You are placing your focus on your body. When you get into your car you do not become the car. When you got into your body you did not become the body. You are a photon, it is impossible for you to die. When your body dies, you leave it via the right angular gyrus of the brain. Fully conscious. You have copies of you in parallel universes. When you sleep you actually continue activity there. When your body dies here, you continue there. I refer you to physicists Max Tegmark & David Deutsch Bill
The human brain is a computer form run by electro magnetism. The universe is a dynamo of electrical energy. Inside of the body circuits are constantly firing neurons. Everything is electrical. When there is a shift in the angle of electrical energy impacting the earth and the brain, there is a change in the brain function and how we act. That is basically what astrology is about. You are right about the additives. The hospitals being constantly full are proof of that. Bill
your 4th and 5th sentence of this comment seems to sum up what I've been trying to explain. I.e. The Suns' LATITUDE and Direction of travel determines the energy that "rules/controls" a person born during that "time" - one can even use the word Season - what we call Zodiac Signs. The Suns' electrical energy impact on a persons' brain is determined by the Angle and/or Direction and Location/LATITUDE. Are you catching my drift?
Whenever you consider the origin of thought, consider the classic Greeks. Initially they were Pelesgians who came from another place. When the whole world was splitting rocks they were writing about atoms and electrons, quantum physics, mathematics, philosophy, anatomy, astronomy etc etc. Who told them all of that. Where did those words come from. If you look at the names of the parts of your body you will see that you are carrying them with you but where did they come from Bill
Let me make a point . Jesus birth . Mary was told by an angel. She had the baby and the wicked king tried to kill the child and he had to be carried away to safety. Krishnas birth. Devaki was told by an angel. She had the baby and the wicked king tried to kill the child and he had to be carried away to safety. Krishnas story was thousands of years before Jesus but it is the same story. and the same person. This is universal consciousness. It is cosmic, it is light and it comes from above. Bill
Thank you so much Bill. I have a lot of watching and learning to do. I'm very surprised I haven't seen your talks on YT before. There very interesting. I've been wishing for talks like yours that explain the esoteric meaning of the Bible for quite sometime now. Please keep up the good work and never stop spreading the truth. Thank you again 😀
Yes Johannes and the seven seals of Reveation 5:1 and the seven days in the week. Thank you Johannes, I appreciate your sharing with us. Bill
Bill! You are a gifted teacher! Sir - you rock!!! I've had a run in with literalist Christians regarding hell, but its like banging my head against a brick wall - good job I'm a headbanger!!!
No one has to have a body to be real. Jesus is Krishna and Buddha and Muhammed. Peace, love, forgiveness, non judging, help to the poor and the sick. Put them together and they spell Jesus. No matter who wrote the words, if you read Jesus teachings you will see that they are they key to happiness in life. If they are followed, the entire planet earth would become planet heaven. It is not necessary for him to be a man to say if your eye be single your body fills with light. Because its true Bill
where you've turned the wrong corner is, Jesus can't be lumped together with other men. Jesus is God. Only Jesus can give eternal life. These videos show me we are in the last days.
I have watched all of Bill's videos and i am a fan of him. He is a true light worker. I just wanted the clarify what Brenda was asking. Peace, love and light.
The words are far beyond any man. These are words of cosmic consciousness.Words that transcend the human mind and body. The Bible is filled with statements from God. God said this and God said that. God gave Moses the 10 Commandments. But where is He? The words of Jesus are Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, Pagan etc etc. They come from above. They are called Jesus but the concentration has to be on the words and unfortunately it never has been and you see the world condition. Bill
You gotta keep listening to Bill...he's got the clarification of what you seek. It doesnt matter if he was alive or not, just as much as it doesnt matter if Buddha was alive or not. For all we know, they could have been. Regardless of that, we still must know what these great teachers were saying, because if we just follow the flesh and not the teachings itself, we gain nothing out of ourselves...which christ wanted us to realize we could be just like him...not to be a slave to him.
Bill, isn't it true that the Age of Pisces has been an age of slavery? And the Age of Aquarius is about to be just the opposite of that? Thank you for sharing your wisdom!
