This ridiculous theology is so dangerous - when these kids find out that they're not going to be World Changers (that's what I hear them constantly talking about), they harden their hearts against the true Gospel of the work that God has done on our behalf.
I just love you! You always bring your teaching to the correct Word of GOD! 👼🏻💞 I don't have to "hear from GOD" to know one of our major sins is Pride... and the churches Now promote it and encourage it.😞 Come Lord Jesus come....
Thank you for this. I grew up hearing similar preaching and I hated messages like this. The secular world pushes this "world changer" concept, too. It's exhausting and burdensome. Thank God for his grace and his easy yoke--the true Gospel is so much better.
That humble Chevette given in love to a man who needed a car is a greater gift than that guy will ever know - that's how poor he is, so poor that all he has is money
The funny thing is that the only place in Scripture that I can find mention of seven mountains is in reference to Babylon the Great: Revelation 17:3-9 3 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. 4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: 5 And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. 6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration. 7 And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns. 8 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. 9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are SEVEN MOUNTAINS, on which the woman sitteth.
Aleksander Limit BINGO. I'm telling you that Dominionism's existence actually makes a case for dispensational pre millennialism, as dominionism is definitely the movement that will lead to the New World Order.
because once dominionism permeates the world someone will come and claim to be Jesus, because that's what dominionists believe, that Jesus will come once they triumph over the 7 mountains. I'm kind of scared by this.
Aleksander Limit however, I would not denounce all of Jesus Culture and Bethel Church. their teaching is terrible (primarily Bethel), but it's totally an example of wheat and tares. Banning (the guy preaching here), I believe, is definitely genuine, but super misguided. I know of a guy who used to work on staff at Bethel and now is heading a massive Evangelistic campaign called Awakening Europe. his name is Ben Fitzgerald. he preaches complete repentance preaching. he brought Awakening to my country, to Prague, and it lit up a fire. he seems to hold to a Premilll (most likely historic) eschatology with the ways he's addressed people getting microchips put in them. wheat among tares is just going to continue growing. we gotta pray for these ministries to lean into and preach truth, and to repent of any evil they may have conveyed. let's pray for them.
BEZELT3 I enjoy your videos and think your commentaries on the varying subjects are great. I appreciate that they are grounded in Biblical truth. I'd love to see you do more videos on Jesus Culture, Bethel Church, and IHOPKC. As someone who recently attended JC Sacramento in Folsom, CA for about 10 months, I didn't know much if anything about Jesus Culture or the Charismatic movement before then. I started having questions a few months in and it has truly been eye-opening to learn about the doctrines preached at these churches. I have several friends who attended IHOPKC or Bethel and the more I learn about the backgrounds of these ministries, the more concerned I get for my friends. I see the growing trend in this generation for narsacsistic tendencies and a push for churches to be relevant and emotionally driven. I see my friends longing for an experience with God the Holy Spirit and I see those experiences becoming their truths. Thanks again for your commentaries on the subjects you teach on. I'm continually learning that the more I learn about one thing, the more topics come up I don't know anything about!
No need to plant in entertainment when you watch Bethel, Hillsong. and Elevation services especially for sacred days such as Easter and Christmas that all it is. Sad indeed
"If you don't know exactly how God sees you..." But what about, "For now we see ourselves through a glass darkly, but then we shall see even as we are seen"? Pretty simple.
Thank you so much for that beautiful sermon/lesson Bezel. Do you have any lessons on how to talk to a nonbeliever? I have several acquaintances who are very lost and need guidance. I pray for them but want to actively help them as well but don't know where to begin. Thank you!
Hey have you noticed another doctrine that is in the new wave/NAR churches that is even worse and coupled with dominion theology? Making sure you crank out babies for Joel's End Time Army... (no lie!). I have several relatives who believe they needed to crank out children (when they cannot afford it at all). They name their kids crazy prophet names that no one can pronounce and indoctrinate their children at the soonest possibility. I'm not sure if you heard of this, but it might make a good video. Its a subtile teaching they put in with everything else.
