Jesus Isn't Coming/ Save Yourself

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 21 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 113

  • @jefferygreen2130
    @jefferygreen2130 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Love to see this from my people. A lot of us are waking up. Thanks for sharing!

  • @gloria6583
    @gloria6583 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    My thoughts exactly!! Thank you for speaking out!

  • @jacquelineentwistle5091
    @jacquelineentwistle5091 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    My church I used to go to the preachers had predictions when jesus is coming back in that case the time they said that this was 30 years ago your right

    • @wb3381
      @wb3381 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Most of these pastors or preachers that make Rapture predictions from 40 years ago have died waiting

  • @Gemini_Dreams
    @Gemini_Dreams 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Thank you for speaking out!

  • @hostofwords
    @hostofwords 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    The all-too human interpretations of distinctly human ancient writing can be so damaging, and it's so freeing to see and step away. This was well said!

  • @traci1015
    @traci1015 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    It feels so good to see a fellow siStar on this side! This is beautiful, you are beautiful. ❤

  • @TruthBeTold7
    @TruthBeTold7 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Jesus was talking about the generation that sees the events he is describing won't pass, until everything is fulfilled.

  • @percubit10
    @percubit10 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You are so right. Jesus is not coming back and I know.

  • @Cornelius1978-z
    @Cornelius1978-z ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Hey, I absolutely love all your videos, I left Christianity too. You are absolutely right, Jesus isn’t coming back.

  • @GideonAbochie
    @GideonAbochie 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Is something wrong with me? I'm not focusing on your message... I'm just hypnotically mesmerized watching your face,lips and and looks...
    Oh Jesus me!!!!
    Oh no! I guess I gotta save myself with self-control...
    I'm shutting my eyes from temptation right now to save me.
    Have a lovey day everyone.

  • @KevinReilly-h3o
    @KevinReilly-h3o หลายเดือนก่อน

    I don’t know how many times I’ve heard he’s coming back”soon”.

  • @LM-jz9vh
    @LM-jz9vh 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    *Jesus falsely prophesied his return in the 1st century*
    Truly I tell you, ***some who are standing here will not taste death*** before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom Matthew 16:28
    Truly I tell you, ***some who are standing here*** will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God Luke 9:27
    Truly I tell you, ***this generation will certainly not pass away*** until all these things have happened Mark 13:30
    The sun will be darkened,
    and the moon will not give its light;
    the stars will fall from the sky,
    and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.
    Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory. And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.
    Truly I tell you, ***this generation will certainly not pass away*** until all these things have happened Matthew 24:29-34
    There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. People will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken. At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near. When you see these things happening, you know that the kingdom of God is near.
    Truly I tell you, ***this generation will certainly not pass away*** until all these things have happened Luke 21:25-32
    *Jesus promised to return over 2, 000 years ago and he still hasn’t.*
    Jesus and the angels never appeared from Heaven, the stars never fell from the sky, none of these things happened. Nothing he prophesied happened.
    ***Apologists can try to spin this, but the simple fact is that Jesus was either wrong or misquoted.***
    According to the Bible that makes Jesus a false prophet or misquoted (and if Jesus is misquoted than the Bible is not inerrant or the word of God)
    How can we know when a message has not been spoken by the Lord? If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the Lord does not take place or come true, that is a message the Lord has not spoken Deuteronomy 18:21-22
    *Jesus falsely prophesied to the high priest and the Sanhedrin*
    Jesus also falsely prophesied to the high priest and the Sanhedrin (assemblies of either twenty-three or seventy-one rabbis appointed to sit as a tribunal)
    You will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and ***coming on the clouds of heaven*** Matthew 26:64 Mark 14:62
    Except the high priest and the Sanhedrin never saw Jesus sitting at the right hand side of God, or coming on the clouds of heaven, or any such thing.
    *Jesus falsely prophesied to Nathaniel*
    Jesus also falsely prophesied to Nathanael when he declared, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the king of Israel.”
    Jesus said, You believe because I told you I saw you under the fig tree. You will see greater things than that. He then added, ***“Very truly I tell you, you will see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man*** John 1:50-51
    *Nathanael never saw any such thing. Neither did anyone else.*
    The following quote from Stephen L. Harris, Professor Emeritus of Humanities and Religious Studies at California State University- Sacramento, completes this point with a devastating argument.
    *Jesus did not accomplish what Israel’s prophets said the Messiah was commissioned to do:* He did not deliver the covenant people from their Gentile enemies, reassemble those scattered in the Diaspora, restore the Davidic kingdom, or establish universal peace (cf.Isa. 9:6-7; 11:7-12:16, etc.). Instead of freeing Jews from oppressors and thereby fulfilling God’s ancient promises-for land, nationhood, kingship, and blessing- *Jesus died a “shameful” death, defeated by the very political powers the Messiah was prophesied to overcome.* Indeed, the Hebrew prophets did not foresee that Israel’s savior would be executed as a common criminal by Gentiles, *making Jesus’ crucifixion a “stumbling block” to scripturally literate Jews.* (1 Cor.1:23)
    Watch *Jesus: Apocalyptic Prophet, Historical Lecture - Bart D. Ehrman*
    Also, look up the following.
    *"13x Jesus was wrong in the Bible - Life Lessons"*
    *"End Times - Evil Bible .com"*
    *"The End of All Things is At Hand - The Church Of Truth"*
    *"Resurrection - Fact or Myth - Omission Report"*
    *"What’s Missing from Codex Sinaiticus, the Oldest New Testament? - Biblical Archaeology Society"*
    *"The “Strange” Ending of the Gospel of Mark and Why It Makes All the Difference - Biblical Archaeology Society"*
    *"ex-apologist: On One of the Main Reasons Why I Think Christianity is False (Reposted)"*
    *"Why Jesus? Nontract (August 1999) - Freedom From Religion Foundation"*
    *"272: JESUS’S 5200 AUTHENTIC WORDS - zingcreed"*
    *"43: IS THE FOURTH GOSPEL FICTION? - zingcreed"*
    *"Jesus Predicted a First Century Return Which Did Not Occur - by Alex Beyman - Medium"*
    *"Jesus’ Failed Prophecy About His Return - Black Nonbelievers, Inc."*

    • @louisfields5659
      @louisfields5659 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @LM: as a Christian, I STRUGGLE with obvious biblical text issues like this..but you're SPOT ON!! I also struggle with the fact that the prophecy in Isaiah 7:14 CLEARLY says: "Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel." There is not ONE SINGLE place in the NT where he is called Immanuel. Lord? Sure/ Master? Sure/ the Christ? Sure. Never Immanuel. Not once. Not to mention that when citing this verse as proof of a prophecy fulfilled, they conveniently left out the next two verses:
      15 Butter and honey shall he eat, that he may know to refuse the evil, and choose the good.
      16 For before the child shall know to refuse the evil, and choose the good, the land that thou abhorrest shall be forsaken of both her kings.

    • @mrfabulous4640
      @mrfabulous4640 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      As someone who is well studied in the Bible and theology, I see you have half truths. You claim Christ Jesus made prophecies of His Second coming that did not come true.
      Your examples all assume Christ Jesus was prophesying about His Second Coming--which is not the case.
      You posted many verses, but for brevity I will just look at the Olivet Discourse in Luke (which you posted as an example).
      So the Olivet Discourse (which you posted as a failed prophecy of Christ Jesus' second coming) actually starts like this:
      // 5And while some were speaking of the temple, how it was adorned with noble stones and offerings, he said, 6“As for these things that you see, the days will come when there will not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down.” 7And they asked him, “Teacher, when will these things be, and what will be the sign when these things are about to take place?” //
      - Luke 21
      So here you see the question Christ Jesus was asked had nothing to do with His second coming (the disciples had no idea He was going to leave, let alone come back a second time). The question is about Christ Jesus' claim that the long established Jewish Temple would be destroyed (a temple is a place in the ancient world where the spirit of one's God dwelled).
      The disciples asked what signs will take place before the temple is destroyed and the Lord gave them all the signs up to verse 23. In verse 24 the Lord accurately states what will happen to Jerusalem (this happened in 70AD, 40 years after Christ Jesus' death & resurrection):
      // 24They will fall by the edge of the sword and be led captive among all nations, and Jerusalem will be trampled underfoot by the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled. //
      - Luke 21
      Now what confuses people, which makes them think the Lord was talking about the second coming, are verses 25-28:
      // 25“And there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth distress of nations in perplexity because of the roaring of the sea and the waves, 26people fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world. For the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 27And then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28Now when these things begin to take place, straighten up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” //
      - Luke 21
      However, we know the Lord is not talking about His second coming because He was not asked about it (He was asked about the temple's destruction) and the disciples had no idea the Lord was going to leave, let alone come back.
      The language used here sounds extreme, but people have to realize that this is just ancient apocalyptic language; which was used heavily in the Old Testament to describe the destruction of other nations, so the disciples would have probably understand it that way also.
      For example, this same language is used of the destruction of other cities (not the Lord's second coming), like:
      - Babylon's Fall: Isaiah 13.
      - Edom's Fall: Isaiah 34.
      - Egypt's Fall: Ezekiel 32
      - Jerusalem's Destruction (By A Locust Plague): Joel 2.
      // 29And he told them a parable: “Look at the fig tree, and all the trees. 30As soon as they come out in leaf, you see for yourselves and know that the summer is already near. 31So also, when you see these things taking place, you know that the kingdom of God is near. 32Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all has taken place. 33Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. //
      - Luke 21
      The Lord then accurately predicts within one generation this will all take place. A generation in the Bible is usually 40 years and Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans in 70AD (Christ Jesus died & rose again around 30AD).
      This is just one example you gave. I could do this for every example you gave.

    • @nomorecrocs
      @nomorecrocs 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      thankyou for this- I will copy and share

  • @esmiratalon8326
    @esmiratalon8326 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    really would like to hear more from you

  • @lindsaywaterman2010
    @lindsaywaterman2010 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    In Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21, Jesus told his disciples that he would return before that generation died. The trouble is that, every subsequent read itself into those verses.

