Best ship in the BS fleet and then they went and sold her to Canada! Crazy!You can tell the difference between them as Ithaki has different upper superstructure aft than Paros/Naxos. I have made so many journeys on them all! Great shipping company just like the Greeks themselves!🇬🇷🇬🇧
It might look like undue bravado, but it is not. Greek ferry skippers dock day in, day out multiple times. And very often under strong wind / gale conditions. The docking shown in the video in full daylight, tranquil weather and a relatively large and empty harbor was easy for this skipper, a real master. He made a sharp turn into the harbor reducing thereby his speed to some 9-7 knots (situation around 1:00), dropped anchor at 1:30 and lost his remaining forward momentum by swinging the ship around the anchor. The sideway momentum brought the stern close, yet not too close to the quai. A rather short push back and he was docked. Great job! And a safe one. There was not one incident with a Greek ferry docking since many decades. And ferries of this size dock 10-30 times each and every day in Greek ports.
Στατιστικά είναι πιθανό να γίνει και ατύχημα . Αν όμως οι Έλληνες πλοίαρχοι δεν ήταν αυτοί που είναι, τότε σχεδόν ΟΛΑ τα νησιά , το χειμώνα (αλλά και σε κάποιες περιπτώσεις και το καλοκαίρι ) δεν θα έβλεπαν πλοίο .Οι νησιώτες τους λατρεύουν γιατί χάρη σε αυτούς τους Πλοιάρχους έχουν ζωή οι τόποι τους . Προσωπικά δεν είδα κάτι καινούριο σε αυτό το βίντεο .Κάλμα καιρός και τον Cp Ηλία να αποδεικνύει στους δύσπιστους πόσο καλά ξέρει το πλοίο του.
Πολλά ειπώθηκαν και με κούρασαν αυτοί που τα ξέρουν όλα, εγώ ένα έχω να σας πω ...ταξιδέψτε και με πλοία του grimaldi και τότε ίσως εκτιμήσετε τους 'Ελληνες καπετανέους με ότι αυτο συνεπάγετε. Δέν είναι άλωστε τυχαία στην κορυφή τις λίστας με τους καλύτερους (και ποιο περιζήτητους) του κόσμου, και κυριολεκτό ...!!!
Καλή η συναδελφική αλληλεγγύη ...αλλά εγώ πάντως με 25 χρόνια στη θάλασσα ούτε από τον προβλήτα δεν θα πέρναγα..... Κατά την απόψη μου, χωρίς να είμαι παρόν στον χειριαμό και χωρίς απόλυτη γνώση των τοπικών συνθηκών την ώρα της πρόσδεσης, με μόνο στοιχείο την εικόνα του βίντεο που είναι αρκετά κατατοπιστική για τις τοπικές συνθήκες και με τη γνώση του συγκεκριμένου λιμανιού, έχω να παρατηρήσω τα εξής: Μπαίνει στο λιμάνι με υψηλή ταχύτητα! Κάνει βίαιες κινήσεις στις μηχανές! Φέρνει το πλοίο σε οριακό σημείο με βάση τα ελικτικά του στοιχεία. Ποιος ο λόγος? Αν υπήρχε λόγος ασφάλειας τότε καλά έκανε. Είχε ισχυρό άνεμο/ανεμοπίεση, είχε δυνατό θαλάσσιο ρεύμα? Δεν φαίνεται όμως κάτι τέτοιο.....Αν συμβεί μια μικρή ανωμαλία ή δεν πιάσει το "πρόσω- ανάποδα" ή το bow thruster δεν "ακούσει".....τι θα γίνει? Αλήθεια η "μηχανή" τι του λέει? Όση εμπιστοσύνη και να έχεις στο υλικό σου δεν κάνεις τέτοιες δραστικές κινήσεις χωρίς σοβαρότατο λόγο. Ποιοι λόγοι λοιπόν τον ανάγκασαν να κάνει τόσο βίαιες κινήσεις? Ο καπετάνιος δεν κρίνεται μόνο από την ικανότητα χειρισμών (τη μαγκιά). Στο συγκεκριμένο βίντεο το μόνο που δείχνει ο καπετάνιος είναι ΠΑΝΤΕΛΗ ΑΓΝΟΙΑ ΤΟΥ ΚΙΝΔΥΝΟΥ και αυτό δεν είναι προσόν.... Η ΑΣΦΑΛΕΙΑ είναι το μέγιστο όταν έχεις επιβάτες....