This thing is beastly now that you can have accumulated stagger into instant stagger chain stun, or use the beam cannon + rapid fire to get a stun or really any combination of the 3 in one big feedback loop. It's basically PZ with gen typing and a real shield if you're willing to give up MA/AGK but keep the double roll. Plus it's another AEUG MS so it's a win for Feddie haters. You can also easily hit 50 beam resist (resist 5 + resist 3) with melee resist 3 and still have room for melee and ranged damage parts.
This thing is beastly now that you can have accumulated stagger into instant stagger chain stun, or use the beam cannon + rapid fire to get a stun or really any combination of the 3 in one big feedback loop. It's basically PZ with gen typing and a real shield if you're willing to give up MA/AGK but keep the double roll. Plus it's another AEUG MS so it's a win for Feddie haters. You can also easily hit 50 beam resist (resist 5 + resist 3) with melee resist 3 and still have room for melee and ranged damage parts.