I love that Liana picked historic seasons and Taran picked watchable seasons, but overall I have to give it to Pooya’s team. Aman is always so fun in drafts with how much turmoil he goes through over each pick. Really enjoyed this pod and this crew! Happy Pride!
Super fun podcast! I’d love another version of this where you guys draft a cast of BB players. Call it allstars 3, second chances, HvV, whatever you wanna call it. But kinda like a fantasy BB format, once someone is off the board, no one else can draft them. I feel like this would be a fun and nostalgic trip through the history of the show where you can highlight standout players and less of the rough seasons as a whole like the last 30-45 mins of this draft lol
Aman, im so glad you chose OTT where you did. That was the first time i watched feeds and when i found BB Twitter, rhap etc. it was a mess of a season but i loved it and have great memories from it! Love it!
SUPER fan podcast, love hearing all 4 of you sm. My general view of all the drafts, before I take a vote on the poll (and just a general thing, I think the most "fair" thing to do here would've been doing the snake draft but switching it up at the end so that Liana would've been last and Pooya first in the final round, but obviously this is all just for fun, but maybe just a general tip for when the pool of "things" isn't divided by 8, which is ideal for the snake draft). -Liana - having BB10, the consensus fan fave of the seasons, is pretty much a big win by itself since with this format, even if your team is so-so, a person sees BB10, and if there isn't any BIG no-no seasons in the team that makes people second-guess, people will vote for the team just because it had BB10. But personally, I do want to see it as an entire package and have every pick people here made here count, and that's why unfortunately Liana won't have my vote. As a group of seasons to TALK about, and discuss this is actually a really great group, but like it was said, as a viewing experience it could've been a lot better, the only seasons i particularly REALLY like here are BB5 and 10, I find 2 a bit overrated even if it's not bad by any means, and 23 I haven't watched a lot of, but i still feel it'd be a better pick for a couple rounds later along other steamroll seasons to pick out some of the better ones, and i mostly don't care for the rest of the . BUT I do think Liana has a good shot to win regardless because a) season 10 by itself is going to bring some votes in and b) the "bad" seasons she picked aren't as off-putting to the general fanbase currently as the others which imo are 1, 16, 19, 22 and Celeb3. So strategically I think Liana did pretty good, the only downfall may just be the lack of other REALLY loved seasons besides 10 and probably 2. -Aman - I think Aman did really well and personally I think has arguably the most well-rounded team of the 4 where he got not only notable seasons in the BB lore but also seasons that are generally fun to watch, looking back the theme of Aman's team are seasons that people had a lot of issues with while they were airing but looking back, whether because of the outcome, having other worse seasons or other reasons, they're perceived more fondly. I think the downfall of Aman may've been picking 19 where he did and then picking 1 (which tbf may've been partly because of being confused over there being yet another round of picking). I actually agree with picking 19 there because I find all of the other seasons worse, but it's just a Redemption Island of BB seasons in the fandom - it's a season that no matter the positives, however few there are, people are just always going to have a negative reaction over just a mention of it, so BB21 would've probably been the better strategic call, despite it REALLY not being that much better and imo actually worse. And BB1 pick does make sense in that like Aman sense, since people didn't watch it people won't necessarily have watched it and shudder over the thought of picking it, but on the other hand it's a season that people since the very beginning was talked "don't watch it, it's so boring, bb2 is the real first season" so people still perceive it negatively without the benefit of them watching it and remembering any good stuff it may have going for it like other bottom tier-seasons, so with the BB19 being the pick before it just may not help as it was intended, CBB3 may've actually be the better call here because at least it was short and Todrick didn't win. But overall I really love Aman's team, he was between a rock and a hard place with the last few picks, and he's one of the 2 i'm considering voting for here. But if Aman loses, I do think unfortunately the last few picks people will cite as to why they didn't. -Taran - Taran's team along with Aman is the one I'm currently considering voting for. I think Taran nailed it on the head when he said his team is the most "watchable" group of seasons, like the only season I would really not want to watch again is BB22 and