It will, they estimate these to have a total of about 200 full charges until the battery will need replacing, and I can go about 20-22 miles on one charge. So you’re talking about getting over 4000+ miles out of this thing👍I’ve got 250 on mine rn and it’s holding up incredibly
Plz look up ESG (Electric Scooter Guide) video of that scooter to see it’s pros and cons. The dualtron is a less suped up version of the touring just so you know.
nice review 👍
Love The fat cat 🙀 😍
Always mention your weight.
Does it hold up overtime
It will, they estimate these to have a total of about 200 full charges until the battery will need replacing, and I can go about 20-22 miles on one charge. So you’re talking about getting over 4000+ miles out of this thing👍I’ve got 250 on mine rn and it’s holding up incredibly
@@Rantz-mh3ji how long have u had it for
Over half a year
@@Rantz-mh3ji I have decided to get evercross h5 as a starter and eventually upgrade to a dualtron
Plz look up ESG (Electric Scooter Guide) video of that scooter to see it’s pros and cons. The dualtron is a less suped up version of the touring just so you know.