Truth Triumphs Through Pleasure

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 21 ต.ค. 2024
  • Speaker: John Piper
    Conference: Shepherds Conference | Sun Valley
    Transcript: www.desiringgo...

ความคิดเห็น • 23

  • @Lowkeyme-s7w
    @Lowkeyme-s7w 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    Having pleasure and Joy in God is a high degree Pr. John. We need God’s help to reach that standard.

  • @TheCreepypro
    @TheCreepypro 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    may we rejoice in the truth of our Lord! may it be the source of our pleasure!

  • @BecamePneuma
    @BecamePneuma 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    1 Corinthians 1:18 - “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God".

    • @rinajonker6120
      @rinajonker6120 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Exhibit God's excellencies in your coming and going by glorifying Him in all things!!

  • @zoliswapatriciangcala7412
    @zoliswapatriciangcala7412 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    Wow this is Powerful teaching HALELUJAH PRAISE GOD LOVE it blesses me abundantly thank you Jesus for this Powerful Ministry I give Glory to our Lord and saver Amen 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥❤❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @miryanluna560
    @miryanluna560 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    What a blessing is this sermon

  • @nereida116
    @nereida116 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    This POWERFUL TRUTH is spoken at the precise moment in history before The Second Coming of The Lord Christ Jesus!

    • @jamesphillips1218
      @jamesphillips1218 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Awesome Amen for sure i do believe in The Truth of our Lord Jesus Christ Holy Name Hallelujah Glory Hallelujah And To God Be The Glory for ever and ever Amen 💖🙏🙏🙏🙌🙌🙌🙌😊❤👍💘💐

  • @Lowkeyme-s7w
    @Lowkeyme-s7w 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Thank you Pr. John P. I long to meet you one day!

  • @sphaobie8472
    @sphaobie8472 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @PaulLee-rs8uw
    @PaulLee-rs8uw 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    After Jesus was buried more than 2000 years ago, then three days later...
    Mark 16:1-8( The Resurrection)
    "16 When the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene😊❤, Mary😊❤ the mother of James and Salome bought spices( not for cooking but for annointing Jesus purpose in Christ), so that they might go and annoint him.
    2 And very early on the first day( Sunday morning, do you also know by God's grace that Sunday was the first day of the week in Jesus' time too?) of the week, when the sun has risen, they went to the tomb( not any tomb but Jesus' tomb in Christ).
    3 And they( both Mary of Magdalene and Mary the mother of James and Salome) were saying to one another, " Who will roll away the stone for us from the entrance of the tomb( Jesus' tomb)? "
    4 And they looking up, they( both Mary😊❤😊❤) saw that the stone had been rolled back- it was very large( " very large").
    5 And entering the tomb, they saw a young man sitting on the right😊❤ side😊❤, dressed in a white 😊❤ robe😊❤, and they were alarmed.
    6 And he said to them,
    " Do not😊❤ be alarmed( or Do not😊❤
    be afraid or alarmed).
    You seek Jesus(😊1st❤ our Lord and our savior in Christ😊❤
    ) of Nazareth😊❤, who was crucified.
    He( Jesus😊1st❤ our savior in Christ) has risen😊❤; he is not here.
    ( You might ask they want proof then the angel😊❤ to them to...
    See 😊❤ the place where they(😊❤😊❤
    ) laid him( Jesus😊1st❤).
    7 But go😊❤,
    ( to do what? )
    tell😊❤ his( Jesus😊1st❤'s) disciples(😊❤'s) and Peter😊❤( single out Peter😊❤ out to them) that he( Jesus😊1st❤ our( my) Lord and our( my) savior too in Christ😊❤ ) is going before 😊❤ you(😊❤'s) to Galilee😊❤.
    There( in Galilee😊❤) you will see him( Jesus😊1st❤), just as he( Jesus😊1st❤) told you."
    ( Do you also remembering of Matthew 28:16-20( The Great Commission😊❤) of Jesus 😊1st❤ in Christ too? )
    "8 And they went out and fled from the tomb, ( it meant both Mary(s)😊❤😊❤ was obedience to God's angel 😊❤ in Christ told them to do in Christ)
    for trembling and astonishement had seized them( Speaking mix emotion from the Bible said , " ...for trembling and astonishement had seized them, " from Mark 16:8 middle of the verse)
    and they said nothing😊❤ to anyone, for they were afraid.
    [SOME OF THE EARLIEST MANUSCRIPTS DO NOT INCLUDE 16: 9-20.] "(Mark 16:1-8 ESV Study Bible and all parenthesis parts, stimulate questioned asked for learning purposes in Christ and also all symbols in Christ Jesus😊1st❤ also for 😊❤ and in😊❤ Christ😊❤ only in Christ too.
    From Mark 16:8 middle of the verse said,
    "... ( for) trembling and astonishement had seized them( both Mary's or Mary Magdelene and Mary the mother of James and Salome) so
    "..trembling and astonishement ..." from Mark 16:8 "follow from the women(😊❤😊❤)'s awe😊❤ being eyewitnesses to an act❤ of God( 😊100%❤) that change all of history.( Jesus' resurrection😊❤) in Mark 16:8 middle of the verse said "...they said nothing to anyone..."( from Mark 16:8 middle of the verse) " Their silent would be only temporary( ..see Matthew 28:8 "8 So they departed quickly from the tomb with fear and great joy😊❤( mixed emotion for these two Mary😊❤😊❤'s), and ran to tell his( Jesus😊1st❤'s) disciples(11😊❤'s)."( Mattthew 28:8 ESV Study Bible) "( ESV Study Bible)
    Silent is temporary in Christ😊❤ for those faithful sisters did what God😊100%❤ through the angel😊❤ told them to do 😊❤ in Christ told Jesus😊1st❤'s disciples( 11disciples😊❤) in Christ😊❤

