When cows go to carousel - The intelligent cowshed

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 9 มิ.ย. 2024
  • www.herbstundherbst.tv
    The intelligent cowshed
    Every person consumes about 355 kg dairy products a year -- Perfect quality is a basic requirement.
    But the process between cow and milk glass is long and has to be controlled constantly.
    For good food supply important criteria such as the timing for cutting and the cut height have to be met. Cutting edge harvesters help to face this challenge.
    Within high-tech cowsheds robots are milking the cows while the farmer supervises position and milk yield of the cow on his computer. This is the only way to guarantee high levels of safety and quality for the consumer.
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ความคิดเห็น • 9

  • @alexanderjansseune1763
    @alexanderjansseune1763 8 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Although it is impressive, and the cows seem to be properly maintained, I have a moral problem with the way living creatures which have feelings and soul are exploited in such a mechanized way. Cows don't seem to mind but, it is because of their natural kind character and hurd instinct that they can easily be trained and forced in such routine. Depsite all that, this system is more animal friendly and respectfull than where people get involved in handling and caring, which COULD reflect their frustrations on the animals by cruelty, mistreatement or abuse. With no intention of being disrespectful or getting personal Mrs. Ulla HERBST, I respect for your information and views and the today requirements of the industry. I hope for better times where people will use the natural resources with more care and respect for their identity and natural environment and rights of existance. Thank you ...

    • @themirrorofthetruth2055
      @themirrorofthetruth2055 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Since female mammals can only produce milk during and after pregnancy, all cows are raped once a year to impregnate them. Bigger dairy facilities immobilize the cows on what the industry calls a “rape rack” where they shove a bare hand or long steel device into their vaginas to inject them with bull semen. Smaller operations individually lock the animals into a tiny “stall” to perform the rape. Around 9.5 months later, moments after giving birth, babies are stolen from their mothers. From a business standpoint, the dairy industry has to steal babies to prevent the calves from sucking up the milk they want to sell to the public.
      Like male chicks on an egg farm, male calves are considered useless by-products of the dairy industry; males can't become pregnant or produce milk. Unlike the chicks who are thrown into rendering machines fully conscious, the calves are imprisoned by the veal industry in small stalls or tiny crates, sometimes with ropes and chains around their necks to immobilize them. Minimal to no movement is allowed; this prevents muscle development, which keeps THEIR flesh extra tender. The "imprisoned" video link also shows calves licking each other's faces to comfort each other, and desperately suckling into the air hoping to connect to their moms' udders. The veal industry only exists because of the dairy industry! If you avoid consuming the dismembered bodies of male babies but consume dairy, you are still responsible for massive amounts of pain and death because you are supporting the prolonged suffering of mother cows, and their female babies who wind up being raped and imprisoned like their moms! After 3-7 years, when cows no longer produce huge amounts of quality milk, they're sent to a slaughterhouse, chopped up into hundreds of pieces and sold for hamburger meat; 90 percent of it comes from the dairy industry. If given a chance, cows can live to be 18 to 25. The following footage shows a pregnant cow with an injured leg having her throat slit at a dairy facility in Turkey in 2009. Injured animals are costly so it is always easier to kill them than to treat their maladies. While the mother is bleeding to death, they also give her a fully conscious C-section so they can slice the still-breathing baby's throat, too!