I have wondered the same thing many times, Elsa R. Even a denomination would be helpful! I've struggled to find a church in my area that's not either dead, or heretical. Can you give us some guidance BezelT3 on at least what to look for in a church? Thanks! :)
Hi indybeth200. I am from a large Northern California city. Capital city, that is. I searched for months for a church that was not in doctrinal error somewhere. There was none. I have since found two online ministries that teach doctrinal Truth rightly divided. It will not be person to person, but it is a tight knit community especially on Informed Christians with Daniel Valles. Robert Breaker is another great teacher. We are in the last moments before the rapture. Deception is at it's highest, other than what it will be during the Tribulation. I have a channel too @ Transformed by His Truth. I expose false doctrine and false teachers including this type, that BezelT3 does in this video. Please visit my channel and we can connect that way. Hope to hear from you soon, In Christ's Love, Erin
Thanks, Erin! I'll check out your channel, and the 2 teachers you mentioned. I'd really like to find a "brick and mortar" church in my area (Indianapolis), I just loathe the church shopping experience - especially when it goes on for a long time! Have a great day, and thanks so much for responding! God's blessings on you..:)
Look for either a reformed church, all men will error in some way. Baptist churches have quite a few reformed beliefs, not all but i have found they are usually more sound. There are hills to die on, a non essential is not one of those hills. Look for a church that believes firmly in the basic tenants of christianity, preach expository (exegesis), and have sound discipleship programs or teaching outside of sunday pulpit.
+BEZELT3 Sometimes you put some of the coolest music intros, as in this vid. You already made me a fan of King's X... and I'm hooked. You've sure got some great tunes.
I appreciate the reveal of this darkness, but disagree on our responsibility. We have to fully put our old man to death so Christ is living through us. Stop sinning and live righteously, because it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives through me.
Keep it up...! TBH I don't think their music is awful, but the doctrine they slip in with this stuff could be destructive...too bad they don't just teach doctrine for 50 minutes...ACTUAL doctrine then ask people to...OMG REPENT..
+MultiFisherofmen. I listened to Paul Washer as you suggested. I have heard this philosophy before. But it is the philososophy of Paul. That is not what Jesus taught. I follow Jesus, not Paul... I will stay with Jesus... He has been with me my whole life. Guided me and corrected me when needed. This has served me very well. I do not need the Pharisee mumbo jumbo.
You must do a lot of wincing at mass since the writings of the Holy Apostle Paul figure prominently in the lectionary readings and they're full of doctrine and some stories. But then again, you must also wince a lot when the Gospels are read because Jesus is the greatest storyteller of all time and He taught some doctrine as well. For example, Jesus said, "I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world ... Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day. For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in them." John 6:51, 53-56. This is nothing more nor less than the doctrine of transubstantiation -- or so the Church of Rome claims. Do you believe and accept this doctrine on the authority of your church? Or is it a matter of indifference to you? Remember, Jesus Himself says in this passage that your eternal destiny hangs on your acceptance or rejection of transubstantiation. Choose wisely.
+indybeth200. I am very glad this man has helped you.. People are very different and have different needs and obviously everyone does not see things the same. He does me no good at all. But I am very happy that he helped you. Maybe the lesson here is that we ARE different and see things differently and I guess I would like that to be his attitude too. Instead of there is only one right way to believe and that is his way. My experience with God is just as valid as his.
Another critical false doctrine of Jesus Culture ,they do not believe in the dual nature of Christ that he was fully God and fully man. He pre existed as God, emptied himself of God whilde he was a man, then took up His divinity after the reserection. This doctrine is critical to their theology. Jeusu purpose on earth was to show people how to manipulate the Spirit, ever miracle Jesus did was Him channeling the Spirit. If he was God then how could he show us how to manifest the Spirit. A God becoming man ,so he could teach people how to play God senecio.
