Ma thi I dont think you will ever learn. Why take Tit out of his walker for Mit to get into. She desperately needs to disciplined she is out of control always playing in dirt and water no wonder she is always sick.You will be crying when she becomes really sick.
The Mother is uneducated,un-interested and LAZY..TIT is her least favourite child..Notice she's got NEW clothes,so TIT suffers without good food..She shovels plain cold noodles,down him for breakfast..She needs to adopt him,if she can't feed him well!!
I do not believe I seen her take Tit out of his walker so Mit could get in it! WRONG WRONG! She has her own toys and the walker was given to Tit! Mit tore it up cause Mom let her. Mom best start Disciplining Mit before its to late, if it isnt already!
Muy mal comportamiento no escucha la enana esta muy malcriada y al bebé ni lo alimenta bien ni Le presta atención a la, suciedad estoy muy defraudads😢😢
Seharusnya mit sdh tdk boleh memakai kereta buat alat jalan itu tp ibunya malah mengambil tit dan mengalah dan anak perempuan itu memakai alat kereta jalan itu...sungguh miris😢
Meu Deus !! Não entra minha cabeça!!!Hooo por que ela aperta tanto o Tit naquele saco carrega ele nas costas...Tit mas parece uma lagartixa todo esticado pecado ...Tit uma criança muito mal cuidada e regeitada pela mãe .. Essa criança já tem idade estar andando sozinho...Por maus cuidando está atrasado no desenvolvimento coordenação motora 😔
Que Redicula tirar Tit do Andador e deixar MIT destruir andador...Sendo que única coisa Tit consegue ficar sentado mas perto da mãe...Se não fosse esse andador ele só ficava deitado dentro casa sozinho....Fira essa confiada dessa Mit desse carro que e do MIT....Essa mãe é muito Redicula....
Não sei oque está moça tem na cabeça! Lavando rouoa com esta criança pendurada, sente a perto dela e faça suas tarefas! Está mãe, coloca is filhos em situação de porcis em xiqueiro; nao tem nenhuma higiene e nem educação! Nao se alimentam corretamente, aff!!!!!! Vejo outris vídeos, de mulheres no mesmo pais que ela é vevem com toda dignidade possível! Ela precisa melhorar e muito, em tudo!
The baby is sick but she hasn't taken him to the doctor yet. Why?. Take the baby out if the walker so the brat can have it. Eleven he is older he wi!l see the difference his mo. Makes between them and that is so unfair. Now when her butt bro deals it how will he learn to walk.
She is a kid don't spread hatred though we get irritable seeing her tantrums and how mother give in to her.Its mothers problem how she should be on deceplining her kids.
Основной минус ходунков заключается в том, что ребенок пропускает период ползания, либо ползает меньше, чем ему положено. Ползание - это важнейший этап в развитии ребенка. Прежде чем начать ходить, детки обычно ползают около 3 месяцев - это нужно для укрепления мышц опорно-двигательного аппарата.
You are very irresponsible mother, when baby Tit cries for long time due to hunger, after that you feed him, baby Tit 's eyes were teary and swollen when you were feeding him , and never punish your mischievous toddler Mit, you allowed her everything that she wants
@@Wonder-q3q she will just allow him to cry until she finish her work what she is doing., sin he cries very seldom thats if he is hungry or sleepybut if Mit cries she will at once go and carry her.I guess the dad show more lv to the boy even the little time he is with them.
Mãe quando você vai conseguir aprender que não se deixar fazer as vontades de uma filha pequena que só sabe fazer bagunça e vc faz as vontades dela o andador e para Ti aprender a andar não para Mit fazer as vontades dela😢
It is cold enough for coats and MIT walking in creek with no shoes. It’s a miracle both kids don’t have pneumonia. Seems like y’all all have new clothes but only feeding Tit noodles and rice. Not very nutritious. Where is the baby carrier the policeman gave you? I think that would be better than tiring Tit to your back. He is a baby not a animal. He has to ride your back all the time. No activity for him. He is a beautiful baby and I feel he’s not treated fairly.
you don't catch cold or get pneumonia from playing in water or walking bare foot. IT is a virus bacterial or viral. You contract it from airbourne, through coughing or sneezing from an infected person.
Why did you go to the river to wash clothes?? Water is cold, Mitt is sick and she is wetting her self in that cold water 👎. Makes no sense when you have water at home..
She said several videos ago that she has to do laundry at the river and she goes there to get water for otjer things because there is a drought there , no rain for a long time. But I dont understand why she lets Mot play in that cold water either, Mit is sick and always sick because she lets her play in water all the time, she lets her run barefoot on that cold cement, apparently the mom doesnt have a clue why her daughter is always sick.
@@ConnieCrain-c1qmit goes to school. My kids were catching colds constantly when they started school. You don’t catch a virus from cold water. You catch viruses from other people!
@rowenareinertsen4749 i didn't think she had a virus, she is always sick with cold even before she started school. You can catch a cold when you are in cold water and your feet and body get cold. And since she's already sick you can tell by Mits breathing she will be even worse. So my opinion she has a cold from playing in the cold water and barefoot most the time on cold cement. My kids also got sick when they went to school and it was a cold. My doctor said with a virus antibiotics can't cure a virus, but medicines will cure a cold along with other medicines. Nothing can cure a virus, a virus has to run its course even for adults. Mit is always getting injections of antibiotics because she won't take medicine, the mom Has said that lots of times, and I have seen her take her their to get the injection several times. Just explaing what I think. Not being mean, just what I think
MIT is difficult. She wants to do what she wants but she is just a child. Since she was a baby. She wants to do things the way she wants. It is ok she is matured a little. 🎉
В других роликах совсем молоденькие девчонки в лесу одни борятся за жизнь, и ещё как у них все получается. А эта бедняжка повесила плетеночку, сходила на рынок, ерунды набрала и довольная сидит с босыми детьми в куртках....