maaaaaaybe BB13 but that one is more because of the twists and besides that it's a pretty easy watch. I think the biggest problem Taran's team may have is having the two celeb seasons and not because they are bad, because far from it I feel if people actually sat down and watched them again they would realise they are quite enjoyable, but it'd be because CBB3 REALLY made people really sour on celebrity franchise as a whole and rate them lower than they'd probably deserve, plus the inherent bias against "shorter" seasons and treat them as less legitimate which at the very least is more understandable. I think having one celeb season would've been better as a package for most people and between them choosing the 1st season would also make more sense as a less controversial season than 2 due to how it was perceived while it was airing. But that is just my view on how others may perceive it and I'm still torn whether to vote Taran or Aman. -Pooya - It has to be said first and foremost that Pooya in general had a really tough hand here because not only was he 4th but also had the last pick of the draft because of how snake order shook out. But regardless I can only judge the draft based on the teams and potentially when they were picked, and unfortunately I find Pooya's team the weakest. It's hard to really point to WHY though, I don't think any picks were really agregious, having BB6 and 20 was actually pretty good start for how the team could go. I think the reason the team just doesn't pick my interest as much is just this weird mix of both defined by drama seasons where there were many fights or in general just drama happening in them but also seasons where it was defined by a boring steamroll? It's either this or that here (or in 20's case, kinda both lol) and it unfortunately clashed here a little too much for me. But again, Pooya did as well as he could here with the hand he got, and the 6/20 combo still could be enough to entice a good amount of people. That's all thoughts I had, again this was so much fun to watch, everyone did really well and in the end this is all for fun, but it was still enjoyable to try and dissect personally why certain teams worked/didn't work for me while it may work/didn't work for other people. Can't wait for more podcasts and can't wait to hear more out of all of you when the BB season officially starts.
What I find interesting is that I feel like a majority of the fanbase’s top ten-ish seasons seem pretty universal. Pretty much matching the draft here. I’ve watched since season one was airing but have never rewatched a season. The only seasons I’d be interested in rewatching are: BB2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 14, 17, 20, 24 Maybe OTT because I loved the cast and wish they could’ve played the real game. I didn’t intend it but I came up with ten!
@@ryanwest5179 yes! Rob and Taran did blockumentaries for BB 2 and 3. Frail Mary and Taran covered BB 4. I like Mary, but I think Rob and Taran are hilarious together so I hope the blockumentary on season 5 is Taran and Rob again.
You all laughed at the end of round two about the notion that 14 and 3 don't really have similarities, but honestly, those two seasons are an absolute strategic masterclass from the runner-up.
Sorry, I am still catching up on Big Brother Canada and took a break from it (about to start season 4) to watch Big Brother US 14. Can someone explain what happened? I did not get that reference at all.
1:51:10 I think putting it all on Elissa fans is kind of unfair. The biggest factor was Aaryn being nominated after she probably got like 80% of the vote, there was also some anti-Elissa votes from people thinking she benefitted too much from it, after that it may have been over-excited Elissa fans. But it created an unexpected moment and weirdly bookended her getting the MVP twist as she was back to fighting for her life again. Not to mention it confused the house and may have even took some heat off Elissa in the long run.
Marvin in BB5 is just incredible. The way he hits on the women, especially the twins. 4 horsemen. Jace and holly are so good for reality tv. Jace acting like an barnyard animal.
BB24 is only gonna get better with age and its already good. Amazing outcome. A lot of really good players. The characters pop off the screen in my opinion. Alliance flipping and betrayals and while not everyone will agree with me it was the only time I agreed with the top 3 America's favorite. Taylor - Social. Michael - Comp Beast. Kyle - Strategic. Everyone else was also very intriguing and added to the story, but those three deserved to be top 3 for how much they impacted the season and honestly the future of Big Brother. Taylor showed you can win social even if your back is against the wall. Michael showed it is possible to make it far even if your a comp threat as long as your strategic and have allies. Kyle played a very survivor like game in big brother which I didn't think was possibe. If BB25 is even half as good as BB24 I'll be happy.
