My youngest sister is like that ,my parents gave into her from small age today she is not controllable even to her husband 😅 calls mom in filth has raised hands on my they repent nw
Don't waste your time to tell this woman anything about because she will never listen to anyone at all! The little girl has taken it from her mother. Too bad!!!
You are correct, but how many of us really want to discipline our children in front of a camera when we have thousands of viewers. If you’re judging her for this can you imagine what people would do if she spanked her on Camera or if she disciplined her with harsh words, or if she made her cry. Yes, you guys would be the same ones singing a different tune. Mine your business. Be kind with your words.
Por favor tomen en cuenta de qué tiene la cámara sobre sus hechos. Me imagino que cuando no está enfrente de la cámara. Cuando todo el mundo la está juzgando es la mamá se porta con más autoridad. Vamos a ponerle una cámara en la casa suya, a ver cómo se comporta usted 24 × 7 Horas al día a ver si no cambia su actitud. No sea tan mala con sus palabras deben de apoyarla viendo la que está sola y que tan difícil ella tiene que salir todos los días para buscar que comer y tiene que crecer lo que van a comer, si no le va dar su apoyo con palabras buenas, por favor no le quite la esperanza de seguir adelante con sus palabras negativas
Ma thi no dejes que mit aga lo que quiera enseñale a respetar no dejes que te golpe porque si no va ser peor la cosa aslo horita que esta pequeña y la puedes regañar enseñale que es lo que tu dijas no lo que diga ella
Mit tiene todo el poder y el control de la vida diaria...con 2 años ya sabe perfectamente como actuar!!! Manipula a la madre y abusa del hermano. Necesita con urgencia disciplina.
Mit ya le estaba quitando al hermano su pequeña porción de galleta... ésta niña no quiere nada a su hermano. Si alguna vez le da algo es por orden de su ella "no nace" darle nada...todo lo contrario, si puede le quitaría todo!! el comida...los juguetes...todo!! Y luego con su falso llanto, convence a la madre rápidamente!!! Con sólo 2 años, menuda pieza!!!
@@nairmarconato4266 It's all the time too! She's a lazy mom! Meanwhile the girl hits mom and baby dog whoevever the girl is the mom just sick to watch!
You treat Mit better than Tit and Tit is so good. You gave her more pudding. Mit does need discipline you let her do whatever. I understand you are a single parent and it's hard but please stop making a difference between them.
Yeah she does she b has hallowed her to run her since she was the babies age. He gets tied up like an animal. The girl has been running her like crazy. Bury to get out not the noisy pen the baby has to stay put.
Im getting bored with your videos Mit need to be disciplined.You spoil her to much. She knows you won't punish her that is why she is getting more stubborn by hitting you.
She is fresh and needs a lot of discipline. She is going to end up not listening to you and showing Tit it is ok to be bad. Give her time outs. Don’t let her hit you, it will get worse.
@@lindathomson3274con sólo que la deje a la niña llorar eso enseña que no es correcto lo que hace , pero le quita de la cocina y después la mima. Llora de mentira.
Chato, e mit continua fazendo as manhas e teimosias como sempre vai ser sempre mal educada..ate na hora da Alimentação mit ganha ate três colheres de iogurte enquanto tit recebe apenas uma colher so com uma pontinha de iogurte 😢😢😡
Esta sra não sabe ser boa mãe, porque ser boa mãe é dar educação, alimentar os filhos, a filha faz o que quer, o pequenino leva da irmã o cão também, vejo aqui filmes mães sozinhas com 2 bebés e á regras😢😢
Cuando va a educar a esa niña señora usted está trabajando ella tiene q estar jugando tiene muchos juguete y lo peor q el otro niño esta viendo todo y va a tener la misma conducta
Pero si la madre no le pone pare a esa niña ahora , parece que en ese país no se le puede dar 3 buenas nalgadas a los niños para corregirlos , imagínate cuando sea grande le dará golpes a ella y el otro seguirá la misma línea , los consiente demasiado, así no se quiere a nuestros hijos , se crían con Amor y Respeto a sus padres. Muy fuerte eso
Mama cuando le dees de comer dsle la porcion por igual no le dees mas cantidad y mas veces a la niña que al varonsito los dos tienen que alimentarlo por igual tenes preferencia por tu hija que el varon siempre veo que le permitis cosas que no estan bien a tu hija tratalos por igual
Sua filha, não tem limites é muito malcriada, vc. mãe tem que pôr limite a ela, e fazer ela entender quem é a mãe e vc. não a MIT, vc. como mãe tem que puxar as redes, porque se ela crescer sem limites vc vai sofrer as consequências no futuro, ensina sua filha a te obedecer quem manda é.vc.❤❤❤
Llenale la cuchara a Tit,con esos poquitos q le das imposible q se pueda desarrollar,nunca lo veo tomando leche,me da pena con Tit por lo menos en los videos no veo q esté bien atendido
Mom your son needs formula just like Mit gets milk but, he is pushed aside and doesn't exist. Poor baby needs some shoes on when it's so cold, Mit wears hers when she wants to. As Mit grows up she will not respect you because you Never enforce any rules for her, she will be a very unruly child and it will not be her fault.