Mit wanted the walker and mom jumped up to give it to her. When mit gets home from school both kids look tired and need a nap, getting enough sleep is important in being healthy.
Тит такой недоразвитый, он даже апельсин не может кушать, боже что с ним стало, он просто бездыханый ребёнок, не стоять, не улыбается, не кушать нет сил что ли
I watch Vi and Vu's Channel, they have 3 little kids, a newborn baby , a little girl in school and a little 3-year-old boy. Her kids are immaculate. Her newborn baby's clothes are as white and clean as can be. No stains on anything or on any of her other kids close their houses clean. Their property is gorgeous because they know how to take care of it. And Vu took care of it by herself be for she married VU for a long time. She's a good mom, she baths her kids everyday and feeds them a very healthy diet,and they sit a bamboo table and chairs,and children wash there hands before meals and know how to use a paper napkin. Great family videos.
I know I think this mom us a baby. She wants to be taken care of. Not good not many not the men stand up for their families. Oh yeah here comes the brat. She how she interacts with the girl. She never talks to the baby.
Maybe she cms from a better up bringing ,This is how Ma thi ngoan seen from her small days.Atleast she doesn't make her kids go thro much hard time does all by herself to keep them going.She lvs them more than herself ❤
Look how she allows her to just go through grandmas food and the mom just sits there. Grandma has to tell her to get out of her stuff. But like usual she doesnt listen. They have to leave be cause the brat doesn't mind.
I watch other mom on here with multiple kids that aren't a babied as she is. They have no one don't need anyone. They do all the work by themselves. Build on to their house garden and harvest. She just runs the girl and cooks rice and feed the girl junk. If she would quit buying the girl multiples of junk food they could have meat and vegetables more.
Какие мрачные видео на этом канале!!!😮 Грязь, мрак, копоть, одежда ужас у детей, сопли, антисанитария!!!!!!! За детьми не присматривает, не моет полы действительно другие каналы показывают девочек и с 3 детьми и беднее дом а там чистота и уют!!! Отписываюсь как многие подписчики.
You know…I enjoy this channel and I think she is a very good mom. If I ever stop watching, it will be because I get tired of all you perfect people complaining about her all the time!😡
Eso es lo q tienes q hacer todos los días ir al campo a buscar para q puedas vender y así de esa manera tener para q puedas comer bien todos los días, es tu obligación x tus hijos, como siempre te digo del cielo no te van a caer las cosas, y siempre lleva una canasta grande para q puedas llevar mucho de lo q haya y así vas a tener buen dinero, así hacen todas las chicas de los videos q miro, no son flojas cargan bastante inclusive llevan aparte del canasto un saquillo y también llevan ahí y de esa manera tienen mucho para vender, lo q estás haciendo ahorita haslo todos los días xq se come tres veces al día y todos los días, todos los días dejas a tu hijo en la escuela luego anda a buscar q vender estás joven y lo puedes hacer 😮
Ela é preguiçosa. Parece que veio de família rica. Não sabe fazer nada, não lava, não cozinha, não cuida nem educa os filhos. E o que parece não quer aprender.
Yo pensé que barbaridad tanta fruta y ni llenó la canasta ella no le gusta el trabajo y hasta ahora hace eso otras veces solo hojitas va a vender quizá el esposo anda borracho y no le da dinero no sale el. Yo también veo otras chicas que hasta llevan otro saco extra Para lo que salió inteligente es para tener hijos
I'm following 4 Vietnamise movie the clothes of their baby no stain why your children many stain of their clothes you don't know how to wash clothes nice removed the stain not good always like that clothes many stain.
Ma thi you really do need to organise your day. Take naughty Mit to nursery . While she is there do your chores and cook a proper meal. Bring Mit home feed both children and put them down for a nap. While they nap look after your animals. If you organise yourself you will find life easier. Make Mit play with toys instead of water.
@@rowenareinertsen4749Podrían comer mejor...tiene dinero del gobierno, del marido y de TH-cam!!!! Esos niños apenas toman leche, y la necesitan para los huesos!!!
Aunque me sigáis borrando los comentarios, voy a seguir insistiendo!!! Mi comentario no es ofensivo, ni insulto a nadie!! Y digo QUE SI pueden tomar leche con galletas!!!! Con el dinero que ganan haciendo éstos vídeos!!!!
Badtan aşağı sacmalik satmak icin meyve topluyor fakat sepetini doldurmuyor oysa ki toplanacak meyve çoktu.bide sizin pazariniz yo mu yarim yamalak topladihi meyvenin de hepsini satmiyor ne yapmaya çalışıyor anlamadım
Этот бред уже не хочется смотреть! Уи́дут в одном, возвращаются в другом! Какого-то потащилась стирать на речку? У неё что, воду под домом отключили? Тита кормит без воротничка, всё на куртке, лапша пустая, зато новые утята. Для кого? Мяса на столе всё равно нет! Как эти дети вообще выживают на лапше и траве.