και επειδή δεν συνέβη το κακό (ή δεν έχει συμβεί μέχρι τώρα) δεν σημαίνει πως δεν θα συμβεί. Μπορεί εσύ να τρέχεις σε F1 (με το κατάλληλο όχημα και με τις κατάλληλες συνθήκες) αλλά εδώ υπάρχουν ψυχές που μεταφέρεις.....και έχεις λεοφωρείο και όχι F1. Αν ένα λεοφωρείο μπει με "πατιλίκια" στη στροφή και παρκάρει με χειρόφρενο το πιο πιθανό είναι ο οδηγός να χάσει τη δουλειά του το επόμενο λεπτό......και δεν είναι θέμα ζήλειας....(αν σπεύσουν κάποιοι να κρίνουν) είναι θέμα λογικής και μείωσης του ρίσκου τόσο για τους επιβάτες όσο και για το πλήρωμα και το ίδιο το πλοίο. Συγνώμη για τη μακρυγορία..αλλά είμαστε μια ναυτική χώρα και αυτά που ακούστηκαν και γράφτηκαν εδώ ξεφεύγουν από καθέ λογική. Αλήθεια, για τους γνωρίζοντες τι θα κατέθεταν αν καλούντο στην «Επιτροπή Διερεύνησης Ναυτικών Ατυχημάτων και Συμβάντων»?
+Paris Alexiou . επίσης αν μεταφράσει κάποιος τα λεγόμενα του εικονολήπτη θα καταλάβει οτι όλο το πλήρωμα του ελιμενισμενου καραβιού τρέχει να ασφαλίσει το καράβι τους απο τα απόνερα για να μη μιλήσω για μικρότερα σκάφη που πιθανόν να υπάρχουν στο λιμάνι. και αν θέλει να κερδίσει χρόνο να το κανει στην πορεία εξω απο το λιμάνι!
Now this ship is called the Fundy Rose. It was bought by the Canadian government and now sails the waters of the Bay of Fundy on the Canadian East Coast. You can find her on the Marine site.
No doubt the captain has mad skills but to operate a vessel that size in close quarters at that speed is highly reckless and unsafe. When things go wrong they are amplified by speed.
Well done! And without stressing engines, as we can appreciate by sighting exhaust outlets. Those captains are really well trained in that small harbours. Perhaps no much fairly assumed in main harbours around the world...
scot Ex scarrier Yet Greek ferries do hundreds of docking every week by all kind of weather and despite your opinion there were no accidents since the Venus of Milo lost her arms...
Someday that gu is going to make that approach that fast and something is gonna fail or stick... never approach a dock faster than you're willing to hit it...
Όλοι εσείς που το βρίσκετε γρήγορο και επικίνδυνο, που να είχατε δει, ή να υπήρχε βίντεο εδώ μέσα με το ΝΑΙΣ ΙΙ να δένει στη Σύρο .... Εκεί να δείτε ΓΡΗΓΟΡΗ μανούβρα !!!!!!!!!!
Been there and witnessed this super dangerous maneuver. It’s like he’s parking pulling his handbrake. Initially I’ve thought this captain had the shits and that he urgently needed to go to the toilet but know I learn that this is his signature-move. Skillful, yes, I give him that but he’s nevertheless an utter idiot. LOL! Super tare filmarea, baieti. Exact asta am zis si eu, “ca parcheaza cu frana de mana”... sa-l fi vazut cum l-a panicat pe unul cu un vas turistic, unul de agrement din lemn. Toti turistii se cacasera pe ei de frica iar ala se pierduse si nu mai stia in ce directie sa mai traga de carma.
impromptucaferacer You are the idiot. Those ships have directional thrust props. This is standard maneuver. Greek ferries accomplish hundreds of dockings a week and there are no accidents what so ever. Let the pros do their job and go find something else to hate.