La mamá es la jefe del hogar y mit hCe con usted lo que quiere, ojo con eso porque cuando este un poco mas grande te va a doblar para sentarsele encima no se deje mandar de ella
I think Tit should be crawling all over by now but he doesn’t. He really should be almost walking. He probably needs to be checked out by doctor to see why he’s not doing things a 1 year old should be doing. You do not feed him enough. His being developmentally way behind might be from malnutrition. These kids need a lot more than you are providing.
I somewhat tend to agree with you. Look back on previous videos , even a year ago when Mit was his age, she was very active . This baby has a walker to help him and he's not even holding on to anything to stand up or walk around. He may be needs to spend more time in the crib to have something firm to hold on to, learn to stand and to walk-around to strengthen his leg muscles. Whatever his meals are (as seen in the videos) DO NOT provide him nor Mit with the amount of vitamins, minerals that babies/ growing children need.
Discipline is very important at this age. Her daughter has learned she gets whatever she wants when she pretends to cry. More at is paid on the daughter than the baby. She didn’t even clean his face after eating.
@@scrappygirl--danayates3075 I watch other single mom's from the same area and there kids are clean they live the same way if not worse but kids are very clean! No excuse!!
Tit precisa consultar um médico. Na idade dele era para engatinhar, ficar bem sentado e ate andar.Falta alimentação certa. Ele nao come o que precisa para desenvolver. Presta mais atenção nele, vc cuida mais da menina e deixa ele de lado.
Mit doesn't listen to no one. She treats everyone like they are servants that should cater to her. The adults need to come together and figure out how to discipline her.
Você precisa fazer um prato de comida para o Mit e dar de colher tudo para ele, não dar na mão dele um pedacinho, isso não é alimentar. Ele precisa comer uma quantia normal no almoço e jantar. A Tit não come comida mais está sempre bebendo duvide caixinha e comendo salgadinho, o Mit só come qdo ela da um pedaço para ele. Acredito que ele tenha fome.
Ma thi no permitas que mit juegue con los trastes de la cocina está negro de tisne y los palos que están quemados tiene carbon se ensucia sus abrigos de negro y cuando lo lavas no se quita pon la ropa a remojar con detergente o no conose el jabon de barra se. Lo rrestriegas a la ropa manchada de tisne de carbon. Y lo tallas fuerza aber si se quita
Живёт здесь и именно здесь,со своими детьми.Это её дом и его помогли построить государственная администрация.Государство помогло забетонировать двор и оказали хорошую материальную помощь,как матери одиночке.
What so special about the girl,you feed her better than the boy thats not nice treat them equal that boy she going to grow up and take care of you so stop give the girl all the attention
Cadê o pai dessas crianças ,sumiu de novo ne, safado ta nem aí prós filhos ,ele e ruim não tem dó do Garoto ta desnutrido e sujo ,seja prudente mãe de banho nessas crianças que nojo ,as roupas do bebê e muito nojenta cheia de bolor e sujeira também, já percebi que as roupas da sua filha não são encardidas e emboloradas igual a do bebê 😢 vc não tem dó dele tadinho,ja era pra estar engatinhando ficando de pé sentando ele precisa de médico urgente
I dont comment anymore with Mits actions because ot seems it goes on deaf ears. And what i would say im sure mom wouldnt like it, or other people so i just dont comment
ConnieCrain-c1q Connie I understand what you mean. No matter what you say Ma thi doesn't want to listen. She doesn't want to improve herself or her lifestyle. As for Mit she is very stubborn and needs a good smack. She is always snotty,dirty, naughty and worse of all always playing with water and barefooted. Little Tit is such a good boy even though his Mother doesn't seem to pay him so much attention as Mit. Really there a lot of poor people in the world but lots of them want to better themselves. Apparently Ma thi is one he doesn't want too.
The girl refuse s to take her medicine and had to repeating gonfornshots. She is barefoot ed in the cool weather. If the cameraman didn't talk to the baby boy he would have no interaction. Bad pqrenting.
Ngoan , you are just spoiling your toddler Mit ,without punishing her, rather, pampering her all the time. She is so stubborn at this age and hitting you , you need to be very strict and punish her sometimes, otherwise you will have to face the consequences when she will grow up
Мит опять приболела, поэтому плачет, капризничает и не слушается. По-моему таким моленьким деткам нужно спать днем, я ни разу не видела чтобы Нгоан укладывала их днём спать. А ещё Нгоан вы курицу не увариваете до полного приготовления, она у вас полусырая. Хорошо разваренная курица очень вкусная и детки её кушают с удовольствием, а у вас нет. Только испортили продукты, жалко. 😢
Pq o Tit não senta ,e tbm não fica em pé segurando nas coisas , se o fica escorregando no chão ele ja tem quase um ano ,outros bebes com seis ou sete meses ja estão fazendo isso e ele nada pq será !!!!!!
