Ga mesti , saya ke China shanghai , petugas bandara nya sama sekali tidak bisa bahasa inggris , mereka menggunakan alat penterjemah seperti kalkulatror dengan suara terjemahan ,
There are types of vloggers who makes beautiful cinematic videos. these videos are usually heavily edited. These type of vloggers will only show the good stuff. but there are also vloggers who make raw but original footage of their journeys. They will comment on good and bad things as they are. The second types are my favorite.
Security is supposedly able to speak English, at least basic English. KCIC should provide English training for all their front office staff. Because many passengers are foreigners, not only locals
Yeep, as the front office staff, it is crucial to be able to speak English, while the government pushes the tourism sector to attract more foreign tourists. However, the basic need of language improvement is still lacking.
@@putrariestanop8186 I want to buy ticket. Ticket. Ticket. And They look confused. They don't know the word Ticket? or tiket in Bahasa Indonesia means something else like a goat or cow or beetle dung perhaps.
secara tidak langsngJadi wisata..😂😂😂 saya sering lihat youtube asing hanya ingin ,mencoba kereta cepat,,dan akhirnya mereka mereka yang tidak tau bandung jadi bisa tau bandung....😂😂😂 Mantap
Di luar negeri ada peta yang bisa dilihat saat beli tiket di mesin kemana jalur yang ditempuh kereta dan dimana kita turun .Kenapa woosh tdk dilengkapi petunjuk yang lengkap
Always take care your belongings and valuable stuff. And double check before you leaving. Or take pictures in case you lost it you can make reports or documents. 😊😊😊😘😘😘
As an Indonesian citizen, I am very proud of the existence of this fast train, even though I have never experienced riding a fast train because my area is far from Jakarta and the lack of money to come to Jakarta, thank you, brother, with your content, I can also find out what the facilities are. which is on the state-owned fast train which I am very proud of. 😊😊😊
@@Gymson Sometimes I feel surprised by Indonesian citizens who never feel happy with the progress of our country, even though the content of your video explains that we really should be proud of the progress of our country. Once again, thank you very much, my brother, I hope you are always healthy, if you have more time take the time to visit my area, I will definitely welcome you very happily... ☺️☺️☺️
The front and the back of the train are exactly the same. You could just take a look at the back of the train which was closer then went to your coach to save time 😅
@@Gymson Yeah the weather is not really hot like jakarta, Bekasi,Kalimantan,and another city in Indonesia, Many delicious food in Indonesia is originally from Bandung too
@@agnezmo_bundacorla. Oramg eropa sudah biasa dengan cuaca dingin. . Dia nyari cuaca panas... orang barat suka berjemur di pantai biar kulitnya coklat
Mister lanjut perjalanan ke Yogyakarta. Kamu bisa menggunakan Kereta api Argo Panoramic atau Argo Luxury Kelas Privat and Sleeper. Argo Panoramic menunjukkan keindahan alam Indonesia lalu argo Luxury atau Sleeper mendapatkan Fasilitas super mewah. Selamat berlibur di Indonesia bro hati hati dan Jaga kesehatan anda❤
Well si satpam nya ngerti kok si bule ini mau beli tiket,tapi satpamnya ini mau nanya udah beli dari aplikasinya atau belum karena bingung ngejelasinya jadinya gitu deh karena biasanya yg traveler bule gini udah pada mesen tiket tinggal tuker pake mesin doang tiketnya dan jarang yg beli ke loket,terus ini yang pada komen tentang bahasa inggris seneng banget ngerendahin orang dari negara sendiri heran deh,di jepang orang orangnya pada gk bisa bahasa inggris turis pada santuy malah pada pake google translate 🙃,susah banget buat bangga sama bahasa sendiri heran
@@Gymson it was 200 km / hour maximum speed of Avanti Train, compare with 300 km/ hour, not to mention the acceleration and smoothness, whoosh is just next level
Bro, I suggest you have a vacation in Jogja. It is the center of Indonesian culture and education. There are many historical relics of Indonesia in Jogja. I hope you have a pleasant vacation in Indonesia.
Akhirnya saya tahu tujuan pak Jokowi bangun kereta cepat.bisa narik turis untuk 2 kota sekaligus.di promosikan gratis pula oleh youtuber.presiden memang cerdas.
