quakerism is so cool dude, you can have any idea and questions about it and still be welcomed and considered quaker!! like i don’t even know if i fully believe in god, i don’t consider myself christian, but i have never felt more welcome and happy than in quaker spaces :) it’s very cool
Dipika Deb Yes. I went Bible-less not long ago and decided to let the Holy Spirit teach me all things. Within 3 days I was mentally and physically healthier.
Quakers were central to both the abolition of slavery and women’s suffrage movement. Two great examples of positive expressions of religious conviction and fervor.
British mystic George Fox, founder of the Quaker religion, used the term "inner light" to describe our ability to personally experience God within ourselves. He himself had such an experience, which left him with the lifelong conviction that everyone can hear God's voice directly. I think that in today's world, filled with ridiculous intrusions of the basest materialistic content, being still is an elusive achievement.
I cannot describe that experience. The word "voice" is misleading since there is no voice and there are no words just the "inner light" that Fox talks about.
@@Zehr-AskI hope that you are okay? Bu sadece bir Google çeviri çevirisidir. Ama umarım iyisindir? Neyin yanlış olduğunu sorabilir miyim? Quaker değilim ama belki sorununuza birlikte bir çözüm bulabiliriz?
I agree. It is precisely what doesn't happen in a Friends Meeting. And the large stone church is not a reflection of Quaker simplicity of seating in which people face each other. I guess I though it might be a Brit thing.
the program is songs of praise - every sunday on uk tv from the bbc - it visits a different church every week - this episode was from York - the cathedral is York Minster. York has a very strong tradition of quaker history , the hymns sung are from words of quakers, The accents are northern yorkshire english..the singing is not an oddity , the program usually has a segment or two of people talking about their faith but the focus of the program is always the singing - it is called songs of praise after all
I really enjoyed this video. I'm not in any religious groupies but I do find peace in meditation. The powerful things and feelings you have when meditating are always wonderful as well as opening the 3rd eye. BUT, when the teenager(like me) stated that sitting silently in a room full of people was more powerful than meditating, entirely blew my mind! someday I will have to try it, I have too. Thank you for posting, this truly has changed my thought on religion. Peace.
my dad said if a quaker witnessed someone doing something and it went to court . what they said they saw was gospel. best witness anyone could have in court is a quaker .
Peace with all equality between all races we all have the power to be the best we can be and many people look at the creator differently even people in the same church do but we need to accept there perceptions because that may work for them. I hope we all can come to peace and unity and love like some of the Quaker people have done, may peace love And joy be among all the Quaker people.
thankyou for your good wishes. However I feel I must add some additional information to help you gain a more rounded picture of English Quakers. 1. At £9,115 per term per child, it could be said that at Bootham Quaker school all are equal who can pay for learning. 2. It should come as no surprise that most working class Quakers left quakers and quaker schools when the post war Labour government extended free universal education to all children. This enabled them to break free from their employers who controlled their workplaces, schools and meeting houses. To my knowledge, there has been little or no research into this post war class schism within quakers. But there should be. It would help to explain so much about who quakers are today and why. 3. Peace with equality is a fine aspiration, however, Quakers in Britain have become an elitist narrow group of mainly white privileged classes aged 60's+. Membership is declining due largely to the elitism of thinking and perspective that has distorted and deformed the message of universalism and inclusion at the heart of the Quaker way. 4. Quakers in Britain have a mixed record in relation to the enslavement of Africans. Most people only hear about Quaker anti slavery. However, Quakers were also beneficiaries/profiteers from the trade through supply chain of e.g. pots and guns in some cases. They were slave ship owners, plantation owners in Caribbean and slave holders. What a rich and complex history Quakers have. And yet there is a preference for the dishonest airbrushed saccharin version of events. How can a people thrive on such profound omissions?
This has a lot in common with Buddhism in my opinion. Very meditative. Almost like a western variant. With a piece of god being in everyone -> so no killing and so on.
