German speaking community themselfs. Letting 4chan do your home works...actually is a thing I had the chance to read some worksheets for homeworks from some American pupils... For example: A teacher wrote letter to his pupils in German. And you could easily forge that it's basically an English written letter, translated into German, sentence by sentence. It felt super unnatural and wierd to read it.
TremereTT You are probably right. As I was learning english I only had one semester with Alison from Utah - she was the best. She was not very demanding, but I learned so much just by listening to her and doing conversation exercises. There were no homeworks, no surprise exams.... . Just awesome.
Jan Hurych Yeah, and I guess that purpose is very important. We cannot force ourselves long term to something as time demanding like language learning, without any purpose or genuine interest.
Ich freu mich jedes Mal, wenn ich was über meine eigene Sprache lerne, die man ja als native speaker eigentlich nahezu perfekt beherrscht und trotzdem sooo wenig über sie weiß. Ganz schön kompliziert, aber sehr spannend, nicht nur für Leute, die Deutsch lernen! Also... Vielen Dank und Daumen hoch dafür!😊
As a student in Berlin, I've been struggling to learn some of these nuances for 2 reasons. 1) Berlin German is...quirky, and it makes it difficult sometimes to know if I'm using things correctly. 2) Nobody can really explain the differences well enough because in order to properly explain something, and as an English Literature major, it means I get caught up on the small things. Thank you for this because as I venture further into the language, I find myself reaching for certain phrases only to find more false friends.
To summarize, the German "also" means what in English is "so" and "well" as an interjection. The German "so" means "so" (as in: so big!), "such," and "now" as an interjection (used when something has been accomlished). It can also introduce an exclamative. This is also where there's a small translation error in the video: Aunt Gundula... what a surprise! ("such a surprise" isn't very good English here). Anyway, thanks, Trixi, for making this overdue video. I've literally never come across an English speaking learner of German who didn't make this error. It was time someone corrected it.
Another outstanding German lesson! Thank you. I am grateful that you have chosen to bless us with your knowledge and teaching ability. You are gorgeous and could have been a fashion model, but you are bringing so much more to the world with your teaching. Thank you again, and God bless you and your family.
Wow, I didn't realize that we use this so often! xD But when I signed in at a language forum I recognized that foreigners seem to have problems with this. At first I was confused, because for me there is no relation between "so" and "also", but now I understand it.
Ich mag dich sehr gerne! Ich komme aus Deutschland und interessiere mich sehr für die englische Sprache. Manchmal habe ich noch Probleme mit der Geschwindigkeit, mit der Engländer und Co. sprechen, aber bei dir verstehe ich wirklich jedes Wort. Ich denke auch, dass du vielen, die versuchen die deutsche Sprache zu lernen, sehr weiter hilfst. Keine Sprache ist soooo kompliziert wie Deutsch, das gebe ich selber zu. ;D
hat finnisch eine ähnlich komplizierte struktur oder basiert dein vorschlag nur darauf, dass das deutsche und das finnische absolut keine verwandtschaft haben ? eine sprache wird an sich nicht komplizierter egal, wo man her kommt, es ist nur einfacher verwandte sprachen oder sprachen mit änhlicher satzstruktur zu lernen, was erklärt wie eine einfache sprache wie englisch in japan o.ä. von vielen trotz jahrelangem unterrichts in der schule nur bruchstückhaft gesprochen werden kann.
yuffi81 naja aber liegt das an der komplizierten struktur oder daran, dass es nahezu keinen anhaltspunkt gibt von unserer seite aus um die sprache zu erfassen ? auch ist ein einzelfall nicht in der lage so etwas zu zeigen, es zeigt was passieren kann, nicht was immer passieren wird. soweit ich bisher weiss könnte deine tante auch einfach ziemlich unbegabt sein was sprachen anbelangt, was ich allerdings nicht glaube, da sie selbst ins ausland gezogen ist. ich denke was sprachen ausserhalb der germanischen und lateinischen sprachfamilie so schwer macht ist einfach dass wir keinen anhaltspunkt haben um sie zu verstehen, es kann sein, dass sie ähnlich kompliziert aufgebaut sind wie deutsch, aber dafür müsste ich bestimmt einen monat an jeder sprache sitzen um das beurteilen zu können :p
yuffi81 nur um das klar zu stellen, meine kommentare beruhten tatsächlich auf purer neugier und ich wollte dich nicht runtermachen, allerdings habe ich nun das gefühl dass du das gefühl hast dass ich dich fertigmachen wollte. eine gefühlception später stimme ich dir zu dass jede sprache schwer zu lernen ist, BESONDERS die erste fremdsprache und sprachen die mit deiner keine verwandtschaft haben.
Also, ich habe es nichts verstanden... hahaah just kiding! Loved you video! And sure, I understood your examples. In some of them it seemed to me that a simple "so" (English "so") would do the job just fine to exemplify the translation, but you "refined" them a little more a "such" or whatever. Which is ganz ok für mich. Thanks for the video!
Trixi at her best! Fantastic video, fantastic explainations and examples. The video feels just a bit hasty, thoug. Maybe I'm just old-fashioned and you video was perfectly modern stlye. But I want to mention again, please include half-a-second-breaks right after you've just finished one thing, so that the video doesn't rush into the next scene. Sometimes I find myself surprised ("überrannt") by your "The next thing I want to talk about.." But that aside, PLEASE continue those videos, love them! =)
Mir fällt noch das "so" bei Vergleichen ein. Zum Beispiel: "Ich bin so klug wie du." Oder "so" als Ersatz von etwa "auf diese Art und Weise": Zum Beispiel: "Das geht so schon in Ordnung." oder "Das kannst du so doch nicht machen!" oder noch besser: "Also, so kannst du das aber nicht machen!"
