Unleash Panette's Inner Demon with THESE 3 Setups! Fire Emblem Engage (Strong Unit Build Guide)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 82

  • @jackmanleblanc2518
    @jackmanleblanc2518 ปีที่แล้ว +45

    I've only ever used Panette with Ike. She's a favorite character I plan to use every run though, so I'll totally give other ideas a shot.

    • @MercuryA2000
      @MercuryA2000 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I legit only just found out that some of the quotes I heard from her every single map are actually Ike's. She had that ring glued to her hand HARD. (and also was MVP more maps than everyone else combined in that first run.)

    • @ELdonutking-1111
      @ELdonutking-1111 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      lol yeah i dont have the dlc so i just made her a warrior and gave her a brave axe and a killer axe +1, gave her ike and she was already one rounding almost all units and not dying

  • @MoebiusX9
    @MoebiusX9 ปีที่แล้ว +49

    Personally I think Panette + Roy with Wrath and Vantage along with a refined Tomahawk is probably one of the most broken builds I have used in this game

    • @tristanbowles7258
      @tristanbowles7258 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      And it uses Roy effectively, so low opportunity cost

    • @sparkyzz7574
      @sparkyzz7574 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      But why pick it over warriorpanette with leif and wrath+weapon sync?

    • @SeismiTheToad
      @SeismiTheToad ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@Kainos Teleos thats eyactly what i did. Just a horse girl with a giant axe oneshotting everything while being a tank

  • @SparkBlazeWarriors
    @SparkBlazeWarriors ปีที่แล้ว +17

    I can’t help but think Ike might be best. Wrath costs so much sp to inherit but Vantage is fairly cheap. I don’t know how feasibly you could get both Wrath+Vantage inherited before late game without grinding sp or using the sp books from the dlc. And this way you can more comfortably inherit Vantage+ and another skill like Canter or Hit+.

  • @kingofcombos
    @kingofcombos ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Personally, I don't mind Panette with Leif. While Leif is generally regarded as a weaker ring, adaptability paired with Wrath can allow Panette to crit kill enemies from almost any range by allowing her to weapon swap to meet the occasion. This is especially true if you've made her a warrior since she has access to the longbow and killer bow, meaning even enemies attacking outside of her normal range aren't safe from her. While I agree hold out is nice, I typically don't end up with her in a position where I need to survive a hit given how ludicrous her output can be, and she is typically the one receiving the tiki stone regardless since she's just such a safe option to park in the middle of a clump of enemies and watch murder the entire set.
    Since Leif comes with Vantage already installed, you also can save the SP and go for a safety or offensive option: Advance can be useful for supplementing her offensive power capabilities while Canter can be useful for letting her strike and reposition, but I'm a bigger fan of Favorite Meal or Lifesphere. Favorite meal can ensure she is able to maintain the highest adaptability uptime (since she one-taps most things anyways, she doesn't necessarily need to improve her offense), while Lifesphere can increase her longevity. You'd think that a massive heal would be counter-synergy with her kit wanting to stay damaged, however I typically find she's able to utilize her 1v30 potential a lot better if I have the capability to step back and heal up a chunk of health before the next enemy phase. If I don't need to and want to stay damaged, I can just maintain my offense and keep it in the pocket for a rainy day. And of course, as mentioned, you *can* slot in hold out if you feel concerned she might get tagged with something too strong for her to match up to.

  • @banriswirl6414
    @banriswirl6414 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    Since I play with a heavy emphasis on player phase, Panette and Lyn are hilariously strong. Lyn fixes both speed and dex on Panette, and Speedtaker plus Alacrity plus Panette's strength ensures she can one round basically anything without taking a counter. Punching through endgame generals wasn't a problem.
    You can still run Vantage Wrath for enemy phasing, and that isn't hurt at all by Lyn.
    And finally, Panette's high strength ensures Astra will kill basically anything at extreme range.
    One of the hardest carries I've ever used

    • @dilupus
      @dilupus ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I went to comment exactly this. Switched to Warrior as soon as possible, and every time I tried another ring on her I missed Lyn. Late-game, she was far and away my most reliable unit in either phase.

