Another sunrise run! First light of dawn was around the 3:00:00 mark where Steve says "you probably can't see it..." as the truck was headed more southwest and any light in the sky would have been to the rear quarter. But a few minutes later around the exit for Blacksburg, VA you can catch a glimpse of light in the rearview mirror. This would have been approximately 6:35am EST. Welcome to North Carolina 4:41:28
Another sunrise run! First light of dawn was around the 3:00:00 mark where Steve says "you probably can't see it..." as the truck was headed more southwest and any light in the sky would have been to the rear quarter. But a few minutes later around the exit for Blacksburg, VA you can catch a glimpse of light in the rearview mirror. This would have been approximately 6:35am EST.
Welcome to North Carolina 4:41:28
A sun UV filter would help on the cameras view for glare take care and safe!