  • @LavshBeatsTMlavishbeats
    @LavshBeatsTMlavishbeats 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Your voice is so relaxing. You should make asmr videos lol

  • @triciarae1986
    @triciarae1986 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I've enjoyed hearing your perspective. Looking forward to your next video.

  • @brendablack4308
    @brendablack4308 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Sister I love you that is the truth you have to come out your low frequency and come into the higher frequency with is

  • @tyronnhamilton254
    @tyronnhamilton254 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Well spoken.. Ase

  • @eugenewash65
    @eugenewash65 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thanks. I agree with you

  • @lovelove-jx9qt
    @lovelove-jx9qt 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I love this video! Christianity is a cop out. There's no accountability if someone else is coming to save you. Thank you for this.

  • @TheJacov
    @TheJacov 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Nice demonstration of critical thinking there, more people need to practice it. Thing is, if you think for yourself there is no guarantee that you will be correct, but not thinking for yourself will guarantee that you will never get it right.

  • @GlenfordSmith
    @GlenfordSmith 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Profound but simple. Probably too profound for the masses.

  • @bobbyr2361
    @bobbyr2361 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    These are GREAT questions and I’m glad you’re making people aware of them. I’ve watched about 3 or 4 of your videos and I’m so glad you started asking questions because those questions are indeed important.
    The trouble that I’m seeing is that there’s a lack of hermeneutics and exegesis in attempting to interpret the scriptures. There’s entire disciplines on this topic from Mark 13, Matthew 24, and Luke 21 called preterism and partial preterism that explains exactly what these verses mean within the context of a first century Jew and how a Jew would understand Jesus. The answers are indeed explanatory and sufficient (for all of your questions in every video that you’ve posted).
    Christianity is not only true but it provides the preconditions necessary to bring the concept of truth intelligibility. It not only brings truth it’s intelligibility but also coheres truth with other fundamental metaphilosophic categories that are necessary for understanding our world and apart from the Bible, no one is capable of providing a objective justification for truth without actually being ad-hoc or subjective.
    I advise everyone to definitely do their research. Because these question that you’re asking aren’t even the hard questions. These are things that have been fleshed out for centuries by Christian’s like Ambrose, Origin, Tertullian, Justin Martyr, Athanasius, Augustine, etc. You MUST read primary source documents and not online websites that give you tertiary sources and subjective reasoning.

  • @wb3381
    @wb3381 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Its good to see you again excellent overture and super high energy sister.

  • @LM-jz9vh
    @LM-jz9vh 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    *The Enuma Elish would later be the inspiration for the Hebrew scribes who created the text now known as the biblical Book of Genesis.* Prior to the 19th century CE, the Bible was considered the oldest book in the world and its narratives were thought to be completely original. In the mid-19th century CE, however, European museums, as well as academic and religious institutions, sponsored excavations in Mesopotamia to find physical evidence for historical corroboration of the stories in the Bible. ***These excavations found quite the opposite, however, in that, once cuneiform was translated, it was understood that a number of biblical narratives were Mesopotamian in origin.***
    *Famous stories such as the Fall of Man and the Great Flood were originally conceived and written down in Sumer,* translated and modified later in Babylon, and reworked by the Assyrians ***before they were used by the Hebrew scribes for the versions which appear in the Bible.***
    ***In revising the Mesopotamian creation story for their own ends, the Hebrew scribes tightened the narrative and the focus but retained the concept of the all-powerful deity who brings order from chaos.*** Marduk, in the Enuma Elish, establishes the recognizable order of the world - *just as God does in the Genesis tale* - and human beings are expected to recognize this great gift and honor the deity through service.
    Google *"Enuma Elish - The Babylonian Epic of Creation - Full Text - World History Encyclopedia"*
    Also discussed by Professor Christine Hayes at Yale University in her first lecture of the series on the Hebrew Bible from approx. 8:50.
    In addition, look up the below articles.
    *"Debunking the Devil - Michael A. Sherlock (Author)"*
    *"10 Ways The Bible Was Influenced By Other Religions - Listverse"*
    *"Top Ten Reasons Noah’s Flood is Mythology - The Sensuous Curmudgeon"*
    *"The Adam and Eve myth - News24"*
    *"The origins of the Ten Commandments - Carpe Scriptura"*
    *"Before Adam and Eve - Psychology Today"*
    *"Gilgamesh vs. Noah - Wordpress"*
    *"No, Humans Are Probably Not All Descended From A Single Couple Who Lived 200,000 Years Ago"*
    *"Adam & Eve: Theologians Try to Reconcile Science and Fail - The New Republic"*
    *"Adam and Eve: the ultimate standoff between science and faith (and a contest!) - Why Evolution Is True"*
    *"Bogus accommodationism: The return of Adam and Eve as real people, as proposed by a wonky quasi-scientific theory - Why Evolution Is True"*
    *"How many scientists question evolution? - ****"*
    *"What is the evidence for evolution? - Common-questions - BioLogos"*
    (A Christian organisation)
    *"Old Testament Tales Were Stolen From Other Cultures - Griffin"*
    *"Parallelism between “The Hymn to Aten” and Psalm 104 - Project Augustine"*
    *"Contradictions in the Bible | Identified verse by verse and explained using the most up-to-date scholarly information about the Bible, its texts, and the men who wrote them -- by Dr. Steven DiMattei"*
    *"How do we know that the biblical writers were* ***not*** *writing history? -- by Dr Steven DiMattei"*

  • @ronwalker8843
    @ronwalker8843 ปีที่แล้ว

    There is no jesus. no one was born of a virgin during the stone age. thank you Deon for being you. self education is the answer. i had a similar experience that you had although i haven't believed in the devil and hell since i was 27 and im 54 now. it took me longer to educate myself on the truth of the judeo- christain- islamic god. now i know that god does not exist.

  • @lawvere
    @lawvere 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I guess I don’t follow. I cannot save myself. My good deeds aren't sufficient for my redemption, I've done a lot wrong in my life that can't be undone. Jesus is my only hope. If you take that away from me, then I've got nothing to look forward to beyond this life. And that scares me because I don’t have enough faith to believe God isn't real and the bible isn't true.

    • @dreamwriter3792
      @dreamwriter3792 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You have no faith in God. Jesus overcame. If he overcame so can you. He said mightier works we should do. You are given into fear you serve Satan more than God cause he runs the fear circus games. You need to overcome your inner Satan. Jesus came and proclaimed what God is snd who he is. Revolutionary during that time. Not even his diciple knew what he was talking about fully. But wrote what he said. So disappointed in this comment. Makes you seem like a Christian loser.

  • @allthingsflea
    @allthingsflea ปีที่แล้ว

    One of the things He tells them will happen in those end times is his second coming, after the tribulation the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light. Then the world will see the son of man coming on the clouds from heaven, meaning his second coming is still on the way. He ends off the chapter by saying watch and pray. And if he’s not coming then what are we saving ourselves from!?

