Astute and eloquent, logical and rational, forward-looking and able to hold his own, see the big picture, and avoid falling into agenda-driven traps laid by reporters. Very proud to have him as our PM. May we continue to have leaders like him at the helm.
Singaporean have ascend to first world economy from going global and connected to tap into new resources in under develop economic countries. This has always been SG fate to develop and thrive in Asean as a sustainable economy in this era of global warming and pollutions in the air and sea from manmade chemicals waste.
Just love to watch him speak. He has a ability to make so many complicated issues concise, on point and easier to follow in a logical and intelligent way.
@@stevenchow5684 You can’t compare the two of them, they are from different eras... LKY laid a good strong foundation but LHL is the effective and efficient good builder of current Singapore 🇸🇬
This interview is excellent example for many who are engaged in public life, politicians or bloggers... He addressed a range of difficult topics patents, 'Chinese whispering',climate change. direct, logical points in a gracefully civilized manner. Very impressive.
Indeed, he has done s fantastic job as a diplomat being politically correct that lack the direct punch n calling a spade a spade ..simply said stating that NO AMOUNT OF DIPLOMACY WHISPERING WILL BE EFFECTIVE unless THE WORLD IS DEVOID OF ANY UNIPOLAR GEOPOLITICS THAT IMPOSE ITS DEFINITION OF RULE OF LAWS.. HE HAS DONE a MARVELOUS JOB under ALL ASPECTS OF FRAMING THE EVIL CHINA NARRATIVEs BY THE HOST N FLOOR SPEAKERS, PERHAPS Prof. Kishore Mahbubani could do a better job without the implications/ baggage of being the PM of Spore.... Some Asian political commendators has misread His Excellency visit to US but after viewing this podcast.. he has done his job well but just lack the tough n STATEMANSHIP of his father.. especially using the point about IMF then to start AIIB.. " I can imagine the stern look n dogmatism of his old man when emphasising a point that is meant to be insinuating or pin pointing ignorance !"
As an American, I would like to move to Singapore. I have visited the country 4 times for work, it is an impressive, well managed, in sync society at peace. The city is edgy, modern and beautiful. It's a perfect example of capitalism and socialism working at a interchange in it's society. The USA is in decline, I am sorry to say that, but it's a mess.
You realize the PM recognizes Singapore’s success is only possible because of the US. Singapore only needs to care about themselves and the region they exist not all corners of the world. I’m exaggerating but the US gave up the chance of “utopia” to breath life into the world after WW2. The US is a mess but it’s the best mess in the world.
As a Singaporean, I'm proud that our leader is so measured, coherent and articulate. Even more heart warming is his honesty and enlightened educated stance on climate change.
I'm an American ex-pat living in Singapore for nearly 15 years. I continue to be impressed with the effectiveness of the Singapore government and the wisdom and intelligence of its leaders. It is difficult to live up to the standard set by his father, but Lee Hsien Loong is succeeding in his own way.
That's because in America, Democrats & Republicans are constantly battling each other without any genuine intentions to solve the many insurmountable domestic problems plaguing America. Only Trump has the genuine interest in improving America.
Good of PM Lee to use the correct word ASIA PACIFIC instead of INDO PACIFIC. He was totally in control of the situation and avoided falling into a trap. Much respect to PM Lee.
The PM’s robust political knowledge and strong leadership model to the whole world give his very well-balanced points of views. His intelligence is un-comparable in most circumstances. Well done, PM.
Singapore is one of best governed countries in the world because of Lee Kuan Yew's great leadership. Loong is the perfect son of his father. Love for Singapore.
Wow, what a wonderful dialogue. The Singapore PM is very cool, enthusiastic and sportively touching all the topics. Really admiring excellent personality.
Singapore’s ability to punch above its weight relies heavily on its sharp leaders. I’m quite appreciative of the accountability of this realpolitik style of leadership despite some nitpicking of some policies by some. Best wishes from the US.
Only problem is with USA lazyness in creative and advance fields Now it’s leisurely times are gone making others to do work for them , the new reality how US will handle itself first in rational way then cooperate with others
Interesting ... almost all of the questions from US reporters are about "confronting China". His answers were about "working with China" and collaboration.
Because trade with China is beneficial for Singapore, not necessarily always true for USA. Singapore formula to thrive is to rely on smooth trade between US and China, and partnership in defence with USA. It is this counterbalance between both superpowers that preserve peace in ASEAN. You have to consider the context/angle of that country. There is no size fits all. Also, PM Lee knows that USA is open to criticisms. He wouldn't try publicly lecturing Xi on how to mend relations with USA. China chinese dont take criticism kindly, but loves praises.
@@jamesl2590 : China doesn't take criticism, so we must keep on praising them? USA open to criticism, so we must keep on criticizing them? Is that what u meant??!!!...... What kind of logic is that??!!!
@@jamesl2590 : Don't get me wrong, i am not siding anyone.....But from my point of view, if a person or a country did something right, then they deserve praising. If they did something wrong, then they deserve to get criticized,.....Simple as that.
nah...he is doing his best in the interest of Singapore. He cant do that in Europe. Europeans should ensure their representatives have their countries or regions at heart. Not become sellout or mouthpieces for China or any other entities.
NO , a BIG NO . . he would just be wasting his precious time,, his advise would not be accepted anyway,, totally different moral and ethical values .. without REAL understanding of other people cultural and value system, it's just a waste of time . Lee isn't young anymore. .
Americans keep referring to the Asia Pacific region as the “Indo-Pacific” it is as ridiculous as using Afro-Atlantic to refer to Europe. Asia accounts for more than half of the world’s population. Show some respect and stop renaming the region to suit your wicked little games.
@Hook Kim Hin. Choosing leaders from dyed in the wool politicians has never been a great idea, and just as daft to hope for great statesmen based solely on oratorical skills has been tried & tested to eventual failure for thousands of years. Singapore has the good fortune to have founding fathers realised that nation building cannot be left to chance, politicians in Singapore are effectively technocrats, hot-housed from a young age.
