What a great video. It's not just Detroit that has a blight of course, but the concept of "letting them burn" is super-smart. There are few enough firefighters and none of them should be put in kind of danger for a house that should have been torn down in the first place.
I agree... As long as the structure in question isn't a threat to anything occupied around it, let the damn thing go! Why risk already stressed-out men and machines on something that will never be salvaged anyway? Letting the whole thing burn down reduces the chance of some jerk re-touching it off later, and a completely torched-to-the-ground ruin costs the city less money to demolish and haul off the rubble...
Reading some of these comments... Wow. Instead of bashing the FD, support them. What you civilians don't understand is the fire service terms "Risk a little to save a little, risk alot to save alot" as well as "Will it be a rescue or a recovery?". These are our "Bible" terms so to speak. As a firefighter, I can tell you that if a house is "Well-Off" (On the verge of collapse and nothing can be salvaged), don't send us in there. If there is a report of a trapped person, we may enter, but only if the conditions in the home are survivable. Meaning, "Is there any possible way for an unprotected human to survive these conditions or have they already perished?". That's where "Will it be a rescue or a recovery?" comes into play. If the house is completely engulfed, chances are that anybody inside is dead for certain, so why risk 4, 5, or 6 more lives to recover a deceased body? Civilians all too often get the wrong impression from our decisions. We have families too ya know? We value and cherish our lives and those in them. And I'm sorry, but if I know for a fact that there is no way in hell that anybody could possibly be alive inside, I'm not sending my men in there. We will risk our lives to save a life, but we won't risk our lives to recover a body. That's the coroner's job, not ours. It's straight forward and maybe a bit too blunt for the liking of some, but that's the truth about our job title. We preserve life and property, but property comes after life. These are mostly old buildings that have never been refurbished or restored, so when fire gets ahold of them, the likely-hood of collapse is very high. I'm not dying for a house that can be rebuilt, but I'll die for a child. Lives cannot be replaced, but houses and other structural elements that fall into "Material" categories can always be replaced. keep that in mind before bashing the decision made. We lose alot of brother firefighters every year for the wrong reasons because they were trying to save something that couldn't be saved. That is the reason that these "Let it burn" calls are being made more often. Thanks for reading.
If done correctly, this could be a inexpensive alternative to tearing down the old abandoned structures and free up space for revitalization of the city.
This is standard practice in many run down cities. My city has a "three burn" rule. If they get called to the same un-occupied building three times then they just protect the exposures and let the structure burn in to its foundation. Its to keep the firefighters safe.
maybe they should let the city burn and rot, ive seen other stories about abandoned areas of the city as of 6 months ago, theres been sightings of beavers, deer, bobcats, animals that havent been seen in over 70 years within the cities limits. I can remember back when i was young, of seeing pheasants and deer within the city of Philadelphia, now, theyre gone. This might be a blessing in disguise for Detroit, game is returning to the city.
Unknown if that Fire Chief is still there, I hope he is. He started off on the RIGHT TRACK. For the rotted old homes, crack houses, "Let them burn" to the ground.Defense if needed, absolutely, but if not, protect good houses close to it. Am sure the home owners would greatly appreciate seeing the eye sore and the druggies GONE!!God Bless FF Walter Parrish and his family!!!!!!!!!!!
Pity about the rude comment about the 44 year old firefighters, bet those hard working dedicated guys didn't appreciate that stab in the back. They looked reasonably fit to me. Just because Charlie's got a bad back doesn't mean there's not plenty of fit 44 year old firefighters around. Don't you keep fit Charlie...you suck Charlie! From a 44 year old fit Kiwi (NZ) Firefighter.
Yeah, get that, although i don't think it came across that way when he said the things he did...but see the point now...best wishes to the brothers on the states, especially on 9/11 :-)
As a volunteer fire fighter I can say we NEVER enter an abandoned building.. or any building for that matter unless there is an entrapment or its just a small fire or contained.. Most injuries/deaths occur to the people inside the fire... a lot of times its abandoned or no one trapped.. No need to injury yourself or others for no reason.. Stay out spray it from the outside is all they are saying.. they aren't literally just not going to show up.. as you heard at 3:56 "Quick search inside.. if its clear we are going to go into a defensive mode"
Charlie, your cool dude. I have been in the career fire service in Georgia for 17 years. If the city of Detrioit was hiring Firefighters i would drop EVERYTHING here and move my happy ass up there and work for the Detroit FD. They need another 300-500 FF's im my opinion to be "more effective" . Yeah, their broke as a joke, BUT they gotta do something. This in insanity.
i have been thinking the same thing and agree - let it burn. control it, but let it go. dont risk fire fighter lives and let fire take down old crumbling buildings to ash.