Mitt controls the Mother. The child wants to play.. But everything could be avoided ID the Mother makes a hight kitchen area and put water hose and spiket higher..but... She is not using her head to improve cooking area.
He’s 9 months but he still should be standing. The walker should be making his legs stronger but it doesn’t seem like it isn’t, he probably just needs a little bit more time, all babies are different
Los 3 últimos videos no te gustan nada hacerlos... estás de mal humor, resultas desagradable...Llega a un acuerdo con el camarógrafo, para hacer vídeos que te apetezcan mas. En éstos momentos trasmites tensión, desgana, irritabilidad. No hagas mas videos!!
Mit este o răsfățată,face numai ce vrea ea,iar tu o lași în pace. Nu este corect pentru comportamentul ei,chiar dacă e mică trebuie educată . Probabil nu citești comentariiile și nu știi părerea altora. Urmărește sfaturile pe care le primeșt și totul va fi bine. Ai păsări,ai ouă urmează doar să le gătești și scapi de malnutriție,iar copii vor fi sănătoși. Trebuie efort la gătit mâncare diversificată,dar dacă nu -ți place...,rabdă și chinuiește-ți copii,ajută-i să fie deficitari de vitamine. Așta știi,asta faci!
Your daughter is so hard headed. Teach her while she is young. Sometimes I don't watch ur videos because I hate seeing your daughter in bad manner. I know she is a child but you have to discipline her. When she gets older she will bring with her these kind of attitude. Discipline her while still young.
Gracias por darle carne alos niños amiga recuerda tienes que enseñar a tu niña Aser disciplinada porque si sigue así vs ser un problema pará ti y tu as pasado mucho pará cuidarla así que ponle manos duras pará que cuando sea grande te respete y te considere
MIT is learning to share with Tit, which is so very nice to see. Yet MIT continues to throw little fits to get her way. She ruins more clothes by being allowed to play around the burnt woods where you do the cooking. The burnt wood is so very difficult to get out of clothes. It makes your job washing the clothes harder. I am sure we have more products where I live to handle tough stains. So your best bet momma would be to train MIT she cannot play in the burnt woods where you cook. I don’t know what you want to do to prevent her or train her to stay out of it. But the sooner you work on her training the easier it will be. You must be firm with her and consistent. Learned young, easier when older to follow your direction. Do not let her get by with doing what she wants, especially when it is not in her best interest. Tit will eventually have to wear those clothes your daughter has ruined. That’s not fair to him to wear second hand ruined clothes.
Si ahora , no traduce la traducción no disponible casi siempre, lo otro el padre no ha aparecido más, parece sus hijos no son importantes para el que no los ve pero tampoco se muda a la casa con ella y sus hijos , no entiendo a esos hombres de ese país
I see many bad kids on these videos and the parents dont teach them anything or punish them, they just let them be brats! But then how much do these parents know when they eat crap like whats in that pan, what is there to eat on a chickens foot! And the guts!😮😮
You are as stubborn as your daughter, you never listen to advice. Your daughter needs some discipline. You give in so much to her. She doesn't play with her brother nor play with toys, very stubborn child. Not nice
It said that your ex-husband or husband which ever it is tries to get back in your life and MIT and Tit’s. Just when the children got use to him and loved having him around he’s not around. Was really hoping it would be different. Thought maybe with his building experience that you guys might start working on our home that’s a little more stable from the weather. What a shame.
Boa noite nohan coloca mite de castigo nao deicha.ela ti Bater tem que educar falar firme e nao adular se nao ela.vai fazer ok quizer quando estiver melhor.abraço
That is all she does is fake cry she knows her mom will come run I g. By put when the baby cries she just ignores him. She only seems broke with him if someone comes to visit.
Mit harus di ajari hormat dgn kamu ibunya. Tidak boleh dia memukul ibunya. Nanti sampai besar dia akan menjadi anak yg nakal. Kamu ibuk nya hrs memperbaikinya dari skrg.
Feeding the two children with the same spoon when one of them has a cold is not a good idea. Please cook them a proper meal instead of that rubbish you give them. Other girls on the Internet who are as poor as you cook meals as best they for their children. Something you do not do.
Have your eldest be adopted to ease the burden You cannot raise both of them in that simple job You don’t even know how to discipline her Your life is so boring and the content us always the same
No comments 😕 its hard to bring up kids in peace when they dont hv a proper father.,but mother can be stern at times of their bad behaviour to teach them decipline .if not they will be punished at school.
É engraçado como o povo reclama da disciplina da MIT ou ja passaram por isso com seu filho que não diciplinaram ne ou esquecem que a criança ta na fase de tre anos de idade que é uma fase de teimosia de aprender fazendo que a mãe tem dois bebê e que não tem condições de alimentação adequada a idade das crianças tem que das oque ela tiver no momento muiybem galinha com arroz efolhas muito bom pra e as crianças faça sempre que puder vc precisa se alimentar pra força pra lutar na sua vida e com as crianças ❤❤❤
Singlim eringiz qaerda yoqolib qoldi yoki iwlawga ketganmi bir ozingizga juda qiyin ota onangiz bormi?qizingizni tarbiyasiga etibor bering u juda injiq hohlaganini qiliwga yol qoymang
Where is your husband? He just came to mess up your friendship with the policeman, the policeman was very nice and helpful he didn’t have to help you but he did sad you didn’t see that…..
