Do Persons Survive Death? | Episode 712 | Closer To Truth
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Do I disappear at death? My body? Sure, it's gone. But my awareness? Does my consciousness end forever? What could be more frightening! Is there any hope here? Featuring interviews with Charles Tart, Richard Swinburne, Robert Park, James Tabor, and Keith Ward.
Season 7, Episode 12 - #CloserToTruth
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#Death #Philosophy
The philosopher John Stuart Mill, not a religious believer, noted in the 19th century that if there is an afterlife, we shouldn't expect to find evidence of it here in this physical world, since it would by definition be a very different mode or plane of existence.
I pretty much agree with your statement.
@Stefano Portoghesi This doesn't logically follow. It certainly shows your conception of an afterlife isn't real, but we can sit here making up afterlives all day and get nowhere. Also, anything that does resemble such evidence is frequently dismissed.
@The Joker Stefano is an old fashioned bible thumping, fire and brimstone evangelist, except instead of proselytising religion he's pushing metaphysical materialism. He has limitless time to pursue his calling, and a bottomless supply of cut and paste quotes every time a new video is posted. He's a true believer, and nothing will permeate his conviction he's doing Nature's Work.
The problem for people like Stefano is not that every letter of a religious text is literally true, but a single incidence of consciousness not being local to the brain blows his metaphysical beliefs out of the water. There is no shortage of veridical NDE experiences, and testimony from people of the highest professional standing with much to lose by speaking out. However its much easier to sully the reputation of scientists, doctors, law enforcement and others as closet evangelists, than accept what happened to them is consistent and life changing in the way alternative explanations are not.
There is no place too low for debunking to go, and if that fails one simply looks the other way and continues as before.
@Stefano Portoghesi all of your comments are negative
@SuperDukka Modern science has NOT established Consciousness as a fundamental element. Quit stating pseudoscientific BS like the other pseudoscience defender on this page, "The Joker".
This has to be the most underrated channel in this category. Well produced and thoughtful/balanced. Quite refreshing.
He decided not to mention the ugly fact that many Christians believe in eternal damnation. 😒
@@joejohnson6327 He actually has discussed this in other episodes.
I survived DMV and IRS interactions. There's hope.
That's impossible
Well it's good your not the host of this show!
@@scottlouissmith2382 p
I never used to believe in life after death UNTIL I had experiences myself. So now I feel it's vitally important to keep an open mind.
Do you believe in life before death too ?
@@cristianm7097 i don't believe there's a before or after. i think time is an illusion and doesn't actually exist, and I think once we "die" and leave the physical body, it will all make sense. so to answer your question , YES, i believe I (my consciousness) existed before this life/reality and will live on infinitely at a different vibrational frequency, ie as pure consciousness.
@@Dion_Mustard I was referring to THIS life. People should live it without worrying about the afterlife. I see you also believe in life before life , i.e. eternal soul before and after this life.
@@cristianm7097 I don't worry about the afterlife, I look forward to it :)
@@Dion_Mustard So you are fucked in eternity if there is nothing after this life ? To be on the safe side, you should get the most out of this life and not hope too much in the afterlife.
My friend had accident before, he was in icu for a week, in a coma state. After he got out from hospital he told his family that he saw them by his side when he was unconscious (COMA) he saw them from above the bed. His family was shocked, how could he saw that while unconscious. He told them he could see every detail, what clothes they are wearing and what colour. Finally they found out that it's true..what he was saying.
Okay but why are they, and what are they? And where do they take you?
Of seeing things that hadnt happened yet and had no power over the persons involved to make them happen. Then they happen. These are not deja vu, these are things I shared with people before they happened. Its most definately not something science can test because it isnt mere mechanics of biology.
These types of experiences are very common. Ive had experience
As far as we know of current technology, there is ONLY one thing that can dissociate the human consciousness (in computer term is analogous to AI-driven algorithm/software OS) from the human body (in computer term is analogous to hardware) is anesthesia.
Under anesthesia, consciousness dissociates from the body and that happens when sick people are intubated and keep under sedation by chemical anesthesia like iv propofol; or when people undergo surgical operations and are also kept under deep sedation by iv or inhalational anesthesia. When anesthesia chemicals are removed and if the body (hardware) is sufficiently operational (intact) the consciousness (AI-driven algorithm/software OS) would go back into the body and re-function and the individual would wake up. In some surgical operations where the body is so damaged (unsuccessful surgical operation/hardware no longer works) that the consciousness (aka AI-driven algorithm/software OS) cannot go back in and refunction like it did and thus that individual would never wake up (aka died on the operating table)....
But who or what controls the process of assigning the consciousness (aka AI-driven algorithm/software OS) to the body(aka hardware) in this biosphere is the big mystery.....
People have used Judeo Christian dogmas or other religious dogmas to explain "resurrection" or the afterlife, etc. to explain their observations BUT the events MAY come down to explanations by physics, or even metaphysics, of matter, space, time, dimensions of universe, computations and electromagnetic spectrum..........and not so much on "souls" and "spirits."
@@trankt54155 BUT the events MAY? yeah or MAY not. You say Dogma, I say explanations based on a particular worldview. Scientific materialism would explain it from a specific Worldview also.
You're also speaking of Algorithms/software, which makes it sound like science understands it which we associate with computers that are designed by consciousness. So where did this human software come from....designed or spontaneous? (maybe they can observe the physical effects, but if it's non-material or metaphysical, how could science detect that?) It's like using a metal detector to find diamonds.
This is one of my only shreds of hope. Based on what is known up to now, we really don't have enough evidence to justify anything MORE than hope. But what gives me comfort to think about is....What about the stuff we don't know yet? I don't think we as humans should be arrogant enough to believe that we're anywhere near the totality of our potential concerning innovation, knowledge, science, discovery, etc I can convince myself to have hope, depending on what day of the week it is (much like Mr. Kuhn and the medium lady) but it's a hope nonetheless. Based not on what is known but rather, what has yet to be known...what is yet to be discovered. I just think we have a long way to go as a species before we can even begin to decipher these enigmas...or to even be able to conceive the proper questions to ask. I'm not saying the truth will be anymore comforting than the unknowns of our current state of being but I really can't shake the idea that since there is so much left to discover...for now, all we can do is guess.
what is hope but some dream about a dream-the future-which can only be a dream
What*exactly* are you doing when you"hope". forget hope but watch *how* you hope- expereience *How* you hope.
men do indeed by moments believe, hope, and love, but *how* they believe, *how* they hope, *how* they love-it is there that the dead cat of the ex- Kaiser Wilhelm is buried.
believing and hoping are forms of dreaming.
Without faith... It is impossible to please God.
Why not just take the free gift? 👍
94 years mother. Congratulations my man for she lived to that age, bless her and you.
I lost mother when she was 68. The sadest thing ever ...
This was filmed a long time ago. His mother died in 2018 a month before what would have been her 102 birthday.
A lot of people who watch these videos don't seem to understand what they are. This isn't Robert Kuhn's TH-cam channel. These videos are typically many years old, and they're taken from a long running US public television series.
Everyone dies . Don’t think your on was more special then another just cuz she was yours
@@ishikawa1338 what nonsense are you talking about ?
I appreciate the statement "People want to believe something." It's true, if you want something you will look for it, and if you can't find it, you can imagine it.
But, what if you DON'T want it?
I've had two post death experiences I wasn't looking for, and wasn't interested in finding. In fact, it wasn't until decades later that I started mulling those experiences over objectively.