    • @zeterzero4356
      @zeterzero4356 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      *Writes down.*

    • @godoflemmings17
      @godoflemmings17 ปีที่แล้ว

      *furiously scribbling notes*

  • @feripuu
    @feripuu ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Panette Ike. Best killing machine. My maddening MVP. Boss destroyer. The star of my strats. The waifu of Engage waifus. Paralogues in 5 turns or less. Play in jp to see the true Panetone.

  • @Zethoro
    @Zethoro ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Panette was easily my most important unit for Maddening; I used a more enemy phase focused build of Panette + Leif with Wrath and Hold Out + since his passive gives an extra +10 crit for backup units and paired with Wrath, a Killer Axe, and a Longbow, Panette could seamlessly switch between the two weapons with 80+% crit on everything. You have to keep Leif below level 10 for it to work because the Master Lance messes it up, but the slightly lower stats and worse vantage didn't really matter since hold out would consistently get Panette into vantage range.

  • @Masteredge3
    @Masteredge3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Perfect Timing on This Pannette guide as I go for my third playthrough Lordless

  • @kanadetachibana341
    @kanadetachibana341 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    I personally loved paring Panette with Eirika+ wrath, you get to just go stupid and when you grt slightly too low for comfort you switch to ephraim and heal a huge chunk of HP to stay in the fight even longer, you also get to bust any corruppted boss in half

  • @adamhawks3460
    @adamhawks3460 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I have her on Wolf knight since she’s an S in Daggers. She has a +5 silver dagger engraved with the emblem of fates to give her as much Crit as possible- though you could try other engravings too. Whith her HP at about 60% she had a 100% Critical rate with the killer axe, and about 70-80% Crit rate with the silver dagger, which is amazing for enemy phasing since it not only has 1-2 range, but its virtually unbreakable since it’s only weak to Fists.
    She’s paired with Camilla for the +4 move (It’s plus 2 with an additional +2 for Cavalry bonus) and soar skill for incredible movement with Wrath and vantage. But her Avo is so high I’ve considered dropping in the HP/Lck +10 for wrath. Her Avo is almost always 150+ when she’s engaged with a certain blue hair emblem ring that you get very late in the game that I won’t name.
    I’ve easily solo’d the Tempest trials with JUST her on the maximum difficulty.

    • @keinrdz807
      @keinrdz807 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      really nice build man

    • @freshness2569
      @freshness2569 ปีที่แล้ว

      Was this on maddening?

  • @blackkat101
    @blackkat101 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Okay, couple things:
    - Where is Ike? Who offers more DEF/RES when below 75% HP (synergizes with Panette's need to be hurt with her own skill), along with Wrath, that gives an additional 30% Crit when below 70% HP (further synergizing with Panette). All of these conditions are also synergizing with Vantage++, that needs one to be below 75% HP. Ike himself, while one shouldn't really use his Great Aether (kind of a suicide button...), when engaged, he reduces all damage one takes to half and reduces avoid to 0. This low avoid ensures enemies come for her while taking little even if she does get hit. All the bonus crit combined with a Killer Axe and Crit Engraving allows her to one shot everything at a 1 range. Tomahawks need a little work though because of their terrible accuracy, but do give you that extra range.
    - Warrior is the superior class, but does have lower Str growth and if using a Killer Axe Vantage build, honestly you will rarely put on your bow (since enemies will just get in 1 range and ignore the fact that you can even attack, canceling out the Vantage....). Bows are great to kill some things off and Merciless is by far a better skill (Berserker's never use theirs). However, the question then becomes, how often are you even going to use the bows (again, taking your Vantage Killer Axe build off of using their axe...), as even a Tomahawk is often the better choice so you have the 1 range covered too when needed. On top of that, Merciless isn't used as often as you'd need to break the enemy first. With Vantage, they're attacking, thus not broken. Merciless only activates on your own turn if you used someone else to break the enemy first. So honestly, it doesn't help this build much.
    - With the above said, Berserker ends up working out just fine and Panette gets to keep wearing her amazing signature outfit (love that dress).
    - Hector is alright, but you're kind of wasting him on Panette. He augments defensive stats by buffing them by +30%. This is beyond the +20 Blue stat cap increase your character can get. His Storm Eye also only works for a SINGLE turn, so is often not worth it. Even if you want to use it, you need people to target the Storm Eye user, thus Soren is required to Decoy them. Though even then, Decoy only lasts for 3 attacks on the target. Hector allowing doubling also only works on the enemy turn and speed is still factored in. It does not stop them from doubling, and is hard to pair with Vantage if you're using that (but yes, they can both activate if you are inbetween 60-70% HP exactly and both are maxed level skills....).
    - Three Houses emblem is amazing, but works on everyone. Panette does nothing special with it. You are also off on using them 4 times. If done right, you can use them 6 times, but does require just the right placement of Byleth user, Dancer and the Three Houses user.
    Since Ike is by far the best one to use on a Vantage Killer Axe user (and Panette being the best character for the build because of her skill and growths), you would need to inherit Vantage++ (just a single + can work, but you need to lose more HP then...). This means you have a second inheritable skill slot still. For that, you can play it safe with Hold Out or Pair Up, or, because Axes have such terrible Hit, you can give Hit+30 to ensure that your Vantage Crit Counters always hit the enemy.
    Lyn is another option, but she's good on everyone. Plus, Speedtaker isn't necessary for a Vantage build. You're attacking first and since you're building for 100% Crit, you're killing everything in one shot anything. Completely negating the need for speed. The high Atk is great for Lyn's engage attack, but other characters can do that as well.