Ma you need to teach Mit some manners is Mit the mother and are you the daughter as Mit rules you don't let Mit get away with things give her discipline stops neglecting Tit all you do with Tit is put him in the walker or you leave Tit alone crawling near the bed spebd time with Tit stop neglecting him you sre all for Mit maybe you shouldn't be able to have your children unril you stop neglecting them. Close all of the walls of the house make the kitchen inside and under cover get a tv get some toys for the children spend quality time with Tit don't bathe your children out invthe cold you already have a wash room that is covered bathe them in there don't let the children stay outside in the cold all day no wonder they get sick all of the time feed Tit not let him go hungry all of the time put the children to sleep during the day take Mit to the day care Make sure your place is warm inside for the kids . Listen to what we are all saying. We all look forward to seeing you doing all of this
Если она не понимает что нельзя играться в земле и в углях то посадите ее в манеж и положите ей игрушки и пусть сидит и играется там. Пока она не поймёт что так нельзя игратся
I remember one thing that my mother told me that if you don't discipline your child when they're young you regret it when they grow up that's so true
True. The girl already knows she is running and in charge of her mom.
My youngest sister is like that ,my parents gave into her from small age today she is not controllable even to her husband 😅 calls mom in filth has raised hands on my they repent nw
Don't waste your time to tell this woman anything about because she will never listen to anyone at all! The little girl has taken it from her mother. Too bad!!!
You are correct, but how many of us really want to discipline our children in front of a camera when we have thousands of viewers. If you’re judging her for this can you imagine what people would do if she spanked her on Camera or if she disciplined her with harsh words, or if she made her cry. Yes, you guys would be the same ones singing a different tune. Mine your business. Be kind with your words.
Dont allow Mit to hit you.
señora usted es la mamá o su niña es la mamá porque veo que la niña la manda a usted que consentida la tienes
Por favor tomen en cuenta de qué tiene la cámara sobre sus hechos. Me imagino que cuando no está enfrente de la cámara. Cuando todo el mundo la está juzgando es la mamá se porta con más autoridad. Vamos a ponerle una cámara en la casa suya, a ver cómo se comporta usted 24 × 7 Horas al día a ver si no cambia su actitud. No sea tan mala con sus palabras deben de apoyarla viendo la que está sola y que tan difícil ella tiene que salir todos los días para buscar que comer y tiene que crecer lo que van a comer, si no le va dar su apoyo con palabras buenas, por favor no le quite la esperanza de seguir adelante con sus palabras negativas
Ma thi no dejes que mit aga lo que quiera enseñale a respetar no dejes que te golpe porque si no va ser peor la cosa aslo horita que esta pequeña y la puedes regañar enseñale que es lo que tu dijas no lo que diga ella
If you don't teach her now she's going to wind up where you are. She is headstrong
Yes it is,she need to disciple her daughter
Mit tiene todo el poder y el control de la vida diaria...con 2 años ya sabe perfectamente como actuar!!! Manipula a la madre y abusa del hermano. Necesita con urgencia disciplina.
Llora de mentira y la mamá por eso sale a su encuentro. Déjala que llore, con sólo que la dejes aprenderá
Mit ya le estaba quitando al hermano su pequeña porción de galleta... ésta niña no quiere nada a su hermano. Si alguna vez le da algo es por orden de su ella "no nace" darle nada...todo lo contrario, si puede le quitaría todo!! el comida...los juguetes...todo!! Y luego con su falso llanto, convence a la madre rápidamente!!! Con sólo 2 años, menuda pieza!!!
This lady is Disturbing, disgusting, to that baby boy makes me want to cry.
Tadinho ele e sujo roupas encardidas ele tem fome
@@nairmarconato4266 It's all the time too! She's a lazy mom! Meanwhile the girl hits mom and baby dog whoevever the girl is the mom just sick to watch!
Mit es una niña muy caprichosa y debes ponerle lí sabe jugar con Tit y tampoco muy mal criada
Please descipline Mit before it's too late.
It's child abuse not to teach her not.
@glendahickman4911 what is child abuse that you talking of❓
You treat Mit better than Tit and Tit is so good. You gave her more pudding. Mit does need discipline you let her do whatever. I understand you are a single parent and it's hard but please stop making a difference between them.
Yeah she does she b has hallowed her to run her since she was the babies age. He gets tied up like an animal. The girl has been running her like crazy. Bury to get out not the noisy pen the baby has to stay put.
Im getting bored with your videos
Mit need to be disciplined.You spoil her to much. She knows you won't punish her that is why she is getting more stubborn by hitting you.
que niña tan malcriada y no comparte con su hermano pero la culpa es de la mamá no le pone límites
She is only 2 years old and doesn't understand many things yet.
