every time the semiconductor tends to attain equilibrium whether the voltage is applied or not, either by adjusting the electrons or the holes as per the condition. In the case where fermi levels are not equal, there is already a potential difference or the inbuilt potential. even if you take a pn junction what happens, consider intrinsic semiconductor. Now to make it a p-type, the fermi level is close to the valence band, and to make it n-type the fermi level is close to the conduction band. So, there is no chance initially the fermi level to be same. now when you join, the p-type attracts electrons and an inbuilt voltage is formed, this results in lowers down the fermi level of the n-type and the fermi level of the p-type rises and at a point they attain the same level, this condition is nothing but equilibrium. this creates the bend in the bands of the semiconductor as they were initially joined. so, to come at the same fermi level and attain equilibrium, the bending in the bands takes place due to the inbuilt potential.
This explanation is just too good
Just wonderful!❤
Enlightening Excellent Session
if slides may contain pointers from your lecture it will be very nice ,making notes is difficult at present
Excellent lecture
23:45 band bending ke liye also..😁
if fermi levels are not equal then while joining semiconductor and metal how the ec,ev will bend with out applying any voltage at metal
every time the semiconductor tends to attain equilibrium whether the voltage is applied or not, either by adjusting the electrons or the holes as per the condition. In the case where fermi levels are not equal, there is already a potential difference or the inbuilt potential. even if you take a pn junction what happens, consider intrinsic semiconductor. Now to make it a p-type, the fermi level is close to the valence band, and to make it n-type the fermi level is close to the conduction band. So, there is no chance initially the fermi level to be same. now when you join, the p-type attracts electrons and an inbuilt voltage is formed, this results in lowers down the fermi level of the n-type and the fermi level of the p-type rises and at a point they attain the same level, this condition is nothing but equilibrium. this creates the bend in the bands of the semiconductor as they were initially joined. so, to come at the same fermi level and attain equilibrium, the bending in the bands takes place due to the inbuilt potential.
i love the sexy professors sir, thank you very much