    • @Varsona
      @Varsona  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Alot to dissect here;
      The reason I didn't mention Ike for this video is because I wanted to keep the static inhertiable skill list of wrath/vantage. Ike is good on Panette; but as you mentioned yourself Panette can't really utilize Ike's Great Aether at all. This signals that Ike could be better utilized by someone else. Once Panette is in vantage++ range she shouldn't be taking any hit anyways so the defensive boost from resolve is wasted. Hold Out seems like a much better way to get her to effective range 🤔
      On the note of storms eye+; it is not a speed check and does prevent enemies from following up regardless of how fast they are.
      Agreed with three lords and Lyn being good on everyone!

  • @plentyofpaper
    @plentyofpaper ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Vantage is a very difficult skill to make work reliably.
    When it works, it effectively negates damage from an enemy attack.
    To get it to do it's job, you must kill the attacker in 1 shot.
    Unless you're relying on time crystals (totally fine if you do, but call me old school ) you'll want to put your unit in a position where their survival is guaranteed.
    Enemy phase rolls around, Panette is down to 10 HP and an enemy attacks, Panette has vantage, 90% accuracy, 90% crit, and will die if she doesn't crit, this is not an acceptable position to intentionally place yourself in except as a last resort as far as I'm concerned.
    Since when it comes to life and death, you need to assume the worst about any uncertainty, you really need to play as if you don't have vantage, and it just gives you saves you some damage sometimes (or even frequently.) But if there are 2 enemies in front of you, and both attacking could kill her, you really can't afford to put Panette in their range.
    As such, vantage+wrath, while a lot of fun, isn't something I'd consider viable for serious play, unless you can get the hit and crit rates up to 100%.
    Then again, you could play seriously and just consider losing Panette acceptable. I could see myself running this in an iron man, and just taking the risky options knowing that it will almost certainly result in a Panette's eventual demise. Her inventory gets returned to the Convoy at the end of the chapter, and I can't think of a better use for her.
    I did however find a reliable use of vantage.
    You can 1 shot most flying units with a Hurricane Axe, and Rosado's stunning smile keeps the normally shaky hit rate at 100%. I've run Roy's paralogue with this tactic in maddening, and netted 20+ risk free kills for Rosado this way.

  • @MasterStacona
    @MasterStacona ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Panette's build would be Wolf Knight and engrave her silver dagger with Corrin so that it becomes a ranged killing weapon.
    Can be paired with either Lyn for her high strength growth which grants speed taker to ensure double attacks or Ike to pair with her crit passive to give her extra DEF+RES for added tankiness. Ike I say is a bit better because then you can give Lyn to someone like Louis as a general (feed your boots to generals, this results in only being able to have 1 general as a result because your second boots later will be fed into your dancer) since Lyn's ultimate ability is only good if the user has high strength.