Ale spoustě jiných ano. Je to chytrá až vychytralá dívka a ví jak dosáhnout svého. @@Anusia47-v2z
Эта девочка все хорошо понимает, и добивается своего, это мама не понимает к чему приводит такое воспитание, ми уже её бьёт.
@@Anusia47-v2z Não concordo...Nessa idade são bem espertas..Mimada e manipuladora desde pequena...Muito egoísta pra idade dela ..
@@denisepassos5220 😂😂😂
Wow, you really have to teach you a daughter.Some discipline she does not listen to you and does whatever she wants.
So true I agree
Si que malcriada
Your daughter is disrespectful
Be quiet….I expect your children…if indeed you have any were Angels…. STOP JUDGING ….. instead Walk A Mile in Her Shoe’s
She baking she allow her to do whatever. Why doesn't the baby get a drink box.
She is so fake. No tears just fit throwing.
She is fresh and needs a lot of discipline. She is going to end up not listening to you and showing Tit it is ok to be bad. Give her time outs. Don’t let her hit you, it will get worse.
Smarten Up Miss Perfect….walk a Mike in her shoes before you pass judgmental remarks.
You are correct and no known the mom will discipline him but not her. She is already more strict non him than she has ever been on the brat
Nasty,Nasty Nasty woman,@lindathomson.
Same old Nasty comments spewed out by you! Nasty woman!!
@@lindathomson3274con sólo que la deje a la niña llorar eso enseña que no es correcto lo que hace , pero le quita de la cocina y después la mima. Llora de mentira.
Killing an animal in front of children is not good. It was done to me as a child and its traumatizing.
Chato, e mit continua fazendo as manhas e teimosias como sempre vai ser sempre mal educada..ate na hora da Alimentação mit ganha ate três colheres de iogurte enquanto tit recebe apenas uma colher so com uma pontinha de iogurte 😢😢😡
Esta sra não sabe ser boa mãe, porque ser boa mãe é dar educação, alimentar os filhos, a filha faz o que quer, o pequenino leva da irmã o cão também, vejo aqui filmes mães sozinhas com 2 bebés e á regras😢😢
Buena madre es repartir la comida por igual ,por q favorito ,y educar q comparta su hija si se lo permite está criando a un monstruo
She does whatever she wants
Cuando va a educar a esa niña señora usted está trabajando ella tiene q estar jugando tiene muchos juguete y lo peor q el otro niño esta viendo todo y va a tener la misma conducta
Pero si la madre no le pone pare a esa niña ahora , parece que en ese país no se le puede dar 3 buenas nalgadas a los niños para corregirlos , imagínate cuando sea grande le dará golpes a ella y el otro seguirá la misma línea , los consiente demasiado, así no se quiere a nuestros hijos , se crían con Amor y Respeto a sus padres. Muy fuerte eso
Mama cuando le dees de comer dsle la porcion por igual no le dees mas cantidad y mas veces a la niña que al varonsito los dos tienen que alimentarlo por igual tenes preferencia por tu hija que el varon siempre veo que le permitis cosas que no estan bien a tu hija tratalos por igual
A la niña le deja hacer lo que quiera
Sua filha, não tem limites é muito malcriada, vc. mãe tem que pôr limite a ela, e fazer ela entender quem é a mãe e vc. não a MIT, vc. como mãe tem que puxar as redes, porque se ela crescer sem limites vc vai sofrer as consequências no futuro, ensina sua filha a te obedecer quem manda é.vc.❤❤❤
Pobre Tit no se siente es buenísimo Pero Mit hace cosas malas para llamar la atención 😮
Llenale la cuchara a Tit,con esos poquitos q le das imposible q se pueda desarrollar,nunca lo veo tomando leche,me da pena con Tit por lo menos en los videos no veo q esté bien atendido
Mom your son needs formula just like Mit gets milk but, he is pushed aside and doesn't exist. Poor baby needs some shoes on when it's so cold, Mit wears hers when she wants to. As Mit grows up she will not respect you because you Never enforce any rules for her, she will be a very unruly child and it will not be her fault.
La mamá es la jefe del hogar y mit hCe con usted lo que quiere, ojo con eso porque cuando este un poco mas grande te va a doblar para sentarsele encima no se deje mandar de ella
miss ngoan dont allow your kid to beat you dicipline her❤❤❤
I think Tit should be crawling all over by now but he doesn’t. He really should be almost walking. He probably needs to be checked out by doctor to see why he’s not doing things a 1 year old should be doing. You do not feed him enough. His being developmentally way behind might be from malnutrition. These kids need a lot more than you are providing.
Mas como ela vai alimentar as crianças se não têm quase o que comer, só comem arroz e miojo...
É um país onde os mais pobres passam fome...
The girl gets a lot more drink and food than the baby. She doesn't spend the time with the baby. She just concerns her self with the bratty kid.
