Get rid of the shaped block. Make the opening in the safety lining smaller, and just pack the opening with dry vibratable refractory. This is less expensive, easier to install, and skull removal is easier.
Akash Bhai gote details video daba jouthire turbo dam wier wellblock au tundish lining kemiti houchi kou castable re houchi kete layer houchi bujhi haba. Plzzz
Very argent please
Get rid of the shaped block. Make the opening in the safety lining smaller, and just pack the opening with dry vibratable refractory. This is less expensive, easier to install, and skull removal is easier.
Akash Bhai gote details video daba jouthire turbo dam wier wellblock au tundish lining kemiti houchi kou castable re houchi kete layer houchi bujhi haba. Plzzz
Please call me sir,