Ходунки замедляют развитие двигательных навыков, они не стимулируют потребность ребенка в движении. При длительном использовании ходунков нагрузка на ножки, которые еще не окрепли, может привести к деформации и искривлению позвоночника. Ходунки влияют на функцию мозжечка.
Señora el andador es para el bebe no para la niña como puede usted hacer lo q ella quiera un dia le dice q tire al agua al niño y usted lo va hacer q clase d madre es q no tiene autoridad
Одним молоком детей не прокормить. Нужно упорно зарабатывать. Собирать надо полную корзину. Чтобы был нормальный заработок. Другие мамочки с ребёнком каждый день идут собирают овощи и фрукты и продают. Она просто ленивая. Вот и все зачем тогда рожала детей. У бабушки этой тоже везде грязь. Просто ужас.
Salom Mathi eringiz qaerda nega undan habar yoq iwlagani ketganmi ? Singlim kir yuvganingizda bolalarni kiyimini alohida ozingizni kiyimingizni alohida yuvung oq va qora kirlar alohida yuviladi gigiena qoidalariga koproq etibor bering
Сколько негативных комментариев. Сколько можно поучать бедную маму. Все прям идеальные мамы. Мне жалко девушку и ее тяжелую жизнь. Она не жалуется и пытается выжить. Молодец .
I ust to feel bad for her, trying to raise 2 babies by her self, but when it comes to Mit always being sick, and you give her advice to help her to keep Mit from getting sick and not have to go to doctors all the time, she doesnt take it. She stills lets Mit play in the cold water and run barefoot on the cold cement, with coats on. She should no by now to make Mit keep she's on and make her stay put of the water. Mit is 2, the mom is 19. She should make Mit mind, put her in timeout or swat her behind. But she lets Mit do what Mit wants because she doesn't want to hear her cry. Thats my opinion on it, why let your child get sick when it can be prevented
Buenos días. Este es un véio de menos de media hora. No pueden mostrar lo que se hace a lo largo del día. Yo creo que los niños sí duermen siesta, es solo que no nos van a mostrar un vídeo en el que solo haya personas durmiendo. Yo creo que Ngoan cuida tan bien de sus hijos como puede y es solo que vemos escenas que nos resultan sorprendentes, como que Mit se meta en el agua. Pero si la propia madre lo hace es muy difícil que piense que su hija no lo puede hacer. En Europa los niños iban con pantalón corto porque no tenían la edad del pantalón largo y eso en verano, pero también en invierno. Sí me parece que debería consentir menos a la niña, es muy caprichosa.
No entiendo para q tanta comida a los patos y las gallinas si no le fas nunca carne a los niños y tu no te alimentas tit desayunó fideos y comió arroz 😮
Hi Sweetheart and Beautiful Baby's 🤗💕 such a hard working Mummy💖and Lovely seeing Grandma again ❤Sending much Love happiness peace health and Prayers..from Australia 🇦🇺 ❤❤❤❤🙏
Παρε ενα ποδηλατο βαλε ενα καλαθι πισω οπως ειδα μια αλλη μαμα σε ενα βιντεο και βαλε τα παιδια να τα πηγαινεις και να μην τα κουβαλας στην πλατι σαν σακι και η Μιτ να περπαταει τοσο δρομο Και οχι στα κρυα νερα ξυπολητη και....να φοραει μπουφαν και κουκουλα.... Το κρυο νερο αρρωσταινει το παιδι... Ολα αναποδα γινονται στην προσοχη των παιδιων Προσπαθησε πιο σωστα.....
Why you don’t make your house warmer with more bamboo leaves or binding, so kids and you are warmer and not sick so often. Also stop letting your daughter walk with no shoes and playing in water
He's probably said he won't come on,if he's NOT paid! No translation on every episode now.. Lack of content.. Hope he's found himself a better woman,that his Mummy,likes!
Si hay excaces d agua esta lavando y la niña vuelve toda mojada xq usted no pone limites yo la cuelgo d las orejas si no hace caso d solo pensar q tendria q lavar a mano ni loca la dejaria q se ensucie
Im obviously unaware in your country or culture weather or not you are able to get financial help from the father even though your divorced? Your smart beautiful young and talented just keep fighting to make the best life possible for you and your children
Hay esta señora despues se lamenta cuando su niñose enfermale apaña toda su malcriades a la chiquita yo tengo sobrino pero mis hermanas lo corrigen que pena por los niños
Grandma loves the baby boy. She can't even take the baby with her. She can't stand being with the baby but boy the girl well she gives her all the attention.
Tit is cute he is standing now. He is a good boy. Thanks for the video for today. Ngoan you are ausome. You are doing everything. You need to rest just a little 😊 I love your little family.
Это кино, а не реальная жизнь, а вот так смотришь, может она так и живёт на самом деле, такая мать, никакая, только детей на белый свет пустила, а как их кормить поить, не знает чем, ленится😢
You and your mother are amazing people and one day mit and tit will also br strong amazing woman. You work with what you have. One day at a time you can do this.
Baby boy looks so uncomfortable on mummy’s back when she is doing her laundry….Baby Girls feet must be frozen in the cold water….she will have a bad cold in the next video….bless❤
Я извиняюсь, уверена меня многие поддержат. А чем так плохо живётся этой даме? Изначально шалашик готовый бабуля подогнала и всегда была рядом, потом в деревне, благодаря полицейскому ей состроили хоромы, всё помогают и только эта ,,бедная 19 летняя дылда до сих пор не уразумеет, как нужно воспитывать и содержать детей. Честно говоря у нее и вид недалёкий, если элементарного не понимае.
