Hi James, as a tech diver and cave diver. I just thought of this. I'm sure others have thought of this also. What is the desired position when diving? If you are in that position, how does anyone see the silly golden triangle? I've never heard one of my tech instructors mention this. Of course, at this level of instruction, we teach donating, in my case the long hose. Do you mention that if you're in the proper diving position that you can't see the golden triangle? Just a thought.
Right on the money! I was ambivalent, even as an instructor, until I had my first panicked OOA diver snatch my primary out of my mouth. That same night I ordered a 7’ long primary hose , an identical second stage to put on it, a short hose, and mounted my old second stage with a necklace on that shorter hose, and I haven’t looked back. Any time anyone asks me why I switched, I relay the story, highlight the advantages of long-hose primary, review the OOA procedures, and (hopefully) make a new convert. Thanks for TERRIFIC content, and look forward to training and diving with you in 2023!
Firstly thanks to James for all the hard work in creating these videos!! I switched to primary donate about a year ago and James is absolutely right in an out of air situation a random diver swam up to me at speed and took the regulator straight out of my mouth. No signal, no attempt to communicate, he needed air and he needed it NOW!! One small addition to my setup is a 360 degree swivel on the Primary, this means the regulator can be turned around and there is no pulling or twisting of the hose as it is donated. James, I'd love to hear your thoughts on swivels/angles etc..
Spot on! And one of the reasons I have a yellow long hose. But the point about briefing is well made. On a resort dive with random buddies I always take them through my rig and get them to explain their own to me so there is at least a chance in any emergency things will go to plan. Have a great 2023!
James, Love the show. I have been teaching since 1984/1985 ish for SSI and SDI/TDI. I have always taught to give primary away because of Lizard Brain. I have also taught the give the octo away. ... Im glad that the rest of the industry is finally coming around to that way of thinking. ray
What you are describing James is called the Hogarthian configuration. A diver breathes with their long hose and has their short hosed regulator attached to them via a necklace as you described. I've learned the hogarthian configuration from my Cavern diver course I took last year. The hong hose is especially important when diving in caverns, caves, and shipwrecks where both the diver with air and the out of air diver cannot be side by side due to narrow passages for example. The out of air diver must be in front of the diver with air and the hong hose must have enough length (usually close to 5ft to 7ft or 1.5m to 2.6m) to conpensate that situation. The out of air diver must be in front of the diver with air so that the diver with air can monitor the out of air diver easily for any problems.
What you've described is why the long-hose configuration was originally created... for enclosed environments. What's your opinion about its relevancy to recreational diving?
@@jeffworst9939 Hi there. Even in recreational diving I use the hogarthian configuration the same reasons that I've and James in the video stated. Makes it easier to see the out of air diver at a bit more than arms length in case of a problem with that out of air diver and as James pointed out in the video (which I didn't think about until he mentioned it) that if the out of air diver is panicking, then it is more easy for that panic diver to be at more than arm distance from the diver with air hence the long hose configuration rather than the panic diver be close to the diver with air possibly put both divers in danger with the way the panic diver acts (e.g. unintentionally knock out the diver with the air supply).
Keep posting these helpfull videos! Thank you for many tips you've already provided. In our classroom we've noted your quote:" Failing to prepare, is preparing to Fail" Best wishes for 2023!
As soon as I got introduced to Long Hose/ Short Hose configuration, I made a decision to never go back to old school octo configuration. Honestly, this system is so much safer and makes sense; however, there are a lot of problems that can occur...So people, please, get training using that system! With proper skills in this configuration will make you much safer diver. Thank you for sharing, James!
Great content as always James. Been following you from the beginning and have to say, your channel is the best, most informative and entertaining on the internet! Cheers from Canada :)
Happy New year James. Thank you for all your content, please keep it coming. After a long 20 years pause without diving, I have learned a lot about what's New (also from my recertification curse). One of the best changes you inspired me to do was to use backplate BCD, the other is primary donate, that I'm doing now with my 30 years old US Divers Conchelf 21 (fully serviced and OK certified by the technician)
I started open water August of last year. I just got certified NAUI MASTER DIVER this past November. I love watching all your videos. One can never stop learning. I'm 100% Disabled Combat Veteran, if I can do it anyone can. Dive safe.