    • @bradypinnell7782
      @bradypinnell7782 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You can also use a radiant bow with astra storm to deal mag dmg

  • @fishyjustice1423
    @fishyjustice1423 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Used the three houses build. Six times with seadall, by the way. Six moves. Six units off the map. She's the only reason I beat maddening.

  • @blukins8
    @blukins8 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I like Panette with Lyn, her spd is workable and can get high with speedtaker, alacrity and an upgraded killer axe (mine had an avg 70 crit) makes her delete anything while staying safe, and my favorite think is having an astra storm that actually deals a lot of dmg thanks to her str.
    Also, I consider warrior way better bc it has a higher dex cap compared to berserker, meaning you get more crit.

    • @timm8998
      @timm8998 ปีที่แล้ว

      If she crits its a kill anyway, so I am not going for doubling on her to be honest. Id rather have more defenses from Ike. Also disagree heavily with the vid about panette not caring about defense.

  • @Akinon93
    @Akinon93 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Something that makes panette even more op, tiki.
    No, not starsphere, or running tiki, but divine blessing. I have tiki on alcryst, soon as battle starts i give panette a resurrection stone. She can stay low hp the entire map, safely, while benefitting from all manner of hp-related skills, such as vantage. Even moreso, terrain damage can't bring you below 1hp, so you can soak terrain dmg safely as well.
    Course this works for any carry unit but man, panette has quickly become my favorite unit

  • @_Midir_
    @_Midir_ ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I got Panette + Ike for wrath, since both her inheritable slots are already used up by Vantage++ and Hit+30 (which I think is super good as an inheritable on her because I found her hit rates awful). Engraving is Revelation for +30 crit on killer axe so that she can have 101% crit instead of just 100%

  • @theolong6689
    @theolong6689 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Roy is definitely a bit underrated in my opinion. The binding blade is very strong and all the amazing stat boosts are great. He combos the best with Diamant since sol can trigger and get him above the 2 hp threshold so you can actually trigger hold out multiple times in one turn if you lucky.

  • @zeterzero4356
    @zeterzero4356 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Versona: Just play warriors. All warriors.

    • @Varsona
      @Varsona  ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @zeterzero4356
      @zeterzero4356 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Varsona I EVEN SPELLED YOUR NAME WRONG! Wait that wasn't deliberate...

  • @ceresbane
    @ceresbane ปีที่แล้ว +3

    hmmm... I've always had my doubts about Pannette as a Berserker. Early game she isn't much better than Bouchy. And as a frontliner a speed of 25 and def of 30 means she'd eat damage like crazy (tho she has great hp growths but so does berserker making it kind redundant). Making her into a warrior does make more sense as it does round out her stats more. And she is a capable unit for supporting and being a dps set up or a chain attack assist.
    To replace her as berserker. I found goldmary to be good because of her def growths and hp growth makes her a much better unit for frontlining while not being an armour. She does everything you want with a berserker Pannete. Due to her speed growths shes kinda terrible as a hero. But her unique skill which lowers enemy hit by 20 compensates for it. Making her ideal for using smash weapons. Even if she doesn't avoid, she tanks and with berserker str growth (which she was weak on as a hero). She'll solve problems soundly.

    • @ElijahLotusShield
      @ElijahLotusShield ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I like goldmary as a great knight, goldmary have the highest defense growth in the game and better res than louis. her statline makes her the best physical tank in the game while still having better res than louis

    • @ceresbane
      @ceresbane ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ElijahLotusShield Honestly I'd go this route too if I wasn't so stuck on the idea that I needed at least one of every unit. And making each one somewhat viable.