  • @PaulLee-rs8uw
    @PaulLee-rs8uw 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Jesus😊1st❤ is the truth 😊❤of the world .
    John 14:6❤😊
    " 6 Jesus answered,
    " I am
    the way (😊1st❤)
    the truth (😊 1st❤)
    the life(😊1st❤).
    No one
    to the Father( God
    , our Father in heaven )
    through me."( John 14:6😊❤ Zondervan NIV Study Bible. In Jesus'name, i pray( John 14:6😊t❤). Amen.

    • @PaulLee-rs8uw
      @PaulLee-rs8uw 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Exodus 14:5-9 of
      Exodus 14:1-31
      (Crossing the Red Sea)
      Exodus 14:5-9
      "5 When the king of Egypt was told that the people had fled, the mind of Pharaoh and his servants was changed toward the people, and they said,
      " What is this we have done, that we have let Israel go from serving us?
      6 So he made ready his chariots of Egypt with him,
      7 and took six hundred chosen chariot and all the other chariots of Egypt with officiers over all of them.
      8 And the LORD😊❤ hardened the heart of Pharaoh King of Egypt, and he pursued the people of Israel
      while the people😊❤
      of Israel😊❤ were going out difiantly.
      9 The Egyptians pursued them, all Pharaoh's horse, and chariots and his horsemennand his amy, and overtook them encamped at the sea, by
      Pi- hariroth, in front of Baal-Zephon."( Exodusb14:5-9 ESV Study Bible)
      Romans 8:28
      "28 And we(😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤ in Christ)
      know that for those who love(❤😊) God (God😊100%❤our Father in heaven😊❤) all things work together for good😊❤, for those ( those of us😊❤'s in Christ) who are called😊❤ according to his( God😊100%❤'s) purpose."( Romans 8:28 ESV Study Bible amen to Romans 8:28😊❤
      in Christ Jesus😊1st❤ in Christ😊❤.
      John 14:6❤😊
      " 6 Jesus answered,
      " I am
      the way (😊1st❤)
      the truth (😊 1st❤)
      the life(😊1st❤).
      No one
      to the Father( God
      , our Father in heaven )
      through me."( John 14:6😊❤ Zondervan NIV Study Bible. In Jesus'name, i pray( John 14:6😊t❤). Amen.