It really does doesn't it! I just found out that my gggggrandparents were Welsh Quakers and that's what brought me here. It seems very meditative indeed but more reassuring than Buddhism I think because it's about not just feeling calm but really having faith and reassurance that somehow everything will be okay if you just trust. (this all coming from an atheist though)
This is a very shallow dive but yes I've even met Quakers who believe in the all teachings of the buddha quakerism doesn't really have any rules so their are so many different beliefs
When I grew up there were no Quaker schools near to where I lived so I attended a Congregationalist Sunday school. I drifted away from God but I just had to return. If all were Quakers there would be no war, slavery, hunger or fights between various organised religions that fight for domination and power.
"Be still for the presence of the Lord" brings tears to my eyes.. I wrote a fourth verse after hearing the hymn and put it on a pile of thoughts.. When I find it I'll send it to you.
Donald Edward if all were to adhere to Buddhist beliefs ditto brother🕷prob is some believe they can "make" ppl follow by brutal force. Passiveness faces awful times then👁
Any faith that is compulsory is admitting by that fact that there is something wrong with it. This is true of any Christian, Hindu or Islamic sect. It also includes Buddhism of course. Some religions are political and like political ideologies such as Communism seek to fashion empires. This leads to conflict, death and destruction and has done so since the dawn of humanity.
chauncey1154 except that buddhists aren’t peaceful. But yes, his logic falls short because he said “If all were Quakers there would be no… fights between various organized religions” no duh, there would be no other organized religions.
The essence of this video is super. However, it is important to know that there are two types of Quaker meetings. Programmed, which is more like a congregational church with music, structure and a minister; nonprogrammed, which is silent and waiting on the Light to move someone to speak (or not).
Ignorance, sadly, is often the first thing that people like to broadcast to others. I am with you in your observation of the volume of ignorant people. It is shameful in the context of this beautiful video, which shows the higher potential of human beings. Quakers, I salute you!
I think to count your life not in years but the goals you reach and what it takes to achieve them is important because life not a count down it's a process of bringing greater value to the time we have.🤯🤯🤯🤯
Accepting “Family” as the 10th.Testimony The Quaker testimonies of Equality and Justice have failed in the family. Fathers and children are at a disadvantage with many having been lost to each other. 45% of UK school age children do not now live under the same roof as their father. Quakers and their testimonies constitute a feminist/woke institution that does not accept this as being a problem, never addressing it. It is more likely to do so if “Family” is accepted as a Testimony on the understanding that children’s natural maturation process has 3 essential stages of need. A. The unconditional love of the mother from birth until about 7 years of age. The mother must have “thefinalsay” B. The conditional love of the father, who takes his children out into the world, gives security and teaching social boundaries from 7 until about 13 years of age. The father must have “thefinalsay”. C.The friendship and respect of their peers from 13 until 18 years of age. The child must have “thefinalsay”. If these 3 stages are not sequence in order, maturation is unlikely to be achieved and mental resilience reduced. This has now become generational. Such a regime of equal and just parenting rights (over time) would bind parents into a co-operative relationship, because (over time) each will hold the power of “thefinalsay” sequentially when it is needed and best favoured to use it. Such family protocols need to be the default position, (allowing love, courtesy and humour to prevail) but could in exceptional cases be varied by the courts. Buckminster Fuller said:- “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete”. To alleviate suffering is worthy. To prevent it is divine, but thankless.
Henry Adeoye the cathedral in the video is York Minister. The Quaker community however is spread out all over the world, but mostly in the USA, England, Ireland, Australia, and Kenya
Não existe a anti-organização "Quaquers" aqui no nordeste d'America do sul. * É muito interessante ! Mas . . . a catedral onde cantam o coral é católico, anglicano ou Quaquer$ ?
They were previously called The Friends of Truth, but the founder was called before the Magistrates in Derby and charged with blasphemy. He told the Magistrate that he should tremble before the Word of the Lord, and they have been called Quakers ever since. It is a nickname that they have been stuck with.
I will never, ever forget the completely silent Meeting we had one First Day. After the rise of Meeting, people asked each other, "Did you feel it?" "Did you?" Oh yes, I did. Yes, it was a gathered Meeting where the sum was more than simply the people present.
The basic Quaker belief is "there is that of the light in everything" kinda like the force. George Fox became enlightened, preached, and even performed miracles. It's a good thing he didn't discover Buddhism, or we would have Quakers today.
