Just when you think Activision can't be any more shameless. Black Ops 4 is just a bombardment of every imaginable monetization scheme they could come up with. Show your support on Patreon.com/YongYea or PayPal.me/YongYea, and you can also follow me on twitter.com/YongYea for the latest updates. TOP PATRONS [CIPHER] - Thelionsam - Shawn Duane Cottrell [BIG BOSS] - BobaFett912 - Daniele Andreuzzi - FreedTerror - Solid Jake - Vin Giorgio [BOSS] - Peter Vrba - Time Dragonlord - Alex Moretti - Joe Hunt - Patrick - Zander Rose - Jonathan Ball - Michael Redmond [LEGENDARY] - D Kurtti - Mike Li - Denver Harward - FIFTHGRADE - BattleBladeWar - centrevez vectra - Gerardo Andrade - Ryan Daniel Brown - Michael P. Reid - David Doty - Mark Taylor - Prismat Dragoon - Darien Cunningham - Princess Stabbity - Jake Betts
Idk if this is allowed, but can you go over the day one patch that Anthem just pushed? I went over it briefly but wanted to know if there was any substance to it, thanks.
why the hell would bobby the money vagina monster want 4 boats?!? he only needs one! 9 out of 10 odds say he never uses the other 3 (they probably sit there in the docks collecting rust, dust or that green stuff you find in the ocean not to mention birds flying above going all poo poo on it)
Fired the employees so they could afford to lawyer-up in case they ever get arrested for conspiracy to operate a gambling gaming racket, wire-fraud for the marketing across state lines of games which they fully intended to degrade after accepting payment, or just whatever racketeering charges the Feds throw at mafia bosses and the questionable operations going on at their "legitimate business"
Quoting a Reddit post : "So Activision has added Loot Boxes to BO4. It is now a $60 game, with a $50 season pass, that also has a battle pass you can buy tiers on, direct purchases in game, and now supply drops. Seriously, stop buying Activision’s Games people." Microtransactions have gone too far.
Zeul it’s incredible how Apex Legends, a new F2P Battle Royals from EA, handles it’s micro transactions exponentially better. Seeing COD be like this is just like seeing an old friend downtown begging to suck dicks for a dollar
@@DisDatK9 Apex Legends know what they are doing. Quality first, Quantity put aside. Most of their microtransactions are just cosmetics so good thing its not pay to win, and you can get most of them by leveling up your rank. Its up to players to buy in game purchases since its their decision to get cosmetics.
@シャンパChampa Sama Yes it is true, good move for Respawn. I like how they focus more on the quality on the game than just money and that is what make games good.
Lol seriously this is why it's such a big deal to people. Games are losing greatness because the main goal now is how can we make a game to milk peoples wallets not how can we make an epic game that fans will remember decades.
Cornelius Wallace publishers have developers spend more time on the store front now than the game itself! "Games shit! Fuk it just make sure the stores up and running!" Kind of Attitude!
Those people are only like 8% of the game player population usually. As long as those 8% keep tossing money into lootboxes, they will keep adding more of it even though the other 92% don't like it.
Same with EA, we were "this" close to greatness, they were on the ropes, for once Gamers were actually making a stand, but then, but then EA showed them something shiny with Apex Legends and those gamers completely forgot all of EA's BS and have made them more powerful than ever before. Good job gamers, you played yourselves.
Been gaming for the last 16 years, can't believe I've gone from buying dozens of games a year to 2 or 3. Aggressive monetization has destroyed my passion for gaming.
wearsjorge55 I totally agree. IKONIK just because we liked playing AAA games doesn't mean we purchase the wrong games. The issue is they use to all be good games. That's why they were so popular. Now majority of AAA games are just greedy money grabs. There are exceptions though and that is what werajorge55 is saying. Personally I don't like indie games. Outside of a few exceptions they are all far below the craft of AAA games. AAA games are also about the only way to have a good multiplayer experience. The only indie game I enjoy is Warframe. That isn't to say there aren't good single player games but I just don't like single player games. I'm sure Cyberpunk will be a fantastic single player game but I won't be playing it. It would bore me before I could finish it. Outside of that I have gone to racing games since some of them have managed to stay in tact. Fingers crossed Halo and Titanfall don't get screwed over. Halo 5 made an oopsie. Hopefully that doesn't happen this time. As for Titanfall this is all I have to say. EA, LEAVE RESPAWN ALONE AND YOU WILL HAVE THE BEST FPS EVER MADE.
Check out indie studios, consumer-friendly publishers like Devolver and other AAA studios that give you what you want at a fairer price. For the price of the "complete" edition of BO4, you could get six to a dozen games on PC (between $5 - $20 each.)
Used to buy one or two vidya a year, a decade ago. The most recent game purchase I have made, was Starpoint Gemini Warlords, on Black Friday 75% off bundle. Before that, was Elite Dangerous Horizons, when it released. ...I'm still playing Warframe on the side, zero $$ spent. What's to buy? Well, I'm waiting for Anthem to go on sale or introduce Activision-level loot boxes (so I can write it off completely), whichever comes first. Also waiting for Rebel Galaxy Outlaw to come off Epic Games Store exclusivity. And finally, I got Destiny 2 for free during the promotion, and am now waiting to see what Bungie does with the property before I consider spending $$ on the remainder of that game's content. ...I remember when games were whole, complete, 1 or 2 disc deals. Missing those days terribly.
In one of the german game magazines they now have a category "re-reviewed", where they correct the score of their former reviews if something like this happens- more reviewers should do this. It's going to be a whole lot of work if you see what the big gaming companies are doing these days....
@@Illusionentochter I'm half convinced the "I'll add the content way after launch" culture was developed specifically for this reason. Or at least it's being taken advantage of. We really need to stamp out this bs
@@Illusionentochter Most so-called "Review" sites are just corporate shills that give them scores to make them happy so the advertisement money keeps rolling in.
Thats a Toilet I don’t think even just people buying the game is a problem but they put all these micro transactions and loot boxes in the game cuz A LOT of people spend $100+ on the game and that shit is sad.
Don't play the game, don't support paid lootboxes, but... What if you enjoyed gameplay like CoD's MP? The market is so strained rn that your only options for a fast shooter are... What? Destiny, at best? And that game is as much PvE as it is PvP, so that isn't reliable. The next best thing is Titanfall 2, but that's as dead as a doornail, something that Blops 4 probably has the luxury of not being.
@@T8-TR You must have the willpower to give up things you like for the sake of the industry. I gave up Gears 4 because of the horrible lootboxes and grinding, i stopped playing one of my favorite games because i don't want the industry to go that way.
I fucking knew it. The *VERY REASON* I never bought Black Ops 4 was because I (correctly) predicted that weapons would be included in their microtransactions months after launch, just like Black Ops 3. This will only get worse as the game's lifespan progresses.
Base game + season pass + MTXs + Battle pass + Loot boxes. Pretty ludicrous monetization for an annual franchise if you ask me, so I can't figure out why people are willing to support this company.
I think it's called.... modern medicine. Being in that, if modern medicine wasn't in place, most of those idiots would die within their first year since I don't think the parents of these people are geniuses either.
They had to have been waiting for the reviews to blow over and the vocal minority to quit, leaving only the fanboys who literally don't care why this is bad just so they can get away with it when they implement these boxes. And I thought EA was the most deceitful devil in the industry.
Evil Pumpkin they really aren’t though- Microsoft started it, EA exploited it, and activision crafted it into an art form. “It” being pay to win microtransactions.
If you're a parent buying games for your children please do some research before you get something, so you don't get them something that encourages straight up gambling.
People think that money is going to the cost of development of the games and keeping the servers up when in reality it's mostly going to the executives, and they have to sweet-talk the consumer playing on our emotions just to get us to agree to lend the extra money. This is why I have been done with EA and Activision for the longest and I don't care what kind of game they come out with. Those 800 employees are better off looking for another job and warning people not to go near Activision. If it was so easy for them to just kick out 800 employees right when things were starting to look good then they would do the same to anybody.
800 support staff, only to hire more actual developers, but yeah, sadly, Activision and EA are currently the 2 biggest cancers plaguing the Gaming World
@@TheBEstAltair Sadly, the so-called "actual developers" they wind up hiring will most probably be interns they can con into working for low pay and long hours. Why pay for senior devs if you can con your payerbase into paying for whatever shit you fart out and tell them it's content?
Control fell away from the developers and into the hands of business men. What happens to any industry when business men take control of it, it becames a scheme to milk people of all their money by greedy slimy people that need to be purged off the face of the earth.
Let's see in the past three months Activison/blizzard gives a $15 million dollar bonus to the new CFO,have a record year lay off 800 people ,then add pay to win loot boxes to blackops 4 it's time to be done with them
Plain and simple, its gambling. Granted it's a crappy version of gambling but none the less it's still gambling, which happens to be illegal in most states and a lot of countries. Only way for it to not be gambling is to make them non purchasable. $2 is $2. That's not micro.
So is the lottery ...its a choice...although theres a age limit..and we all know gamers and there parents dont care ...if kids would stop taking there parents cards and also the fools who sink hundreds into them...it never would have gotten as bad as it has
Actually If you think about, this might be the right time to call this Microtransactions, the other games where more on the Macrotransaction scale. Science class came in handy once :3
Actually, this is worse than normal gambling/lottery. When you play a slot machine, you have a chance to win REAL money. A real thing that you can hold with your hand and you can use it later in *another* slot machine or any other kind of purchases, whenever you want. With loot boxes however, you have a chance to win digital item. It's not real. You cannot hold it with your hand. And the best part, it's limited only to the game you're playing into.
you have hit the nail on the head with this comment. I believe there are games companies out there who are deliberately dumbing down gamers and replacing this with $$$. I feel this is a very dangerous precedent
@@SuperEarther AAA are taking away and selling back to gamers what used to be standard. Want to gain cool cosmetics by playing through a game and exploring? Nope now just pay 10 dollars for the skin you want. Leveling up gives you material A to spend on in game stuff, now everything is locked behind ludicrous pay way. These games are being made in a way to abuse the player into opening our wallets over and over again. They want to turn your average gamer into a phone user. There is zero integrity with these large publishers.
@@cfrench3196 Except its relevance continues to be fresh, because they keep leap-frogging each other with how far they're willing to take their greed. Don't complain over the mocking of the practice, complain over the practice, this shouldn't need to be said.