Body's put off a different heat signature as opposed to a fire source. As well as fire is not in the shape of a body. F.L.I.R. is one of the sort of heat camera's they use, and it is very effective in determining any type of heat source.
I agree with the Fire Commissioner 1000 percent no firefighters life is worth ANY building much less some derelict building that will never be refurbished . Of course as he said if it a dwelling that is occupied its a totally different story. He is talking about ABANDONED homes that will NEVER be fixed.
it may be a sad day in Detroit, but it makes sense from the standpoint of firefighters. Check for life, if none exists, go defensive. Save Firefighters' lives without sacrificing community safety.
I can't blame anyone for wanting to burn the hell out of those vacant structures as long as they're sitting safely away from occupied buildings and houses. I have family in the D and I see it everytime I go up there,4-5 empty,rotting houses in a row with tires,old cars and garbage all around them. The owners obviously don't give a damn,many probably don't even live in Detroit. The people have to do SOMETHING. Let it burn like Usher said!!
I would like to put my 2 cent's in on this issue I was born in in Detroit and I'm ashamed to call Detroit my home city the city goverment needs to get off it's butt and fix the problem.
I agree. Fire departments are paid through taxes, abandoned houses aren't paying into the system, why should they protect it? Evacuate and hose down the house next door that is paying their taxes so that it doesn't burn too, but let it go. We have several soldiers with no jobs, and loads of heavy equipment coming back from the war. Send them to level the abandoned buildings, same with the south side of Chicago and every other failing metro area.
Because a fire cant take the same shape as a human. The fire is definitely hotter than the human signature, But it can not take the same shape. What the I.R. in F.L.I.R. stands for is infra red. I am a retired Fire Fighter from North Carolina. If they had this kind of equipment when I was in the dept, there would not have been such a loss of fire fighters that were just trying to do they're jobs. And we could have concentrated on the fire's.
First time in Detroit was over the city on the interstate, saw a house fire, house was completely engulfed, and appeared to be burning for quite awhile, absolutely no emergency response appeared to be on site.
Chief here...this is the saddest situation in the US. No firefighter wants to stop fighting a fire, but in this case, it is the only real option. But, with all the out of work construction folks, better they get the work to demo the buildings....creates jobs, & re-directs resources to saving real lives. Running rigs all day to douse these fires wears them out, & then you have broken rigs. So, let's start a movement to get Warren Buffet & the BBC to "Demo Detroit" Better way to go - KMA!
Except that fires in an abandoned house can quickly spread to an occupied home. Then, you don't have ONE abandoned house on the street, but a whole ROW of them. I LIVE IN DETROIT, and I see it all the time.
In all actuallity they're not letting the building burn to the ground. theyre just doing less interior attacks to save firefighters lives. Im all for gung ho interior firefighting but the commisioner has a point and im sure alot of the guys in detroit fire will agree after all the brothers they lose, in vacant dwelling fires.
Perhaps the city should have volunteers go in, tear down these houses, sell the used material to pay the laborers, or volunteers, this way the city get's rid of the derelict houses, gives work experience to those who are unemployed, w/o costing the city. I can see it is not safe for FF'ers in Detroit, and I hope the new Fire Commissioner get's his point across and saves these Heroes! Stay Safe !
Yeah well Don Austin says a lot of things.I honestly feel bad for the citizens of Detroit,10 bucks says DFD can't even afford thermal scanners,a firefighter slips down the stairs or jumps out of the way because of a backdraft and drops it.BOOM,there it goes,it is broken,and if they can't even afford to keep stations open for 24 hours a day there is no way in hell they can afford new equipment.
If I had one of those vacant houses next to my property I would sleep in my garage with the artillery and if I hear ANYTHING rumbling around out there.....I don't even have to say no more,you know the rest....
No abandoned house is worth a firefighters life ! NO ABANDONED HOUSE !!!! The firefighters are over worked , and why not have a controlled burn that would also help reduce the drug houses ? . I think it better to be safe for the firemen and firewomen of Detroit and any other fire department in the world .