Would have been better if the cameraman did not have delusions of being Steve Spielberg. Moving the camera around while being zoomed in was a waste of pixels Otherwise, the shipmaster was the man.
Greece as we Know, owns one of the bigger Merchant Marine in the World! The ships that connect all the greek islands (servicing the locals and tourists as well as carrying goods) are only a portion of the whole Greek World Fleet (Tankers, Cargo ships etc). In the video we see of course a not typical sample (even marginal for some people, although some of the comments seem to be ignorant or biased) of the seamanship and competence of the Captains and Sailors of this unique Blue Country in the World! Of course there is a reasoned explanation (as other friends explained previously) for such fast manoeuvring. At no reason this is a "crazy" behavior by the able and professionally excelent Greek Captain and his crew. It is a calculated risk? No! It is obvious that he is Certain for his docking! He Knows his ship's state of art, he Knows himself and his crew capabilities and he has done it a lot of times! Period. Statistics prove the reliability of the Greek Shipping Companies and the top qualifications of Greek Captains and Crews! Only a few foreign captains can compete them! If we had foreign captains in our ships the service of the Greek public and our Guests would be problematic! Simply because of lack by foreigners of the Greek Marine Education, the rigorous Training of cadet captains guided by older masters, the famous greek seamanship, the greek flexibility because we have the Greek Way of interpreting the Kosmos, not the plain calvinistic logic of 0 or 1 - black or white - good or bad but the greek perception of Multi-State Situations of the Matters, we have also the Greek out of the box Thinking when it is needed. Above all there is the smartness of a sharp Greek mind! By the previous said, we dont argue that every Greek Captain is a small Einstein. Simply we say that the arithmetic mean of I.Q. of the majority of Greek Captains and Sailors is well above the mean of their foreighn colleagues! Not "Politically corect" but So simple. So difficult to understand and to accept by a non-Greek. It is by chance that Great Non-Greek eminent Literate Persons have said "I wished to be born Greek!"? Of course not! So, we Greeks Know that we can trust fully the Captains and Sailors of our blessed Sunny Blue Country! "Blue Country" is a fair term not only because of the 5.000 years of the Greek marine and naval heritage but also because the Greek Land plus the Greek Seas Exclusive Economic Zone (according to the rules of the International Law of the Sea and not based on some arbitrary barbarian desires and wishes...), make Greece one of the Bigger Countries In European Union related to total Size in Area. It is worthwhile to note that the Greek Flag consists of Blue and White Strips for the sake of the blue sea and the white of the waves foam!... By the way, this vast area of water including the 3.000 greek islands and islets inhabited and owned for thousand centuries by greek people (even during some temporary foreign occupations) is fully protected by one of the most combatant and leathal Navy of the NATO, excelling in every NATO War Exercise: The Hellenic Navy! HN Captains, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers even the Enlisted sailors have an unparalleled seamanship, education and training! In cooperation with the formidable Ace Pilots of the famous Hellenic Air Force who are recognized every year as the Best Fighter Pilots by its NATO and Israeli colleagues, plus the Greek Land Forces (and their Reserves) guarantee the Deterrance against any Rogue State... These marine skills have been demonstrated by greek sailors during the last 5.000 years. Greek sailors who had been , be and will be sailing for ever in every corner of the seas and oceans all over this Globe!... Of course the Greeks by creating and developing Science, Mathematics, Astronomy, Engineering, Geography , Philosophy, Ship Building, Strategy, Politics, Theaters, Poetry, Democracy etc. etc. supported also the evolution of Merchant Marine as well as the War Navy. In other words, Greece has been always historically mainly a Sea-People Nation. So the term Blue Country for Greece sounds Real and Sensible for sure. In contrast any other neighboring state newly calling itself as a "Blue Country" sounds so fake, grotesque and totally fun!
esy anthrope kai kathe athropos pou anevazei tetoia video as mplokarei ta sxoleia....dn theloume o kathe asxetos na kanei ton eixame ena video tou cpt mamidi pou einai o thrulos ths aktoplooias me auta ta sxolia mou grafei o kathe epistimonas tha espaga thn othoni.