    • @PaulLee-rs8uw
      @PaulLee-rs8uw 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Mark 15:42-47( Jesus😊1st❤ is buried)
      "42 And when evening has come, since it was in the Preparation, that is, the day before the Sabbath.
      43 Joseph 😊❤ of Arimathea, a respected member of the council, who was also himself looking for the kingdom😊❤ of God(😊100%❤),
      took courage😊❤
      went to Pilate
      and asked ( you might ask what was Joseph 😊❤ of Arimatha asking for at Jesus' time?
      for the body of Jesus(😊1st❤).
      44 Pilate was surprised to hear that he should have already died.
      And summoning the centurion, he( Joseph of Arimathea from Mark 15:13a) asked him( Pilate) whether he was already dead.
      45 And when he learned from the centurion that he( Jesus😊1st❤ our Lord and our savior in Christ) was dead, he granted the corpose to Joseph😊❤( Joseph gave his own burying tomb to Jesus😊1st❤).
      46 And Joseph😊❤ bought
      a linen shroud,
      taking him( Jesus😊1st❤ our Lord in Christ) down( from the cross),
      wrapped❤ him( Jesus😊1st❤ our savior in Christ) in the linen shroud
      laid him( Jesus😊1st❤ our resurrected Lord and our resurrected soon King Jesus😊1st❤ in Christ) in a tomb that had been cut out of rock. And he( Joseph😊❤) rolled a stone( huge stone) against the entrance of the tomb.
      47 Mary Magdalene😊❤ and Mary😊❤ the mother of Joses saw where he( Jesus😊1st❤) was laid."( Mark 15:42-47 ESV Study Bible)
      Who is Joseph😊❤ of Arimathea?
      Also one of Jesus' disciples too at Jesus' time , not the first 12 disciples but is a disciple of Jesus(John 19:38 middle of the verse)
      Let us jump in faith to John 19:38-42( Jesus😊1st❤ was buried)
      "38 After these things Joseph
      😊❤ of Arimathea, who😊❤
      was 😊❤ a disciple😊❤ of Jesus(😊1st❤ our Lord and our savior too in Christ),
      but secretly for fear of the Jews, asked Pilate that he( Joseph😊❤) might taken away the body of Jesus(😊1st❤ our soon to be resurrected Lord and resurrected King Jesus😊1st❤ in Christ),
      and Pilate gave him😊❤ permission.
      So he( Joseph 😊❤of Arimathea from John 19:38a) came and took away his( Jesus😊1st❤'s) body.
      39 Nicodemus( another faithful Jew😊❤ also was Jesus' disciples too in Christ) also, who earlier had come😊❤ to Jesus(😊1st❤) by night😊❤, came bringing a mixture of Myrrh and aloes, about seventy- five pound in weight.
      40 So
      they( Joseph of Arimathea, a faithful Jew in Christ and Nicodemus😊❤ ( from John 3:1
      "3 Now there was a man of the Pharisees(pharisees believe in Resurrection😊❤and angels 😊❤ of God) named Nicodemus , a ruler of the Jews."( from John 3:1 ESV Study Bible or from John 3:1-15( You must be born again ) context or content that Nicodemus😊❤ a ruler of the Jews from John 3:1 a Nicodemus😊❤ so Joseph😊❤ and Nicodemus😊❤ equal " they"
      from John 19:40a " so they...")
      the body of Jesus(😊1st❤ our savior in Christ) and bound it in linen cloths with the spices( tradition Jew burial custum),
      as is the burial custum of the Jews.
      41 Now in the place where he( Jesus😊1st❤) was crucified, there was a garden, and in the garden a new tomb in which no one😊❤ has yet been laid.
      42 So because of the Jewish day of Preparation, since the tomb was close at hand, they( Joseph😊❤ and Nicodemus😊❤ followers of Jesus 😊1st❤ or Jesus😊1st❤'s one of disciples too in Christ)
      laid Jesus(😊1st❤ our savior in Christ) there❤."( John 19:38-42 (Jesus😊1st❤
      is buried) ESV Study Bible. All parenthesis parts and symbols in Christ above all in all also for and in Christ Jesus😊1st❤ too in Christ😊❤.
      Are you also one of the faithful followers( or disciples) of Jesus😊1st❤'s our Lord( Jesus😊1st❤) and our savior ( Jesus😊1st❤)In Christ ? Are you also faithful to God😊1st❤
      or Jesus(😊1st❤)
      like Joseph 😊❤ of Arimathea and Nicodemus 😊❤ were faithful to Jesus😊1st ❤ and faithful to God(😊1st❤) by burying Jesus😊1st❤ together in Christ with love😊❤ and treasure for a resurected Lord and resurrected Savior( Jesus😊1st❤ ) too in Christ.
      Matthew 28:1-10( The Resurrection) of Jesus😊1st❤ in Christ😊❤.
      Mark 16:1-11( The Resurrection😊❤) of Jesus😊1st❤ in Christ.
      Luke 24:1-12( The Resurrection😊❤) of Jesus😊1st❤'s our Lord and our savior in Christ😊❤.
      John 20:1-10( The Resurrection😊❤) of Jesus😊1st❤ in Christ.

