These are all bob tips. I was hoping for something more advanced like luring a Quetz down to the ground where you can put gates over it to KO and tame it (and yes, you can lure Quetz where ever you want them to go without getting attacked like you if you eat rare flower). Helpful for new players though because hey, you gotta learn them from somewhere. Also, you are aware that carrying a doed or anky with an argy near stone or metal and they will swing without putting them down right?
You can also just watch the meat stack in your inventory and when it's a few seconds away from spoiling 1, you split the entire stack and they all have the same spoil time of a few seconds so they all spoil at the same time.
It gives better fps than your 4 commands and doesn't make the game look horrible you should definitely use it if your playing on a console if your playing on a pc than its up to you really if u your pc runs the game well enough then no need
Thoughts on when opening a supply drop, I try to do the LB button to transfer everything to my inventory. But instead, My inventory is transferred to the supply drop.
Is there anything for crashing? Like when I am opening the inventory of something and my game will just crash. Is there anything I could possibly do to fix that?
does anybody know how to prevent a mod from switching your controls layout like when im on ps5 and i install a mod my button layout shows xbox controlls.
Lol my friend said not to fall off the cliff. First thing I did right after he said it was fall off the cliff 🤣 I still messed up starting on a new server and whistled all…. Didn’t take the time to turn on ignore group whistles and regretted that lol
When it comes to the doedicurus take it to the volcano and hit crystal with it you will weight cap your doed and argy in 2 or 3 clusters of crystal Edit: this is specifically for stone. Not metal and crystal.
@@tankliluchuck because there all super simple you figure out within 5mins of making the items or taming a creature. its not like a secret door you open by crawling in this bush while firing a flare at that tree. there things you discover by using the same buttons the game teachers you on diff creatures. if you figure out left click is to bite right click is a roar or attack sometimes C will do something, most players will do this on newly tamed creatures to see what it can do... or look at things and see what options there are. but your right i should have said i thought most SMART players knew this. the video is pro tips YOU didnt know. meaning generally ark players didnt know. if they was talking to day 1 beach bobs i imagine it would be more like 15 pro tips for new players
I only recorded Ark when I had the hype to get views and money 💶💰 and then I never recorded a video again. Guys really have ark as just a content farm when there is no other game on the rise, then revive ark😂
I hate when u can't look 360 with spyglass when u mounted on an argy for example or when u wanna unlock an egram u have to click X twice on ps5 or when 3rd person is now on the left bottom like just keep the controls how it was I still rather play evolved than this game at this point I just can't find Ascended enjoyable enough. idk if am the only one that thinks like that
#1 rule for this game DONT PLAY it will fuck you every chance it gets... lost all items last night to nothing . even my mortar and pestle disappeared. i want to start over but jesus it would be like the 20th time
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These are all bob tips. I was hoping for something more advanced like luring a Quetz down to the ground where you can put gates over it to KO and tame it (and yes, you can lure Quetz where ever you want them to go without getting attacked like you if you eat rare flower).
Helpful for new players though because hey, you gotta learn them from somewhere. Also, you are aware that carrying a doed or anky with an argy near stone or metal and they will swing without putting them down right?
Cool tip: if you make a toilet put all your meat in its inventory, take a crap, and flush... Instant spoiled meat! Great for rushing narcotics
So glad I saw this
Dude this is huge
Dawg I just split 1.9 k lol
You can also just watch the meat stack in your inventory and when it's a few seconds away from spoiling 1, you split the entire stack and they all have the same spoil time of a few seconds so they all spoil at the same time.
The grass scale tip is a game changer, thank you!
Man, so many people bitch about how these arent pro tips, there are always new players coming to the game, calm down folks.
Is there a way to fit the screen to the tv? Mine is slightly cut off top and bottom
Performance mod is brilliant. Thank you
Is this prevent game crash ?
Bruh Captain Fat Dog has single handedly changed ark more then any other one person. He is the meta for building traps.
What's the command for placing markers with the Spyglass on PC?
Especially the performance mod. Been looking for something like that
Takes me about 7 seconds to enable 4 commands when I load up. This mod isn't needed
It gives better fps than your 4 commands and doesn't make the game look horrible you should definitely use it if your playing on a console if your playing on a pc than its up to you really if u your pc runs the game well enough then no need
@@matt3890imma try this mod because the game is shit on ps5
Yeah the R2 trick took me a few days to figure out
Metal nodes with the dodic gives way more stone.