  • @LM-jz9vh
    @LM-jz9vh 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    *Ugarit and the Bible*
    Many people are familiar with the texts found at Qumran, commonly known as the Dead Sea Scrolls, in the 1940s. But fewer people have heard of the Ugarit findings, which began to be unearthed in the late 1920s. Both discoveries greatly increased our knowledge and understanding of Biblical texts and also of the history surrounding the evolution of Judaism and Christianity.
    The Dead Sea Scrolls impacted both the Old and New Testament interpretations, while the findings at Ugarit impacted only the Old Testament. *These texts and architectural inscriptions predate the Hebrew settlement at Canaan, but interestingly, they mention some of the same gods that appear in the Hebrew religious writings, produced after the Hebrew contact with the Ugarit region. The most significant god mentioned is El.* In one temple inscription he is said to be the father of Ba’al. In other mentions, he is even the father of Yaweh.
    In the Old Testament, Ba’al is associated with the Canaanites. And he is described as the focus of their religious worship in those stories-while El is described as being another name for Yahweh, the Hebrew patron god. *In reality, however, based on the discoveries at Ugarit (the land called Canaan in the Bible), El is clearly the father of the gods in much the same way that Zeus is the head of the gods on Olympus in Greek mythology. And Yaweh is not another name for El, but a separate deity.* Like Zeus, El headed a pantheon. He was not only the father of mankind, but the leader of the Ugarit gods. *His pantheon, in Ugarit, is called the* ***Elohim*** *(literally, the plural of El).*
    Using the book of Genesis as an example, the best scholarly estimates date it back to somewhere between 950 and 500 BC. *It appears that the writings were composed in two styles, one style preferring to refer to god as El and the other using YHWH (or Yahweh).* Eventually these texts came together into the form we have today, sometime around 450 BC. *Just to give some perspective, the best documented time in the Ugarit history was between 1450 and 1200 BC.*
    According to many modern apologists, El is simply another name for god, or even a generic word for “god” used by the Hebrews; and Elohim is simply another form of El. However, Bible translators do translate Elohim as plural in some instances and do translate El to be a proper noun in some instances. Some apologists defend a wholly singular usage of Elohim by pointing to the inconsistency with which Elohim is used with singular verb forms; however, this does not rule out the very real (and likely) potential that as monotheism evolved out of polytheism, the Hebrew texts were adjusted to correct for this problem (as we discussed the evolution of the book of Genesis in the above paragraph). ***However, it does seem oddly coincidental-and difficult to overlook-that the Hebrews had significant contact with Canaan and then, some years afterward, wrote out a Hebrew religious mythology using a name for god that parallels the Ugarit mythology’s chief deity.*** *It is also odd that Elohim appears in Ugarit texts as a clearly plural form of El, and then later in a sometimes confused singular/plural fashion in the Hebrew texts.*
    *The important question becomes, then: Is there any reason beyond the contact with Canaan to view the Hebrew deity as being synonymous with the Canaanite god El? The answer is “yes.”* There are parallels between the two gods. For example, if we look at more of the attributes of El in the Ugarit texts, we find that El had a consort, Asherah *(who was also, occasionally, recorded as the consort to Yahweh).* This would appear to distance the Hebrew El from the Ugarit El then, if there is no mention of the Hebrews combining El with Asherah. *However, there is mention in the Hebrew texts that illustrates that Asherah was connected with El in the minds of the Hebrews as well as in their worship. Twice in Jeremiah (chapter 7 and chapter 44), she is referred to as the Queen of Heaven, and it is clearly indicated that the Hebrews were worshipping her in those instances.* Also, in 2 Kings 18, it is noted that her objects of worship (the Asherah poles) were removed from the “high places” of worship to El/Yahweh.
    *There is no doubt that as the Hebrews moved from polytheism, into henotheism, and ultimately into monotheism, that they adjusted their religious practices accordingly.* It is not surprising that the worship of Asherah was ultimately condemned, discouraged, and forbidden. *But what can’t be ignored is the fact that the Hebrews did acknowledge Asherah. They did worship her.* And they did associate her with El by placing her symbols in the same temples of worship. ***If Hebrews did not adopt the older Ugarit El, with which they were surely familiar, then it is very odd that Asherah also appears in their religious texts and worship.***
    I would never underestimate the apologist’s ability to find a perspective that can reinterpret this data to make it less problematic. ***However, the clear and simply explanation is this: The Hebrews interacted with Ugarit, adopted their pantheon, and their religion evolved, as all religions do through time, to become a uniquely Hebrew monotheism.***
    Google *"The Atheist Experience™: Ugarit and the Bible"*
    Watch Dr Christine Hayes who lectures on the Hebrew Bible at Yale University. Watch lecture 7 from 30:00 minutes onwards and lecture 8 from 12:00 to 19:00 minutes.
    Watch *"Pagan Origins of Judaism"* by Sigalius Myricantur and read the description in the video to see the scholarship the video is based on.
    Watch *"How Monotheism Evolved"* by Sigalius Myricantur and watch up to at least 21:40.
    In addition, look up the below articles.
    *"Jews and Arabs Descended from Canaanites - Biblical Archaeology Society."*
    ("The study in Cell not only establishes that the ancient Israelites were ***descended from the Canaanites,*** but also establishes that the Canaanite people across the separate city-states of the southern Levant, and over a period of 1,500 years, were a genetically cohesive people.")
    *"The Canaanites weren't annihilated, they just 'moved' to Lebanon - The Times of Israel."*
    *"Ancient Canaanite religion explained - ****"*
    *"Archeology of the Hebrew Bible - NOVA - PBS"*
    ("Many scholars now think that *most of the early Israelites were originally Canaanites, displaced Canaanites,* displaced from the lowlands, from the river valleys, displaced geographically and then displaced ideologically.")
    *"Origins of Judaism explained - ****"*
    ("According to the current academic historical view, the origins of Judaism lie in the Bronze Age amidst polytheistic ancient Semitic religions, ***specifically evolving out of Ancient Canaanite polytheism,*** then co-existing with Babylonian religion, and syncretizing elements of Babylonian belief into the worship of Yahweh as reflected in the early prophetic books of the Hebrew Bible. (The Torah)".
    *Refer to the bibliography at the bottom of the page)*
    *"Canaanite languages - Britannica"*
    ("Group of Northern Central or Northwestern Semitic languages including ***Hebrew,*** Moabite, Phoenician, and Punic.")
    *"El - New World Encyclopedia"*
    (Refer to the section "El Outside the Bible" and the fact that *most of the early Israelites were originally indigenous or displaced Canaanites)*
    *"El (deity) explained - ****"*
    (Refer to section "Ugarit and the Levant" and the fact that *most of the ancient Israelites were originally indigenous or displaced Canaanites* and see how El, later conflated with Yahweh (Yahweh-El(ohim)) is fictional)
    *"God's Wife Edited Out of the Bible - Almost."*
    (Pay attention to whose wife Asherah (Athirat) is in the Ugaritic/Canaanite texts and how she became the wife of YHWH/Yahweh)
    *"Yahweh's Divorce from the Goddess Asherah in the Garden of Eden - Mythology Matters."*
    *"Married Deities: Asherah and Yahweh in Early Israelite Religion - Yahweh Elohim."*
    *"Asherah, God's Wife in Ancient Israel. Part IV - theyellowdart"*
    *"The Gates of Ishtar - Anath in the Elephantine Papyri"*
    (It appears in addition to Asherah (Athirat) being the consort of Yahweh it also appears some Israelites also viewed the Canaanite goddess Anat(h) as Yahweh's consort)
    *"Excerpt from “Yahweh and the Gods and Goddesses of Canaan” by John Day - Lehi's Library."*
    *"The Most Heiser: Yahweh and Elyon in Psalm 82 and Deuteronomy 32 - Religion at the Margins"* based on the *majority scholarly consensus.*
    (Written by Thom Stark who is a Christian)
    *"Michael Heiser: A Unique Species? - Religion at the Margins"*
    (A second response to Michael Heiser)
    *"The Syncretization of Yahweh and El : reddit/AcademicBiblical"*
    (For a good summary of all of the above articles)

  • @donhogan6887
    @donhogan6887 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The Holy Spirit interprets to those who are saved, and the answers are not always an opinion. Now, it is true that we should study for ourselves...the Bible suggest that, but if we are to make videos for public consumption, should we be objective and accurate? Sister, the Bible does not contradict itself so we are left with misunderstanding of the word. If you were to go to the original Greek language, you will discover that the word translated in Greek does not suggest a chronological order, but a description of a specific people group or clan and not a timeline.

  • @kicvibevibes9491
    @kicvibevibes9491 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Faith is,... the substance of things not seen, but hope for. Holy Jesus Christ of Nazareth is real, I promise on all I know and love. He is Spirit which gives Us freedom in this reality. Do not loose heart but stay prayerful, humble and righteous seeking after all Saten thought He had better answers then GOD, and even lead one third the angels to rebellion,... in Heaven. Stay woke!!!

  • @StephParrott77
    @StephParrott77 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Definitely not trying to be rude, BUT, this isn't a correct interpretation of that verse. Sis, I am writing this out of true love and care. I was where you are before. I left the church, dabbled in different beliefs, etc., because I thought Christianity was a lie. I thought this because, like you, I hadn't been taught that we don't need a pastor to understand the bible. That's what the indwelling of the Holy Spirit is for, which we only receive when we accept Jesus Christ. However, when we decide to reject Jesus, we quench that spirit and we are in darkness.
    This is why so many of our people, black people, are going to perish. We are quick to go deep into studies of Kemet, Yoruba, or other African spiritual practices that promise to give us what we want, but we don't know how to go deep with the scriptures. You made a comment that all you need is a little common sense to read the bible and that ain't true, Sis. You need the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to understand scripture, which again, you don't have if you deny Jesus as Lord and Savior. Then and only then, can you be awakened to scripture.
    But anywhooo, Jesus definitely said this in Mark, but further in Mark 3:28, he gives the parable of the fig tree. It says: "Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near..." The fig tree he's speaking of represents Israel and this parable refers to Israel becoming a nation. You can find references to Israel as the fig tree in Joel 2:21-25. Jesus said that the generation who sees THIS, Israel become a nation, will also see his return. Israel became a nation in 1948, 75 years ago. A generation in scripture can be anywhere between 70-80 years. And as you can look at Israel and see today, all of the countries that are predicted to converge in war against Israel before the return of Christ are lining up. So I'd keep seeking and studying and not be so quick to mock Jesus, sis.

  • @Nkosi766
    @Nkosi766 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I miss you love and support you sis. Do your thing.

  • @louisfields5659
    @louisfields5659 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    What i've found frustrating is the following:
    Christian: If you'll just read the bible and ask God for his guidance, He'll show you the truth
    Truth Seeker: I did exactly what you told me to do and the truth i found is different from what you told me
    Christian: You didn't read the right Scriptures/pray the right way/adhere to the right doctrine
    Truth Seeker: oh..ok..

    • @samanthaanthony4587
      @samanthaanthony4587 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      The Holy Ghost was giving to us as a comforter, he's the Spirit that reveals the secret hidden things. Do you have a personal relationship with him or you are just reading scripture without any understanding?

    • @louisfields5659
      @louisfields5659 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@samanthaanthony4587 I have been saved for over 20 years. Unfortunately, your response just falls into the pile with all the others. If you, Samantha, tell me to "ask the Holy Spirit" and a) i get a different "answer/revelation" than you, then you'll see simply say I'm wrong and that I need to "ask more" or b) get no answer *AT ALL*, you will tell me that I need to "ask more". The point is that *NO MATTER* what I do, it's always going to be *MY FAULT* that I'm not "understanding" something and, more specifically, that I'm not understanding it the way Group A, B or C says I should (meaning, the "right" way). Here's a question I'd like to ask you, directly: How can *ANY* of us be sure that we're following/believing the "right" way, when there are 100's of competing doctrines (and just *within* Christianity? And please answer that w/o invoking the Holy Spirit. Every single one of the MANY sects of Christianity are all claiming that SAME guidance...

    • @lancegolden8190
      @lancegolden8190 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You cant prove that

    • @lancegolden8190
      @lancegolden8190 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@samanthaanthony4587 Prove it

    • @JamayaAmeliaMiaSolanaTob-pi9vn
      @JamayaAmeliaMiaSolanaTob-pi9vn 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@samanthaanthony4587 prove god is real

  • @GustavoAlmonte-gf6hq
    @GustavoAlmonte-gf6hq ปีที่แล้ว

    People actually believe that Jesus will be coming from the sky to save them🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 like really when you actually think about it a man coming from the sky that's something out of a Childern story book but if it gives people comfort who am I to take their hope away sometimes I wish I still believed in the Bible at times

  • @oldman9843
    @oldman9843 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I would rather believe the word of God than the words of a mere woman that has left her first love. You know in your heart what is truth and what you are saying now isn't it.