Greece is a great country full of beauty and tradition.
It is pure with kind people.extraordinary nature.
I love it.
真厲害的船長! 技術是全世界第一. 大船從高速進港! 高速迴轉! 高速倒俥! 不必任何拖船協助. 短短3分鐘的時間. 一口氣完成大船停泊到位. 沒有任何失誤. 讓人目不眨眼. 目瞪口呆! 這應是最快速大船進港停泊到位的金氏世界紀錄!!
讚! 讚! 讚極了!!
I love Greece 🇬🇷 and it’s people .... love from England🏴
Especially love Kefalonia ❤️
Best ship in the BS fleet and then they went and sold her to Canada! Crazy!You can tell the difference between them as Ithaki has different upper superstructure aft than Paros/Naxos. I have made so many journeys on them all! Great shipping company just like the Greeks themselves!🇬🇷🇬🇧
It might look like undue bravado, but it is not.
Greek ferry skippers dock day in, day out multiple times. And very often under strong wind / gale conditions. The docking shown in the video in full daylight, tranquil weather and a relatively large and empty harbor was easy for this skipper, a real master. He made a sharp turn into the harbor reducing thereby his speed to some 9-7 knots (situation around 1:00), dropped anchor at 1:30 and lost his remaining forward momentum by swinging the ship around the anchor. The sideway momentum brought the stern close, yet not too close to the quai. A rather short push back and he was docked.
Great job!
And a safe one. There was not one incident with a Greek ferry docking since many decades. And ferries of this size dock 10-30 times each and every day in Greek ports.
never approach the dock faster than you want to hit it.
@@bryannonya9769 Which would mean not to approach it at all... As the desired speed of hitting is zero.
Dropped anchor?
@@villageblunder4787 Yes, dropped anchor. Ships have anchors and use them. You can hear the chain going down starting 1:30.
@@andy99ish. So they run out the starbord anchor, spin the boat around and then magically retract it by the end of the manoeuvre.
Saw these crews operating while I was in Greece. Fantastic work and timing
Au frein à main , j’ferais pas mieux !👏 Champion notre capitaine !
Шумахер на пароме. Красавчики экипаж.
And who is the Boss?! Big respect👌👌👌
The boss is captain ilias berbeniotis one of the best expirienced captains in greece
So blessed to understand what they are saying 🥰🥰🥰
Now plying the waters in the Bay of Fundy as the Fundy Rose. I don't remember coming into Digby, Nova Scotia like this! LOL.
SUPERB bit of boat handling.
That's some Handbrake Turn !
always trained go as fast as you want to hit something....very good advice.
Capt.,that was some kinda hot dog drive’n!!!!
Judging from the looks of the wake this thing has bow & stern thrusters to maneuver in tight spaces & the helmsman has some mad skills!
Es de parvulitos eso
It has a bow thrusters not a stern thruster
Дааа капитан мастер своего дела молодец мужик 👍👍👍👍
Awesome zoom !!!!!!
Fantastic captain and helmsman. Never saw better!!!
You know when you zoom in... things get closer!
Greek ship drifting...awesome :)
Well done Captain Ron!
Interesting he entered the harbour under a solid long horn blow, isn't that the signal for brace for collision?
Nop! He wakes any sleeping tourist to do not loose the next trip.
Στατιστικά είναι πιθανό να γίνει και ατύχημα . Αν όμως οι Έλληνες πλοίαρχοι δεν ήταν αυτοί που είναι, τότε σχεδόν ΟΛΑ τα νησιά , το χειμώνα (αλλά και σε κάποιες περιπτώσεις και το καλοκαίρι ) δεν θα έβλεπαν πλοίο .Οι νησιώτες τους λατρεύουν γιατί χάρη σε αυτούς τους Πλοιάρχους έχουν ζωή οι τόποι τους . Προσωπικά δεν είδα κάτι καινούριο σε αυτό το βίντεο .Κάλμα καιρός και τον Cp Ηλία να αποδεικνύει στους δύσπιστους πόσο καλά ξέρει το πλοίο του.