Next video - Help the channel grow! 👍 Like, comment, subscribe, and share with friends on social media. Thanks for your support! ❤
Next Explorer to Gili Trawangan Lombok, Kuta Lombok, Mandalika Lombok, atlas beach Bali,finss beach Bali, savaya beach club'Bali, and labuan bajo komodo dragon island in Flores INDONESIA 🇮🇩🙏
The train ride was smooth, and I was really impressed with the professionalism of the staff both on the train and at the stations. Great experience overall!
welcome, i hope you enjoy bandung.. i feel like you find a bit difficulties in this video, i hope you try to communicate with local more, they would like to help you,.
Thank you! I appreciate your warm welcome. Bandung is beautiful, and I'm enjoying my time here. I did encounter a few challenges, but I'll definitely make more of an effort to connect with the locals-they've been so friendly and willing to help!
hope u have a great experience, u should go to lembang floating market while u in Bandung. btw i suggest u to visit Yogyakarta, Malang and Surabaya if u can.
Jadi inget pas PT. KAI buka lowongan dengan syarat salah satunya bisa berkomunikasi dengan bahasa inggris, langsung dirujak sama netizen Twitter yg isinya SJW pengangguran 🥱
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,.the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro..*,**.
Holaa brother Gymson ! 👋 Bagaimana perasaan mu naik kereta api tercepat di indonesia ??? Apakah indonesia sudah 1 langkah kedepan dari Amerika bro ??? Dengar-dengar inggris sudah mulai ancang-ancang membangun kereta api cepat agar tidak tertinggal dari negara lain Amerika kapan mulainya brother ?
My most viewed travel video is from Malaysia. Depend on topics, some videos gather more interest some less. Some get popular quickly, some get popular later. If your TH-camr you can expect unpredictable 😄 But ofc Indonesia has massive population so it definitely helps to gain nee viewers👍🏼👍🏼
Ngakunya pngen bersaing sama negara2 maju lainya. Baru dkasih kereta cepat gni banyk yg nyinyir. Bedanya SDM berkembang sama SDM negara maju.. lanjutkan sampai SURBYA. Yg nolak mending pindah negara saja 😅😅
Jgn overproud jd orang indo..liat tuh SDM bhs inggris yg mudah dr segi pariwisata gak dikuasai.hrs stingkat staff bru bs service..seurity di tanya dimn beli tiket malah nanya udah punya tiket? Hrsnya seleksi lg utk tempat2 seperti itu
Agreed. Saya juga mangkel, masa gak bisa nangkap kata kunci 'ticket' & malah balik tanya pakai bahasa Indonesia... 😅 Seharusnya, kalau bisa dengar kata kuncinya, langsung dibawa aja ke loket atau minimal cari staff yg bisa bahasa Inggris. Untung si mas bule lagi santai, coba klo lagi buru².
Orang walau bisa bahasa Inggris basic kadang ketemu bule grogi. Yang lebih bagus bahasa Inggris bisa salah memahami apalagi klo cuman basic. Mendengarkan orang Indonesia ngomong Inggris lebih gampang daripada dengerin bule beneran ngomong Inggris
This train won't make profit for 40 years at least according to statistic and plus they need to maintain operation cost. There's still local train goes 38 times per day which is enough not to use hsr unless you are in hurry. Also, they borrowed money to build so technically it's owned by china. Now is still an exciting phase with tons of propaganda so will see the truth in 1~2 years later. then we know what actually happened. Obviously, 1M passengers in 2 month is too low and debts will be built up for sure. For obvious calculation, whoosh making $300,000.00 debts every month.. They focus on speed in many ways instead of the practicality. They shouldn't have compromised to make train station in the cities.
woi sekelas KCIC kok bisa petugasnya yg keterima kgk bisa bahasa inggris sama sekali, ORANG DALAM masih bermain kah ? masa sih di sekolah kgk belajar bahasa inggris dasar,.. ketahuan ini security dpt lulusan SD-SMA yg ga pernah belajar.. okelah orang lokal, seenggaknya , masa sih kgk ngarti bahasa inggris dasar ?? sedangkan di kampung sama Danau toba aja tukang jualan pada bisa bahasa inggris dasar setidaknya bahasa inggris percakapan transaksi.
That's fine, Since i'm vlogging i don't use my phone too much, but if there is really a need I can always take out my phone and use translator. But I appreciate your comment :)
Ditanya mau beli tiket dimana, jawabnya apa mister sudah punya tiket???? Gk masuk akal, seharusnya untuk menjadi Satpam diajarkan beberapa kata/kalimat yg harus dipelajari, gk usah banyak2 cukup yg berhubungan dengan hal2 di stasiun.