@@Trisha_Ann actually all of them vote Terrance out over Indy, then Turner wins hoh & I think outside gets rid of Jasmine & inside gets rid of Alyssa & LO stay together, then Monte likely goes
Oh Taran, you lost me after your first two picks. I was hoping you would stick with great strategy and execution and chosen BB 16 when you had the opportunity. I gotta go with Aman. Really fun podcast by all. Thank you!
I never understood the BB16 hate, it was a fun cast, great winner , the origin story of 3 winners of which arguably 2 are at top 5 of best winners of all time. Devin drama, Zach house meeting,Amber being stalked by Caleb, Zach HOH (where targets literally changed within seconds),Frankie losing all of his alliance within few hours, Chrstine getting boo-ed, Cody making a 500-thousand mistake. Cody taking Derrick and losing , had one of the biggest impacts in history on future seasons. Everyon still talks about it when they are making a decision, I think it is a season you gotta watch if you want to win modern BB, coz till this date the BB16 Derrick stratey does work if executed by the right people.
Going into this, I did not expect for Aman’s draft to be my favorite and Taran’s to be my least favorite lol Super happy to be getting Big Brother content again!! Love the team at RHAP
Thought this would be a hard decision at the end, but it's really not. Pooya's team as a whole is miles clear of the others for me. Got a few seasons that I really like in there and none that I really dislike, whereas some of the others picked seasons I'm quite down on pretty early on. Always interesting to see what different people value in a season though, and I think what's going on in people's lives at the time can also have a massive impact on how they view a season. E.g. I'd be higher than most on BB9 as it was my first season, and despite it's problems I enjoyed BB22 simply because there wasn't much else to watch/going on at the time, and really appreciated having that to watch and listen to podcasts for at the time
how is taran losing the poll by a CONSIDERABLE margin... every season on his list holds up until u get down to BB13 which still imo has some fun moments and rachel winning a season is such a highlight in the history of the show even if it was very questionable from a production standpoint pooya picking bb20 early was so questionable when in retrospect, it's a mid tier season that got our attention from prejury due to a slew of bad seasons before and after it and the bottom half of his draft is really really rough with 16 11 and celeb 3 so im shocked to see him as the winner
I’ve always been a BB15 defender, though it’s a terrible pick for a draft that fans are voting for since the fans do NOT like this season as a whole. I just finished a rewatch of it and lhonestly loved it. The ugly moments are ugly and uncomfortable for sure, but I really don’t think they’re that hard to watch on a rewatch. Most of the uglier comments are like dumb middle school bullying, like Aaryn calling Andy a queer or calling Candice Shaniqua. Like yes, those are ugly and condemnable comments, but they’re not bad enough to ruin a whole season for me, because the rest of BB15 is phenomenal. Aaryn faces instant karma for her cuntiness by getting repeatedly blindsided and told off by half the house, forced to be a puppet for Helen and Amanda, and then discarded at the end by the hands of Elissa, the season’s protagonist. Watching Amanda start as a hero and then succumb to paranoia to become a really hatable villain is one of the most compelling and entertaining character arcs I’ve seen in a season of BB. The villainous alliance at the beginning is constantly thwarted, leading to great moments like the David/Nick blindsides and the aftermath. We have, in my opinion, the two best double evictions of all time. Judd going home while pleading for his life, and Andy lying about voting out Amanda in order to get Elissa out we’re phenomenal to watch live. This season has probably the most well rounded cast we’ve seen, because literally everyone except the first boot came to play and were playing HARD. No other season can say that. People like Jessie, Candice, etc who are usually type casted to be pretty and fodder for other players ended up being super active in the season. Andy is a great underrated winner (though he’s annoying as hell on Twitter about it), and watching him beat GM was really satisfying. I could go on and on about the positives this season, while there’s only one real negative being the ugliness in the beginning, which is heavily outweighed by everything else in my opinion. Edit: wanted to say after hearing Aman’s comments that i do totally agree though and understand that if you can’t handle the negative moments of BB15, that’s fine and that’s not on you, it’s still ugly stuff. But I personally think these moments looking back aren’t too hard to handle compared to the positives of the season, even though it’s because I might be more desensitized to them
If you would like to vote on the winner of the draft, be sure to do so here: twitter.com/RobHasApodcast/status/1667003307657687045
Love going down memory lane! Wanted to mention another BB6 moment when Kaysar told Maggie "No I sealed your partner's fate" Never forget Cappy haha
I love that Liana picked historic seasons and Taran picked watchable seasons, but overall I have to give it to Pooya’s team. Aman is always so fun in drafts with how much turmoil he goes through over each pick. Really enjoyed this pod and this crew! Happy Pride!