@GavinJLang yeah but what if the fe spreads to the house next door where somebody is living and causing them property damage or death. And as the video mentioned, what if there's a squatter or homeless person inside and the FD doesnt get to them in time? What about animals that may be taking care of their litters in these houses too? These arsonists are only thinking of themselves. There's been 3 arson attacks in my neighborhood as well here in akron ohio and it's an eyesore seeing this.
It's hard for detroit to come back. Mike Duggan is actually trying to make neighborhoods look nice but it's the people in it that are fucked up cause they're out continuing to commit crimes and burning down buildings. They need to make laws stricter as well to help detroit.
It's not about the laws, it's about the severe lack of resources required to effectively enforce those laws. Just look at the police problem there. They are severely understaffed and technologically crippled.
It not worth loosing a firefighter over a empty run down house, save the one next door that people live in, but why bother with the run down empty ones
How is it an admission of defeat? The city needed to demo these houses anyway might as well let them burn down. It will get the job done and save firefighter lives
The best idea that i've heard yet and your killing two birds with one stone. Firefighter safety comes first, were no good to anyone hurt. By letting the abandoned building burn down, it keeps arsonist from coming back to finish them off and keeps us safe all at the same time. It's about time, the "John Wayne Days" are over Brothers and Sisters. Let's all go home safe........
I have been to a lot of residential and commercial fires and my common sense can tell me where the point is at for the point of no return. What is done to the frame, to the roof, floors, furniture, interior walls, ceilings, ECT..I have seen places really burnt and gutted out, and having their insurance pulling the ( NOT SURE IF IT IS ARSON CARD) on them and only give them $ 10000.00 till they get it worked out in court or otherwise, which could drag on for another 2-3 years. Its messy. So if you EVER decide to rebuild. NEVER tear down the four corners of the building. This will make your roofline the same. Which can be changed after all the court bullshit, and city bullshit. This will help keep the junkies and punks out that don't belong there. I sure some of them have had roots put down for a long time and are guardians to some of these old places, maybe thats why they have not had a situation yet. The trouble HOT SPOTS, just take them out, and over a period of time it will become noticeable, and gradually it will become cheaper as they just burn down and out.
But what is that going to say to the rest of Detroit people. That is ok to burn down houses if there vacant. Now that ties up firefighters and equipment and there could be a (real) fire and someone's home is on fire and you have people trap and no firefighters.
I'd say no one. Here's the thing about Detroit that people sometimes forget. It's manufacturing plants are old, brick, and multi-level. In the city's heyday, automakers were still accustomed to building cars/machines on different levels, moving frames/parts from floor to floor. By the 50's/60's it had become clear that the smartest/fastest thing to do was to make cars and tools in long/flat, one story buildings - which are impossible to build in a metro area. Rather than rebuild an entire city, the big three sent their plants/workers elsewhere, though the admin and HQ buildings stayed in the motor city. Obviously, with that came a significant population decline and an irreparable loss of revenue for the city. What I'm getting at is that there's not really anyone to blame. Detroit served its purpose and - as larger things do in a free market - it outlived its usefulness and grew too large to sustain itself when resources proved limited...
What happens when the arsonists run out of abandoned buildings? My guess would be they will torch occupied buildings. It is a shame what is happening to Detroit and many other cities across the nation.
i agree with the black guy if no one is living in them why risk your men just to put out a house with no people in it or no nabors makes sence and if its abandoned
@TheWaynelds Well, if someone is living next door obviously protect them, lol, were you serious? Squatters, as far as I know, are trespassing anyway, and will have to deal with whatever happens. Animals taking care of their litters? Seriously? Hardly something to worry about. I don't know where you live in Akron, but maybe you can start a neighborhood watch or something.... Why risk peoples lives over an abandoned shit-hole?
Why not just go into neighbourhoods that are abandoned and do controlled burns. Fire department could go into a block with nobody living on it and burn the houses down themselves to avoid a crackhead from doing it.
My only problem with this is- "It's not rocket science." That's an insulting comment. No it's not rocket science and the chiefs on the ground already know when and if to do that. What's not "rocket science" is that going around announcing such a strategy on TV tells every murderer in Detroit how to get away with their crime. And offers no hope of closure for their victim's families. Want to get away with murder? The commissioner just told you how. Nice work. Think before you speak.