This host is very unfair to accused China aggressive foreign policies which are not true and Pretends that all US bullying, aggressive foreign policies of regime change were totally ignored presumably they have the rights as they are exceptional. My biased host, China is promoting trades and building infrastructures to help poor nation with tools of survival whereas, US provides weapons to stages wars causing instability and suffering of common people. US funds rivals, instigates regime changes to deliberately making these nations poor with perpetual internal fightings to bogged them down. Now, whose foreign policies are bad? By the way, didn't US has so much to fix in their own country, the poor, the homeless , the destitutes, infrastructures etc.,that could keep them busy for decades instead of poking their noses into others internal affairs. And they are not even close to US shores
@@deschan2246 In Singapore, the government in most instances take care of the lower class people first. This is well demonstrated with the fact that we have no homelessness. People of lower income have benefitted from the affordable housing offered by the government. Tax is manageable here. Good public transport so that people have options to choose whether to drive to work or not. Most importantly, the government here is transparent enough to admit issues and/ or mistakes that they have made and learned from it. They have offered their ears to the people.
Wow, I am truly impressed on how PM handled the question. I've always had a neutral view on PM but I now respect him. Very practical, logical and make sense.
@@jackiechan.whoami The answer will be firmly NO cos South China Sea belongs to all Asean countries and must be shared equally so must condemn and counter that 9 dash lines claim.
An absolute pleasure to listen to such an insightful and eloquent statesman! Imagine what an inclusive and equitable world we would have if our politicians in the West can acquire half the knowledge and intellect of Singapore's PM Lee.
A respectable Asian statesman, if he is not already is, who is very valuable to America and Europe's perspective of the Asia. He is able to articulate and enlighten the Asian perspective without sounding too intellectual, verbose or overblown. Singapore is fortunate to have such a leader - a big fish in a small pond (unfortunately).
@@lastChang i think you are not used to watching any interviews at all. Go watch those interviews with Bloomberg and other western media with SG ministers!
All these condescending westerners are still clueless or in denial that China is no more the "sick man of Asia". And the past 200 years was just a bleep in their 5000+ years history. Check out Shanghai, Shenzhen and the vast rail network they had built over the past 20 years and compare that to the crumbling infrastructure of the usa.
The only Singapore leader who has ever commanded genuine respect without any ostentation from all over the world, whether it was Russia, China, Europe or USA, it could only be Lee Kuan Yew.
His command of international affairs is phenomenal. Arguably the most intelligent and articulate statesman now. I doubt any western leader can even come close to him.
@@lastChang Yes, he'll do that when the CCP agrees that the NPC has to change into a style Westminster Parliamentary system and Singaporean politicians can also participate in free and fair elections to be organised in China.
What lessons? It's a forum made public with a non partisan think tank and publisher (not available under CCP) where he attempts to make CCP Beijing smell nice.
@@lastChang The CCPcn do not want us lah. They only want HK and Taiwan which are historically part of China. SGP is born out of the stone right in the middle of Malay Archipelago
@@deschan2246 - I'm - Not - (Aware) - (The English) - (Lexicon) - Has - (Altered) - (The Meaning) - of - (Dumb) - 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 - Which - (You) - Are - (100 %) - (Representative) - of - It - 🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯 -
Proud of you. Mr PM Lee. Wishing you good health as well. You are a wise leader, your knowledge about the Asia region provides a much needed narrative that the western world should pay close attention to, especially to their foreign policy approach.
@@lastChang Yes, he'll do that when the CCP agrees that the NPC has to change into a style Westminster Parliamentary system and Singaporean politicians can also participate in free and fair elections to be organised in China.
Singapore 🇸🇬 and its people have a long history of having been colonised and invaded, and then, in the 60's decided to leave Malaysia's feseration to be totally independent. Since than the government had the tough decisions to work with past occupiers, Japan to carve itself a new path in democracy throwing out communist and ethnic influences but rather a common good for a multi cultural good for its people. The partnership with the US has brought Singapore a much needed respect and identity that is different than one envisaged by their neighbours and larger countries like China. Singaporeans have built upon years with fair trade and economic progress with China as well as Taiwan without any mingling of political issues with its economic goals. This will be the main line for Sinagpore. We do not want China to push its agenda into our minds just because it thinks the majority of the population is ethnically connected to China. 🇸🇬 Singaoore is very much like America 🇺🇸 in the East. The Irish,Italians, British exist as Americans, and just so Singapore has built up the state with sound political ideology that can not be in any way, be individually defined by the ethnicity of its populace. Singapore will never give up its sovereignty and integrity in supporting China in political policies that are communist and territorially affecting Singapore in its independence in making decisions
Lee Kuan Yew hailed Deng as a great man who transformed China. China modeled their system like Singapore. You're losing your mind and not sure what you're talking about. China laws are almost as strict as Singapore.
Most well asked question throughout this dialogue : 49:22 as this matter will be ongoing issue impacting globally until solid solution and action for it
What a stupid question from one of the reporter ask how sg get benefited by separated from China's markets! Which these kind of question really inappropriate and show that some western are hoping for it in their mind! Such a shameful mindset , and these will not happen in Asia at least , we are getting more and more sided to China , after we saw how Shameless USA Gov take dirty steps and try to pull Huawei down , that's the starting point are! Again we really hope US try not try to stir shits again in Asia Pacific! Get a life at your own land (originated from red Indian's land)!
"getting more and more sided with China".. ?? Singapore does not want to take side. Whatever need to be done must be for the benefits of Singapore and the region.
Our PM is trying to educate the Americans on why they should engage with China and the rest of the world. I am impressed with his calm and his selection of words, without affront to the very closed-minded Americans' questions.
Indeed a statesman who punches well above his weight! But alas, a prophet is almost never recognised and respected in his own country. He should be the Sec-gen of the UN.
WH has accepted PM Lee's proper role as a Beijing whisperer ... it is insulting and improper to hold on to such nonsense by western leader just because of his racial background. 😷😷
Dear Mr Lee, loved your presentation. I will remember your Mexican quote for years to come! “The US is our best friend, whether we like it or not”. As monumental as Mao’s “power lies at the end of a barrel”. The essence I get from your interaction is the same quote that Harold Wilson had for Lee Kuan Yew.. “Singapore is too small for Lee Hsien Loong’s feet”. Right now, there is a meaning vacuum in our once known as #SpiceTradeAsia region. You are the right man to spark its filling. How? Reflect on the fresh revelations that have been revealed on our #mindset_graph. It can go a long way to raise the wisdom on our region so we carry more than our weight on climate change. What are these revelations? That our region comprised of world leading developed societies up to 500 years ago. By prevailing world standards then. Our region is where almost all modern empires began. We fell and we have not reached back to our top position. We he factors that fell our region are 1)weakened polymathy due to bipolar perception/language 2)the wrong virtue signaling effects of #uncurrent_currency. 3) Misunderstanding of our evolution. For expansion, please see while watching “The Age of Exploration”:
Honesty is such a lonely word. What did the PM say about BIG TECH the host did not want to go into. What is a fabulous show to enthrall the AMERICANS and the West on how to conduct Disinformation? - THE west needed this, and the PM should be able to return home to Singapore to a discerning crowd who knew better what the USA-led fascism needed most in their moments of canceling out others. - disinformation, misinformation worldwide. There is pride and there is pride.