Посмотрите на его щёчки, это разве голодный ребёнок? Ему 8-9 месяцев всего, а есть дети которые ходят позже! С ним всё нормально
I somewhat tend to agree with you. Look back on previous videos , even a year ago when Mit was his age, she was very active . This baby has a walker to help him and he's not even holding on to anything to stand up or walk around.
He may be needs to spend more time in the crib to have something firm to hold on to, learn to stand and to walk-around to strengthen his leg muscles.
Whatever his meals are (as seen in the videos) DO NOT provide him nor Mit with the amount of vitamins, minerals that babies/ growing children need.
Discipline is very important at this age. Her daughter has learned she gets whatever she wants when she pretends to cry. More at is paid on the daughter than the baby. She didn’t even clean his face after eating.
Your duagther is so hardheaded dont spoil her
English must not be your first language because obviously you misspelled some words in your rude comments. Stop judging her.
Mit is a spoiled brat and always has been that will never change. Mom won’t discipline her. She will grow up to be a spoiled adult
Kids are cute but always so nasty dirty!
If you lived in these conditions you probably wouldnt be super clean either.
The kids are super clean wearing new like clothes when the mom is expecting the two men comes over for a visit.
@@scrappygirl--danayates3075 I watch other single mom's from the same area and there kids are clean they live the same way if not worse but kids are very clean! No excuse!!
Q malcriada y ella te da a ti uffff q horror 😢😮
Mitt is turning into a very disrespectful little girl, 😤
Hard to like and that's on her mother
Yeah her her mom doesn't care. She ruins the video. I like it better when she is at school.
Tit precisa consultar um médico. Na idade dele era para engatinhar, ficar bem sentado e ate andar.Falta alimentação certa. Ele nao come o que precisa para desenvolver. Presta mais atenção nele, vc cuida mais da menina e deixa ele de lado.
She not worried about him girl gets all attention
Mit doesn't listen to no one. She treats everyone like they are servants that should cater to her. The adults need to come together and figure out how to discipline her.
Y ella deja q esa niña a haga lo q le da la gana sinceramente esta chica no esta educando a esta niña
Estranho é o Tit q só escorrega pelo chão não levanta nas coisas pra ficar em não senta ele já tem quase um ano ,vcs não acham 😮😮
Você precisa fazer um prato de comida para o Mit e dar de colher tudo para ele, não dar na mão dele um pedacinho, isso não é alimentar. Ele precisa comer uma quantia normal no almoço e jantar.
A Tit não come comida mais está sempre bebendo duvide caixinha e comendo salgadinho, o Mit só come qdo ela da um pedaço para ele. Acredito que ele tenha fome.
Esa niña muy maleducada, déjala que llore que no le pasa nada así aprende
Ma thi no permitas que mit juegue con los trastes de la cocina está negro de tisne y los palos que están quemados tiene carbon se ensucia sus abrigos de negro y cuando lo lavas no se quita pon la ropa a remojar con detergente o no conose el jabon de barra se. Lo rrestriegas a la ropa manchada de tisne de carbon. Y lo tallas fuerza aber si se quita
She doesn't live here, she only comes to make videos, when will you understand that!
Живёт здесь и именно здесь,со своими детьми.Это её дом и его помогли построить государственная администрация.Государство помогло забетонировать двор и оказали хорошую материальную помощь,как матери одиночке.
@@МаргаритаАлександровна-ь9й 😂😂😂😂😂
What so special about the girl,you feed her better than the boy thats not nice treat them equal that boy she going to grow up and take care of you so stop give the girl all the attention
São duas garotas!😊
nein Mädchen und Junge @@laenelae4027
Cadê o pai dessas crianças ,sumiu de novo ne, safado ta nem aí prós filhos ,ele e ruim não tem dó do Garoto ta desnutrido e sujo ,seja prudente mãe de banho nessas crianças que nojo ,as roupas do bebê e muito nojenta cheia de bolor e sujeira também, já percebi que as roupas da sua filha não são encardidas e emboloradas igual a do bebê 😢 vc não tem dó dele tadinho,ja era pra estar engatinhando ficando de pé sentando ele precisa de médico urgente
Почему старший ребёнок стал таким не послушным не допускай этого она уже тебя не понимает и не слушает
I dont comment anymore with Mits actions because ot seems it goes on deaf ears. And what i would say im sure mom wouldnt like it, or other people so i just dont comment
Useless commenting mother will realise it when daughter gets bigger and be adamont and demanding
Between the videos not being entertaining anymore and Mitt the Brat I’m leaving WANT ME back change things
Mit doesn’t like being disciplined. Mother should keep it up & show her who is boas. She is very sweet but also very naughty.
ConnieCrain-c1q Connie I understand what you mean. No matter what you say Ma thi doesn't want to listen. She doesn't want to improve herself or her lifestyle. As for Mit she is very stubborn and needs a good smack. She is always snotty,dirty, naughty and worse of all always playing with water and barefooted. Little Tit is such a good boy even though his Mother doesn't seem to pay him so much attention as Mit. Really there a lot of poor people in the world but lots of them want to better themselves. Apparently Ma thi is one he doesn't want too.