Das erste wäre doch dann einfach 'n Komparativ, aber die Kurzform. Etwas ist genau*so* [Adjektiv: klug, whatever] wie [irgendwas]. Obwohl man dann wieder philosophieren könnte: Ist es nur 'n verstärktes *so* oder, in diesem Fall mit "klug", semantisch nicht so passend wie genauso. Also, (haha), "Er ist genauso groß wie du" - Beide z.B. 1,85cm aber "Er ist so groß wie du" ist so Pi mal Daumen. Ja, Deutsch ist spaßig. >.> :D
You're SO (Hahaha) clear with the explanations and I find your videos really useful, since I'll be living in Germany for 10 months next year. You're gorgeous thank you!
So, every single one of your "also" examples are situations where, in English, I could imagine myself starting my sentence with "So..." I had been taught that the proper translation of German "also" was "thus", which probably better captures the particular meaning of "also" but doesn't really work for casual speech as we almost never say "thus". Thank for the clarification; I expect I'll be using "also" more often in my spoken German.
This was great!!! Totally cleared up the also/so issue, which I was very confused about!! So, to distill what you said, "so" is a focusing term, and "also" is like a refocusing term? I love you Trixie!!!
Thank you for posting a great new video. I think you do a great job generally, but I really liked this one because you had the German written out, with the English translation. This new feature really improved my comprehension and hopefully retention. Gruße Steve. P.S. I am sorry the internet is full of jerks, don't worry about the nasty comments.
Good to know I've been doing it right then. Most of what I learned with "also" and "so" have been through watching/listening to a lot of German dubbed shows I used to watch in English.
Na so wass! Also, wie kompliziert dass alles sein kann! 😉 Thank you. A refresher is always welcome, and so long as it's informative and also amusing, so much the better.
In regards of the first example of So: It's sort of like in english if you did some sort of taxing task and after it's finally done. You pause and say something along the lines of "Okay...or Alright.." as a mental assurance.
The two ways to say "so" doesn't seem that hard to me, but then again, I did study Esperanto before German, and so I already knew the difference between "do" (also) and "tiom" (so). That was immediately transferable to German. However, I wasn't familiar with the more idiomatic usages. Not that I can see myself using any of them in daily usage.
I went to a German integration school from 10 years of age so we learned a lot of stuff quite naturally. for example, I never realised this was an issue 😂
English is to blame this time, because it uses "so" to mean "therefore" and "very". Deutsch unresolved this by using "also" for the first and "so" for the second.
Also, so kompliziert ist das mit so und also nicht. Aber wenn man es so gelernt hat im Alltag geht das auch so. Also immer schön lernen dann wird das was mit also und so. 😁😨🙊🙈🙉
Soso. Da haben wir also die Schose mit der Schokososse auf der Hose. So oder so, sorgt sowas so und so oft soweit für solche Sorgen beim Sortieren der … can"t sort this out I am so sorry ;)
Ich hab einen Fisch gefangen, der ist sooooooooooooooooo gross. Very nice video! Even for me as a German native, I wasn't aware of all the different usages for "also". I also liked how you went from book shopping to bank robbing :D
Also, um einmal alles zusammenzufassen: So wie du das erklärt hast, schein ich also alles so verstanden zu haben, so dass sich alle Fragen erübrigt haben. (hihihi)
The French zozo and the German so so are not quite the same, the German is exclusively a filler word that indicates disbelieve, while the French zozo can also be used as a noun to describe a person (in that context it means dork or jerk)
After watching this video, I watched a Mathologer video. Although the host was speaking English, albeit with a German accent, he kept interjecting the German "so" at the beginning of some sentences. I was vaguely aware of his tendency to do that but now I notice it more.
Finished watching this and immediately thought, "Ach so! I get it now." What's kind of funny is I still use 'Ach so' in my everyday speech and I haven't been in Germany since the 4 years I lived there(88'-92').
I wish I could write this comment in German, but my German is not good enough yet! Your English is SO good, and I hope that some day I can speak German as well as you speak English. (English is my native language.) I have noticed the difference between "also" and "so" in German, and it is very difficult to learn this difference when native Germans are speaking. I appreciate this video so much! My only critique would be that the video should be a little slower -- I have to pause to read the German example, but by pausing the video, I lose how the German sounds in "normal" speaking. Please do not take offense! I love hearing the German language spoken by a native speaker. But sometimes, when you are explaining the grammatical rules, it is hard to follow the examples because they go by so quickly. I hope my comment makes sense. And I hope you understand my meaning. I am very grateful for your videos -- they are SO helpful and you are a great teacher! You are one of my favorite TH-cam channels and I love learning German nuances from you! Danke schön!!
Lace Maker And I wish as a german girl I would better speak and write english. The language is so important for me in my life. The school english is more different than the original daily english, so I watch lot of english movies and series with german subtitle maybe you could do that. Watch german movies with englosh subtitle. But I have to tell you german movies are not the best I dont like them :P. Maybe I want to go on a extra school to learn more english. In the future I want to travel greatbritten or Canada and stay in there for awhile. :)
Tamara Genao I want to watch German movies with German subtitles -- so I can hear the spoken word while reading it too. If I read it in English, I'll just focus on the English without hearing the German!