Dont have children if you can't afford to bathe them and feed them good food,every day¡ Get up and go to WORK,every DAY! Like otger Mother's do! You are LAZY..You only go to pick fruit..Now and AGAIN! Wow!!
تنها بزرگ کردن بچه ها واقعا سخت هست .اون تمامه وجودش رو برای بچه ها میذاره ..اون شغلی نداره ومن نگرانم .نگرانه خانه ایی که در ودیوار نداره وبچه ها همیشه توی این فصل سرد مریض هستن واقعا باورم نمیشه اون دوتا بچه شبها توی اون خونه بدونه دیوار و وسایل گرمایشی میخوابن😢
This girl is in a very pitious situation. She is in one if the poorer areas of the nation and it seems to be very small and least populated as well. The people around her don't seem to have very much money to spend. When she goes to harvest shenever gets enough to make any decent money and shhe's said before that the real market of the area is too far away to walk. She, in effect, is limited to selling to the neighbors around her. Poor Mit is sick s lot because, unless it's a warm day, they have no heat. The little girl loves being barefoot and playing in water. She will do so every chance she gets; whether at home or by the river. She puts socks and shoes on the child but every time she turns her back..the child takes them off. Since, the dad's presence is oddly sporatic, I don't understand why they don't all live with the grandmother. Her house is more solid and a little warmer. Can you imagine practically being outside in cold air all day long.
Ma thi I dont think you will ever learn. Why take Tit out of his walker for Mit to get into. She desperately needs to disciplined she is out of control always playing in dirt and water no wonder she is always sick.You will be crying when she becomes really sick.
Girl stays with snotty nose so mom lets her play barefoot in water omg mom makes no sense
The Mother is uneducated,un-interested and LAZY..TIT is her least favourite child..Notice she's got NEW clothes,so TIT suffers without good food..She shovels plain cold noodles,down him for breakfast..She needs to adopt him,if she can't feed him well!!
I do not believe I seen her take Tit out of his walker so Mit could get in it! WRONG WRONG! She has her own toys and the walker was given to Tit! Mit tore it up cause Mom let her. Mom best start Disciplining Mit before its to late, if it isnt already!
Perfectly said!!!
Muy mal comportamiento no escucha la enana esta muy malcriada y al bebé ni lo alimenta bien ni Le presta atención a la, suciedad estoy muy defraudads😢😢
Ich verstehe das alles nicht, dicke Jacke, Mütze und ohne Schuhe im kaltem Wasser 😮
This little girl is so rude,her mom let she get away everything very spoiled
제발 아기들좀 ...
큰아이 맨발에 강에서 물놀이하고.
아기가 열나서 콧물나면 얼마나 아플텐데.. 다른 유투버 싱글맘보면 부지런하고 아기들도 깨끗하게 잘 돌보는데...
You got to be kidding girl tells mom to get boy out and she does so girl can sit in walker she is to big for absolutely ridiculous
I agree with you! Mom, you educate this girl. She is big enough not to use the walker but Tit.
I agree completely!! It's getting where I can't stand to watch it! Mit needs a lot of discipline!!! The baby boy is starting to whine just like Mit!
Seharusnya mit sdh tdk boleh memakai kereta buat alat jalan itu tp ibunya malah mengambil tit dan mengalah dan anak perempuan itu memakai alat kereta jalan itu...sungguh miris😢
Meu Deus !! Não entra minha cabeça!!!Hooo por que ela aperta tanto o Tit naquele saco carrega ele nas costas...Tit mas parece uma lagartixa todo esticado pecado ...Tit uma criança muito mal cuidada e regeitada pela mãe .. Essa criança já tem idade estar andando sozinho...Por maus cuidando está atrasado no desenvolvimento coordenação motora 😔
Que Redicula tirar Tit do Andador e deixar MIT destruir andador...Sendo que única coisa Tit consegue ficar sentado mas perto da mãe...Se não fosse esse andador ele só ficava deitado dentro casa sozinho....Fira essa confiada dessa Mit desse carro que e do MIT....Essa mãe é muito Redicula....
Your daughter is always sick you don't parent. She's in that cold water with coat and heavy pants. Child abuse. Something wrong with this mother.
I agree with you!
I agree!! Mit is a spoiled brat that tells the mother what to do! I used to enjoy watching but now I just get sad. Mit needs a lot of discipline!
You should have left the kidos with grandma and go do laundry at river. Both kids are sick,, especially mitt she stays sick…
Não sei oque está moça tem na cabeça!
Lavando rouoa com esta criança pendurada, sente a perto dela e faça suas tarefas!
Está mãe, coloca is filhos em situação de porcis em xiqueiro; nao tem nenhuma higiene e nem educação!
Nao se alimentam corretamente, aff!!!!!!
Vejo outris vídeos, de mulheres no mesmo pais que ela é vevem com toda dignidade possível!
Ela precisa melhorar e muito, em tudo!
The baby is sick but she hasn't taken him to the doctor yet. Why?. Take the baby out if the walker so the brat can have it. Eleven he is older he wi!l see the difference his mo. Makes between them and that is so unfair. Now when her butt bro deals it how will he learn to walk.
Tá parecendo que a filha dela é adulta da casa, manda e a mãe faz tudo ela quer 😢
MIT is a spoiled brat, people need to stop watching this shit
U stop watching it. Stop getting on hear being butt holes. If u don't like what u see, stop watching.