συμφωνω μαζι σου αλλα θελω να συμπλησρωσω οτι εκανε ολην αυτην τη μανουβρα λογω οτι βρισκοταν σε πολυ μεγαλο λιμανι
@@mixmantsak1015 kai me isuxa nera :)
My ex needs more time to park a car
Life going well?
Blue star ferries compagnie merveilleuse
Πολλά ειπώθηκαν και με κούρασαν αυτοί που τα ξέρουν όλα, εγώ ένα έχω να σας πω ...ταξιδέψτε και με πλοία του grimaldi και τότε ίσως εκτιμήσετε τους 'Ελληνες καπετανέους με ότι αυτο συνεπάγετε.
Δέν είναι άλωστε τυχαία στην κορυφή τις λίστας με τους καλύτερους (και ποιο περιζήτητους) του κόσμου, και κυριολεκτό ...!!!
Καλή η συναδελφική αλληλεγγύη ...αλλά εγώ πάντως με 25 χρόνια στη θάλασσα ούτε από τον προβλήτα δεν θα πέρναγα..... Κατά την απόψη μου, χωρίς να είμαι παρόν στον χειριαμό και χωρίς απόλυτη γνώση των τοπικών συνθηκών την ώρα της πρόσδεσης, με μόνο στοιχείο την εικόνα του βίντεο που είναι αρκετά κατατοπιστική για τις τοπικές συνθήκες και με τη γνώση του συγκεκριμένου λιμανιού, έχω να παρατηρήσω τα εξής: Μπαίνει στο λιμάνι με υψηλή ταχύτητα! Κάνει βίαιες κινήσεις στις μηχανές! Φέρνει το πλοίο σε οριακό σημείο με βάση τα ελικτικά του στοιχεία. Ποιος ο λόγος? Αν υπήρχε λόγος ασφάλειας τότε καλά έκανε. Είχε ισχυρό άνεμο/ανεμοπίεση, είχε δυνατό θαλάσσιο ρεύμα? Δεν φαίνεται όμως κάτι τέτοιο.....Αν συμβεί μια μικρή ανωμαλία ή δεν πιάσει το "πρόσω- ανάποδα" ή το bow thruster δεν "ακούσει".....τι θα γίνει? Αλήθεια η "μηχανή" τι του λέει? Όση εμπιστοσύνη και να έχεις στο υλικό σου δεν κάνεις τέτοιες δραστικές κινήσεις χωρίς σοβαρότατο λόγο. Ποιοι λόγοι λοιπόν τον ανάγκασαν να κάνει τόσο βίαιες κινήσεις? Ο καπετάνιος δεν κρίνεται μόνο από την ικανότητα χειρισμών (τη μαγκιά). Στο συγκεκριμένο βίντεο το μόνο που δείχνει ο καπετάνιος είναι ΠΑΝΤΕΛΗ ΑΓΝΟΙΑ ΤΟΥ ΚΙΝΔΥΝΟΥ και αυτό δεν είναι προσόν.... Η ΑΣΦΑΛΕΙΑ είναι το μέγιστο όταν έχεις επιβάτες....και επειδή δεν συνέβη το κακό (ή δεν έχει συμβεί μέχρι τώρα) δεν σημαίνει πως δεν θα συμβεί. Μπορεί εσύ να τρέχεις σε F1 (με το κατάλληλο όχημα και με τις κατάλληλες συνθήκες) αλλά εδώ υπάρχουν ψυχές που μεταφέρεις.....και έχεις λεοφωρείο και όχι F1. Αν ένα λεοφωρείο μπει με "πατιλίκια" στη στροφή και παρκάρει με χειρόφρενο το πιο πιθανό είναι ο οδηγός να χάσει τη δουλειά του το επόμενο λεπτό......και δεν είναι θέμα ζήλειας....(αν σπεύσουν κάποιοι να κρίνουν) είναι θέμα λογικής και μείωσης του ρίσκου τόσο για τους επιβάτες όσο και για το πλήρωμα και το ίδιο το πλοίο. Συγνώμη για τη μακρυγορία..αλλά είμαστε μια ναυτική χώρα και αυτά που ακούστηκαν και γράφτηκαν εδώ ξεφεύγουν από καθέ λογική. Αλήθεια, για τους γνωρίζοντες τι θα κατέθεταν αν καλούντο στην «Επιτροπή Διερεύνησης Ναυτικών Ατυχημάτων και Συμβάντων»?