    • @PaulLee-rs8uw
      @PaulLee-rs8uw 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Exodus 14:10-14
      "10 When Pharaoh drew near, the people😊❤ of Israel😊❤
      lifted up their eyes, and behold, the Egyptians were marching after them, and they feared greatly. And the people😊❤ of Israel😊❤ cried out to the LORD( the Lord God😊❤).
      11 They said to Moses😊❤,
      " Is it because there are no graves in Egypt that you have taken us away to die in the wilderness?
      What have you done to us in bringing us out of Egypt?
      12 Is not this what we sais to you in Egypt:
      ' leave us alone that we may serve the Egyptians' ?
      ( You might ask why do they say that?)
      For( Because) it would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the wilderness."
      13 And Moses😊❤ said to the people😊❤,
      " Fear not😊❤,
      stand firm😊❤, and see the salvation😊❤ of the LORD😊❤( the Lord God😊❤)
      , which he will work😊❤ for 😊❤ you😊❤ today.
      For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall never see again.
      14 The LORD😊❤ will 😊❤
      fight❤ for you( you😊❤ or us today too in Christ), and you have only to be silent." "( Exodus 14:10-14 ESV Study Bible. All parenthesis parts in Christ and symbols in Christ Jesus😊1st❤ also for and in Christ too😊❤.
      Romans 8:28😊❤ in Christ😊❤.