    • @LM-jz9vh
      @LM-jz9vh 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Why is it most believers never critically approach the Bible? I guess it's why they're still believers.
      *Jesus falsely prophesied his return in the 1st century*
      Truly I tell you, ***some who are standing here will not taste death*** before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom Matthew 16:28
      Truly I tell you, ***some who are standing here*** will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God Luke 9:27
      Truly I tell you, ***this generation will certainly not pass away*** until all these things have happened Mark 13:30
      The sun will be darkened,
      and the moon will not give its light;
      the stars will fall from the sky,
      and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.
      Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory. And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.
      Truly I tell you, ***this generation will certainly not pass away*** until all these things have happened Matthew 24:29-34
      There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. People will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken. At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near. When you see these things happening, you know that the kingdom of God is near.
      Truly I tell you, ***this generation will certainly not pass away*** until all these things have happened Luke 21:25-32
      *Jesus promised to return over 2, 000 years ago and he still hasn’t.*
      Jesus and the angels never appeared from Heaven, the stars never fell from the sky, none of these things happened. Nothing he prophesied happened.
      ***Apologists can try to spin this, but the simple fact is that Jesus was either wrong or misquoted.***
      According to the Bible that makes Jesus a false prophet or misquoted (and if Jesus is misquoted than the Bible is not inerrant or the word of God)
      How can we know when a message has not been spoken by the Lord? If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the Lord does not take place or come true, that is a message the Lord has not spoken Deuteronomy 18:21-22
      *Jesus falsely prophesied to the high priest and the Sanhedrin*
      Jesus also falsely prophesied to the high priest and the Sanhedrin (assemblies of either twenty-three or seventy-one rabbis appointed to sit as a tribunal)
      You will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and ***coming on the clouds of heaven*** Matthew 26:64 Mark 14:62
      Except the high priest and the Sanhedrin never saw Jesus sitting at the right hand side of God, or coming on the clouds of heaven, or any such thing.
      *Jesus falsely prophesied to Nathaniel*
      Jesus also falsely prophesied to Nathanael when he declared, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the king of Israel.”
      Jesus said, You believe because I told you I saw you under the fig tree. You will see greater things than that. He then added, ***“Very truly I tell you, you will see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man*** John 1:50-51
      *Nathanael never saw any such thing. Neither did anyone else.*
      The following quote from Stephen L. Harris, Professor Emeritus of Humanities and Religious Studies at California State University- Sacramento, completes this point with a devastating argument.
      *Jesus did not accomplish what Israel’s prophets said the Messiah was commissioned to do:* He did not deliver the covenant people from their Gentile enemies, reassemble those scattered in the Diaspora, restore the Davidic kingdom, or establish universal peace (cf.Isa. 9:6-7; 11:7-12:16, etc.). Instead of freeing Jews from oppressors and thereby fulfilling God’s ancient promises-for land, nationhood, kingship, and blessing- *Jesus died a “shameful” death, defeated by the very political powers the Messiah was prophesied to overcome.* Indeed, the Hebrew prophets did not foresee that Israel’s savior would be executed as a common criminal by Gentiles, *making Jesus’ crucifixion a “stumbling block” to scripturally literate Jews.* (1 Cor.1:23)
      Watch *Jesus: Apocalyptic Prophet, Historical Lecture - Bart D. Ehrman*
      Also, look up the following.
      *"13x Jesus was wrong in the Bible - Life Lessons"*
      *"End Times - Evil Bible .com"*
      *"The End of All Things is At Hand - The Church Of Truth"*
      *"Resurrection - Fact or Myth - Omission Report"*
      *"What’s Missing from Codex Sinaiticus, the Oldest New Testament? - Biblical Archaeology Society"*
      *"The “Strange” Ending of the Gospel of Mark and Why It Makes All the Difference - Biblical Archaeology Society"*
      *"ex-apologist: On One of the Main Reasons Why I Think Christianity is False (Reposted)"*
      *"Why Jesus? Nontract (August 1999) - Freedom From Religion Foundation"*
      *"272: JESUS’S 5200 AUTHENTIC WORDS - zingcreed"*
      *"43: IS THE FOURTH GOSPEL FICTION? - zingcreed"*
      *"Jesus Predicted a First Century Return Which Did Not Occur - by Alex Beyman - Medium"*
      *"Jesus’ Failed Prophecy About His Return - Black Nonbelievers, Inc."*

    • @LM-jz9vh
      @LM-jz9vh 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      *Ugarit and the Bible*
      Many people are familiar with the texts found at Qumran, commonly known as the Dead Sea Scrolls, in the 1940s. But fewer people have heard of the Ugarit findings, which began to be unearthed in the late 1920s. Both discoveries greatly increased our knowledge and understanding of Biblical texts and also of the history surrounding the evolution of Judaism and Christianity.
      The Dead Sea Scrolls impacted both the Old and New Testament interpretations, while the findings at Ugarit impacted only the Old Testament. *These texts and architectural inscriptions predate the Hebrew settlement at Canaan, but interestingly, they mention some of the same gods that appear in the Hebrew religious writings, produced after the Hebrew contact with the Ugarit region. The most significant god mentioned is El.* In one temple inscription he is said to be the father of Ba’al. In other mentions, he is even the father of Yaweh.
      In the Old Testament, Ba’al is associated with the Canaanites. And he is described as the focus of their religious worship in those stories-while El is described as being another name for Yahweh, the Hebrew patron god. *In reality, however, based on the discoveries at Ugarit (the land called Canaan in the Bible), El is clearly the father of the gods in much the same way that Zeus is the head of the gods on Olympus in Greek mythology. And Yaweh is not another name for El, but a separate deity.* Like Zeus, El headed a pantheon. He was not only the father of mankind, but the leader of the Ugarit gods. *His pantheon, in Ugarit, is called the* ***Elohim*** *(literally, the plural of El).*
      Using the book of Genesis as an example, the best scholarly estimates date it back to somewhere between 950 and 500 BC. *It appears that the writings were composed in two styles, one style preferring to refer to god as El and the other using YHWH (or Yahweh).* Eventually these texts came together into the form we have today, sometime around 450 BC. *Just to give some perspective, the best documented time in the Ugarit history was between 1450 and 1200 BC.*
      According to many modern apologists, El is simply another name for god, or even a generic word for “god” used by the Hebrews; and Elohim is simply another form of El. However, Bible translators do translate Elohim as plural in some instances and do translate El to be a proper noun in some instances. Some apologists defend a wholly singular usage of Elohim by pointing to the inconsistency with which Elohim is used with singular verb forms; however, this does not rule out the very real (and likely) potential that as monotheism evolved out of polytheism, the Hebrew texts were adjusted to correct for this problem (as we discussed the evolution of the book of Genesis in the above paragraph). ***However, it does seem oddly coincidental-and difficult to overlook-that the Hebrews had significant contact with Canaan and then, some years afterward, wrote out a Hebrew religious mythology using a name for god that parallels the Ugarit mythology’s chief deity.*** *It is also odd that Elohim appears in Ugarit texts as a clearly plural form of El, and then later in a sometimes confused singular/plural fashion in the Hebrew texts.*
      *The important question becomes, then: Is there any reason beyond the contact with Canaan to view the Hebrew deity as being synonymous with the Canaanite god El? The answer is “yes.”* There are parallels between the two gods. For example, if we look at more of the attributes of El in the Ugarit texts, we find that El had a consort, Asherah *(who was also, occasionally, recorded as the consort to Yahweh).* This would appear to distance the Hebrew El from the Ugarit El then, if there is no mention of the Hebrews combining El with Asherah. *However, there is mention in the Hebrew texts that illustrates that Asherah was connected with El in the minds of the Hebrews as well as in their worship. Twice in Jeremiah (chapter 7 and chapter 44), she is referred to as the Queen of Heaven, and it is clearly indicated that the Hebrews were worshipping her in those instances.* Also, in 2 Kings 18, it is noted that her objects of worship (the Asherah poles) were removed from the “high places” of worship to El/Yahweh.
      *There is no doubt that as the Hebrews moved from polytheism, into henotheism, and ultimately into monotheism, that they adjusted their religious practices accordingly.* It is not surprising that the worship of Asherah was ultimately condemned, discouraged, and forbidden. *But what can’t be ignored is the fact that the Hebrews did acknowledge Asherah. They did worship her.* And they did associate her with El by placing her symbols in the same temples of worship. ***If Hebrews did not adopt the older Ugarit El, with which they were surely familiar, then it is very odd that Asherah also appears in their religious texts and worship.***
      I would never underestimate the apologist’s ability to find a perspective that can reinterpret this data to make it less problematic. ***However, the clear and simply explanation is this: The Hebrews interacted with Ugarit, adopted their pantheon, and their religion evolved, as all religions do through time, to become a uniquely Hebrew monotheism.***
      Google *"The Atheist Experience™: Ugarit and the Bible"*
      Watch Dr Christine Hayes who lectures on the Hebrew Bible at Yale University. Watch lecture 7 from 30:00 minutes onwards and lecture 8 from 12:00 to 19:00 minutes.
      Watch *"Pagan Origins of Judaism"* by Sigalius Myricantur and read the description in the video to see the scholarship the video is based on.
      Watch *"How Monotheism Evolved"* by Sigalius Myricantur and watch up to at least 21:40.
      In addition, look up the below articles.
      *"Jews and Arabs Descended from Canaanites - Biblical Archaeology Society."*
      ("The study in Cell not only establishes that the ancient Israelites were ***descended from the Canaanites,*** but also establishes that the Canaanite people across the separate city-states of the southern Levant, and over a period of 1,500 years, were a genetically cohesive people.")
      *"The Canaanites weren't annihilated, they just 'moved' to Lebanon - The Times of Israel."*
      *"Ancient Canaanite religion explained - ****"*
      *"Archeology of the Hebrew Bible - NOVA - PBS"*
      ("Many scholars now think that *most of the early Israelites were originally Canaanites, displaced Canaanites,* displaced from the lowlands, from the river valleys, displaced geographically and then displaced ideologically.")
      *"Origins of Judaism explained - ****"*
      ("According to the current academic historical view, the origins of Judaism lie in the Bronze Age amidst polytheistic ancient Semitic religions, ***specifically evolving out of Ancient Canaanite polytheism,*** then co-existing with Babylonian religion, and syncretizing elements of Babylonian belief into the worship of Yahweh as reflected in the early prophetic books of the Hebrew Bible. (The Torah)".
      *Refer to the bibliography at the bottom of the page)*
      *"Canaanite languages - Britannica"*
      ("Group of Northern Central or Northwestern Semitic languages including ***Hebrew,*** Moabite, Phoenician, and Punic.")
      *"El - New World Encyclopedia"*
      (Refer to the section "El Outside the Bible" and the fact that *most of the early Israelites were originally indigenous or displaced Canaanites)*
      *"El (deity) explained - ****"*
      (Refer to section "Ugarit and the Levant" and the fact that *most of the ancient Israelites were originally indigenous or displaced Canaanites* and see how El, later conflated with Yahweh (Yahweh-El(ohim)) is fictional)
      *"God's Wife Edited Out of the Bible - Almost."*
      (Pay attention to whose wife Asherah (Athirat) is in the Ugaritic/Canaanite texts and how she became the wife of YHWH/Yahweh)
      *"Yahweh's Divorce from the Goddess Asherah in the Garden of Eden - Mythology Matters."*
      *"Married Deities: Asherah and Yahweh in Early Israelite Religion - Yahweh Elohim."*
      *"Asherah, God's Wife in Ancient Israel. Part IV - theyellowdart"*
      *"The Gates of Ishtar - Anath in the Elephantine Papyri"*
      (It appears in addition to Asherah (Athirat) being the consort of Yahweh it also appears some Israelites also viewed the Canaanite goddess Anat(h) as Yahweh's consort)
      *"Excerpt from “Yahweh and the Gods and Goddesses of Canaan” by John Day - Lehi's Library."*
      *"The Most Heiser: Yahweh and Elyon in Psalm 82 and Deuteronomy 32 - Religion at the Margins"* based on the *majority scholarly consensus.*
      (Written by Thom Stark who is a Christian)
      *"Michael Heiser: A Unique Species? - Religion at the Margins"*
      (A second response to Michael Heiser)
      *"The Syncretization of Yahweh and El : reddit/AcademicBiblical"*
      (For a good summary of all of the above articles)