      Machines are hooked up to the protruding udders of cows several times a day to suck them dry. Along with countless drugs and Bovine Growth Hormone injections, infections and pus form inside and outside of the udder. Then the pus is sucked out with the milk! Pasteurization, which cleans the pus but does not eliminate it, creates a concoction of sanitized pus. The national average hovers around 350 million pus cells per liter, which means that each glass of milk has around an eye-dropper full of pus! From time to time, The Hoard's Dairyman and other dairy industry trade journals discuss the pus problem. Cows raised on organic/antibiotic-free/hormone-free/grass-fed/local facilities don't produce pus-free milk either. In fact, organic milk has more pus than non-organic milk because when cows get infections, as they always do, medicines aren't used to treat the malady. Thus, more pus accumulates in the system. Soy, rice, almond, hemp, coconut, oat, flax and hazelnut milks (the vegan ones)-along with human breast milk-are the only pus-free milks.
      Moreover, mother cows make milk for THEIR babies and for THEIR babies alone. They certainly don't make milk for baby humans, adolescents humans or adult humans. The human body has no need for cow milk, just as it has no need for dog milk, giraffe milk, zebra milk, camel milk, goat milk or rhinoceros milk. The only milk that anyone ever needs comes from THEIR own mothers' breasts! And when weaning is completed, milk is never needed again. Without a doubt, dairy is the stupidest and most unnatural 'food' consumed by humans. Have you ever turned on a wildlife program and watched a lion tackle an antelope-not to kill her, but to suck milk from her teats? It's high time for vegetarian hypocrites and selfish meat-eaters to wake up! If a mother cow is lactating, and her baby isn't present, then the mother and the baby are being tortured. No debate. No discussion. The jury is in, and this case is closed forever!
      Were you also aware that animals in the meat, dairy and egg industries receive no legal protection whatsoever? After all, slavery and slaughterhouses cannot co-exist with freedom and protection. Here's an excerpt from section two of the Animal Welfare Act (AWA), the federal law that oversees animal-use in America: "When used in this act, the term "animal" ... excludes farm animals, such as, but not limited to, livestock and poultry used or intended for use as food ..." That's pretty cute, isn't it? The animals who are enslaved or eaten aren't even recognized as animals under the law. Does this remind you of another piece of legislation that ignored the victims and existed to shield victimizers from prosecution? When the Constitution was first enacted, only land-owning, slave-owning, white men of European descent were protected. Blacks, Natives, women and many others were conveniently excluded.
      The Animal Welfare Act, kosher and halal-style killings-and the free-range/freedom/organic/cage-free/antibiotic-free/hormone-free/grass-fed/buying-local marketing terms-are used to manipulate people into thinking that meat, dairy and egg production can be done happily and humanely. But there is no such thing as happy and humane slaughter just as there is no such thing as happy and human rape, happy and humane slavery, or happy and humane child molestation. From the animals' point of view, anyone who commodifies their bodies is equally vicious. Most people are unaware that Himmler, the Gestapo Commander who created the Jewish Holocaust's gas chamber system, almost fainted when he watched 100 Jews being shot to death in his honor. The Jewish Virtual Library states: "Subsequent to this experience, he ordered as a more humane means of execution the use of poison gas in specially constructed chambers disguised as shower rooms." If Himmler were still alive, I am sure he'd love to have a meal with the "humane" meat, dairy and egg-eating assholes who perpetuate his insane beliefs. And if for some reason my aforesaid words aren't proof enough of the terrorism claims I'm lodging against the meat, dairy and egg establishments-and the people who consume these products-maybe the billions of dead, dismembered animal bodies consumed annually could count as proof.

