Great description! However, NPM doesn't seem to be working for me. I've set everything up as I saw it. I've configured the NPM DNS server to the Pi-hole's IP address. But it still doesn't resolve the host name. Where should I start looking for a solution?
In the meantime, I realized that the problem was that I didn't enter the NPM IP address in the DNS, so it logically didn't work. Everything is working fine now! Thank you!
I'm running into an issue where I am able to do everything to get the local dns settings correct but when I log into proxmox I get a "Connection error 401: No ticket" message and proxmox does not show my server or VMs. Thoughts? lol
yes I did everything and my NAS, DNS, npm are working just fine it’s just my proxmox.home.local show no VMs while access through IP still have full control. Still great tutorial! I learned a lot.
@@HSVEOCT Do you have a tutorial for this? I found the command to regen the SSL cert, but I don't know how to add the new local domain, so nothing ends up working for me
I'll ask here: I have OpenWRT installed in ProxMox The PVE itself is installed on the */dev/sda* disk, and OpenWRT is installed on the */dev/sdb* disk Access to the Openwrt GUI is available. But, I can neither download nor install - not one package. Running the 'opkg update' command gives the error - "Failed to download the package Check your network settings and connectivity". At the same time, Ping passes! Thanks for any hint!
hi there, can someone pls point me to the command line instructions mentioned . I dont use discord so i am hoping that someone has a copy of them. thanks
Is there a way to make it automatically add the /admin part instead of typing it out? When you added the dns01.home.local and click the link it takes you to the page but you then had to type /admin to redirect to the admin panel. I want it to automatically take you there if possible.
Excellent video, non nonsense, no waffle, just pertinent information. Keep this up.
This was easy to follow and your instructions clear and to the point. Subscribed and liked, thanks man.
Excellent. I've been looking for just such a video (a long time).
Amazing guide. Straight to the point.
You have a great channel, keep it up
Thank you very much! I keep going through comments like this!
Great description! However, NPM doesn't seem to be working for me. I've set everything up as I saw it. I've configured the NPM DNS server to the Pi-hole's IP address. But it still doesn't resolve the host name. Where should I start looking for a solution?
In our discord join from the link at the bottom of the video
In the meantime, I realized that the problem was that I didn't enter the NPM IP address in the DNS, so it logically didn't work. Everything is working fine now! Thank you!
@istvantilki No problem
I'm running into an issue where I am able to do everything to get the local dns settings correct but when I log into proxmox I get a "Connection error 401: No ticket" message and proxmox does not show my server or VMs. Thoughts? lol
Did the same for me, no way around it, you need to regen the Proxmox SSL cert to the host name you set
yes I did everything and my NAS, DNS, npm are working just fine it’s just my proxmox.home.local show no VMs while access through IP still have full control. Still great tutorial! I learned a lot.
@@HSVEOCT Do you have a tutorial for this? I found the command to regen the SSL cert, but I don't know how to add the new local domain, so nothing ends up working for me
I'll ask here: I have OpenWRT installed in ProxMox
The PVE itself is installed on the */dev/sda* disk, and OpenWRT is installed on the */dev/sdb* disk
Access to the Openwrt GUI is available.
But, I can neither download nor install - not one package.
Running the 'opkg update' command gives the error - "Failed to download the package Check your network settings and connectivity".
At the same time, Ping passes!
Thanks for any hint!
hi there, can someone pls point me to the command line instructions mentioned . I dont use discord so i am hoping that someone has a copy of them. thanks
What is you server VPS-configuration is? I'm curious if you're running a VPS service!
Is port forwarding necessary for 80 and 443 on router to NPM in this case?
Not in this case in others you will need to
Great video!
Can you give an example on how add ssl certificates?
I was able to do it successfully but now when I login to my server it give me this message: Connection Error 401: No Token
Great thanks, can we add ssl as well ?
Yes, you can
Is there a way to make it automatically add the /admin part instead of typing it out? When you added the dns01.home.local and click the link it takes you to the page but you then had to type /admin to redirect to the admin panel. I want it to automatically take you there if possible.
just add dns01.home.local/admin in the nginx proxy conf