2017 Grand Caravan: I followed your advice. It was a nice, easy job and works perfectly. Thank you. Only difference; my wiring harness had shorter wires to converter box so the box had to be mounted behind the left light lens. The box I received is much smaller than that which you show in your video so it was an easy fix. to be sure, my harness shows same model number as your harness. My harness did not come with the mounting bracket for the trailer's connector. I am searching for such a gadget.
The converter box is hot, but it accepts signals from the rear lights and only attempts to turn on trailer lights when the vehicle lights indicate. You likely could tie to an accessory 12v circuit, but that's more difficult that connecting to the battery direct for most users.
2017 Grand Caravan: I followed your advice. It was a nice, easy job and works perfectly. Thank you. Only difference; my wiring harness had shorter wires to converter box so the box had to be mounted behind the left light lens. The box I received is much smaller than that which you show in your video so it was an easy fix. to be sure, my harness shows same model number as your harness. My harness did not come with the mounting bracket for the trailer's connector. I am searching for such a gadget.
I would use shrink tube to weather proof the connections.
Thank you. I am doing my homework now, and this makes sense.
I just removed my exhaust resonator and installed a straight pipe to give more room. Used a nice tip on the end. Was NOT loud.
You should remove the cat and then dynoytune it can get some extra HP
Nice job, thanks for the guidance. BTW, where did you put the converter? In with the Jack Compartment?
Thank you!
Why make the converter box "hot" or on all the time ? instead of when the lights come on my lights come on when vehicle is on.
The converter box is hot, but it accepts signals from the rear lights and only attempts to turn on trailer lights when the vehicle lights indicate. You likely could tie to an accessory 12v circuit, but that's more difficult that connecting to the battery direct for most users.
The rear lights are LED. Most trailer lights are analog. They could conflict with each other due to amperage draw.
Where can I purchase the t connectors?
I installed harness according to instruction and the brake lights and turn signals on my trailer are not working. Any suggestions
Sounds like you forgot the fuse
How much ballpark figure for this exact installation?
Please feel free to get a quote on www.uhaulhitches.com
I would put plastic over those cables to avoid to get cut by metal
Your 1/2" drive ratchet was not large enough for that huge 10mm fastener, try a 3/4" drive next time. 😳