Thank you so much! You did a great job explaining it. You could be a teacher (or an actress as well:-)). I heard one use of "also" instead of "zum beispiel".
Thsi channel is so helpful for my GCSES! maybe you could do some videos on different tenses? or maybe different connectives? or anything to help with gcses and/or any exam curriculum? im sure it would be very helpful for may people! Your channel is also entertaining too! Thanks!
8 ปีที่แล้ว
Lol Back in my day They tried to teach us both at the same time. This video made me remember those sweet times :)
So for one of the uses of "also", it's like "uhhh" in English? "I'm trying to remember... also... also... hm... oh yeah, I, also, remember that now. It was, also, the other day, also, in Hamburg." And "So" really means "/EndofLine"?? But really, this is great - somehow it all makes sense when you explain it. I love German, it's fantastic.
@@snehaiyer3139 "Dude" or "man" (used as an adress for someone) would be the most fitting equivalents in English. Literally it means old guy, but it is used regardless of the adressed person's actual age, but mostly in youth slang and gutter language, usually pronounced in a slurred way sounding more like "Alda" than "Alter". Among the older generation, a properly pronounced "Alter" may also be used as shorthand for "alter Freund" (old chum). The youth language version is neutral and can be used both in a friendly way and in a respectless way towards complete strangers, depending on tone.
So to recap (no pun intended), also und so auf Deutsch are somewhat different from so in English. They have several uses that 'so' does not have in our language, but often times one of them will be the correct translation because their uses do often overlap with so in English. As a side note, never confuse also und auch.
Ich werde im Januar nach Österreich fahren für Medizinische Universtät. Ich gehe zum Deutchkurs aber deine Videos haben mir viele geholfen. Danke sehr. Viele Grüße
Please do the similar video about "DOCH" (esp. when it's an "unnecessary" part of sentence, like "Das geht doch nicht!") And "DENN". That'd be SOOOO helpful! :)
Great video! A real good example about how complicate the german language can be. But I, as a native german guy, also have similar problems with the english language. 😄
Great videos, Ms Trixi. Although I know how to use 'Füllwörter' in German, if and when I am actually talking German, I seem to struggle when translating these into English (or Swedish, for that matter - although we do have quite a few similar ones in Swedish)... Many people ask me to explain their individual meanings and like I just said, although I know 'in my gut' what they all signify, I can usually only describe them with examples, in which I change the stress in certain parts of the sentence to illustrate their usage... I hope I haven't confused you here... Wondering if you would consider doing a video about particles and intensifiers, eg. 'erst', 'recht', 'erst recht', 'zwar', 'mal', 'schon'... yeah, err, I'm pretty sure you know what a 'Füllwort' and a 'Flickwort' is, hehe... I'm not as good a German tutor as you are and I'm not half as pretty either, lol...
"wieso" = why "sowie" = also [that thing] "sowieso" doesn't have a direct translation. Afaiccr it only is used in phrases dismissing an argument as being unrelated to the discussed issue :Ü™
Dar ker Addition: sowie = as soon as "Sowie ich mit der Arbeit fertig bin..." "As soon as I finish work..." I have to admit though that in this sentence most germans would use "sobald" instead of "sowie" which also means "as soon as".
Dar ker Don't know what you're trying to say, especially since I don't understand the :Ü thing, but using sowie for sobald is totally correct, while they're and their just isn't the same thing and you know that... It's just that nowadays almost nobody uses it that way anymore.
the only thing I liked and understood is (So so) :D the other things in my opinion are mostly the same and German people will not judge me for the miss use of these two confusing words (obwohl :D) thanks for lessons. I see that a short lessons will be very help especially I'm trying to learn German as fast as I can :D
I want to learn German I know the Germany's ambassador in my country since he speaks English and I wish I could speak like you one day or writing my comments in german that could be great I like your videos you're so intelligent and it's nice to follow you. oh I forgot to say that I'm dominican I live in the Caribbean and I speak spanish so you could learn how to speak with my accent it's really funny
thank you. that was helpful and amazing sometimes I ask my teacher about the right usage for some words he says it is so in German the foreign speakers need a logical reason to use some words.
Mir fällt noch eine andere (allerdings mit den genannten verwandte) Verwendung von "also" ein: Es kann auch so etwas wie "Hab ich dir doch gesagt!" bedeuten. Person 1: "Ich bin so schlecht in Mathe, ich werde die Klausur nicht bestehen!" [Das Klausurergebnis fällt überraschend gut aus] Person 2: "(Na) also, geht doch!
Hi, what is the reason that you write ich gucke mal gerade ...and say ich kucke with k..? What I am using when I speak German is ich kucke and then I also write it with k and not with g. My family lives in Lippstadt near Münster and Paderborn. They mean the same thing gucken and kucken, to see or to look.
Very useful video! It'd be nice if you can have a quick recap in subtitle at the end of the video! My stupid brain just can't handle all these information at once.... Need more videos about filler words in german language🙏
In meinem Heimlandland ist die Sitation "so". Warum ist das "so"? Hi trixie! Wie waere es mit diesen Beispielen. Ich bin so durcheinander, wo man manchmal das Wort "so" stellen soll. Wie betrifft die Position des Wortes "so" die Bedeutung des Satzes?
Perhaps in these videos where you go over the meanings/usages of words you could recap one word before moving on to the next word. Using this video as an example, list the usages of Also one more time before going onto So. Then recaping So before ending the video. It would personally help the information stick in my brain better to here it twice.