Had a great time picking your brain about proper setup when we were on the same Speigel Grove boat! Love the videos too, they’re my go to resource when I need some info.
Yeah, I got taught primary donate in my OpenWater back in 2016, I agree it makes more sense; the last thing anyone wants is for someone panicked to rip the reg out of your mouth and for the reg to get damaged in the process (putting both divers in strife). That being said, I still have a regular + yellow longer occy setup, I just intend to give them my primary anyway (even if it is shorter), waiting a minute or two until they are calmer, and then switching over so they use my longer occy before ascending (of course if they are too panicked to switch i think it is manageable to just leave them with my primary).
I always give something to make noise too my Buddy , and I have something too . I gave some air last week at 10 m deep, no panic , it was not my group . His bottle was not open more than one turn and so cut off the air around 70 bars
You've hit the nail right on the head! I've switched to a longhose some 20 years ago, and I always tell my students/buddies that it's not because I donate air that I want to do a tango with them. I went even as far as having a bright yellow longhose on my travel regs, just to be sure everyone knows that's the one to go for (wouldn't be the first time, alas, that I "meet" an OoA diver on a divers hotspot).
Couldn't agree more with you on this one, James. I've been fortunate in my long career in that I've only had two instances where divers were completely out of gas and in a near-panic state. In both cases, they gave me no signal; they just removed the functioning regulator from my mouth. Primary donate should be the only method taught. The irony is in both cases these were INSTRUCTOR candidates!
Thanks for all the videos and useful dive tips. You two have helped me become a better diver through this channel. Look forward to 2023 content. Happy New Year James & Karina! 🎉
Hey James, thank you so very much for all the great work you put in to deliver this great content you are posting. Wish you the best start in 2023 and we will meet here again.
My first dive experience was in a 3+ storey "tank" somewhere in Europe with a mate on a holiday. Virtually NO idea what instructor was saying. Learnt fast not to laugh underwater. Got back to Australia & got my open water I love the sport even with a few health interruptions. Looking forward to 2023 and beyond content 😉👌
Hi James, love the videos been watching you since I started my scuba journey two years ago now. So far I'm advanced open water with nitrox, drysuit and my FQAS ( Quebec, Canada certified( yes the provine of Quebec has thier own dive license even if you have an international recognized dive card) I am still going to be doing my deep, wreck, drift courtesan then proceed to do my rescue diver and self reliance course. Wishing you all the best in 2023.
James, love your videos! I have a topic that I would love you to cover in a video sometime which is how can a person who always travels to dive find a good instructor? I live in the midwest and my local dive shop is fine--I did my OW certification with them but I really, really don't want to do my AOW dives in a quarry in a dry suit with low vis. Wherever I go, I want a thorough instructor so that I finish the course as a better diver. Most dive shops have multiple instructors, however, and there isn't really any good way to figure out which one is better or more suitable when you are not a local. I know that you have covered this topic previously but your advice of "ask around" is really hard to implement when you go to a different dive location each time you dive.
Love your content, James. Thank you for everything you have taught me this year. Your insight is priceless. Looking forward to more in 2023. Dive safe.
great content for the year! keep up the great work and boy howdy could i use a new set of regs. OH and thank you for explaining primary donate, i get alot of odd looks on the boat when gearing up.
I’ve never owned an octo. I bought an Aqua Lung dimension with the integrated inflator/deflator during my OW class and trained on it. I was taught to give up my reg and use my AI integrated inflator/deflator. But the instructor taught everyone primary donate and to use their octo for themselves. Since then, I moved on to Apeks Tek3s and was able to go seamlessly into it.
this is the standard long hose/short hose setup used in sidemount, but on one regulator in this video's context for single tank backmount. The hogarthian configuration with the necklace around the neck for the short hose as the alternate. donating with long hose is much safer, and even safer in sidemount because of full redundancy.