    • @alistairclement4239
      @alistairclement4239 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      mirror of the truth, your "facts" are slightly dubious. could you tell me where you heard of rape racks?
      most male calves are reared for beef, not veal.
      white blood cells are not pus
      most injured cows are treated, regardless of the cost and how easy it may be to kill them.
      only the lucky few would live to be 20-25, however cows of 15 or more, are not rare.
      now here is an unfortunate fact for you, farms tend not to have unlimited amounts of space. if they don't slaughter cows, that space would become overcrowded, causing more welfare issues than it solved. it should also be mentioned, that if the world started to look like it might become vegan, the rate of slaughter would increase dramatically.

    • @titusmcscott5889
      @titusmcscott5889 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      I love milk

    • @titusmcscott5889
      @titusmcscott5889 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      You are so misled. So no one can drink milk? Who says? If I want to drink milk I will. You must be a communist.

    • @jakenguyen4830
      @jakenguyen4830 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yawn. Good for you, peta idiot

  • @sumanthkavanuru5620
    @sumanthkavanuru5620 8 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @themirrorofthetruth2055
      @themirrorofthetruth2055 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Since female mammals can only produce milk during and after pregnancy, all cows are raped once a year to impregnate them. Bigger dairy facilities immobilize the cows on what the industry calls a “rape rack” where they shove a bare hand or long steel device into their vaginas to inject them with bull semen. Smaller operations individually lock the animals into a tiny “stall” to perform the rape. Around 9.5 months later, moments after giving birth, babies are stolen from their mothers. From a business standpoint, the dairy industry has to steal babies to prevent the calves from sucking up the milk they want to sell to the public.
      Like male chicks on an egg farm, male calves are considered useless by-products of the dairy industry; males can't become pregnant or produce milk. Unlike the chicks who are thrown into rendering machines fully conscious, the calves are imprisoned by the veal industry in small stalls or tiny crates, sometimes with ropes and chains around their necks to immobilize them. Minimal to no movement is allowed; this prevents muscle development, which keeps THEIR flesh extra tender. The "imprisoned" video link also shows calves licking each other's faces to comfort each other, and desperately suckling into the air hoping to connect to their moms' udders. The veal industry only exists because of the dairy industry! If you avoid consuming the dismembered bodies of male babies but consume dairy, you are still responsible for massive amounts of pain and death because you are supporting the prolonged suffering of mother cows, and their female babies who wind up being raped and imprisoned like their moms! After 3-7 years, when cows no longer produce huge amounts of quality milk, they're sent to a slaughterhouse, chopped up into hundreds of pieces and sold for hamburger meat; 90 percent of it comes from the dairy industry. If given a chance, cows can live to be 18 to 25. The following footage shows a pregnant cow with an injured leg having her throat slit at a dairy facility in Turkey in 2009. Injured animals are costly so it is always easier to kill them than to treat their maladies. While the mother is bleeding to death, they also give her a fully conscious C-section so they can slice the still-breathing baby's throat, too!
      Machines are hooked up to the protruding udders of cows several times a day to suck them dry. Along with countless drugs and Bovine Growth Hormone injections, infections and pus form inside and outside of the udder. Then the pus is sucked out with the milk! Pasteurization, which cleans the pus but does not eliminate it, creates a concoction of sanitized pus. The national average hovers around 350 million pus cells per liter, which means that each glass of milk has around an eye-dropper full of pus! From time to time, The Hoard's Dairyman and other dairy industry trade journals discuss the pus problem. Cows raised on organic/antibiotic-free/hormone-free/grass-fed/local facilities don't produce pus-free milk either. In fact, organic milk has more pus than non-organic milk because when cows get infections, as they always do, medicines aren't used to treat the malady. Thus, more pus accumulates in the system. Soy, rice, almond, hemp, coconut, oat, flax and hazelnut milks (the vegan ones)-along with human breast milk-are the only pus-free milks.
      Moreover, mother cows make milk for THEIR babies and for THEIR babies alone. They certainly don't make milk for baby humans, adolescents humans or adult humans. The human body has no need for cow milk, just as it has no need for dog milk, giraffe milk, zebra milk, camel milk, goat milk or rhinoceros milk. The only milk that anyone ever needs comes from THEIR own mothers' breasts! And when weaning is completed, milk is never needed again. Without a doubt, dairy is the stupidest and most unnatural 'food' consumed by humans. Have you ever turned on a wildlife program and watched a lion tackle an antelope-not to kill her, but to suck milk from her teats? It's high time for vegetarian hypocrites and selfish meat-eaters to wake up! If a mother cow is lactating, and her baby isn't present, then the mother and the baby are being tortured. No debate. No discussion. The jury is in, and this case is closed forever!
      Were you also aware that animals in the meat, dairy and egg industries receive no legal protection whatsoever? After all, slavery and slaughterhouses cannot co-exist with freedom and protection. Here's an excerpt from section two of the Animal Welfare Act (AWA), the federal law that oversees animal-use in America: "When used in this act, the term "animal" ... excludes farm animals, such as, but not limited to, livestock and poultry used or intended for use as food ..." That's pretty cute, isn't it? The animals who are enslaved or eaten aren't even recognized as animals under the law. Does this remind you of another piece of legislation that ignored the victims and existed to shield victimizers from prosecution? When the Constitution was first enacted, only land-owning, slave-owning, white men of European descent were protected. Blacks, Natives, women and many others were conveniently excluded.
      The Animal Welfare Act, kosher and halal-style killings-and the free-range/freedom/organic/cage-free/antibiotic-free/hormone-free/grass-fed/buying-local marketing terms-are used to manipulate people into thinking that meat, dairy and egg production can be done happily and humanely. But there is no such thing as happy and humane slaughter just as there is no such thing as happy and human rape, happy and humane slavery, or happy and humane child molestation. From the animals' point of view, anyone who commodifies their bodies is equally vicious. Most people are unaware that Himmler, the Gestapo Commander who created the Jewish Holocaust's gas chamber system, almost fainted when he watched 100 Jews being shot to death in his honor. The Jewish Virtual Library states: "Subsequent to this experience, he ordered as a more humane means of execution the use of poison gas in specially constructed chambers disguised as shower rooms." If Himmler were still alive, I am sure he'd love to have a meal with the "humane" meat, dairy and egg-eating assholes who perpetuate his insane beliefs. And if for some reason my aforesaid words aren't proof enough of the terrorism claims I'm lodging against the meat, dairy and egg establishments-and the people who consume these products-maybe the billions of dead, dismembered animal bodies consumed annually could count as proof.