The 4G potential leaders does not have the intimate , width and depth knowledge of international and regional political relations . After LKY and LHL era, the US and China may have difficulty to seek the advice from this tiny red dot.
@@deschan2246 Agree with you if you say Heng SK cannot make it. But although I personally don't quite approve LHL way of managing issues, he is just as smart as his father LKY. Kim Yong is very right to say what he said.
@@michaellee3314 As a 69 years old senior , I think I am qualified enough to say that both are smart as I had first hand experience with both of them . I too do not quite approve the way LKY handled some issues ( eg stop at Two and his linking of children born to intellectuals etc ) and likewise with some of LHL way of managing issues. But ,by and by, LHL handle well in international area and is as respected as this father. No just because he is LKY son, but for what he is and demonstration of his grasp on a wide area of Global issues. However, just dismissing that our 4 Generation leaders are not as good is too early . All of us may be surprised when they proved themselves. Personally, I think 4th Generation management of the Pandemic is quite impressive , as compared to Hong Kong , and even Shanghai
@@deschan2246 You should go live in Burma, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh or even Philippines to appreciate your lot in Singapore. There are always people your kind who are never satisfied no matter how good the government has done. You are not living well? You fall short or what? Count your blessings, shame on You!!
@@panda63725 You are right. LKY also went to US in 1985 and deliver a speech in their Congress about the dangers of geopolitical contest between then 2nd largest economy, Japan and US .Of course, US did their own way and delivered several blows to Japanese economy which stagnated more than 2 decades. Japan did not even put on a fight. I think what Lee Hsien Loong is doing is to mitigate the impact and also for Singapore 's interest. Singapore is a top trading partner not only in US, but in China too.
@@中華傲訣 Stop spreading lies here. LKY was invited to the US to deliver a talk on “Peace and Progress in SE Asia” at the Joint Meeting of the US Congress in October 1985. The month was in October. OCTOBER. The Plaza Accord treaty that Japan signed with the US was in September 1985. ..SEPTEMBER. So whatever the US did to Japan , to stifle Japan’s economy growth for 2 decades had nothing to do with LKY. DO NOT USE the NAME AND REPUTATION OF LKY to promote your own hatred against the Americans. Shame on you.
Japan Australia USA South Korea and posibly India will come to Taiwan defence so dont ever think can shake Taiwan that easily so dont play with fire cos it has been heavily speculated that JP SK and AU have strong nukes just like PM mentions about that equilibrium analogy.
LkY had created Singapore, LHL have made Singapore stand tall , Both are equally eloquent and magnificent and made Singapore stand Tall although being just a tiny red dot .
PM Lee's visit looks like a primer for the other Asean leaders' forthcoming visit to the US. I suggest every one in Asean remains neutral. Don't subscribe to "rules-based international order" which means rulles "guided" by USA relationship. Pompeo's recent visit to Taiwan is calling for USA to recognise Taiwan as a country. Anyone can see this is a poke in the eye for China. And Pompeo might be the next USA President!
@@District-X Nothing. That is why that sentence is in a separate paragraph. My friend, the whole thing about the US is trying to maintain its hegemony. Both PM Lee's visit and Pompeo's visit to Taiwan is part of the over-arching strategy by the US to stay nbr 1.
The interviewer has always brought up the term Indo Pacific a special geopolitical term coined by the US to contain China's influence,a term with a cold war mentality to form a bloc of military alliance like an' Asian Nato ' which will seed divisiveness and contention among countries in the Asian countries. This is a dangerous and horrible scheme that should be rejected by all countries in Asia!
Some here are commenting that he is still this and that with the Chinese regime. If you’re a Singaporean, then please think deeper. This is not your daily coffeeshop talk. Why would he as PM of a small nation say something that’s so blunt to any country that’s just not benefiting his country but creates unnecessary pressure or friction to the economy and whatsoever ? Why should he??? For what??? Where is the need for that??? Don’t get me wrong, there are certainly things that I don’t agree with his policies at home too, but this is not some kiddy’s play. Why do you think he’s in USA now???
He was trying to tell US to work together with China, find a way to handle the intellectual property theft with China, South China Sea,.etc. Well he tried his best knowing it is mission impossible. The world has changed after Covid 19 and Russia invasion of Ukraine. It will never be the same again.
Astute and eloquent, logical and rational, forward-looking and able to hold his own, see the big picture, and avoid falling into agenda-driven traps laid by reporters. Very proud to have him as our PM. May we continue to have leaders like him at the helm.
Singaporean have ascend to first world economy from going global and connected to tap into new resources in under develop economic countries. This has always been SG fate to develop and thrive in Asean as a sustainable economy in this era of global warming and pollutions in the air and sea from manmade chemicals waste.
Do not talk about "fate" as if Singapore's achievement is a given. At best, your command of English is suspect. At worst, you are deluded.
Wasn't referring to u leh
Just love to watch him speak. He has a ability to make so many complicated issues concise, on point and easier to follow in a logical and intelligent way.
He and his is like two different pole from his father I am already 80 plus and I saw the rise of his father
What is your point? Everyone is different from one another.
Is that a problem?
You can’t compare the two of them, they are from different eras...
LKY laid a good strong foundation but LHL is the effective and efficient good builder of current Singapore 🇸🇬
@@stevenchow5684 : ) Uncle, parents and children and siblings all same same but different, unless you mean LHL is a Dolly Sheep clone too?
@@bell-xk5dd Spot on. LHL is equally as impressive as his father. To be honest the current era is even more complicated.
This interview is excellent example for many who are engaged in public life, politicians or bloggers... He addressed a range of difficult topics patents, 'Chinese whispering',climate change. direct, logical points in a gracefully civilized manner. Very impressive.
He is very wise. We are blessed.