This made me so happy!! Thank you for doing this!! Can’t wait for more pre-season fun while we wait for BB25!!!! 🎉
love this sm! 3 hours is amazing RHAP knows us bb fans are thirsty for content 😅
My thoughts exactly. My heart felt better the second I saw this was a thing!😊
Anyone who keeps up with 3 episodes a week and life feeds is obsessed, period agahah
Yall have a habit of posting the best BB content EXACTLY when i need it most. Love yall! Cant wait to listen!
Super fun podcast! I’d love another version of this where you guys draft a cast of BB players. Call it allstars 3, second chances, HvV, whatever you wanna call it. But kinda like a fantasy BB format, once someone is off the board, no one else can draft them. I feel like this would be a fun and nostalgic trip through the history of the show where you can highlight standout players and less of the rough seasons as a whole like the last 30-45 mins of this draft lol
This always great! Loved hearing your thoughts on each season and walking down memory lane.
Aman, im so glad you chose OTT where you did. That was the first time i watched feeds and when i found BB Twitter, rhap etc. it was a mess of a season but i loved it and have great memories from it! Love it!
I can just chill with BB2 in the background I love that season so much.
It's hard to pick but I'd say Aman's is my favorite.
SUPER fan podcast, love hearing all 4 of you sm. My general view of all the drafts, before I take a vote on the poll (and just a general thing, I think the most "fair" thing to do here would've been doing the snake draft but switching it up at the end so that Liana would've been last and Pooya first in the final round, but obviously this is all just for fun, but maybe just a general tip for when the pool of "things" isn't divided by 8, which is ideal for the snake draft).
-Liana - having BB10, the consensus fan fave of the seasons, is pretty much a big win by itself since with this format, even if your team is so-so, a person sees BB10, and if there isn't any BIG no-no seasons in the team that makes people second-guess, people will vote for the team just because it had BB10. But personally, I do want to see it as an entire package and have every pick people here made here count, and that's why unfortunately Liana won't have my vote. As a group of seasons to TALK about, and discuss this is actually a really great group, but like it was said, as a viewing experience it could've been a lot better, the only seasons i particularly REALLY like here are BB5 and 10, I find 2 a bit overrated even if it's not bad by any means, and 23 I haven't watched a lot of, but i still feel it'd be a better pick for a couple rounds later along other steamroll seasons to pick out some of the better ones, and i mostly don't care for the rest of the . BUT I do think Liana has a good shot to win regardless because a) season 10 by itself is going to bring some votes in and b) the "bad" seasons she picked aren't as off-putting to the general fanbase currently as the others which imo are 1, 16, 19, 22 and Celeb3. So strategically I think Liana did pretty good, the only downfall may just be the lack of other REALLY loved seasons besides 10 and probably 2.