  • @ino_mation
    @ino_mation ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Somehow Panette (Vantage/Dual Assist/Ike) kinda just fell to the side for me when I was using her, used her for big crits and heavy Great Aether to high success in paralogues, but late-game due to how much running around there is in the maps, Panette just wound up trailing behind other parts of my army and I'm not sure why. Pretty often when I wanted to do something with Panette, I just couldn't, because she couldn't reach. Felt like lances at the start of maps became rarer, with more swords/axes, leading to using other characters to bait, and then keeping momentum so well on Hard that she just kept having no place to sneak in and get in hits. Meanwhile, the other crit machine, Lindon, found the low-res environment perfect for insta-kills, and due to me choosing Elsurge as his weapon of choice, he had no hit issues, which, absolutely became an issue for Panette due to low dex caps. I had Lindon paired with Byleth as well for 1-3 range Elsurge, and with Vantage/Wrath he had basically guaranteed crits at 90%+, and that 1-3 range with high crit rate came in handy more than 1-range killer axe or 2 range killer bow, making Panette just less ideal to push forwards into danger as I kept going. Chs 21-25 all worked against Panette's skill set, even had a moment in Ch 24 where she got smashed into the mechanic while she was waiting to Great Aether, complete whiff and wasn't worth trying to rewind to make it work, maybe that's also just Great Aether became less and less worth using in those later chapters as well.

    • @xxxxpower2449
      @xxxxpower2449 ปีที่แล้ว

      I'm using your same build and at chpater 23 is she an abolute monster. Yes Great Aether become less and less usefull but she has 100% crit rate so she still one shot most of the enemy units. Maybe next playtrough i'll try to change Dual Assist with something else (hold out is amazing but too much expensive)

  • @tolmir2929
    @tolmir2929 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I prefer hector on tanky units since he boost defenses and he make ultra slow units like generals able to double, panette is much better with Ike since dmg reduction is better on people with a lot of hp and that takes a lot of dmg.
    Or just make her a wolf rider , she has very good strenght which is what wolf rider is lacking and for some unholy reason she has an innate daggers proficiency which make her S rank with daggers, you can use rosado instead as a warrior he has better overall stats and his personal skill is pretty good for an Axe user since it reduce avo.

  • @FlameOwNer
    @FlameOwNer ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I would really like to change her to Warrior if only she didn't lose her design for that yellow blue Warrior design...

    • @Varsona
      @Varsona  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Ikr 😢

  • @Syahburei
    @Syahburei ปีที่แล้ว

    Spirit of the flame bg music??? Lesgoo

  • @CryselleSilverwynd
    @CryselleSilverwynd ปีที่แล้ว

    I strongly recommend using her as a wolf knight with Ike. It gives her access to the S rank knives, and the Cinquedea is an absolutely amazing weapon. The advantages of this path is that you gain mobility, hit rate (a big bonus, I found warrior Panette had accuracy problems), and significantly better defenses while giving up very little for the deal. It also means that after slapping Vantage on her, you have a free skill slot to combine with your engrave options for a lot of flexibility to customize her to exactly what your team needs. Alacrity, Canter, str/dex... you name it.
    If you're worried about high defense opponents, pick the wolf knight with the sword backup. Wolf Knight with Levin Sword is comparable to Warrior with Radiant Bow, but realistically if you're looking to one-engage a full HP general 100% of the time, you have better options than trying to force Panette into the role.

  • @tyrandgg345
    @tyrandgg345 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I've used Panette for hard difficulty but for some reason , her as a axe user is so bad with accuracy . I've look at her class proficiency that she is so well with knives , so I promote her to a thief...however! When I've used her on skirmish with Ryoma S ring , she is a wrecker , not only she gets +10 crt when she js damaged but also grants her +10 more if her lvl is higher than your opponent which is perfect because special class have more advantage than advanced class in the lvl department

  • @Ian80525
    @Ian80525 ปีที่แล้ว

    Wrath Vantage thief Pannette paired with Ike is so ludicrously strong that she barely requires player input to route entire maps by herself. A +5 Cinquedea with Camilla's engraving and thief's high skill cap pushes her crit rate past 100% and the dagger itself is two range and hits like a semi-truck. I threw on Str/Def +5 from Hector, because why not? She oneshots everything except max Def generals and great knights, and even then she follow-up crits them to one round kill. She can easily solo rank 50 vicious volcano. An absolute beast.

  • @gusddimi
    @gusddimi ปีที่แล้ว

    I really love Panette along Ike I kill like 4 to 5 enemies at once with the sync atk

  • @dr.omaralenezi1059
    @dr.omaralenezi1059 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Consider doing a Jade build next

  • @cookiecooly
    @cookiecooly ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm a little confused with the description of Wrath. Does it activate all the time as long as you have reduced HP OR does it only activate if you lose HP during an active combat before it's your turn to hit back?