Romans 16:17-18 King James Version (KJV) 17 Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. 18 For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple. This man causes a lot of division by the type of videos he posts. They're divisive. He takes the typical tact of taking sermon video excerpts and comments on them. Paul admonishes us to make every endeavor to keep the unity of the faith. As in this scripture he also says to "mark" those who cause division. I'm marking him in this comment. This is the second divisive video I've encountered of divisive tactics.. "Dominion theology" began in the garden of Eden: King James Bible And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
+Katie Nielson. I am a catholic and I go to mass. I know nothing about the Jesus Culture. But as I listened to the man talk I could see his vision in that particular talk. I believe Jesus wants us to live in this world and shine His light and help others in this world see the good in being good. That was all I really heard. If you know something different. That is fine. I just did not see it in that message. I just think the man who does these videos nit picks with his doctrines to the point that nobody does anything right but him. He is a true Pharisee from what I have seen. He would probably nitpick Jesus.
You think Jesus wants us to help others the the good in being good ? I want to be as gentle as possible when I say , you obviously do not understand the gospel. It's literally life changing when understood correctly. But the challenge for the majority of people on the planet is hearing the true gospel. There are many many false gospels in the world today. You see , true born again Christians are by nature, nitpickers. We are called to correct those in error by pointing them in the right direction in order to hear the true gospel . That is all we are called to do for the most part . My favorite presentation of the gospel is given by one of my favorite pastors alive today. His name is Paul Washer. You can see and hear here on TH-cam . It's called " The Greatest message ever told" I have a link to it on my channel on my playlist
What I am learning from watching these videos is actually the opposite of what you said about his nit picking, and that "nobody does anything right but him." What I have now is a new understanding and appreciation for what CHRIST did for me. I think I still have the tendency to try to earn God's favor, and watching these videos the past few months while recuperating from surgery has given me a whole new appreciation for the Gospel, and for the futility of trying to be "good enough" for God, when Jesus already paid the price. Thanks for listening! :)
I sometimes feel you are pushing too hard. You almost (or do) make it sound like I'd be wrong for voting for a Christian candidate because it's anti-Biblical to have Christians in government... that no matter what we believe, that won't do any good. You make it should like we should not support Christian production companies who put out moral, or even Christ-centered films because that's not Biblical and shouldn't be supported. I agree that we can't expect a moral message to get people saved, but maybe a proclamation of the gospel in film actually will - but from your own words, I would believe that using film (or Holywood, if it were possible) to proclaim the gospel would be fruitless and anti-biblical. I doubt this is what you mean to say, but you're so angry in your presentation that this is what is heard.
You have to balance it out ... and I agree, we can go too far and think it's wrong to exert any influence we might have. But preaching the Gospel is the most important, first of all. Anyone can do that, to anyone they come in contact with. We are also supposed to be faithful in the place God has put us, not trying to 'change the world' by being or doing something 'big'. Being a mother is not big in the eyes of the world, but to do it faithfully is huge! Same with being a father, a big sister or a big brother. Doing your job, whether it's electrician or garbage truck driver, or whatever, to the glory of God, is pleasing to God and he blesses us in those things. Now, IF a Christian does become a politician, they are immediately surrounded by huge corruption. I would imagine that it's all anyone could do to just remain uncorrupted, much less 'change the system', because just getting into office is generally a matter of money and who you know. So, can you get in honestly? If you really and truly can, then great. If you can't, well, you've already failed. You've become part of the very thing you said you were going to fight against. I would say voting for the best candidate we can find is fine; but in some places, your vote really doesn't even matter. And your vote may change some things, like abortion for instance; and of course I'm not saying vote for anyone who advocates things like abortion. But these things are all temporal. Abortion could be outlawed across the board, but we still need to preach the Gospel. Homosexuality could be illegal, but whether or not it is, we still preach the Gospel. People need the Gospel in whatever country they are, no matter the laws, whether those laws are Islamic or Communist or based on Biblical morality.