The girl refuse s to take her medicine and had to repeating gonfornshots. She is barefoot ed in the cool weather. If the cameraman didn't talk to the baby boy he would have no interaction. Bad pqrenting.
Mathi con todo respeto educa a mit por favor es muy traviesa e inquieta no dejes que haga lo que ella quiera y abuse de su hermana
Ngoan , you are just spoiling your toddler Mit ,without punishing her, rather, pampering her all the time. She is so stubborn at this age and hitting you , you need to be very strict and punish her sometimes, otherwise you will have to face the consequences when she will grow up
Мит опять приболела, поэтому плачет, капризничает и не слушается. По-моему таким моленьким деткам нужно спать днем, я ни разу не видела чтобы Нгоан укладывала их днём спать. А ещё Нгоан вы курицу не увариваете до полного приготовления, она у вас полусырая. Хорошо разваренная курица очень вкусная и детки её кушают с удовольствием, а у вас нет. Только испортили продукты, жалко. 😢
What is she thinking giving him a chicken leg and then not even paying attention to him
Nem uma comida que preste vc sabe fazer pri seu filhos tudo e improvisado nunca vc tem uma rotina adequada...
Loving a child is also disciplined thm she need to listen to your command and don't git back at you .
외출 후 반드시 손은 씻어야 해요.
Doesn't the mom ever feel bad not giving the infant food while her and the brat are eating?
I thought same thing girl big enough to feed herself baby isn't
Don't let her get away.
With doing whatever she wants To Do..make her do what you say.
She's turning into a brate.
Too late.. She's turned into a brat already!
Pq o Tit não senta ,e tbm não fica em pé segurando nas coisas , se o fica escorregando no chão ele ja tem quase um ano ,outros bebes com seis ou sete meses ja estão fazendo isso e ele nada pq será !!!!!!
He doesn't even sit up mom doesn't help him with anything
Mitt controls the Mother. The child wants to play.. But everything could be avoided ID the Mother makes a hight kitchen area and put water hose and spiket higher..but... She is not using her head to improve cooking area.
That baby should be standing at 11 months
He’s 9 months but he still should be standing. The walker should be making his legs stronger but it doesn’t seem like it isn’t, he probably just needs a little bit more time, all babies are different
Lágrimas de cocodrilo para probar fuerza
Los 3 últimos videos no te gustan nada hacerlos... estás de mal humor, resultas desagradable...Llega a un acuerdo con el camarógrafo, para hacer vídeos que te apetezcan mas. En éstos momentos trasmites tensión, desgana, irritabilidad. No hagas mas videos!!
Yes..I think this channel will close down That awful looking kid,MIT is one mean looking girl 😮
People needs to stop watching this girl videos. We keep saying the same thing over and over.
She get big bites two in a row but the baby barely get anything on the spooin. I can't stand her ways. I wish someone who adopt thebaby.
Mit este o răsfățată,face numai ce vrea ea,iar tu o lași în pace.
Nu este corect pentru comportamentul ei,chiar dacă e mică trebuie educată .
Probabil nu citești comentariiile și nu știi părerea altora.
Urmărește sfaturile pe care le primeșt și totul va fi bine.
Ai păsări,ai ouă urmează doar să le gătești și scapi de malnutriție,iar copii vor fi sănătoși.
Trebuie efort la gătit mâncare diversificată,dar dacă nu -ți place...,rabdă și chinuiește-ți copii,ajută-i să fie deficitari de vitamine.
Așta știi,asta faci!
I definitely could not eat that chicken…no offence
The children eat more snot than food.
큰애가 가짜로 우네 잘못한것을 예기하고 더 혼내야 해요
Your daughter is so hard headed. Teach her while she is young. Sometimes I don't watch ur videos because I hate seeing your daughter in bad manner. I know she is a child but you have to discipline her. When she gets older she will bring with her these kind of attitude. Discipline her while still young.
Gracias por darle carne alos niños amiga recuerda tienes que enseñar a tu niña Aser disciplinada porque si sigue así vs ser un problema pará ti y tu as pasado mucho pará cuidarla así que ponle manos duras pará que cuando sea grande te respete y te considere
MIT is learning to share with Tit, which is so very nice to see. Yet MIT continues to throw little fits to get her way. She ruins more clothes by being allowed to play around the burnt woods where you do the cooking. The burnt wood is so very difficult to get out of clothes. It makes your job washing the clothes harder. I am sure we have more products where I live to handle tough stains. So your best bet momma would be to train MIT she cannot play in the burnt woods where you cook. I don’t know what you want to do to prevent her or train her to stay out of it. But the sooner you work on her training the easier it will be. You must be firm with her and consistent. Learned young, easier when older to follow your direction. Do not let her get by with doing what she wants, especially when it is not in her best interest. Tit will eventually have to wear those clothes your daughter has ruined. That’s not fair to him to wear second hand ruined clothes.