-Aman - I think Aman did really well and personally I think has arguably the most well-rounded team of the 4 where he got not only notable seasons in the BB lore but also seasons that are generally fun to watch, looking back the theme of Aman's team are seasons that people had a lot of issues with while they were airing but looking back, whether because of the outcome, having other worse seasons or other reasons, they're perceived more fondly. I think the downfall of Aman may've been picking 19 where he did and then picking 1 (which tbf may've been partly because of being confused over there being yet another round of picking). I actually agree with picking 19 there because I find all of the other seasons worse, but it's just a Redemption Island of BB seasons in the fandom - it's a season that no matter the positives, however few there are, people are just always going to have a negative reaction over just a mention of it, so BB21 would've probably been the better strategic call, despite it REALLY not being that much better and imo actually worse. And BB1 pick does make sense in that like Aman sense, since people didn't watch it people won't necessarily have watched it and shudder over the thought of picking it, but on the other hand it's a season that people since the very beginning was talked "don't watch it, it's so boring, bb2 is the real first season" so people still perceive it negatively without the benefit of them watching it and remembering any good stuff it may have going for it like other bottom tier-seasons, so with the BB19 being the pick before it just may not help as it was intended, CBB3 may've actually be the better call here because at least it was short and Todrick didn't win. But overall I really love Aman's team, he was between a rock and a hard place with the last few picks, and he's one of the 2 i'm considering voting for here. But if Aman loses, I do think unfortunately the last few picks people will cite as to why they didn't.
-Taran - Taran's team along with Aman is the one I'm currently considering voting for. I think Taran nailed it on the head when he said his team is the most "watchable" group of seasons, like the only season I would really not want to watch again is BB22 and maaaaaaybe BB13 but that one is more because of the twists and besides that it's a pretty easy watch. I think the biggest problem Taran's team may have is having the two celeb seasons and not because they are bad, because far from it I feel if people actually sat down and watched them again they would realise they are quite enjoyable, but it'd be because CBB3 REALLY made people really sour on celebrity franchise as a whole and rate them lower than they'd probably deserve, plus the inherent bias against "shorter" seasons and treat them as less legitimate which at the very least is more understandable. I think having one celeb season would've been better as a package for most people and between them choosing the 1st season would also make more sense as a less controversial season than 2 due to how it was perceived while it was airing. But that is just my view on how others may perceive it and I'm still torn whether to vote Taran or Aman.
-Pooya - It has to be said first and foremost that Pooya in general had a really tough hand here because not only was he 4th but also had the last pick of the draft because of how snake order shook out. But regardless I can only judge the draft based on the teams and potentially when they were picked, and unfortunately I find Pooya's team the weakest. It's hard to really point to WHY though, I don't think any picks were really agregious, having BB6 and 20 was actually pretty good start for how the team could go. I think the reason the team just doesn't pick my interest as much is just this weird mix of both defined by drama seasons where there were many fights or in general just drama happening in them but also seasons where it was defined by a boring steamroll? It's either this or that here (or in 20's case, kinda both lol) and it unfortunately clashed here a little too much for me. But again, Pooya did as well as he could here with the hand he got, and the 6/20 combo still could be enough to entice a good amount of people.
That's all thoughts I had, again this was so much fun to watch, everyone did really well and in the end this is all for fun, but it was still enjoyable to try and dissect personally why certain teams worked/didn't work for me while it may work/didn't work for other people. Can't wait for more podcasts and can't wait to hear more out of all of you when the BB season officially starts.
What I find interesting is that I feel like a majority of the fanbase’s top ten-ish seasons seem pretty universal. Pretty much matching the draft here.
I’ve watched since season one was airing but have never rewatched a season. The only seasons I’d be interested in rewatching are:
BB2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 14, 17, 20, 24
Maybe OTT because I loved the cast and wish they could’ve played the real game.