Lllllll ll
Indeed, he has done s fantastic job as a diplomat being politically correct that lack the direct punch n calling a spade a spade ..simply said stating that NO AMOUNT OF DIPLOMACY WHISPERING WILL BE EFFECTIVE unless THE WORLD IS DEVOID OF ANY UNIPOLAR GEOPOLITICS THAT IMPOSE ITS DEFINITION OF RULE OF LAWS..
HE HAS DONE a MARVELOUS JOB under ALL ASPECTS OF FRAMING THE EVIL CHINA NARRATIVEs BY THE HOST N FLOOR SPEAKERS, PERHAPS Prof. Kishore Mahbubani could do a better job without the implications/ baggage of being the PM of Spore....
Some Asian political commendators has misread His Excellency visit to US but after viewing this podcast.. he has done his job well but just lack the tough n STATEMANSHIP of his father.. especially using the point about IMF then to start AIIB.. " I can imagine the stern look n dogmatism of his old man when emphasising a point that is meant to be insinuating or pin pointing ignorance !"
As an American, I would like to move to Singapore. I have visited the country 4 times for work, it is an impressive, well managed, in sync society at peace. The city is edgy, modern and beautiful. It's a perfect example of capitalism and socialism working at a interchange in it's society. The USA is in decline, I am sorry to say that, but it's a mess.
Your countrys cultural tentacles are prying open at the hull already forget it
You realize the PM recognizes Singapore’s success is only possible because of the US. Singapore only needs to care about themselves and the region they exist not all corners of the world. I’m exaggerating but the US gave up the chance of “utopia” to breath life into the world after WW2. The US is a mess but it’s the best mess in the world.
This small island is very small and very racist it got many different races of people speaking different language
Pls don't come, if possible. singapore is already very, very crowded.
How can SG be racist when my property keep increasing in value?
Lee is brilliant. No prevarications. No stuttering. No fudging. No stacatto answers to loaded questions. Just pure thoughtful replies to any topic.
If only ghost commenters comment count
@@deschan2246 - I See - Even - (USA) - & - (Its) - (Lackeys) - & - (Cronies) - Have - (Wumao) - (Equivalent) - 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 - I Guess - They - Pay - (You) - USD 1.00 ? - 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 -
If only Singapore has open discussions and not pre planned Parliament Sessions. Lol.
Can a country be run effectively and efficiently by concensus?
You want salt, he wants water.
As a Singaporean, I'm proud that our leader is so measured, coherent and articulate. Even more heart warming is his honesty and enlightened educated stance on climate change.
R u paid?
@@deschan2246 Hello, ask a more sensible Question , man. Not all Singaporean are driven by $$$
@@lastChang not suspect, its exist
@@lastChang but it works most of the time, if not all of the time 😏
@@primroselim6897 works? How do u know?
I'm an American ex-pat living in Singapore for nearly 15 years. I continue to be impressed with the effectiveness of the Singapore government and the wisdom and intelligence of its leaders. It is difficult to live up to the standard set by his father, but Lee Hsien Loong is succeeding in his own way.
Thank you. We are blessed to have very wise leaders. Leaders who put their nation first and make ourselves relevant to the world.
@@deschan2246 - (Another) - USD 1.00 - Supporter - From - (USA) - (Lackeys) - & - (Cronies) - 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 - The - (1 Dollar - Gang) - 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 -
@Des Chan is indian from Malaysia. Singapore immigration kicked him out, so he comes here to badmouth Singapore.
That's because in America, Democrats & Republicans are constantly battling each other without any genuine intentions to solve the many insurmountable domestic problems plaguing America. Only Trump has the genuine interest in improving America.
Good of PM Lee to use the correct word ASIA PACIFIC instead of INDO PACIFIC.
He was totally in control of the situation and avoided falling into a trap. Much respect to PM Lee.
Well done Sir.
Just words. Does it matter?
@@deschan2246 dumb comment again
India is not even in the Pacific......Indo Pacific is a stupid term the old European colonists used.
@@Scott020357 does bringing in India make you guys uncomfortable?
Blessed with a leader who promotes love, respect, harmony, cooperation, openness and peace.
The PM’s robust political knowledge and strong leadership model to the whole world give his very well-balanced points of views. His intelligence is un-comparable in most circumstances. Well done, PM.
singapore is blessed with the most excellent leaders
🤣😂🤣😂 really?
@@deschan2246 Dumb, comical but dumb
@@deschan2246 It would be interesting to know who you think are top leaders in the world today :)
@@bobguard definitely not him.
@@bobguard Trump is top.
Singapore is one of best governed countries in the world because of Lee Kuan Yew's great leadership. Loong is the perfect son of his father. Love for Singapore.
This is a very capable PM.
Measured , eloquent and wise.
He beings us pride. Cheers Singapore 🇸🇬
So says TS a 5 mth OLD FAKE ACCOUNT
@@vincecarlo - (5 Months) - Or - (5, 000 Years) - Make - (No - Difference) - 🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯 - (Honesty / Integrity / Propriety / Sobriety / Fidelity / Social Responsibility / Civic Conscuous / Decorum) - Are - (Virtues) - Which - Are - (Absent) - in - (People) - Like - (You) - 🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯 - & - (245 Year Old Nation) - Like - (USA) - & - Its - (Leaders) - 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 - (200 Years) - of - (War Mongering) - & - (Profiting) - From - (Military Manufacturing) - & - (Military Industrial Export) - 💩💩💩💩💩 -
PM Lee is really very pramagtic & read the economic & geopolitical picture so well.
Wow, what a wonderful dialogue. The Singapore PM is very cool, enthusiastic and sportively touching all the topics. Really admiring excellent personality.
Singapore is blessed to have him as our PM. Not easy to navigate in this troubled world. Needs wisdom and thank you PM.
Singapore’s ability to punch above its weight relies heavily on its sharp leaders. I’m quite appreciative of the accountability of this realpolitik style of leadership despite some nitpicking of some policies by some. Best wishes from the US.
God bless Singapore. God bless the worlds. Hope everyone in this planet live happily every day. World Peace 🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️
Only problem is with USA lazyness in creative and advance fields
Now it’s leisurely times are gone making others to do work for them , the new reality how US will handle itself first in rational way then cooperate with others
Good PM so Clever, Genius and Independent Like his father, bless singapura.
We are really blessed. Look at his comments and how he articulates.
Very wise and capable.
Interesting ... almost all of the questions from US reporters are about "confronting China".
His answers were about "working with China" and collaboration.