    • @LM-jz9vh
      @LM-jz9vh 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      *The Enuma Elish would later be the inspiration for the Hebrew scribes who created the text now known as the biblical Book of Genesis.* Prior to the 19th century CE, the Bible was considered the oldest book in the world and its narratives were thought to be completely original. In the mid-19th century CE, however, European museums, as well as academic and religious institutions, sponsored excavations in Mesopotamia to find physical evidence for historical corroboration of the stories in the Bible. ***These excavations found quite the opposite, however, in that, once cuneiform was translated, it was understood that a number of biblical narratives were Mesopotamian in origin.***
      *Famous stories such as the Fall of Man and the Great Flood were originally conceived and written down in Sumer,* translated and modified later in Babylon, and reworked by the Assyrians ***before they were used by the Hebrew scribes for the versions which appear in the Bible.***
      ***In revising the Mesopotamian creation story for their own ends, the Hebrew scribes tightened the narrative and the focus but retained the concept of the all-powerful deity who brings order from chaos.*** Marduk, in the Enuma Elish, establishes the recognizable order of the world - *just as God does in the Genesis tale* - and human beings are expected to recognize this great gift and honor the deity through service.
      Google *"Enuma Elish - The Babylonian Epic of Creation - Full Text - World History Encyclopedia"*
      Also discussed by Professor Christine Hayes at Yale University in her first lecture of the series on the Hebrew Bible from approx. 8:50.
      In addition, look up the below articles.
      *"Debunking the Devil - Michael A. Sherlock (Author)"*
      *"10 Ways The Bible Was Influenced By Other Religions - Listverse"*
      *"Top Ten Reasons Noah’s Flood is Mythology - The Sensuous Curmudgeon"*
      *"The Adam and Eve myth - News24"*
      *"The origins of the Ten Commandments - Carpe Scriptura"*
      *"Before Adam and Eve - Psychology Today"*
      *"Gilgamesh vs. Noah - Wordpress"*
      *"No, Humans Are Probably Not All Descended From A Single Couple Who Lived 200,000 Years Ago"*
      *"Adam & Eve: Theologians Try to Reconcile Science and Fail - The New Republic"*
      *"Adam and Eve: the ultimate standoff between science and faith (and a contest!) - Why Evolution Is True"*
      *"Bogus accommodationism: The return of Adam and Eve as real people, as proposed by a wonky quasi-scientific theory - Why Evolution Is True"*
      *"How many scientists question evolution? - ****"*
      *"What is the evidence for evolution? - Common-questions - BioLogos"*
      (A Christian organisation)
      *"Old Testament Tales Were Stolen From Other Cultures - Griffin"*
      *"Parallelism between “The Hymn to Aten” and Psalm 104 - Project Augustine"*
      *"Contradictions in the Bible | Identified verse by verse and explained using the most up-to-date scholarly information about the Bible, its texts, and the men who wrote them -- by Dr. Steven DiMattei"*
      *"How do we know that the biblical writers were* ***not*** *writing history? -- by Dr Steven DiMattei"*

    • @bmoe4609
      @bmoe4609 ปีที่แล้ว

      Who says god is first love🤣🤣🤣 biggest lie. When ur born god isnt even a thought he not real n didnt make u. You was made from ur parents f'in or from being placed as an embryo. Lol yall needa stop frrl

    • @oldman9843
      @oldman9843 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@LM-jz9vh : "Thou protest too much"

  • @gospeljoy5713
    @gospeljoy5713 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    He ain't coming back what the devil and demons hope for. Let not heart be troubled if you believe in God; believe also in me. In my father's house are many mansions. If it were not so I would have told you; I go to prepare a place and if I go I will come again and receive you unto myself that where I am you may be also.

    • @louisfields5659
      @louisfields5659 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @gospeljoy: I am a believer (a questioning one, but a believer nonetheless) and I have a question for you regarding a very specific Scripture.
      Matthew 16:27 For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works. 28 Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.
      Verse 28 has Jesus saying that some of the people listening to him (at that VERY moment) WOULDN'T DIE until He came back. Did that really happen? Are there actually people on the earth that are over 2000 years old? How do you understand this passage?

    • @gospeljoy5713
      @gospeljoy5713 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@louisfields5659 there were two things that had not occurred at that time the transfiguration where jesus show peter james and John his glorified state. Second John sees jesus in book of revelation in the vision in his current state. Read Muslim conversions. What is found a man in white meets them and he is full of love. It is not wrong to question or doubt as a believer. God knows our frame.

    • @louisfields5659
      @louisfields5659 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@gospeljoy5713 Respectfully, the event on the Mount of Transfiguration is not the same as "the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels". There were NO angels present during the event recorded in the bible. Also, "visions of a man in white" is too broad of a statement for me, personally. I am not denying the experiences of those people (I can't as they are "personal experiences). Lastly, what about the billions of people who NEVER have that "experience"? The COUNTLESS people who have BEGGED for God to reveal himself only to met with silence?

    • @lancegolden8190
      @lancegolden8190 ปีที่แล้ว

      prove it

  • @drewjohnson4811
    @drewjohnson4811 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Yes, Jesus already came. He was talking about the judgment on Jerusalem in 70 AD. A lot of prophecy, OT and NT, including the Book of Revelation was pointing to that event as the "end of the age".
    The only thing is the conclusion isn't we now need to save ourselves. The fulfillment of those prophecies was the proof that Jesus is who He said He is. That event was to mark the start of "the kingdom" when the church would leave the confines of Judea spread around the world. No other worldview offers that much proof, but like you said, many in the church are presenting the scriptures incorrectly and leading to a lot of confusion.

  • @percyastronautstatus.8780
    @percyastronautstatus.8780 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @lancegolden8190
      @lancegolden8190 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      There is no proof he is coming back

