Assaulted & property damaged by West Yorkshire Police.

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 28 ส.ค. 2018
  • Member of the public is assaulted and his camera criminally damaged by West Yorkshire Police inspector Rogerson.
    A private prosecution is laid at Kirklees Magistrates and a warrant issued against the police officer.
    A case management hearing takes place and a date for trial set.
    Immediately before the trial, the CPS take over the prosecution for the sole purpose of discontinuing it.
    WYP subsequently held a misconduct hearing, without seizing all the material evidence, and the officer received 'words of advice'.
    Due to a number of incidents, seven cases against WYP for wrongful arrest, unlawful detention, malicious prosecution and assault resulted in a five figure settlement being agreed and paid to the victim.
    A more detailed account of these events can be found here -
    and here"

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