+Paris Alexiou . επίσης αν μεταφράσει κάποιος τα λεγόμενα του εικονολήπτη θα καταλάβει οτι όλο το πλήρωμα του ελιμενισμενου καραβιού τρέχει να ασφαλίσει το καράβι τους απο τα απόνερα για να μη μιλήσω για μικρότερα σκάφη που πιθανόν να υπάρχουν στο λιμάνι. και αν θέλει να κερδίσει χρόνο να το κανει στην πορεία εξω απο το λιμάνι!
na tan h zhleia psora :)
+ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ ΣΙΜΟΣ you are wrong.
Μια χαρά το πήγε... Μην είσαι φλώρος... Έλεος... Αν υπήρχε κάποιου είδους υπερβολής στις κινήσεις του θα στο έλεγα... Απλώς είναι μαέστρος..
@@ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣΣΙΜΟΣ-ν5δ ο καπετανιος ειναι συριανος γεννηθηκε εκει και ξερει με καθε λεπτομερια το λιμανι.. εγω τον δικαιολογω.
The water looks so unreal when its foaming like that
Now this ship is called the Fundy Rose. It was bought by the Canadian government and now sails the waters of the Bay of Fundy on the Canadian East Coast. You can find her on the Marine site.
Yes I know I used to sail on her in the Agean!🇬🇧🇬🇷
Isn't that the ferry between Kos 🇬🇷 and Turkey 🦃? Think I've seen it on Kos.
Super captain.
Πολύ καλό βίντεο!!
:))) Salut colegi! Nu ma asteptam sa aud romani dupa titlul videoului . Se pare ca sunt singuru roman care a comentat :)
Nu sunt Romani au furat filmarea
@@remusspiridon5463 Asa este. Si-au pus la montaj comentariile. Oricum super acostarea.
Hermepolis 😍
No doubt the captain has mad skills but to operate a vessel that size in close quarters at that speed is highly reckless and unsafe. When things go wrong they are amplified by speed.
Vinny.....your comment makes NO sense!!
Larry Slemp his comment does make sense. Although the captain isn’t the one at the wheel
Vine God he probably is.
the sailing is in the dna of the Greek ... You can not and do not have the right to judge.
Χρηστος Αθανασιου shut up you unpronounceable named idiot.
Stand back I'm late for dinner!
Well done! And without stressing engines, as we can appreciate by sighting exhaust outlets. Those captains are really well trained in that small harbours. Perhaps no much fairly assumed in main harbours around the world...
What port was this at?
Руки оторвать такому оператору ! А капитан судна профи !
هي طلعت فيها من سيني عاثنا احلا ايام
Perhaps it was the Costa Concordia Captains brother.
clearly hes done that a time or two
super nice!
Tokio Drift!!
welcome to Greek ferries they the best
it looks like a drift boat hahahaha
*playing STILL by DR. DRE
no safety margins are taken into account for any errors,its a wonder passing that moored ship at speed didnt break its moorings
scot Ex scarrier Yet Greek ferries do hundreds of docking every week by all kind of weather and despite your opinion there were no accidents since the Venus of Milo lost her arms...