Sebaik nya para sekuriti itu dilatih berbahasa inggris sederhana yg simpel saja ,..
Ga mesti , saya ke China shanghai , petugas bandara nya sama sekali tidak bisa bahasa inggris , mereka menggunakan alat penterjemah seperti kalkulatror dengan suara terjemahan ,
sebaiknya turis ini dilatih berbahasa Indonesia yang simpel saja
@@sayidafzal7534 yaa artinya ada "tool"
@@primaleegacyajatamparr aja om
Beratus” orang disana cari aja yg ngerti english… even itu banyak pekerja train aja bisa kok.
There are types of vloggers who makes beautiful cinematic videos. these videos are usually heavily edited. These type of vloggers will only show the good stuff. but there are also vloggers who make raw but original footage of their journeys. They will comment on good and bad things as they are. The second types are my favorite.
True that, I also prefer second option :)
Security is supposedly able to speak English, at least basic English. KCIC should provide English training for all their front office staff. Because many passengers are foreigners, not only locals
@@putrariestanop8186 i was about to comment the same thing At least basic English. it's 2024. unacceptable
Yeep, as the front office staff, it is crucial to be able to speak English, while the government pushes the tourism sector to attract more foreign tourists. However, the basic need of language improvement is still lacking.
Apa tidak sebaiknya si bule itu harus pintar berbahasa Indonesia,
@@putrariestanop8186 I want to buy ticket. Ticket. Ticket. And They look confused. They don't know the word Ticket? or tiket in Bahasa Indonesia means something else like a goat or cow or beetle dung perhaps.
@@elwwmatrix hahaha dude, I get upset when the staff did that 😭😭
The best transportation in southeast now 👍 whoosh 🙏
It's so fast👍🏼
Staff Whoosh lancar bahasa Inggris, tapi security masih belum bisa. Harusnya pendidikan security diajarkan basic training english conversation
betul karena kita aja orang indonesia juga kadang nanya ke security bukan ke staff
Mungkin karena securitynya pakai jasa pihak ketiga, bukan direkrut oleh pihak kcic sendiri layaknya staff kcic/whoosh yg lainnya
Security bykan outsourcing gan. Ngga mudah loh nangkep bule ngomong biarpun dah belajar bahasa inggris dr SMP
@@ibenksfootprint363tp kalau dilatih scr rutin harusnya bisa sih. Kan yg ditanyakan di stasiun cuma itu2 aja.
Yeah would be useful 😊👍🏼
secara tidak langsngJadi wisata..😂😂😂 saya sering lihat youtube asing hanya ingin ,mencoba kereta cepat,,dan akhirnya mereka mereka yang tidak tau bandung jadi bisa tau bandung....😂😂😂 Mantap
Yeah it's good people have quick trip to Bandung now, Really should boost Bandung tourism. Mantap :)
Di luar negeri ada peta yang bisa dilihat saat beli tiket di mesin kemana jalur yang ditempuh kereta dan dimana kita turun .Kenapa woosh tdk dilengkapi petunjuk yang lengkap
@@adimaosesi dulu narasinya org bandung mau pp kerja di jakarta kalau ada kereta cepat wakakakkakaa
Always take care your belongings and valuable stuff. And double check before you leaving. Or take pictures in case you lost it you can make reports or documents.
Good tip! 😊
As an Indonesian citizen, I am very proud of the existence of this fast train, even though I have never experienced riding a fast train because my area is far from Jakarta and the lack of money to come to Jakarta, thank you, brother, with your content, I can also find out what the facilities are. which is on the state-owned fast train which I am very proud of. 😊😊😊
Thank you for your kind words! I'm glad I could share the experience with you. The fast train is something we can all be proud of. 😊😊😊
@@Gymson Sometimes I feel surprised by Indonesian citizens who never feel happy with the progress of our country, even though the content of your video explains that we really should be proud of the progress of our country. Once again, thank you very much, my brother, I hope you are always healthy, if you have more time take the time to visit my area, I will definitely welcome you very happily... ☺️☺️☺️
Mashallah the train is full of people, a lot of travellers
Yeah, successful project 👍🏼
The front and the back of the train are exactly the same. You could just take a look at the back of the train which was closer then went to your coach to save time 😅
Oh really 😄😄😄 I feel stupid now🥹
Boi you already knew Indonesia is the best there is! 🇮🇩
Haha😊 I heard it's good from friends.