Peace is the root of liberty - Aldous Huxley I think. Don't let the word God or the word Lord throw you - these words carry too much baggage. Substitute the word God for the word Peace, substitute the word Quakers for the words people who have a philosophy of peace and you'll be in a better position to think without a negative bias from the historical baggage words carry. I am atheist, I believe peace dwells within me. I believe peace is the root of liberty. Am I so different from a Quaker?
Here's an odd observations not meant to be sarcastic because even though I'm an old atheist I admire Quakers. But looking at this clip I noticed a lot of really lovely young women and men. Bring them together and you will get the fireworks of a genetic imperative. Nothing wrong with that but most organized religions attempt to make a sin out of being human, sexually at least. Do Quakers?
Miriam Yagud Thank you for the response and do believe that I was in no way being flippant. I do admire the Quaker faith and if you have found peace of mind you have achieved something wonderful.
***** I've spoken (as a Quaker) in secondary schools and was interested to be asked "do Quakers allow one night stands?" A Quaker view of sex was produced 51 years ago and placed emphasis on the quality of relationship as being of primary concern. It, and the actions that flowed from it is one of the reasons the LGBT community have such trust in Quakers. Does this relationship support me to be open to God (the light &c) would be the key question that Quakers would ask.
Lisa Hoyle Your faith in the relationship between two people in love is one of the loveliest things I've heard in a long, long time.I don't know of any faith that has such understanding. I fear we will never agree on the concept of a deity but I wish you and yours the best. Not that it means much but I've said in arguments a hundred times: Quakers are good people. That sounds patronizing but it is sincere. .
Whatever the laudable ethos of Bootham School is, how does the approval of an elitist education system (and if it is a charity, then it is partially financed by the Public) outside the State System , square with the Testimony to Equality, Simplicity, etc? It is Private Education no matter how well intentioned its aims may be. The rest of the message is fine - no problem with that!
You are actually not very different from a Quaker in that regard. There are a number of Quakers who profess non-theism. They joined the religious society because they recognise the value of our testimonies of Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community, Equality and Stewardship and they like the feeling of being in an accepting and non-judging group of people. In fact, these days, most unprogrammed Quakers use the term "The Spirit," "The Divine," "Great Love," or "Great Peace," instead of "God." :)
We attended the Quakers meeting at WARM Perth for about 5 years. When we became homeless (rents unaffordable) they I NOT HELP. In fact one prominent x-politition was very spiteful to me verbally, and others who had "empty nests" and rooms in their homes didn't offer anything. We struggled for 18 months. There were a small numer of aging people who attended. Some though themselves "elitist" having uni degrees and some professional jobs (this was actually stated for some members!). Although they hardly ever spoke of "community" they did not have one, even in the meeting. It was as if 20yars being their made you a member but they didn't mix outside of meetings.Now we call them "quakkers"-giving voice to all manner of ideals yet failing to care for the human beings around them like us. One woman who let us stay with her for 4 weeks was in major debt and I paid her her handsomely for the loungeroom. She had psychological problems and was shouting at me and blaming me for the things she though I thought ! It was "projection". I wouldn't recommend "Quakers" to anyone. Unless you lack the "milk of human kindness".I also wonder how many of them cause people who visit to NOT come back as they are definitely not interested in others, just in that 1 hour of "silence"-connecting to what? Maybe they have busy lives, are stoic (rusty, set in their ways). The people at WARM-the nes who hold positions, are not the "salt" of the earth. In fact they did not RESPECT us. Once I witness 2 old "women" minding a 3 yr boy who was upset as he wanted to be with mum who wanted her 1 hour silence. They ere respectful though within a short time became nasty and downright harmful, hurtful in the manner they admonished him for his crying. I went over and picked him up, comforted him until his mum finally turned up. So beware of all the "idealistic" talk, they are NOT spiritually enlightened, maybe I know a few in Denamrk an other areas who I'd say are truly wonderful BUT few at WARM are.