She is a kid don't spread hatred though we get irritable seeing her tantrums and how mother give in to her.Its mothers problem how she should be on deceplining her kids.
Ano, tohle jsou sračky! Nesleduju.
Основной минус ходунков заключается в том, что ребенок пропускает период ползания, либо ползает меньше, чем ему положено. Ползание - это важнейший этап в развитии ребенка. Прежде чем начать ходить, детки обычно ползают около 3 месяцев - это нужно для укрепления мышц опорно-двигательного аппарата.
Anda a hacerle entender a la flaca esta si tiene un hueco en la cabeza .pobre da lastima😢😢
Не все детки ползают.У меня ребенок не ползал.
Oh wait she doesnt care as long as the girl gets everything she wants.
Нгоан ,не пускайте Мит в холодную воду,она постоянно кашляет.У вас же дома есть вода,почему вы ходите на речку стирать?
This is one of the reasons MIT is always sick. Cold water and barefoot.
You are very irresponsible mother, when baby Tit cries for long time due to hunger, after that you feed him, baby Tit 's eyes were teary and swollen when you were feeding him , and never punish your mischievous toddler Mit, you allowed her everything that she wants
@@Wonder-q3q she will just allow him to cry until she finish her work what she is doing., sin he cries very seldom thats if he is hungry or sleepybut if Mit cries she will at once go and carry her.I guess the dad show more lv to the boy even the little time he is with them.
The baby looks sick and tired. He never naps. Other kids nap
Porqué ya tit nunca está en su camita q se mece se pasa todo el día de pie en el andaor pobre tit se agota y no duerme siesta 😮😢
Mãe quando você vai conseguir aprender que não se deixar fazer as vontades de uma filha pequena que só sabe fazer bagunça e vc faz as vontades dela o andador e para Ti aprender a andar não para Mit fazer as vontades dela😢
Mañana Mit estará con de locos!! Los pies desnudos en el río!! Bueno, lo mejor será no comentar nada nunca mas.
Ella es una madre que no piensa con la cabeza la niña siempre está con gripe tiene que pensar lo dañino que es mojarla así
It is cold enough for coats and MIT walking in creek with no shoes. It’s a miracle both kids don’t have pneumonia. Seems like y’all all have new clothes but only feeding Tit noodles and rice. Not very nutritious. Where is the baby carrier the policeman gave you? I think that would be better than tiring Tit to your back. He is a baby not a animal. He has to ride your back all the time. No activity for him. He is a beautiful baby and I feel he’s not treated fairly.
I agree!!
you don't catch cold or get pneumonia from playing in water or walking bare foot. IT is a virus bacterial or viral. You contract it from airbourne, through coughing or sneezing from an infected person.
Why did you go to the river to wash clothes?? Water is cold, Mitt is sick and she is wetting her self in that cold water 👎. Makes no sense when you have water at home..
She said several videos ago that she has to do laundry at the river and she goes there to get water for otjer things because there is a drought there , no rain for a long time. But I dont understand why she lets Mot play in that cold water either, Mit is sick and always sick because she lets her play in water all the time, she lets her run barefoot on that cold cement, apparently the mom doesnt have a clue why her daughter is always sick.
That's what I was thinking.
@@ConnieCrain-c1qmit goes to school. My kids were catching colds constantly when they started school. You don’t catch a virus from cold water. You catch viruses from other people!
@rowenareinertsen4749 i didn't think she had a virus, she is always sick with cold even before she started school. You can catch a cold when you are in cold water and your feet and body get cold. And since she's already sick you can tell by Mits breathing she will be even worse. So my opinion she has a cold from playing in the cold water and barefoot most the time on cold cement. My kids also got sick when they went to school and it was a cold. My doctor said with a virus antibiotics can't cure a virus, but medicines will cure a cold along with other medicines. Nothing can cure a virus, a virus has to run its course even for adults. Mit is always getting injections of antibiotics because she won't take medicine, the mom Has said that lots of times, and I have seen her take her their to get the injection several times. Just explaing what I think. Not being mean, just what I think
MIT is difficult. She wants to do what she wants but she is just a child. Since she was a baby. She wants to do things the way she wants. It is ok she is matured a little. 🎉
В других роликах совсем молоденькие девчонки в лесу одни борятся за жизнь, и ещё как у них все получается. А эта бедняжка повесила плетеночку, сходила на рынок, ерунды набрала и довольная сидит с босыми детьми в куртках....
Ciao mi dispiace ma fai male hai tuoi figli così ,non va bene
Бедный Тит то в ходунках, то на спине висит. Мама даже не пытается его водить, чтоб ножки укреплялись. Несчастный ребенок.
Mit wanted the walker and mom jumped up to give it to her. When mit gets home from school both kids look tired and need a nap, getting enough sleep is important in being healthy.
Deus abençoe essa família
Тит такой недоразвитый, он даже апельсин не может кушать, боже что с ним стало, он просто бездыханый ребёнок, не стоять, не улыбается, не кушать нет сил что ли
As roupas das crianças muito sujas , não vejo dar banho nelas? Estranho
I watch Vi and Vu's Channel, they have 3 little kids, a newborn baby , a little girl in school and a little 3-year-old boy. Her kids are immaculate. Her newborn baby's clothes are as white and clean as can be. No stains on anything or on any of her other kids close their houses clean. Their property is gorgeous because they know how to take care of it. And Vu took care of it by herself be for she married VU for a long time. She's a good mom, she baths her kids everyday and feeds them a very healthy diet,and they sit a bamboo table and chairs,and children wash there hands before meals and know how to use a paper napkin. Great family videos.