Let me sum this up: 2010: Base Game = Full game 2018: Base Game, Special Editions of that game, Season Pass, "Micro"transactions, Battle pass, Options to skip levels in the Battle pass and now Lootboxes There are more ways to waste money than there are gamemodes.
The longer this crap goes on the more worried I get that younger gamers will think that gaming has always been like this so Loot Boxes become the expectation and the norm.
Suddenly I have a lot more money to spend on other stuff beside games, I skipped Fallout, COD and Anthem, it's shamce since I love video games, but those companies will not have my money.
You don't even have to buy games at launch anymore. Because of the lackluster Triple AAA industry, many of these games go on sale within the month, sometimes days if they severely fail like 76 or Bf5. Even CoD went on sale for $40 within a month.
@@ihatestairs9034 yeah! RE2 is awesome I'm playing it whenever I can and I really enjoyed it so far, also.... excited for the other games you mentioned, atleast I can save some money not buying Anthem
EH they are so over-hyped they literally can't deliver at this point. It's worse than Mass Effect 2 fever-pitch. They literally need to put out Baldur's Gate 2 meets GTA:V meets Shadowrun meets Witcher at this point. Like, good luck to them, but I honestly think we are better off tempering our expectations to something akin to "witcher in the future in first person" which will still be amazing so...
It's called Black Ops 4... Clearly, they were always planning an undercover sting operation. It just took them a couple of months to perfect the plan for execution... lol
remember those days when you bought a game for 60 dollars and that was it. Now we gotta pay 60 dollars to have the right to buy loot boxes and micro-transactions.
When physical games are gone you'll be paying 60$ to be able to play a game for a year, or, half a year. Or maybe 6 games for a year, etc. You get the gist
Yea, why does almost every modern triple AAA release seem to turn into a sluggish gamblefest, even though consumers still pay full price to even access the game? I remember when DLC was becoming a dubious thing and tested many people's patience. But, as dubious as DLC could be, at least with DLC you kinda knew what you would pay for right? With this new atrocious lootboxes memescheme, people buy the game, then buy a seasonpass worth of DLC, and then just throw even more money at their screens for lootboxes and hope for the best, but can expect the worst. Blops 4 makes it even more scummy but adding this system AFTER the waves of reviews, which cant be a coincidence. Man, am i glad i didnt touch this franchise since the first BLOPS, id say ban all these rampant lootbox shenanigans alltogether
@@Vengeance19 Yea and in my opinion there a right way to do DLC like the Borderlands series or the Far Cry series, but you never win with loot boxes or any of these gambling type of micros-transactions and yea i think that practice of not having micro-transactions until the game reviews release should be seen as illegal honestly.
Never played Borderlands, but i thought Far cry handled it pretty well yeaa with some extra weapons in FC2, and Blood Dragon for FC3. GTA4 also did an amazing thing with TLAD and TBOGT. I like the idea of DLC, but some publishers intentionally cut down on content so they can sell it seperately from the base game, or sell vague season passes. I think a customer should be able to get the product they chose to pay for, guaranteed, and DLC does that most of the time (except season passes maybe?). For lootboxes, you essentially downgrade the customers purchase-rights by letting them pay for a "chance" to obtain the product they want. For a video game as a medium (not a casino!), i dont find that good enough. Its opague and publishers are constantly trying to push the limits with these customer-unfriendly practices, and i think customers should not tolerate this kind of trend. I agree with banning micro transactions after the reviews because again, even with Activision expections or not, a customer doesnt initially pay for a product that revamps it's mechanics as soon as the marketing is done telling its original story with reviews.
I think I speak for everyone when I say that this is just sickening I used to play a lot of games like this but companies like this have put me off almost all games entirely Sickening
@@kip7855 You and your friends are destructive fucking morons who are contributing to the fucking-over of the gaming community. And this far in to the cod shithole story? And you dont regret a thing. Fuck all of you.
50 years from now: "Hey brian, you gonna be playing call of duty 54 tonight?" "Sorry can't, we spent our work money on rashions this week so I can't afford this weeks game-loading card for my ps10."
Wait, are you telling me they literally called the store in their game the "Black Market"...? As if the sleazy, borderline illegal microtransaction and lootbox focused get-rich-quick monetization schemes weren't bad enough, calling it that feels like a bit of an insult, but maybe that's just me. They are criminals, though. Why did anyone buy this game in the first place? After all, it is JUST another COD game, when all is said and done. How does anyone still even care? Because this is literally the kind of crap that will cost them the company, one way or another. Keep it up, Activision, just don't come crying to everybody who told you so when it finally all blows up in your face.
They don't care, if Activision actually tanks they would a month prior fire everyone without severance, use the money saved to market and skeleton crew the last game they announce, stuff it full of BS monetization, fire the skeleton crew, liquidize all assets, divide up the money they grabbed and give it to each other as a farewell gift and lastly jump ship to another company to do it all over again as the new company gives them a welcome gift of more money they saved from firing existing employees.
U cannot say “oh who cares about cod anymore” i grew up on cod modern warfare 1 was amazing to me back when i was 13... bo4 looked promising and tbh the gameplay imo is great its just that buying the black ops pass was. HUGE I MEAN HUGE mistake
senashii actually you can say that since Activision and other COD games haven’t cared about their players in years. if they did, people wouldn’t be putting up with the ludicrous microtransactions.
You know, this actually works well as an anti-piracy measure : I used to say the only way I'd play this crap game is if I downloaded it off a piracy site... but now I figure that given it was designed to support this gambling system, the game itself must be really, really shit. Why would I waste time playing it even if it was for free ? Good job, triple-Ayyyyy games !
Juho Jormalainen heared on the radio im in Holland. That they want ti do about online gamble scams. They talked about they using the weak for gamble and shit. Good news for me. XD i hope they get banned in general mobile to. Getting tired to see ads for scam games on TH-cam.
Let's just boycott this game....no one should have their money stolen on loot boxes, let alone a game publisher who laid off 800 employees and *PASS SHAMED US* . 😡
@@Tsukino1011 Yes but you pay 60$ 100$ hell even 120$ and you get the game key features like a proper ranked play mode that was promised before launch and a campaign so you have almost no point. Do i have to mention a map like Nuketown wasn't in the game at launch. Im a call of duty fan myself i want this game to succeed but it never will if this continues.
Activision CEO: "Let's implement more lootboxes" Last remaining employee: "Sir, you just layed off anyone capable of doing so." Activision CEO: "You're fired!"
@Adam Thompson Replace Normie into Gambler, and it makes more sense. They belong to the casino. Invite them to Vegas. Make them sell off their houses. Push them into natural selection.
If you still shell out cash for EA, Bethesda or Activision games in 2019, you deserve to get scammed and have no right to complain as you paid for the experience. nuff said
@@bobjoe9207 Oh I completely agree, I wish microtransactions would go away. For me I don't bother with this boycotting publishers thing. If they publish good games I'll buy them, for example, A way out which is published by EA is a phenomenal game and the only reason I don't buy most of their other games is simply because they don't appeal to me. I think the only time I've boycotted a game out of principal is star wars battlefront 2 which they went way too far on.
I enjoy Bo4 but when I am interesting in a game from companies like EA, Activision or Ubisoft, I just wait for an inescapable price drop or used copy within the month
Even if that were true EA has always been the original pioneers of bullshit. Their origins date back further than what activision has accomplished Both are shit needless to say
@BlindOverwhelmer But EA was the company that created the lootboxes in 2007, with FIFA 2008 Ultimate Team. Activision-Blizzard just copy their model. So EA is the Greedy Daddy Master.
11:08 CoD sales = 500 Million in 3 days Estimated Development Costs: 250 Million + Marketing: 50 Million = 300 Million 11:15 Microtansactions Revenue Per year: 12 Billion. Per quarter: 3 Billion. Player base: 350 Million Estimated players engaging in spending opportunities: 30% = 105 Million Estimated spendings: 3 Billion ÷ 105 Million = 28.5$ per quarter. Per year: 114$ Layoffs: 800 people x 50,000$ salary = 40 Million Bonus for CEO, without the salary: 15 Million DISGUSTING!!!
No, we don't. We don't deserve to be fucked with. We don't deserve to have this shit changed and implemented into our games. NO ONE DESERVES THIS SHIT.
@@DeathAngel-ft8oz Yes you do. Many predicted this was coming so why are you surprised? Stop buying from EA/Activision they will always do crap like this.
Well, outside of a very select few AAA publishers, I just kinda gave up on the AAA market. I went indie for a while and I have bought some really fantastic games(Warhammer Vermintide, anything Devolver). It's a shame seeing my favourite hobby turned to shit.
I wish there was a game that did what COD does but doesn't do any of this shit. It's right there, players are sick of this bullshit so even though the franchise is alive and Well, a game that does all of this shit but in a player would more than likely ghost the whole franchise into it's shadow. I'd fucking buy it. Yong mentioned apex legends in this video but there is yet to be any actually aggressive monetization In that game. There's lootcrates, but you earn one every level up to 20 something, then it becomes every 2 levels. And the stuff you buy in the store is at first glance all paywalled, yet it's also in the crates that you earn so easily by just playing. Obviously not the best situation possible but it's also something that Respawn has somehow managed to Limit down to what seems like the bare minimum to keep EA happy and fuck me it's been just a week and theres already new weapons coming in and Rumours of a fresh couple of legends. That's pretty nice content to be dropped so quickly into a game that charges nothing at the door and has yet to feel intrusive In its monetization. Expected of Respawn, Titanfall 2 was nothing but free updates, cool content and a set of devs willing to patch in a Banner to mourn the death of a Community members dog, but unexpected of a game EA greenlit without first making filthy with their greed. I don't think they can be compared right now even if just the minor monetization feels bad to have eve if it's expected of EA
You know..as someone who grew up to call of duty(the original), this breaks my heart. What used to be a great franchise with many opportunities with stories and nonstop multiplayer. They had one job to make something great out of their games, but it seems money is more important than their customers. As of today, I will no longer be buying any activision or blizzard games. In fact, I want nothing to do with their games. I'm uninstalling all games made by activision and moving on.
Based solely on the monetization this game has, you would expect it to be free to play. Actually, there's so many monetization mechanisms in this game that it feels like even free to play games ask for less.