Bandung still my favorit city in Indonesia,
Especially the weather and food is really good
Oh really :D, You like Bandung weather? It was quite wet and cold for me :D. Food is surely interesting :)
@@Gymson Yeah the weather is not really hot like jakarta, Bekasi,Kalimantan,and another city in Indonesia,
Many delicious food in Indonesia is originally from Bandung too
@@agnezmo_bundacorla Yeah as European I think I prefer Jakarta weather 😄
@@Gymson oh really 😮
For me Bandung weather is Prefect cuz the weather is warm in the morning to afternoon with the sun light and cooler in the night.
@@agnezmo_bundacorla. Oramg eropa sudah biasa dengan cuaca dingin. . Dia nyari cuaca panas... orang barat suka berjemur di pantai biar kulitnya coklat
Enjoy Bandung! Enjoy the food! Lots tasty food there haha
Thanks, yeah many foods😋
Mantap b'ngit videonya !
Thank you, I appreciate your nice comments ❤️
Indonesia sekarang sudah seperti negara maju
Yeah that's right 😊
Mister lanjut perjalanan ke Yogyakarta. Kamu bisa menggunakan Kereta api Argo Panoramic atau Argo Luxury Kelas Privat and Sleeper. Argo Panoramic menunjukkan keindahan alam Indonesia lalu argo Luxury atau Sleeper mendapatkan Fasilitas super mewah.
Selamat berlibur di Indonesia bro hati hati dan Jaga kesehatan anda❤
Thanks for recommendations 😊 Panoramic views sounds great 🥰
Well si satpam nya ngerti kok si bule ini mau beli tiket,tapi satpamnya ini mau nanya udah beli dari aplikasinya atau belum karena bingung ngejelasinya jadinya gitu deh karena biasanya yg traveler bule gini udah pada mesen tiket tinggal tuker pake mesin doang tiketnya dan jarang yg beli ke loket,terus ini yang pada komen tentang bahasa inggris seneng banget ngerendahin orang dari negara sendiri heran deh,di jepang orang orangnya pada gk bisa bahasa inggris turis pada santuy malah pada pake google translate 🙃,susah banget buat bangga sama bahasa sendiri heran
Rata-rata ngerti lah kan sdh belajar inggris dr smp.. cuma krna bukan bahasa sehari2 jd nangkep omongan native speaker dan ngomong nya jg susah lah..
Rata2 turis eropa ngak begitu paham soal online
I had train from Watford to Manchester, last train was quite fast, the name of the train is Avanti, but compare to this, is nothing
@@buupyboopy9306 do you know the speed? But honestly anything above 150 km/h is already quite fast. 300+ is just next level😄
@@Gymson it was 200 km / hour maximum speed of Avanti Train, compare with 300 km/ hour, not to mention the acceleration and smoothness, whoosh is just next level
Welcome to beautiful country.Happy enjoy to Nice place like Java,Bali,Lombok,Labuan Bajo and Raja Ampat🇮🇩👍🙏
@@lifetolife4405 thanks, will do🥰🇮🇩
Hello Kevin..You have to go to Bukittinggi. And this city was once the capital of Indonesia in 1948..salam from west Sumatera_BUKITTINGGI😊
Oh wow, sounds really interesting. Appreciate your recommendation🤗
@@Gymson always happy to follow your channel..
@@jelokadvanture6367 thanks, appreciate that 🥰
Bro, I suggest you have a vacation in Jogja. It is the center of Indonesian culture and education. There are many historical relics of Indonesia in Jogja. I hope you have a pleasant vacation in Indonesia.
Yeah sounds good, I appreciate your comment and good wishes😊
Assalamu'alaikum Brother ❤ Wellcome to Indonesia is wonderfull 🇮🇩
@@alexkurniawan3860 Truly is🥰🇮🇩
hallo guys,mantap guys infonya,selamat menikmati kereta cepat Indonesia,jakarta - bandung guys,sehat selalu guys,amin💖🇮🇩👍🙏
This train looks dope 🔥
Yeah😄 trains in Indonesia are nice 👍🏼 and those Whoosh trains are rockets🚀 you'd love Indonesia my man
@@Gymson it's definitely on the list 😊
Sllu rame yah
Yeah i didnt know, might need to book ticket in advance to save time😊
Akhirnya saya tahu tujuan pak Jokowi bangun kereta cepat.bisa narik turis untuk 2 kota sekaligus.di promosikan gratis pula oleh youtuber.presiden memang cerdas.