    • @Varsona
      @Varsona  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      From how I understand it; the crit value is calculated at the beginning of combat; so if you take damage during the fight it doesn't add to the crit value.

  • @robertsmall8919
    @robertsmall8919 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I did a wrath and extra HP on my Roy berserker Panette. It was very mean, though if I were to switch it I go wrath and axe power. Her weapons where silver great axe, killer axe and tomahawk. I sometimes had either an artifact axe as well or pole axe. I do think warrior is better than berserker but I wanted to see what berserker is like. I am not a huge fan of smash weapons except on high defense characters or avoid tanks. I do not have the DLC but will probably get it for my next play through.

  • @nevertakeaway
    @nevertakeaway ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Metawise, I think a boring chain attack hero build is the best for maddening.. Chain attacks alone with Dual strike+ tend to add up to 70+ damage every turn.
    Chain attacks are FEG’s meta by a large margin, when it come to a team that can both kill 10 enemies per round or one round bosses, and they work regardless of stats.

  • @Jigglypoof
    @Jigglypoof ปีที่แล้ว +1

    264 damage crits. Good Lord...

  • @sirkirby4135
    @sirkirby4135 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    why noy Warrior + Leif, then she can counter at 3 Range with Longbows, aswell as 1-2 range while never at disadvantege, so she cant be broken except by Staves and can counter any non Meteor...
    Leif is underrated imo

    • @cupie2255
      @cupie2255 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      A lot of people who have used Leif have been saying that adaptability is questionable at times.

    • @nancestpasmoi1834
      @nancestpasmoi1834 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I used Panette with Leif before and she was not this great . this build is easly better

  • @uchihajunior5648
    @uchihajunior5648 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I had 2 builds with pannete with other rings.
    1° build: chenge her to a wyver knight, inherit wrath and canter, then equip her with lyn's ring, this build works becouse on the start of the battle you won't have enough spead to double, so you'll take some damege from your first enemy, then you dance on her to finish of that enemy, while keaping her hp low you weaken enemies with other units and let her deal the final blow for her to trigger speadtaker until pannete can double everything, then you can send her to any enemy that she will double crit then before they can even counter-attack due to alecricity, this is a pure player phase focused build.
    2° build: any axe class work with this one, first you inherit vantage (or vantage+ if you get enough sp) and speadtaker, then equip her with ike's ring, then give her a tomahowk engraved with erika's rune (increases hit and crit and mt, but reduces avoid and dodge, wich is fine when using ike's ring) and a killer axe with the academy rune (less mt, more hit, more crit, more dodge) this will make her have a extremely high crit rate with a 2 range weapon and an almost always guaranteed crit on a one range weapon, high defense, meaning it's easier to control her hp value, and also high spd to double, this build is focused on making her kill on enemy phase before they can hit her, the engravings give her axes more precision, so combined with vantage she will almost never miss, and thanks to ike's ring, she will survive attacks even if she miss with low health, and she also have axe pawer 5, wich means she will always do big damege on both player phase and enemy phase, this build sacrifices the mobility of canter to make her a monster on both enemy phase and player phase.

    • @xxxxpower2449
      @xxxxpower2449 ปีที่แล้ว

      You have to inherit Axe power

    • @uchihajunior5648
      @uchihajunior5648 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@xxxxpower2449 axe power 5 nead too much sp, so just equiping ike's ring is better.

    • @xxxxpower2449
      @xxxxpower2449 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@uchihajunior5648 i'm telling you that equipping Ike's ring doesn't give you Axe Power, that not how it works (i know it's complicated, but you don't get all the rings abilities only by equipping it)

    • @uchihajunior5648
      @uchihajunior5648 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@xxxxpower2449 i... didn't know that, but still, speadtaker is much better, axe power costs too much sp before being as valuable as speadtaker, and ike's ring giver her enough defense so she won't be easely killed, making it still the best ring for the second build, so it's better to equip it instead of inherit wrath.