***** actually, only 5% of white women marry outside their race, and college educated white women are the least likely of all females to date outside their race. studies have shown that white women who do date outside their race tend to be less educated and more overweight. as for asian men, i'm sure some of them might make good husbands, unfortunately no women, including asian women, really find them attractive. they're too weak and unmanly.
***** Asian fever? white girls can't help themselves around asian males? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAAHHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Asian males are funny because they're so childlike. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
***** HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't think because i'm laughing at you, that i don't feel sorry for you. Seriously, being an asian male must be a curse. Oh please Mr asian gigolo, please don't steal my girl, she's all i've got. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Burn the whole city to the ground. There are a few other cities in America that are close on the heels of this once great city. Very sad. Stay safe fire crews.
I don't see the problem with letting them burn. Why waste time and resources saving a half burned, abandoned pile of trash? I don't see people rushing to move there any time soon. Let it burn.
It's just plain dumb to go on offensive mode in knocking down a fire in an abandoned building. No one should be in there to begin with, and they're just making/creating trouble!
What a great video. It's not just Detroit that has a blight of course, but the concept of "letting them burn" is super-smart. There are few enough firefighters and none of them should be put in kind of danger for a house that should have been torn down in the first place.
I agree... As long as the structure in question isn't a threat to anything occupied around it, let the damn thing go! Why risk already stressed-out men and machines on something that will never be salvaged anyway? Letting the whole thing burn down reduces the chance of some jerk re-touching it off later, and a completely torched-to-the-ground ruin costs the city less money to demolish and haul off the rubble...
true. as long as the fire doesnt spread.
@@Josh_T. That's why fire would protect all exposures from OUTSIDE, a controlled burn
Reading some of these comments... Wow. Instead of bashing the FD, support them. What you civilians don't understand is the fire service terms "Risk a little to save a little, risk alot to save alot" as well as "Will it be a rescue or a recovery?". These are our "Bible" terms so to speak. As a firefighter, I can tell you that if a house is "Well-Off" (On the verge of collapse and nothing can be salvaged), don't send us in there. If there is a report of a trapped person, we may enter, but only if the conditions in the home are survivable. Meaning, "Is there any possible way for an unprotected human to survive these conditions or have they already perished?". That's where "Will it be a rescue or a recovery?" comes into play. If the house is completely engulfed, chances are that anybody inside is dead for certain, so why risk 4, 5, or 6 more lives to recover a deceased body? Civilians all too often get the wrong impression from our decisions. We have families too ya know? We value and cherish our lives and those in them. And I'm sorry, but if I know for a fact that there is no way in hell that anybody could possibly be alive inside, I'm not sending my men in there. We will risk our lives to save a life, but we won't risk our lives to recover a body. That's the coroner's job, not ours. It's straight forward and maybe a bit too blunt for the liking of some, but that's the truth about our job title. We preserve life and property, but property comes after life. These are mostly old buildings that have never been refurbished or restored, so when fire gets ahold of them, the likely-hood of collapse is very high. I'm not dying for a house that can be rebuilt, but I'll die for a child. Lives cannot be replaced, but houses and other structural elements that fall into "Material" categories can always be replaced. keep that in mind before bashing the decision made. We lose alot of brother firefighters every year for the wrong reasons because they were trying to save something that couldn't be saved. That is the reason that these "Let it burn" calls are being made more often. Thanks for reading.
Terence Dangerfield damn straight
The only way, brother! Stay low, and safe
A life is more important then any structure, and if a firefighter is hurt or killed will those against take their place or take care of their family?
In my opinion, this is a smart idea.
If done correctly, this could be a inexpensive alternative to tearing down the old abandoned structures and free up space for revitalization of the city.
Agreed, and they could raise money by charging other fire departments around the country to send personal for training.
Detroit Fox TV has the coolest reporters all around.
This is standard practice in many run down cities. My city has a "three burn" rule. If they get called to the same un-occupied building three times then they just protect the exposures and let the structure burn in to its foundation. Its to keep the firefighters safe.
maybe they should let the city burn and rot,
ive seen other stories about abandoned areas of the city as of 6 months ago, theres been sightings of beavers, deer, bobcats, animals that havent been seen in over 70 years within the cities limits.