Hello Bill. Great lesson as always. :) I have been doing some research on the zodiac and I have a question about horoscopes. Are they reliable? I ask this because I read some where that if you go out on your birthday and look at the stars, it wont be your sign, it would be different. I am not saying that is true, I just heard that some where and I am asking because I am not sure. Thank you Bill. Your a fantastic teacher back then, and you are a fantastic teacher now. :) ღ Tinker
bill, your comment on the effects of the different alignments coming from the changing angles of electro magnetic inputs, could you explain, if possible? Are you referring to technology getting in the way? HAARP? Just want to know more about this if you know, I am well aware of the heavy metal inundation that the control system has put into place, i.e. fluoridation of public water, mercury in fillings and shots, aspartame, chemtrails(probably the worst of the culprits) containing aluminum oxide.
Tinker A generalized horoscope can define your personality. But when you get into individual ones given in a reading format, I have a problem with that. It totally depends on the skill of the person. What I mean is you can look up a sign and see the general effects it has on a personality. But the fortune telling part I would not trust Bill hidden meanings dot com
Mansions.. Are states of consciousness that the being interacts/goes thru . Mansions(states),, remain the same..but the being can fall thru them,willingly or unwillingly.
Bill , 18:55 What part of the bible is it that Jesus says that? I have been watching a lot of Santos Bonnacci's work concerning the Zodiac and I find it all very interesting. This is a great addition. Thx
I like the rest of psalms 19 that you was referring to Bill.... 6) His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof. Circuit means: a path or trip AROUND something. The suns mass is 99.8% of our solar system. Darn right nothing can hide from the heat of it!
There are many thoughts on the effects that come from the different alignments as they change the angle of electro magnetic input to earth. We will see. Bill hidden meanings dot com
Ron. Look at what their beliefs have done to this world. The hate, the violence, the neglect of others, the wars. You're not the crazy one Ron Bill hidden meanings dot com
I don't know what that is, or where to find it. I looked up the school of the holy science and found Santos there, but I'm not sure what the webinar is. Is there a kind of live chat or something?
22 : 15 then he said to them,"With fervent desire I have desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer;" Passover and suffer? I wonder if the suffering is really the work that the sun does for 6 months after passing over the spring equinox, then when resting on the 7 month, 22 : 16 "for I say to you, I will not eat of it until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of God." That kingdom being the upper half of the Zodiac, the Garden of Eden, where everything can be eaten. Eden=eaten. hmmmmm
In short Bill, what are you driving at? Sorry but I cant grasp your message. Is there really GOD, salvation, heaven, hell, life after death or we simply vanish when we die?
Actually, the word kosmos in Greek either means 'people' OR 'world', but it can be synonymous to 'law' sometimes as well. But 'law' is not its direct meaning. Every
You are missing the point. Brenda is saying that if Jesus never really lived, then where are his sayings coming from? Other ancient texts or what?Peace.
They were made up by eastern mystics. Its the same story told over and over again just with different cast and characters. Since the story itself is written in parables, dark sayings, metaphors, and analogies, its hard to determine if these events could ever transpire on our earth. It's saying something deeper. Other ancient texts...well christianity pretty much grew out of egypt and mixed with greek mythology. As I said, same story told again and again in different ways.
Yeshua (Arch Angel Michael) is the Son and the consciousness that indwells the sun. Sophia also known as Gaia, Holy Spirit, Magdalene, Laxmi and Arch Angel Ariel to name a few is the consciousness that indwells earth. Ariel and Michael are bonded hence bride and Bridegroom.
You're thinking the way I do. Continue on because it is amazing what you find as you continue to explore the possibilities. The beauty of mythology is that it applies itself to the individual. I mean by that, what you find will not necessarily be what somebody else finds. Your inner universe mind will interpret it for yourself. It's Bill hidden meanings dot com
That's funny & I agree.Every thing is ok if you think like christians but once you start thinking & asking questions, the christians say you're going to hell but didn't the christian god make hell? Why make hell in the first place? They bring up free will or something & its like you can't talk to them. You can do what Bill does & use the bible against them. :) I do this & they either stop talking to you or they get mad because you use the their bible against them & they don't like that. Cheers.
basically, believe whatever you want about if he was real or not. Just please listen to him, and not the pastors. He'll guide you, which in turn means you'll guide you. You're your only saviour, because Jesus teaches us to be just like him. That is the way to true salvation.