Because trade with China is beneficial for Singapore, not necessarily always true for USA. Singapore formula to thrive is to rely on smooth trade between US and China, and partnership in defence with USA. It is this counterbalance between both superpowers that preserve peace in ASEAN. You have to consider the context/angle of that country. There is no size fits all. Also, PM Lee knows that USA is open to criticisms. He wouldn't try publicly lecturing Xi on how to mend relations with USA. China chinese dont take criticism kindly, but loves praises.
Like what i said before, this lhl and his cronies are actually Pro Communist or Communist Sympathizers.
@@jamesl2590 : China doesn't take criticism, so we must keep on praising them? USA open to criticism, so we must keep on criticizing them? Is that what u meant??!!!...... What kind of logic is that??!!!
@@jamesl2590 : Don't get me wrong, i am not siding anyone.....But from my point of view, if a person or a country did something right, then they deserve praising. If they did something wrong, then they deserve to get criticized,.....Simple as that.
European parliaments need to have this guy as an advisor and consultant on all issues related to China.
nah...he is doing his best in the interest of Singapore. He cant do that in Europe. Europeans should ensure their representatives have their countries or regions at heart. Not become sellout or mouthpieces for China or any other entities.
NO , a BIG NO . . he would just be wasting his precious time,, his advise would not be accepted anyway,, totally different moral and ethical values .. without REAL understanding of other people cultural and value system, it's just a waste of time . Lee isn't young anymore. .
Americans keep referring to the Asia Pacific region as the “Indo-Pacific” it is as ridiculous as using Afro-Atlantic to refer to Europe. Asia accounts for more than half of the world’s population. Show some respect and stop renaming the region to suit your wicked little games.
Singaporean are lucky always have a great leader. Mr PM, great conversation
Well done PM.
We are proud of you.
How I wish most leadership of the world are able to each his level of maturity.
I agree with you.
We are so blessed to have this wise PM. The world respects him.
@Hook Kim Hin. Choosing leaders from dyed in the wool politicians has never been a great idea, and just as daft to hope for great statesmen based solely on oratorical skills has been tried & tested to eventual failure for thousands of years.
Singapore has the good fortune to have founding fathers realised that nation building cannot be left to chance, politicians in Singapore are effectively technocrats, hot-housed from a young age.
That is why I had to start forex trading
2months ago and now am making benefits
from it.
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My first investment with Mr Albert gave
me profit of over $44,000 Us dollar
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Mr ALBERT RENSHU has changed my financial status
for the best.
This host is very unfair to accused China aggressive foreign policies which are not true and Pretends that all US bullying, aggressive foreign policies of regime change were totally ignored presumably they have the rights as they are exceptional.
My biased host, China is promoting trades and building infrastructures to help poor nation with tools of survival whereas, US provides weapons to stages wars causing instability and suffering of common people. US funds rivals, instigates regime changes to deliberately making these nations poor with perpetual internal fightings to bogged them down.
Now, whose foreign policies are bad? By the way, didn't US has so much to fix in their own country, the poor, the homeless , the destitutes, infrastructures etc.,that could keep them busy for decades instead of poking their noses into others internal affairs.
And they are not even close to US shores
Thank God for our wise leader. He spoke with wisdom, and unafraid to correct.
Singapore is proud to have a great leader. Thanks PM Lee for the leadership. Singapore Stateman vs the US Politicians👍
US Media had virtually no coverage on the PM’s visit. What a disgrace. A good leader for a great nation.
PM Lee handled really well the "RACIST" question from TIME Magazine 43:14 "BEIJING WHISPERER" questioning!
Abhorrent journalist
U know that’s how china sees SG right just because it’s a Chinese dominate country and china expects Singapore to support them
@@liamq2714 - Despicable - (Racist) - 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 -
I feel clear disrespect to an absolute gentle man
Humble, honest personal opinions, no Jargons. I hope our upcoming new leader in Singapore will have his qualities, like Lawrence Wong.
Given time, Lawrence Wong will be just as good. Singapore is blessed with very capable ministers.
I am proud to have PM Lee as our Prime Minister.
Me too.
Name one thing he deserve yr proud?
@@deschan2246 - (Name) - (1) - (Admirable - Thing) - (You've) - Done - That - (Your - Mama) - Would - Be - (Proud) - of ? - 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 -
Do you have a mana?
@@deschan2246 In Singapore, the government in most instances take care of the lower class people first. This is well demonstrated with the fact that we have no homelessness. People of lower income have benefitted from the affordable housing offered by the government. Tax is manageable here. Good public transport so that people have options to choose whether to drive to work or not. Most importantly, the government here is transparent enough to admit issues and/ or mistakes that they have made and learned from it. They have offered their ears to the people.
Wow, I am truly impressed on how PM handled the question. I've always had a neutral view on PM but I now respect him. Very practical, logical and make sense.
Very deep thinking person in every aspect. You are a role model for next generation.
Those who think he is deep is very shallow
Can’t be shallower than you, you’re just toxic.
@@deschan2246 Ha Ha, I am one of those who think he is deep . I guess you must even deeper if you will be at the discussion instead of him
@@SK-2175 unfortunately u fall into shallow category
@@SK-2175 whats new in what he said? Share yr thoughts
Very good of speech, proud of the PM Lee's wisdom
We are very lucky to have such a wise and practical PM.
He knows a lot on geo politics.
Basically he is out to secure our future. We are blessed.
Know alot on geo political? 🤣😂🤣
A truly good capable person do not need paid ghost commenters to create fake comments.
coshinc 5 mth OLD FAKE ACCOUNT is Back Spewing 💩
@@deschan2246 - (Another) - (Dumb - Stalker) - 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 -
Singapore is lucky to have such a brilliant leader (and his father too)
Brilliant? List one
We are indeed blessed to have both leaders serving us so well.
@@coshinc5941 typical ghost commenter comment.
Where is your mummy? Time yo drink milk.
@@deschan2246 - (Typical - Yokel) - From - The - (USA) - (1 Dollar - Gang) - 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 -
Listen at 45:10 and you should.
PM tells you who we are, we are Singaporeans.
I would definitely say he stands up straight and tall.
PRC press said that Chinese must support chinese to support PRC in South China Sea. Tiny Singapore government said No.
🤣😂🤣😂 just a autocratic dictatorship
@@ericlim428 it's true, in the country of blind , one eye man is king.😁
@@jackiechan.whoami The answer will be firmly NO cos South China Sea belongs to all Asean countries and must be shared equally so must condemn and counter that 9 dash lines claim.