  • @lalmia4288
    @lalmia4288 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    According to Christianity Jesus claimed: "Whosoever seen me has seen the Father".
    Also as you mentioned Jesus said “I and the Father are one” and in same Gospel of John Jesus mentioned to his disciples :
    (Paraphrasing) "As I and Father are one you are also one with us and I share with you the Glory that Father has given me...
    If the above claims are the basis to consider Jesus is the actual True God same as the Father God then can it be said with this same logic that:
    When Pagan Romans "stripped off Naked & Crucified / Killed Jesus on the Cross
    thus they did the same (Crucified & Killed) to the God the Father at the same time since "Jesus and Father are One & "Whosoever seen Jesus has seen the Father"??
    The Bible itself destroys the premise in the verses that state, "Any man hung upon a cross is cursed by God" and God is not man nor son of man". Christians try their best to say well you see it is a capital "S" when referring to God. The problem with this is there are no capital letters in Ancient Semitic Languages or even Greek.
    The one is cursed who been Hanged or Crucified.
    [God is not the author of confusion]
    The entire belief system is a mess.
    God sent himself to save his own creation from his own law, impregnates Mary with himself,
    while on Earth prays to himself, worships himself, asked to have the cup passed from himself
    (even thought that is the whole reason he is here),
    while on the cross asked why he has forsaken himself, dies, is resurrected by himself,
    and returns to sit on the right hand of himself.
    Even if Christians make sense of this nonsense the fact that it was NOT a sacrifice but, a temporary suffering
    In the Bible 'Satan (Shaitan)' been mentioned as God (Lord) of the World but in the Quran "Satan (Shaitan) been mentioned as "The Cursed one".
    As per Bible Jesus also been mentioned as "Cursed" but according to the Muslim Quran Jesus is one of the mightiest Prophet of the the Supreme One & Only True God.
    WHO do Christians REALLY Follow? (Jesus or Paul?)
    Paul mentioned what Christian indoctrinated as the main creed of "Salvation":
    "There is no Forgiveness without the shedding of "Blood" (Particularly Innocent Blood of Jesus).
    Paul said in the Bible that the Jews participated in the bloody death of Jesus and the church today has cleared them !
    The Christian gullible are very perplexed, confused and do not know exactly whether they should thank and love or hate Peter who denied Jesus, Judah who betrayed him, the Jews who denounced him and the Romans who have mercilessly killed him (Christian God, Jesus)!
    These people may have done a great service to the Father, the ingenious scriptwriter, who helped him to have his crucifixion script performed as he wanted and to have Jesus' mission perfect. And then they rendered a great service to believers : their sins will be forgiven !
    Believers or enemies : Peter, Juda, Jews and Romans !?
    Christians follow Paul because they like not to be bound by any rules and they can do whatever they desire while keeping their eyes and ears shut to the original teachings of Jesus rather the Pauline doctrine of Christianity?
    Hebrews 5:7 "...Jesus made his prayers and requests with loud cries, and tears to God, who could save him from death."
    Bible also mentioned: "Those who Sin are the Children of Devil".
    As per Modern day Trinitarian Christianity believes:
    One Person of God (Father) allows another Person of God the Son, Jesus to be Cursed, Stripped of Naked, Crucified by the the sinful criminal Human Beings to show His(God the Father) love for the very sinners over the Most Innocent 2nd Person of God (Jesus) even though god Jesus was constantly begging to take away the "Cup" or to take any other way but killing him (Jesus) and eventfully cried out from utterly lost Hope and cried out loudly as felt been "Abandoned / Forsaken".
    How come One Person God(Father) could be so unjust over 2nd Person God(Jesus) but Neither the Father God nor the 2nd Person God, Jesus posses the Capacity of "Forgiveness" to Forgive/Pardon the Sinners for the Original Sin of eating a forbidden Fruit in the God's Garden whom God really Love so much for which God Unjustly preferred to be Humiliated & cruelly been Killed by the Sinners Human Beings(Pagan Romans).
    Why did not the father of Jesus send his son to be crucified just after Adam's (!!!) sin so that all of Adam's descendants could benefit from his death?
    Why he waited more than 5,000 years to do it!
    Q: Question remains as Sin has consequences: For Human which one is the Greater Sin ?:
    a) The Sin of Killing God (2nd Person God, Jesus but whoever seen Jesus seen the Father & as per Jesus "I and Father are One") to remove the Original Sin of Eating a Forbidden Fruit from God's Garden of Eden?
    b) The Sin of Eating a Forbidden Fruit from God's Garden of Eden?
    Bible also mentioned: "Those who Sin are the Children of Devil".
    N.B. > Christian God can not forgive the Sinner without shedding the Blood of Innocent God Jesus) or Innocent Animal and since Innocent God's Blood already shaded & Burnt in the Hellfire therefore, Human can feel free that the payment (Punishment) of their "Sins" already been Paid off by just believing that God Jesus Died for our Sins.
    Q: How "Good" (Salvation) can be achieved by Human from "Evil" by Killing God who gifted us Life & Countless Resources necessary, Consciousness, Wisdom, Mind & Intellect to ponder / Contemplate?
    Q: God suppose to know past, present & Future then why would He create Human with "Free Will" with which Human would fall short commit Sin like eating Forbidden Fruit & millions of other Sins and for Which God Jesus or Innocent God the Son would have to die (been killed by the Sinner Human) to rescue God's beloved creation Sinner Human Being?
    Conclusion: Christian God Loves more the Sinner Human than the Innocent 2nd Person God the Son.
    Is it Justice or Cruelty to the 2nd person God the Son?
    Killing an Innocent can not be Justice in order escape the Sinners / Criminals those who can be punished full / Reduced Punishment or Forgiven.
    As per same Bible "God alone is Immortal "(is not subject to Death ever) but Jesus suffered death / Died on the Cross Christians claim wow what a contradictory Faith!!
    Those who regard Jesus as God and thirsty for his innocent Blood and celebrating his Death on the Cross being naked/stripped & Crucified by His creation, sinner human (Pagan Romans) as well as your god, Jesus was burnt in the Hell for the period of crucifixion.
    While Jesus was calling his God with utter Pain & Frustration "My God my God! why have you forsaken / abandoned me?"
    If Jesus is God and Christianity believe One God then how come Jesus begging to hid God?
    Can God has a God??
    How can you think & agree "The Supreme, Almighty, Eternal, Immortal, Most Merciful, Most Forgiving God" can be so unjustly Blood thirsty of Innocent person like Jesus or innocent animals to Forgive the actual Human Criminals from their accountability such as people like Hitler & so on like, Catholics in Canada burring Native Americans Children under the Catholic Children Schools??

  • @gospeljoy5713
    @gospeljoy5713 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    What you say vs all the thousands of muslims leaving islam seeing the man in white in their dreams. I will take them.

    • @LM-jz9vh
      @LM-jz9vh 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Why can't Jesus get his own Bible right?
      *Jesus falsely prophesied his return in the 1st century*
      Truly I tell you, ***some who are standing here will not taste death*** before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom Matthew 16:28
      Truly I tell you, ***some who are standing here*** will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God Luke 9:27
      Truly I tell you, ***this generation will certainly not pass away*** until all these things have happened Mark 13:30
      The sun will be darkened,
      and the moon will not give its light;
      the stars will fall from the sky,
      and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.
      Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory. And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.
      Truly I tell you, ***this generation will certainly not pass away*** until all these things have happened Matthew 24:29-34
      There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. People will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken. At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near. When you see these things happening, you know that the kingdom of God is near.
      Truly I tell you, ***this generation will certainly not pass away*** until all these things have happened Luke 21:25-32
      *Jesus promised to return over 2, 000 years ago and he still hasn’t.*
      Jesus and the angels never appeared from Heaven, the stars never fell from the sky, none of these things happened. Nothing he prophesied happened.
      ***Apologists can try to spin this, but the simple fact is that Jesus was either wrong or misquoted.***
      According to the Bible that makes Jesus a false prophet or misquoted (and if Jesus is misquoted than the Bible is not inerrant or the word of God)
      How can we know when a message has not been spoken by the Lord? If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the Lord does not take place or come true, that is a message the Lord has not spoken Deuteronomy 18:21-22
      *Jesus falsely prophesied to the high priest and the Sanhedrin*
      Jesus also falsely prophesied to the high priest and the Sanhedrin (assemblies of either twenty-three or seventy-one rabbis appointed to sit as a tribunal)
      You will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and ***coming on the clouds of heaven*** Matthew 26:64 Mark 14:62
      Except the high priest and the Sanhedrin never saw Jesus sitting at the right hand side of God, or coming on the clouds of heaven, or any such thing.
      *Jesus falsely prophesied to Nathaniel*
      Jesus also falsely prophesied to Nathanael when he declared, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the king of Israel.”
      Jesus said, You believe because I told you I saw you under the fig tree. You will see greater things than that. He then added, ***“Very truly I tell you, you will see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man*** John 1:50-51
      *Nathanael never saw any such thing. Neither did anyone else.*
      The following quote from Stephen L. Harris, Professor Emeritus of Humanities and Religious Studies at California State University- Sacramento, completes this point with a devastating argument.
      *Jesus did not accomplish what Israel’s prophets said the Messiah was commissioned to do:* He did not deliver the covenant people from their Gentile enemies, reassemble those scattered in the Diaspora, restore the Davidic kingdom, or establish universal peace (cf.Isa. 9:6-7; 11:7-12:16, etc.). Instead of freeing Jews from oppressors and thereby fulfilling God’s ancient promises-for land, nationhood, kingship, and blessing- *Jesus died a “shameful” death, defeated by the very political powers the Messiah was prophesied to overcome.* Indeed, the Hebrew prophets did not foresee that Israel’s savior would be executed as a common criminal by Gentiles, *making Jesus’ crucifixion a “stumbling block” to scripturally literate Jews.* (1 Cor.1:23)
      Watch *Jesus: Apocalyptic Prophet, Historical Lecture - Bart D. Ehrman*
      Also, look up the following.
      *"13x Jesus was wrong in the Bible - Life Lessons"*
      *"End Times - Evil Bible .com"*
      *"The End of All Things is At Hand - The Church Of Truth"*
      *"Resurrection - Fact or Myth - Omission Report"*
      *"What’s Missing from Codex Sinaiticus, the Oldest New Testament? - Biblical Archaeology Society"*
      *"The “Strange” Ending of the Gospel of Mark and Why It Makes All the Difference - Biblical Archaeology Society"*
      *"ex-apologist: On One of the Main Reasons Why I Think Christianity is False (Reposted)"*
      *"Why Jesus? Nontract (August 1999) - Freedom From Religion Foundation"*
      *"272: JESUS’S 5200 AUTHENTIC WORDS - zingcreed"*
      *"43: IS THE FOURTH GOSPEL FICTION? - zingcreed"*
      *"Jesus Predicted a First Century Return Which Did Not Occur - by Alex Beyman - Medium"*
      *"Jesus’ Failed Prophecy About His Return - Black Nonbelievers, Inc."*

  • @jakemzekarias1133
    @jakemzekarias1133 ปีที่แล้ว

    You have got a wrong Interpretation of the bible...when Jesus talk to those people who were of that Generation. He prophecied the destruction of the second temple, which happend 40 years later on 70AD, the very same Generation he spoke too...Jesus will return and hopefully you will understand before that, that u are not divine...dont let the liar deceive you...u are not God.
    If your message would be true go to the next funeral and tell them your false gospel.nobody can save themselves...Jesus saves!

  • @trinny881
    @trinny881 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hello! Jesus is coming Mark 13:26 KJV

  • @samanthaanthony4587
    @samanthaanthony4587 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Did the Holy Ghost told you that Jesus isn't coming? Even Jesus doesn't know when he's coming, only God knows. So i wonder how you based your conclusion on what you read about his coming?

  • @Jack-fz8rv
    @Jack-fz8rv 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Above all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. They will say, “Where is this ‘coming’ he promised? Ever since our ancestors died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.” But they deliberately forget that long ago by God’s word the heavens came into being and the earth was formed out of water and by water. By these waters also the world of that time was deluged and destroyed. By the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly.
    2 Peter 3:3-7

    • @mypersonal1575
      @mypersonal1575 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @Jack is a person evil because they're thinking for themselves? Is a person evil because they don't believe in a ancient book?