I can't prove much to anyone in 500 characters or less. Bill describes what I'm saying much more elegantly and organized, with more proof. Watch his videos and search for specific topics you seek by either searching on his youtube page or on hiddenmeanings com. There you will find better info than i can provide.
PumpkinPixie1978, the current situation is the christians I'm trying to debate with have told me I'm offending them by bringing this up! I have been called an atheist by these blinkered literalists! Even though I have told them I believe we are all One as we come from the Source(I don't use the term G_d as it is associated with their view of christianity). If, as they say G_d is Love, then if he has a place called hell it is a twisted love!!! No such place! They are hard work indeed!!!
That really depends on who is interpreting it. Aquarius definetly is considered the age of awakening and this is demonstrated by the inventions that have come along over the past 100 years. Bill hidden meanings dot com
Thank you. There seems to be a great deal of confirmation that the Pyramids were astronomically aligned. Bill hidden meanings dot com
I still have trouble dealing with the fact that Jesus was never a Man. So what difference does it make what he said in the Bible if he wasn't real? Someone made it up whatever he said.
Ra is not the celestial sun that defines an earth day it is the star (sun) Sirius. The Hebrew word SiRA (sirach) translates as the wisdom of Sirius, AhuRA Mazda - Lord of Wisdom. This is what Yeshua meant by the Amen as Amen Ra, the wisdom of Sirius being Sophia otherwise known as the Holy Spirit. Amen translates as truth.
Thanks so much. I know what you mean about head banging. It's really tough trying to break through Bill hidden meanings dot com
Aries 19 Apr to 13 May... 24.5° Taurus 14 May to 21 Jun... 37° Gemini 22 Jun to 20 Jul... 28° Cancer 21 Jul to 10 Aug... 20° Leo 11 Aug to 16 Sep... 36° Virgo 17 Sep to 30 Oct... 44° Libra 31 Oct to 23 Nov... 23° Scorpio 24 Nov to 29 Nov... 6.5° Ophiuchus 30 Nov to 17 Dec... 18.5° Sagittarius 18 Dec to 19 Jan... 33.5° Capricorn 20 Jan to 16 Feb... 28° Aquarius 17 Feb to 11 Mar... 24° Pisces 12 Mar to 18 Apr... 37° Gate & Key: Sidereal 13 Sign Astrology - G. Desiree Fultz, NLP Astrology of the 13 Signs of the Zodiac, Ophiuchus: The New Sign of the Zodiac Circle - Vasilis A. Kanatas Decoding The Matrix: The Resurrection of Ophiuchus - Ezekiel Brumfield Jr.
Obviously no one should be reading their daily astrological forecast and that as if everything that happens to us in our personal lives is because of where the stars or planets are at a particular time. This isn't what Bill is talking about here. But which one of us hasn't read about how it seems strange that people of like signs are eerily like others of their same sign and seem to have best friends within there triad signs (earth, fire, water, air. I cant help but notice through the years that I, a Virgo, have weirdly made best friends or lovers, with people who were Capricorns and Taurus' or Virgos. Almost all in fact. Some other signed people I have known, eerily fit into the personality traits that there sign equates to. Seeing that all signs have cusps also seems to give that person traits of two signs eg. leo/virgo etc. I know it sounds kookie but look into your own pasts yourselves and you might be surprised how much it is true. So now I also have to conclude that we are in the "cusp" of the galactic ages of Pisces/Aquarius. If a cusp of our earths astrology is only three days, then I would have to assume that there is a Galactic astrological cusp. So how would I calculate such a thing? Seeing that a galactic year isn't even agreed upon by scientists or for that matter astrology because the Galaxy doesn't move all in one. The inner stars are literally spinning about galactic center whilst the outer stars are mere snails in comparing. Therefore our (SOL) Galactic year is totally different than billions of others. But lets say Sol's galactic year is 12 x 2100 ~ (avg. length of years of each galactic sign, which vary in some cases by hundreds of years) anyway the answer is 25,200 years or thereabout, at least for us on Earth/Sol A "cusp" is 10% of a sign and therefore 2100 years divided by 10% or 210 years galactic speaking. So my logic is that even though we are all waiting and hoping for that great Aquarian awakening, we also must understand that this cusp period always has qualities intermingling with the sign before. The Great awakening will take about 210 years to happen due to the "cusp". So I can agree now and understand why there is still so much strife and confusion. It also gives new meaning to the parable of the Lord's day (seems) like a thousand years to us.