I know I think this mom us a baby. She wants to be taken care of. Not good not many not the men stand up for their families. Oh yeah here comes the brat. She how she interacts with the girl. She never talks to the baby.
And they probably have more resources than Ngoan.
No they work and cook meat and vegetables. They dont spend their money eh on junk for one kid.
Maybe she cms from a better up bringing ,This is how Ma thi ngoan seen from her small days.Atleast she doesn't make her kids go thro much hard time does all by herself to keep them going.She lvs them more than herself ❤
Mia cara devi essere un po' più severa con Mit...
Ngoan, eres la única persona que conozco que no cumple años...siempre tienes 19 años??
19??????я думала ей 30-31
Look how she allows her to just go through grandmas food and the mom just sits there. Grandma has to tell her to get out of her stuff. But like usual she doesnt listen. They have to leave be cause the brat doesn't mind.
where is grandma and the policeman and your husband? where did everyone go?
I watch other mom on here with multiple kids that aren't a babied as she is. They have no one don't need anyone. They do all the work by themselves. Build on to their house garden and harvest. She just runs the girl and cooks rice and feed the girl junk. If she would quit buying the girl multiples of junk food they could have meat and vegetables more.
@@vickirickman5828they feed their children better than Americans do
They are all part of the blogs by the cameraman to gain views
Poor ma thi
She was just used!!
Носки у ребенка разные, ужас, и так водит в дет,сад,что за мать грязнуха,дикий ужас!
Какие мрачные видео на этом канале!!!😮 Грязь, мрак, копоть, одежда ужас у детей, сопли, антисанитария!!!!!!! За детьми не присматривает, не моет полы действительно другие каналы показывают девочек и с 3 детьми и беднее дом а там чистота и уют!!! Отписываюсь как многие подписчики.
Lleva el pañal tan lleno q le llega a los pies,
Actually this is getting to be comical the way this spoiled brat gets away with everything
Ela não cuida direito das crianças nem dela ela não ser alimenta direito
You know…I enjoy this channel and I think she is a very good mom. If I ever stop watching, it will be because I get tired of all you perfect people complaining about her all the time!😡
Mit está ajudando a mamãe lavar roupas que 🥰
Tit já está conversando e está lindo 😊❤
Get up and get your daughter out of things. Still not parenting
Tit is such a beautiful baby❤ I just love him!
Todos son novelas,
Tit se ve cansado y con sueño pobrecito😢
Eso es lo q tienes q hacer todos los días ir al campo a buscar para q puedas vender y así de esa manera tener para q puedas comer bien todos los días, es tu obligación x tus hijos, como siempre te digo del cielo no te van a caer las cosas, y siempre lleva una canasta grande para q puedas llevar mucho de lo q haya y así vas a tener buen dinero, así hacen todas las chicas de los videos q miro, no son flojas cargan bastante inclusive llevan aparte del canasto un saquillo y también llevan ahí y de esa manera tienen mucho para vender, lo q estás haciendo ahorita haslo todos los días xq se come tres veces al día y todos los días, todos los días dejas a tu hijo en la escuela luego anda a buscar q vender estás joven y lo puedes hacer 😮
Ela é preguiçosa. Parece que veio de família rica. Não sabe fazer nada, não lava, não cozinha, não cuida nem educa os filhos. E o que parece não quer aprender.
What about the father, doesn’t he have to do something, the mother also has heart problems
Yo pensé que barbaridad tanta fruta y ni llenó la canasta ella no le gusta el trabajo y hasta ahora hace eso otras veces solo hojitas va a vender quizá el esposo anda borracho y no le da dinero no sale el. Yo también veo otras chicas que hasta llevan otro saco extra Para lo que salió inteligente es para tener hijos
Eso mismo digo yo que el marido no se le ve 😮. Andará de. Borracho 😮
I'm following 4 Vietnamise movie the clothes of their baby no stain why your children many stain of their clothes you don't know how to wash clothes nice removed the stain not good always like that clothes many stain.
I was thinking the same while watching other Vietnamese vlogs. It's only her children's clothing that's so stained!
Ponle baberos para proteger los vestidos
Good question, the husband was working last time we saw him
Same with the grandma never put this poor child down always on your back he needs to learn to walk
Se sale con la suya porque a la mamá le falta carácter para educar al mocoso ese
To nie bachor tylko dziecko.Więcej szacunku.
Why u have to go to the river by washing the chlothes u have ur own faucet...u just make ur life zufferring...
Απο το να ειναι ξυπολητος ο Τιτ και να κρυωνει καλυτερα να φοραει 😮διαφορετικες καλτσες στα ποδια του😮😮😮
Ma thi you really do need to organise your day. Take naughty Mit to nursery . While she is there do your chores and cook a proper meal. Bring Mit home feed both children and put them down for a nap. While they nap look after your animals. If you organise yourself you will find life easier. Make Mit play with toys instead of water.
Why is Ngoan not harvesting and going to the market like other mothers everyday ❓ she really looks lazy to me, or it's because this is just a content.
No existen las galletas en Vietnam??? Deberían desayunar un bol de leche con galletas, tipo entiendo fideos por la mañana??
They eat what they can afford.
