Hello mr Eisner,hope you don't think this is a daft question ? As a spectator we can't see the model.What Do you see as the pilot ? Thanks Tony Wright .
Wind strength is a factor because the airplane travels upwind and downwind in one lap. So if wind speed is 10mph then there is a difference of 20mph between up wind and downwind that the motor has to deal with - not good for a motor that is set to operate right at its peak power. On the video you viewed there was no wind which is the best air for maximum speeds. When its windy the pilot must lower the pitch of the propeller to cope with the wind speed differential and stop the engine blowing the glow plug. The lower pitch allows the engine to load up a bit into wind but its underloaded downwind and as there is less prop pitch and engine is not running at peak power speeds are slower in wind.
The rules of the competition require the airplane to take off from the ground therefore it needs a wing. The engine with tuned exhaust system cannot work at full power on the ground when fitted with the flying propeller that is necessary to fly at over 300kph. At 300kph you are correct in that theoretically the airplane does not require a wing. However, for the reasons stated it needs a wing to take off , reach maximum speed and , when the motor is stopped, to safely land again.
VERY GOOD from Brasil ok 👍👍
Hello mr Eisner,hope you don't think this is a daft question ? As a spectator we can't see the model.What Do you see as the pilot ? Thanks Tony Wright .
Tony, the pilot sees the side profile of the airplane when flying in the anti whip pylon. The horizon is a blur.
Paul Eisner Hello Paul ,many thanks.Will finish my DC sabre powered Mercury MIDGE
(only joking) Best regards Tony.
Does the breeze come into it seeing that the times are so close.
Wind strength is a factor because the airplane travels upwind and downwind in one lap. So if wind speed is 10mph then there is a difference of 20mph between up wind and downwind that the motor has to deal with - not good for a motor that is set to operate right at its peak power. On the video you viewed there was no wind which is the best air for maximum speeds. When its windy the pilot must lower the pitch of the propeller to cope with the wind speed differential and stop the engine blowing the glow plug. The lower pitch allows the engine to load up a bit into wind but its underloaded downwind and as there is less prop pitch and engine is not running at peak power speeds are slower in wind.
I hope Peter and Paul know they had the union our flag upside down and yes it's easy to do in the heat of the moment, all in all brill.
No they didn't. They were holding their flag the other way round to those on the masts. You can see the white edging in his left hand.
Wow ..
do those planes really need a wing or would a fishing weight with an engine work
The rules of the competition require the airplane to take off from the ground therefore it needs a wing. The engine with tuned exhaust system cannot work at full power on the ground when fitted with the flying propeller that is necessary to fly at over 300kph. At 300kph you are correct in that theoretically the airplane does not require a wing. However, for the reasons stated it needs a wing to take off , reach maximum speed and , when the motor is stopped, to safely land again.