Be Still and KNOW I Am God! Psalm

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 30 มิ.ย. 2024
  • Today, I want to take you step-by-step on a journey to be still and “know” God in a deeply personal way. Learn to hear His voice. This changed my life. It will change yours too.
    00:00 Life is loud, take time to get quiet to hear Holy Spirit
    1:30 Be Still and Know I am God (Psalm 46:10)- Meditation
    3:24 BE
    4:45 STILL
    7:02 KNOW
    9:06 GOD
    10:13 Activation
    Dutch Sheets, national prayer leader and author writes:
    "Spending time with God through prayer, worship, and quiet meditation tunes the soul and awakens the heart, enabling us to hear Him. Life is loud - make it quiet down once in a while. Everything else will scream for your attention, but He will not. Holy Spirit refuses to shout above the clamor and dissonance created by other voices and activities. For those who have grown to love the pleasure of His company enough to make time for Him, for those who truly listen, however, the still small voice of Holy Spirit becomes easily discernible.
    Leadings from Holy Spirit are often gentle, like the “still small voice” to Elijah in 1 Kings 19:12. The Message Translation calls it “a gentle and quiet whisper,” and the NASB says “a sound of a gentle blowing.” The point is clear: God’s voice often comes to us gently. Sometimes, it isn’t a voice at all, but just a nudge, a prompting.
    Learn to listen, to feel, to sense Him." 6/26/24
    As I read this, I heard that still, small voice: “Be Still and Know that I Am God.” Psalm 46:10
    I am going to share what God showed me as meditated on this verse. You will get the fruit - the insights of my meditation and also learn the process of Biblical meditation.
    Meditate - To contemplate. To think about deeply. To reflect
    hagah - Hebrew - to mutter,
    **One way to meditate is to Read a scripture emphasizing one word each time you read through it. The next time read through it emphasizing the next word.
    Be Still and Know I Am God
    BE - God saith, `Let light be;' and light is. Genesis 1:3 Young’s Literal translation
    Everything in existence was spoken into being. Be still. Command your heart, your mind, your body to just be.
    Be Still and Know I Am God
    STILL -
    "in the stillness" God moves.
    Elijah had just called down fire from heaven and had destroyed the prophets of Baal. He was now in the wilderness, on Mt Horeb, feeling weak and fearing for his life when God spoke to Him.
    1 Kings 19:11-12
    Then He said, “Go out, and stand on the mountain before the Lord.” And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind tore into the mountains and broke the rocks in pieces before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; 12 and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice.
    Like Elijah, there will be times in your life when God moves spectacularly. But, we most often hear him in the still, small voice.
    STILL - "Peace, Be Still" - Jesus commanded a violent storm while on a small boat crossing the Red Seat and the winds and waves obeyed Him. Mark 4:39
    In the same way, command your mind (your thoughts, your internal dialog) and your emotions and heart, "Peace Be Still."
    STILL waters - He leads me beside "still waters." Psalm 23:2.
    Relax. Jesus is with you. He is watching over you, providing for you and protecting you. Be refreshed in His presence.
    Be Still and KNOW I Am God
    KNOW -
    Daniel 11:32 those who know their God will display strength and take action.
    Knowing comes before strength and action. Knowing is a prerequisite to being strong and doing - taking action for God.
    Know in Hebrew is yada - which in Genesis 4:1 means Adam had relations with Eve - yada describes an intimate relationship
    John 8:32 and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free
    The truth is not just knowledge; the truth is a person.
    John 14:6 Jesus said “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
    Know in the Greek is a form of ginóskó- which in Matthew 1:25 describes relationship, intimate relationship.
    It is in relationship with God we come to realize who He really is.
    Be Still and Know I Am GOD
    GOD - I heard "who was and is and is to come." Revelation 4:8.
    Be - each of these 3 statements is a being statement: God was, He is, and is to come.
    God says to you and I: "I was with you in the past, I am with you right now, and I will be with you forever."
    As we are still, God will reveal Himself to us. We will come to know Him intimately.
    Being is so important in life. Learn to be still in God's presence and you will have a relationship with God that will change who you are. From your new identity, you will do amazing things for God.
    Activation - Be Still and Meet With God Every Morning
    Carve out some time every morning to spend time with God through worship, quiet meditation and prayer. Make an appointment and keep it.
    Let God awaken your heart. Come, be still and listen and you will hear Him.

ความคิดเห็น • 6

  • @10MinuteTransformation
    @10MinuteTransformation  วันที่ผ่านมา

    I was listening to this video when I had to laugh. Sorry. Brain Cramp. I said that Jesus was crossing the Red Sea in Mark 4:39. Ouch! Of course, it was the Sea of Galilee. Cheers.

  • @SteveRicegrinder
    @SteveRicegrinder 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I have been trying to hear that still small voice... thank you for the insight and teaching. I am going to hear that still small voice...

  • @henkjongman421
    @henkjongman421 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Thank for the lesson, helpfull