Look at things like Apex Legends, Fortnite, Warframe, War face, Paladins, Planetside, whatever they are all called... All free, some of them have way more content then Black ops 4, have way better progression systems, you can earn things without spending money, and even if you choose to spent like 8 bucks for this fortnite battle pass thing every season, its still wayyyy less then 60 dollars, plus season pass, plus season pass for zombies, plus battle pass thing, plus loot boxes, etc for Black ops 4... I mean for fucks sake even the pricing in those free to play games is way lower....
Back in 2015, I swear Treyarch tweeted that Black Ops 3 would not have loot boxes. Before Black Ops 4 came out, I swear they tweeted or said the same thing in an interview. If anyone can find one of those interviews or tweets, please post a link. We need hard proof of their hypocrisy. Side note: I have played Black Ops 4 but only the multiplayer and I am only level 49 and in the short time I invested into the game, I realized some weapons were locked behind the battle pass. I wondered if those weapons would not be obtainable after the current season ended and how they would handle some players not having access to them at all in future seasons. Now I know. They just shoved them into loot boxes as a way for people like me who played on and off for only a little while. Until Advanced Warfare, I used to always purchase the most expensive edition of each Call of Duty title, all of it’s DLCs, and spend hundreds of hours playing to ensure hit the maximum level. I also have 100% achievements in most CoD games. Safe to say, I LOVED this franchise. Fuck Activision-Blizzard for ruining a franchise I once loved and adored. Their greed has ensured I will never buy anything from them ever again.
Bought it off a friend a week after launch for £20. He hated it, I'm however alright with spending £20 on it. But feel terrible for the people who purchased it new along with the season pass
It's a really good game, enjoyed it a lot in the first few weeks. But the amount of layers of monetization is insane and they even released microtransactions e x c l u s i v e to PlayStation a week before the other platforms, you can't make this shit up.
The blatant abuse these oversized pubishers commit on consumers has me actually supporting legislation to make them be labeled as gambling. I DESPISE government intervention but FFS I just want to game! I'm tired of having to spend extra money for piddly shit.
They will collapse on their own merits soon enough. Many gamers are waking up to this unacceptable nonsense and avoiding these large game publishers like the plague. I for one refuse to buy any game from either EA or Activision, soon to add Bethesda to that list. There are many great indie developers out there and I have had loads of fun discovering good games. When companies get to this stage of complete lack of passion and care in favour of engorged profits their days are numbered.
The more greedy the gaming industry gets the more tight I get, i now have a rule that I won't spend more than £20 (That's about $26) on any game. And so long as I have patience it works quite well.
I can’t agree more even though i was a sucker and bought street fighter anniversary collection for $40 If you wait long enough you’ll find most games at like $24 on sale like they do right now on the PlayStation store until 3/1/19 I got titan fall 2 for like $7 bf v for $24
Between the loot boxes in online shooters, the unfinished 'live services' released and the over saturation of battle royale - I've switched over to single player games only. From playing more single player games, I've realized that games can actually be fun again, rather than frustrating or dangerously addicting lol
because you are not the majority ^^ why should people behave like YOU want? They behave like THEY want - the majority has no problems with microtransactions ... What is happening here is : A minority group tries to dictate what other people should do ^^ Snowflakes
Game dies because of mtx like reticles -> implements lootboxes. Seriously, Diablo 4 won't have an auction house but loot boxes instead. Or even a more greedy way to fill upper managements wallets. If theres a way to do so, Greedyvision Blizzard will find it.
That was Respawn who created all the good CoD games. And they left Activision years ago. There hasn't been any creativity or innovation in a CoD game since.
>Promise no micro-transactions to generate hype >Release game without them for glowing reviews >Slowly introduce them over the game's lifespan while acting like you are catering to gamer's "demands" This is clearly the new marketing game plan and it is even more scummy than just being upfront with consumers.
So getting the guns with a 25% XP is basically pay to win since u can gain addons for that gun faster, this game is utter garbage since the battle pass and the red dot problem.
It was utter garbage the moment they announced it'd have a battle royale mode and then announced no campaign. It was a blatant cash grab and attempt to cash in on the new fad that is battle royales, because people have no taste or standards anymore.
Its hilarious to think companies can downright scam and abuse its player base so horribly in todays world. You cant look forward to playing a game these days cause all you can think about is how much of the game is actually any good,because we are fully aware they will adjust progression and fun to make you feel as if unless you throw out some money you wont be able to enjoy the game as much. Its like watching a good movie and then it stops at the last 10min of the movie telling you unless you pay extra money you will not see how the movie ends.
Activision is just like I was in midleschool. "what can I get away with" is the mentality. They don't care about some bad PR. As long as the company doesn't take a major hit, it's fine. "they got away with it".
Yesterday, there was a guy in the IGN BO4 stream that DEFENDED these loot boxes. He said that no one is forcing the player and that Activision needs to make money somehow. Nonetheless, my brain felt sad.
Lmfao i guess he doesn't know GoW is a thing. Because if he did he would logically (by his logic) have to ask the same of that game too. IGN will be IGN.
Narcissistic bastards, says that but doesn’t see how the game itself has downgraded its quality by a milestone. On top of spending $60 for a game and it STILL being pay-2-win/pay-2-look-good cosmetics. Absolutely stupid.
"Activision needs to make money somehow" how about they get off their high horse and make a game with integrity and give players a game that isn't the next generic COD shooter. Pshhh those days are far gone.
I'm getting tired of this, you know why companies like Activision and Bethesda are getting away with all of their crap! It's because customers keep giving them money, they're businesses albeit slimy slimy ones, the primary objective is to sell and make money. But we're the ones with the wallets nonetheless. They create a product, and successfully sell it. We can keep complaining til we're blue in the face, the fact of the matter is that their business practices are wildly successful, and to them that's all that matters. Will they continue to grow the Microtransaction model in the future, YES! So long as it has the potential to earn obscene amounts of cash. It hurts hearing that they laid off 800 employees and shelled out 15mil to their new CFO, but complaining about it won't bring them back. Every logical argument alike, says to STOP giving them money! STOP GIVING THEM MONEY! We will never convince their player base that the company's business practices deserve nothing short of a boycott, they will forever support Activision. Very well, let them. I'm sorry to say it but this amount of publicity, in essence seems to only channel neutral attention towards Activision or whoever else, as opposed to hurting them. I mean they'll never get a penny from me, but I just can't bring myself to hating them more and more, when all I can think about are those who are willingly shelling out butt loads of money for JPEG's and PNG's. Their customers enable them to do shit like this. Business wise they're meeting their company goals, and they're doing a damn fine job at it, even if it's scummy. I'm all open for a debates and disagreements, I for one just can't find a good enough reason to blame them. Take away the money and watch how fast they humble themselves, til then expect to see this sort of thing indefinitely.
you are not the majority ^^ why should people behave like YOU want? They behave like THEY want - the majority has no problems with microtransactions ... What is happening here is : A minority group tries to dictate what other people should do ^^ Snowflakes
@@danielh1589 real gamers and lifelong console gamers do not want every AAA game to come with microtransactions. For example, I have wasted 360,000vc on nba 2k19 opening myteam packs. 75k vc costs $20. All that just to get one really good card. Now since I got that card, it puts me in matches against players that have 5 good cards to my one. Lol. This was only because there was a pink diamond kobe card out that intrigued me (I never play myteam) On top of that I have wasted 190k vc per player to upgrade them to 87 overall (out of 99). I have 5 players at 87 overall. That is over 1 million vc spent, and my experience is still meh most times, and amazing on rare occasions. Its absolutely absurd that I have to spend over 300 dollars just to keep up with other players. This, for a title that wipes your account yearly and makes you start at 0 again. Absurd. And this is FOR ONE GAME. I PLAY AT LEAST 4 GAMES. Before u say dont play 2k. I love basketball and the other alternative is nba live which is graphically equivalent to a bethesda engine in 2019.
@@ComPTonRiLLO and you still bought it - so well done Easy solution: If you dont like it - dont buy it If you were in the majority they would change their system
@@danielh1589 you do you champ, btw I heard that activision is making their next COD game secret. Super hush hush, all you got to do is purchase a preorder pass to get a chance to pre-order it first and then if you're lucky you get a ticket, collect ten tickets and you can win the golden deluxe premium spartan ghost obsidian vip exclusive pass version free of charge. Each button click in the game cost a single dollar each, discounted from the original 10 dollar so that's a 90% discount! Details are scarce since it's top secret after all. /s /smh
The corp creatures don't understand human concepts like moral. They understand greed, and they understand pain. So if you want them to stop bothering you, you have to communicate to them in a language they understand. Through their wallets, or through their faces.
And people say EA is the worst... Activision-Blizzard is worse, it is just EA gets all the press coverage. Anyone who may disagree I point you to this.
EA has been on a rebound with Apex Legends, I'm willing to give them that. Anthem is a very mixed bag right now. Lots of people hate it, but I've also seen a lot of people like it. But fuck me have they fucked up the Star Wars deal. Activision on the other hand doesn't even have the luxury of that divisive opinion. Everyone seems to hate them right now.
This is insane: a fully priced AAA title being more aggressive than f2p games, when it comes to microtransactions. Shouldn't it be the other way around? Just from a logic perspective. Thanks for the video, I was really looking forward to this!
Reporter: EA’s Lootbox debacle and horrible games have caused them to go under what’s your solution to prevent this? Activision: *Puts In loot boxes In cod Black ops 4* Sorry What I wasn’t listening
Everyone needs to watch the documentary “the corporation” (2003). It argues that publicly traded companies on the stock market behave like psychopaths because they are *legally bound* to make profits at an exponential rate. It is *illegal* for the board of directors to behave in any way that is not in the interest of increasing the corporation’s profits year-by-year, regardless of the ethical or creative cost.
I can tolerate charged DLC. I can tolerate a Season Pass (functionally discounted DLC bundles). I can even tolerate micro-DLC (buy one gun at a time, etc.)... But what in the blue shot is Activision doing? It feels like they're trying to punish ppl for enjoying the CoD gameplay... Activision should just die as a company.
Aren't loot boxes gambling, children have to buy crates instead of buying the skin directly. Some sort of commission should look into this gaming shit, it's gotten so far out of hand and I only see it getting worse.
If companies want to make their games a “service”, it should be free to play or half the price with micro transactions being the source of revenue. If I’m paying $60 I should be getting all the content and if there’s some dlc to add on to the already satisfying product then fine.