Hi James and community Thanks for your very informative content on your channel. I'll put it to good use coming year. June this year I got my Open Water at AB Dive in Bonaire. What a great experience! We had a great instructor who'd test us during our dives/exercises, beside the things that were mentioned in the planning before we went out. Made us feel very confident in our skills after a while. Coming year we plan on going to Curaçao where i'll continue my dive adventures. Best wishes to everyone!
Also, she'd ask us unexpectedly, several times during the dive, how much air we estimated we had left. Made sure regularly checking your air became second nature 😃
Primary donate or octo doesn't matter as long as both parties are on the same page. My dive buddy and I never have had ooa situation but came close once with a frozen reg. It was just a matter of getting close and staying ready to switch regs before I ran out of gas on the ascent. If you dive with a certain style of divers on any regular ocasion probably correct to just use whatever style they do.
I have set up a Long hose primary donate configuration thanks to you. I was told by my local dive shop that it isn't a good idea to put a swivel on the short hose portion of my second stage tha is on the necklace around my neck. He said it was ok to use a 90 but a swivel is not a good practice. Whay is this? Thanks in advance for your help.
Awesome video, lots of great info as usual. James, you mentioned that this is an excellent primary donate setup for recreational divers. That got me wondering if there something with this setup that would prevent a diver from carrying it over as they enter the tech diving world? Happy new years!
James, do you have a preference between the fixed turret of the FT regulator and the rotating turret of the XT? and why? Looking to get one or the other. Thanks!
Looking to switch mine over to LHPD at some point, just want to do it at a decent store where I can measure up for a hose properly and take the guess work out of it :)
Hi, long hoses in 5,6,7 ft are standard and sold by many reputable companies. You can order online with ease. DGX sells good quality and affordable options. More premium ones include Halcyon, which is a company owned by the founder of GUE. All GUE divers dive a long hose, so Halcyon only sells gear that supports this configuration Feel free to DM me if you need help thinking through length and brand options
it's interesting that people have such a "lizard brain" response to find someone with air and rip it out of their mouth - when I'm guessing most of these situations are people on rec dives, with a dive profile that has a safety stop as a nicety, not a strictly required deco step - so the brain is processing "don't just go to the surface" and enough to go find someone with air, but not enough to prevent just snatching at regs. (but hey, if that wasn't a thing, it wouldn't give us nearly as much fun during the scenarios of rescue diver courses). Do you have any tips on hose management for primary donate? Where I'm diving it's the old 'secondary octo tucked into a D-ring' so you're all tucked up. Is there a good trick to keeping the long primary tidy, but easily pulled out to full length in an out-of-air situation?
If it's of interest, I have the long hose (1.5m) coming from the cylinder under my right arm and tucked into my waistband on my right hand side (braided lines are very light and float around if not controlled), the line then runs across my chest and around my neck. The air enters the regulator through a 360 degree swivel. If I have to donate I shrug the hose over my head as it is presented, the extra pulls free from the waistband at the same time. I have my secondary on a necklace around my neck. I've practiced it several times with my buddy and once for real without any incident. I hope this helps.
If you use 5ft it will be tidy without much tucking it in anywhere (can use the waist strap if needed). If you go longer you can tuck it in your waist strap or try googling Long Hose Stick made by Halcyon. It’s meant to help you hold the long hose in place. I’ve used it when not diving with a canister light and works well. I’ve heard other people make their own similar contraption. Another suggestion is to use rubber hoses. Miflex hoses are light and floaty so harder to manage when the hose is very long. I’d skip the swivel as it’s not necessary and adds another failure point, but it’s a matter of preference Good luck!
I have switched over to a Primary donate set-up mainly on your advice. In your valuable opinion, is it still okay to use my Apeks XTX 50 octo second stage on the bungee neclace (that you taught me to tie) even though it is yellow?
Always enjoyed and learned from your videos. I am now PADI AI. As for the video, I kind of disagree as I find Octo setup is more efficient. For the victim, I don’t think it is a matter of choice rather thank you for the air.
It drives me crazy watching videos where I see Octo's loose dragging in the sand etc.. In primary donate your backup is on a necklace. Not dragging in the much. Will help people pay more attention to their backup.
