Despite the size of their industry, Indonesia really has an opportunity to produce the kinds of movies that even China's much-hyped movie industry can't because of their antiquated restrictions on filmmakers. Indonesian film has its own restrictions, to be sure, but this is the kind of movie Chinese filmmakers (outside of Hong Kong anyways) simply cannot make but wish they could. Indonesia's filmmakers need to capitalize on this surge in interest quickly, but with QUALITY filmmaking.
I never seen an indonesian movie b4 I really thought they were all the same but this movie has it's own distinctive flavour that no other action/thriller could achieve ... Great movie Gareth will be looking forward for your upcoming movies !
It's so true! We already have enough B-class movie, but we could really make such a blockbuster if we really put our mind to it. Gareth has opened the way, so now it's a golden opportunity for the rest of Indonesian movie industry to raise the standard (and please, not just cheap knock-off).
Couldn't agree more. Filmmakers SHOULD cross borders and try their hands at depicting the stories of other cultures. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, but it's always an interesting experience. Look at all the famous Hong Kong directors who directed American pictures: Ringo Lam, Tsui Hark, John Woo, Peter Chan, even China's Chen Kaige. Then there's the Pang Brothers from Thailand/HK. Then there's the countless U.S. actors who've appeared in Asian films. Proves cinema is universal!
Keren... yg lebih ga nyangka trnyt film indonesia bs dpt respon yg bgz di amerika... Walaupun sutradara'y org inggris tp mdh2n bs jd motivasi bwt sutradara lokal... :)
@sevenfoldismDrummer1 -- I have seen a few Indonesian films and I agree with you. This is by far the best, and it is the first that will travel beyond Indonesia because of its quality. The only problem is that NO other Indonesian cinema really matches THE RAID, so any rise in interest in older Indonesian movies will be met with a LOT of cheap, inferior product. Other Indonesian filmmakers need to follow Gareth Evans' lead, of the country's cinema will remain stuck within its own borders.
isnt this movie makes you wander? why on earth, a person from the other country could make such a really good movie? even he can put OUR culture value in it? arent we ashamed with ourselves? STOP complaining, START working! take this movie as the example, as a motivator to produce a great movie and let the world know the beauty of Indonesia!
perbedaan orang bodoh dan orang genius: - orang bodoh menganggap dirinya pintar dengan menghina dan tidak menghargai orang lain. - orang genius melihat kelemahan orang lain dan mengubahnya menjadi sesuatu yang hebat. terlahir menjadi orang indonesia/amerika itu bukan pilihan, tp menjadi orang bodoh/jenius itu benar2 pilihan.
ini baru film seru ....action lagi ... si bandingin filn horor yg berbau porno... bagusan filn yg melestarikan budaya pencak silat ke seluruh dunia... thank's for iko uwais yg telah mengharumkan nama bangsa...
what...? iko uwais still need an interpreter? man... he's such a great actor... if only he brushed up his english he may have a change on Hollywood screen.. just saying :)
Mas, kalo mau komen liat dulu video yang lain, emang sutradaranya orang BULE, tapi koreografi dan settingnya dan lain2nya itu ASELI Indonesia, Saya sering koq ngeliat orang indonesia bikin karya cinematografi kelas dunia, tapi sayang apresiasinya kecil, makanya mereka lari keluar.
look inside the team guys... movie has many people who work inside. this is absolutely indonesian movie cuz most crew is indonesian totally about 90%more... so are you still think this movie is unindonesian movie?... you'd better ceck your brain healthy
Ha ha. I remember when he got sick (chicken pox) and we (the fans) didn't know what happened and suddenly her girlfriend wished he would got better so we asked what happened.
maaf, bukannya mencela dan menjatuhkan motivasi anda2 semuanya.. tapi film ini bersutradarakan wales (BUKAN INDONESIAN)... dan setiap2 action di dalam film ini adalah buatan not indonesian. yg dipakai hanyalah, latar, orang, dan lokasi, serta bahasa. so, try to be just so so..