Yeah.... that was very much last year. This is the year of blowback. Soon this shit won't even be legal in the EU. You can't imagine the US won't follow suit... any politician will jump at the chance to "save children from gambling."
Yes!!! I've been screaming about this for years. These executives are messing up gaming with their greed. I get they have a job to do for the shareholders, I'm not completely oblivious to how business works, but revenue generation should come from selling an exceptional product, not nickel and diming customers with pay-to-win and content paywall transactions.
When will these developers understand that putting in these micro-transactions just waters down the game and makes it less of what it is. So many titles that came out this year held so much potential but in the end its not about the players, its the money they bring in. free to play games are understandable, but you when pay $60 for a game and have to pay an additional $30-$40 for passes and in-game currency, its just trash. The same terrible formula that comes every season. The fun is drained and grind is harder. Imagine no battle passes, season passes, micro transactions, and loot boxes. Just grind and unlock. The time you put in is what gets you where you want to be. Not the money you put in..
Well Apex legends don't get a pass they are selling single weapon skins not for 5 not for 10 but 20$ considering they made the currency a lil more then you can buy in the store meaning you have no choice but to buy the next package at this point there free to play don't get a pass
I’m not even excited for mw4 or ghost 2 anymore ( whatever they’re developing ) 🤧 stupid Activision will most likely ruin the series with micro transactions and loot boxes
Kìmo Drìllz I know right? Look at Modern Warfare Remastered. Even though it’s better than BO4 they still ruined the multiplayer with loot boxes and dlc weapons that weren’t even in the original game.
To me this isn't even close to as bad as the layoffs, but I think that this should hopefully make people more aware of activision's true goals. Destroy the lives of their developers (literally laying them off ruining their jobs) and milk their playerbase dry. They are loyal to no one, not even their own developers who made the actual game they are relentlessly mercilessly pillaging. Anyone supporting activision at this point is supporting the literal exemplar of corporate greed.
I bought this game because they said they are going back to the roots and not having loot boxes and all these microtransactions but nope they make the game worse with downgraded servers and focus on battle royal this is why you never buy games before release and wait
@@ssm-sf8by Cant really disagree. The whole community shouts at people for preordering games and/or supporting companies that are scumbags yet somehow there is enough people saying "they promised!" that they can stay successful.
They literally pulled this with Black Ops 3, they have already shown that they will do it, whats to stop them from doing it again? I don’t know what you were expecting from Activision, it was really just a matter of time before they really showed you their true intentions
I don't even know what to say, as I recall loot boxes are becoming illegal so why add them? Oh that's right greed, Activision is greedy and don't care, they blatantly ripped off the battle pass from fortnite, and now loot boxes...makes me feel like a fool when I bought 50 dollars on cod points because I didn't have anything else to buy...at least I got black ops 4 from a friend and didn't have to buy the game. I had no intention of buying black ops 4 because I of this shit and only reason I still play is because it's not filled with advanced movements like boost jumping and wall running.
Just when you think Activision can't be any more shameless. Black Ops 4 is just a bombardment of every imaginable monetization scheme they could come up with.
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I don't think 4 yachts will be enough tbh
Idk if this is allowed, but can you go over the day one patch that Anthem just pushed? I went over it briefly but wanted to know if there was any substance to it, thanks.
Oh great, MORE loot boxes...as if this year wasn't bad enough
why the hell would bobby the money vagina monster want 4 boats?!? he only needs one! 9 out of 10 odds say he never uses the other 3 (they probably sit there in the docks collecting rust, dust or that green stuff you find in the ocean not to mention birds flying above going all poo poo on it)
I'd lose a bet on if that was a F2P game or not...
Activision would rather lose employees than loot boxes.
i laughed at first than paused because its true.
BrotherO4 same. I was chuckling and then I was sad.
Fired the employees so they could afford to lawyer-up in case they ever get arrested for conspiracy to operate a gambling gaming racket, wire-fraud for the marketing across state lines of games which they fully intended to degrade after accepting payment, or just whatever racketeering charges the Feds throw at mafia bosses and the questionable operations going on at their "legitimate business"
Thank you so much from covering this and putting the BS out there.
fuck loot boxes
"It's optional"
@@Aymooneh ha lol😂
Now where have i heard that... oh yeah EA!
And thank you as well as going over the topic.
Quoting a Reddit post : "So Activision has added Loot Boxes to BO4. It is now a $60 game, with a $50 season pass, that also has a battle pass you can buy tiers on, direct purchases in game, and now supply drops. Seriously, stop buying Activision’s Games people."
Microtransactions have gone too far.
Zeul it’s incredible how Apex Legends, a new F2P Battle Royals from EA, handles it’s micro transactions exponentially better. Seeing COD be like this is just like seeing an old friend downtown begging to suck dicks for a dollar
@@DisDatK9 Apex Legends know what they are doing. Quality first, Quantity put aside. Most of their microtransactions are just cosmetics so good thing its not pay to win, and you can get most of them by leveling up your rank.
Its up to players to buy in game purchases since its their decision to get cosmetics.
@@DisDatK9 its a EA game. Give it 6 months.
@シャンパChampa Sama its EA, you'll see.
@シャンパChampa Sama Yes it is true, good move for Respawn. I like how they focus more on the quality on the game than just money and that is what make games good.
There’s more creativity in the monetization than there is in the game itself.
Cornelius Wallace lmao this is so true
Lol seriously this is why it's such a big deal to people. Games are losing greatness because the main goal now is how can we make a game to milk peoples wallets not how can we make an epic game that fans will remember decades.
Cornelius Wallace publishers have developers spend more time on the store front now than the game itself! "Games shit! Fuk it just make sure the stores up and running!" Kind of Attitude!
I chose to spend more money on BO4 than buy Resident Evil 2.
same with *Anthem* @Cornelius
Idiots with money won't let companies like Activision go bankrupt.
Like prestigeiskey dumbass dude was talking about he spent 200 on the tiers and shit not counting the battle pass or game
Those people are only like 8% of the game player population usually. As long as those 8% keep tossing money into lootboxes, they will keep adding more of it even though the other 92% don't like it.
Same with EA, we were "this" close to greatness, they were on the ropes, for once Gamers were actually making a stand, but then, but then EA showed them something shiny with Apex Legends and those gamers completely forgot all of EA's BS and have made them more powerful than ever before. Good job gamers, you played yourselves.
I'm stealing my mom's credit card and buying $5,000 worth of loot boxes to praise Activation
Been gaming for the last 16 years, can't believe I've gone from buying dozens of games a year to 2 or 3. Aggressive monetization has destroyed my passion for gaming.
You are purchasing the wrong games.
wearsjorge55 I totally agree. IKONIK just because we liked playing AAA games doesn't mean we purchase the wrong games. The issue is they use to all be good games. That's why they were so popular. Now majority of AAA games are just greedy money grabs. There are exceptions though and that is what werajorge55 is saying. Personally I don't like indie games. Outside of a few exceptions they are all far below the craft of AAA games. AAA games are also about the only way to have a good multiplayer experience. The only indie game I enjoy is Warframe. That isn't to say there aren't good single player games but I just don't like single player games. I'm sure Cyberpunk will be a fantastic single player game but I won't be playing it. It would bore me before I could finish it. Outside of that I have gone to racing games since some of them have managed to stay in tact. Fingers crossed Halo and Titanfall don't get screwed over. Halo 5 made an oopsie. Hopefully that doesn't happen this time. As for Titanfall this is all I have to say. EA, LEAVE RESPAWN ALONE AND YOU WILL HAVE THE BEST FPS EVER MADE.
Check out indie studios, consumer-friendly publishers like Devolver and other AAA studios that give you what you want at a fairer price. For the price of the "complete" edition of BO4, you could get six to a dozen games on PC (between $5 - $20 each.)
Used to buy one or two vidya a year, a decade ago. The most recent game purchase I have made, was Starpoint Gemini Warlords, on Black Friday 75% off bundle. Before that, was Elite Dangerous Horizons, when it released.
...I'm still playing Warframe on the side, zero $$ spent.
What's to buy? Well, I'm waiting for Anthem to go on sale or introduce Activision-level loot boxes (so I can write it off completely), whichever comes first. Also waiting for Rebel Galaxy Outlaw to come off Epic Games Store exclusivity. And finally, I got Destiny 2 for free during the promotion, and am now waiting to see what Bungie does with the property before I consider spending $$ on the remainder of that game's content.
...I remember when games were whole, complete, 1 or 2 disc deals. Missing those days terribly.
Same less than 5 every year now. It's sad been gaming since the 90's and have seen great companies turn to greed a
There has to be some competition going on between Activision, EA, and Bethesda to see who can become the most hated company by the end of the year
@BlindOverwhelmer you are lumping studios in with publishers, don't do that. They each deserve their own shit list.
Bethesda has done a lot of shit but I don't think it's fair to pair it up with those two (yet)
@BlindOverwhelmer Don't forget blizzard!
EA currently has the most popular game in the world according to viewership and players.
Good thing Nintendo is losing
Lets be honest, we all expected this
I mean, look at what company were talking about here, just a shame for Activizon for how long they've been doing this shit
also expect people who actually like this and they will buy those microtransaccions....................... unfortunatly
Long Feng: "There are no Loot Boxes in Black Ops 4. We are safe within these paywalls."
What's infuriating is knowing that they know that we know they were gonna do it and they still went ahead and do it
... and yet they STILL buy it.
They don't give us the odds? Good, so they are illegal here already.
Pawsome Kitty the weapons can only be acquired from the battle pass u dumb fuck!!!
@@nickjeffrey8050 Keep being a mouthbreathing idiot who keeps buying these games you fucking idiot. YOU, are just as guilty as these companies. YOU.
So, it's a full price game, with battle pass, microtransactions, and loot boxes? Never, never go full Activision...
I like bo4 but doesn't mean I'm going to buy it.... so much corporate money schemes in it. It pushed me and most players away from the game.
You forgot about the SEASON PASS, I cant even with this lmao this shit puts F2P games on my phone to shame
Agreed. I will not allow anyone related or known to me buy games with loot boxes or micro transactions.
Yes yes don't forget season pass my friend
Yup. Not only a battle pass but a season pass as well...AND loot boxes. Activision can get fucked.
Tries to sneak it past reviewers, how unsurprising.