I run two primaries. I have 2 apex MTXR. I will not donate my primary though. You I got a flamboyant painted one on my shoulder for you. I do not ever allow panicked divers in my workspace. You can wait or take the neon colored one of my shoulder. I will make it home unless it’s on my own terms. Not some moron who is freaking out. People need to be better trained to fight co2 build up.
I read a book recently by a man called Simon Pridmore. He wonderful book talked about primary donate second stages and when I asked him about this set up in facebook he sent me a picture. Made EXCELLENT SENSE!!!! Very realistic.
Great info, I have been a dive instructor for 10 years with over 2000 certifications under my belt and not one of my students have even ran out of gas during my teaching, therefore I am guessing then once the "lizard people" complete their courses they forget/ditch all I teach them lol 😆
Primary donate WITHOUT the long hose is best donate.
Hi James, as a tech diver and cave diver. I just thought of this. I'm sure others have thought of this also. What is the desired position when diving? If you are in that position, how does anyone see the silly golden triangle? I've never heard one of my tech instructors mention this. Of course, at this level of instruction, we teach donating, in my case the long hose. Do you mention that if you're in the proper diving position that you can't see the golden triangle? Just a thought.
Yes, absolutely. I forgot to mention that in this video, but you are correct.
I never thought of this but of course it makes sense. In horizontal trim it would be difficult to the the octo anyway. Thanks!
Right on the money! I was ambivalent, even as an instructor, until I had my first panicked OOA diver snatch my primary out of my mouth. That same night I ordered a 7’ long primary hose , an identical second stage to put on it, a short hose, and mounted my old second stage with a necklace on that shorter hose, and I haven’t looked back. Any time anyone asks me why I switched, I relay the story, highlight the advantages of long-hose primary, review the OOA procedures, and (hopefully) make a new convert. Thanks for TERRIFIC content, and look forward to training and diving with you in 2023!
Heyo James just a heads up, the gleam page has the title is of the BCD instead of the regulator set. Have a wonderful end of year!
Firstly thanks to James for all the hard work in creating these videos!!
I switched to primary donate about a year ago and James is absolutely right in an out of air situation a random diver swam up to me at speed and took the regulator straight out of my mouth. No signal, no attempt to communicate, he needed air and he needed it NOW!!
One small addition to my setup is a 360 degree swivel on the Primary, this means the regulator can be turned around and there is no pulling or twisting of the hose as it is donated. James, I'd love to hear your thoughts on swivels/angles etc..
Spot on! And one of the reasons I have a yellow long hose. But the point about briefing is well made. On a resort dive with random buddies I always take them through my rig and get them to explain their own to me so there is at least a chance in any emergency things will go to plan. Have a great 2023!
Love the show.
I have been teaching since 1984/1985 ish for SSI and SDI/TDI. I have always taught to give primary away because of Lizard Brain. I have also taught the give the octo away. ... Im glad that the rest of the industry is finally coming around to that way of thinking.
What you are describing James is called the Hogarthian configuration. A diver breathes with their long hose and has their short hosed regulator attached to them via a necklace as you described. I've learned the hogarthian configuration from my Cavern diver course I took last year. The hong hose is especially important when diving in caverns, caves, and shipwrecks where both the diver with air and the out of air diver cannot be side by side due to narrow passages for example. The out of air diver must be in front of the diver with air and the hong hose must have enough length (usually close to 5ft to 7ft or 1.5m to 2.6m) to conpensate that situation. The out of air diver must be in front of the diver with air so that the diver with air can monitor the out of air diver easily for any problems.
What you've described is why the long-hose configuration was originally created... for enclosed environments. What's your opinion about its relevancy to recreational diving?
@@jeffworst9939 Hi there. Even in recreational diving I use the hogarthian configuration the same reasons that I've and James in the video stated. Makes it easier to see the out of air diver at a bit more than arms length in case of a problem with that out of air diver and as James pointed out in the video (which I didn't think about until he mentioned it) that if the out of air diver is panicking, then it is more easy for that panic diver to be at more than arm distance from the diver with air hence the long hose configuration rather than the panic diver be close to the diver with air possibly put both divers in danger with the way the panic diver acts (e.g. unintentionally knock out the diver with the air supply).
