Performance Analysis of DDoS Attack Detection in VANET Using OMNeT++ Simulation

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 พ.ย. 2024
    Implementation plan:
    Scenario - 1:
    Step 1: Initially, we will construct a Vanet Network with 50 Vehicles, 2 Base stations, 2 RSUs.
    Step 2: Next, we Simulate the network to view the communications of the vehicles.
    Step 3: Next, we simulate Dos Attack into the network and collect the data.
    Step 4: Next, we train a BiLSTM Model for effectively detecting the Attacks using the dataset.
    Step 5: Finally, we plot performance for the following metrics:
    5.1: Number of Vehicles vs. Accuracy (%)
    5.2: Number of Vehicles vs. Precision (%)
    5.3: Number of Vehicles vs. Attack Detection Rate (%)
    5.4: Number of Vehicles vs. Throughput (Mbps)
    Scenario - 2:
    Step 1: Initially, we will construct a Vanet Network with 50 Vehicles, 2 Base stations, 2 RSUs.
    Step 2: Next, we Simulate the network to view the communications of the vehicles.
    Step 3: Next, we simulate Dos Attack into the network and collect the data.
    Step 4: Next, we train a CNN Model for effectively detecting the Attacks using the dataset.
    Step 5: Finally, we plot performance for the following metrics:
    5.1: Number of Vehicles vs. Accuracy (%)
    5.2: Number of Vehicles vs. Precision (%)
    5.3: Number of Vehicles vs. Attack Detection Rate (%)
    5.4: Number of Vehicles vs. Throughput (Mbps)
    Software requirements:
    Development tool: Omnet++ 6.0.1, SUMO- 1.12.0, JDK -1.8.0_422
    Development OS: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
    [1] If the above plan does not satisfy your requirement, please provide the processing details, like the above step-by-step.
    [2] Please note that this implementation plan does not include any further steps after it is put into implementation.
    [3] If the above plan satisfies your requirement please confirm with us.
    [4] We make simulation type processes only, not a real-time process.
    1. #DDoSDetection
    2. #VANETSecurity
    3. #OMNeTPlusPlus
    4. #NetworkPerformance
    5. #CyberSecurityResearch
    6. #SimulationAnalysis
    7. #TrafficManagement
    8. #WirelessNetworks
    9. #DataIntegrity
    10. #ResearchInnovation
    We possess a team of professional researchers who specialize in the subsequent research domains
    • Wireless sensor network
    • IOT
    • VANET
    • SDN
    • Network Security
    • Wireless communication
    The above mentioned video serves as a guide in conducting omnet manual research work.
    Reach us at:
    mail us at :
    call us at : +91 9444856435

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