At least Banning has a vision and believes people with Jesus in their hearts (God with them) can go into the world and let their light shine (as Jesus said) because truly Gods people can influence people for good. God has ask me my whole life to walk in this world with worldly people and let my light shine, in hope that I may affect the world for good. It is not easy, but i do it. All you are doing is criticizing someone who is trying to do Gods work, as well. I can see his vision, totally.
Hmm, and what have you done to benefit this world lately huh dere Chester??? Oh wait, I have the answer, NOTHING BUT WHINE!!! Wah wah wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,
This ridiculous theology is so dangerous - when these kids find out that they're not going to be World Changers (that's what I hear them constantly talking about), they harden their hearts against the true Gospel of the work that God has done on our behalf.
I just love you! You always bring your teaching to the correct Word of GOD! 👼🏻💞
I don't have to "hear from GOD" to know one of our major sins is Pride... and the churches Now promote it and encourage it.😞
Come Lord Jesus come....
Thank you for this. I grew up hearing similar preaching and I hated messages like this. The secular world pushes this "world changer" concept, too. It's exhausting and burdensome. Thank God for his grace and his easy yoke--the true Gospel is so much better.
That humble Chevette given in love to a man who needed a car is a greater gift than that guy will ever know - that's how poor he is, so poor that all he has is money
Jesus changed the game already!
Thank you for staying true to the Word of God, to the Son and exposing the wolves in the body of many churches.
You, you, you, you, you and oh Jesus who?
I don't understand your reply.
@@susanthroop7041 Did you watch the video?
I love this channel. God bless!
The funny thing is that the only place in Scripture that I can find mention of seven mountains is in reference to Babylon the Great:
Revelation 17:3-9
3 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. 4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: 5 And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. 6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.
7 And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns.
8 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.
9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are SEVEN MOUNTAINS, on which the woman sitteth.
Aleksander Limit BINGO. I'm telling you that Dominionism's existence actually makes a case for dispensational pre millennialism, as dominionism is definitely the movement that will lead to the New World Order.
because once dominionism permeates the world someone will come and claim to be Jesus, because that's what dominionists believe, that Jesus will come once they triumph over the 7 mountains.
I'm kind of scared by this.
Aleksander Limit however, I would not denounce all of Jesus Culture and Bethel Church. their teaching is terrible (primarily Bethel), but it's totally an example of wheat and tares. Banning (the guy preaching here), I believe, is definitely genuine, but super misguided.
I know of a guy who used to work on staff at Bethel and now is heading a massive Evangelistic campaign called Awakening Europe. his name is Ben Fitzgerald.
he preaches complete repentance preaching. he brought Awakening to my country, to Prague, and it lit up a fire. he seems to hold to a Premilll (most likely historic) eschatology with the ways he's addressed people getting microchips put in them.
wheat among tares is just going to continue growing.
we gotta pray for these ministries to lean into and preach truth, and to repent of any evil they may have conveyed. let's pray for them.
Aleksander Limit ~ Interestingly enough, Rome is purported to be built on seven mountains, but it isn't. But Jerusalem is. So go figure.
What's you're point?
BEZELT3 I enjoy your videos and think your commentaries on the varying subjects are great. I appreciate that they are grounded in Biblical truth. I'd love to see you do more videos on Jesus Culture, Bethel Church, and IHOPKC. As someone who recently attended JC Sacramento in Folsom, CA for about 10 months, I didn't know much if anything about Jesus Culture or the Charismatic movement before then. I started having questions a few months in and it has truly been eye-opening to learn about the doctrines preached at these churches. I have several friends who attended IHOPKC or Bethel and the more I learn about the backgrounds of these ministries, the more concerned I get for my friends. I see the growing trend in this generation for narsacsistic tendencies and a push for churches to be relevant and emotionally driven. I see my friends longing for an experience with God the Holy Spirit and I see those experiences becoming their truths.