Blue from the start goin top fast
that dude knows how to park, didn't/t see anything close to two meters, no splashing on the walls either, besides - he does this every day
Did the camera guy survive? he seemed to have a seizure at the end
Dam good video well done...
Bow thrusters and 360 prop steering in action
Where is this country?
Αυτό το blue star το οδηγάει ο ξάδερφος!!!!!!!
Fain video
Obviously, there is a remote station aft where the ship can be controlled.
yeah sure and the parking assistant
Landing and landing do not use different translation,
Wen the local brothel has 50% discount...
If you are a sailor you get the joke
I'm a sailor and I don't get it..
Why is the boat always tilting to one side?lol
Maniac kaptain. Like a tusunami.
Schettino is on Command of a Ferry now?
LOL...First thing I thought too!!
Someday that gu is going to make that approach that fast and something is gonna fail or stick... never approach a dock faster than you're willing to hit it...
We are Greeks calm your tits
Superb Media Content Creator They’re pressing with the time most likely. To maintain the schedule....
Isn't Blue Star Lauro Lines?
Μου θυμίζει τον καπταΣιδερή με το Αιγαίον...
Βερβενιωτης...o Colin McRae των ναυτικών
Όλοι εσείς που το βρίσκετε γρήγορο και επικίνδυνο, που να είχατε δει, ή να υπήρχε βίντεο εδώ μέσα με το ΝΑΙΣ ΙΙ να δένει στη Σύρο ....
Εκεί να δείτε ΓΡΗΓΟΡΗ μανούβρα !!!!!!!!!!
die kapitäne sind entweder voll fertig oder total gut,für mich als landratte ist das aber nur beängstigend
Είναι αυτή η επιτάχυνση ;
А если отказ какого либо из устройств? Последствия трудно представить. Якоря не отдаёт. Корма резиновая что ли?
Αυτό δεν είναι τίποτα! Έχω δει καπετάνιους να δένουν το καράβι με θαλασσοταραχη και άγριο κύμα να σου φύγει η μαγκια
Is this done with the port prop in forward and the starboard prop in reverse?
No - took me a second to realize - Podded/ Azimuth props - wake does not match conventenal propeeelor sin reverse.
What's the matter, Colonel Sanders, chicken?
Been there and witnessed this super dangerous maneuver. It’s like he’s parking pulling his handbrake. Initially I’ve thought this captain had the shits and that he urgently needed to go to the toilet but know I learn that this is his signature-move. Skillful, yes, I give him that but he’s nevertheless an utter idiot.
LOL! Super tare filmarea, baieti. Exact asta am zis si eu, “ca parcheaza cu frana de mana”... sa-l fi vazut cum l-a panicat pe unul cu un vas turistic, unul de agrement din lemn. Toti turistii se cacasera pe ei de frica iar ala se pierduse si nu mai stia in ce directie sa mai traga de carma.
impromptucaferacer You are the idiot. Those ships have directional thrust props. This is standard maneuver. Greek ferries accomplish hundreds of dockings a week and there are no accidents what so ever. Let the pros do their job and go find something else to hate.
Ποια θα είναι η μέρα δεν ξέρω που θα κολλήσουν τα τιμόνια και θα πάει μέσα σε 3 λεπτά
kapetanios me arxidia !
ωραιος ο καπετανιος.....ΕΛΛΑΔΑΡΑ ΡΕ !
Thats some serious skill but coming in that fast was reckless
Would have been better if the cameraman did not have delusions of being Steve Spielberg. Moving the camera around while being zoomed in was a waste of pixels Otherwise, the shipmaster was the man.
when you it's a actually boss
Deja vu!
Drift star 😀😀😀
Blue star ferry seem famous.
Great editing !!
No editing at all... This is daily routine, when the ships have to stop at multiple islands at every trip every day there no time to waste.
You know nothing at all about seafaring do you?
Bă sunteți de belea...
so what happens when revers fails
Greece as we Know, owns one of the bigger Merchant Marine in the World! The ships that connect all the greek islands (servicing the locals and tourists as well as carrying goods) are only a portion of the whole Greek World Fleet (Tankers, Cargo ships etc).