I could see absolutely no explaination for those objectively verified events other than there being something that continues after death.
The first was when my brother died. The second, my sister.
i will like to hear more about your experiences !
Thank you for being honest and having intellectual integrity.
I'd love to hear about your experiences.
Humm, a year later and an inquiry. ;)
Re my brother. I always said to my step-brother that I was constantly aware of how my family down in Florida was feeling. This was stated as a complaint and a burden, not as anything I was proud of. To me it was a painful fact of life.
One day, out of the blue, he asked me how they were doing. I went through almost all of them and told him. They were all upset. For a moment I worried one of my nieces might be hurt. I focused and reported they were ok.
My step-brother then asked me"What about your brother?" I said, that's weird, I didn't get him. So I focused ... and focused harder ... and harder. I opened my range wider and wider, then I sensed something, it was strange. I was essentially in a trance like some bogus psychic medium. In a hollow voice I said there!, but I felt like I was losing myself. I jerked and shook myself hard to come back to here and now.
I didn't understand what it was all about. I announced to my step-brother I couldn't get him and left it at that.
As it turned out, my brother was dead and my step-brother knew it. That's why he asked. He was told not to say anything until my sister called to tell my father.
The event with my sister is even more interesting. She came to me directly to let me know she was leaving. I tried to ignore it as my imagination, but eventually considered it might be real. I received the call the next morning that she had passed. To me it was old news. She wouldn't let me be until I completely accepted her message and said a sincere goodbye. I had no idea she was even sick.
men/people believe what they *want* to believe- passively, automatically faute de mieux
The brain DOES NOT generate consciousness. Consciousness generates the physical universe, which includes the brain. THAT'S the paradigm shift that needs to be made to understand reality. Consciousness is primary; everything else is derivative. Therefore, there is no real death, except for the dissolution of the physical body.
"We are limited by the blinkers of limited experience", and " what does a fish know of the waters he swims all his life". Albert Einstein.
I don't believe that Einstein said either of those things. Don't make stuff up.
@@MrDorbel Have you heard og google search? Einstein did indeed say the the fish thing
@@Ana_crusis Nope. sorry Khasab!
@@MrDorbel eh?
@@Ana_crusis I think that you are right. What point are you trying to make? We are not fish and we know a great deal about our environment and have endless curiosity t know more.
As an out-and-out sceptic myself, I was disappointed that you didn't cite the apparently scientifically respectable studies into Near-Death Experiences by the Division of Perceptual Studies at the University of Virginia when speaking to Robert Park. Surely this is exactly the kind of scientific endeavour he claimed to be completely absent, especially given his rapid dismissal of NDEs.
was hoping bruce greyson show up in this video
because that is terrible evidence.
@@fraser_mr2009 you obviously haven't done your research..
I'm a skeptic and agnostic myself, but i'm open to the possibility of mind being more than brain function and to the possibility of an afterlife. I'm especially intrigued by a few weird well documented phenomena that would suggest the existence of the soul and the afterlife, specifically the NDEs (with OBEs) of the congenital blind patients during cardiac arrest (we know for sure that the congenital blind people don't have visual dreams nor visual hallucinations when they take psychedelics, yet some of these individuals who've experienced an NDE during cardiac arrest would describe seeing for the first time, and their NDEs are very similar to those of people that have sight), the "terminal lucidity" phenomenon seen in some patients suffering from severe forms of dementia, the "past life memories" phenomenon seen in some children, and the Lazarus phenomenon (patients who have come back to life in the morgue after days of being declared dead).
Name one case of NDE or OBE that demonstrates anything that cant be explained by oxygen deprivation of the brain or deception/lying. Also, what exactly does "well documented" mean in this case?
@@DeusExAstra For example the Pam Reynolds case. By well documented i mean cases that were under close medical supervision and that were researched by medical professionals and published in peer reviewed medical journals.
@@DeusExAstra the lack of oxygen theory has been disproven for a while now. Probably best to get latest research and thinking before making a statement
Can you link these peer reviewed articles?
Hello David, could you send a link to some stories of blind people who could see during their NDEs. I have never heard of this but it is fascinating.
From Advaita Vedanta we understand that it is the subtle body which includes your intellect and senses and energetic system that transfers at death.
Your memories are part of your physical body’s hardware and perish with the physical body.
What we consider our personality is just a thought that thinks it’s real. It’s something that’s essential for physical survival, but detaching from it will help bring an end to suffering in this lifetime.
It’s a philosophy that’s certainly worth a deeper exploration.
Great video!
What we consider as our self may well be an illusion, but if it is, it isn't going to survive brain death eh?
There is something there that is distinctly you, which seems permanent.
That’s what survives brain death.
We have to explore ourselves individually using discernment to identify all the aspects of the self which aren’t permanent.
If we can identify the component that is permanent, that is the aspect of our being that transcends death.
Knowing that aspect of oneself is the key to breaking the cycle of death and rebirth.
@@colinmatthews7442 Thank you Colin. There's no good evidence that there is something there that is distinctly you! It seems likely that the "self" is non-existent, an idea of "who we are" created by the brain which helps us to make sense of the world around us.
In Buddhism, this is known as Anatta. Of modern philosophers eho embrace this concept, Thomas Metzinger is very easy to follow and there are you tube videos of his lectures. Neuro.scientists also support this view.
Hi Paul,
Thanks for the info, I love conversing about these topics!
It is absolutely true that there’s no scientific evidence for something permanent that transcends death.
Science however, can only describe things in terms of physical existence.
That which is permanent in you is non-physical, and cannot be shown in physical terms.
The only way for any person to verify is to do the practices, and experience for themselves.
It’s also worth noting that there are documented cases of people claiming to remember past lives.
Again, Vedanta suggests that it is possible for impressions of a past to be imprinted on the subtle body. Something like a very traumatic experience can stay with someone.
Again there’s no definitive evidence for any of it, but no way to disprove it either.
To my understanding, we cannot yet look into a person’s mind and identify individual memories.
We certainly cannot verify if a memory is true or false.
If you were to ask someone who remembered their past, they would tell you they though it was real, they remember it so clearly.
We may never prove it’s authenticity, but the phenomenon certainly exists and is worth considering in this conversation.
The mystery of life after death fascinates a lot of us in my opinion are awareness survives we are a lot more than just one body or lifetime.
I try to share this on every video related to the afterlife. Unfortunately I think, each person needs to have their own experience to believe. I'd suggest volunteering with Hospice patients as well.