  • @Z-The-Thiel
    @Z-The-Thiel ปีที่แล้ว

    I love using Panette, but my only issue with berserker as a class for her is her accuracy can be kinda crummy. That can be mitigated with supports, but I've been using her as an axe general and she makes a fun crit happy wall.

  • @vitor102
    @vitor102 ปีที่แล้ว

    i went warrior panette using lief's ring (wrath(and later hold out, just for good measure), engage when mages are coming and addaptable will use a long bow with some crit engraving deals with thunder mages(you have 10 crit from addaptable as a backup, 30 from wrath, 10 from the passive, not that you need to crit thunder mages) edit: put the radiant bow and hurricane axe on her if you dont have a use for them.

    • @vitor102
      @vitor102 ปีที่แล้ว

      the only thing i miss is her special berserker costume

    • @sleepyinsomniac0507
      @sleepyinsomniac0507 ปีที่แล้ว

      what if she switched to light brand ?

    • @vitor102
      @vitor102 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@sleepyinsomniac0507 not only the range is wrong but also the damage is magic on that, addaptable is not random

  • @zephyrfaeborn4768
    @zephyrfaeborn4768 ปีที่แล้ว

    My fave is hector, after I tried that I never put him on anyone else

  • @eduardogheranandez
    @eduardogheranandez ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm currently using her with Ike. I'll have someone with Tiki give her a break bar and I combo her with soren's assign decoy

  • @sittiprasittikulwat4023
    @sittiprasittikulwat4023 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I give her axe power and wrath then have her ware hector ring so she can tank using Tomohok with +hit(sigurd??) engrave, killer axe with +crit engrave(camillia?) and brave axe with +10000weight and 10+ damage. Now she can literally one hit everything including the last boss with more than 100hp😂.

  • @mekudu-man3804
    @mekudu-man3804 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    No IKE - are you crazy?

    • @Varsona
      @Varsona  ปีที่แล้ว

      Maybe 😎

  • @-tcito-8307
    @-tcito-8307 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Wich is the best emblem for the dancer?

    • @Varsona
      @Varsona  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Good question. I honestly like bond rings on them since they're always 💃

  • @CherryRulezDoodz
    @CherryRulezDoodz ปีที่แล้ว

    pannete + ike (berserker) with killer axe +5, seraph robe her once. thank me later

  • @traceyrice4978
    @traceyrice4978 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'm trying to figure out what audience you're trying to find. Casual players quit playing this game over 2 weeks ago. Everyone else already knows everything you covered in this video

    • @Varsona
      @Varsona  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Simply people who enjoy the game and want to share their ideas. I also want to make sure first timers are included in the conversation.

  • @justingoh2655
    @justingoh2655 ปีที่แล้ว

    rip earphone user

  • @elpis9128
    @elpis9128 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I like Hector with Panette, but as a hero and with the Dual Assist + skill. Operates as a unit that likes to be at full HP but can step forward and tank and also likes to takes hits. Sounds contradictory, but if you have any of the amazing staff users Engage blesses us with on your team then you can easily get the best of both worlds.

  • @coralieboucher7736
    @coralieboucher7736 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Actually, I like to play Panette with Leif. Not for Vantage (although you don't have to inherit it so that's that) but actually for Adaptability. Letting you switch Freely between Killer Axe and Killer Bow (Even Longbow to say Bye to those peskys Thoron mages) when you're engaged. Yes, Wrath is a bit Pricey but Adaptability is just too great with that kind of Build. I don't know if that would be as awesome in my mind that it'd be ingame in Maddening but no matter what, I'm interested to try this out.

    • @Zethoro
      @Zethoro ปีที่แล้ว

      As someone who has done this on maddening, it's just as effective as you think. Just don't level leif past 10 or else master lance gets in the way of the strat, and don't make her enemy phase lategame armors - they're the only thing she can't easily OHKO.

  • @michaelf2302
    @michaelf2302 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    If anyone is dead set on using panette + leif, keep her bond level from reaching lvl 10 since she gain the master lance which actively screw you over with the adaptable ability. you also want her to inherit hold out since her vantage will be the lowest level it''ll be.
    also you might not want to equip a bow with her since leif adaptable avoid weapon disadvantage, this makes you use your bow when attacked by a sword(this probably kills panette if you are under the vantage threshold).