In the video we see of course a not typical sample (even marginal for some people, although some of the comments seem to be ignorant or biased) of the seamanship and competence of the Captains and Sailors of this unique Blue Country in the World! Of course there is a reasoned explanation (as other friends explained previously) for such fast manoeuvring. At no reason this is a "crazy" behavior by the able and professionally excelent Greek Captain and his crew. It is a calculated risk? No! It is obvious that he is Certain for his docking! He Knows his ship's state of art, he Knows himself and his crew capabilities and he has done it a lot of times! Period. Statistics prove the reliability of the Greek Shipping Companies and the top qualifications of Greek Captains and Crews!
Only a few foreign captains can compete them! If we had foreign captains in our ships the service of the Greek public and our Guests would be problematic! Simply because of lack by foreigners of the Greek Marine Education, the rigorous Training of cadet captains guided by older masters, the famous greek seamanship, the greek flexibility because we have the Greek Way of interpreting the Kosmos, not the plain calvinistic logic of 0 or 1 - black or white - good or bad but the greek perception of Multi-State Situations of the Matters, we have also the Greek out of the box Thinking when it is needed. Above all there is the smartness of a sharp Greek mind! By the previous said, we dont argue that every Greek Captain is a small Einstein. Simply we say that the arithmetic mean of I.Q. of the majority of Greek Captains and Sailors is well above the mean of their foreighn colleagues! Not "Politically corect" but So simple. So difficult to understand and to accept by a non-Greek. It is by chance that Great Non-Greek eminent Literate Persons have said "I wished to be born Greek!"? Of course not!
So, we Greeks Know that we can trust fully the Captains and Sailors of our blessed Sunny Blue Country!
"Blue Country" is a fair term not only because of the 5.000 years of the Greek marine and naval heritage but also because the Greek Land plus the Greek Seas Exclusive Economic Zone (according to the rules of the International Law of the Sea and not based on some arbitrary barbarian desires and wishes...), make Greece one of the Bigger Countries In European Union related to total Size in Area. It is worthwhile to note that the Greek Flag consists of Blue and White Strips for the sake of the blue sea and the white of the waves foam!...
By the way, this vast area of water including the 3.000 greek islands and islets inhabited and owned for thousand centuries by greek people (even during some temporary foreign occupations) is fully protected by one of the most combatant and leathal Navy of the NATO, excelling in every NATO War Exercise: The Hellenic Navy! HN Captains, Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers even the Enlisted sailors have an unparalleled seamanship, education and training! In cooperation with the formidable Ace Pilots of the famous Hellenic Air Force who are recognized every year as the Best Fighter Pilots by its NATO and Israeli colleagues, plus the Greek Land Forces (and their Reserves) guarantee the Deterrance against any Rogue State...
These marine skills have been demonstrated by greek sailors during the last 5.000 years. Greek sailors who had been , be and will be sailing for ever in every corner of the seas and oceans all over this Globe!...
Of course the Greeks by creating and developing Science, Mathematics, Astronomy, Engineering, Geography , Philosophy, Ship Building, Strategy, Politics, Theaters, Poetry, Democracy etc. etc. supported also the evolution of Merchant Marine as well as the War Navy. In other words, Greece has been always historically mainly a Sea-People Nation. So the term Blue Country for Greece sounds Real and Sensible for sure.
In contrast any other neighboring state newly calling itself as a "Blue Country" sounds so fake, grotesque and totally fun!
They do it twice a day
Doesn't look reckless at all, it looks effective.
I bet he was listening to Initial D
ωραιο βιντεο.λες και βλεπεις κανα εργο τεχνης.blue poytses.
esy anthrope kai kathe athropos pou anevazei tetoia video as mplokarei ta sxoleia....dn theloume o kathe asxetos na kanei ton eixame ena video tou cpt mamidi pou einai o thrulos ths aktoplooias me auta ta sxolia mou grafei o kathe epistimonas tha espaga thn othoni.
Αυτό κάνει το blue star Delos