Soon before my mother died, she said "I see Kerry." I jumped up and asked my brother-in-law to run and get my sister. I asked her again what did she say? She said, "I see your dad." My dad's name is Kerry. He died about 10 years before in a fire, but they also had been divorced for 40 years. She said "He wasn't talking, but was wearing a flannel (which he always did), and was sitting on a picnic table in a park just smiling." She then said "He's waiting for me." The fact that he wasn't talking to her, yet she knew that's why he was there is really something to me. My heart dropped, I couldn't believe what she was seeing and what she was telling us, especially since they had been divorced for so long. It gave me a lot of comfort, but anxiety as well as I feared and knew she would pass soon, as she did. I hope my dad was there to greet her and help her cross over. 🙏❤
I also experienced an ADC (After Death Communication), 8 days after she passed. ADCs, NDEs and Deathbed visions are all so very interesting to me. My mom and I made kinda a pact before she passed from colon cancer. She said if it's possible she will let me know she's okay on the other side. She DID just that! Like I said it was 8 days after she passed away and she had donated her body to a University for science studies, we didn't have any type of funeral, but we had scheduled a Celebration of Life memorial for her 2 days after the event in which I'm about to tell you about. It has by far been the most intriguing, magnificent, and wonderful experience of my life. I was winding down from the days events, took my shower, feeling relaxed and in a calmed state. I walked around my side of the bed to pull my blankets down, when out of nowhere I heard my mom say... "April, I'm okay." It wasn't audible through the ears it was internal in my mind, but it was not me imagining it, or even thinking of her at that exact moment. If anyone else had been in the room they wouldn't have heard her either. It was like thought transference or telepathy or what I imagine telepathy to be. But it was her voice without any doubts in my mind. She said it sternly, not mean, but in a way where it was obvious to me that I was worring needlessly and it was like her telling me she was okay, of course she was okay. Remember I was still standing, I hadn't yet even got into bed, so I wasn't asleep dreaming or hallucinating. I think if anything my relaxation caused me to be more open, perhaps more intuned. It will forever stay with me and help me when my own time of death comes, because even though I don't know exactly what happens or where we go, I have no doubts now that we will forever still exist. 🙏❤
I wish TH-cam had more Deathbed visions as well as ADC stories, there are only a handful out there. There is an amazing website though for all three if interested.
Thanks for this, Sid.
@@tenormdness You're very welcome. ❤
When people want to believe something, it’s awfully easy to fool them.
And when people don't but are still interested because of accounts and experienced things that physical science cannot explain?
@zempath Physical science will never explain Quantum mechanics, you can look at data forever but unless you can accept that a new branch of science is forming then you will be stuck repeating "it does not compute!" Many greater minds than you or I have tried to shoe horn Quantum into classical physics and they all walked away, some even called it "spooky."
@zempath well we have been reassured you're not one of those peons with a tiny mind. Yours is ginormous, that is apparent. Goofball.
@@enigma7791 how do YOU know science will never explain Q mechanics?
@@redpillpusher Because it breaks the laws of classical physics and that’s the reason many physicists will not have anything to do with QM. QM is becoming a science in its own right, a branch of science that is not yet understood, but it’s clear classical science is not where answers lie.
How refreshing a genuine presenter with an enquiring mind and interesting questions...
I'll use the scientific route on this--if a computer full of code is unplugged, the code doesn't go away--it's there, stored and ready for reboot--when we die our total code isn't gone--it's shifted into another realm and other dimensions and the data and code lives on for further use and a life after death.
Exactly. You can run your computer remotely and via wi-fi and it does not have to be connected to anything except for electricity.....but even electricity can also be charged remotely by induction.
You can upload data and download all kind of software and applications and run them on the computer can even update an operating system, etc.
What if the human OS in a human body (computer hardware) is a very advanced AI based algorithm that is self learning and self modifying and when the time comes when the hardware (the body) deteriorate and the algorithm can no longer be used in that body and so the whole thing (AI-driven algorithm and all the data that has been gathered through the time of that body) can be uploaded to somewhere via the electromagnetic spectrum (broadcast out via wi-fi EMS).....just like how you can remotely take over the computer via wi-fi and then operate that from a distance.....and so that technique can be applied to ALL lives on this BIOSPHERE we called EARTH.
But the big question that begs the answer is, who or what runs this BIOSPHERE with trillions of life forms (humans, animals, etc.)????
Exactly 💯
This guy isn't looking for Truth, he wants reassurance and meaning and instead of looking inward he wants it from others. That's what this whole series is about. Lots of interesting ideas but no answers. Pick your favorite and go with it.
Message to Robert ( or anyone suffering fear of Death ) ;
I had no belief in an Afterlife . It was unscientific childish
superstition . Then , my mother died and over a period of
a year or so I experienced several events that proved beyond any doubt that there is some kind of afterlife .
Robert mentions the death of his father - why has he not had a sign from him ? - THAT is the one question I cannot
answer . Why do some of us receive a sign and others
do not ..?
Hi! Can you share what events convinced you? I would love to hear. I lost my mother 2 years ago and i look for signs
Lost both my parents over the past few years and also have had a number of unambiguous communications….Amazing…I ponder these daily…
I don’t think this question will ever be answered the only that might know are the dead
Oh so the dead can think as well ha ha ha
Do the dead know anything?
@Stefano Portoghesi :
So the dead are dead.
Just like 1 = 1
Or 2 = 2
So what?
My I ask without beeing rude:
Makes the title of this Video any sense?
@Stefano Portoghesi : The lack of evidence is the critical point.
To my knowledge it has never been shown that something came from nothing.
But obviosly there is something. Therefore there must be a creator.
The big bang theory works pretty well. But how was the start,
Evolution works pretty well. But how did the first cell came up?
Theism gives at least an answer.
Atheism gives no answer.
Theism led in ancient greece to science. Atheism (the atomists) led to nothing usefull.
@Stefano Portoghesi : Yes, there is nothing wrong in saying "we don' know". But the point is: We do know that there is something. So the question arises "Where does it come from"? This is a philosofical question. To ask a physicist may help as much than asking a carpenter or a lawyer.
If there is something there must be a reason for it, or a creator. Usually this reason is called god.
Why "Closer To Truth" is not building more on nde? They cant be proven, but are eady to believe, even by me being sceptical
The idea that there may be life after death is one of the most ludicrous ideas there’s ever been.
You've already been dead, and you're alive now, so there is life after being dead. So why not again?
@@godq3 That is some of the most flawed thinking I’ve heard in a while. No, I have not been dead. I was not alive before I was born/ that is not the same as being dead. When I make a meal - has it existed before? Of course not. When I’ve eaten it - does it exist again? Of course not.
It is great for motivating soldiers
Abrahamic religions are not the only religions in the world. In both Hinduism, Jainism and Budhism the concept of reincarnation and karma is central.
When he dismisses the ideas of Eastern religions, I think he's confusing Consciousness with Ego.
Religions should always be dismissed.
I agree, Robert is avoiding the idea with Eastern view of the afterlife which is now resonates with science through one cosmic consciousness.
In another video, Robert indicated he doesn't like the idea that he'd lose his sense of self after death. Or that he'd just cease to exist at all. I'm not sure I've seen him contemplate consciousness beyond/without ego very deeply, although I'd love to find an episode in which he did.
@@femmedracula Robert is so attached to his ego and he's a materialist. That is why he had a hard time understanding a non-physical science.
@@fritzcervz6945 Yep, I agree. Love the channel even so.
Humans simply cannot be allowed to know that life does indeed continue on after death, especially if it is in a higher and more wondrous form and setting. Why? Because every human on earth would be too tempted to seek it out prematurely (via a painless suicide). And that would mean that the physiological means by which new souls are awakened into existence (i.e., human bodies) would be decimated.
If we are not allowed to know, then how do you know? You are just making things up.
@@gromby783 exactly. We are not allowed but some people “found out” 😂 but of course they don’t seek it out because: hell. 😂
Clearly, everyone is allowed to "believe" in their afterlife models to any extent they wish. However, the point is that they can never be allowed to know - with absolute certainty - that their models are true. I mean, many afterlife models suggest that we continue on in a higher form and context of reality that is far more beautiful than this one. In which case (as a simple thought experiment), just imagine that there existed some kind of transparent doorway through-which we could literally see our departed friends and loved ones, still alive and existing in a new and wondrous form and setting, summoning us to join them.