In one of the german game magazines they now have a category "re-reviewed", where they correct the score of their former reviews if something like this happens- more reviewers should do this. It's going to be a whole lot of work if you see what the big gaming companies are doing these days....
@@Illusionentochter I'm half convinced the "I'll add the content way after launch" culture was developed specifically for this reason. Or at least it's being taken advantage of. We really need to stamp out this bs
Skill Up deleted his positive review of BO4 and even made a video about why he did it. More people need to do this sort of thing.
Most so-called "Review" sites are just corporate shills that give them scores to make them happy so the advertisement money keeps rolling in.
At least TH-camrs can easily make new videos re-reviewing the games and updating their opinion on the game.
I stopped buying Call Of Duty games in 2014. Haven't regretted it.
Last one I bought was mw2. I'm good
I stopped at Black Ops 2.
I stopped after Battlefield 3 made me saw the light........never played a COD game since.
Last one for me was Advanced Warfare and haven't looked back since.
Stopped with black ops 1.. Got WW2 since my buddy wanted to play zombies... wasted 60 buck right there... I'm done with CoD
You really think Activision would do that?? Put crappy lootboxes on a video game?? That can’t be true,right?
2/10 needs more question marks
On a related note:
They would
OMG I'm shaking and crying,,,,, Activision would never do that,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Sad thing is the only reason activation does is is because us the consumers let them.
Brandon Chavez But not all of us buy any of these garbage!
@@thatsatoilet5113 but many more do. Which is why this happens
Thats a Toilet I don’t think even just people buying the game is a problem but they put all these micro transactions and loot boxes in the game cuz A LOT of people spend $100+ on the game and that shit is sad.
Brandon Chavez *cough* every TH-camr who plays CoD
Fuckin whales
You might have, I'd never buy a game from them, they need to die.
I don't know why people even play these games, please please for the love of gaming, boycott this
I play this game every day and have like 300 hours in it. I don't regret it. This whole thing is blown out of proportion
Don't play the game, don't support paid lootboxes, but... What if you enjoyed gameplay like CoD's MP? The market is so strained rn that your only options for a fast shooter are... What? Destiny, at best? And that game is as much PvE as it is PvP, so that isn't reliable. The next best thing is Titanfall 2, but that's as dead as a doornail, something that Blops 4 probably has the luxury of not being.
@@T8-TR You must have the willpower to give up things you like for the sake of the industry. I gave up Gears 4 because of the horrible lootboxes and grinding, i stopped playing one of my favorite games because i don't want the industry to go that way.
My boycott will hardly make a ripple.
But I was brought up with principle and man, I hate being taken for cattle.
Because we bloody enjoy it. I honestly have no idea why you feel the need to tell others what to do
I fucking knew it. The *VERY REASON* I never bought Black Ops 4 was because I (correctly) predicted that weapons would be included in their microtransactions months after launch, just like Black Ops 3. This will only get worse as the game's lifespan progresses.
FlameLFH I mean, it’s lifespan is halfway done already.
CoD4 in the summer: start game 1$
FlameLFH I don’t think weapons are included in the micro transactions
Jojo the Swede 😂😂😂 no way bro
I made the mistake of wanting to play with my bros. Now I have this dukey ass game
_Legend has it that Corporate Commander from the Angry Joe Show is the real CEO of Activision_
I thought Corporate Commander was the CEO of EA
@@mathewricafrente5984 both
Rumor is there have been sightings of him lurking around Bethesda also.
I heard rumors that he also has a grip on Ubisoft
@@ariaangela3455 What a monopoly the man has!
Base game + season pass + MTXs + Battle pass + Loot boxes.
Pretty ludicrous monetization for an annual franchise if you ask me, so I can't figure out why people are willing to support this company.
I think it's called.... modern medicine.
Being in that, if modern medicine wasn't in place, most of those idiots would die within their first year since I don't think the parents of these people are geniuses either.
They had to have been waiting for the reviews to blow over and the vocal minority to quit, leaving only the fanboys who literally don't care why this is bad just so they can get away with it when they implement these boxes. And I thought EA was the most deceitful devil in the industry.
About that... EA is really the Demon itself of the industry. Activision it's just a devil created by what EA started in 2007 with FIFA Ultimate Team.
@Boracay Becker, Exactly!
The only difference between EA and Activision is that Activision knows how to keep their head down.
activision was one of the first on my list they sucked for a long time even before EA. Ruined bloodlines fuck activision!
Evil Pumpkin they really aren’t though- Microsoft started it, EA exploited it, and activision crafted it into an art form. “It” being pay to win microtransactions.
This is a good reminder in case you thought that Activision was your friend.
He's just the type of friend that borrows your money but never pays it back.
If you're a parent buying games for your children please do some research before you get something, so you don't get them something that encourages straight up gambling.
People think that money is going to the cost of development of the games and keeping the servers up when in reality it's mostly going to the executives, and they have to sweet-talk the consumer playing on our emotions just to get us to agree to lend the extra money.
This is why I have been done with EA and Activision for the longest and I don't care what kind of game they come out with. Those 800 employees are better off looking for another job and warning people not to go near Activision. If it was so easy for them to just kick out 800 employees right when things were starting to look good then they would do the same to anybody.
800 support staff, only to hire more actual developers, but yeah, sadly, Activision and EA are currently the 2 biggest cancers plaguing the Gaming World
Amen. All the kids convince there parents
@@TheBEstAltair Sadly, the so-called "actual developers" they wind up hiring will most probably be interns they can con into working for low pay and long hours. Why pay for senior devs if you can con your payerbase into paying for whatever shit you fart out and tell them it's content?
Activision doesn't deserve our money!!
Bobby deserves another 15 million he is the best
@@andrewkappler5503 did you forget /s at the end?
Firing Bobby is pointless. As long as players keep buying microtransactions, publishers will keep selling them.
Don't forget to give him more devil horns, they suit him well ;)
jesus christ.. whats happening to the video game industry
I miss the days where the only thing you would buy was just the game... And now it's just a fuck fest of microtransactions and season passes
Control fell away from the developers and into the hands of business men. What happens to any industry when business men take control of it, it becames a scheme to milk people of all their money by greedy slimy people that need to be purged off the face of the earth.
People keep paying for loot boxes. So they will keep selling them
Money hungry businessmen have found gold and will use anything to mine it. One loot box at a time.
I think it's mostly just the So-called Triple-A games that's bad.... and mobile pay-to-win games
Let's see in the past three months Activison/blizzard gives a $15 million dollar bonus to the new CFO,have a record year lay off 800 people ,then add pay to win loot boxes to blackops 4 it's time to be done with them
Plain and simple, its gambling. Granted it's a crappy version of gambling but none the less it's still gambling, which happens to be illegal in most states and a lot of countries. Only way for it to not be gambling is to make them non purchasable. $2 is $2. That's not micro.
I agree. Let's just call them transactions from now on.
So is the lottery
...its a choice...although theres a age limit..and we all know gamers and there parents dont care ...if kids would stop taking there parents cards and also the fools who sink hundreds into them...it never would have gotten as bad as it has
@Agent 005 "the market"
...full of braindead kids and people with Stockholm Syndrome. We are in two different kinds of _market,_ aren't we?
Actually If you think about, this might be the right time to call this Microtransactions, the other games where more on the Macrotransaction scale. Science class came in handy once :3
Actually, this is worse than normal gambling/lottery.
When you play a slot machine, you have a chance to win REAL money. A real thing that you can hold with your hand and you can use it later in *another* slot machine or any other kind of purchases, whenever you want.
With loot boxes however, you have a chance to win digital item. It's not real. You cannot hold it with your hand. And the best part, it's limited only to the game you're playing into.
Remember when you could get skins from completing challenges for the gun?
Huey Pancakes back when video games were good
you have hit the nail on the head with this comment. I believe there are games companies out there who are deliberately dumbing down gamers and replacing this with $$$. I feel this is a very dangerous precedent
MW2 remembers
@@SuperEarther AAA are taking away and selling back to gamers what used to be standard. Want to gain cool cosmetics by playing through a game and exploring? Nope now just pay 10 dollars for the skin you want. Leveling up gives you material A to spend on in game stuff, now everything is locked behind ludicrous pay way.
These games are being made in a way to abuse the player into opening our wallets over and over again. They want to turn your average gamer into a phone user. There is zero integrity with these large publishers.
@@hueypancakes597 well said :(
EA: Still trying to be us I see?
Activision: Yup.
Bethesda: Hold my beer...
Dark Rum*
CDPR: you guys are fucking stupid (in Polish)
This meme/joke is getting really old to be honest
@@cfrench3196 Except its relevance continues to be fresh, because they keep leap-frogging each other with how far they're willing to take their greed.
Don't complain over the mocking of the practice, complain over the practice, this shouldn't need to be said.
Ubisoft: Notice me daddy!
EA: Honey, remind me, is this our kid?
Disney: I don’t know, dear.
Let me sum this up:
2010: Base Game = Full game
2018: Base Game, Special Editions of that game, Season Pass, "Micro"transactions, Battle pass, Options to skip levels in the Battle pass and now Lootboxes
There are more ways to waste money than there are gamemodes.
Well... 2010 was Call of Duty Black ops 1...
That game had 2 season passes, if i remember correctly... The writing was definitely on the wall xD
2005: cheatcodes to get better/unique weapons/loot, or unique gamemodes
2019: "micro" transactions to unlock the same stuff
@@388bobek An then just a couple of month later... Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion... April 19th 2006... Horse Armor Pack.... The beginning of the end.
Dont forget, GOTY, GOLD, Collector, Special, "Remastered", and "Complete" editions....
Do you guys not have Lootboxes?
EA,s BF V and Anthem has no loot boxes and they are also giving away free DLCs.
@@GunnersGame Just wait
That... doesn't make much sense. "Don't you guys have money?" Is what you mean.
@@leontarmann3449 referred to anthem not having lootboxes...yet. I guess
@Anderson Dalmeus Both are great games. I have played the Anthem Demo and had no issues like loading screens and bugs.
The longer this crap goes on the more worried I get that younger gamers will think that gaming has always been like this so Loot Boxes become the expectation and the norm.
Dan Ward I think that’s already happened
Pretty much the overall plan.
That's already happened as kids today think microtransactions are necessary for companies to keep making games
Yes I'm pretty sure that has happened already.
