Learn Irish another great video always been Interested in the reason behind the place names in Ireland for instance knew the one you mentioned here Cill Dara meaning church of the oak . Tiobraid arrain ( Tipperary ) the Irish for the county means the well of arra so maybe a suggestion for a video the meanings of the county names would be interesting . The same is true of the place names of Scotland a lot of them are from the gaidhlig and have history and meaning behind them !
I have to give you my place where I live and you can translate them,I'll give you the Irish spelling cluin is half of one so that means oak , well it's clondalkin so translate that Dane please and thanks ✨.My charger broke that's why I was missing for a while 👻👻👻👻✌️.
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Learn Irish another great video always been Interested in the reason behind the place names in Ireland for instance knew the one you mentioned here Cill Dara meaning church of the oak . Tiobraid arrain ( Tipperary ) the Irish for the county means the well of arra so maybe a suggestion for a video the meanings of the county names would be interesting . The same is true of the place names of Scotland a lot of them are from the gaidhlig and have history and meaning behind them !
Absolutely, I definitely plan on doing a video on the 32 counties very soon, such a rich history and it's within our reach every single day 🙂
I was in Glenmore when I was in Port Láirge agus what does Choirle mean
Perhaps it's a pothole, plenty of them around
Green is absolutely your colour
Go raibh maith agat 😂
@@LearnIrish that was quick
I try to respond to comment's as soon as possible 🙂
My teacher gave me a link to this 🤣🤣
😅😅 That's great to hear, tell your teacher go raibh maith agat as an tacaíocht 👍👍👍
I speak a bit of Irish
Keep it up
Táim ag smaoineamh go bhfuil baint idir Lus Mór agus Lismore. An bhfuil a fhios agat gur bhfuilim i gceart?
Ní dóigh liom go bhfuil aon ceangal le bheith fírinneach, Lismore = large ringfort, Lios = ringfort, ach tá an chuma chéanna orthu dar ndóigh 🙂
I have to give you my place where I live and you can translate them,I'll give you the Irish spelling cluin is half of one so that means oak , well it's clondalkin so translate that Dane please and thanks ✨.My charger broke that's why I was missing for a while 👻👻👻👻✌️.
I thought I hadn't heard from you for a while, so Clondalkin means Dolcans meadow - I'm not sure who Dolcan was however.
Learn Irish Thanks that sounds nice Grma.
All the best 👍