It's been three years since I've had my German classes and I've not used German much since I live in America, so I'll attempt this in German(sorry if I butcher this) So könnste du über dem Untershied zwischen "ob", "wenn", und "falls" sprachen? Was ist die korrekt Grammatik für jeder? I can't really figure out how to say this in German, but could you also cover in a future video some complex German sentences that use a lot of commas? Again, it's been a long time since I've had German, and I've forgotten so much and would like to re-learn it. Please also tell me what the correct way of saying what I said in German is, if it's not correct.
im learning German and until now Im still confuse how to use, ich and mir... zb; mir ist langweilig, ich bin ärgerlich... how to differentiate between them? when I can use adjective for ich and mir? thank you so much for your answer.
I love the stepping downstairs to the storage room.
how did you know I needed this!? for my German class I'm writing a formal German letter. and I'm confused on what to use.
perfect timing!
Great, that makes me happy! :)
Dutchik im sure you r going to make it
Dutchik Also im Deutschen ist das halt so... Genau so wie es im Englischen ist. Klar ist das ein Problem für manche, also ist diese Idee für dieses Video so cool, weil man so etwas gutes lernen kann. ;) xD
Like many times with this language, it's hard to speak it correctly if you weren't rise german. If you use it incorrectly a german will notice that of course but still understands what you mean
yeah Germans will understand you, yet I still need to pass my German tests and exam. I don't think they will just ignore those mistakes.
Thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU. I was studying German in High School, and my teacher kept using "also" a lot. I asked him, point blank, what it meant. And he said he couldn't give me a definitive meaning for it. I was like, "But, you're German. And you teach German. So, teach me." He just became annoyed and pretended to be busy." So, (my U.S. "so", not your "so"), you're a way better teacher than my acutal German teacher. Also, (again, my "also" that means "too"), we Americans use "so" in very similar ways, and in very simiilar circumstance, as our German friends. Thank you, again, for this very valuable video on two seemingly small words, but words that give important "touches" to statements.
This is a perfect video for my German-learning English secondary school classes. One of many you produce. Also (English meaning) you have accomplished the "impossible" once again - by making an entire video about German "also" without using the English word we use to define it in British Primary Schools: "therefore". The chocolate was a very nice touch! As usual, well done.
even as a german, i find the word "also" kind of weird, when i think about it, because i couldn't even explain in my own language how to use it. Trixi did very well. the meaning of "also" even changed during the centuries; friedrich nietzsche for example, used it in "also sprach zarathustra" in a way, which isn't common nowadays.
German is hard.Gut dass ich aus Deutschland komme :D
Benny CS:GO _Selbst Deutsche können keine gute Rechtschreibung_
Deutsch ist halt auch kompliziert, sei es unsere Kommataregeln oder auch die ganzen zusammen gesetzten Wörter und dann noch die Groß- und Kleinschreibung.
Schreibe öfters auf Twitter auf englisch, weil es einfach wesentlich einfacher und auch KÜRZER ist ...
CoderboyPB _Ja, ich schreibe meistens auch eher unter englische Videos und benutze häufiger Englisch als Deutsch_
Benny CS:GO Made my day XD der war echt gut
I like your small acting scenes, they are not just informative, but also cute :D
Also, ich bin so froh, dass Deutsch meine Muttersprache ist, so brauche ich so was kompliziertes,
nicht als Fremdsprache lernen! - und so weiter (usw.)
Und ich finde Du machst SOOO super Videos! Also weiter so!
Aber es ist Spaß Deutsch zu lernen. Ja, es ist kompliziert, aber Tschechisch ist viel mehr kompliziert. :D
Viele Grüße aus Tschechien! ^_^
Nur wenn du kein Tscheche bist ;-)
Ich bewundere es, wie viel Arbeit du in deine Videos steckst. Es muss ewig dauern den Inhalt zu schreiben. Gute Arbeit! :)
I just happened a few days ago to say "also" in English to a client when what I really meant was "So...". And you just come here and make a video on that. Not a coincidence.
Wow ,really in polish we have the same usage of "so" and "also" .So means "tak" and we use it in EVERY situation you've mentioned :O I'm quite surprised ,because even in the last situation when you said "so so" ,in polish I would say "tak tak" and it is 100% correct :O Wow I didn't expected our languages to be so similar.
1705lea tak means yes xD
@@oof5622 tak means yes and also so?
Your videos about German language usually save many hours of study (even though my mother language is Portuguese). When I need to use some expression, I recall you saying that. It is much more easier than remember what I had studied on books. Please, don't stop making this kind of video.
Mostly? Are you serious? I know that most of her videos are made to be funny. But it is easy to distinguish. And it´s easy too to remember a native speaker saying something (correct) in a funny way. Can't figure out why are you sayng that.
I have learned German for 9 years. And this is exactly the reason, I never managed to master it. So much confusion.
I guess that at one point you need to develop something like a gut feeling, and repeat repeat repeat.
I guess You have to like the language you learn and actually use it to get that gut feeling. I hated every single lesson of it :-D
Right away, I'm my self totally shitty in languages, and I don't claim to be any better than anyone spoken about in this post! It's just a post! If theres anyone aiming his hate at me because of this post, do so quietly and in private, thx.
You can't master German (and most languages) living outside a German speaking community.
The worst thing is that most teachers, teaching German as foreign language, also never lived in a German speaking community themselfs.
