I hope you guys continue to play and have fun with Pathfinder 2e and DnD 5e. 😁 Here is some advice that will hopefully make playing these characters or others like them more fun in the future: Rangers, like Harsk, have an ability called Hunt Prey which takes 1 action to activate and targets on creature. The benefits of Hunt Prey itself are a bit situational (+2 on Perception and survival checks to find the creature being hunted and no penalty for using ranged weapons against the creature if it is a bit further away then normal), but the real reason to use the Hunt Prey action is to gain the benefits of your Hunter’s Edge against that enemy. Harsk has the Hunter’s Edge (Flurry) ability. When he attacks his hunted prey the multiple attack penalty for that attack is reduced, on the second attack of the round it would only be a -3 or -2 with an agile weapon while 3rd or latter attacks would only suffer a -6 penalty or -4 with an agile weapon. So if Harsk had used Hunt Prey on the Trapmaster Kobald and then attacked twice, once with His warax and then once with either his hatchet or clan dagger he would have made the warax attack at +6 and then made the attack with either the agile hatchet/agile clan dagger at a +4. Also while I realize it is hard to keep all the weapon traits in mind especially while trying to learn and adjust to the rest of the system, I would suggest keeping agile, thrown and two-hand (d12) in mind for Harsk’s weapons. When attacking with his warax in two hands the damage would be 1d12+3 instead of 1d8+3. Meanwhile the hatchet and clan dagger make for good off hand weapons especially since they can both be used to make more accurate 2nd and 3rd attacks as well as thrown. Alchemists, like Fumbas, get to make their level + Int mod in free batches of alchemical items each day (so 5 batches for a 1st level Fumbas), however these items only last until your next daily preparations or until 24 hours is up whichever comes first. So Fumbas wouldn’t have had 50 items after 5 days as the items would have only lasted 1 day. Of course Fumbas could have reduced the number of days they would have had to have rested by feeding Mericiel the elixirs of life each day until she was fully healed. Also while using batches to create elixirs of life and cheetah mutagens would only result in 2 items, using batches to create free bombs would result in 3 items. So if Fumbas chose to use 2 batches of reagents to make alchemist fire he would end up with 6 X alchemist fire instead of 4. The weapon traits to keep in mind for Fumbas are agile and backstabber for the Dogslicer and thrown and splash for his bombs such as alchemist fire and acid flasks. Agile for the dogslicer might make it a good choice to use after throwing a bomb, while backstabber makes the dogslicer useful for attacking flat-footed enemies as it will do an additional point of damage to them. Meanwhile the splash trait on bombs should be kept in mind as it does an extra point of damage to the target of the attack and all adjacent creatures when successful, but also does just the splash damage even if you get a normal failure on an attack, though a critical failure still causes you to do no damage. As Fumbas has the Bomber Research Field ability, he can make it so that the splash damage of a bomb only hurts the main target of the bomb. So he could throw an acid flask at an enemy adjacent to Harsk and only have the enemy take the splash damage. Rogues, like Mericiel, can gain notable benefits from using the Deception skill with the Feint action against a creature they are about to attack in melee. The feint action allows a creature to roll deception against the target’s will save DC (10 + their bonus on will saves)) to make them flat-footed because of tricksy movements on the creatures part. Easy way to get sneak attack damage. Doesn’t work on mindless enemies like zombies though. Meri should keep the deadly (d8) trait of the rapier in mind as when she gets a critical hit with the rapier she adds an extra 1d8 damage to the attack, it doesn’t get multiplied though. The Aid action can be very useful if you don’t think you can hit an enemy with a 2nd or 3rd attack. Use an action on your turn and then your reaction to help an ally out with an attack roll or a skill check. Successfully demoralizing an enemy with an intimidation skill check vs.their will save DC (10+ their will save bonus) can give them a -1 to all attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks and even their AC until the frightened condition ends (generally at the end of their next turn). If you get a critical success it is -2 to all of them instead until the end of their next turn and then it tics down to -1 for another round.. Hope that wasn’t too boring and didn’t seem like criticism… only trying to help. Happy gaming. ☺️