Keep posting these helpfull videos! Thank you for many tips you've already provided.
In our classroom we've noted your quote:" Failing to prepare, is preparing to Fail"
Best wishes for 2023!
Thank you for the awesome content. I’m a new OW diver and have learned so much. Looking forward to more in 2023.
Another year of growing as a diver thanks to you James. Cheers!
As soon as I got introduced to Long Hose/ Short Hose configuration, I made a decision to never go back to old school octo configuration. Honestly, this system is so much safer and makes sense; however, there are a lot of problems that can occur...So people, please, get training using that system! With proper skills in this configuration will make you much safer diver. Thank you for sharing, James!
Great content as always James. Been following you from the beginning and have to say, your channel is the best, most informative and entertaining on the internet! Cheers from Canada :)
Happy New year James. Thank you for all your content, please keep it coming. After a long 20 years pause without diving, I have learned a lot about what's New (also from my recertification curse). One of the best changes you inspired me to do was to use backplate BCD, the other is primary donate, that I'm doing now with my 30 years old US Divers Conchelf 21 (fully serviced and OK certified by the technician)
Conshelf first stage series one of the best regulators ever made.
I started open water August of last year. I just got certified NAUI MASTER DIVER this past November. I love watching all your videos. One can never stop learning. I'm 100% Disabled Combat Veteran, if I can do it anyone can. Dive safe.
Had a great time picking your brain about proper setup when we were on the same Speigel Grove boat! Love the videos too, they’re my go to resource when I need some info.
Yeah, I got taught primary donate in my OpenWater back in 2016, I agree it makes more sense; the last thing anyone wants is for someone panicked to rip the reg out of your mouth and for the reg to get damaged in the process (putting both divers in strife). That being said, I still have a regular + yellow longer occy setup, I just intend to give them my primary anyway (even if it is shorter), waiting a minute or two until they are calmer, and then switching over so they use my longer occy before ascending (of course if they are too panicked to switch i think it is manageable to just leave them with my primary).
Thank you for the great year of videos. You really cover topics that many are interested in. Ty again. Happy and safe 2023.
I always give something to make noise too my Buddy , and I have something too . I gave some air last week at 10 m deep, no panic , it was not my group . His bottle was not open more than one turn and so cut off the air around 70 bars
You've hit the nail right on the head! I've switched to a longhose some 20 years ago, and I always tell my students/buddies that it's not because I donate air that I want to do a tango with them.
I went even as far as having a bright yellow longhose on my travel regs, just to be sure everyone knows that's the one to go for (wouldn't be the first time, alas, that I "meet" an OoA diver on a divers hotspot).
My primary hose is yellow. I also use 90 degree swivels on both my second stages.
Couldn't agree more with you on this one, James. I've been fortunate in my long career in that I've only had two instances where divers were completely out of gas and in a near-panic state. In both cases, they gave me no signal; they just removed the functioning regulator from my mouth. Primary donate should be the only method taught. The irony is in both cases these were INSTRUCTOR candidates!
Thanks for all the videos and useful dive tips. You two have helped me become a better diver through this channel. Look forward to 2023 content. Happy New Year James & Karina! 🎉
Hey James, thank you so very much for all the great work you put in to deliver this great content you are posting. Wish you the best start in 2023 and we will meet here again.
My first dive experience was in a 3+ storey "tank" somewhere in Europe with a mate on a holiday. Virtually NO idea what instructor was saying. Learnt fast not to laugh underwater.
Got back to Australia & got my open water
I love the sport even with a few health interruptions.
Looking forward to 2023 and beyond content 😉👌
Hi James, love the videos been watching you since I started my scuba journey two years ago now. So far I'm advanced open water with nitrox, drysuit and my FQAS ( Quebec, Canada certified( yes the provine of Quebec has thier own dive license even if you have an international recognized dive card) I am still going to be doing my deep, wreck, drift courtesan then proceed to do my rescue diver and self reliance course. Wishing you all the best in 2023.
Wishing you all the best in 2023 James Dive Safe , Stay Safe
Primary Donate, agree with 100%. Started diving this way back in 1982, with a 5' primary.