2024 and this truth is so relevant, the time is now and we appreciate your work and message, Bill. You were way ahead of your time.
You are placing your focus on your body. When you get into your car you do not become the car. When you got into your body you did not become the body. You are a photon, it is impossible for you to die. When your body dies, you leave it via the right angular gyrus of the brain. Fully conscious. You have copies of you in parallel universes. When you sleep you actually continue activity there. When your body dies here, you continue there. I refer you to physicists Max Tegmark & David Deutsch Bill
Finding this on 8/15 👍👍👍
The human brain is a computer form run by electro magnetism. The universe is a dynamo of electrical
energy. Inside of the body circuits are constantly firing neurons. Everything is electrical. When there is a shift
in the angle of electrical energy impacting the earth and the brain, there is a change in the brain function and how we act. That is basically what astrology is about. You are right about the additives. The hospitals being constantly full are proof of that. Bill
your 4th and 5th sentence of this comment seems to sum up what I've been trying to explain. I.e. The Suns' LATITUDE and Direction of travel determines the energy that "rules/controls" a person born during that "time" - one can even use the word Season - what we call Zodiac Signs. The Suns' electrical energy impact on a persons' brain is determined by the Angle and/or Direction and Location/LATITUDE. Are you catching my drift?
Whenever you consider the origin of thought, consider the classic Greeks. Initially they were Pelesgians who came from another place. When the whole world was splitting rocks they were writing about atoms and electrons, quantum physics, mathematics, philosophy, anatomy, astronomy etc etc. Who told them all of that. Where did those words come from. If you look at the names of the parts of your body you will see that you are carrying them with you but where did they come from Bill
Good read on some of the history of the Pelasgians.
Bill, I don’t see Capricorn
Let me make a point . Jesus birth . Mary was told by an angel. She had the baby and the wicked king tried to kill the child and he had to be carried away to safety. Krishnas birth. Devaki was told by an angel. She had the baby and the wicked king tried to kill the child and he had to be carried away to safety. Krishnas story was thousands of years before Jesus but it is the same story. and the same person. This is universal consciousness. It is cosmic, it is light and it comes from above. Bill
And... Let me tell YOU something else... YOU are the BEST! THANK YOU, always a pleasure to hear your words of wisdom Bill, can NEVER hear enough! LOVE
Thank heavens for Bill Donahue for an amazing master teaching
Thank you so much Bill. I have a lot of watching and learning to do. I'm very surprised I haven't seen your talks on YT before. There very interesting. I've been wishing for talks like yours that explain the esoteric meaning of the Bible for quite sometime now. Please keep up the good work and never stop spreading the truth.
Thank you again 😀
14:17 "The seven chakras of the body the seven planets" And the seven stars of the Pleiades.
Yes Johannes and the seven seals of Reveation 5:1 and the seven days in the week.
Thank you Johannes, I appreciate your sharing with us. Bill
Words cannot express the gratitude... TY again B-rah-other Bill !!!!
Thank you very much for the kind words. They mean a lot Bill
Bill! You are a gifted teacher! Sir - you rock!!! I've had a run in with literalist Christians regarding hell, but its like banging my head against a brick wall - good job I'm a headbanger!!!
No one has to have a body to be real. Jesus is Krishna and Buddha and Muhammed. Peace, love, forgiveness, non judging, help to the poor and the sick. Put them together and they spell Jesus. No matter who wrote the words, if you read Jesus teachings you will see that they are they key to happiness in life. If they are followed, the entire planet earth would become planet heaven. It is not necessary for him to be a man to say if your eye be single your body fills with light. Because its true Bill
where you've turned the wrong corner is, Jesus can't be lumped together with other men. Jesus is God. Only Jesus can give eternal life. These videos show me we are in the last days.
2024 just found you man. ❤❤❤❤love it all
I have watched all of Bill's videos and i am a fan of him. He is a true light worker. I just wanted the clarify what Brenda was asking. Peace, love and light.
thanks bill for what you do, you are great...