Oh my god here we go again. Another FLOCK OF BRAINLESS SHEEP ALL CRAMMED INTO A PEN TO GET THEIR SHEEP DIP REFRESHED. When are you MORONS going to WAKE UP. It’s a BELIEF it’s FAITH. Neither of which REQUIRE PROOF OR REALITY. I can have FAITH that god is the WIZARD OF OZ. I can BELIEVE that god is FAT STUPID OLD ASSHOLE WHO LIVES ON A CLOUD. There is NO DIFFERENCE between my beliefs and faith and the BELIEFS AND FAITH OF: Catholics. Quakers. Fundamentalists. Seventh day Adventists. Jehovah’s witnesses. Mormons. Or any of the ALPHABET SOUP OF CHRISTIAN PSYCHOS. They all believe in FAKE GODS, SUPERSTITION AND FICTIONAL SAVIORS. So the WIZARD OF OZ IN THEIR EYES SHOULD HAVE EQUAL BILLING WITH YESHI, YETI, YAHA or whatever CRAZY NAME THE CALL THEIR GOD.
I think i'd rather have someone thumping me with a bible, rather than all this thumping of bad news we get on the new & annoying salesman trying to sell me a car or , whatever for that matter.
@@matthoward8546 That is deeply offensive and inaccurate. Islam is based on peace. There are criminals and liars in every part of life and some use Islam to mask their murderous intent. Stop being a hater. Or at least, educate yourself.
When God created us in his own image spirit soul and body, he created us to fellowship, to praise him and commune with him, to honour and obey his holy word. God did not created us to sit silence with no praise and worship to him. Read your bible!s.
Yeah. I'm atheist. I attend Friend meetings and identify as Quaker. It's called Nontheist Friend. Quakers have a very big tent, and it adapts to any belief. It's more about a way of life than worshipping God. "The inner light" can be interpreted as a lot of things. We all have a special thing in us that makes us human. The fact that Quakerism doesn't try to set everyone's beliefs, leaves them alone to find their own way of connecting, I think is pure and beautiful.
quakerism is so cool dude, you can have any idea and questions about it and still be welcomed and considered quaker!! like i don’t even know if i fully believe in god, i don’t consider myself christian, but i have never felt more welcome and happy than in quaker spaces :) it’s very cool
Unless I missed it, this really seemed to be much more about worship practices than beliefs.
Beautiful, thank you for sharing! :)
such a beautiful way to worship.. I love this
Dipika Deb Yes. I went Bible-less not long ago and decided to let the Holy Spirit teach me all things. Within 3 days I was mentally and physically healthier.
Lovely video. That looks like a gorgeous church…
I love the beautiful hymn at the end...amen. 🙏
Quakers were central to both the abolition of slavery and women’s suffrage movement. Two great examples of positive expressions of religious conviction and fervor.
These folks are probably the closest to "getting it right" than any other denomination.
British mystic George Fox, founder of the Quaker religion, used the term "inner light" to describe our ability to personally experience God within ourselves. He himself had such an experience, which left him with the lifelong conviction that everyone can hear God's voice directly. I think that in today's world, filled with ridiculous intrusions of the basest materialistic content, being still is an elusive achievement.
I cannot describe that experience. The word "voice" is misleading since there is no voice and there are no words just the "inner light" that Fox talks about.
Noe Berengena
Turkish language pleasee very urgent
@@Zehr-AskI hope that you are okay?
Bu sadece bir Google çeviri çevirisidir. Ama umarım iyisindir? Neyin yanlış olduğunu sorabilir miyim? Quaker değilim ama belki sorununuza birlikte bir çözüm bulabiliriz?
@@Luredreier neden böyle bir yorum yazdim unuttum😂 üzerinden zaman geçti
I like their ways . It seems so peaceful
The hymn at the end of this is gorgeous.
@Sanese Presley Same here!!!!
I just found out that most of my family were a quaker from doing my family tree, but I'm so confused I've never heard of it
Gostaria do contato dos quakers
First time learning about the Quakers. What an incredible and refreshing difference to the bible thumpers I had to endure growing up.
danm fr?
I find the use of the Cathedral singing to accompany the students discussing meeting for worship....kind of bizarre.
