Faire appel du refus du visa Schengen à Chypre | Avocat spécialisé en immigration

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.พ. 2025
  • Faire face à un refus de visa pour Chypre peut être difficile. Découvrez les mesures à prendre si votre visa pour Chypre est refusé et explorez les raisons courantes des refus de visa. Comprenez le taux de refus des visas chypriotes et découvrez à quel point il est difficile d'obtenir un visa Schengen chypriote. Répondez à des obstacles spécifiques tels que « la justification du séjour n'a pas été fournie » et « il existe des doutes raisonnables quant à votre intention de quitter le territoire de l'État membre avant l'expiration du visa ». Armez-vous d'informations essentielles pour naviguer dans les complexités du processus de demande de visa pour Chypre et améliorer vos chances d'approbation.
    En savoir plus shorturl.at/zd7nR et t.ly/Dp2zY
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ความคิดเห็น • 2

  • @abdelghanielbashir1588
    @abdelghanielbashir1588 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Please, I need your advice on my issue regarding the fact that I filed a grievance against the refusal of a Schengen visa after applying for it at the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Khartoum. It was rejected, and I have three previous visas. I did not use the last one due to the Corona pandemic closing the borders of countries. I filed the grievance or appeal approximately April 2022. There has been no response within a period of time. The file was processed within 12 weeks, after which I considered that the issue of the appeal was over, but on May 7, 2024, I received a message from the lawyer that the ND wanted to know whether you still want the visa and they had some questions. My response was yes, I want the visa and I am ready to answer the questions, and in fact the lawyer responded to them as well. I said, and I am now almost completing two months after the response arrived from IND after opening my file. My question is: How long does it take after opening the appeal file to reject a visa to study it?

  • @abdelghanielbashir1588
    @abdelghanielbashir1588 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Please, I need your advice on my issue regarding the fact that I filed a grievance against the refusal of a Schengen visa after applying for it at the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Khartoum. It was rejected, and I have three previous visas. I did not use the last one due to the Corona pandemic closing the borders of countries. I filed the grievance or appeal approximately April 2022. There has been no response within a period of time. The file was processed within 12 weeks, after which I considered that the issue of the appeal was over, but on May 7, 2024, I received a message from the lawyer that the ND wanted to know whether you still want the visa and they had some questions. My response was yes, I want the visa and I am ready to answer the questions, and in fact the lawyer responded to them as well. I said, and I am now almost completing two months after the response arrived from IND after opening my file. My question is: How long does it take after opening the appeal file to reject a visa to study it?