I can remember back when i was young, of seeing pheasants and deer within the city of Philadelphia, now, theyre gone.
This might be a blessing in disguise for Detroit, game is returning to the city.
Commissioner Austin....smart man. Keep safe brothers and sisters.
L-3885 in Texas.
Unknown if that Fire Chief is still there, I hope he is. He started off on the RIGHT TRACK. For the rotted old homes, crack houses, "Let them burn" to the ground.Defense if needed, absolutely, but if not, protect good houses close to it. Am sure the home owners would greatly appreciate seeing the eye sore and the druggies GONE!!God Bless FF Walter Parrish and his family!!!!!!!!!!!
Pity about the rude comment about the 44 year old firefighters, bet those hard working dedicated guys didn't appreciate that stab in the back. They looked reasonably fit to me. Just because Charlie's got a bad back doesn't mean there's not plenty of fit 44 year old firefighters around. Don't you keep fit Charlie...you suck Charlie! From a 44 year old fit Kiwi (NZ) Firefighter.
I got guys that are in their fifties on my department that can outlast some of the candidates, believe me !
Yeah, get that, although i don't think it came across that way when he said the things he did...but see the point now...best wishes to the brothers on the states, especially on 9/11 :-)
Not only that, but years of experience makes up for lack of youthfulness.
God bless our brave firemen and firewomen .
They are all firemen or you can say firefighters
That building on fire at 5:07 is the old Paul Robeson Academy. (R.I.P)
As a volunteer fire fighter I can say we NEVER enter an abandoned building.. or any building for that matter unless there is an entrapment or its just a small fire or contained.. Most injuries/deaths occur to the people inside the fire... a lot of times its abandoned or no one trapped.. No need to injury yourself or others for no reason.. Stay out spray it from the outside is all they are saying.. they aren't literally just not going to show up.. as you heard at 3:56 "Quick search inside.. if its clear we are going to go into a defensive mode"
Excellent work Charlie & Crew. The video, still shots and music combine to make an amazing, dramatic story. Well done!
There is a movie about this situation on netflix called burn
Charlie, your cool dude. I have been in the career fire service in Georgia for 17 years. If the city of Detrioit was hiring Firefighters i would drop EVERYTHING here and move my happy ass up there and work for the Detroit FD. They need another 300-500 FF's im my opinion to be "more effective" . Yeah, their broke as a joke, BUT they gotta do something. This in insanity.
i have been thinking the same thing and agree - let it burn. control it, but let it go. dont risk fire fighter lives and let fire take down old crumbling buildings to ash.
They don't have the money.
Cities die because people do not stand up for their community. They let the druggies and drug dealers do their thing. Stand up and take pride!
I watched the Youngstown FD do the very same thing with a house that was the last one standing on the block.
its crazy it looks like the 1970's in Boston & the Bronx ! this is in America !!!
The Fire Commissioner is right on the money. An empty,abandoned building is never worth loosing FF's or ruining equipment. Screw it,let it burn.
@GavinJLang - Totally agree, but it is still necessary to make sure there isn't anything alive inside before letting the building complete its burn.
Body's put off a different heat signature as opposed to a fire source.
As well as fire is not in the shape of a body.
F.L.I.R. is one of the sort of heat camera's they use, and it is very effective in determining any type of heat source.
how is detroit still standing!
I agree with the Fire Commissioner 1000 percent no firefighters life is worth ANY building much less some derelict building that will never be refurbished .
Of course as he said if it a dwelling that is occupied its a totally different story.
He is talking about ABANDONED homes that will NEVER be fixed.
Sad, very, very sad state of affairs with regards money . RIP Walter Harris.
it may be a sad day in Detroit, but it makes sense from the standpoint of firefighters. Check for life, if none exists, go defensive. Save Firefighters' lives without sacrificing community safety.
I never saw cancer rust on an active duty fire truck until now. Wow.
I can't blame anyone for wanting to burn the hell out of those vacant structures as long as they're sitting safely away from occupied buildings and houses. I have family in the D and I see it everytime I go up there,4-5 empty,rotting houses in a row with tires,old cars and garbage all around them.
The owners obviously don't give a damn,many probably don't even live in Detroit. The people have to do SOMETHING. Let it burn like Usher said!!
