Warboss Betty was hired by spikey lad who was definitely very fast for all the red he was wearing. Warboss Betty wanted a good fight, and if he could stomp some humies and some knife ears together, that is payment enough for today. Indeed Warboss Betty is the smartest Ork in this sector.
Watching lightning claw terminators rip things to shreds is strangely therapeutic.
GG! This game showed a pretty amazing sorcerer use, respect! Always great to see a 2v2, best format imho
It is always great to see Lightning Claw Terminators practice their craft.
Yes, Khorne flakes still funni
Breakfast of champions.
"Avatar is on the way for Khorne ... flakes" haha
Warboss Betty was hired by spikey lad who was definitely very fast for all the red he was wearing. Warboss Betty wanted a good fight, and if he could stomp some humies and some knife ears together, that is payment enough for today. Indeed Warboss Betty is the smartest Ork in this sector.
Thank you indrid:)
How about a nice stroll through the battelfield.
Sindri’s revenge
Great scrap Boyz!!! Indrid thank you good Sir for the sweet cast as always...
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