It's the norm. If someone says something against them they will say WE are the kids for complaining about something 'oprional'. And we should man up.
Suddenly I have a lot more money to spend on other stuff beside games, I skipped Fallout, COD and Anthem, it's shamce since I love video games, but those companies will not have my money.
You don't even have to buy games at launch anymore. Because of the lackluster Triple AAA industry, many of these games go on sale within the month, sometimes days if they severely fail like 76 or Bf5. Even CoD went on sale for $40 within a month.
ハナJD There are plenty of good AAA games that have come out recently and or are coming out soon. RE2, DMC5, Doom Eternal, and Cyberpunk for example.
@@ihatestairs9034 yeah! RE2 is awesome I'm playing it whenever I can and I really enjoyed it so far, also.... excited for the other games you mentioned, atleast I can save some money not buying Anthem
The whole thing about BO4 is a garbage.
Ha I like your Gordon Freeman pic.
Trash Ops
@@eternalfps3124 thank you
is anyone really surprised?
Thing is it's actually a good game, I played it before the microtransactions, all this has just ruined it for me, and I'm sure for many others.
I hate how they buried titanfall 2, and how stupid cunts are still buying a game that's an exact copy of the previous years
Help me CD Projekt Red, you’re my only hope...
We've got a few more.
Salman Bux like paradox!
EH they are so over-hyped they literally can't deliver at this point. It's worse than Mass Effect 2 fever-pitch. They literally need to put out Baldur's Gate 2 meets GTA:V meets Shadowrun meets Witcher at this point. Like, good luck to them, but I honestly think we are better off tempering our expectations to something akin to "witcher in the future in first person" which will still be amazing so...
@@graysaltine6035 cyberpunk wil deliver mate
Naughty Dog is the GOAT!!
Are you feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment yet?
Darian Hansen no
It's called Black Ops 4...
Clearly, they were always planning an undercover sting operation. It just took them a couple of months to perfect the plan for execution... lol
I've black listed Activision along with EA and I'm now deleting my battle.net launcher with Diablo 3
remember those days when you bought a game for 60 dollars and that was it. Now we gotta pay 60 dollars to have the right to buy loot boxes and micro-transactions.
When physical games are gone you'll be paying 60$ to be able to play a game for a year, or, half a year. Or maybe 6 games for a year, etc. You get the gist
You'll be paying 60 dollars for acces to a market place, sickening stuff
Yea, why does almost every modern triple AAA release seem to turn into a sluggish gamblefest, even though consumers still pay full price to even access the game? I remember when DLC was becoming a dubious thing and tested many people's patience. But, as dubious as DLC could be, at least with DLC you kinda knew what you would pay for right? With this new atrocious lootboxes memescheme, people buy the game, then buy a seasonpass worth of DLC, and then just throw even more money at their screens for lootboxes and hope for the best, but can expect the worst. Blops 4 makes it even more scummy but adding this system AFTER the waves of reviews, which cant be a coincidence. Man, am i glad i didnt touch this franchise since the first BLOPS, id say ban all these rampant lootbox shenanigans alltogether
@@Vengeance19 Yea and in my opinion there a right way to do DLC like the Borderlands series or the Far Cry series, but you never win with loot boxes or any of these gambling type of micros-transactions and yea i think that practice of not having micro-transactions until the game reviews release should be seen as illegal honestly.
Never played Borderlands, but i thought Far cry handled it pretty well yeaa with some extra weapons in FC2, and Blood Dragon for FC3. GTA4 also did an amazing thing with TLAD and TBOGT. I like the idea of DLC, but some publishers intentionally cut down on content so they can sell it seperately from the base game, or sell vague season passes. I think a customer should be able to get the product they chose to pay for, guaranteed, and DLC does that most of the time (except season passes maybe?). For lootboxes, you essentially downgrade the customers purchase-rights by letting them pay for a "chance" to obtain the product they want. For a video game as a medium (not a casino!), i dont find that good enough. Its opague and publishers are constantly trying to push the limits with these customer-unfriendly practices, and i think customers should not tolerate this kind of trend. I agree with banning micro transactions after the reviews because again, even with Activision expections or not, a customer doesnt initially pay for a product that revamps it's mechanics as soon as the marketing is done telling its original story with reviews.
I think I speak for everyone when I say that this is just sickening
I used to play a lot of games like this but companies like this have put me off almost all games entirely
Am pretty glad I didn’t purchase this game
You’re not missing much, The battle royal is a camp fest, Very limited guns and the operator mods are terrible and the perks are useless.
Robert Spaulding sane I’m not wasting my money for one big advert
Ha wish I could be in your shoes. Me and 2 of my friends all bought the mystery box edition. Holy shit it’s a waist of $200.
@@kip7855 You and your friends are destructive fucking morons who are contributing to the fucking-over of the gaming community. And this far in to the cod shithole story?
And you dont regret a thing.
Fuck all of you.
+Daniel Cannata All that really ain’t necessary.
I lost all faith in Call of duty back when Ghosts was released. This series is long dead by greedyness.
Kinda liked Ghosts
Looking back at it now ghost wasn't as bad as we thought at least you got weapons for free or could buy them separately
Black ops 2 was my last
I personally enjoyed Ghosts. Doesn’t come anywhere near Modern Warfare or even Black Ops (1 and 2) though.
Hakyra I stopped after MW3.
I haven't bought a Activision game in years. Last was mw3. And it's probably going to stay that way.
last for me was ghosts
I give it 5 years and you will need to pay a dollar for a disk to load like an arcade machine
More like games will be filled with ads, subliminal messages and tricks to get you to buy shit.
I imagine this is pretty much how cloud gaming will work. you gotta pay a subscription of sorts to be able to connect to the servers to play games.
50 years from now:
"Hey brian, you gonna be playing call of duty 54 tonight?"
"Sorry can't, we spent our work money on rashions this week so I can't afford this weeks game-loading card for my ps10."
As long as they're as quality as arcades I'd be ok with that
@@Alex-hp2rs ads are more likely. Capcom did it with SF V
Wait, are you telling me they literally called the store in their game the "Black Market"...? As if the sleazy, borderline illegal microtransaction and lootbox focused get-rich-quick monetization schemes weren't bad enough, calling it that feels like a bit of an insult, but maybe that's just me. They are criminals, though. Why did anyone buy this game in the first place? After all, it is JUST another COD game, when all is said and done. How does anyone still even care? Because this is literally the kind of crap that will cost them the company, one way or another. Keep it up, Activision, just don't come crying to everybody who told you so when it finally all blows up in your face.
They don't care, if Activision actually tanks they would a month prior fire everyone without severance, use the money saved to market and skeleton crew the last game they announce, stuff it full of BS monetization, fire the skeleton crew, liquidize all assets, divide up the money they grabbed and give it to each other as a farewell gift and lastly jump ship to another company to do it all over again as the new company gives them a welcome gift of more money they saved from firing existing employees.
U cannot say “oh who cares about cod anymore” i grew up on cod modern warfare 1 was amazing to me back when i was 13... bo4 looked promising and tbh the gameplay imo is great its just that buying the black ops pass was. HUGE I MEAN HUGE mistake
senashii actually you can say that since Activision and other COD games haven’t cared about their players in years. if they did, people wouldn’t be putting up with the ludicrous microtransactions.
You know, this actually works well as an anti-piracy measure : I used to say the only way I'd play this crap game is if I downloaded it off a piracy site... but now I figure that given it was designed to support this gambling system, the game itself must be really, really shit. Why would I waste time playing it even if it was for free ? Good job, triple-Ayyyyy games !
I wonder what belgium thinks of this🤔🤔🤔
I'm interested as well, I'll comment it as I find any news
Im also interested
Juho Jormalainen heared on the radio im in Holland. That they want ti do about online gamble scams. They talked about they using the weak for gamble and shit. Good news for me. XD i hope they get banned in general mobile to. Getting tired to see ads for scam games on TH-cam.
Ai as somone from belgium do not think that the goverment should eeven deal with this they dont know anything about games
Let's just boycott this game....no one should have their money stolen on loot boxes, let alone a game publisher who laid off 800 employees and *PASS SHAMED US* . 😡
Zyxie Rumor no one is getting their money stolen? They’re not forcing you to fucking buy loot boxes
@@Tsukino1011 You're right man, people just want to hate because it gives them a sense of importance.
@@Tsukino1011 Yes but you pay 60$ 100$ hell even 120$ and you get the game key features like a proper ranked play mode that was promised before launch and a campaign so you have almost no point. Do i have to mention a map like Nuketown wasn't in the game at launch. Im a call of duty fan myself i want this game to succeed but it never will if this continues.
Boycott all you want, ignorant, stupid, or/and apathetic people will still throw cash at them
Activision CEO: "Let's implement more lootboxes"
Last remaining employee:
"Sir, you just layed off anyone capable of doing so."
Activision CEO: "You're fired!"
*"Microtransactions and lootboxes > employees"*
*"Filling upper managements pockets > all human life on the planet"*
That sounds more like Greedyvision.
Shit in management's toilet > employees
Me: First time?
My friend and did this and i said oh your s newbie well have fun with that lol
holy shit you are actually using normie unironically
@Adam Thompson
Replace Normie into Gambler, and it makes more sense. They belong to the casino. Invite them to Vegas. Make them sell off their houses.
Push them into natural selection.
@@Aereto this
Buster Scruggs!?
If you still shell out cash for EA, Bethesda or Activision games in 2019, you deserve to get scammed and have no right to complain as you paid for the experience. nuff said
Yeah over 160 hours in bo4 but please help, I feel so scammed and ripped off.
@@Regnier575 nice. It's ok to like games. But we should all agree that micro transactions make the experience worse.
@@bobjoe9207 Oh I completely agree, I wish microtransactions would go away. For me I don't bother with this boycotting publishers thing. If they publish good games I'll buy them, for example, A way out which is published by EA is a phenomenal game and the only reason I don't buy most of their other games is simply because they don't appeal to me.
I think the only time I've boycotted a game out of principal is star wars battlefront 2 which they went way too far on.
I enjoy Bo4 but when I am interesting in a game from companies like EA, Activision or Ubisoft, I just wait for an inescapable price drop or used copy within the month
Tbh COD players deserve it, just go to their reddit and you’ll see the praise they gave to this update.
They praise the balancing to weapons
Not everything they added is bad, there is a lot of content in there.