Thanks again for your commentaries on the subjects you teach on. I'm continually learning that the more I learn about one thing, the more topics come up I don't know anything about!
This message is true. Dominion Theology is a false teaching.
God Bless you brother as you are proclaming the truth.
I had 'overtaking explosive growth' after some Chinese food once...
love the vids thanks! very helpful to see truth!
10:30 A kabbalah bracelet?
No need to plant in entertainment when you watch Bethel, Hillsong. and Elevation services especially for sacred days such as Easter and Christmas that all it is. Sad indeed
Can you do a video dedicated to telling what is dominion theology is and what it looks and sounds like.
Thanks! Keep making your vides.. also your desk/set decor is super amusing :)
I would love to see Bezelt3 analyze River Pointe Church in Richmond,Texas. The Pastor is Patrick Kelley.
great video as usual, keep it up!
"If you don't know exactly how God sees you..." But what about, "For now we see ourselves through a glass darkly, but then we shall see even as we are seen"? Pretty simple.
I got a lot of this at some of the Christian conferences I attended. I always thought there was something off about them. Very works oriented.
Thank you so much for that beautiful sermon/lesson Bezel. Do you have any lessons on how to talk to a nonbeliever? I have several acquaintances who are very lost and need guidance. I pray for them but want to actively help them as well but don't know where to begin. Thank you!
Flowergirl the gospel is always a great place to start.
Run, don’t walk away!
So thankful people are calling out the self help self worship stuff that sells like hot cakes in Christendom.
Hey have you noticed another doctrine that is in the new wave/NAR churches that is even worse and coupled with dominion theology? Making sure you crank out babies for Joel's End Time Army... (no lie!). I have several relatives who believe they needed to crank out children (when they cannot afford it at all). They name their kids crazy prophet names that no one can pronounce and indoctrinate their children at the soonest possibility. I'm not sure if you heard of this, but it might make a good video. Its a subtile teaching they put in with everything else.
Do you have any names of churches that I could look up? Any videos? Just curious.
What was the intro song you used?
How about “Who Am I” by Casting Crowns. We’re a vapor compared to the Almighty.
amen!!!!!! I'm here from 2020
+MultiFisherofmen and Redeemed 1621. Thank you. Thank you. You were the direct answer to my prayer. God is wonderful!! Thank you.
I would like to know what church you go to. What denomination and doctrine do you believe in.
I have wondered the same thing many times, Elsa R. Even a denomination would be helpful! I've struggled to find a church in my area that's not either dead, or heretical. Can you give us some guidance BezelT3 on at least what to look for in a church? Thanks! :)
Hi indybeth200. I am from a large Northern California city. Capital city, that is. I searched for months for a church that was not in doctrinal error somewhere. There was none. I have since found two online ministries that teach doctrinal Truth rightly divided. It will not be person to person, but it is a tight knit community especially on Informed Christians with Daniel Valles. Robert Breaker is another great teacher. We are in the last moments before the rapture. Deception is at it's highest, other than what it will be during the Tribulation. I have a channel too @ Transformed by His Truth. I expose false doctrine and false teachers including this type, that BezelT3 does in this video. Please visit my channel and we can connect that way. Hope to hear from you soon, In Christ's Love, Erin
Thanks, Erin! I'll check out your channel, and the 2 teachers you mentioned. I'd really like to find a "brick and mortar" church in my area (Indianapolis), I just loathe the church shopping experience - especially when it goes on for a long time! Have a great day, and thanks so much for responding! God's blessings on you..:)
Look for either a reformed church, all men will error in some way. Baptist churches have quite a few reformed beliefs, not all but i have found they are usually more sound. There are hills to die on, a non essential is not one of those hills. Look for a church that believes firmly in the basic tenants of christianity, preach expository (exegesis), and have sound discipleship programs or teaching outside of sunday pulpit.
Thank you so much for your thoughts-I appreciate the advice!
not only is the man doctrinally sound, he has great taste in music. the John Fogerty was greatly appreciated.