Maksud anda apa bilang setiap2 action di dalam film ini adalah buatan not Indonesian?! Itu semua adegan laganya yang buat adalah Yayan Ruhian dan Iko Uwais. Asli orang Indonesia. Produsernya pun asli orang Indonesia. Namanya Ario Sagantoro. Apa anda tidak menganggap ini film Indonesia? Gareth Evans sendiri sebagai sutradara bilang kalau ini film Indonesia. Kenapa anda mempermasalahkan sutradaranya bukan orang Indonesia? Itu di Amerika banyak sutradara dari Asia yang buat film disana. Gak ada yang mempermasalahkan tuh...
Despite the size of their industry, Indonesia really has an opportunity to produce the kinds of movies that even China's much-hyped movie industry can't because of their antiquated restrictions on filmmakers. Indonesian film has its own restrictions, to be sure, but this is the kind of movie Chinese filmmakers (outside of Hong Kong anyways) simply cannot make but wish they could. Indonesia's filmmakers need to capitalize on this surge in interest quickly, but with QUALITY filmmaking.
I'm in love with Iko ,soo cute
I never seen an indonesian movie b4 I really thought they were all the same but this movie has it's own distinctive flavour that no other action/thriller could achieve ... Great movie Gareth will be looking forward for your upcoming movies !
It's so true! We already have enough B-class movie, but we could really make such a blockbuster if we really put our mind to it. Gareth has opened the way, so now it's a golden opportunity for the rest of Indonesian movie industry to raise the standard (and please, not just cheap knock-off).
I wish Iko could speak english, Or I could speak Indonesian, cause that guy is a humble badass.
I dunno u still there but he learnt english🥳
Senangnya akhirnyaa Indonesia sudah punyaa film action yang menduniaa....
jadi banggaa jadi anak Indonesiaa......
Couldn't agree more. Filmmakers SHOULD cross borders and try their hands at depicting the stories of other cultures. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, but it's always an interesting experience. Look at all the famous Hong Kong directors who directed American pictures: Ringo Lam, Tsui Hark, John Woo, Peter Chan, even China's Chen Kaige. Then there's the Pang Brothers from Thailand/HK. Then there's the countless U.S. actors who've appeared in Asian films. Proves cinema is universal!
Keren... yg lebih ga nyangka trnyt film indonesia bs dpt respon yg bgz di amerika... Walaupun sutradara'y org inggris tp mdh2n bs jd motivasi bwt sutradara lokal... :)
It's never too late! I'll keep an eye out for it. :)
@sevenfoldismDrummer1 -- I have seen a few Indonesian films and I agree with you. This is by far the best, and it is the first that will travel beyond Indonesia because of its quality. The only problem is that NO other Indonesian cinema really matches THE RAID, so any rise in interest in older Indonesian movies will be met with a LOT of cheap, inferior product. Other Indonesian filmmakers need to follow Gareth Evans' lead, of the country's cinema will remain stuck within its own borders.
If they do the remake then Iko Uwais and Joe Taslim better have cameo appearances
isnt this movie makes you wander? why on earth, a person from the other country could make such a really good movie? even he can put OUR culture value in it? arent we ashamed with ourselves? STOP complaining, START working! take this movie as the example, as a motivator to produce a great movie and let the world know the beauty of Indonesia!
Must watch this movie!!
I like Joe's style in here,, he looks... super cool =D and 14:27 is too funny!!
OMG D: this amazing, awesome!!
after "Merantau", finally some epic movie!
wahhh belajar bhasa inggris juga ya mas,,, heee tpiii fimnya kerenn bangga ,,,
Couldn't agree more!!
great film,,,,
perbedaan orang bodoh dan orang genius:
- orang bodoh menganggap dirinya pintar dengan menghina dan tidak menghargai orang lain.
- orang genius melihat kelemahan orang lain dan mengubahnya menjadi sesuatu yang hebat.
terlahir menjadi orang indonesia/amerika itu bukan pilihan, tp menjadi orang bodoh/jenius itu benar2 pilihan.