"Balancing". You mean the non existant kind? Because all the weapons they "nerfed" are performing as well as before the "nerf"
@Gankageddon Yo man, this sounds more gay than sucking each others dicks! This subreddit must be the most unholy place on earth.
Activision: Daddy!
EA: That's my boy.
The Ghost EA is older
Even if that were true EA has always been the original pioneers of bullshit. Their origins date back further than what activision has accomplished
Both are shit needless to say
@BlindOverwhelmer But EA was the company that created the lootboxes in 2007, with FIFA 2008 Ultimate Team. Activision-Blizzard just copy their model. So EA is the Greedy Daddy Master.
So the student becomes the master?
Activision is more worse at this point. At least EA gives free DLC now
11:08 CoD sales = 500 Million in 3 days
Estimated Development Costs: 250 Million + Marketing: 50 Million = 300 Million
11:15 Microtansactions Revenue Per year: 12 Billion. Per quarter: 3 Billion.
Player base: 350 Million
Estimated players engaging in spending opportunities: 30% = 105 Million
Estimated spendings: 3 Billion ÷ 105 Million = 28.5$ per quarter. Per year: 114$
Layoffs: 800 people x 50,000$ salary = 40 Million
Bonus for CEO, without the salary: 15 Million
Tbh if you keep buying Activison/EA games, you deserve to get scammed
They don't care.
EXXTSON And most people who buy these games are all caucasians!
@@thatsatoilet5113 nigga what
No, we don't. We don't deserve to be fucked with. We don't deserve to have this shit changed and implemented into our games. NO ONE DESERVES THIS SHIT.
@@DeathAngel-ft8oz Yes you do. Many predicted this was coming so why are you surprised? Stop buying from EA/Activision they will always do crap like this.
Well, outside of a very select few AAA publishers, I just kinda gave up on the AAA market. I went indie for a while and I have bought some really fantastic games(Warhammer Vermintide, anything Devolver).
It's a shame seeing my favourite hobby turned to shit.
I wish there was a game that did what COD does but doesn't do any of this shit.
It's right there, players are sick of this bullshit so even though the franchise is alive and Well, a game that does all of this shit but in a player would more than likely ghost the whole franchise into it's shadow.
I'd fucking buy it. Yong mentioned apex legends in this video but there is yet to be any actually aggressive monetization In that game. There's lootcrates, but you earn one every level up to 20 something, then it becomes every 2 levels. And the stuff you buy in the store is at first glance all paywalled, yet it's also in the crates that you earn so easily by just playing. Obviously not the best situation possible but it's also something that Respawn has somehow managed to Limit down to what seems like the bare minimum to keep EA happy and fuck me it's been just a week and theres already new weapons coming in and Rumours of a fresh couple of legends. That's pretty nice content to be dropped so quickly into a game that charges nothing at the door and has yet to feel intrusive In its monetization.
Expected of Respawn, Titanfall 2 was nothing but free updates, cool content and a set of devs willing to patch in a Banner to mourn the death of a Community members dog, but unexpected of a game EA greenlit without first making filthy with their greed. I don't think they can be compared right now even if just the minor monetization feels bad to have eve if it's expected of EA
@@theLEGENDofALDO it's gaining players on all platforms cuz of Apex so at least future titles will probably get more Attention
You know..as someone who grew up to call of duty(the original), this breaks my heart. What used to be a great franchise with many opportunities with stories and nonstop multiplayer. They had one job to make something great out of their games, but it seems money is more important than their customers.
As of today, I will no longer be buying any activision or blizzard games. In fact, I want nothing to do with their games. I'm uninstalling all games made by activision and moving on.
Based solely on the monetization this game has, you would expect it to be free to play. Actually, there's so many monetization mechanisms in this game that it feels like even free to play games ask for less.
Look at things like Apex Legends, Fortnite, Warframe, War face, Paladins, Planetside, whatever they are all called... All free, some of them have way more content then Black ops 4, have way better progression systems, you can earn things without spending money, and even if you choose to spent like 8 bucks for this fortnite battle pass thing every season, its still wayyyy less then 60 dollars, plus season pass, plus season pass for zombies, plus battle pass thing, plus loot boxes, etc for Black ops 4... I mean for fucks sake even the pricing in those free to play games is way lower....
Back in 2015, I swear Treyarch tweeted that Black Ops 3 would not have loot boxes.
Before Black Ops 4 came out, I swear they tweeted or said the same thing in an interview. If anyone can find one of those interviews or tweets, please post a link. We need hard proof of their hypocrisy.
Side note: I have played Black Ops 4 but only the multiplayer and I am only level 49 and in the short time I invested into the game, I realized some weapons were locked behind the battle pass. I wondered if those weapons would not be obtainable after the current season ended and how they would handle some players not having access to them at all in future seasons. Now I know. They just shoved them into loot boxes as a way for people like me who played on and off for only a little while.
Until Advanced Warfare, I used to always purchase the most expensive edition of each Call of Duty title, all of it’s DLCs, and spend hundreds of hours playing to ensure hit the maximum level. I also have 100% achievements in most CoD games. Safe to say, I LOVED this franchise.
Fuck Activision-Blizzard for ruining a franchise I once loved and adored. Their greed has ensured I will never buy anything from them ever again.
BlindOverwhelmer Yeah. Black Ops 3’s Loot Boxes apparently were really bad. #blackmarketblackout
CCKillibilly , i rather say u were addicted 2 them
Kagihoshi Thank you sir!!!
Whoever purchased bo4 was an fool anyway
Bought it off a friend a week after launch for £20. He hated it, I'm however alright with spending £20 on it. But feel terrible for the people who purchased it new along with the season pass
It's a really good game, enjoyed it a lot in the first few weeks. But the amount of layers of monetization is insane and they even released microtransactions e x c l u s i v e to PlayStation a week before the other platforms, you can't make this shit up.
"was an fool" you sure are good at making a point
Thimo That’s what I’m
saying. The core game is fun it’s just the microtransactions fucking ruined it.
It's a shame cause I find the zombies mode in the game hella fun.
The blatant abuse these oversized pubishers commit on consumers has me actually supporting legislation to make them be labeled as gambling. I DESPISE government intervention but FFS I just want to game! I'm tired of having to spend extra money for piddly shit.
They will collapse on their own merits soon enough. Many gamers are waking up to this unacceptable nonsense and avoiding these large game publishers like the plague. I for one refuse to buy any game from either EA or Activision, soon to add Bethesda to that list. There are many great indie developers out there and I have had loads of fun discovering good games. When companies get to this stage of complete lack of passion and care in favour of engorged profits their days are numbered.
The more greedy the gaming industry gets the more tight I get, i now have a rule that I won't spend more than £20 (That's about $26) on any game. And so long as I have patience it works quite well.
I can’t agree more even though i was a sucker and bought street fighter anniversary collection for $40
If you wait long enough you’ll find most games at like $24 on sale like they do right now on the PlayStation store until 3/1/19 I got titan fall 2 for like $7 bf v for $24
Between the loot boxes in online shooters, the unfinished 'live services' released and the over saturation of battle royale - I've switched over to single player games only. From playing more single player games, I've realized that games can actually be fun again, rather than frustrating or dangerously addicting lol
Human Trafficking, but it's locked behind a loot box in a rushed video game. *They don't call it the Black Market for nothing.*
Good one.
@@griff8858 Thank you.
But people still buy it believe me
because you are not the majority ^^ why should people behave like YOU want? They behave like THEY want - the majority has no problems with microtransactions ...
What is happening here is : A minority group tries to dictate what other people should do ^^ Snowflakes
@@danielh1589 agree... Well sorry for a little bit salty, :)
@@faisalhabibi6348 I personally agree with you ^^ but other people still enjoy it and have no problem with it ^^
Game dies because of mtx like reticles -> implements lootboxes.
Seriously, Diablo 4 won't have an auction house but loot boxes instead. Or even a more greedy way to fill upper managements wallets. If theres a way to do so, Greedyvision Blizzard will find it.
11:01 That's why Activision fired 8% of their employees
I miss the days of MW2 and Black Ops 1
Mw2 was so fun before all this nonsense and wall running super soldier crap
eaglerabbit89 that was 10+ years ago.....
Clifford Ototivo i miss the good days where you would buy a complete game with no micro transactions and everyone would be happy
That was Respawn who created all the good CoD games. And they left Activision years ago.
There hasn't been any creativity or innovation in a CoD game since.
>Promise no micro-transactions to generate hype
>Release game without them for glowing reviews
>Slowly introduce them over the game's lifespan while acting like you are catering to gamer's "demands"
This is clearly the new marketing game plan and it is even more scummy than just being upfront with consumers.
Long Feng: "There are no Loot Boxes in Black Ops 4. We are safe within these paywalls."
@EmeraldAries1994 Treyarch is the one that agree for loot box not actvision
So getting the guns with a 25% XP is basically pay to win since u can gain addons for that gun faster, this game is utter garbage since the battle pass and the red dot problem.
It was utter garbage the moment they announced it'd have a battle royale mode and then announced no campaign. It was a blatant cash grab and attempt to cash in on the new fad that is battle royales, because people have no taste or standards anymore.
I agree to that, I would have loved a chance to scream “ MENENDEZ”
Its hilarious to think companies can downright scam and abuse its player base so horribly in todays world. You cant look forward to playing a game these days cause all you can think about is how much of the game is actually any good,because we are fully aware they will adjust progression and fun to make you feel as if unless you throw out some money you wont be able to enjoy the game as much. Its like watching a good movie and then it stops at the last 10min of the movie telling you unless you pay extra money you will not see how the movie ends.
Activision is just like I was in midleschool. "what can I get away with" is the mentality. They don't care about some bad PR. As long as the company doesn't take a major hit, it's fine. "they got away with it".
Yesterday, there was a guy in the IGN BO4 stream that DEFENDED these loot boxes. He said that no one is forcing the player and that Activision needs to make money somehow. Nonetheless, my brain felt sad.
Lmfao i guess he doesn't know GoW is a thing. Because if he did he would logically (by his logic) have to ask the same of that game too. IGN will be IGN.
Narcissistic bastards, says that but doesn’t see how the game itself has downgraded its quality by a milestone. On top of spending $60 for a game and it STILL being pay-2-win/pay-2-look-good cosmetics. Absolutely stupid.