James, love your videos! I have a topic that I would love you to cover in a video sometime which is how can a person who always travels to dive find a good instructor? I live in the midwest and my local dive shop is fine--I did my OW certification with them but I really, really don't want to do my AOW dives in a quarry in a dry suit with low vis. Wherever I go, I want a thorough instructor so that I finish the course as a better diver. Most dive shops have multiple instructors, however, and there isn't really any good way to figure out which one is better or more suitable when you are not a local. I know that you have covered this topic previously but your advice of "ask around" is really hard to implement when you go to a different dive location each time you dive.
Love your content, James. Thank you for everything you have taught me this year. Your insight is priceless. Looking forward to more in 2023.
Dive safe.
one of the few dive channels I trust. Great content! Keep it up!!
great content for the year! keep up the great work and boy howdy could i use a new set of regs. OH and thank you for explaining primary donate, i get alot of odd looks on the boat when gearing up.
I’ve never owned an octo. I bought an Aqua Lung dimension with the integrated inflator/deflator during my OW class and trained on it. I was taught to give up my reg and use my AI integrated inflator/deflator. But the instructor taught everyone primary donate and to use their octo for themselves. Since then, I moved on to Apeks Tek3s and was able to go seamlessly into it.
Great explanation of the logic of this set up. Thanks James.
this is the standard long hose/short hose setup used in sidemount, but on one regulator in this video's context for single tank backmount. The hogarthian configuration with the necklace around the neck for the short hose as the alternate. donating with long hose is much safer, and even safer in sidemount because of full redundancy.
When I click the link it says it’s for a Hydrolite BCD? Not the regulator setup
Hi James and community
Thanks for your very informative content on your channel. I'll put it to good use coming year. June this year I got my Open Water at AB Dive in Bonaire. What a great experience!
We had a great instructor who'd test us during our dives/exercises, beside the things that were mentioned in the planning before we went out. Made us feel very confident in our skills after a while.
Coming year we plan on going to Curaçao where i'll continue my dive adventures.
Best wishes to everyone!
Also, she'd ask us unexpectedly, several times during the dive, how much air we estimated we had left. Made sure regularly checking your air became second nature 😃
Great video.
People keep asking me why I want to switch. This makes it easy.
James the link to win the regulator is set up for the hydro light not the Reg
Love all my Dive Rite regs. Happy New Year!
Would you recommend a 5’ hose looped under the right arm and not around the neck for recreational diving primary donate?
Primary donate or octo doesn't matter as long as both parties are on the same page. My dive buddy and I never have had ooa situation but came close once with a frozen reg. It was just a matter of getting close and staying ready to switch regs before I ran out of gas on the ascent. If you dive with a certain style of divers on any regular ocasion probably correct to just use whatever style they do.
Great year of content. Thanks for all the expertise and pertinent information. Happy New Year to you and your family/friends!
I have set up a Long hose primary donate configuration thanks to you. I was told by my local dive shop that it isn't a good idea to put a swivel on the short hose portion of my second stage tha is on the necklace around my neck. He said it was ok to use a 90 but a swivel is not a good practice. Whay is this? Thanks in advance for your help.
Awesome video, lots of great info as usual. James, you mentioned that this is an excellent primary donate setup for recreational divers. That got me wondering if there something with this setup that would prevent a diver from carrying it over as they enter the tech diving world? Happy new years!
James, do you have a preference between the fixed turret of the FT regulator and the rotating turret of the XT? and why? Looking to get one or the other. Thanks!
I’ve had both and prefer the FT1: smaller, 100g lighter, I dont need the 5th LP port, and IMO it looks better
Hi James good videos I think same but for training the procedure may follows 😅
Merry Christmas and have a happy New Year
Thanks for another year of valuable content.