@@deschan2246 just a Dumbo
Dear Prime Minister of Singapore
proud of you🇸🇬
An absolute pleasure to listen to such an insightful and eloquent statesman!
Imagine what an inclusive and equitable world we would have if our politicians in the West can acquire half the knowledge and intellect of Singapore's PM Lee.
Hats off, my be loved PM. God bless Singapore!
A respectable Asian statesman, if he is not already is, who is very valuable to America and Europe's perspective of the Asia. He is able to articulate and enlighten the Asian perspective without sounding too intellectual, verbose or overblown. Singapore is fortunate to have such a leader - a big fish in a small pond (unfortunately).
P.M Lee 🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬God Bless Singapore🇸🇬🇸🇬🇸🇬May the World find PEACE 🙏🙏🙏🌎🌎🌎
God bless SG.
With him?
Where is your mummy?
We are watching and listening here to the greatest leader in the world. I say this as a proud US citizen born and bred.
What an arrogant host. He was literally difficult to tolerate due to his attitude. Mr LHL handled it so well. Kudos to him.
Arrogant host indeed...
@@lastChang i think you are not used to watching any interviews at all. Go watch those interviews with Bloomberg and other western media with SG ministers!
All these condescending westerners are still clueless or in denial that China is no more the "sick man of Asia". And the past 200 years was just a bleep in their 5000+ years history. Check out Shanghai, Shenzhen and the vast rail network they had built over the past 20 years and compare that to the crumbling infrastructure of the usa.
I dont find the host arrogant. U r just overtly sensitive
Totally agree
The only Singapore leader who has ever commanded genuine respect without any ostentation from all over the world, whether it was Russia, China, Europe or USA, it could only be Lee Kuan Yew.
Lee Kuan Yew conman’s the world from everyone including the North Korea respect of that.
Father is smart
Son is so stupid..
@@johnbrookhaven7134 True. You've said what I didn't want to say.
Instead of worrying on her own problems, US seem to be obsessed with China's success.
Bless Singapore
We are in safe hands. He is a wise leader of SG.
His command of international affairs is phenomenal. Arguably the most intelligent and articulate statesman now. I doubt any western leader can even come close to him.
But unfortunately the powerful leaders out there dont care.
A small nation giving lessons to a giant, very impressive and rare.
@@lastChang Do not key anything here just to confirm how dense you are.
Just a clueless thinking he is smart
@@lastChang Yes, he'll do that when the CCP agrees that the NPC has to change into a style Westminster Parliamentary system and Singaporean politicians can also participate in free and fair elections to be organised in China.
What lessons?
It's a forum made public with a non partisan think tank and publisher (not available under CCP)
where he attempts to make CCP Beijing smell nice.
@@lastChang The CCPcn do not want us lah. They only want HK and Taiwan which are historically part of China. SGP is born out of the stone right in the middle of Malay Archipelago
Sir, Proud of you!
Anything worthy?
@@deschan2246 1450@!
PM is doing SG great in the eyes of the world. Very wise and capable.
@@coshinc5941 Reality and truth prove otherwise.
Where is your mummy? Didn't bring the milk?
LHL is an excellent politicians!
@@lastChang u r asking a very difficult question
Our PM is a wise man.
@@coshinc5941 i am not aware dictionary has changed the meaning of "wise"
@@deschan2246 - I'm - Not - (Aware) - (The English) - (Lexicon) - Has - (Altered) - (The Meaning) - of - (Dumb) - 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 - Which - (You) - Are - (100 %) - (Representative) - of - It - 🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯 -
he is well articulated... Reminds me of the interview Nelson Mandela once had with Koppel in 1990 in new York.
He looks like him too.
funny enough that's what I thought. This man exudes trust@@theonly6359
Wisdom and honest man!
Your coffin is calling you
A very wise leader.
Good joke
A very knowledgeable, capable and honest s'pore PM. 👍👍
@@lastChang at least better than PRC Xi, which need to refer to his 小本本(notebook) 😁
@@jackiechan.whoamiAlthough i dont like both of them. Xi is much much much better
Broken record again
@@deschan2246 yes, Xi a superman, he can carry 100kg of wheat and walk 5km without switching shoulder. 😉 . I just don't believe it...
One of the respectable man. Thank you PM👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Just another dictatorship
Great PM.👍
Proud of you. Mr PM Lee. Wishing you good health as well.
You are a wise leader, your knowledge about the Asia region provides a much needed narrative that the western world should pay close attention to, especially to their foreign policy approach.
@@lastChang You've obviously haven't heard of the Opium wars.
@Last Chang is not a Singaporean. He’s sick in the head, very jealous of Singapore. He’s also anti China.
@@lastChang in your dreamland perhaps… lol
@@lastChang Yes, he'll do that when the CCP agrees that the NPC has to change into a style Westminster Parliamentary system and Singaporean politicians can also participate in free and fair elections to be organised in China.
@@lastChang please do not key anything here just to prove how dense you are.
Singapore 🇸🇬 and its people have a long history of having been colonised and invaded, and then, in the 60's decided to leave Malaysia's feseration to be totally independent. Since than the government had the tough decisions to work with past occupiers, Japan to carve itself a new path in democracy throwing out communist and ethnic influences but rather a common good for a multi cultural good for its people. The partnership with the US has brought Singapore a much needed respect and identity that is different than one envisaged by their neighbours and larger countries like China. Singaporeans have built upon years with fair trade and economic progress with China as well as Taiwan without any mingling of political issues with its economic goals. This will be the main line for Sinagpore. We do not want China to push its agenda into our minds just because it thinks the majority of the population is ethnically connected to China. 🇸🇬 Singaoore is very much like America 🇺🇸 in the East. The Irish,Italians, British exist as Americans, and just so Singapore has built up the state with sound political ideology that can not be in any way, be individually defined by the ethnicity of its populace. Singapore will never give up its sovereignty and integrity in supporting China in political policies that are communist and territorially affecting Singapore in its independence in making decisions
Lee Kuan Yew hailed Deng as a great man who transformed China. China modeled their system like Singapore. You're losing your mind and not sure what you're talking about. China laws are almost as strict as Singapore.
*Excellent dialogue speech and that pink tie really speaks volume* 💕❤💘💖
@@deschan2246 Yup so really.