Letting 4chan do your home works...actually is a thing
I had the chance to read some worksheets for homeworks from some American pupils...
For example: A teacher wrote letter to his pupils in German. And you could easily forge that it's basically an English written letter, translated into German, sentence by sentence. It felt super unnatural and wierd to read it.
TremereTT You are probably right. As I was learning english I only had one semester with Alison from Utah - she was the best. She was not very demanding, but I learned so much just by listening to her and doing conversation exercises. There were no homeworks, no surprise exams.... . Just awesome.
Jan Hurych Yeah, and I guess that purpose is very important. We cannot force ourselves long term to something as time demanding like language learning, without any purpose or genuine interest.
Ich freu mich jedes Mal, wenn ich was über meine eigene Sprache lerne, die man ja als native speaker eigentlich nahezu perfekt beherrscht und trotzdem sooo wenig über sie weiß. Ganz schön kompliziert, aber sehr spannend, nicht nur für Leute, die Deutsch lernen!
Also... Vielen Dank und Daumen hoch dafür!😊
Learning german was never so funny and creative. Trixi, you are wonderful. Hope all the best for you.
A rough rule I was taught for using "also" was to treat it as "therefore" - I think many of your examples become clearer if you think of it that way
Excellent clip, and I love Trixie's presentation. These usages aren't complicated - they are just complex and varied.
Der "Treppen-Effekt" ist super :) :D
Klassisches Comedy-Element :)
I think i'll need to watch it again and again :D I'm totally confused
Me ''also''
Also, passt mal auf! Ich sag nicht so, und ich sag nicht so. Dann kann keiner sagen, ich hätte so und so gesagt ;-)
Confused now?
Endlich mal ein Video ohne Ausschnitt. Da kann ich mich endlich mal nur auf den Inhalt konzentrieren :)
Thank you so much! 4 years+ of Deutsch and this is the first time learning this.
As a student in Berlin, I've been struggling to learn some of these nuances for 2 reasons. 1) Berlin German is...quirky, and it makes it difficult sometimes to know if I'm using things correctly. 2) Nobody can really explain the differences well enough because in order to properly explain something, and as an English Literature major, it means I get caught up on the small things. Thank you for this because as I venture further into the language, I find myself reaching for certain phrases only to find more false friends.
To summarize, the German "also" means what in English is "so" and "well" as an interjection. The German "so" means "so" (as in: so big!), "such," and "now" as an interjection (used when something has been accomlished). It can also introduce an exclamative. This is also where there's a small translation error in the video: Aunt Gundula... what a surprise! ("such a surprise" isn't very good English here).
Anyway, thanks, Trixi, for making this overdue video. I've literally never come across an English speaking learner of German who didn't make this error. It was time someone corrected it.
Another outstanding German lesson! Thank you. I am grateful that you have chosen to bless us with your knowledge and teaching ability. You are gorgeous and could have been a fashion model, but you are bringing so much more to the world with your teaching. Thank you again, and God bless you and your family.
This is one of the better ones you've done in a while. 😊
Wow, I didn't realize that we use this so often! xD But when I signed in at a language forum I recognized that foreigners seem to have problems with this. At first I was confused, because for me there is no relation between "so" and "also", but now I understand it.
Ich mag dich sehr gerne!
Ich komme aus Deutschland und interessiere mich sehr für die englische Sprache.
Manchmal habe ich noch Probleme mit der Geschwindigkeit, mit der Engländer und Co. sprechen, aber bei dir verstehe ich wirklich jedes Wort. Ich denke auch, dass du vielen, die versuchen die deutsche Sprache zu lernen, sehr weiter hilfst. Keine Sprache ist soooo kompliziert wie Deutsch, das gebe ich selber zu. ;D
hat finnisch eine ähnlich komplizierte struktur oder basiert dein vorschlag nur darauf, dass das deutsche und das finnische absolut keine verwandtschaft haben ?
eine sprache wird an sich nicht komplizierter egal, wo man her kommt, es ist nur einfacher verwandte sprachen oder sprachen mit änhlicher satzstruktur zu lernen, was erklärt wie eine einfache sprache wie englisch in japan o.ä. von vielen trotz jahrelangem unterrichts in der schule nur bruchstückhaft gesprochen werden kann.
yuffi81 naja aber liegt das an der komplizierten struktur oder daran, dass es nahezu keinen anhaltspunkt gibt von unserer seite aus um die sprache zu erfassen ?
auch ist ein einzelfall nicht in der lage so etwas zu zeigen, es zeigt was passieren kann, nicht was immer passieren wird.
soweit ich bisher weiss könnte deine tante auch einfach ziemlich unbegabt sein was sprachen anbelangt, was ich allerdings nicht glaube, da sie selbst ins ausland gezogen ist.
ich denke was sprachen ausserhalb der germanischen und lateinischen sprachfamilie so schwer macht ist einfach dass wir keinen anhaltspunkt haben um sie zu verstehen, es kann sein, dass sie ähnlich kompliziert aufgebaut sind wie deutsch, aber dafür müsste ich bestimmt einen monat an jeder sprache sitzen um das beurteilen zu können :p
yuffi81 nur um das klar zu stellen, meine kommentare beruhten tatsächlich auf purer neugier und ich wollte dich nicht runtermachen, allerdings habe ich nun das gefühl dass du das gefühl hast dass ich dich fertigmachen wollte.
eine gefühlception später stimme ich dir zu dass jede sprache schwer zu lernen ist, BESONDERS die erste fremdsprache und sprachen die mit deiner keine verwandtschaft haben.