+BEZELT3 Sometimes you put some of the coolest music intros, as in this vid. You already made me a fan of King's X... and I'm hooked. You've sure got some great tunes.
Im so happy you are breaking this down Bez, otherwise.... no idea... 🤣
I appreciate the reveal of this darkness, but disagree on our responsibility. We have to fully put our old man to death so Christ is living through us. Stop sinning and live righteously, because it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives through me.
We never fully put sin to death in this life. We battle sin but are not sinless.
Did you say Banning Leecher?
why can't we just live our lives with a mustard seed ?
I like is opening!
The Bible says in the last days men will wax worse and worse!
Keep it up...! TBH I don't think their music is awful, but the doctrine they slip in with this stuff could be destructive...too bad they don't just teach doctrine for 50 minutes...ACTUAL doctrine then ask people to...OMG REPENT..
+MultiFisherofmen. I listened to Paul Washer as you suggested. I have heard this philosophy before. But it is the philososophy of Paul. That is not what Jesus taught. I follow Jesus, not Paul... I will stay with Jesus... He has been with me my whole life. Guided me and corrected me when needed. This has served me very well. I do not need the Pharisee mumbo jumbo.
You must do a lot of wincing at mass since the writings of the Holy Apostle Paul figure prominently in the lectionary readings and they're full of doctrine and some stories. But then again, you must also wince a lot when the Gospels are read because Jesus is the greatest storyteller of all time and He taught some doctrine as well. For example, Jesus said,
"I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world ... Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day. For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in them." John 6:51, 53-56. This is nothing more nor less than the doctrine of transubstantiation -- or so the Church of Rome claims. Do you believe and accept this doctrine on the authority of your church? Or is it a matter of indifference to you? Remember, Jesus Himself says in this passage that your eternal destiny hangs on your acceptance or rejection of transubstantiation. Choose wisely.
Do you think Banning actually believes this or he knowingly is falsely teaching?
I think there are people at bethel that are knowingly decieving but it's hard to know who they are. The fake glory clouds must be a conspiracy so....
+indybeth200. I am very glad this man has helped you.. People are very different and have different needs and obviously everyone does not see things the same. He does me no good at all. But I am very happy that he helped you. Maybe the lesson here is that we ARE different and see things differently and I guess I would like that to be his attitude too. Instead of there is only one right way to believe and that is his way. My experience with God is just as valid as his.
Walnut is more like it.
Another critical false doctrine of Jesus Culture ,they do not believe in the dual nature of Christ that he was fully God and fully man. He pre existed as God, emptied himself of God whilde he was a man, then took up His divinity after the reserection. This doctrine is critical to their theology. Jeusu purpose on earth was to show people how to manipulate the Spirit, ever miracle Jesus did was Him channeling the Spirit. If he was God then how could he show us how to manifest the Spirit. A God becoming man ,so he could teach people how to play God senecio.
Well its true a nations religion, plays role in peoples life expotensionally
Romans 16:17-18 King James Version (KJV)
17 Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.
18 For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.
This man causes a lot of division by the type of videos he posts. They're divisive. He takes the typical tact of taking sermon video excerpts and comments on them. Paul admonishes us to make every endeavor to keep the unity of the faith. As in this scripture he also says to "mark" those who cause division. I'm marking him in this comment. This is the second divisive video I've encountered of divisive tactics..
"Dominion theology" began in the garden of Eden: King James Bible
And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the
sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
Putting words in God's mouth-Does God Speak nonsense?
+Katie Nielson. I am a catholic and I go to mass. I know nothing about the Jesus Culture. But as I listened to the man talk I could see his vision in that particular talk. I believe Jesus wants us to live in this world and shine His light and help others in this world see the good in being good. That was all I really heard. If you know something different. That is fine. I just did not see it in that message. I just think the man who does these videos nit picks with his doctrines to the point that nobody does anything right but him. He is a true Pharisee from what I have seen. He would probably nitpick Jesus.