@@bobafett5757 🤣😂
*Excellent speech by PM Lee looking so smart and dapper so proud of SG* ❤💕❤💕❤
The problem is speech and ability dont seems to be in line
@@deschan2246 But the pink tie and suit seems blended very fine right ?
@@deschan2246 - (The Problem) - with - (You) - is - (You) - 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 -
I thank u Lord for giving us a great, world class statesman ! Strict , wise far-sighted n above all honest!
Most well asked question throughout this dialogue : 49:22 as this matter will be ongoing issue impacting globally until solid solution and action for it
God bless Singapore 🇸🇬
God bless LHL ❤️
Salute to PM Lee. You have answered and enlightened us in many ways.
Singapore is now a supporter of White Supremacists, not your Singaporeans, no different from Zelensky a Jew threatened by Fascist Nazis managing him.
What a stupid question from one of the reporter ask how sg get benefited by separated from China's markets! Which these kind of question really inappropriate and show that some western are hoping for it in their mind! Such a shameful mindset , and these will not happen in Asia at least , we are getting more and more sided to China , after we saw how Shameless USA Gov take dirty steps and try to pull Huawei down , that's the starting point are! Again we really hope US try not try to stir shits again in Asia Pacific! Get a life at your own land (originated from red Indian's land)!
"getting more and more sided with China".. ?? Singapore does not want to take side. Whatever need to be done must be for the benefits of Singapore and the region.
“we are getting more and more sided to China” That’s quite a claim there. Do you want to share with us how you come up with this view?
They even coined him Chinese Whisperer..... clueless
@@lastChang Its Careless Whisperer.
Our PM is trying to educate the Americans on why they should engage with China and the rest of the world.
I am impressed with his calm and his selection of words, without affront to the very closed-minded Americans' questions.
@@deschan2246 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
@@deschan2246 - 💩💩💩💩💩 -
@@熙王-b5o 亞洲人不需要海盜殖民印第安人的西方海盜對亞洲頤指氣使!西方海盜滾出地球!美國滅人種族,談什麼自由民主??美國人殺光印第安人談什麼人權!西方列強強佔印第安人的家國,殖民美洲,哪來的人權??西方人滾回西方去!在美洲殺人不眨眼,還來亞洲離間挑撥??美國海盜四國是由人類罪的海上強盜組成的人種!!
Indeed a statesman who punches well above his weight! But alas, a prophet is almost never recognised and respected in his own country. He should be the Sec-gen of the UN.
LHL is very much loved in his own country Singapore ❤️🇸🇬
It's not easy for a leader to answer questions in this manner. LKY was the best and is the best.
Tharman is really good too
LHL is as good as LKY. Of course LKY is the best, so is LHL ❤️
@@bell-xk5dd Cheers
Anyone knows if the questions are typically given beforehand so they have time to prepare?
None of your f. business...
Peace love and happyness world peace please for all the kids peace please people lets pray
WH has accepted PM Lee's proper role as a Beijing whisperer ... it is insulting and improper to hold on to such nonsense by western leader just because of his racial background. 😷😷
Is Obama a Nairobi or Abuja whisperer and Biden a London or Riyadh whisperer??😂
Dear Mr Lee, loved your presentation. I will remember your Mexican quote for years to come! “The US is our best friend, whether we like it or not”. As monumental as Mao’s “power lies at the end of a barrel”.
The essence I get from your interaction is the same quote that Harold Wilson had for Lee Kuan Yew.. “Singapore is too small for Lee Hsien Loong’s feet”.
Right now, there is a meaning vacuum in our once known as #SpiceTradeAsia region. You are the right man to spark its filling.
How? Reflect on the fresh revelations that have been revealed on our #mindset_graph. It can go a long way to raise the wisdom on our region so we carry more than our weight on climate change.
What are these revelations? That our region comprised of world leading developed societies up to 500 years ago. By prevailing world standards then.
Our region is where almost all modern empires began.
We fell and we have not reached back to our top position.
We he factors that fell our region are 1)weakened polymathy due to bipolar perception/language 2)the wrong virtue signaling effects of #uncurrent_currency. 3) Misunderstanding of our evolution.
For expansion, please see
while watching “The Age of Exploration”:
very thoughtful interview.
List a few thought view ?
@UCMyOgOXVEeAa340TLF6WMBQ To US and those who understand. What he said is nothing new. What so thoughtful?
we are not tracking PM everyday. The best interview I saw.
@@beautifulpakpk1594 Which part is best to you?
PM brought peace to Singapore and the world.
What a wise man Mr Lee he is I salute him.
The host keep using Indo-Pacific, the PM is using Asian-Pacific.
Honesty is such a lonely word. What did the PM say about BIG TECH the host did not want to go into.
What is a fabulous show to enthrall the AMERICANS and the West on how to conduct Disinformation? - THE west needed this, and the PM should be able to return home to Singapore to a discerning crowd who knew better what the USA-led fascism needed most in their moments of canceling out others. - disinformation, misinformation worldwide. There is pride and there is pride.
i visited his country few days ago
it is an amazing place & very safe
I will always respect PM Lee . He's my idol .
Another career globalist
geeee, I thought its my line
He is just a stringed puppet of daddy America.
Yeh wait until he sell the Singapore to china
Idle? 🤣😂🤣😂
Bravo to PM Lee of Singapore 👍👍👍
Your coffin is calling for you....
A wise man once said:
I’m not an American, nor a European, and I don’t have to pretend I’m one.
I’m Chinese, BUT, Singaporean.
Stupid ah neh...your mind is broken beyond hope...
Nationality first, race second. That is how a good multiracial country should be and Singapore is a fine example.
@@lastChang it is a race. Chinese is not Indian right?
Thank you very much sir.
The 4G potential leaders does not have the intimate , width and depth knowledge of international and regional political relations . After LKY and LHL era, the US and China may have difficulty to seek the advice from this tiny red dot.
Agreed 100%
Lky? Yes lhl? No
@@deschan2246 Agree with you if you say Heng SK cannot make it. But although I personally don't quite approve LHL way of managing issues, he is just as smart as his father LKY. Kim Yong is very right to say what he said.