    • @PaulLee-rs8uw
      @PaulLee-rs8uw 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      After Jesus was buried more than 2000 years ago, then three days later...
      Mark 16:1-8( The Resurrection)
      "16 When the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene😊❤, Mary😊❤ the mother of James and Salome bought spices( not for cooking but for annointing Jesus purpose in Christ), so that they might go and annoint him.
      2 And very early on the first day( Sunday morning, do you also know by God's grace that Sunday was the first day of the week in Jesus' time too?) of the week, when the sun has risen, they went to the tomb( not any tomb but Jesus' tomb in Christ).
      3 And they( both Mary of Magdalene and Mary the mother of James and Salome) were saying to one another, " Who will roll away the stone for us from the entrance of the tomb( Jesus' tomb)? "
      4 And they looking up, they( both Mary😊❤😊❤) saw that the stone had been rolled back- it was very large( " very large").
      5 And entering the tomb, they saw a young man sitting on the right😊❤ side😊❤, dressed in a white 😊❤ robe😊❤, and they were alarmed.
      6 And he said to them,
      " Do not😊❤ be alarmed( or Do not😊❤
      be afraid or alarmed).
      You seek Jesus(😊1st❤ our Lord and our savior in Christ😊❤
      ) of Nazareth😊❤, who was crucified.
      He( Jesus😊1st❤ our savior in Christ) has risen😊❤; he is not here.
      ( You might ask they want proof then the angel😊❤ to them to...
      See 😊❤ the place where they(😊❤😊❤
      ) laid him( Jesus😊1st❤).
      7 But go😊❤,
      ( to do what? )
      tell😊❤ his( Jesus😊1st❤'s) disciples(😊❤'s) and Peter😊❤( single out Peter😊❤ out to them) that he( Jesus😊1st❤ our( my) Lord and our( my) savior too in Christ😊❤ ) is going before 😊❤ you(😊❤'s) to Galilee😊❤.
      There( in Galilee😊❤) you will see him( Jesus😊1st❤), just as he( Jesus😊1st❤) told you."
      ( Do you also remembering of Matthew 28:16-20( The Great Commission😊❤) of Jesus 😊1st❤ in Christ too? )
      "8 And they went out and fled from the tomb, ( it meant both Mary(s)😊❤😊❤ was obedience to God's angel 😊❤ in Christ told them to do in Christ)
      for trembling and astonishement had seized them( Speaking mix emotion from the Bible said , " ...for trembling and astonishement had seized them, " from Mark 16:8 middle of the verse)
      and they said nothing😊❤ to anyone, for they were afraid.
      [SOME OF THE EARLIEST MANUSCRIPTS DO NOT INCLUDE 16: 9-20.] "(Mark 16:1-8 ESV Study Bible and all parenthesis parts, stimulate questioned asked for learning purposes in Christ and also all symbols in Christ Jesus😊1st❤ also for 😊❤ and in😊❤ Christ😊❤ only in Christ too.
      From Mark 16:8 middle of the verse said,
      "... ( for) trembling and astonishement had seized them( both Mary's or Mary Magdelene and Mary the mother of James and Salome) so
      "..trembling and astonishement ..." from Mark 16:8 "follow from the women(😊❤😊❤)'s awe😊❤ being eyewitnesses to an act❤ of God( 😊100%❤) that change all of history.( Jesus' resurrection😊❤) in Mark 16:8 middle of the verse said "...they said nothing to anyone..."( from Mark 16:8 middle of the verse) " Their silent would be only temporary( ..see Matthew 28:8 "8 So they departed quickly from the tomb with fear and great joy😊❤( mixed emotion for these two Mary😊❤😊❤'s), and ran to tell his( Jesus😊1st❤'s) disciples(11😊❤'s)."( Mattthew 28:8 ESV Study Bible) "( ESV Study Bible)
      Silent is temporary in Christ😊❤ for those faithful sisters did what God😊100%❤ through the angel😊❤ told them to do 😊❤ in Christ told Jesus😊1st❤'s disciples( 11disciples😊❤) in Christ😊❤

  • @Stupidityindex
    @Stupidityindex 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    If your God is mocked, maybe He is not really a God.
    I find that believers strike out with threats, when informed of reasoned denial, of the existence of a God outside of fiction.
    Atheist literature goes back to 500 BC. I suspect educated men have always known Deity as a tool of fiction, a tool of state.
    I enjoy the ludicrous notions of faith.
    Believers begin their crimes like Moses, becoming history's worst navigator, as if travel were best done with one foot in fantasyland.
    Believers fail to comprehend the saying of Jesus Christ which has lasted to this day. Believers are found among a gathering crowd, when Jesus Christ is alarmed by a wicked generation, those who seek the signs of resurrection. "The only sign given is Jonah" - who was a believer. He was outnumbered & murdered by other believers. Jesus Christ "hangeth on a tree" to celebrate the War of the Jews.
    "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree:" Galatians 3:13
    "Render to Caesar"

    • @aprescienceofhumor7977
      @aprescienceofhumor7977 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Who is your audience and what is your aim?

    • @xX0IRIDIUM0Xx
      @xX0IRIDIUM0Xx 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      the bible says "God is not mocked". Whatever you sow you will reap.

    • @HearGodsWord
      @HearGodsWord 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Thanks for showing how weak the case against God is.

    • @SaltAndGracePoetry
      @SaltAndGracePoetry 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You would have been better off to keep your mouth shut and have us all only assume you were ignorant....