Happy New Year James and family great video as always 🇬🇧
Looking to switch mine over to LHPD at some point, just want to do it at a decent store where I can measure up for a hose properly and take the guess work out of it :)
Hi, long hoses in 5,6,7 ft are standard and sold by many reputable companies. You can order online with ease. DGX sells good quality and affordable options. More premium ones include Halcyon, which is a company owned by the founder of GUE. All GUE divers dive a long hose, so Halcyon only sells gear that supports this configuration
Feel free to DM me if you need help thinking through length and brand options
4:47 At that moment I nervously tried to remember if I checked my alternate regulator before my last dive, which was a week ago (which I did)
it's interesting that people have such a "lizard brain" response to find someone with air and rip it out of their mouth - when I'm guessing most of these situations are people on rec dives, with a dive profile that has a safety stop as a nicety, not a strictly required deco step - so the brain is processing "don't just go to the surface" and enough to go find someone with air, but not enough to prevent just snatching at regs. (but hey, if that wasn't a thing, it wouldn't give us nearly as much fun during the scenarios of rescue diver courses).
Do you have any tips on hose management for primary donate? Where I'm diving it's the old 'secondary octo tucked into a D-ring' so you're all tucked up. Is there a good trick to keeping the long primary tidy, but easily pulled out to full length in an out-of-air situation?
If it's of interest, I have the long hose (1.5m) coming from the cylinder under my right arm and tucked into my waistband on my right hand side (braided lines are very light and float around if not controlled), the line then runs across my chest and around my neck. The air enters the regulator through a 360 degree swivel. If I have to donate I shrug the hose over my head as it is presented, the extra pulls free from the waistband at the same time. I have my secondary on a necklace around my neck.
I've practiced it several times with my buddy and once for real without any incident. I hope this helps.
If you use 5ft it will be tidy without much tucking it in anywhere (can use the waist strap if needed). If you go longer you can tuck it in your waist strap or try googling Long Hose Stick made by Halcyon. It’s meant to help you hold the long hose in place.
I’ve used it when not diving with a canister light and works well. I’ve heard other people make their own similar contraption.
Another suggestion is to use rubber hoses. Miflex hoses are light and floaty so harder to manage when the hose is very long. I’d skip the swivel as it’s not necessary and adds another failure point, but it’s a matter of preference
Good luck!
'Hogarthian loop'
Thanks for all that you do!!
Thanks! Always check your gas!
I have switched over to a Primary donate set-up mainly on your advice. In your valuable opinion, is it still okay to use my Apeks XTX 50 octo second stage on the bungee neclace (that you taught me to tie) even though it is yellow?
@diversready what are the chances you will be doing this again? I'm new to the sport and could use a free reg of this quality, who couldn't?
Always enjoyed and learned from your videos. I am now PADI AI.
As for the video, I kind of disagree as I find Octo setup is more efficient. For the victim, I don’t think it is a matter of choice rather thank you for the air.
My family and I are relocating not far from you. You may have a new student next year
It drives me crazy watching videos where I see Octo's loose dragging in the sand etc.. In primary donate your backup is on a necklace. Not dragging in the much. Will help people pay more attention to their backup.
Yes I would give these away
this is why I like my Air2, is just like primary donation.
How long is your primary hose?
I switched from primary-donate/necklace to octo bcs of COVID but I'll be switching back
IM starting my class to get certified I could use the regulator I’m really broke lol
haha 100% true on people running out of gas! all skill levels zero to hero master divers to ow divers people in general
I run two primaries. I have 2 apex MTXR. I will not donate my primary though. You I got a flamboyant painted one on my shoulder for you. I do not ever allow panicked divers in my workspace. You can wait or take the neon colored one of my shoulder. I will make it home unless it’s on my own terms. Not some moron who is freaking out. People need to be better trained to fight co2 build up.
Have you met people LMFAO
I read a book recently by a man called Simon Pridmore. He wonderful book talked about primary donate second stages and when I asked him about this set up in facebook he sent me a picture. Made EXCELLENT SENSE!!!! Very realistic.
Great info, I have been a dive instructor for 10 years with over 2000 certifications under my belt and not one of my students have even ran out of gas during my teaching, therefore I am guessing then once the "lizard people" complete their courses they forget/ditch all I teach them lol 😆
It probably helps you're monitoring them, without an instructor checking in they may forget.
Show us your aquarium the one in the background
happy new Year Jamesy.