I fitted my ecu under the bonnet,spliced the ecu harness into the jag engine harness,another multiplug for 12v feeds in and fuel pump out etc,the engine now comes out with ecu connected.Worked for me,keep up the good work
Converting all of the colour coded wires to all the same green colour seems very exciting! It never ceases to amaze me how certain people can do the maddest things as if it was the most normal thing in the world. I love your direct honesty in your videos my friend. We ought to organise a meeting of all your subscribers one day to try to understand why we do it. Live long and prosper Speg. 🖖
I've used an aj25 v6 in my cortina and i should forget about trying to get it running on its original ecu,immobiliser etc goes through instruments and body controllers.I used an Emerald k6 ecu,simple to wire,a ford cougar v6 cable operated throttle body,you wont need half the wires you have now!
I went for the motorsport electronics ecu mainly because i semi know someone else who did that. Fly by wire throttle is an unknown problem for now but it shouldn't be that hard to swap it for something else if needed
Speg when you’re fiddling about with tiny little metal bits over your engine, try putting a tea tray or old oven tray under where you are working to catch all those annoying little pieces that you drop..
I fitted my ecu under the bonnet,spliced the ecu harness into the jag engine harness,another multiplug for 12v feeds in and fuel pump out etc,the engine now comes out with ecu connected.Worked for me,keep up the good work
Converting all of the colour coded wires to all the same green colour seems very exciting! It never ceases to amaze me how certain people can do the maddest things as if it was the most normal thing in the world. I love your direct honesty in your videos my friend. We ought to organise a meeting of all your subscribers one day to try to understand why we do it. Live long and prosper Speg. 🖖
Luckily thos green wires are very short
I've used an aj25 v6 in my cortina and i should forget about trying to get it running on its original ecu,immobiliser etc goes through instruments and body controllers.I used an Emerald k6 ecu,simple to wire,a ford cougar v6 cable operated throttle body,you wont need half the wires you have now!
I went for the motorsport electronics ecu mainly because i semi know someone else who did that.
Fly by wire throttle is an unknown problem for now but it shouldn't be that hard to swap it for something else if needed
Speg when you’re fiddling about with tiny little metal bits over your engine, try putting a tea tray or old oven tray under where you are working to catch all those annoying little pieces that you drop..
Plugs similar to a Mondeo ST 220 I think..