Also, ich habe es nichts verstanden... hahaah just kiding! Loved you video! And sure, I understood your examples. In some of them it seemed to me that a simple "so" (English "so") would do the job just fine to exemplify the translation, but you "refined" them a little more a "such" or whatever. Which is ganz ok für mich. Thanks for the video!
Trixi at her best! Fantastic video, fantastic explainations and examples. The video feels just a bit hasty, thoug. Maybe I'm just old-fashioned and you video was perfectly modern stlye. But I want to mention again, please include half-a-second-breaks right after you've just finished one thing, so that the video doesn't rush into the next scene. Sometimes I find myself surprised ("überrannt") by your "The next thing I want to talk about.." But that aside, PLEASE continue those videos, love them! =)
Mir fällt noch das "so" bei Vergleichen ein. Zum Beispiel: "Ich bin so klug wie du."
Oder "so" als Ersatz von etwa "auf diese Art und Weise": Zum Beispiel: "Das geht so schon in Ordnung." oder "Das kannst du so doch nicht machen!" oder noch besser: "Also, so kannst du das aber nicht machen!"
Phorzaken sowieso!
Das erste wäre doch dann einfach 'n Komparativ, aber die Kurzform. Etwas ist genau*so* [Adjektiv: klug, whatever] wie [irgendwas]. Obwohl man dann wieder philosophieren könnte: Ist es nur 'n verstärktes *so* oder, in diesem Fall mit "klug", semantisch nicht so passend wie genauso. Also, (haha), "Er ist genauso groß wie du" - Beide z.B. 1,85cm aber "Er ist so groß wie du" ist so Pi mal Daumen.
Ja, Deutsch ist spaßig. >.> :D
You're SO (Hahaha) clear with the explanations and I find your videos really useful, since I'll be living in Germany for 10 months next year. You're gorgeous thank you!
So, every single one of your "also" examples are situations where, in English, I could imagine myself starting my sentence with "So..." I had been taught that the proper translation of German "also" was "thus", which probably better captures the particular meaning of "also" but doesn't really work for casual speech as we almost never say "thus".
Thank for the clarification; I expect I'll be using "also" more often in my spoken German.
This was great!!! Totally cleared up the also/so issue, which I was very confused about!! So, to distill what you said, "so" is a focusing term, and "also" is like a refocusing term? I love you Trixie!!!
Thank you for posting a great new video. I think you do a great job generally, but I really liked this one because you had the German written out, with the English translation. This new feature really improved my comprehension and hopefully retention. Gruße Steve. P.S. I am sorry the internet is full of jerks, don't worry about the nasty comments.
Good to know I've been doing it right then. Most of what I learned with "also" and "so" have been through watching/listening to a lot of German dubbed shows I used to watch in English.
Na so wass! Also, wie kompliziert dass alles sein kann! 😉 Thank you. A refresher is always welcome, and so long as it's informative and also amusing, so much the better.
The Rabbits Conquer The World ? 😀🐰🐰🐰.
I want that book.
I want Pandas conquer the world!!!!!! I want it and I need it *o*
In regards of the first example of So: It's sort of like in english if you did some sort of taxing task and after it's finally done. You pause and say something along the lines of "Okay...or Alright.." as a mental assurance.
The two ways to say "so" doesn't seem that hard to me, but then again, I did study Esperanto before German, and so I already knew the difference between "do" (also) and "tiom" (so). That was immediately transferable to German.
However, I wasn't familiar with the more idiomatic usages. Not that I can see myself using any of them in daily usage.
I went to a German integration school from 10 years of age so we learned a lot of stuff quite naturally. for example, I never realised this was an issue 😂
English is to blame this time, because it uses "so" to mean "therefore" and "very". Deutsch unresolved this by using "also" for the first and "so" for the second.
that is of course with the exception of 'und so' which I think would translate to 'and thus'.
‘Also’ seems to be for the most part the same way we use ‘so’ in English.
Note to self: To protect your keyboard, never take a sip of wine (or any liquid) when watching Trixi explaining things.
Also, so kompliziert ist das mit so und also nicht.
Aber wenn man es so gelernt hat im Alltag geht das auch so.
Also immer schön lernen dann wird das was mit also und so.
also, das mit dem so ist so ^^
Soso. Da haben wir also die Schose mit der Schokososse auf der Hose. So oder so, sorgt sowas so und so oft soweit für solche Sorgen beim Sortieren der … can"t sort this out I am so sorry ;)
Ich hab einen Fisch gefangen, der ist sooooooooooooooooo gross.
Very nice video! Even for me as a German native, I wasn't aware of all the different usages for "also".
I also liked how you went from book shopping to bank robbing :D
Great topic. Thank you. I would love it if you could explain the different usages of "doch" in the same way. It's such a confounding interjection.
Oh my god, as the first video I see from you... I am Loving this channel!!!!! (AMAZING ACTING!!)
Also, um einmal alles zusammenzufassen: So wie du das erklärt hast, schein ich also alles so verstanden zu haben, so dass sich alle Fragen erübrigt haben. (hihihi)
just 1 question? are you german or english ? :)
Neither, I am Austrian. So technically, my writing this sentence could be considered cheating. 🙈
the first "also" is wrong :P at least in this case.. if this would be 2 sentences without , it would go, but like this it sounds terrible :D
"Sounding terrible" doesn't mean it's wrong. It's clumsy at worst, but it's still correct to use it that way.