👍🏼yeah well done. I think its easy idea as Indonesias population is so big, you need most modern and fastest trains
@@NoNameZero103 jarak seupil aja pake kereta cepat 🤪
Thank you so much 🥰
Exactly, the Chinese trains are built at such a good standard, and are even better in China!
Awesome 👍🏼
Keamanan, informasi, dan front office seharusnya mengerti dan bisa bahasa ingris, apalagi di jakarta, dimana banyak turis asing
Yeah surely would be useful, but it is okay. Nowadays if really need then can use google translate no issues :)
Untuk masukan agar security nya di latih untuk bahasa Inggris...
Latih biar pinteran dikit
Dah dr SMP belajar bhs inggris 😅😅😅
16:14 Indonesian only Average 160 cm (5 ft 3 in) .If you feel cramped. You take up too much space.
17:19 For wheelchairs to maneuver
There was a lot of space for legs even for me :) Yeah wheelchair access that makes sense :)
Pentingnya rekrut yg punya skill bhsa asing klo terutama di pintu pintu masuk dan kluar
Yeah true that 😊
Next video -
Help the channel grow! 👍 Like, comment, subscribe, and share with friends on social media. Thanks for your support! ❤
Hello from wong kampung di Australia
Hey, thanks for watching🥰
Nice content gymson..i just remind you all that end of time is near prepared with do charity to your goodness in eternal life..
There is no end, just new beginnings.
thank you for watching 🥰
Welcome to Indonesia handsome🥰💋
Next Explorer to Gili Trawangan Lombok, Kuta Lombok, Mandalika Lombok, atlas beach Bali,finss beach Bali, savaya beach club'Bali, and labuan bajo komodo dragon island in Flores INDONESIA 🇮🇩🙏
Thanks for the recommendations! I’m excited to explore these incredible spots. They all sound fantastic! ❤️
Semoga Puas dengan pelayanan Kereta Api Whoosh Indonesia .. bila ada keluhan tolong disampaikan untuk perbaikan ke depan .. Terima kasih
The train ride was smooth, and I was really impressed with the professionalism of the staff both on the train and at the stations. Great experience overall!
Mantap brow
@@rafaelmariyo2784 thanks 😄👍🏼
Wilujeng sumping di Bandung (Welcome to Bandung;Sundanese), the city known as Parijs Van Java. Hopefully Bandung can make you feel at home.
Thank you, I appreciate your warm welcome 🤗
@@verowiryadi 😁😁
welcome, i hope you enjoy bandung.. i feel like you find a bit difficulties in this video, i hope you try to communicate with local more, they would like to help you,.
Thank you! I appreciate your warm welcome. Bandung is beautiful, and I'm enjoying my time here. I did encounter a few challenges, but I'll definitely make more of an effort to connect with the locals-they've been so friendly and willing to help!
There are electronic ticket machine actually rather than bought it at counter
Oh okay, didn't know😊
hope u have a great experience, u should go to lembang floating market while u in Bandung.
btw i suggest u to visit Yogyakarta, Malang and Surabaya if u can.
Thanks I appreciate your recommendations 🥰
@@Gymson you're welcome, i've edit my comments btw. u can check out the floating market, it's a good place to take a breath
Man you are soo handsome! 😍
Wow, thanks🤗
Keren 🇮🇩👍*
Thank you ❤️👍🏼
what kind of camera do you use for this vlog mate?
Dji action 4
I will try it next month
Awesome, from Jakarta to Bandung? Or Bandung to Jakarta😄
Jadi inget pas PT. KAI buka lowongan dengan syarat salah satunya bisa berkomunikasi dengan bahasa inggris, langsung dirujak sama netizen Twitter yg isinya SJW pengangguran 🥱
Oh wow really 😊
Happy holidays
Brother, you are already in Bandung, don't forget to go to Kawah Putih
Sounds good 👍🏼👍🏼 hopefully in future😄
Try it bro, you can ride the highest speed train for the first time in Southeast Asia. The highest speed is 350 kilometers per hour, the Indonesian fast train Jakarta - Bandung, the newest, most sophisticated in Southeast Asia, the first,.the way to the beautiful and comfortable and beautiful and cool and cool city of Bandung, thank you sis and bro..*,**.