The question is, why in the world would anyone choose to remain in the insanity and suffering that we experience here on earth when all they had to do is step across the threshold of the doorway and they would enter into a better situation?
Now of course I am not suggesting that I cannot be wrong about this proposition. However, can you not understand the logic that if there truly does exist a higher and more beautiful dimension of life and reality awaiting us after death, then it might be a good idea to keep it hidden from us so that, again, we are not tempted to seek it out prematurely?
I am sorry but allowing people to know about heaven will not cause massive amount of people to kill themselves in order to get there. Remember suicide is a sin and thus you go to hell. In fact knowing that there is a heaven will force people to consider their sins and just not do them since they would want a reward. This argument is right up there with saying God works in mysterious ways. All it does is add to the confusion. I for one would want to enjoy life on Earth since I have my doubts that Heaven would be any better than Earth can offer me.
So he was in his early 60s when this was filmed. He's now almost 80. These are _really_ old.
Still relevant as ever
Only if they don't die. Meanwhile, don't let a fear of death create in you, a fear of life. Go for what you know. Live while you're alive.
"Live while you're alive"
Hey look, my next tattoo idea. Thank you.
To what point and purpose?
@@olgachafeeva7615 Not everyone figures that out. I’m going with happiness.
When we talk about "life after death", are we talking about a biological existence? What if, instead of talking about an afterlife, we talk about "transcendence". Then we can talk about staying concious after the body is dead, transcending the physicality of existence, maybe to become something else somewhere else.
ummm you're still talking about an "afterlife" if you're talking about consciousness after death. you just presented a tautology 🤦🏽♂️
1. Universe is infinite
2. we happen
3. thus there are infinite number of us, doing infinite number of things, thus we exist in past, present and future at the same time.
Define "us" "we". Humans are made of individual livings things called cells, what about those, what about the parts inside the cell are those alive? Are those cells parts apart of the we?
"Define "us" "we"." - refers to all matter that attempts to resist the 2nd law of thermodynamics.
@@CorporaMedicina ah, so your referring to reverse entropy pumps.
@@CorporaMedicina sure, but the mere ability to maintain a level of entropy only holds the person of that form. It would be cleaner to say the universe has an infinite number of possible expressions.
@@thegoodlistenerslistenwell2646 not at all:
What I meant is that all matter that attempts to resist the 2nd law is alive. However if the Universe is truly infinite that would mean that living and non-living matter exists in all possible forms in all possible timelines. If that is really true matters only to "us" since "we" a living matter with consciousness..
Peace doesn't need a specific identity to be experienced. But love does. I want to be me and I want those I love to remain who they are. There's a problem around Love and keeping one's identity in an after life.
then you want to be- and are, no more than a dream- an image. if the dreamer is destroyed -as it must be- obviously the image goes with it.A man's god is that which is more important to him than anything else at any given moment and if Me(an illusion - no more than an image , is your god. Destroy the imaginer -what you call"me" and obviously the image or dream is destroyed with it. that me never lasts for more than a few seconds at the best of times-is not permanent. how can that which is constantly changing and ephemeral by nature cannot become anything but ephemeral. let go of Me"-it is insignificant. this clinging onto the illusory and ephemeral is no more than identification- attachment. just let it go, what is it but some images memories and reflections of itself?
If all you experience is me_ness -personality, there is nothing to be destroyed for it is nothing. you are concerned about the survival of that which does not exist is not real.
that which is real cannot cease to be real while that which is unreal never was anything but a dream , image or illusion.
First acquire an*I* as a reality, but in truth your reality is no more than that feeble ephemeral little me, me me, which never was anything but a dream, image, or illusion-destroy that and you destroy nothing -it never was. Obvioiusly -*-me-*- cannot become I* any more than nothing can become something. First and -*-Now-*- discover -*-I-*--it cannot be made of an infinite number of me. You have no experience of anything but me, so obviously it is your god- you know nothing else. Like narcissus which is an allegory of *me*anything that destroys the mirror or pool destroys the image. You follow? It's only common sense logic. *Only* *I*can experience *I*, You are confusing the image with that of which it is no more than an image. Certainly that image is all you know and have so you simply cannot see that it is only- no more than, an image. Throw it away or just let it go-it's worthless and nothing
I am an Agnostic. I accept that the world is more than we know.
Only the dead know for sure and they're not talking 😂
You might just find the TH-cam video Evidence Of Reincarnation In Childhood With Dr Jim Tucker interesting.
The afterlife is silent
Ecclesiastes 9:5a
For the living know that they will die, but the dead don’t know anything.
6 Evidence of Afterlife
1. Asteral Projection, which almost anyone can do at will to visit the other worlds
2. Near Death Experiences
3. DMT Trips
4. Ways to interact with the people who are dead
5. Unbelievable coincidences, like dreams about the future, children with memory of past lives and many others
6. Real Ghosts Stories & Haunted House etc
On top of all those should be added:
0. The physical resurrection of Lord Jesus Christ.
If non existance would be possible, I wouldn't be existing in the first place.
@@godq3 its not non existent its a different dimension or frequency of existence
THIS is the after another after another .....
Wooooooowwww!!!!!!! Exactly!!!
11:40 "and most of us are gonna leave it on a terrible low"
That's an understatement! 😂🤣
I've played some computer games, where my character was immediately resurrected, after he died. And there is a Simulation Hypothesis which says that both we and are world are simulations, like those in a computer game.
So, if you look at it this way, then it's entirely plausible that there is life after death, and even resurrecting bodies isn't so difficult to do.
The problem with religious explanations from the past is that they don't describe a mechanism of how it happens. Which makes their ideas difficult to believe. So, these ideas need to be modernized with today's science and technology to make them credible and believable, just like before.
It's fair to say that imaginings and beliefs are often a memory of the future. Because the stuff of fairy tales from the past is now often the reality. Given enough time and development of science and technology, it's possible that various religious beliefs will become true too.
What makes you believe the programmer of the simulation wants to rebuild our brains ? He could think that simply being dead you don’t care about anything and he could leave us like that.
@@rotorblade9508 In computer simulations, you don't really rebuild from scratch anything. You store complex objects and characters in memory and recreate them from that.
It's labor intensive and computationally inefficient to keep creating new characters from scratch, rather than store in memory existing characters for resurrection and re-use later on.
Wrong assumption, as everything is just energy so of course it’s all imagination
@@wrackable Valid point. God said "let there be light," (energy). Looking at an object we only see light reflected from the object. We don't see the object itself. Ergo, imaginary No?
@@mysticwine You need to understand imagination, literally just agreed then argued against it. You seem to enjoy that.
I've come to the conclusion that consciousness is part and parcel with the material universe. However, I think it is all there is, and that the physical reality is not the true reality. I see conscious awareness as being a window into this place. So, when our bodies die, our brains, including memories, die. Of course they do. But the conscious awareness remains. You existed before your body existed. Somebody put it neatly - you aren't a body that has a soul, you are a soul that has a body.
when you combine religious description with scientific research we can easy conclude that there is life after death.....this person Robert Lawrence Kuhn search at wrong places for his answers.
He searches religious people as well, and in this video as well!!!
I would ask Robert Park this~ how can you say it’s “sad” if you have no measure to value sad against. How could you have meaning at all to conceptualize the feeling of “sad” if you are just an “accident” and in that your life has no value.
Your argument falls flat
Robert L. Park died in 2020
Thank you Robert Kuhn for another amazing episode 👏 🙏 ❤️ 🙌
Read Professor John Hick on this subject.