I agree. It is precisely what doesn't happen in a Friends Meeting. And the large stone church is not a reflection of Quaker simplicity of seating in which people face each other. I guess I though it might be a Brit thing.
Paul Somers are they Americans or British? Their accents sound more like British to me?
the program is songs of praise - every sunday on uk tv from the bbc - it visits a different church every week - this episode was from York - the cathedral is York Minster. York has a very strong tradition of quaker history , the hymns sung are from words of quakers, The accents are northern yorkshire english..the singing is not an oddity , the program usually has a segment or two of people talking about their faith but the focus of the program is always the singing - it is called songs of praise after all
I think it’s because of the lyrics ‘oh still small voice of calm’. That ‘voice’ is generally heard in silence
I really enjoyed this video. I'm not in any religious groupies but I do find peace in meditation. The powerful things and feelings you have when meditating are always wonderful as well as opening the 3rd eye. BUT, when the teenager(like me) stated that sitting silently in a room full of people was more powerful than meditating, entirely blew my mind! someday I will have to try it, I have too. Thank you for posting, this truly has changed my thought on religion. Peace.
Awesome. I am speechless!
No pun was intended.
Excellent video
Thank you for this video.
my dad said if a quaker witnessed someone doing something and it went to court . what they said they saw was gospel. best witness anyone could have in court is a quaker .
I think it makes a lot of spiritual sense, i'd rather worship in this manner.
Peace with all equality between all races we all have the power to be the best we can be and many people look at the creator differently even people in the same church do but we need to accept there perceptions because that may work for them. I hope we all can come to peace and unity and love like some of the Quaker people have done, may peace love And joy be among all the Quaker people.
thankyou for your good wishes. However I feel I must add some additional information to help you gain a more rounded picture of English Quakers.
1. At £9,115 per term per child, it could be said that at Bootham Quaker school all are equal who can pay for learning.
2. It should come as no surprise that most working class Quakers left quakers and quaker schools when the post war Labour government extended free universal education to all children. This enabled them to break free from their employers who controlled their workplaces, schools and meeting houses. To my knowledge, there has been little or no research into this post war class schism within quakers. But there should be. It would help to explain so much about who quakers are today and why.
3. Peace with equality is a fine aspiration, however, Quakers in Britain have become an elitist narrow group of mainly white privileged classes aged 60's+. Membership is declining due largely to the elitism of thinking and perspective that has distorted and deformed the message of universalism and inclusion at the heart of the Quaker way.
4. Quakers in Britain have a mixed record in relation to the enslavement of Africans. Most people only hear about Quaker anti slavery. However, Quakers were also beneficiaries/profiteers from the trade through supply chain of e.g. pots and guns in some cases. They were slave ship owners, plantation owners in Caribbean and slave holders. What a rich and complex history Quakers have. And yet there is a preference for the dishonest airbrushed saccharin version of events. How can a people thrive on such profound omissions?
Just wow
Anyone here ever play *Quake III* when they were a teenager, good times, good times.
It goes on and on forever I gave up.
You are very welcome Jenna.
The hymn was beautiful.
I agree.
This has a lot in common with Buddhism in my opinion. Very meditative. Almost like a western variant. With a piece of god being in everyone -> so no killing and so on.
it's true, after 30 years of Buddhism I want to convert Quacker.
It really does doesn't it! I just found out that my gggggrandparents were Welsh Quakers and that's what brought me here. It seems very meditative indeed but more reassuring than Buddhism I think because it's about not just feeling calm but really having faith and reassurance that somehow everything will be okay if you just trust. (this all coming from an atheist though)
Quakerism has it similarities, but I would consider the New Thought Movement to be more similar to Buddhism.
This is a very shallow dive but yes I've even met Quakers who believe in the all teachings of the buddha quakerism doesn't really have any rules so their are so many different beliefs
Yup! I am a Quaker married to a Buddhist and we have lots of ethics in common!
When I grew up there were no Quaker schools near to where I lived so I attended a Congregationalist Sunday school. I drifted away from God but I just had to return. If all were Quakers there would be no war, slavery, hunger or fights between various organised religions that fight for domination and power.