@@michaellee3314 As a 69 years old senior , I think I am qualified enough to say that both are smart as I had first hand experience with both of them . I too do not quite approve the way LKY handled some issues ( eg stop at Two and his linking of children born to intellectuals etc ) and likewise with some of LHL way of managing issues. But ,by and by, LHL handle well in international area and is as respected as this father. No just because he is LKY son, but for what he is and demonstration of his grasp on a wide area of Global issues. However, just dismissing that our 4 Generation leaders are not as good is too early . All of us may be surprised when they proved themselves. Personally, I think 4th Generation management of the Pandemic is quite impressive , as compared to Hong Kong , and even Shanghai
@@michaellee3314 to u he is smart? That only imply u hv not fully understand him. Just a mediocre that keep drawing reserved is never smart
great lecture from Singapore
PM Lee is Brilliant !
Proud of our PM.
Great man.
Brilliant indeed. Only keep drawing reserved
Learn your spelling.You are neglecting your learning abilities.
@@coshinc5941 glad u hv no refute to my comment. If u r looking at grammar or english lesson. U hv come to the wrong place !!!
It sucks🤣😂
He is my beloved Prime Minister.
Really? Name one thing he deserve yr love?
@@deschan2246 You should go live in Burma, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh or even Philippines to appreciate your lot in Singapore. There are always people your kind who are never satisfied no matter how good the government has done.
You are not living well?
You fall short or what?
Count your blessings, shame on You!!
What if he wasn't? You don't have a choice, do you?
@@308_Negra_Arroyo_Lane do you think millions of people in the world has choice?
And what if he wasn't what? Who is he?
Write clearly or don't write?
Hope US could heed some of the advice of PM Lee! Always pragmatic as usual! 👍
Trying to convince US to view China like it used to, is mission impossible. PM Lee knew it in his heart.
@@panda63725 You are right. LKY also went to US in 1985 and deliver a speech in their Congress about the dangers of geopolitical contest between then 2nd largest economy, Japan and US .Of course, US did their own way and delivered several blows to Japanese economy which stagnated more than 2 decades. Japan did not even put on a fight. I think what Lee Hsien Loong is doing is to mitigate the impact and also for Singapore 's interest. Singapore is a top trading partner not only in US, but in China too.
Stop spreading lies here.
LKY was invited to the US to deliver a talk on “Peace and Progress in SE Asia” at the Joint Meeting of the US Congress in October 1985. The month was in October. OCTOBER.
The Plaza Accord treaty that Japan signed with the US was in September 1985. ..SEPTEMBER.
So whatever the US did to Japan , to stifle Japan’s economy growth for 2 decades had nothing to do with LKY.
DO NOT USE the NAME AND REPUTATION OF LKY to promote your own hatred against the Americans. Shame on you.
@@lastChang Please do not key anything here just to prove how dense you are.
@@中華傲訣 India also our biggest trading partner so why never talk about it ?
for Taiwan, Ukraine is a good reference. USA will not provide troops to defend the island
U dont understand anything
@ yvvone lee How can you be so sure? By the way, since you mentioned Ukraine. How’s the world’s third strongest military power doing in Ukraine?
Japan Australia USA South Korea and posibly India will come to Taiwan defence so dont ever think can shake Taiwan that easily so dont play with fire cos it has been heavily speculated that JP SK and AU have strong nukes just like PM mentions about that equilibrium analogy.
He can speak 3 language including English better than our pal in White House
At least he doesn't stutter and spit extra words not meant to be spoken..
Wonderful discussion and most illuminating .
I don't really support PM Lee where domestic agendas are concerned. However, listening him speak about foreign policy makes me admire him.
Thats because u dont fully understand. For his age n experience, at best just a mediocre
@des chan perhaps for you, it is mediocre.
@@deschan2246 and may I asked what is in your resume that warrant you to judge PM LHL? What a troll!
@@muhammadazlanshah3555 well at least i never try to pretend to be one
@@MrRicky4309 Resume? 🤣😂🤣😂 anyone who truly understand can comment. For one who keep drawing reserved is never smart
LkY had created Singapore, LHL have made Singapore stand tall , Both are equally eloquent and magnificent and made Singapore stand Tall although being just a tiny red dot .
Are u aware SG was founded by Sir Stamford Raffles ?
@Khon Chang,
I agree with you.
PM Lee's visit looks like a primer for the other Asean leaders' forthcoming visit to the US.
I suggest every one in Asean remains neutral. Don't subscribe to "rules-based international order" which means rulles "guided" by USA relationship.
Pompeo's recent visit to Taiwan is calling for USA to recognise Taiwan as a country. Anyone can see this is a poke in the eye for China. And Pompeo might be the next USA President!
What does Pompeo's visit to a sovereign state have to do with PM Lee's visit to the states?
@@District-X Nothing. That is why that sentence is in a separate paragraph.
My friend, the whole thing about the US is trying to maintain its hegemony. Both PM Lee's visit and Pompeo's visit to Taiwan is part of the over-arching strategy by the US to stay nbr 1.
@@District-X Which sovereign state? If you mean Taiwan, it will not be in your life time.
Very sad people's Lost their loved ones war on good for nobody God make easy for🇺🇦🇵🇸🇱🇾🇸🇾🇾🇪🇦🇫💔
The interviewer has always brought up the term Indo Pacific a special geopolitical term coined by the US to contain China's influence,a term with a cold war mentality to form a bloc of military alliance like an' Asian Nato '
which will seed divisiveness and contention among countries in the Asian countries.
This is a dangerous and horrible scheme that should be rejected by all countries in Asia!
We have to face reality. Its better for Spore to have her presence in SE Asia. We need free navigation and rules of the world.
Too much US BS
Cannot see the transcript
Well done Spore.
Some here are commenting that he is still this and that with the Chinese regime. If you’re a Singaporean, then please think deeper. This is not your daily coffeeshop talk. Why would he as PM of a small nation say something that’s so blunt to any country that’s just not benefiting his country but creates unnecessary pressure or friction to the economy and whatsoever ? Why should he??? For what??? Where is the need for that???
Don’t get me wrong, there are certainly things that I don’t agree with his policies at home too, but this is not some kiddy’s play. Why do you think he’s in USA now???
His statemanship and wisdoms so don't look down at Singapore
Not easy for a leader to come up with answers in this manner too.
He was trying to tell US to work together with China, find a way to handle the intellectual property theft with China, South China Sea,.etc. Well he tried his best knowing it is mission impossible.
The world has changed after Covid 19 and Russia invasion of Ukraine. It will never be the same again.
None of your f.. business.
@@lastChang Please do not key anything here just to confirm how dense you are.
We have to be careful with our reserves etc ..
USD and SWIFT is too dangerous for international uses! ..
Proud of you PM.salute!