Thanks for you comment🇮🇩🥰
Thank you🥰
12:08 Billie Eilis on the train 🤣
Lol :D
Next station. Tun Sambathan.
Holaa brother Gymson ! 👋
Bagaimana perasaan mu naik kereta api tercepat di indonesia ???
Apakah indonesia sudah 1 langkah kedepan dari Amerika bro ???
Dengar-dengar inggris sudah mulai ancang-ancang membangun kereta api cepat agar tidak tertinggal dari negara lain
Amerika kapan mulainya brother ?
Yeah Indonesian trains are top level 🇮🇩👍🏼 never seen better trains I think
@@Gymson 👍👍👍
better u go on weekdays than weekend or holiday
Yeah, would be less people probably?
Welcome to malaysia.
hihihi.... 😅
:) I do miss Malaysia too, but I need to see more countries around the world
Selamat naik kereta cepat bro,
Thank you🙏🏼
english proficiency is must for all
Yeah surely useful for people I'd say too :)
yaaa man
Untuk security nya harap diberi keterampilan bahasa inggris walau bahasa inggris dasar
Would help tourist😊
You can buy ticket online mr.
Yeah, can be smart😊
English speaking nya security masih membagongkan🤣🤟🏻🤟🏻🤟🏻
It's fine honestly, I can always take out my phone and translate, but when I'm doing video I just try not to have my phone out always :)
@@Gymson finally at the end you met the other staff to explain more detail haha
Why everything seems hard for you Gymson ..Is it because you brought that heavy suitcase?..
Idk perhaps its my personality?
kenapa ya ,setiap bule bikin konten tentang indonesia selalu banyak yang nonton. padahal dilihat dari konten sebelumnya tentang malaysia sepi penonton
My most viewed travel video is from Malaysia. Depend on topics, some videos gather more interest some less. Some get popular quickly, some get popular later. If your TH-camr you can expect unpredictable 😄 But ofc Indonesia has massive population so it definitely helps to gain nee viewers👍🏼👍🏼
Buset petugas indomaretnya abis megang duit, trus pegang rotinya pake tangan :D
Our people's response depends on the vibe u give bro.
Yeah that makes sense 😊
Ngakunya pngen bersaing sama negara2 maju lainya. Baru dkasih kereta cepat gni banyk yg nyinyir. Bedanya SDM berkembang sama SDM negara maju.. lanjutkan sampai SURBYA. Yg nolak mending pindah negara saja 😅😅
Well, slow trains are perfectly fine too. Like in Thailand overnight train from Chiang Mai to Bangkok its cool😄
Language barrier still something that's need improvement I guess. You know, basic conversation...
Yeah, i should learn basic Indonesian
Jgn overproud jd orang indo..liat tuh SDM bhs inggris yg mudah dr segi pariwisata gak dikuasai.hrs stingkat staff bru bs service..seurity di tanya dimn beli tiket malah nanya udah punya tiket? Hrsnya seleksi lg utk tempat2 seperti itu
parah emang ya itu bahasa dasar sekali "buy"mereka ngga ngerti heran gua cara nyeleksi pegawainya.
Agreed. Saya juga mangkel, masa gak bisa nangkap kata kunci 'ticket' & malah balik tanya pakai bahasa Indonesia... 😅 Seharusnya, kalau bisa dengar kata kuncinya, langsung dibawa aja ke loket atau minimal cari staff yg bisa bahasa Inggris. Untung si mas bule lagi santai, coba klo lagi buru².
Liat deh pegawai cafe nya juga. Sopan kah main pegang roti pake tangan langsung begitu? 😭 minimal pake tissue kek
Gemes kaaan.. bule nanya pake bhs inggris dijawab pake bhs Indonesia.. harusnya ditraining bhs inggris umum
Orang walau bisa bahasa Inggris basic kadang ketemu bule grogi. Yang lebih bagus bahasa Inggris bisa salah memahami apalagi klo cuman basic. Mendengarkan orang Indonesia ngomong Inggris lebih gampang daripada dengerin bule beneran ngomong Inggris
Waktu panggang Roti, masak dipegang langsung gitu Rotinya, gak Etis banget...
2024 dan ini stasiun gede. Bhs inggris dasar wajib d miliki semua petugas
Would help tourist😊👍🏼
Security nya dari kampung
sayang sekali turisnya tidak bisa berbahasa indonesia... ini di sayangkan sekali. seharusnya mereka lebih banyak belajar bahasa indonesia...