"Be still for the presence of the Lord" brings tears to my eyes.. I wrote a fourth verse after hearing the hymn and put it on a pile of thoughts.. When I find it I'll send it to you.
Donald Edward if all were to adhere to Buddhist beliefs ditto brother🕷prob is some believe they can "make" ppl follow by brutal force. Passiveness faces awful times then👁
Any faith that is compulsory is admitting by that fact that there is something wrong with it. This is true of any Christian, Hindu or Islamic sect. It also includes Buddhism of course. Some religions are political and like political ideologies such as Communism seek to fashion empires. This leads to conflict, death and destruction and has done so since the dawn of humanity.
"I dogmatise and am contradicted, and in this conflict of opinions and sentiments I find delight."
Samuel Johnson 1709-1784
Johnsonian Miscellanies, 2
chauncey1154 except that buddhists aren’t peaceful. But yes, his logic falls short because he said “If all were Quakers there would be no… fights between various organized religions” no duh, there would be no other organized religions.
We need more Friends Schools/ Wir brauchen mehr Quäkerschulen!
Very interesting. I found something pure I don't know. Are there Quackers in Brazil ??? I would love to know more about it.
The essence of this video is super. However, it is important to know that there are two types of Quaker meetings. Programmed, which is more like a congregational church with music, structure and a minister; nonprogrammed, which is silent and waiting on the Light to move someone to speak (or not).
Very interesting comment.
From looking at the many insults, it appears that there are actually some claiming to be sane adults who believe they have a RIGHT to be ignorant.
Ignorance, sadly, is often the first thing that people like to broadcast to others. I am with you in your observation of the volume of ignorant people. It is shameful in the context of this beautiful video, which shows the higher potential of human beings. Quakers, I salute you!
I think to count your life not in years but the goals you reach and what it takes to achieve them is important because life not a count down it's a process of bringing greater value to the time we have.🤯🤯🤯🤯
Is this a quaker cathedral?
Accepting “Family” as the 10th.Testimony
The Quaker testimonies of Equality and Justice have failed in the family. Fathers and children are at a disadvantage with many having been lost to each other. 45% of UK school age children do not now live under the same roof as their father.
Quakers and their testimonies constitute a feminist/woke institution that does not accept this as being a problem, never addressing it. It is more likely to do so if “Family” is accepted as a Testimony on the understanding that children’s natural maturation process has 3 essential stages of need.
A. The unconditional love of the mother from birth until about 7 years of age.
The mother must have “thefinalsay”
B. The conditional love of the father, who takes his children out into the world, gives security and teaching social boundaries from 7 until about 13 years of age.
The father must have “thefinalsay”.
C.The friendship and respect of their peers from 13 until 18 years of age.
The child must have “thefinalsay”.
If these 3 stages are not sequence in order, maturation is unlikely to be achieved and mental resilience reduced. This has now become generational.
Such a regime of equal and just parenting rights (over time) would bind parents into a co-operative relationship, because (over time) each will hold the power of “thefinalsay” sequentially when it is needed and best favoured to use it.
Such family protocols need to be the default position, (allowing love, courtesy and humour to prevail) but could in exceptional cases be varied by the courts.
Buckminster Fuller said:-
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete”.
To alleviate suffering is worthy. To prevent it is divine, but thankless.
Where's the Quaker church today? I'll like to visit & fellowship.
Henry Adeoye the cathedral in the video is York Minister. The Quaker community however is spread out all over the world, but mostly in the USA, England, Ireland, Australia, and Kenya
motherjoon Yes, absolutely. There are hundreds of Quaker meeting in Britain.
Very interesting!
Good afternoon, I'm from Brazil and I wonder if you know who sings the song in the movie "The Infretores" The anthem is Quaquer.
amen amen amen
so Quakers are essentially Zen Christians? Thats awesome!
완전한 인격안에 완전하신 분의 임재를 완성하기 가장 좋은 진정한 친구들의 예배모임 같습니다.
침묵속에서만 완성되는 그 무엇이란
그리스도를 통해 우리에게 주어진
선하신 아버지로부터 오는
은총이었던 것입니다.
Is it possible to join these people?
