Dark Retreat (mum mtsham): Venerable Choten Dorji on October 4, 2022

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.ย. 2024
  • Venerable Choten Dorji talked about Dark Retreat (mum mtsham): Narrative analysis of Illuminating the Darkness by the Light of Dark as a part of the 4th International Conference on Vajrayana Buddhism in Bhutan.
    In close collaboration with the International Buddhist Confederation, India, the Centre for Bhutan and GNH Studies and the Central Monastic Body of Bhutan, organised the conference from October 1 to October 4, 2022, in Bhutan.
    Venerable Choten Dorji is the head of the editorial team and content writer at the Organization for the Promotion of Buddhist Practices, a non-profit organisation working toward promoting Buddhist practices and teachings through translation and editions. He is a research Fellow of the Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai at the Kyoto University, Japan, with an annotated translation of the Sarasamuccaya, a commentary on Skandhila’s Abhidharmāvatāra. His fields of studies undertaken are Anuttarayoga-tantra, Abhidharmāvatāra, and Abhidharmasamuccaya. He has authored the biographical book The Lamp of Memoir-Recalling the Life and Benevolence of Guru into the Lotus Heart and translated the book titled ‘The Jewel of Mind.’ He is currently working on the Revised Dzongkha Edition of the Teaching of Buddha (TTOB), a project initiated by the Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai, the Society for the Promotion of Buddhism, Japan. He belongs to the Central Monastic Body of Bhutan, and it is his second presentation at the International Vajrayāna Buddhism Conference.
    Cinematographers: Phurpa Tshering, Sonam Wangyel, Chaten, and Dorji Phuntsho (Researchers)
    Editing: Deki Wangmo (Researcher)
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