Also, there is now 50 years of discussion/research into the Near Death Experience. It's time these phenomena were accepted by the academy
One more thing, and make of this what you will. Years ago I had dream about a good but estranged friend. In my dream I started walking along the street by my house and up ahead stood this friend as if we had an appointment to meet there. When I finally reached her and we were standing face to face, she looked me right in the eyes and told me she was pregnant, that's when I awoke. The very next day I received a phone call from this same friend whereby she proceeded to tell me that she had been dying to tell me something for weeks, that's where I stopped her in mid sentence and informed her that she had already told me she was pregnant in my dream the night before. As a side note, and I believe this feature was important to my dream for it's explanatory purpose, the band members of the pop band In Synch were standing spaced out, lining the path to my friend. I have no other rational explanation for this occurrance than to offer that our souls must have been in synch for this news to be shared between us without any need for physical contact. We are definitely creatures of duality, perhaps science will one day advance to a breakthrough on this front as I believe it has something to do with electromagnetic energy.
If we want to give science a space when discussing this*, we should consider conversations you and your friend had before, if she had told you she wanted a pregnancy, etc. All those factors have a weight on you having a dream that meets your expectations. Interesting story though!
*and I guess your are, since you mentioned your wish for science having an explanation for this one day
@@User-jr7vf As I stated in my story, we were estranged due to some conflict between us, which is why she didn't tell me sooner about her pregnancy, but after talking with her on the phone that day, it was quite clear she was just bursting to tell me and had been for some time. I must tell you though, that this was not the only noteworthy incident in my life that convinced me of our dual nature, but this one is perhaps the best verifiable example I can share. I've been looking into NDE's for a while now and what's interesting is that a majority of experiencers say we are really all made up of energy, God is in fact an energy of love and we are all connected through energy. In fact the most striking aspect of NDE'S is that a majority of experiencers report electromagnetic aftereffects, as if their own energy field has been heightened after their experience. It's all quite fascinating you should look into it.
@@lindal.7242 All very well to count the occasional hit Linda, but I dream something every night and none of it ever lines up with a future event! So do you. A more likely explanation is that it was something in your subconscious, perhaps put there by clues that you weren't aware of at the time. Another is that it was a flat co-incidence. They happen all the time. Both of these appear more likely than the telepathy thing.
What people have to tell us about near-death experiences is not much help, as a brain starved of oxygen, sick and full of drugs can certainly think some weird things eh?
In a sense, we are all energy and if there's a God, for all I know he's all energy too, but there's no evidence that he loves anybody, rather the reverse if anything!
Are our minds connected with others through anything other than the more usual channels? There's no evidence for it.
If your "energy field" can have physical effects can have physical effects it would be measurable wouldn't it? How many joules in your energy field?
@@MrDorbel this was not by any means my only experience only one example where 2 living people seemed to have connected and communicated in a non material way. It happened and it was veridical. If you continue to hold that rigid scepticism without actually listening, as in the case of NDE'S and really consider the data, instead of assuming that they all occur to people who were administered anesthetics, then you will only ever see what you want to see and that doesn't get you any closer to truth.
@@lindal.7242 Scepticism is a healthy thing to have when considering the likelihood of supernatural phenomena Linda! Without it one can end up believing all sorts of stuff, because it sounds nice.
Your dream experiences are not verifiable. How did you discount the alternative explanations that I offered?, never mind several others that occur to me and to you I expect.
NDE s almost all occur in hospitals in my experience and there is no patient having one in a hospital that hasn't been given some drugs. When you add to that the effect on the brain of oxygen starvation, you get some pretty whacky results. Come on, you know this.
Finally, "you will only ever see what you want to see and that doesn't get you any closer to truth." Well quite, but that applies to you not me, I have no notion of what i want to see. For all I know there is life after death and telepathy and dreams that foretell, but some evidence would be nice!
It is, but the mechanism may different than the way we usually thinking
You do not hear from your dad??.I lost my dad last year ans i still see him in my dreams practically every night.he told me himself that he will come in my dreams and would make me a believer.he is doing that.I do not know what to make of it.death ,life universe are as mysterious as spectacular.
You can try REM eye mask and controll your dream to an extent and ask questions.
Please let us know as well
Ask God sincerely that if He exists to show you ...
“If Life is so cruel, why should the afterlife be any different? “ ... this is a quote from what movie? 😂
😆😂😂😂 omg
Pirates of the Caribbean, at worlds end? or dead man's chest.
Yes POTC !!!
@@RaptureReady2025 :D
In the past the idea of an eternity and being immortal afterlife was my biggest fear
I think dying without consciousness is the best solution to believe
At least to make us appreciate our life
What if you die and become born again in a different time and space? One would not know if they'd lived before. Just as we don't know now.
@@peaceonearth351 this is just a metafísica
And i personally don't believe in it but let's say that it's existed
What's is the meaning of it?
And if you became different person because of the change of space and time that's mean it's not you it's all new person so i don't understand the point of it
@@wesamal_iraqi1100 Let's say that this life has a little bit of heaven and hell. Doesn't life mold energy? This is what a creator with consciousness would do, right?
@@peaceonearth351 can you explain more pls
@@wesamal_iraqi1100 Basically, I just wanted to say that I believe that there is an underlying reality to this reality. We're just seeing a small portion of it.
Surviving death doesn’t necessarily mean immediate life after death.....There is no time factor involved. Once you live AGAIN then YOU HAVE SURVIVED DEATH!
Those that abuse capital letters emphasis nothing but the hysteria of the abuser.
I you know you are dead you are not dead and if you are dead and don't know it, no worries.
What is all this empty talk of death but talk of a dream- something you have never experience as a fact for yourself you will die - maybe but that is the future which is only a dream. When you can spend the money of tomorrow today- now, then you can concern yourself with dreams for all the good it may do you. If there is anything real or permanent in you it cannot be destroyed, and if there is nothing real or permanent in you there is nothing to destroy. That is axiomatic.
First eat tomorrow's bread now today and *Then* dream about dreams. That which is real cannot cease to be real. that which is/was not real, never was. simple as that. No dreaming - or more dreaming necessary.
If I were you I would be afraid-in fact terrified of *Not* dying. That is far more horrific a prospect, but worry not, there is nothing in you that can last for more than a few moments, so the idea that it might survive the total destruction of the mechanism is absurd.
A mere couple of centuries ago we knew nothing of electrical and magnetic forces. We still cannot explain gravity or quantum mechanics...what is waiting to be discovered in the next thousand years - nothing new? "Just to tidy up some loose ends..." as Lord Kelvinator had it?
This is an appeal to ignorance fallacy as well as a false equivalence fallacy.
It doesn't follow from the fact that we didn't know certain things in the past that there's an afterlife, and there's a big difference between the discovery of things you weren't hoping to find (e.g. electricity) and something you desperately hope to find (an afterlife).
Btw, both electricity and magnetism were known about at least as far back as circa 600 BC, when the ancient Greeks first documented their existence.
Our modern scientific understanding of electricity and magnetism came much later of course but the existence of these phenomena is much older than a few centuries ago.
@JohnSmith-nf9sd You're response here makes no sense; I simply stated objective non controversial facts; if you find stating objective and easily independently verifiable facts cringe you're telling us things about yourself that are not flattering to you.
Then again you made it clear you're a Reddit user; this together with your absurd reply here strongly suggests you're either a little kid or extremely uneducated and immature.