Yeah dude just Google Quaker meetings near me and go when they meet (usually sundays but some meet on wednesdays)
Yes! As Alice suggests, simply Google Quaker Meetings near you. Also, please check out QuakerSpeak videos here on TH-cam.
A Bíblia é nossa única regra de Fé e pratica
Não existe a anti-organização "Quaquers" aqui no nordeste d'America do sul.
* É muito interessante !
Mas . . . a catedral onde cantam o coral é católico, anglicano ou Quaquer$ ?
kace se treskate?
Yeah go bootham! that person in the purple top is amazing ;)
Amen !
hello Friend how doth the truth prosper with thee? I'm a Quaker by convincement
I like their concept of complete silence!!!
Not complete silence anyone is aloud to speak of they feel moved it's just mostly silent
The Lord Saves those who seek him
My Ancestors were quakers for centuries, no idea what that means..
They were previously called The Friends of Truth, but the founder was called before the Magistrates in Derby and charged with blasphemy. He told the Magistrate that he should tremble before the Word of the Lord, and they have been called Quakers ever since. It is a nickname that they have been stuck with.
I will never, ever forget the completely silent Meeting we had one First Day. After the rise of Meeting, people asked each other, "Did you feel it?" "Did you?" Oh yes, I did.
Yes, it was a gathered Meeting where the sum was more than simply the people present.
The basic Quaker belief is "there is that of the light in everything" kinda like the force. George Fox became enlightened, preached, and even performed miracles. It's a good thing he didn't discover Buddhism, or we would have Quakers today.
"yeh but you can't deny, he's got style" Kingsly Shaklebolt, MOM
I'm on my phone right now and I listen to loud music but I'm a Quaker :P lol
Peace is the root of liberty - Aldous Huxley I think.
Don't let the word God or the word Lord throw you - these words carry too much baggage.
Substitute the word God for the word Peace, substitute the word Quakers for the words people who have a philosophy of peace and you'll be in a better position to think without a negative bias from the historical baggage words carry.
I am atheist, I believe peace dwells within me. I believe peace is the root of liberty.
Am I so different from a Quaker?
Shut up
If you are silent for yourself and not for God, then you might want to rethink your priority.
Here's an odd observations not meant to be sarcastic because even though I'm an old atheist I admire Quakers. But looking at this clip I noticed a lot of really lovely young women and men. Bring them together and you will get the fireworks of a genetic imperative. Nothing wrong with that but most organized religions attempt to make a sin out of being human, sexually at least. Do Quakers?
definately no.
Miriam Yagud
Thank you for the response and do believe that I was in no way being flippant. I do admire the Quaker faith and if you have found peace of mind you have achieved something wonderful.
***** I've spoken (as a Quaker) in secondary schools and was interested to be asked "do Quakers allow one night stands?" A Quaker view of sex was produced 51 years ago and placed emphasis on the quality of relationship as being of primary concern. It, and the actions that flowed from it is one of the reasons the LGBT community have such trust in Quakers. Does this relationship support me to be open to God (the light &c) would be the key question that Quakers would ask.
Lisa Hoyle
Your faith in the relationship between two people in love is one of the loveliest things I've heard in a long, long time.I don't know of any faith that has such understanding. I fear we will never agree on the concept of a deity but I wish you and yours the best. Not that it means much but I've said in arguments a hundred times: Quakers are good people. That sounds patronizing but it is sincere. .
hahahahah. bless little Fudge, confuzzled
Whatever the laudable ethos of Bootham School is, how does the approval of an elitist education system (and if it is a charity, then it is partially financed by the Public) outside the State System , square with the Testimony to Equality, Simplicity, etc? It is Private Education no matter how well intentioned its aims may be. The rest of the message is fine - no problem with that!
You are actually not very different from a Quaker in that regard. There are a number of Quakers who profess non-theism. They joined the religious society because they recognise the value of our testimonies of Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community, Equality and Stewardship and they like the feeling of being in an accepting and non-judging group of people. In fact, these days, most unprogrammed Quakers use the term "The Spirit," "The Divine," "Great Love," or "Great Peace," instead of "God." :)
Am i the only one to watch this in the worst quality possible so i could focus on what their saying more
I'm sorry your child didn't get in. What should *the collective* we be doing to redeem ourselves, in your eyes?