She never corrects her or teaches her no. She allows just to smack her and give us her everything she want and wants to do. But not the baby
Videonya smakin membosankan
Si ahora , no traduce la traducción no disponible casi siempre, lo otro el padre no ha aparecido más, parece sus hijos no son importantes para el que no los ve pero tampoco se muda a la casa con ella y sus hijos , no entiendo a esos hombres de ese país
대나무로 선반을 만들어서 전기밥솥은 땅바닥에 두지말고 위에 올리세요
Tienes qué dejar la carnes más suaves para qué lo niños la puedan comer con fasilidad
I see many bad kids on these videos and the parents dont teach them anything or punish them, they just let them be brats! But then how much do these parents know when they eat crap like whats in that pan, what is there to eat on a chickens foot! And the guts!😮😮
You are as stubborn as your daughter, you never listen to advice. Your daughter needs some discipline. You give in so much to her. She doesn't play with her brother nor play with toys, very stubborn child. Not nice
It said that your ex-husband or husband which ever it is tries to get back in your life and MIT and Tit’s. Just when the children got use to him and loved having him around he’s not around. Was really hoping it would be different. Thought maybe with his building experience that you guys might start working on our home that’s a little more stable from the weather. What a shame.
Sets better off without the bum
Boa noite nohan coloca mite de castigo nao deicha.ela ti Bater tem que educar falar firme e nao adular se nao ela.vai fazer ok quizer quando estiver melhor.abraço
Let someone adopt your eldest
It would be good for hrr
that is a fake cry!!!!!! from Mit
That is all she does is fake cry she knows her mom will come run I g. By put when the baby cries she just ignores him. She only seems broke with him if someone comes to visit.
Já perceberam , que ela não coloca água prás galinhas?
Sharing spoons again.. Feeding 😮😮😮
Parabéns pela refeição, vc é batalhadora Mathi 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🌻🌻🌻🍀🍀🍀
Mit harus di ajari hormat dgn kamu ibunya. Tidak boleh dia memukul ibunya. Nanti sampai besar dia akan menjadi anak yg nakal. Kamu ibuk nya hrs memperbaikinya dari skrg.
Feeding the two children with the same spoon when one of them has a cold is not a good idea. Please cook them a proper meal instead of that rubbish you give them. Other girls on the Internet who are as poor as you cook meals as best they for their children. Something you do not do.
Have your eldest be adopted to ease the burden
You cannot raise both of them in that simple job
You don’t even know how to discipline her
Your life is so boring and the content us always the same
No comments 😕 its hard to bring up kids in peace when they dont hv a proper father.,but mother can be stern at times of their bad behaviour to teach them decipline .if not they will be punished at school.
Ya no llevas a la niña a la escuela?? Si no la pones limites se va a volver insorportable…
Can't stand her fake crying and mom just lets her do whatever she wants girl knows it
É engraçado como o povo reclama da disciplina da MIT ou ja passaram por isso com seu filho que não diciplinaram ne ou esquecem que a criança ta na fase de tre anos de idade que é uma fase de teimosia de aprender fazendo que a mãe tem dois bebê e que não tem condições de alimentação adequada a idade das crianças tem que das oque ela tiver no momento muiybem galinha com arroz efolhas muito bom pra e as crianças faça sempre que puder vc precisa se alimentar pra força pra lutar na sua vida e com as crianças ❤❤❤
Миттин тарбиясы жок балит кыз оюндагысын кылат чонойсо коп проблема болот
Biasakan cuci tangan kaki klau habis dr luar apa lagi habis dr kandang ayam kambing apa lg td pegang2 telur yg masih kotor .
Singlim eringiz qaerda yoqolib qoldi yoki iwlawga ketganmi bir ozingizga juda qiyin ota onangiz bormi?qizingizni tarbiyasiga etibor bering u juda injiq hohlaganini qiliwga yol qoymang
Selamat beraktivitas❤❤❤
Where is your husband? He just came to mess up your friendship with the policeman, the policeman was very nice and helpful he didn’t have to help you but he did sad you didn’t see that…..
Ma you need to teach Mit some manners is Mit the mother and are you the daughter as Mit rules you don't let Mit get away with things give her discipline stops neglecting Tit all you do with Tit is put him in the walker or you leave Tit alone crawling near the bed spebd time with Tit stop neglecting him you sre all for Mit maybe you shouldn't be able to have your children unril you stop neglecting them.
Close all of the walls of the house make the kitchen inside and under cover get a tv get some toys for the children spend quality time with Tit don't bathe your children out invthe cold you already have a wash room that is covered bathe them in there don't let the children stay outside in the cold all day no wonder they get sick all of the time feed Tit not let him go hungry all of the time put the children to sleep during the day take Mit to the day care
Make sure your place is warm inside for the kids .
Listen to what we are all saying. We all look forward to seeing you doing all of this
Wow you eat some really healthy food
Если она не понимает что нельзя играться в земле и в углях то посадите ее в манеж и положите ей игрушки и пусть сидит и играется там. Пока она не поймёт что так нельзя игратся
cô gái này không hề yêu anh trai mình chút nào
Essa menina está ficando mal criada.