@JohnSmith-nf9sd You're response here makes no sense; I simply stated objective non controversial facts; if you find stating objective and easily independently verifiable facts cringe you're telling us things about yourself that are not flattering to you.
Then again you made it clear you're a Reddit user; this together with your absurd reply here strongly suggests you're either a little kid or extremely uneducated and immature.
@JohnSmith-nf9sd Your response here makes no sense; I simply stated objective non controversial facts; if you find stating objective and easily independently verifiable facts cringe you're telling us things about yourself that are not flattering to you.
Then again you made it clear you're a Reddit user; this together with your absurd reply here strongly suggests you're either a little kid or extremely uneducated and immature.
@JohnSmith-nf9sd Your response here makes no sense; I simply stated objective non controversial facts; if you find stating objective and easily independently verifiable facts cringe you're telling us things about yourself that are not flattering to you.
Then again you made it clear you're a Reddit user; this together with your absurd reply here strongly suggests you're either a little kid or extremely uneducated and immature.
James Taylor is spot on .
It would be great if Robert went to the Vedanta Society of New York to talk about this subject, I think he would find it really interesting and compelling.
Good advice.
I’m 65 & I’m keeping my eye on Keith Richards.
I've had synchronistic events for two weeks straight, where the general idea that I got from it was that everything was there for a reason. It seemed like a simulation, or fate or destiny whatever you want to call it. Made me research Carl Jung and Hermeticism, as above so below, as within so without, and seemed like we are here for a test. To learn to love.
From what we have globally these days i hope i just fade into nothing.
My uncle was aware of looking down at himself while having a triple heart bypass some years ago and hearing the medics talking to each other . He has always been a atheist . Told my mum about his experience only shortly after his operation and refuses to ever speak about it. Always remember my grandmother on the night before she passed due to terminal cancer speaking to her long passed relatives . The curious thing was she had a large number of brothers and sisters and seemed to be speaking to the ones that were dead only and not the living ones , none of whom were present. Nurses said she was just confused due to large amount of morphine given for pain relief ?
That is actually common. Until they can hand me a thought on a plate, I think the question of the mind surviving death remains open, for sure.
If one can survive death, then it is not death by definition.
In one sense yes, in another (more obvious) sense no.
What is consciousness? If you cannot answer that question, then you cannot really answer the question of death precisely. The hard problem in science has not gone away. You cannot wish it away with your personal definitions.
Or "death" has to be redefined. Like the concept of "space" had to be redefined when Einstein presented Relativity.
There's a big difference between living and just being. Perhaps that is how everything moves on and in eternity it is bound to replicate and come to life again.
It would still be death in the biological sense
To really get closer to an answer, you might want to closer define what do you mean or refer to when you say "I". Is "I" the same as the person? And what is the person? Just certain character traits? Or are we the awareness that knows and experience a certain personally? But without addressing these issues at least briefly, this is just a clickbait designed to monetarise on a catchphrase. I had something like ten ads in a twenty something minute video 😔.
I know it's been quite a long time since you posted your comment. But if you're still on planet earth I wanted to tell you I found your comment very interesting. I'm glad you posted it.
The stupidest person who's dead knows more about the after life than the cleverest person alive.
Prove it@
A baseless claim.
When you're dead, you're closer to God, because now you don't exist either. :)
@@courrierdebois lol
I had three experiences with a spirit following me to three different homes, first one started with footsteps and ended up with being shaken by something quite strongly, next home on my last night there footsteps started up again, didnt see anything, moved one hundred fifty miles away woken up one night with loud rapping on the bed headboard so whatever it was it followed me. Have had lots of spirit encounters over the years very scary but there can be a good side to spirit esp when you get proof of someone who has passed. Not to be messed with!
Yes, an after life does seem absurd, but there's still no way of knowing if it's true, or not. This may be something that's beyond the rational mind.
Paul's hope and the New Testament tells us that the resurrection at Christ's return is absolute Truth.
I'm playing with EVPs. The free version of Sono X10 spirit box on iPhone. The girl I loved left me and passed away this March. She had lupus. Now I've so many mp3 recordings. The app contains only English words and alphabets but she talks in Hindi and my grandpa talks in Bengali. This for me is proof enough. I'm in India btw.
I think it's an eternal dance between death and life. Life is eternal because it is permitted to do so.
@@peaceonearth351 Advaita Vedanta. I Am That of Nisargadatta Maharaj. Teachings of Ramana Maharshi. Near death experiences. But Vedanta is very interesting as it says that our real nature is non-dual awareness. Look up Sarvapriyananda Ashtavakra Gita on TH-cam. Sarvapriyananda has a talk with Deepak Chopra on consciousness. He's the most profound teacher I've ever listened to.
Stop listening to those orange condoms 😉
@@Nissenov But EVPs are real. I've been experimenting for 10 years now.
My gaud, it's Steve Bannon!!!
The resemblance is downright scary.
I love how Christians claim that Jesus's resurrection is well founded in evidence. These people really do a great job of deluding themselves into believing whatever they want.
So if I may ask, you don't think there is any kind of sufficient evidence for the resurrection of Jesus? I consider myself a "questioning Christian" but I'm open to listen to other worldviews.
@@johnbrzykcy3076 I dont. I've seen a lot of Christians talking about the evidence that they believe exists, but none of it is compelling at all. And that's not even going into the lack of evidence that you'd expect to exist, for things like there being an earthquake, the dead rising from the graves and walking the streets, etc. Surely if such events happened, you'd have historians of the time mentioning it. But, nothing. What actual evidence is there for any of that other than stories in a book that was written by believers and compiled later to support that narrative? Further, we now have a very good understanding of how the universe works, how biology works, etc. There is zero evidence for the supernatural and zero reason to believe that anyone could come back from the dead... any more than a chair could magically reform itself after being thrown in a wood shredder. But, we do have a lot of evidence of humans lying, misinterpreting things, appearing dead and later being found to actually being alive, and other things that would actually explain stories of resurrections. We also know that these types of stories were common in ancient religions and mystical beliefs. Christianity is no different. Almost all the stories in the Bible... worldwide flood, plagues, etc, were common in religions of the time. And zero evidence for those as well.
@@DeusExAstra Hey there... thanks for sharing. Actually there were historians such as Thallus, Julius Africanus and Phlegon who mentioned the darkness that came over the land during Jesus crucifixion. But these relate more to the death of Jesus, not the resurrection.
Pertaining to the resurrection of Jesus and evidence, from my understanding even the apostles and followers of Jesus did not believe He was resurrected until Jesus Himself appeared to many people. Remember "Doubting Thomas"? He wasn't the only one who struggled to believe in Jesus' resurrection.
But what evidence are you looking for? Most of the "evidence" has to be historical and accepted as reliable information from followers who knew Jesus.
Personally I see Jesus' resurrection as very different from and not common to ancient religions.
I don't see any reason the followers of Jesus, who disbelieved at first, would lie.
I agree we basically have zero evidence for people coming back from the dead. But I don't see how we can compare our existence ( and death) with the life and death of Jesus. If He was indeed the Son of God who became a man, then He would know what "resurrection" from death is.
I struggle myself to understand many things and sometimes we have to combine reason with faith. If Jesus was not resurrected, then Christianity is a fake and hopeless idea. John in Florida
If a person truly rose from the dead, wouldn’t that be the headline of day, yet there is no mention of a person resurrecting in the historical record from a time period well documented. Resurrection is a common theme in ancient religions and it’s quite likely it was adopted by a group of superstitious and ignorant people.
Unbelieving and believing are on the same level.
