Dike B - No Overthink 2

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 9 ก.ย. 2024
  • Dike B - my regular commute. Mostly protected mixed pathway, but ends with a section of crossing roads that I dread because I really don't want to mix with cars if I can help it.
    To over-engineer the concept of cycling/walking, or to not. That is the question. Either way, when things go wrong the more vulnerable road user will be blamed instead of the operator of heavy machinery.
    I tried to obey all the laws but it really isn't a solution to predicting unpredictable drivers. I'm starting to understand why a lot of cyclists break laws--they are wise (or dumb) enough to know that they "can be right and be dead-right" so they don't bother with being right.
    I myself go the other way and obey all the insane superhuman demands placed upon me, but that has a side effect of turning me into a niche carbrain. I drive the bicycle, I have car-like speeds, and that just makes me less predictable because after all, a bicycle isn't a car no matter if the law tells me to play pretend-motorist. Add to that having to use the bike lane that keeps disappearing and kicking me back into the road.
    Cycling (vehicular or otherwise) really is a world of endless catch-22s and arms/wits race, as well as bureaucracy and law-wringing, and it's not something I have in mind when I say to my little brother "hey let's go for a bike ride! :)" My style of riding has too much adept skill and sixth-sense, and it goes against the very nature of active transportation which is intuitive for everyone and not a select few.
    date: Jun 11 2024

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