@@rowenareinertsen4749Podrían comer mejor...tiene dinero del gobierno, del marido y de TH-cam!!!! Esos niños apenas toman leche, y la necesitan para los huesos!!!
@@rowenareinertsen4749Si si si, se pueden permitir comprar leche y galletas!!! Y mucho más!!!
@@rowenareinertsen4749Pueden comer mucho más que fideos!!
Aunque me sigáis borrando los comentarios, voy a seguir insistiendo!!! Mi comentario no es ofensivo, ni insulto a nadie!! Y digo QUE SI pueden tomar leche con galletas!!!! Con el dinero que ganan haciendo éstos vídeos!!!!
Baby Boy is a good little eater…he always enjoys his food…Bless❤
😂😂😂😂If he gets food😢
The mother spoiled the little girl in a wrong way!
Why not let the eldest be adopted!
The youngest one needs more of your attention than that girl
Why do you want to keep her 19 years old she should be 21 by now?
You mean after 3 years of video , she still remains 19 years old? Does her age ever increase? Too many of these other video's labelling 19 yo.
Badtan aşağı sacmalik satmak icin meyve topluyor fakat sepetini doldurmuyor oysa ki toplanacak meyve çoktu.bide sizin pazariniz yo mu yarim yamalak topladihi meyvenin de hepsini satmiyor ne yapmaya çalışıyor anlamadım
Mathi regaña a ,Mit o es q ella siempre hace lo q le viene en es su casa educala
She should be 21 by now why do you keep saying she is 19 dose time stand still for you….
마당 쓸때는 물을 조금씩 뿌리고 하라했는데..그 먼지는 아기가 다 마시겠네요
Этот бред уже не хочется смотреть! Уи́дут в одном, возвращаются в другом! Какого-то потащилась стирать на речку? У неё что, воду под домом отключили? Тита кормит без воротничка, всё на куртке, лапша пустая, зато новые утята. Для кого? Мяса на столе всё равно нет! Как эти дети вообще выживают на лапше и траве.
If you feel like that then don't watch. Everyone always putting this mother down. o k maybe she's not the best but in my opinion she is trying
Where is police man? He really good to you and your children.
Ходунки замедляют развитие двигательных навыков, они не стимулируют потребность ребенка в движении. При длительном использовании ходунков нагрузка на ножки, которые еще не окрепли, может привести к деформации и искривлению позвоночника. Ходунки влияют на функцию мозжечка.
Señora el andador es para el bebe no para la niña como puede usted hacer lo q ella quiera un dia le dice q tire al agua al niño y usted lo va hacer q clase d madre es q no tiene autoridad
Одним молоком детей не прокормить. Нужно упорно зарабатывать. Собирать надо полную корзину. Чтобы был нормальный заработок. Другие мамочки с ребёнком каждый день идут собирают овощи и фрукты и продают. Она просто ленивая. Вот и все зачем тогда рожала детей. У бабушки этой тоже везде грязь. Просто ужас.
Salom Mathi eringiz qaerda nega undan habar yoq iwlagani ketganmi ? Singlim kir yuvganingizda bolalarni kiyimini alohida ozingizni kiyimingizni alohida yuvung oq va qora kirlar alohida yuviladi gigiena qoidalariga koproq etibor bering
3 mẹ con cb tết xong chưa. Thương 3 mẹ con quá. Chúc 3 mẹ con luôn khỏe mạnh một đời bình an nha ❤️❤️❤️
Сколько негативных комментариев. Сколько можно поучать бедную маму. Все прям идеальные мамы. Мне жалко девушку и ее тяжелую жизнь. Она не жалуется и пытается выжить. Молодец .
I ust to feel bad for her, trying to raise 2 babies by her self, but when it comes to Mit always being sick, and you give her advice to help her to keep Mit from getting sick and not have to go to doctors all the time, she doesnt take it. She stills lets Mit play in the cold water and run barefoot on the cold cement, with coats on. She should no by now to make Mit keep she's on and make her stay put of the water. Mit is 2, the mom is 19. She should make Mit mind, put her in timeout or swat her behind. But she lets Mit do what Mit wants because she doesn't want to hear her cry. Thats my opinion on it, why let your child get sick when it can be prevented
Buenos días. Este es un véio de menos de media hora. No pueden mostrar lo que se hace a lo largo del día. Yo creo que los niños sí duermen siesta, es solo que no nos van a mostrar un vídeo en el que solo haya personas durmiendo. Yo creo que Ngoan cuida tan bien de sus hijos como puede y es solo que vemos escenas que nos resultan sorprendentes, como que Mit se meta en el agua. Pero si la propia madre lo hace es muy difícil que piense que su hija no lo puede hacer. En Europa los niños iban con pantalón corto porque no tenían la edad del pantalón largo y eso en verano, pero también en invierno. Sí me parece que debería consentir menos a la niña, es muy caprichosa.
No entiendo para q tanta comida a los patos y las gallinas si no le fas nunca carne a los niños y tu no te alimentas tit desayunó fideos y comió arroz 😮
Hi Sweetheart and Beautiful Baby's 🤗💕 such a hard working Mummy💖and Lovely seeing Grandma again ❤Sending much Love happiness peace health and Prayers..from Australia 🇦🇺 ❤❤❤❤🙏
Why didnt you fill the basket all the way up with fruit, you could have made more money. I dont understand 😕
MIT is cute baby God bless she see mamá to cook and she doing like mamá
You sitting watching girl get into stuff you can't do that at someone else home really you have to teach her
Παρε ενα ποδηλατο βαλε ενα καλαθι πισω οπως ειδα μια αλλη μαμα σε ενα βιντεο και βαλε τα παιδια να τα πηγαινεις και να μην τα κουβαλας στην πλατι σαν σακι και η Μιτ να περπαταει τοσο δρομο
Και οχι στα κρυα νερα ξυπολητη και....να φοραει μπουφαν και κουκουλα....