You know, 99.9999% of the physical world is empty. (if you do not understand what I mean, study the structure of atom)
That means all things on earth and the space exist by magic or something like that.
Thus, I believe, life and after-life are also on the same level.
We never die. Everything is up to the magician.
Christian belief on after-life is very reasonable.
We are not an accident everything happens for a reason. God loves you
You should talk with Werner Huemer from Thanatos TV. They are researching about near-death experiences and interviewing patients who survived death, scientists and doctors. This could really help you to figure out about the possibility of an after-life. :)
A near death experience is not death.
Fantastic series and well worth watching for anyone who wishes to explore further the subject of continued consciousness after one is either decalred dead or when brain death temporarily occurs. Very matter of fact presentations without bias or preformed opinions. Very eye openng! Viewing presentations produced by various IANDS groups is also well worth the time to watch. Will certainly make the doubter or searcher at least wake up and ponder the possibilities.
@@MrDorbel and your point is?
That near death experience is NOT surviving death. Those two words not compatible with each other.
The mind has a primordial instinct and impulse to look to the future. Its our instinct, helping us realize solutions to problems, create new things, and imagine the future.
You will be just as alive after death as you was before your parents met.
Ask the harder questions like, "Will I remember Brandi Love and Riley Reid?"
If we can analyze the following then there could be answers:
1. What is the scientific or biological or chemical relational between the physical brain and thoughts / consciousness?
2. Is there a unique one-to-one relationship between them? IE are there any dependencies between them? IE "a consciousness" is unique to a biological aspect?
3. Can the consciousness exist without the biological aspects? This could be an outcome from 1 & 2 above.
If # 3 is in affirmation, then when the brain dies, then the consciousness can exist independently as it is not in one-to-one or unique dependent relationship with a living brain. It can be anywhere or move anywhere after a physical ceases to exist.
If #3 is a NO, then can hypothyse that with death "everything ends".
This will help build scientific rigor for any of the above outcomes.
I'm 67.. had many friends and family die.. . including sitting with my mother as she died from cancer treatments.. my sister died when I was 11.. and I was 6 in the home of several very old women, sisters.. the oldest was 99.. in Maryland.. she was a child during the "Civil " war.. there's an oxymoron for you.. .. "war is not civil".. someone's grandmother said.. Charlotte O'Hara I think .. she lay on the couch and went to sleep.. no ghost rising out of the husk left.. not by a separate thing that survives beyond death.. not even a whisper of bells and trumpets as she marched into heaven.. nada..
want to know what I think happens when we die?... >>> nothing .. ad Infinitum
and it is absolutely OK.. it must be.. because, so far.. no one on Earth has gotten out alive.. there's only one way off this lovely Planet.. feet first
I'm sure we do survive death if we live in an infinite universe with no beginning and end as we will eventually be reconstituted but what most people mean when they say that is survive death with all their memories intact.
Frankly, I believe that all of us would find that not just living forever, but having to live forever, to ultimately be far more terrifying than death: At least we all do get to die. - j q t -
Stop questioning death, and you'll feel more alive.
To try and figure out if there is an afterlife is as reasonable as trying to figure out life after non existing which is where we are now here on earth.
As I've written before. I'm quite convinced that our consciousness continues after death of the body. However, I do understand why "afterlife is beyond our possibility to comprehend or detect", doesn't really fly when it comes to science.
Remember when science "knew" that there was nothing smaller than what the human eye could see, aka bacteria and viruses?
If only science would stop framing the universe by the limitations of the 5 senses, we might actually achieve higher levels of scientific discovery faster.
it's impossible for consciousness to continue after death.
17:37 If theres anything that hints of immortality its resurrection, not an inmortal soul
17:47 I think it's the only thing really in the new testament
You are missing the transfiguration of Jesus on Mount Tabor where the spirits of Moses and Abraham appeared hundred of years after dying and were seen by the apostles...
And there is also the parable of Lazarus and the rich man, where Lazarus was in Abraham's bosom guided by the angels and the rich man was being tormented in Hades.....
Maybe there are more but that are the ones I remember right now
Very good series, glad TH-cam recommended this a few months ago. I haven't had a TV in 24 years , I didn't know some good television programs existed.
It’s not tv lol it’s literally a TH-cam channel
@@wrackable These episodes originally aired on PBS Television.
@@peterw1534 no, he is still making and uploading directly here.
@@wrackable ok that's fine. All I said was these episodes originally aired on pbs. Maybe I should have said this show originally aired on pbs. Are you saying this episode specifically was directly uploaded and never on television?
@@peterw1534 Indeed , it’s all good. Just glad he’s making them still, regardless of avenue of delivery.
Hi! Your Mum is a very wise lady. My skepticism about life after death includes facts like the one she mentions! Of all the bright people who have died has no one figured out a way to contact "back" to the living???
I saw my kids father actually 6 month after he passed away... Valentines day morning around 3 4 in the morning. I was awoken to him standing at my bedside holding a dozen of pink roses. I could only see from waist up. He had a perfect set of teeth in which the 2 front ones were messed up prior to death... he had a slight glow all around him about an inch or 2 out.. I sat up to talk to him and he just disappeared... Valentines day he always made sure he had gotten me a sweet card and pink roses if we had the extra cash. Ever since he passed and left me with 3 young sons I have been so interested in the afterlife..
How do you know?
It’s hard to watch this stuff. Kuhn is so confined by his belief system, which is nothing but the result of his birth circumstances, it’s cringeworthy and the idea that whoever he thinks he is must continue that he will never come to any sort of peace with the issue. Wandering the halls of academia or graveyards ain’t gonna help. The last people I would be interviewing would be Christian theologians.
I die. I cease to exist. So what? I have tried to do no harm. Whoever created me, however, or whoever I was created by, I am grateful. Each morning I wake and look up at the bright blue sky, I say thank you, God. Two people made love, I was the result of that. That's all. If it is part of some great design, I hope I did not disappoint the designer.
the question of whether there's an afterlife may never be answered
well not in the affirmative anyway!
Yup, it can't never be answered forever...I don't think so. There's no way to find out about it. Unless the person who died came back to life and tell us.
@@vf3le That guy from Nazareth came back, and talked about it.
It doesn't matter
@Joel Boyboy
life is continuous. When we go to sleep at night we experience dreams in a dream body. When we wake the dream body is dissolved without a whimper, and we use a material body. When we are through with the material body it is dissolved and we use an afterlife dream body and go from there with our life, most likely reincarnating in a new material body, according to Eastern Mysticism.
Not everything needs to be and can be explained by science. Maybe the reason why we are unable to conclusively deduce an afterlife is that it is simply not permitted to. What if we (our consciousness) are brought into presence with the body (i.e. the brain) being a medium to facilitate that. So that when we die, we can bring all that we have learnt in this lifetime to the afterlife. What if that is a never ending cycle with each cycle allowing the consciousness to discard past life memories and to start afresh ?
Yes, but we will be in a deep sleep kind of state. Yoga experts can hold on to awareness even during death. That is the final stage of Yoga, Samadhi/Nirvana. In simple terms, it's the ability to maintain awareness without the dependency on body
I believe your actions in this life will determine whether you will have an after life, it has to be earned.
I'd like to think so. Although, many would disagree, but when my brain can no longer send and recieve those vital synapses then will my guardian of destiny will step in and usher me to another world, Jesus said, "In my father's house there are many mansions." Referring to the halls of resurrection, not to put back together the earthly tabernacle, but a brand new Me.