You think Jesus wants us to help others the the good in being good ?
I want to be as gentle as possible when I say , you obviously do not understand the gospel. It's literally life changing when understood correctly.
But the challenge for the majority of people on the planet is hearing the true gospel. There are many many false gospels in the world today. You see , true born again Christians are by nature, nitpickers. We are called to correct those in error by pointing them in the right direction in order to hear the true gospel . That is all we are called to do for the most part . My favorite presentation of the gospel is given by one of my favorite pastors alive today. His name is Paul Washer. You can see and hear here on TH-cam . It's called " The Greatest message ever told"
I have a link to it on my channel on my playlist
+Redeemed1621 living waters ministry is also an excellent resource where the True Gospel is presented
+Redeemed1621 thank you for adding the link ! 😀
What I am learning from watching these videos is actually the opposite of what you said about his nit picking, and that "nobody does anything right but him." What I have now is a new understanding and appreciation for what CHRIST did for me. I think I still have the tendency to try to earn God's favor, and watching these videos the past few months while recuperating from surgery has given me a whole new appreciation for the Gospel, and for the futility of trying to be "good enough" for God, when Jesus already paid the price. Thanks for listening! :)
Kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of god are not the same thing
I sometimes feel you are pushing too hard. You almost (or do) make it sound like I'd be wrong for voting for a Christian candidate because it's anti-Biblical to have Christians in government... that no matter what we believe, that won't do any good. You make it should like we should not support Christian production companies who put out moral, or even Christ-centered films because that's not Biblical and shouldn't be supported. I agree that we can't expect a moral message to get people saved, but maybe a proclamation of the gospel in film actually will - but from your own words, I would believe that using film (or Holywood, if it were possible) to proclaim the gospel would be fruitless and anti-biblical. I doubt this is what you mean to say, but you're so angry in your presentation that this is what is heard.
You have to balance it out ... and I agree, we can go too far and think it's wrong to exert any influence we might have.
But preaching the Gospel is the most important, first of all. Anyone can do that, to anyone they come in contact with.
We are also supposed to be faithful in the place God has put us, not trying to 'change the world' by being or doing something 'big'. Being a mother is not big in the eyes of the world, but to do it faithfully is huge! Same with being a father, a big sister or a big brother.
Doing your job, whether it's electrician or garbage truck driver, or whatever, to the glory of God, is pleasing to God and he blesses us in those things.
Now, IF a Christian does become a politician, they are immediately surrounded by huge corruption. I would imagine that it's all anyone could do to just remain uncorrupted, much less 'change the system', because just getting into office is generally a matter of money and who you know. So, can you get in honestly? If you really and truly can, then great. If you can't, well, you've already failed. You've become part of the very thing you said you were going to fight against.
I would say voting for the best candidate we can find is fine; but in some places, your vote really doesn't even matter. And your vote may change some things, like abortion for instance; and of course I'm not saying vote for anyone who advocates things like abortion. But these things are all temporal. Abortion could be outlawed across the board, but we still need to preach the Gospel.
Homosexuality could be illegal, but whether or not it is, we still preach the Gospel. People need the Gospel in whatever country they are, no matter the laws, whether those laws are Islamic or Communist or based on Biblical morality.
At least Banning has a vision and believes people with Jesus in their hearts (God with them) can go into the world and let their light shine (as Jesus said) because truly Gods people can influence people for good. God has ask me my whole life to walk in this world with worldly people and let my light shine, in hope that I may affect the world for good. It is not easy, but i do it. All you are doing is criticizing someone who is trying to do Gods work, as well. I can see his vision, totally.
You have been deceived if you believe the errors coming out of Bethel Church, Jesus Culture and their "associates"
Hmm, and what have you done to benefit this world lately huh dere Chester??? Oh wait, I have the answer, NOTHING BUT WHINE!!! Wah wah wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,