I didn’t intend it but I came up with ten!
for me it’s 6, 8, 10, 14, 15, 17, and 24. i’ve tried rewatching other seasons and can’t get through them. watching clips is enough
Super fun podcast. I CANT WAIT for a BB5 Blockumentary! Im watching BB5 right now for the first time and it’s a good season.
Was there ever a BB2 or BB3 Blockumentary? I’ve only ever seen the BB4 one and would looove to listen to the prior two if available.
@@ryanwest5179 yes! Rob and Taran did blockumentaries for BB 2 and 3. Frail Mary and Taran covered BB 4. I like Mary, but I think Rob and Taran are hilarious together so I hope the blockumentary on season 5 is Taran and Rob again.
You all laughed at the end of round two about the notion that 14 and 3 don't really have similarities, but honestly, those two seasons are an absolute strategic masterclass from the runner-up.
Love these off season episodes!!!! would love to see best players to never win also after winners! And best alliances
This was fun, thanks!
Sorry, I am still catching up on Big Brother Canada and took a break from it (about to start season 4) to watch Big Brother US 14. Can someone explain what happened? I did not get that reference at all.
1:51:10 I think putting it all on Elissa fans is kind of unfair. The biggest factor was Aaryn being nominated after she probably got like 80% of the vote, there was also some anti-Elissa votes from people thinking she benefitted too much from it, after that it may have been over-excited Elissa fans. But it created an unexpected moment and weirdly bookended her getting the MVP twist as she was back to fighting for her life again. Not to mention it confused the house and may have even took some heat off Elissa in the long run.
yeah people forget that Aaryn was ineligible at the time and think that there were just so many stupid fans when it’s not the case
pooya had to eat that laugh for obvious reasons but it was funny.
Alright alright I’ll go rewatch BB. You got me
When are the results happening?
Liana has the best team BY FAR. Say what you want, but there's not a boring season in sight
Oh my god please
Marvin in BB5 is just incredible. The way he hits on the women, especially the twins. 4 horsemen. Jace and holly are so good for reality tv. Jace acting like an barnyard animal.
Very fun time and the teams ended up being pretty even
And we're back baby!!!
BB1's the only season I've seen so I'm voting that one by default.
BB24 is only gonna get better with age and its already good. Amazing outcome. A lot of really good players. The characters pop off the screen in my opinion. Alliance flipping and betrayals and while not everyone will agree with me it was the only time I agreed with the top 3 America's favorite. Taylor - Social. Michael - Comp Beast. Kyle - Strategic. Everyone else was also very intriguing and added to the story, but those three deserved to be top 3 for how much they impacted the season and honestly the future of Big Brother. Taylor showed you can win social even if your back is against the wall. Michael showed it is possible to make it far even if your a comp threat as long as your strategic and have allies. Kyle played a very survivor like game in big brother which I didn't think was possibe. If BB25 is even half as good as BB24 I'll be happy.
@@Trisha_Ann actually all of them vote Terrance out over Indy, then Turner wins hoh & I think outside gets rid of Jasmine & inside gets rid of Alyssa & LO stay together, then Monte likely goes
The Rachel and Reagan fight ???? Oooeeeyyyy gooooeeyyyyy cookies??????
Oh Taran, you lost me after your first two picks. I was hoping you would stick with great strategy and execution and chosen BB 16 when you had the opportunity.
I gotta go with Aman. Really fun podcast by all. Thank you!
I never understood the BB16 hate, it was a fun cast, great winner , the origin story of 3 winners of which arguably 2 are at top 5 of best winners of all time. Devin drama, Zach house meeting,Amber being stalked by Caleb, Zach HOH (where targets literally changed within seconds),Frankie losing all of his alliance within few hours, Chrstine getting boo-ed, Cody making a 500-thousand mistake. Cody taking Derrick and losing , had one of the biggest impacts in history on future seasons. Everyon still talks about it when they are making a decision, I think it is a season you gotta watch if you want to win modern BB, coz till this date the BB16 Derrick stratey does work if executed by the right people.