    • @LM-jz9vh
      @LM-jz9vh 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      It's been the last days for over 2 millenia. He's not coming back.
      *Jesus falsely prophesied his return in the 1st century*
      Truly I tell you, ***some who are standing here will not taste death*** before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom Matthew 16:28
      Truly I tell you, ***some who are standing here*** will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God Luke 9:27
      Truly I tell you, ***this generation will certainly not pass away*** until all these things have happened Mark 13:30
      The sun will be darkened,
      and the moon will not give its light;
      the stars will fall from the sky,
      and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.
      Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory. And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.
      Truly I tell you, ***this generation will certainly not pass away*** until all these things have happened Matthew 24:29-34
      There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. People will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken. At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near. When you see these things happening, you know that the kingdom of God is near.
      Truly I tell you, ***this generation will certainly not pass away*** until all these things have happened Luke 21:25-32
      *Jesus promised to return over 2, 000 years ago and he still hasn’t.*
      Jesus and the angels never appeared from Heaven, the stars never fell from the sky, none of these things happened. Nothing he prophesied happened.
      ***Apologists can try to spin this, but the simple fact is that Jesus was either wrong or misquoted.***
      According to the Bible that makes Jesus a false prophet or misquoted (and if Jesus is misquoted than the Bible is not inerrant or the word of God)
      How can we know when a message has not been spoken by the Lord? If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the Lord does not take place or come true, that is a message the Lord has not spoken Deuteronomy 18:21-22
      *Jesus falsely prophesied to the high priest and the Sanhedrin*
      Jesus also falsely prophesied to the high priest and the Sanhedrin (assemblies of either twenty-three or seventy-one rabbis appointed to sit as a tribunal)
      You will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and ***coming on the clouds of heaven*** Matthew 26:64 Mark 14:62
      Except the high priest and the Sanhedrin never saw Jesus sitting at the right hand side of God, or coming on the clouds of heaven, or any such thing.
      *Jesus falsely prophesied to Nathaniel*
      Jesus also falsely prophesied to Nathanael when he declared, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the king of Israel.”
      Jesus said, You believe because I told you I saw you under the fig tree. You will see greater things than that. He then added, ***“Very truly I tell you, you will see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man*** John 1:50-51
      *Nathanael never saw any such thing. Neither did anyone else.*
      The following quote from Stephen L. Harris, Professor Emeritus of Humanities and Religious Studies at California State University- Sacramento, completes this point with a devastating argument.
      *Jesus did not accomplish what Israel’s prophets said the Messiah was commissioned to do:* He did not deliver the covenant people from their Gentile enemies, reassemble those scattered in the Diaspora, restore the Davidic kingdom, or establish universal peace (cf.Isa. 9:6-7; 11:7-12:16, etc.). Instead of freeing Jews from oppressors and thereby fulfilling God’s ancient promises-for land, nationhood, kingship, and blessing- *Jesus died a “shameful” death, defeated by the very political powers the Messiah was prophesied to overcome.* Indeed, the Hebrew prophets did not foresee that Israel’s savior would be executed as a common criminal by Gentiles, *making Jesus’ crucifixion a “stumbling block” to scripturally literate Jews.* (1 Cor.1:23)
      Watch *Jesus: Apocalyptic Prophet, Historical Lecture - Bart D. Ehrman*
      Also, look up the following.
      *"13x Jesus was wrong in the Bible - Life Lessons"*
      *"End Times - Evil Bible .com"*
      *"The End of All Things is At Hand - The Church Of Truth"*
      *"Resurrection - Fact or Myth - Omission Report"*
      *"What’s Missing from Codex Sinaiticus, the Oldest New Testament? - Biblical Archaeology Society"*
      *"The “Strange” Ending of the Gospel of Mark and Why It Makes All the Difference - Biblical Archaeology Society"*
      *"ex-apologist: On One of the Main Reasons Why I Think Christianity is False (Reposted)"*
      *"Why Jesus? Nontract (August 1999) - Freedom From Religion Foundation"*
      *"272: JESUS’S 5200 AUTHENTIC WORDS - zingcreed"*
      *"43: IS THE FOURTH GOSPEL FICTION? - zingcreed"*
      *"Jesus Predicted a First Century Return Which Did Not Occur - by Alex Beyman - Medium"*
      *"Jesus’ Failed Prophecy About His Return - Black Nonbelievers, Inc."*

    • @LM-jz9vh
      @LM-jz9vh 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      To anyone not already indoctrinated into Christianity reading the above passages it is crystal clear that according to the Bible Jesus was supposed to return in the first century of the Christian Era. That has not happened. Yet the Christian religion persists with the majority of its adherents still awaiting the return of their savior. How have they reconciled their scriptures to reality? There are several lines of thought in Christendom about this.
      *Rationalization #1: Matthew 16:28 refers to Jesus’ transfiguration, not his second coming.*
      The transfiguration of Jesus is a story recorded in Matthew 17, Mark 9, and Luke 9. The first problem is that these Gospels place the transfiguration at different times. In Matthew, it occurs after Jesus made the prediction about his second coming. That might make it seem reasonable to think that it was a fulfillment of the earlier prediction. However, Mark and Luke place the transfiguration event before Jesus made spoke the prophecy. Laying aside the obvious discrepency in timing, we can say for certain that an event occurring before a prediction is made can’t be fulfilling the prediction. The “prediction” wouldn’t be a prediction at all.
      The preceding verse (verse 27) starts off the description of Jesus’ coming by saying he would come “in glory” with angels to dole out judgment to “every man”. That is not what happened in the transfiguration stories. Therefore, the explanation doesn’t work. Some try to make it work by separating verse 28 from the preceding verse so that the two verses talk about different “comings”. This is a baseless tinkering with the passage in order to make a doctrine fit the scripture. The same Christians who do this will accuse other of taking verses out of context when they disagree with an interpretation. Yet, this is exactly what they do here.
      *Rationalization #2: The word translated “generation” can mean “race”. So, Jesus meant the Jewish race would not die out before he returns.*
      This is a manufactured definition to suit doctrinal purposes. When you see “generation” in the New Testament is means just that - people living in a particular era, not a race of people. Elsewhere when he speaks of the Jews, he does so by saying “Jews”. It’s rather strange that he would speak cryptically in just this one instance.
      *Rationalization #3: When Jesus said “this generation shall not pass away” he meant the generation living at the time of the end times tribulation.*
      Correct! Jesus told his followers that they would go through persecution. So, he apparently thought they would be the generation living at the time of the end. It is evident in the writings of the New Testament that first century Christians saw the tribulations they were going through as a fulfillment of Jesus’ prediction about the end times and the tribulation. If they saw it as such, modern Christians have no real justification not to see it that way as well.
      Notice that Jesus didn’t say “that generation” - which would be the normal way of referring to a future generation. He said “this generation”. Besides through a plain common sense reading of the text, we know he meant the people alive while he was speaking because he said that some of his listeners (and the high priest at his trial) would still be alive to see his return to Earth.
      *Rationalization #4: When Jesus said that some of his listeners would be alive to see him return, he was talking about the Day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit descended on the church.*
      This is another explanation that is so far from rational that is it hard to accept that anyone sincerely believes it. The Book of Acts tells the story of the Holy Spirit appearing over the heads of the saints as tongues of fire endowing them with the magical ability to speak in unlearned languages. There is no mention of them seeing Jesus in the clouds with angels. The supposed event did not accompany the final judgment. None of the things Jesus said would occur at his return happened on the Day of Pentecost.
      *Rationalization #5: When it was revealed to John in his visions that Jesus would come quickly, it is to happen on God’s time scale, not a human time scale. “The time is near” and “coming quickly” are not to be taken literally. To God a thousand years is a day.*
      This is actually the first Christian attempt (found in 2 Peter 3) to explain away the fact that Jesus had not come as expected. Believers of the time had begun to waver in their faith because Jesus had not come back as promised. The writer tells them not to listen to people who say, “Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.” (2 Peter 3:4) By “fathers”, he evidently means the founding fathers of the faith who had all died by that time. This is evidence that almost from the start of Christianity, believers have been wrestling with the apparent failure of their savior’s end times prophecy. In verse 8, the writer tries to reassure them by saying, “with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day” and continues in the next verse to say that the Lord is not slacking on his promise. He basically tries to make the argument that time is meaningless to God.
      This passage is in obvious contradiction to what Jesus himself said about his return and everything else written in the New Testament about it. This contradiction raises the question: Did the Simon Peter, one of Jesus’ personal disciples, actually write this book? The most truthful answer: Not likely.
      When reading 2 Peter, we must keep in mind when it was written. It is well-known that many of the writings floating around the early church were not written by the people claimed to have written them, but were forged by believers to push their particular doctrines. This is most likely the case with the book of 2 Peter.
      The first clue is that the writer acknowledged that “the fathers” have died. Since Peter was one of those founding fathers of the church, he couldn’t have written this book. It has proven difficult for scholars to pinpoint exactly when the book was written, but they all place its origin sometime between 60 and 160 A.D. This means that it was written at least 30 years after Jesus’ crucifixion is believed to have taken place when he was 33. Assuming his disciples were somewhere around his own age and taking into account average life expectancy of that time and that, according to church tradition, the apostles were all killed, none of them would have likely been alive in 60 A.D. (the earliest date scholars say the book would have been written).
      So, what can we make of the fact that this is in the Bible? It was written by a believer who didn’t want Jesus’ failure to come to cause the faith to die out. Knowing that Peter was a founding apostle and a personal disciple of Jesus who was deemed to be the first Pope of the Christian faction that came to be known as the Roman Catholic Church, the writer forged this book in Peter’s name. It seems likely that this was an attempt to keep believers in the nascent Catholic churches in the fold. This is not the only case of forgery to uphold Catholic doctrine. (There are other forgeries in the New Testament that have been recognized by scholars as such.)
      Whether written by the apostle Peter or something else, it is an obvious rationalization to try to deal with the failure of a prediction that came to be central to the Christian religion. We do not accept similar rationalizations from modern-day doomsdayers and we shouldn’t accept them from ancient religious people either.
      *Rationalization #6: In Matthew 16 when Jesus said some of his listeners would see him “coming in his kingdom”, he was talking about his coming into his kingdom in Heaven after his resurrection when he went back to Heaven. Many saw this event through visions.*
      This fails to take into account what Jesus said his “coming in his kingdom” would be connected to the day of judgment when he would “reward each according to his works”. As far as I know, no Christian apologists say the judgment occurred when Jesus supposedly went back to Heaven in the first century. Everything in the New Testament places judgment day at the end of the world. Even if we were to throw the Matthew 16 passage completely out of the Bible, there would still be the problem of other passages where Jesus said “this generation will not pass” before he comes and New Testament writers testifying to their belief that he would come in their lifetime. It is no wonder that this rationalization has largely been dropped by Christian theologians.
      *Rationalization #7: Maybe in our human understanding we don’t know what Jesus meant when he said “this general would not pass away” and that “some of those who are standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom”. He couldn’t have meant he was coming in the first century because he hasn’t come back yet and that would make him a false prophet.*
      This rationalization is nothing more than interpreting the Bible by a doctrine you want to be true. If you’re going to believe in the Jesus of the Bible, shouldn’t you base your doctrines on what the Bible actually says? It is self-deceit to look at Jesus’ “prophecy” detailing his return in the lifetime of his disciples and rationalize why it didn’t happen. Only a mind interested in maintaining the illusion of faith could twist and mangle the plain words of the Bible the way Christians have in an attempt to make the incredible credible. An honest mind looking at the facts would have no choice but to admit that Jesus’ prophecy of the end of days has failed to come true.