Tis the littest -American east cost quakers
I believe in Heaven and hell and I am a Methodist. I was wondering what Quakers actually believe. I will not judge you, but tell me about you.
"mmmmmmm oats"
-homer simpson
We attended the Quakers meeting at WARM Perth for about 5 years. When we became homeless (rents unaffordable) they I NOT HELP. In fact one prominent x-politition was very spiteful to me verbally, and others who had "empty nests" and rooms in their homes didn't offer anything. We struggled for 18 months. There were a small numer of aging people who attended. Some though themselves "elitist" having uni degrees and some professional jobs (this was actually stated for some members!). Although they hardly ever spoke of "community" they did not have one, even in the meeting. It was as if 20yars being their made you a member but they didn't mix outside of meetings.Now we call them "quakkers"-giving voice to all manner of ideals yet failing to care for the human beings around them like us. One woman who let us stay with her for 4 weeks was in major debt and I paid her her handsomely for the loungeroom. She had psychological problems and was shouting at me and blaming me for the things she though I thought ! It was "projection". I wouldn't recommend "Quakers" to anyone. Unless you lack the "milk of human kindness".I also wonder how many of them cause people who visit to NOT come back as they are definitely not interested in others, just in that 1 hour of "silence"-connecting to what? Maybe they have busy lives, are stoic (rusty, set in their ways). The people at WARM-the nes who hold positions, are not the "salt" of the earth. In fact they did not RESPECT us. Once I witness 2 old "women" minding a 3 yr boy who was upset as he wanted to be with mum who wanted her 1 hour silence. They ere respectful though within a short time became nasty and downright harmful, hurtful in the manner they admonished him for his crying. I went over and picked him up, comforted him until his mum finally turned up. So beware of all the "idealistic" talk, they are NOT spiritually enlightened, maybe I know a few in Denamrk an other areas who I'd say are truly wonderful BUT few at WARM are.
Mariam Kelly so sorry you had to go through that experience. Its not much different in other denominations around the world.
The perfect cure for Insomnia
God says the Holy Spirit will teach you all things, not the Bible
I think I might be the Lord I carry the light of the world
Oh my god here we go again.
When are you MORONS going to WAKE UP.
It’s a BELIEF it’s FAITH.
I can have FAITH that god is the WIZARD OF OZ.
There is NO DIFFERENCE between my beliefs and faith and the BELIEFS AND FAITH OF:
Seventh day Adventists.
Jehovah’s witnesses.
Yet, I will merely wish you peace!
This reminds me of harry potter
I think i'd rather have someone thumping me with a bible, rather than all this thumping of bad news we get on the new & annoying salesman trying to sell me a car or , whatever for that matter.
How? I'm intrigued
bit of a pre-pubescent voice though, right? #lol
A relaxing video until the singing started.
All copied from Islam...the most beautiful religion in the world
plum you need to read history books
...as he pulls the pin.
@@matthoward8546 That is deeply offensive and inaccurate. Islam is based on peace. There are criminals and liars in every part of life and some use Islam to mask their murderous intent. Stop being a hater. Or at least, educate yourself.
When God created us in his own image spirit soul and body, he created us to fellowship, to praise him and commune with him, to honour and obey his holy word. God did not created us to sit silence with no praise and worship to him. Read your bible!s.
Atheism FTW!
Yeah. I'm atheist. I attend Friend meetings and identify as Quaker. It's called Nontheist Friend. Quakers have a very big tent, and it adapts to any belief. It's more about a way of life than worshipping God. "The inner light" can be interpreted as a lot of things. We all have a special thing in us that makes us human. The fact that Quakerism doesn't try to set everyone's beliefs, leaves them alone to find their own way of connecting, I think is pure and beautiful.
this is new age deception
any proof?
Dafuq has this got to do with Quake and ID
smart as you look
watch the god delusion?! read it!
Badly written and repetitive. Made his point by the 3rd chapter, the rest was a waste of time and effort
The idea of a Quaker school is great, but I can't see how a fee paying school fits with the ethos of everybody welcome and everybody equal.