Move stacks and re spawn omg changed my game thank you 😊
Omg the moving wall! How the hell did I miss that! 😅😂
Thoughts on when opening a supply drop, I try to do the LB button to transfer everything to my inventory. But instead, My inventory is transferred to the supply drop.
lol, I have had same experience smh
Yea it's annoying, you have to hit it twice, not found a workaround yet
Lost loads of high level stuff early on this way. The crate giveth and the crate then taketh all away
Tap twice seems to work
I never thought to hit it twice hitting it once and almost losing my stuff was enough. Thanks for the info
How do you open the Whistle Menu wihout looking at the dino ?
Holding circle button on ps5
Is there anything for crashing? Like when I am opening the inventory of something and my game will just crash. Is there anything I could possibly do to fix that?
Time to do some cooking thanks
Does anyone know how to enable the performance mod on an official server after downloading?
In the start screen where it shows list of maps look at top for menu options. Look for mods and you’ll have to select mod then just enable
does anybody know how to prevent a mod from switching your controls layout like when im on ps5 and i install a mod my button layout shows xbox controlls.
6:12 wrong they can harvest on wondering in asa with argy
don't need to be on wander. They just need to be carried near the resource in question to harvest it.
Amei suas dicas e com certeza me ajudaram e muito ❤
Thank you very much for tips!
Lol, first time I played ASE my friend welcomed me to his server, first thing he said “don’t whistle all” first thing I do “whistle all” 😂
Classic 😂
Lol my friend said not to fall off the cliff. First thing I did right after he said it was fall off the cliff 🤣 I still messed up starting on a new server and whistled all…. Didn’t take the time to turn on ignore group whistles and regretted that lol
When it comes to the doedicurus take it to the volcano and hit crystal with it you will weight cap your doed and argy in 2 or 3 clusters of crystal
Edit: this is specifically for stone. Not metal and crystal.
I always used an anky...never tried a Doe do they do obs better?
You can also do the SE Lava Cave with a Bary and pick axe and thats not bad plus cave bonus
So crystal and metal nodes give you double stone rather than a regular stone node
How are you flying around???..
10:05 bro consoles have crosshair
Hello, how to tame pyrpmane or ps5?
well presented, sadly i knew all these, i thought everyone did lol
How are new players going to know this? You do know new players come into the game every day? I thought everyone knew this....
@@tankliluchuck because there all super simple you figure out within 5mins of making the items or taming a creature. its not like a secret door you open by crawling in this bush while firing a flare at that tree. there things you discover by using the same buttons the game teachers you on diff creatures.
if you figure out left click is to bite right click is a roar or attack sometimes C will do something, most players will do this on newly tamed creatures to see what it can do... or look at things and see what options there are.
but your right i should have said i thought most SMART players knew this. the video is pro tips YOU didnt know. meaning generally ark players didnt know. if they was talking to day 1 beach bobs i imagine it would be more like 15 pro tips for new players
I hold triangl down, but my game wil not let me those utter options
I only recorded Ark when I had the hype to get views and money 💶💰 and then I never recorded a video again. Guys really have ark as just a content farm when there is no other game on the rise, then revive ark😂
I hate when u can't look 360 with spyglass when u mounted on an argy for example or when u wanna unlock an egram u have to click X twice on ps5 or when 3rd person is now on the left bottom like just keep the controls how it was I still rather play evolved than this game at this point I just can't find Ascended enjoyable enough. idk if am the only one that thinks like that
men i see the like you, some blur- u know how get a solution to this? blur map
This strategy doesn’t work anymore
Who didn't know this ? Not even one new thing ?
I didnt
Learned new things from this thanks alot 🙂
I'm a new player. I didn't.
I didn't know this im new a new player aswell terd.
You seem like the average Ark sweat
#1 rule for this game DONT PLAY it will fuck you every chance it gets... lost all items last night to nothing . even my mortar and pestle disappeared. i want to start over but jesus it would be like the 20th time
Yea I noticed last night some of my spark powered disappeared at random. I thought I’d gone crazy.
What server you in?? And what’s your tribe name??
Join a mega tribe and stay away from smalls (more toxic smalls is)
Welcome to ark, best part of the game is dying
Yes, it's a thing. It's known as being "Ark'd"
Some good bob tips, but calling this “pro tips” is not accurate and wasting peoples time lol
Jeezus does EVERYONE talk like this nowadays? Its so grueling to listen to!
The last 2-3 words in most sentences
The games garbage, don't waste your time.
Not a single one of these tips is even slightly advanced....
Shouldn’t you be watching another K-pop video rn……
I was also hoping for something more advanced than these but new players need to learn these tips from where so ...