"Activision needs to make money somehow" how about they get off their high horse and make a game with integrity and give players a game that isn't the next generic COD shooter. Pshhh those days are far gone.
Glad I skipped BO4 and now Anthem. Wtf man.... 🙄😒
Why not try Titanfall 2 it's so cheap at this point anyone can get it
Dead game
@@Rorschach1998 no apex legends
@@ntz752 At least they're not ripping you off constantly
@@Rorschach1998 True
not again....
I'm getting tired of this, you know why companies like Activision and Bethesda are getting away with all of their crap! It's because customers keep giving them money, they're businesses albeit slimy slimy ones, the primary objective is to sell and make money. But we're the ones with the wallets nonetheless. They create a product, and successfully sell it. We can keep complaining til we're blue in the face, the fact of the matter is that their business practices are wildly successful, and to them that's all that matters. Will they continue to grow the Microtransaction model in the future, YES! So long as it has the potential to earn obscene amounts of cash. It hurts hearing that they laid off 800 employees and shelled out 15mil to their new CFO, but complaining about it won't bring them back.
Every logical argument alike, says to STOP giving them money! STOP GIVING THEM MONEY! We will never convince their player base that the company's business practices deserve nothing short of a boycott, they will forever support Activision. Very well, let them. I'm sorry to say it but this amount of publicity, in essence seems to only channel neutral attention towards Activision or whoever else, as opposed to hurting them. I mean they'll never get a penny from me, but I just can't bring myself to hating them more and more, when all I can think about are those who are willingly shelling out butt loads of money for JPEG's and PNG's. Their customers enable them to do shit like this. Business wise they're meeting their company goals, and they're doing a damn fine job at it, even if it's scummy. I'm all open for a debates and disagreements, I for one just can't find a good enough reason to blame them. Take away the money and watch how fast they humble themselves, til then expect to see this sort of thing indefinitely.
you are not the majority ^^ why should people behave like YOU want? They behave like THEY want - the majority has no problems with microtransactions ...
What is happening here is : A minority group tries to dictate what other people should do ^^ Snowflakes
@@danielh1589 real gamers and lifelong console gamers do not want every AAA game to come with microtransactions.
For example, I have wasted 360,000vc on nba 2k19 opening myteam packs. 75k vc costs $20.
All that just to get one really good card.
Now since I got that card, it puts me in matches against players that have 5 good cards to my one. Lol.
This was only because there was a pink diamond kobe card out that intrigued me (I never play myteam)
On top of that I have wasted 190k vc per player to upgrade them to 87 overall (out of 99).
I have 5 players at 87 overall. That is over 1 million vc spent, and my experience is still meh most times, and amazing on rare occasions.
Its absolutely absurd that I have to spend over 300 dollars just to keep up with other players.
This, for a title that wipes your account yearly and makes you start at 0 again.
Before u say dont play 2k. I love basketball and the other alternative is nba live which is graphically equivalent to a bethesda engine in 2019.
@@ComPTonRiLLO and you still bought it - so well done
Easy solution: If you dont like it - dont buy it
If you were in the majority they would change their system
@@danielh1589 lol im pretty sure he's aware that he's a minority, you are just pointing the obvious,
@@danielh1589 you do you champ, btw I heard that activision is making their next COD game secret. Super hush hush, all you got to do is purchase a preorder pass to get a chance to pre-order it first and then if you're lucky you get a ticket, collect ten tickets and you can win the golden deluxe premium spartan ghost obsidian vip exclusive pass version free of charge. Each button click in the game cost a single dollar each, discounted from the original 10 dollar so that's a 90% discount! Details are scarce since it's top secret after all.
The corp creatures don't understand human concepts like moral. They understand greed, and they understand pain.
So if you want them to stop bothering you, you have to communicate to them in a language they understand. Through their wallets, or through their faces.
Come on don’t even act surprised we all knew this was coming
And people say EA is the worst... Activision-Blizzard is worse, it is just EA gets all the press coverage. Anyone who may disagree I point you to this.
I know u have been saying this 4ever. EA is no longer relevant.
EA has been on a rebound with Apex Legends, I'm willing to give them that. Anthem is a very mixed bag right now. Lots of people hate it, but I've also seen a lot of people like it. But fuck me have they fucked up the Star Wars deal.
Activision on the other hand doesn't even have the luxury of that divisive opinion. Everyone seems to hate them right now.
@@TheDuckClock EA has no hand in the creation of Apex
ZenoDLC As far as I know they control the microtransactions.
This is insane: a fully priced AAA title being more aggressive than f2p games, when it comes to microtransactions. Shouldn't it be the other way around? Just from a logic perspective. Thanks for the video, I was really looking forward to this!
I dont buy call of duty anymore or anything EA makes
oh jesus, add activision also that list
@jim taika Çod is part of Activision IPs
@@jimtaika2572 .
@Jehad Jawed it there only ip
Reporter: EA’s Lootbox debacle and horrible games have caused them to go under what’s your solution to prevent this?
Activision: *Puts In loot boxes In cod Black ops 4* Sorry What I wasn’t listening
Everyone needs to watch the documentary “the corporation” (2003).
It argues that publicly traded companies on the stock market behave like psychopaths because they are *legally bound* to make profits at an exponential rate.
It is *illegal* for the board of directors to behave in any way that is not in the interest of increasing the corporation’s profits year-by-year, regardless of the ethical or creative cost.
Cyberpunk 2077: The hero that gamers need
EA, Activision and Bethesda do good marketing for CD PR haha. So excited for 2077!
i hope that cd projekt will never be bought, unless it is sony
But not the hero we deserve that’s for sure...
I can tolerate charged DLC. I can tolerate a Season Pass (functionally discounted DLC bundles). I can even tolerate micro-DLC (buy one gun at a time, etc.)... But what in the blue shot is Activision doing? It feels like they're trying to punish ppl for enjoying the CoD gameplay... Activision should just die as a company.
Aren't loot boxes gambling, children have to buy crates instead of buying the skin directly. Some sort of commission should look into this gaming shit, it's gotten so far out of hand and I only see it getting worse.
They already are
for other games yeah but this one's rated M so not technically aimed at children
I am in complete and utter shock. Said no one ever.
does activision know lootboxes are ban in other countries?
furry boi
They don’t care, all they care is if top countries like US, Canada, and UK get the game and invest in crapboxes
It won't be long before other EU nations start to update their laws about gambling in videogames.
If companies want to make their games a “service”, it should be free to play or half the price with micro transactions being the source of revenue. If I’m paying $60 I should be getting all the content and if there’s some dlc to add on to the already satisfying product then fine.
Thank you for doing actual games journalism Yong.
Omg... Well, 2019 is more shit for companies now. I dub this year, "Year of The Gambles"
Yeah.... that was very much last year. This is the year of blowback.
Soon this shit won't even be legal in the EU. You can't imagine the US won't follow suit... any politician will jump at the chance to "save children from gambling."
Hundkopf that was last year
Yes!!! I've been screaming about this for years. These executives are messing up gaming with their greed. I get they have a job to do for the shareholders, I'm not completely oblivious to how business works, but revenue generation should come from selling an exceptional product, not nickel and diming customers with pay-to-win and content paywall transactions.
When will these developers understand that putting in these micro-transactions just waters down the game and makes it less of what it is. So many titles that came out this year held so much potential but in the end its not about the players, its the money they bring in. free to play games are understandable, but you when pay $60 for a game and have to pay an additional $30-$40 for passes and in-game currency, its just trash. The same terrible formula that comes every season. The fun is drained and grind is harder. Imagine no battle passes, season passes, micro transactions, and loot boxes. Just grind and unlock. The time you put in is what gets you where you want to be. Not the money you put in..
Soviet Union Sums it up pretty well
Well Apex legends don't get a pass they are selling single weapon skins not for 5 not for 10 but 20$ considering they made the currency a lil more then you can buy in the store meaning you have no choice but to buy the next package at this point there free to play don't get a pass
@@bananasaur5209 it makes them billions. If they made only good games they make only millions. So no why should they.
@@awesomeruben F2P does get a pass -_- stop being entitled
I’m not even excited for mw4 or ghost 2 anymore ( whatever they’re developing ) 🤧 stupid Activision will most likely ruin the series with micro transactions and loot boxes
Kìmo Drìllz I know right? Look at Modern Warfare Remastered. Even though it’s better than BO4 they still ruined the multiplayer with loot boxes and dlc weapons that weren’t even in the original game.
To me this isn't even close to as bad as the layoffs, but I think that this should hopefully make people more aware of activision's true goals. Destroy the lives of their developers (literally laying them off ruining their jobs) and milk their playerbase dry. They are loyal to no one, not even their own developers who made the actual game they are relentlessly mercilessly pillaging.
Anyone supporting activision at this point is supporting the literal exemplar of corporate greed.
Cole Evyx Exactly. Activision is actually pure evil. They lay off 800 employees, then continue this greedy shit. Boycott.
they r not loot boxes,,,they r bonus money 4 the ceo,,
Starting publicly calling them that way might get some people aware of the issue.
I bought this game because they said they are going back to the roots and not having loot boxes and all these microtransactions but nope they make the game worse with downgraded servers and focus on battle royal this is why you never buy games before release and wait
And you BELIEVED them? After record profits and firing 800 people you see you are NOTHING but a dollar sign to the execs.
Fucking idiot lmao
Did they advertise the game as being lootbox free? Because in that case this would qualify as false advertising.
@@ssm-sf8by Cant really disagree. The whole community shouts at people for preordering games and/or supporting companies that are scumbags yet somehow there is enough people saying "they promised!" that they can stay successful.
They literally pulled this with Black Ops 3, they have already shown that they will do it, whats to stop them from doing it again? I don’t know what you were expecting from Activision, it was really just a matter of time before they really showed you their true intentions
Times like this really highlights how the early 2000s to mid 2000s were the golden age of gaming.
I don't even know what to say, as I recall loot boxes are becoming illegal so why add them? Oh that's right greed, Activision is greedy and don't care, they blatantly ripped off the battle pass from fortnite, and now loot boxes...makes me feel like a fool when I bought 50 dollars on cod points because I didn't have anything else to buy...at least I got black ops 4 from a friend and didn't have to buy the game. I had no intention of buying black ops 4 because I of this shit and only reason I still play is because it's not filled with advanced movements like boost jumping and wall running.
Nah b battle pass is from smite