Το κρυο νερο αρρωσταινει το παιδι...
Ολα αναποδα γινονται στην προσοχη των παιδιων
Προσπαθησε πιο σωστα.....
Why you don’t make your house warmer with more bamboo leaves or binding, so kids and you are warmer and not sick so often. Also stop letting your daughter walk with no shoes and playing in water
Where is your husband? suddenly appeared and disappeared
He's probably said he won't come on,if he's NOT paid!
No translation on every episode now..
Lack of content..
Hope he's found himself a better woman,that his Mummy,likes!
Who cares where her husband is. He is a mom's boy. He is nog mature to be a dad. He is a baby.
Si hay excaces d agua esta lavando y la niña vuelve toda mojada xq usted no pone limites yo la cuelgo d las orejas si no hace caso d solo pensar q tendria q lavar a mano ni loca la dejaria q se ensucie
A coat and barefoot in cold creek water. No worries she will see the girl goes to the doctor...but not the boy.
Mit é inteligente e linda ❤❤❤❤
Tit é mais calmo do que Mit, nessa idade.
Im obviously unaware in your country or culture weather or not you are able to get financial help from the father even though your divorced? Your smart beautiful young and talented just keep fighting to make the best life possible for you and your children
Hay esta señora despues se lamenta cuando su niñose enfermale apaña toda su malcriades a la chiquita yo tengo sobrino pero mis hermanas lo corrigen que pena por los niños
Esque si no hace esas cosas no hay contenido para el vídeo no entendéis
Grandma loves the baby boy. She can't even take the baby with her. She can't stand being with the baby but boy the girl well she gives her all the attention.
Tit is cute he is standing now. He is a good boy. Thanks for the video for today. Ngoan you are ausome. You are doing everything. You need to rest just a little 😊 I love your little family.
Oi minha linda família abençoada 👏🙏
I don't know,this is her real life or just drama..😩
Это кино, а не реальная жизнь, а вот так смотришь, может она так и живёт на самом деле, такая мать, никакая, только детей на белый свет пустила, а как их кормить поить, не знает чем, ленится😢
Tenho a impressão que essa mãe não é pobre ela não sabe fazer as coisas como as outras Vietnamita
You and your mother are amazing people and one day mit and tit will also br strong amazing woman. You work with what you have. One day at a time you can do this.
Por favor colocar legenda em português Brasil 😢 queremos entender melhor os vídeos moro no Brasil e aqui tem muitos seguidores ❤
Baby boy looks so uncomfortable on mummy’s back when she is doing her laundry….Baby Girls feet must be frozen in the cold water….she will have a bad cold in the next video….bless❤
Я извиняюсь, уверена меня многие поддержат. А чем так плохо живётся этой даме? Изначально шалашик готовый бабуля подогнала и всегда была рядом, потом в деревне, благодаря полицейскому ей состроили хоромы, всё помогают и только эта ,,бедная 19 летняя дылда до сих пор не уразумеет, как нужно воспитывать и содержать детей. Честно говоря у нее и вид недалёкий, если элементарного не понимае.
По себе людей не судят мне интересно какая ты была в 19 лет да остатся без родителей не каго близких нет
@@ГалинаЕмешкинаc est un film pas sa vraie vie 😂
Зачем ты родила сыночка он самый несчастный ребенок
Los fideos no son el mejor desayuno, es solo quimicos
Poor TIT, he's starving..
If she can't feed him properly,she needs to get him adopted to a couple,who can care for him and feed him properly 😮
Dont have children if you can't afford to bathe them and feed them good food,every day¡
Get up and go to WORK,every DAY! Like otger Mother's do!
You are LAZY..You only go to pick fruit..Now and AGAIN! Wow!!
تنها بزرگ کردن بچه ها واقعا سخت هست .اون تمامه وجودش رو برای بچه ها میذاره ..اون شغلی نداره ومن نگرانم .نگرانه خانه ایی که در ودیوار نداره وبچه ها همیشه توی این فصل سرد مریض هستن واقعا باورم نمیشه اون دوتا بچه شبها توی اون خونه بدونه دیوار و وسایل گرمایشی میخوابن😢
Acho que vc faz o seu melhor crianças sempre dão muito trabalho mas são maravilhosas brasil ❤❤❤❤
This girl is in a very pitious situation. She is in one if the poorer areas of the nation and it seems to be very small and least populated as well. The people around her don't seem to have very much money to spend. When she goes to harvest shenever gets enough to make any decent money and shhe's said before that the real market of the area is too far away to walk. She, in effect, is limited to selling to the neighbors around her.
Poor Mit is sick s lot because, unless it's a warm day, they have no heat. The little girl loves being barefoot and playing in water. She will do so every chance she gets; whether at home or by the river. She puts socks and shoes on the child but every time she turns her back..the child takes them off.
Since, the dad's presence is oddly sporatic, I don't understand why they don't all live with the grandmother. Her house is more solid and a little warmer. Can you imagine practically being outside in cold air all day long.
I just think she does this she must like all the comments i just feel for the baby