  • @louisfields5659
    @louisfields5659 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    i just saw your first video today..

    @DJCYCLONE2 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    You’re speaking about a studying point called audience relevance. And it’s a very damning way for all believers of the Bible. If people would read the Bible from a point of audience relevance and take themselves out of the stories, you’d see that nobody is talking to you and that period is long over and dated. But even besides that point, faith and religion is really hard to believe in if you dissect it. I mean, walking on water, feeding thousands with two fish and some bread.. healing the sick.. and not one form of evidence outside of this man made written Bible. No generation passed down the day they saw Jesus?? No writings of him or other rare miracles just the all famous ones in the Bible. You’d think that somebody that cool would be carved in a few stones somewhere but instead he was crucified.. anyway if people have so much faith in Jesus or religion, and you’re a good person, why are you blessed to wake up everyday? Your faith should be enough to wish for heaven… in my opinion you’re not blessed at all if there’s a heaven. Not a bad thing to wake up I guess but where’s your faith in meeting Jesus if you don’t?? Good video.

  • @mrfabulous4640
    @mrfabulous4640 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    You are speaking about the prophecies in the Olivet Discourse from Mark's account. I wrote this (below) for someone else on your page talking about the Olivet Discourse prophecies in Luke's account. I will copy/paste it for you.
    As someone who is well studied in the Bible and theology, I see you have half truths. You claim Christ Jesus made prophecies of His Second coming that did not come true.
    Your examples all assume Christ Jesus was prophesying about His Second Coming--which is not the case.
    You posted many verses, but for brevity I will just look at the Olivet Discourse in Luke (which you posted as an example).
    So the Olivet Discourse (which you posted as a failed prophecy of Christ Jesus' second coming) actually starts like this:
    // 5And while some were speaking of the temple, how it was adorned with noble stones and offerings, he said, 6“As for these things that you see, the days will come when there will not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down.” 7And they asked him, “Teacher, when will these things be, and what will be the sign when these things are about to take place?” //
    - Luke 21
    So here you see the question Christ Jesus was asked had nothing to do with His second coming (the disciples had no idea He was going to leave, let alone come back a second time). The question is about Christ Jesus' claim that the long established Jewish Temple would be destroyed (a temple is a place in the ancient world where the spirit of one's God dwelled).
    The disciples asked what signs will take place before the temple is destroyed and the Lord gave them all the signs up to verse 23. In verse 24 the Lord accurately states what will happen to Jerusalem (this happened in 70AD, 40 years after Christ Jesus' death & resurrection):
    // 24They will fall by the edge of the sword and be led captive among all nations, and Jerusalem will be trampled underfoot by the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled. //
    - Luke 21
    Now what confuses people, which makes them think the Lord was talking about the second coming, are verses 25-28:
    // 25“And there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth distress of nations in perplexity because of the roaring of the sea and the waves, 26people fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world. For the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 27And then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28Now when these things begin to take place, straighten up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” //
    - Luke 21
    However, we know the Lord is not talking about His second coming because He was not asked about it (He was asked about the temple's destruction) and the disciples had no idea the Lord was going to leave, let alone come back.
    The language used here sounds extreme, but people have to realize that this is just ancient apocalyptic language; which was used heavily in the Old Testament to describe the destruction of other nations, so the disciples would have probably understand it that way also.
    For example, this same language is used of the destruction of other cities (not the Lord's second coming), like:
    - Babylon's Fall: Isaiah 13.
    - Edom's Fall: Isaiah 34.
    - Egypt's Fall: Ezekiel 32
    - Jerusalem's Destruction (By A Locust Plague): Joel 2.
    // 29And he told them a parable: “Look at the fig tree, and all the trees. 30As soon as they come out in leaf, you see for yourselves and know that the summer is already near. 31So also, when you see these things taking place, you know that the kingdom of God is near. 32Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all has taken place. 33Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. //
    - Luke 21
    The Lord then accurately predicts within one generation this will all take place. A generation in the Bible is usually 40 years and Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans in 70AD (Christ Jesus died & rose again around 30AD).
    This is just one example you gave. I could do this for every example you gave.

  • @gospeljoy5713
    @gospeljoy5713 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Look I would believe but there is the nation of israel. There is the city of Jerusalem. There is the temple. There also is the devil and demons. Even if jesus is not coming back he was crucified and rose again.

  • @gospeljoy5713
    @gospeljoy5713 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Where is the promise of his coming? Things continue as they have always been. So says ii peter 3. There is a devil and the antichrist is coming.

  • @gospeljoy5713
    @gospeljoy5713 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Heaven is real and so is the lake of fire.

    • @lancegolden8190
      @lancegolden8190 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You have no proof.No one has ever been to Hell or heaven and come back to tell us about it.

    • @gospeljoy5713
      @gospeljoy5713 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@lancegolden8190 I guess you think all nde are false?

    • @gospeljoy5713
      @gospeljoy5713 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@lancegolden8190 thousands of muslims are turning to jesus after being visited by him in dreams or visions.

    • @JamayaAmeliaMiaSolanaTob-pi9vn
      @JamayaAmeliaMiaSolanaTob-pi9vn 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@gospeljoy5713 NDE aren’t even real 😹 don’t believe everything you see and hear on the internet

  • @christophergibson7155
    @christophergibson7155 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    You can not save yourself---from yourself--by yourself. You have been deceived. Jesus said one of the most defining things that would happen just before He returned was DECETPTION" Let no one deceive you. And unfortunately that includes you.
    There are so many that have their own opinion about all sorts of things. At the end of this age, "opinions" will be of no value.
    (You have mis-applied Mark 13:30, "This generation" is not the Apostles time....No, no, Jesus was talking about the last days generation. That generation will see all those things happen. Yeah! Do your own research. But you need the Holy Spirit, which I am convinced you do not have at present)

  • @zippyblessed839
    @zippyblessed839 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Your in for a big surprise love.
    He is coming. God doesn't lie

  • @edwardblack8677
    @edwardblack8677 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    When Jesus said the kingdom of God is within you He was speaking truth God does not Lie and all scripture is truth. When you are born again you will see the kingdom of God and know the Mystery please don't die in your sin. When you are born again this physically happens to you
    John 14:21, 23 (KJV) He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
    Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.
    John 15:1
    I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener.
    2 Timothy 3:16-17 KJV
    All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
    Blessed be Jehovah Praise Jesus Christ the Lord to the glory of God the Father

  • @williamenright1129
    @williamenright1129 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Jesus is coming. If we could save ourselves we would have done it. This is a lie from the pits of Hell

    • @deondivine7271
      @deondivine7271  2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Cognitive Dissonance

    • @boxelder9147
      @boxelder9147 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@deondivine7271 christianity is not rational is it Deon? Denying the flesh include abandoning all common sense, critical thinking, and consideration of personal responsibility and consequences (other than those for non-believers in not accepting Christ and eternal damnatipn). People go to Christ because of their fear of hell, That requires loving jesus with all your heart and soul- Stockholm syndrome on or else

    • @louisfields5659
      @louisfields5659 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@boxelder9147 Admittedly, as a Christian, I have questioned what would happen if there was no hell for us to preach. What, then, would be the "draw"?

  • @rawdawgclaude5441
    @rawdawgclaude5441 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    In other words get your head out of the Clouds.... Nothing is coming for you.

  • @leilanigraham3691
    @leilanigraham3691 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Not So, but I pray Jesus don’t hold you accountable for saying this because he is coming✝️This I know He came to me in a dream and told me to tell everyone and World War 3

    • @Vurbanowicz
      @Vurbanowicz 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      She points out a plainly unfulfilled prophecy that Christian apologists have been twisting themselves into pretzels for centuries trying to explain away. And your reply is a threat. Not impressive!

    • @mypersonal1575
      @mypersonal1575 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @Leilani Graham he came to you in a dream? That kind of confirm this video if you know what I mean! A dream!!!!

    • @3rdsamuel23
      @3rdsamuel23 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      So, When is he coming?

    • @mypersonal1575
      @mypersonal1575 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@3rdsamuel23 No man knows the day nor hour! Lol

    • @3rdsamuel23
      @3rdsamuel23 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@mypersonal1575 You should read Matthew 16:27-28 when you have time. Seems to me that someone got it wrong. Just another story to add to the genre of literature.

  • @prestonjefferson3349
    @prestonjefferson3349 ปีที่แล้ว

    She doesn't know What she is talking about.

  • @ard2595
    @ard2595 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    It took you five minutes to get to the point of a 15 minute video. You might want to think about getting to the subject a lot earlier. I personally don’t want to hear all the fluff, especially about washing your hair, and thanking people forever, just sayn.