What's Their Name Again? soso also sowieso
So so, my mom said that so much when I was a lad. Specially when I was doing silly things. It's a French expression also written zozo.
The French zozo and the German so so are not quite the same, the German is exclusively a filler word that indicates disbelieve, while the French zozo can also be used as a noun to describe a person (in that context it means dork or jerk)
@@chrisrudolf9839 Oh thanks for the clarification. It can be confusing when languages share similar words.
After watching this video, I watched a Mathologer video. Although the host was speaking English, albeit with a German accent, he kept interjecting the German "so" at the beginning of some sentences. I was vaguely aware of his tendency to do that but now I notice it more.
Finished watching this and immediately thought, "Ach so! I get it now."
What's kind of funny is I still use 'Ach so' in my everyday speech and I haven't been in Germany since the 4 years I lived there(88'-92').
This is very close to the Swedish "alltså" and "så", used in very similar ways.
This is one of your best videos ever! Vielen Dank!!
Ich liebe, Ihre videos aufzupassen. Ich freue mich immer, Sie sprechen Deutsch und Englisch, was ich nicht glaube, ich könnte tun
I wish I could write this comment in German, but my German is not good enough yet! Your English is SO good, and I hope that some day I can speak German as well as you speak English. (English is my native language.)
I have noticed the difference between "also" and "so" in German, and it is very difficult to learn this difference when native Germans are speaking. I appreciate this video so much! My only critique would be that the video should be a little slower -- I have to pause to read the German example, but by pausing the video, I lose how the German sounds in "normal" speaking. Please do not take offense! I love hearing the German language spoken by a native speaker. But sometimes, when you are explaining the grammatical rules, it is hard to follow the examples because they go by so quickly.
I hope my comment makes sense. And I hope you understand my meaning. I am very grateful for your videos -- they are SO helpful and you are a great teacher! You are one of my favorite TH-cam channels and I love learning German nuances from you! Danke schön!!
Lace Maker And I wish as a german girl I would better speak and write english. The language is so important for me in my life. The school english is more different than the original daily english, so I watch lot of english movies and series with german subtitle maybe you could do that. Watch german movies with englosh subtitle. But I have to tell you german movies are not the best I dont like them :P. Maybe I want to go on a extra school to learn more english. In the future I want to travel greatbritten or Canada and stay in there for awhile. :)
Tamara Genao I want to watch German movies with German subtitles -- so I can hear the spoken word while reading it too. If I read it in English, I'll just focus on the English without hearing the German!
Lace Maker I guess this is what everybody does when watching movies in other languages with subtitles in their native language :D
Wer "SO" sagt, ist noch lange nicht fertig. 😆
Eins der besten Rabbit Videos! 👍👍👍👍👍
I love the new (?) text boxes in both languages, so helpfull!
Thank you so much! You did a great job explaining it. You could be a teacher (or an actress as well:-)). I heard one use of "also" instead of "zum beispiel".
Thsi channel is so helpful for my GCSES! maybe you could do some videos on different tenses? or maybe different connectives? or anything to help with gcses and/or any exam curriculum? im sure it would be very helpful for may people!
Your channel is also entertaining too!
Lol Back in my day They tried to teach us both at the same time. This video made me remember those sweet times :)
This is very is for me as a swedish-speaker. In swedish, we use ”alltså” just like in german and ”så” too
Thank you! Also Sounds very much the way we use so in English in pretty all those examples.
So for one of the uses of "also", it's like "uhhh" in English?
"I'm trying to remember... also... also... hm... oh yeah, I, also, remember that now. It was, also, the other day, also, in Hamburg."
And "So" really means "/EndofLine"??
But really, this is great - somehow it all makes sense when you explain it. I love German, it's fantastic.
Germans speak so fast... It's like i have to do a word search in my head while they speak
"false friends". "false friends" everywhere...
Trixie, can you exaplin what "Alter" means? Like, people use it always like "Was machst du alter?" "Man, alter.." "Alter.."
It's a slang for "dude" or "man", I believe
@@snehaiyer3139 "Dude" or "man" (used as an adress for someone) would be the most fitting equivalents in English. Literally it means old guy, but it is used regardless of the adressed person's actual age, but mostly in youth slang and gutter language, usually pronounced in a slurred way sounding more like "Alda" than "Alter". Among the older generation, a properly pronounced "Alter" may also be used as shorthand for "alter Freund" (old chum). The youth language version is neutral and can be used both in a friendly way and in a respectless way towards complete strangers, depending on tone.
So to recap (no pun intended), also und so auf Deutsch are somewhat different from so in English. They have several uses that 'so' does not have in our language, but often times one of them will be the correct translation because their uses do often overlap with so in English. As a side note, never confuse also und auch.
Thanks, Trixie! You lifted my confusion to a higher level. :)
I guess French "Alors" is an equivalent to German "Also".
Yes it is
omg amazing video, how u express is crazy, usefull and super funny
Ich werde im Januar nach Österreich fahren für Medizinische Universtät. Ich gehe zum Deutchkurs aber deine Videos haben mir viele geholfen. Danke sehr. Viele Grüße
Lol Fantastic job! Well explained, adorable, funny to watch. Really enjoyed it ^.^
Please do the similar video about "DOCH" (esp. when it's an "unnecessary" part of sentence, like "Das geht doch nicht!")
And "DENN".