I would be like so many of you, agnostics and atheists, if I didn’t grow up with the strange experiences I’ve had my entire life. Many premonitions told to me by a voice or within dreams that came true. Being able to sit in front of strangers and tell them their father committed suicide or their uncle died from a stomach cancer or all the times a bottle or item would levitate in my room and be thrown across violently. So many strange, unexplainable hauntings and ‘spirits’. Asking one woman, “did you know a woman named Susan? She’s here with you.” And her exclaiming a Big yes with tears in her eyes. I was told by that same voice in my early twenties I would have a child a year from that moment, a little girl. I was single and very much celibate so naturally very confused - until I was sexually assaulted three months later and conceived a daughter who I birthed in the nine months following. When I was 11, I was visited by a UFO the size of a car and by these Light Beings in physical form who telepathically instructed me to come with them, which I declined of course. My dad was with me with the ufo sighting that came to us directly about 10 feet away and we watched in awe at this rare experience. I often see apparitions to this day and I see them as not ghosts but other dimensional beings. These are only a handful of experiences of mine and I’m quite aware I sound insane enough, but I am a physics major in college and have a pretty rational thought process. My message to you all is to not be afraid to put yourself out there to discover the stranger facets of life. Some may just be unbelievable, utterly terrifying and quite miraculous.
I'm interested in the following. What do the beings look like? Is there a correlation with some thoughts or feelings you were having and the apparition? Are they visible to other people? Are they visible on digital or analog photographs?
@@darthglowball They appear differently, depending on the situation. At one house, my family and I would always see a little boy. But we would also see what we refer to as shadow people. There was also a time my brothers and I sat on our couch and something ran towards us from the dining room. We couldn’t see it but we felt the air rush past as it passed by our legs, around the coffee table, and it almost knocked over our Christmas tree as it passed that too. Sometimes they are outlines of a human form walking by, and my husband and I see those a lot together. We even test one another to see which direction it seemed to head towards, if the other agrees with our assessment then it’s safe to assume we experienced the same thing. No thoughts or feelings really associated but I noticed a trend as a teenager where if I stormed into my room angrily, I could almost feel them ‘feed off’ of me and something would be thrown across the room or move on it’s own in front of my very sight! So yes to being visible to other people, but no to purposely attempting to catch them in photos since I’m not a ghost hunter looking for evidence. They just come around.
@@saraplank1078 Thank you very much, that is interesting. Spirits have a 3d location I think. We need a device to measure its (or an OBE'er's) 3d location and communication if we want to be certain on wether we're dealing with living agent psi or not, and to get a map of the out of body states of mind. In that way we can connect descriptions of ordinarily hard to get info in some hidden space to a spirit that was in that space and has access to the info.
If a spirit moves objects at the moment you look at it, they must've been watching you. Same happened to me with a writing correction fluid bottle. I looked at it, and it fell over. I don't think it was my PK, because it wasn't my intent to knock it over. I either looked at that bottle by accident, or something steered me to look at it, in order to catch the event.
James Randi has a million dollars
waiting for anyone who can prove a supernatural event or occurrence . The money has been there now for almost 30 years. No takers so far...
Well either there is or there isn’t. If there is well that’s another adventure. If there isn’t look at this way. There is nothing to fear as you wouldn’t even know you were dead. To know that you would have to be still conscious and that would mean you are still alive in some realm, whatever that is. Therefore that means there really is nothing to fear either way. 😂
That's what I have always believed and said. 👍
You exist now so can fear it now, I think it's normal for a being to fear if itl stop existing or not, regardless if they dont know about it after they're dead,
Back in 2004 u was living on a new build property in england, im a sceptic for sure and have all the same feelings of hoping theres a afterlife and the confusion that comes with it.. but i cant make sense of wat happened in this new build house. I dont do drugs or alcohol no mental issues. Dont see things out the corner of my eyes or anything and dismiss any bumps in the night scientifically. But on this night in this property i was lying on the sofa and fell asleep and woke up around 1pm and looked straight at the window which had drapping blinds with a 3 inch gap and out side the window was a human dead person for sure and they lokked at me with conviction and slowly moved to the side keeping eye contact with me and as they moved they was then covered by wall fortunately the next window had the blinds open as well and they then slowly appeared bit by bit as on a conveyer belt and ince it crossed the the end of the window to the next wall it disappeared as the next window as the blinds where closed on patio doors. So 8 thought to myself am not going outside as how can predict wats going to happen next! Maybe my unexplained death etc. So i got up and walked to my dinning table and touched it as to prove i wasnt dreaming and said said to myself people would pay millions to experience that and went and joined my wife in bed. ever said anything to anyone for 10 years and one day i met a friend who was a nurse in a mental hospital and just asked him about seeing ghosts and never explained in detail about the experience and he said it was a hallucination! And patients have them all the time. I never said any more to him as we was enjoying are day out! But i remember when i was 7 years old i had a high fever and i did hallucinate and it was all cartoonist animation pic quality. But this was perfectly clear and its very impressive if a person can hallucinate and project a image of a ghost outside blinds and a window at night is k8nd of hard to beleive but thats wat my brain did.
In 2018 as i was starting to question wats the point in life, i reseached if my house was built on anything which to my amazment i found it was built on the biggest mental home in the south east england and my plot was on exactly the rear spot of the building. Ive gone from being certain if that can live we can to overtime thinking there is nothing but oblivion. But still not sure. Can anyone make sense of this??
A man who doesn't know asking other people who also don't know makes me skeptical.
We are not about death but life. Whatever a person believes, and makes he or she feel better about living is the answer. Why ponder an unanswerable question? We will all find the answer soon enough.
The best joke, there is no reason in the existence of the next life Haha
Life is just a dream. Does your dream continue when you wake up?
Yea the dream continues when u wake up in a different place and environment
wow! exactly!
Two key groups not brought up are those who claim to have witnessed the afterlife and those who have studied them
I heard that the most recent AI robot was asked what the "purpose of life" was and it immediately answered "why, to live forever!" as if to say; isn't it obvious.
I think if it were a smarter computer, it would have said, “to evolve”.
@@stinkertoy4310 and to evolve you have to live forever ...otherwise your evolution is over ...will be an eternal restart for everyone, forever (until a meteor struck in of course)
I’ve been thinking about this in reverse. What will it take to prove that there is exactly a 0% chance of an afterlife? To do that, we have to take into account the time range and expanse of all of reality. Is the possibility of an afterlife exactly 0 because Is it mathematically impossible?
If you are here and now you have survived a previous death!
What's the difference between a new life and a new you? After you've passed, what distinguishes you from a new person?
Nothing ! Just one David in this and another Robert in another life in another family and same thing goes on and on. That's all. So simple, no miracle. Born again and again Sam, Joseph, Peter, Santa, Alina, cat, dog, tiger, rat, mosquito and so on, miilions, of others. We are them and they are we. We fear death as we do. This is a simple truth and so called philosophers are making it a huge fuss out of it, a simple truth as a mother gives birth to a child which has entered mother's womb. Every Child can forecast it unless miscarried.
Do married men remain batchelors?
This is probably about 1/5 as clever as you take it to be.
@@joshheter1517 ...and your retort is only 1/10 as disdainfully insulting as you were hoping.
I fear dying but not being dead. After all you are only a bit stiff the next day!
I dont fear dying but fear being dead for ever.... EVER EVEEER EEEEVVVEEEEEEERRRRRRR
I love life. And want more of it.