Please tell me this man is still alive.
I absolutely love his work and devotion to God and the truth.
The words are far beyond any man. These are words of cosmic consciousness.Words that transcend the human mind and body. The Bible is filled with statements from God. God said this and God said that. God gave Moses the 10 Commandments. But where is He? The words of Jesus are Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, Pagan etc etc. They come from above. They are called Jesus but the concentration has to be on the words and unfortunately it never has been and you see the world condition. Bill
You gotta keep listening to Bill...he's got the clarification of what you seek.
It doesnt matter if he was alive or not, just as much as it doesnt matter if Buddha was alive or not. For all we know, they could have been. Regardless of that, we still must know what these great teachers were saying, because if we just follow the flesh and not the teachings itself, we gain nothing out of ourselves...which christ wanted us to realize we could be just like him...not to be a slave to him.
"the gospel and the zodiac" by bill darlison is an interesting read.
Thanks, but I'm caught up with all of Santos' work. Glad to see you're spreading it around though.
Bill, isn't it true that the Age of Pisces has been an age of slavery? And the Age of Aquarius is about to be just the opposite of that? Thank you for sharing your wisdom!
Could you please share where you learned that Zodiac means "The Way"? When I look for Zodiac etymology it says it comes from a circle of animals.
I would love you to translate the book of enoch in right brain left brain thinking
Oh for sure, Much love
I went to your channel and subbed. Very interesting videos. :)
Where do you live? It looks beautiful. I like the pier. :)
The book of Job may be the oldest in the Bible, but there are much older writings like the Mahabharata. I'm doing research on this now.
Hello Bill. Great lesson as always. :) I have been doing some research on the zodiac and I have a question about horoscopes.
Are they reliable? I ask this because I read some where that if you go out on your birthday and look at the stars, it wont be your sign, it would be different.
I am not saying that is true, I just heard that some where and I am asking because I am not sure.
Thank you Bill. Your a fantastic teacher back then, and you are a fantastic teacher now. :)
ღ Tinker
bill, your comment on the effects of the different alignments coming from the changing angles of electro magnetic inputs, could you explain, if possible? Are you referring to technology getting in the way? HAARP? Just want to know more about this if you know, I am well aware of the heavy metal inundation that the control system has put into place, i.e. fluoridation of public water, mercury in fillings and shots, aspartame, chemtrails(probably the worst of the culprits) containing aluminum oxide.
Tinker A generalized horoscope can define your personality. But when you get into individual ones
given in a reading format, I have a problem with that. It totally depends on the skill of the person.
What I mean is you can look up a sign and see the general effects it has on a personality. But the
fortune telling part I would not trust
Bill hidden meanings dot com
Are states of consciousness that the being interacts/goes thru .
Mansions(states),, remain the same..but the being can fall thru them,willingly or unwillingly.
What is my Zodiac sign, should I look at Sun or Moon Sign, or in other Planets? Or on the ascendant?
Is any one else getting video ads that play at the same time as the youtube video? These arat vs- watch them more than one time.
Bill , 18:55 What part of the bible is it that Jesus says that? I have been watching a lot of Santos Bonnacci's work concerning the Zodiac and I find it all very interesting. This is a great addition. Thx
I can't find any reference to zodiac meaning the way
I like the rest of psalms 19 that you was referring to Bill....
6) His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.
Circuit means: a path or trip AROUND something.
The suns mass is 99.8% of our solar system. Darn right nothing can hide from the heat of it!
That's very true. But compared to things like Eta Carina, it is very small. Thanks for writing Bill
Yea no kidding! Good point.
That verse means that the sun is moving around us, not us around it.
@@nonsensicalwebby1663 absolutely! shame most people still believe the opposite
Bill, where do you get the definitions? I would like to know where to find the definitions. Thx
E Mail me and I can get you the information. E Mail is Bill
There are many thoughts on the effects that come from the different alignments as they change the angle of electro magnetic input to earth. We will see.
Bill hidden meanings dot com
Good thought. Nazzareth and Mazzaroth . Very similar. Way to go
Bill hidden meanings dot com
Ron. Look at what their beliefs have done to this world. The hate, the violence, the neglect of others, the wars. You're not the crazy one Ron
Bill hidden meanings dot com
Hi Bill! After 17 minutes your video stop! Can not play! I couldnt hear the rest, the end of this great video :(.
