Monkey baby Bon can’t resist the sweet smell of jackfruit - Harvesting jackfruit with Grandma Ly

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 16 ก.ย. 2024
  • Monkey baby Bon and Bi were captivated by the irresistible aroma of ripe jackfruit in Grandma Ly's garden. The two little monkeys eagerly helped Grandma Ly harvest the delicious fruit, unable to contain their excitement. It was a fragrant and joyful day in the garden, filled with the sweet scent of jackfruit and the laughter of Bon and Bi. Which one of these little helpers do you think enjoyed the jackfruit the most?
    US English: Monkey baby Bon and Bi can’t resist the sweet smell of jackfruit - Harvesting jackfruit with Grandma Ly
    German (Germany): Die Äffchen Bon und Bi können dem süßen Duft von Jackfrucht nicht widerstehen - Ernten von Jackfrucht mit Oma Ly
    Russian (Russia): Обезьянки Бон и Би не могут устоять перед сладким запахом джекфрута - Сбор джекфрута с бабушкой Ли
    Portuguese (Brazil): Macaquinho Bon e Bi não resistem ao cheiro doce da jaca - Colhendo jaca com a vovó Ly
    Italian (Italy): Le scimmiette Bon e Bi non possono resistere al dolce profumo del jackfruit - Raccolta di jackfruit con la nonna Ly
    Japanese (Japan): モンキーベビーボンとビーはジャックフルーツの甘い香りに抵抗できない - おばあちゃんリーと一緒にジャックフルーツを収穫
    Spanish (Spain): Los monitos Bon y Bi no pueden resistirse al dulce aroma de la fruta del pan - Cosechando fruta del pan con la abuela Ly
    Polish (Poland): Małpki Bon i Bi nie mogą się oprzeć słodkiemu zapachowi jackfruita - Zbiór jackfruita z babcią Ly
    Indonesian (Indonesia): Monyet kecil Bon dan Bi tidak bisa menahan aroma manis nangka - Memanen nangka bersama Nenek Ly
    Ukrainian (Ukraine): Мавпенята Бон і Бі не можуть втриматися від солодкого запаху джекфрута - Збирання джекфрута з бабусею Лі
    French (France): Les petits singes Bon et Bi ne peuvent pas résister à l'odeur sucrée du jacquier - Récolte de jacquier avec Mamie Ly
    UK English: Monkey baby Bon and Bi can’t resist the sweet smell of jackfruit - Harvesting jackfruit with Grandma Ly
    Spanish (Mexico): Los monitos Bon y Bi no pueden resistirse al dulce aroma de la fruta del pan - Cosechando fruta del pan con la abuela Ly
    Thai (Thailand): ลิงน้อยบอนและบีไม่สามารถต้านทานกลิ่นหอมหวานของขนุน - เก็บขนุนกับคุณย่าลี
    Canadian English: Monkey baby Bon and Bi can’t resist the sweet smell of jackfruit - Harvesting jackfruit with Grandma Ly
    Filipino (Philippines): Ang munting unggoy na sina Bon at Bi ay hindi mapigilang humanga sa matamis na amoy ng langka - Pag-aani ng langka kasama si Lola Ly
    Czech (Czech Republic): Malé opičky Bon a Bi nemohou odolat sladké vůni jackfruitu - Sklizeň jackfruitu s babičkou Ly
    Korean (South Korea): 아기 원숭이 본과 비는 잭프루트의 달콤한 향기를 참을 수 없습니다 - 할머니 리와 함께 잭프루트 수확하기
    Turkish (Turkey): Maymun bebek Bon ve Bi, jak meyvesinin tatlı kokusuna karşı koyamaz - Büyükanne Ly ile jak meyvesi toplama
    Austrian German: Die kleinen Äffchen Bon und Bi können dem süßen Duft von Jackfrucht nicht widerstehen - Ernten von Jackfrucht mit Oma Ly
    Greek (Greece): Τα μικρά μαϊμουδάκια Μπον και Μπι δεν μπορούν να αντισταθούν στη γλυκιά μυρωδιά του φρούτου τζάκφρουτ - Συγκομιδή τζάκφρουτ με τη γιαγιά Λυ
    Chinese (Taiwan): 小猴子Bon和Bi無法抗拒波羅蜜的香甜氣味 - 和祖母Ly一起收割波羅蜜
    Burmese (Myanmar): ကြောင်နီ Bon နှင့် Bi တို့သည် မက်ခေါက်ရနံ့ကို စိတ်ဝင်စားနေကြသည် - အဘွားလီနှင့်အတူမက်ခေါက်ဆောက်လုပ္ငန်း
    Malay (Malaysia): Monyet kecil Bon dan Bi tidak boleh menahan bau manis nangka - Mengutip nangka dengan Nenek Ly
    Hungarian (Hungary): Bon és Bi kismajmok nem tudnak ellenállni a jackfruit édes illatának - Jackfruit szedése nagymamával Ly-vel
    Serbian (Serbia): Majmunčići Bon i Bi ne mogu da odole slatkom mirisu jackfruit-a - Berba jackfruit-a sa bakom Ly
    Singaporean English: Monkey baby Bon and Bi can’t resist the sweet smell of jackfruit - Harvesting jackfruit with Grandma Ly

ความคิดเห็น • 6

  • @PheapEatShow
    @PheapEatShow 17 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Oh super cute 🥰

    • @ingegraf-b1z
      @ingegraf-b1z 15 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Illegally poached, all lies and false shows, species protection violation, abuse, drought, animal cruelty, violation of species protection, against the law, exploiting baby primates in captivity for dollars, reported to Smacc

  • @ljiljanailic7568
    @ljiljanailic7568 17 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Kako želim da probam ovo voće!!!. Gospodjo Ly baš ste vrrdni. Bi je slatko spavala😀.Ne odvajaju se od vas😀.Bon ima novo odelce,a Bi je svoju....🫣🫣🫣🫣

  • @brittneyl4733
    @brittneyl4733 14 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Why no diaper? Poor bi was soaked in pee and sleeping in his own pee!! You didnt even give him a bath or change his clothes!!

    • @BonbonMonkeyCute
      @BonbonMonkeyCute  14 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Previously, Bi and Bon wore diapers but their reactions were not comfortable so Grandma Ly stopped using diapers. Bon and Bi would go to the toilet in Grandma's garden.