Season 21-24 should be bottom 6 seasons.
That's not including the god awful OTT and Celebrate BB
Taran bashing a good season in Bb12 but picking celebrity bb is crazy
Going into this, I did not expect for Aman’s draft to be my favorite and Taran’s to be my least favorite lol
Super happy to be getting Big Brother content again!! Love the team at RHAP
Thought this would be a hard decision at the end, but it's really not. Pooya's team as a whole is miles clear of the others for me. Got a few seasons that I really like in there and none that I really dislike, whereas some of the others picked seasons I'm quite down on pretty early on.
Always interesting to see what different people value in a season though, and I think what's going on in people's lives at the time can also have a massive impact on how they view a season. E.g. I'd be higher than most on BB9 as it was my first season, and despite it's problems I enjoyed BB22 simply because there wasn't much else to watch/going on at the time, and really appreciated having that to watch and listen to podcasts for at the time
I agree. Pooya’s team is the most consistent and there’s no real stinkers other than Celeb 3.
Season 16 was picked way too low
This is everything 😭
I missed the RHAP crew
Nah the beastmode cowboy slander will not be tolerated
how is taran losing the poll by a CONSIDERABLE margin... every season on his list holds up until u get down to BB13 which still imo has some fun moments and rachel winning a season is such a highlight in the history of the show even if it was very questionable from a production standpoint
pooya picking bb20 early was so questionable when in retrospect, it's a mid tier season that got our attention from prejury due to a slew of bad seasons before and after it and the bottom half of his draft is really really rough with 16 11 and celeb 3 so im shocked to see him as the winner
I’ve always been a BB15 defender, though it’s a terrible pick for a draft that fans are voting for since the fans do NOT like this season as a whole. I just finished a rewatch of it and lhonestly loved it. The ugly moments are ugly and uncomfortable for sure, but I really don’t think they’re that hard to watch on a rewatch. Most of the uglier comments are like dumb middle school bullying, like Aaryn calling Andy a queer or calling Candice Shaniqua. Like yes, those are ugly and condemnable comments, but they’re not bad enough to ruin a whole season for me, because the rest of BB15 is phenomenal.
Aaryn faces instant karma for her cuntiness by getting repeatedly blindsided and told off by half the house, forced to be a puppet for Helen and Amanda, and then discarded at the end by the hands of Elissa, the season’s protagonist.
Watching Amanda start as a hero and then succumb to paranoia to become a really hatable villain is one of the most compelling and entertaining character arcs I’ve seen in a season of BB.
The villainous alliance at the beginning is constantly thwarted, leading to great moments like the David/Nick blindsides and the aftermath.
We have, in my opinion, the two best double evictions of all time. Judd going home while pleading for his life, and Andy lying about voting out Amanda in order to get Elissa out we’re phenomenal to watch live.
This season has probably the most well rounded cast we’ve seen, because literally everyone except the first boot came to play and were playing HARD. No other season can say that. People like Jessie, Candice, etc who are usually type casted to be pretty and fodder for other players ended up being super active in the season.
Andy is a great underrated winner (though he’s annoying as hell on Twitter about it), and watching him beat GM was really satisfying.
I could go on and on about the positives this season, while there’s only one real negative being the ugliness in the beginning, which is heavily outweighed by everything else in my opinion.
Edit: wanted to say after hearing Aman’s comments that i do totally agree though and understand that if you can’t handle the negative moments of BB15, that’s fine and that’s not on you, it’s still ugly stuff. But I personally think these moments looking back aren’t too hard to handle compared to the positives of the season, even though it’s because I might be more desensitized to them
cant wait for Bb to start! Currently watching Bb 21
In my mind Liana won this draft with pick 1. Nothing else matters.
Dan was robbed Season 14.
How does Lidia snag Dan AND Dr Will? I know it’s seasons not players but come on…