I don't know what that is, or where to find it. I looked up the school of the holy science and found Santos there, but I'm not sure what the webinar is. Is there a kind of live chat or something?
What Bible version is he using? I have 2 and neither are close to his translation.
I am using the authorized King James version. Bill
22 : 15 then he said to them,"With fervent desire I have desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer;" Passover and suffer? I wonder if the suffering is really the work that the sun does for 6 months after passing over the spring equinox, then when resting on the 7 month, 22 : 16 "for I say to you, I will not eat of it until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of God." That kingdom being the upper half of the Zodiac, the Garden of Eden, where everything can be eaten. Eden=eaten. hmmmmm
u right, and people say i crazy!!
Wow! That is exactly how I feel. :)
In short Bill, what are you driving at? Sorry but I cant grasp your message. Is there really GOD, salvation, heaven, hell, life after death or we simply vanish when we die?
Actually, the word kosmos in Greek either means 'people' OR 'world', but it can be synonymous to 'law' sometimes as well. But 'law' is not its direct meaning. Every
Those are very nice words and I want you to know they mean a lot to me.
Thank you very very much
Bill hidden meanings dot com
You can find that reference in Luke 22:10
Bill hidden meanings dot com
You are missing the point. Brenda is saying that if Jesus never really lived, then where are his sayings coming from? Other ancient texts or what?Peace.
They were made up by eastern mystics. Its the same story told over and over again just with different cast and characters. Since the story itself is written in parables, dark sayings, metaphors, and analogies, its hard to determine if these events could ever transpire on our earth. It's saying something deeper.
Other ancient texts...well christianity pretty much grew out of egypt and mixed with greek mythology. As I said, same story told again and again in different ways.
dont forget santos has a webinar for free every friday at the school of the holy science. look it up and come join us :)
Yeshua (Arch Angel Michael) is the Son and the consciousness that indwells the sun. Sophia also known as Gaia, Holy Spirit, Magdalene, Laxmi and Arch Angel Ariel to name a few is the consciousness that indwells earth. Ariel and Michael are bonded hence bride and Bridegroom.
You're thinking the way I do. Continue on because it is amazing what you find
as you continue to explore the possibilities. The beauty of mythology is that
it applies itself to the individual. I mean by that, what you find will not necessarily be what somebody else finds. Your inner universe mind will interpret it for yourself. It's Bill hidden meanings dot com
i thought the age of pisces was age of religions and age of aquarius was age of awakening
That's funny & I agree.Every thing is ok if you think like christians but once you start thinking & asking questions, the christians say you're going to hell but didn't the christian god make hell? Why make hell in the first place? They bring up free will or something & its like you can't talk to them. You can do what Bill does & use the bible against them. :)
I do this & they either stop talking to you or they get mad because you use the their bible against them & they don't like that. Cheers.
No matter how long it takes to get to your comments, I always appreciate them very much
Bill hidden meanings dot com
basically, believe whatever you want about if he was real or not. Just please listen to him, and not the pastors. He'll guide you, which in turn means you'll guide you. You're your only saviour, because Jesus teaches us to be just like him. That is the way to true salvation.
I can't prove much to anyone in 500 characters or less. Bill describes what I'm saying much more elegantly and organized, with more proof. Watch his videos and search for specific topics you seek by either searching on his youtube page or on hiddenmeanings com. There you will find better info than i can provide.
Zw(life) Diakos(messenger) Book of life. The Zodiac represents the evolution of man.
I always look forward to your words. They mean a lot. Thanks
Bill hidden meanings dot com
Thank you very much
Bill hidden meanings dot com
Thank you very much for sharing about Kosmos
Bill hidden meanings dot com
PumpkinPixie1978, the current situation is the christians I'm trying to debate with have told me I'm offending them by bringing this up! I have been called an atheist by these blinkered literalists! Even though I have told them I believe we are all One as we come from the Source(I don't use the term G_d as it is associated with their view of christianity). If, as they say G_d is Love, then if he has a place called hell it is a twisted love!!! No such place! They are hard work indeed!!!