That'd be SOOOO helpful! :)
Great video! A real good example about how complicate the german language can be. But I, as a native german guy, also have similar problems with the english language. 😄
Great videos, Ms Trixi. Although I know how to use 'Füllwörter' in German, if and when I am actually talking German, I seem to struggle when translating these into English (or Swedish, for that matter - although we do have quite a few similar ones in Swedish)... Many people ask me to explain their individual meanings and like I just said, although I know 'in my gut' what they all signify, I can usually only describe them with examples, in which I change the stress in certain parts of the sentence to illustrate their usage... I hope I haven't confused you here... Wondering if you would consider doing a video about particles and intensifiers, eg. 'erst', 'recht', 'erst recht', 'zwar', 'mal', 'schon'... yeah, err, I'm pretty sure you know what a 'Füllwort' and a 'Flickwort' is, hehe... I'm not as good a German tutor as you are and I'm not half as pretty either, lol...
What about "sowie", "wieso", and "sowieso"?🤔
"wieso" = why
"sowie" = also [that thing]
"sowieso" doesn't have a direct translation. Afaiccr it only is used in phrases dismissing an argument as being unrelated to the discussed issue :Ü™
Dar ker Addition:
sowie = as soon as
"Sowie ich mit der Arbeit fertig bin..."
"As soon as I finish work..."
I have to admit though that in this sentence most germans would use "sobald" instead of "sowie" which also means "as soon as".
Udo Wurf I think using "sowie" as "sobald" is kind of like using "their" for "they're" :Ü™
Dar ker Don't know what you're trying to say, especially since I don't understand the :Ü thing, but using sowie for sobald is totally correct, while they're and their just isn't the same thing and you know that... It's just that nowadays almost nobody uses it that way anymore.
"Sowie" can work as "as soon as"
But don't confuse it with "so wie"
Trixi/Svenja, this video is very interesting and helpful. Thank you for sharing it with us :-)
I really needed this tutorial. Thanks, this has always confused me!
Gracias por la explicación, siempre fue confuso pero ahora puedo ver la luz!!
Das Milchgeschäft hat heute wohl geschlossen. Spaß beiseite, ich liebe deine Videos. Sie sind informativ und unterhaltsam :)
That was astronomically helpful. Thanks.
the only thing I liked and understood is (So so) :D
the other things in my opinion are mostly the same and German people will not judge me for the miss use of these two confusing words
(obwohl :D) thanks for lessons. I see that a short lessons will be very help especially I'm trying to learn German as fast as I can :D
I want to learn German I know the Germany's ambassador in my country since he speaks English and I wish I could speak like you one day or writing my comments in german that could be great I like your videos you're so intelligent and it's nice to follow you.
oh I forgot to say that I'm dominican I live in the Caribbean and I speak spanish so you could learn how to speak with my accent it's really funny
Loved this video👌 helps getting used to hearing the differences with all the uses. 😊
thank you.
that was helpful
and amazing sometimes I ask my teacher about the right usage for some words he says it is so in German
the foreign speakers need a logical reason to use some words.
I love when you explain german!
Mir fällt noch eine andere (allerdings mit den genannten verwandte) Verwendung von "also" ein: Es kann auch so etwas wie "Hab ich dir doch gesagt!" bedeuten.
Person 1: "Ich bin so schlecht in Mathe, ich werde die Klausur nicht bestehen!"
[Das Klausurergebnis fällt überraschend gut aus]
Person 2: "(Na) also, geht doch!
what is the reason that you write ich gucke mal gerade ...and say ich kucke with k..?
What I am using when I speak German is ich kucke and then I also write it with k
and not with g. My family lives in Lippstadt near Münster and Paderborn.
They mean the same thing gucken and kucken, to see or to look.
Very helpful info and examples. Thanks!
Großartiges Video Trixie, vielen Dank!!!!😀
Very useful video!
It'd be nice if you can have a quick recap in subtitle at the end of the video!
My stupid brain just can't handle all these information at once....
Need more videos about filler words in german language🙏
In meinem Heimlandland ist die Sitation "so".
Warum ist das "so"?
Hi trixie! Wie waere es mit diesen Beispielen.
Ich bin so durcheinander, wo man manchmal das Wort "so" stellen soll. Wie betrifft die Position des Wortes "so" die Bedeutung des Satzes?
i was also not aware of this problem, that's amazing :D
Perhaps in these videos where you go over the meanings/usages of words you could recap one word before moving on to the next word. Using this video as an example, list the usages of Also one more time before going onto So. Then recaping So before ending the video. It would personally help the information stick in my brain better to here it twice.
today the world collapses but you'r still there as beautiful as usual thanks
like 2 days ago... i was asking myself if i used so correctly! thanks!
Also... is 100% like alors in french hhahaha
that was both amusing and educational! danke sehr
It's been three years since I've had my German classes and I've not used German much since I live in America, so I'll attempt this in German(sorry if I butcher this)
So könnste du über dem Untershied zwischen "ob", "wenn", und "falls" sprachen? Was ist die korrekt Grammatik für jeder? I can't really figure out how to say this in German, but could you also cover in a future video some complex German sentences that use a lot of commas? Again, it's been a long time since I've had German, and I've forgotten so much and would like to re-learn it. Please also tell me what the correct way of saying what I said in German is, if it's not correct.
That thumbmail killt it
im learning German and until now Im still confuse how to use, ich and mir... zb; mir ist langweilig, ich bin ärgerlich... how to differentiate between them? when I can use adjective for ich and mir? thank you so much for your answer.