Maybe it's way too late, but you should check Modus Anomali.
I heard it also got positive reviews.
nah mate, Iko is Indonesian and Tony jaa is Thailand....
5 years and no one commented
ini baru film seru ....action lagi ...
si bandingin filn horor yg berbau porno...
bagusan filn yg melestarikan budaya pencak silat ke seluruh dunia...
thank's for iko uwais yg telah mengharumkan nama bangsa...
penerjemah nya iko uwais gak sesuatu banget !!!
Chicken pox 😂😂 so cute! I like how he pushed gareth!
winehouse fan whats chicken pox
The best indonesian Film ever made :)
Does anyone know what the credits song is called?
what...? iko uwais still need an interpreter? man... he's such a great actor... if only he brushed up his english he may have a change on Hollywood screen.. just saying :)
I'm in love with Joe Taslim.... sooo hottttttttttttttttt..........
Mas, kalo mau komen liat dulu video yang lain, emang sutradaranya orang BULE, tapi koreografi dan settingnya dan lain2nya itu ASELI Indonesia,
Saya sering koq ngeliat orang indonesia bikin karya cinematografi kelas dunia, tapi sayang apresiasinya kecil, makanya mereka lari keluar.
09:43...pertanyaan si cew apaan ya koq si mc nunjuk ke iko trus dia ktawa ngucain thank y
look inside the team guys... movie has many people who work inside. this is absolutely indonesian movie cuz most crew is indonesian totally about 90%more... so are you still think this movie is unindonesian movie?... you'd better ceck your brain healthy
@sevenfoldismDrummer1 agree with u
buruan di tunggu versi gamenya...!
Ha ha. I remember when he got sick (chicken pox) and we (the fans) didn't know what happened and suddenly her girlfriend wished he would got better so we asked what happened.
"And he got chickenpox" LOLZZZZZ
Ada minyak goreng filmanya :p
@opaedo ga usa malu2in Indo lo, emg keren filmnya tp jelas2 sutradaranya org Amrik gitu
si Iko ora ngudeng... wkwkwk...
masih pake translator .. XD
Taslim is of Chinese descent
sayang, iko gak terlalu ngerti bahasa inggris :')
the amount ethnocentrism are so damn high here.
u should learn more economy and understand international money flow and relation of import-export on national cash before making that statement.
bapak bule😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Is Iko related to Tony Jaa?? They look alike not being racist or anything...
ada yang mo bikin fil action gak.. kalo ada yuk kontak ane.. kita buat film actiuon bareng..
ngomong doang tanpa bukti,, malu-maluin gan :D
3:53 Facebook giving jobs to people
Iko definitely needs to learn English
ini baru film bagus ga kaya film esek2 ga jelas
maaf, bukannya mencela dan menjatuhkan motivasi anda2 semuanya..
tapi film ini bersutradarakan wales (BUKAN INDONESIAN)...
dan setiap2 action di dalam film ini adalah buatan not indonesian.
yg dipakai hanyalah, latar, orang, dan lokasi, serta bahasa.
so, try to be just so so..
Darmadi Lie ...motivasi aja diri loe sndiri biar ngga keterlaluan TOLOL nya...tolol loe pamerin...wkwkwk 😂😂
Maksud anda apa bilang setiap2 action di dalam film ini adalah buatan not Indonesian?! Itu semua adegan laganya yang buat adalah Yayan Ruhian dan Iko Uwais. Asli orang Indonesia. Produsernya pun asli orang Indonesia. Namanya Ario Sagantoro. Apa anda tidak menganggap ini film Indonesia? Gareth Evans sendiri sebagai sutradara bilang kalau ini film Indonesia. Kenapa anda mempermasalahkan sutradaranya bukan orang Indonesia? Itu di Amerika banyak sutradara dari Asia yang buat film disana. Gak ada yang mempermasalahkan tuh...