I agree, I need to get better next time. Thankd for feedback👍🏼
Hello Gymson I'm How are you' apa kabar kamu Oke ya dI Indonesia So' 😍🙏✌️👍💞🌏🇮🇩
Hey😄 thanks good Anton🥰🇮🇩
Whooss Speed Max 420
Woah really👀
@@Gymson Yup, during the train trial the maximum speed was up to 420 km/hour but it could only be run regularly at 350 km/hour
Why not buy first class ?
Haha budget mode😄maybe next time👀
@@Gymsonits not recommended for 1st class in 30 min' rides. Just buy economy class is enough. Sorry for my broken English 😂
You should come earlier
What' you mean, why earlier
@@Gymson you look so rushed, if you come earlier you'd have more time to make video
That hotel staff might think you're very disappointed at him and can't stop thinking about the door slam the whole day
No Its oke don't worry
I hope he didn't mind or 😄 maybe he understand my hands were busy👀
Whoosh the best transportation in southeast now 👍
Does it not work?
Very tired😂 transit bgtu
Halo bule ganteng
@@Gymson 😘😘
@@prabuleo292 🥰
Para security alangkah baiknya belajar bahasa ingris besic
Sure, for me to learn some Indonesian too😄
Seriusan, ga bisa bahasa inggris😭...
It's okay, as a traveller I need to know some local words. I don't expect anybody to know English, but if they do it's good to see :)
Utamakan bahasa indonesia..
Lestarikan bahasa daerah..
Kuasai bahasa asing..
What you mean?😊
This train won't make profit for 40 years at least according to statistic and plus they need to maintain operation cost. There's still local train goes 38 times per day which is enough not to use hsr unless you are in hurry. Also, they borrowed money to build so technically it's owned by china. Now is still an exciting phase with tons of propaganda so will see the truth in 1~2 years later. then we know what actually happened. Obviously, 1M passengers in 2 month is too low and debts will be built up for sure. For obvious calculation, whoosh making $300,000.00 debts every month.. They focus on speed in many ways instead of the practicality. They shouldn't have compromised to make train station in the cities.
That's crazy. Cool information though,i had no idea 😊
the security must learn english
Yeah at Monas video you can see security start talking in English too if he see me, lets me know its free access 👍🏼 very good by that man
Very embaresing security not able spoken english
It is okay, I don't expect them to speak well. But it would help tourist if they can a bit 😊
Ribet banget bawa2 koper sepanjang kereta. Gw ngeliatnya aja cape sendiri
Haha I managed, Yeah when people get in your way then it can be hard to pass :D
Biasa bule kaya gini di negaranya gelandangan 🗿
Lebih baik hapus komentarnya . Dari pada malu"in diri sendiri . Karena ga ada etika .
@@ahmadzaki8208 That true liat di bali 🗿
@@NendyJapan cuma kan dia vlogger bukan cuma di indo . Harus bisa bedain . Kalau orang yg netap di Bali beda cerita
Ada apa dengan Anda?
What you mean?
Security nya noool gak bisa bahasa inggris 😢😢
Haha i could speak more Indonesian😊
woi sekelas KCIC kok bisa petugasnya yg keterima kgk bisa bahasa inggris sama sekali, ORANG DALAM masih bermain kah ?
masa sih di sekolah kgk belajar bahasa inggris dasar,.. ketahuan ini security dpt lulusan SD-SMA yg ga pernah belajar.. okelah orang lokal, seenggaknya , masa sih kgk ngarti bahasa inggris dasar ?? sedangkan di kampung sama Danau toba aja tukang jualan pada bisa bahasa inggris dasar setidaknya bahasa inggris percakapan transaksi.
That's fine, Since i'm vlogging i don't use my phone too much, but if there is really a need I can always take out my phone and use translator. But I appreciate your comment :)
security guy should learn basic english
Would be easier for tourist for sure :)
Sayank sekali security cannot spike English
Hopefully they learn a bit haha, would help casual tourists
Ditanya mau beli tiket dimana, jawabnya apa mister sudah punya tiket???? Gk masuk akal, seharusnya untuk menjadi Satpam diajarkan beberapa kata/kalimat yg harus dipelajari, gk usah banyak2 cukup yg berhubungan dengan hal2 di stasiun.
Haha, surely would help more casual travellers who don't know language 😄 but i used translator and then they pointed me to ticket desk
@@Gymson Hope you like Indonesia, with all our weakness, we will do the best.