I hope you guys continue to play and have fun with Pathfinder 2e and DnD 5e. 😁
Here is some advice that will hopefully make playing these characters or others like them more fun in the future:
Rangers, like Harsk, have an ability called Hunt Prey which takes 1 action to activate and targets on creature. The benefits of Hunt Prey itself are a bit situational (+2 on Perception and survival checks to find the creature being hunted and no penalty for using ranged weapons against the creature if it is a bit further away then normal), but the real reason to use the Hunt Prey action is to gain the benefits of your Hunter’s Edge against that enemy. Harsk has the Hunter’s Edge (Flurry) ability. When he attacks his hunted prey the multiple attack penalty for that attack is reduced, on the second attack of the round it would only be a -3 or -2 with an agile weapon while 3rd or latter attacks would only suffer a -6 penalty or -4 with an agile weapon. So if Harsk had used Hunt Prey on the Trapmaster Kobald and then attacked twice, once with His warax and then once with either his hatchet or clan dagger he would have made the warax attack at +6 and then made the attack with either the agile hatchet/agile clan dagger at a +4. Also while I realize it is hard to keep all the weapon traits in mind especially while trying to learn and adjust to the rest of the system, I would suggest keeping agile, thrown and two-hand (d12) in mind for Harsk’s weapons. When attacking with his warax in two hands the damage would be 1d12+3 instead of 1d8+3. Meanwhile the hatchet and clan dagger make for good off hand weapons especially since they can both be used to make more accurate 2nd and 3rd attacks as well as thrown.
Alchemists, like Fumbas, get to make their level + Int mod in free batches of alchemical items each day (so 5 batches for a 1st level Fumbas), however these items only last until your next daily preparations or until 24 hours is up whichever comes first. So Fumbas wouldn’t have had 50 items after 5 days as the items would have only lasted 1 day. Of course Fumbas could have reduced the number of days they would have had to have rested by feeding Mericiel the elixirs of life each day until she was fully healed. Also while using batches to create elixirs of life and cheetah mutagens would only result in 2 items, using batches to create free bombs would result in 3 items. So if Fumbas chose to use 2 batches of reagents to make alchemist fire he would end up with 6 X alchemist fire instead of 4. The weapon traits to keep in mind for Fumbas are agile and backstabber for the Dogslicer and thrown and splash for his bombs such as alchemist fire and acid flasks. Agile for the dogslicer might make it a good choice to use after throwing a bomb, while backstabber makes the dogslicer useful for attacking flat-footed enemies as it will do an additional point of damage to them. Meanwhile the splash trait on bombs should be kept in mind as it does an extra point of damage to the target of the attack and all adjacent creatures when successful, but also does just the splash damage even if you get a normal failure on an attack, though a critical failure still causes you to do no damage. As Fumbas has the Bomber Research Field ability, he can make it so that the splash damage of a bomb only hurts the main target of the bomb. So he could throw an acid flask at an enemy adjacent to Harsk and only have the enemy take the splash damage.
Rogues, like Mericiel, can gain notable benefits from using the Deception skill with the Feint action against a creature they are about to attack in melee. The feint action allows a creature to roll deception against the target’s will save DC (10 + their bonus on will saves)) to make them flat-footed because of tricksy movements on the creatures part. Easy way to get sneak attack damage. Doesn’t work on mindless enemies like zombies though. Meri should keep the deadly (d8) trait of the rapier in mind as when she gets a critical hit with the rapier she adds an extra 1d8 damage to the attack, it doesn’t get multiplied though.
The Aid action can be very useful if you don’t think you can hit an enemy with a 2nd or 3rd attack. Use an action on your turn and then your reaction to help an ally out with an attack roll or a skill check. Successfully demoralizing an enemy with an intimidation skill check vs.their will save DC (10+ their will save bonus) can give them a -1 to all attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks and even their AC until the frightened condition ends (generally at the end of their next turn). If you get a critical success it is -2 to all of them instead until the end of their next turn and then it tics down to -1 for another round..
Hope that wasn’t too boring and didn’t seem like criticism… only trying to help. Happy gaming. ☺️