That really depends on who is interpreting it. Aquarius definetly is considered the age of
awakening and this is demonstrated by the inventions that have come along over the past 100 years. Bill hidden meanings dot com
Thank you, love to you too
Bill hidden meanings dot com
Thank you. There seems to be a great deal of confirmation that the Pyramids were astronomically aligned.
Bill hidden meanings dot com
Thanks for the heads up. I will have to check that out
Bill hidden meanings dot com
I have to look at the video again and see what I say at 18:55. Thanks for writing
Bill hidden meanings dot com
I still have trouble dealing with the fact that Jesus was never a Man. So what difference does it make what he said in the Bible if he wasn't real? Someone made it up whatever he said.
Ra is not the celestial sun that defines an earth day it is the star (sun) Sirius. The Hebrew word SiRA (sirach) translates as the wisdom of Sirius, AhuRA Mazda - Lord of Wisdom. This is what Yeshua meant by the Amen as Amen Ra, the wisdom of Sirius being Sophia otherwise known as the Holy Spirit. Amen translates as truth.
Thanks so much. I know what you mean about head banging. It's really tough trying to
break through
Bill hidden meanings dot com
Where is Aries? Cardinal fire? Is this series just focused on fixed and mutable signs? Jesus was the lamb of God after All
Aries 19 Apr to 13 May... 24.5°
Taurus 14 May to 21 Jun... 37°
Gemini 22 Jun to 20 Jul... 28°
Cancer 21 Jul to 10 Aug... 20°
Leo 11 Aug to 16 Sep... 36°
Virgo 17 Sep to 30 Oct... 44°
Libra 31 Oct to 23 Nov... 23°
Scorpio 24 Nov to 29 Nov... 6.5°
Ophiuchus 30 Nov to 17 Dec... 18.5°
Sagittarius 18 Dec to 19 Jan... 33.5°
Capricorn 20 Jan to 16 Feb... 28°
Aquarius 17 Feb to 11 Mar... 24°
Pisces 12 Mar to 18 Apr... 37°
Gate & Key: Sidereal 13 Sign Astrology - G. Desiree Fultz, NLP
Astrology of the 13 Signs of the Zodiac, Ophiuchus: The New Sign of the Zodiac Circle - Vasilis A. Kanatas
Decoding The Matrix: The Resurrection of Ophiuchus - Ezekiel Brumfield Jr.
Obviously no one should be reading their daily astrological forecast and that as if everything that happens to us in our personal lives is because of where the stars or planets are at a particular time. This isn't what Bill is talking about here.
But which one of us hasn't read about how it seems strange that people of like signs are eerily like others of their same sign and seem to have best friends within there triad signs (earth, fire, water, air.
I cant help but notice through the years that I, a Virgo, have weirdly made best friends or lovers, with people who were Capricorns and Taurus' or Virgos. Almost all in fact.
Some other signed people I have known, eerily fit into the personality traits that there sign equates to.
Seeing that all signs have cusps also seems to give that person traits of two signs eg. leo/virgo etc. I know it sounds kookie but look into your own pasts yourselves and you might be surprised how much it is true.
So now I also have to conclude that we are in the "cusp" of the galactic ages of Pisces/Aquarius. If a cusp of our earths astrology is only three days, then I would have to assume that there is a Galactic astrological cusp.
So how would I calculate such a thing? Seeing that a galactic year isn't even agreed upon by scientists or for that matter astrology because the Galaxy doesn't move all in one. The inner stars are literally spinning about galactic center whilst the outer stars are mere snails in comparing. Therefore our (SOL) Galactic year is totally different than billions of others.
But lets say Sol's galactic year is 12 x 2100 ~ (avg. length of years of each galactic sign, which vary in some cases by hundreds of years)
anyway the answer is 25,200 years or thereabout, at least for us on Earth/Sol
A "cusp" is 10% of a sign and therefore 2100 years divided by 10% or 210 years galactic speaking.
So my logic is that even though we are all waiting and hoping for that great Aquarian awakening, we also must understand that this cusp period always has qualities intermingling with the sign before. The Great awakening will take about 210 years to happen due to the "cusp".
So I can agree now and understand why there is still so much strife and confusion.
It also gives new meaning to the parable of the Lord's day (seems) like a thousand years to us.