I would like to put my 2 cent's in on this issue I was born in in Detroit and I'm ashamed to call Detroit my home city the city goverment needs to get off it's butt and fix the problem.
I agree. Fire departments are paid through taxes, abandoned houses aren't paying into the system, why should they protect it? Evacuate and hose down the house next door that is paying their taxes so that it doesn't burn too, but let it go. We have several soldiers with no jobs, and loads of heavy equipment coming back from the war. Send them to level the abandoned buildings, same with the south side of Chicago and every other failing metro area.
Because a fire cant take the same shape as a human. The fire is definitely hotter than the human signature, But it can not take the same shape.
What the I.R. in F.L.I.R. stands for is infra red.
I am a retired Fire Fighter from North Carolina. If they had this kind of equipment when I was in the dept, there would not have been such a loss of fire fighters that were just trying to do they're jobs. And we could have concentrated on the fire's.
First time in Detroit was over the city on the interstate, saw a house fire, house was completely engulfed, and appeared to be burning for quite awhile, absolutely no emergency response appeared to be on site.
Chief here...this is the saddest situation in the US. No firefighter wants to stop fighting a fire, but in this case, it is the only real option. But, with all the out of work construction folks, better they get the work to demo the buildings....creates jobs, & re-directs resources to saving real lives. Running rigs all day to douse these fires wears them out, & then you have broken rigs. So, let's start a movement to get Warren Buffet & the BBC to "Demo Detroit" Better way to go - KMA!
this is a great idea.. i hate driving around detroit and seeing all the half burned houses..
Except that fires in an abandoned house can quickly spread to an occupied home. Then, you don't have ONE abandoned house on the street, but a whole ROW of them. I LIVE IN DETROIT, and I see it all the time.
In all actuallity they're not letting the building burn to the ground. theyre just doing less interior attacks to save firefighters lives. Im all for gung ho interior firefighting but the commisioner has a point and im sure alot of the guys in detroit fire will agree after all the brothers they lose, in vacant dwelling fires.
Like the old school Bronx!
Think the detroit fire dept and E.M.S needs to emerge together detroit fire/ems
Perhaps the city should have volunteers go in, tear down these houses, sell the used material to pay the laborers, or volunteers, this way the city get's rid of the derelict houses, gives work experience to those who are unemployed, w/o costing the city. I can see it is not safe for FF'ers in Detroit, and I hope the new Fire Commissioner get's his point across and saves these Heroes! Stay Safe !
I think that instead, if there is no one in an abandoned building, they should do External Operations only.
He's right. Why save a half burnt house that nobody wanted before the fire. Spunds like common sense and will save lives.
Yeah well Don Austin says a lot of things.I honestly feel bad for the citizens of Detroit,10 bucks says DFD can't even afford thermal scanners,a firefighter slips down the stairs or jumps out of the way because of a backdraft and drops it.BOOM,there it goes,it is broken,and if they can't even afford to keep stations open for 24 hours a day there is no way in hell they can afford new equipment.
Tear them down, before they burn them down. Charlie does great work.
If I had one of those vacant houses next to my property I would sleep in my garage with the artillery and if I hear ANYTHING rumbling around out there.....I don't even have to say no more,you know the rest....
The commissioner has the right idea, just fight the fire in an offensive way instead of a deffensive way.
Good policy for any department, do not risk human life to save an abandoned building.
No abandoned house is worth a firefighters life ! NO ABANDONED HOUSE !!!! The firefighters are over worked , and why not have a controlled burn that would also help reduce the drug houses ? . I think it better to be safe for the firemen and firewomen of Detroit and any other fire department in the world .
Jimi Hendrix - All Along The Watchtower
"Let it burn" a sad admission of defeat by an understaffed, aging fire department without the equipment to do a proper job. .
@GavinJLang yeah but what if the fe spreads to the house next door where somebody is living and causing them property damage or death. And as the video mentioned, what if there's a squatter or homeless person inside and the FD doesnt get to them in time? What about animals that may be taking care of their litters in these houses too? These arsonists are only thinking of themselves. There's been 3 arson attacks in my neighborhood as well here in akron ohio and it's an eyesore seeing this.
the life of a fire fighter is not worth destroying over a abandon house.
Great coverage from FOX2
It's hard for detroit to come back. Mike Duggan is actually trying to make neighborhoods look nice but it's the people in it that are fucked up cause they're out continuing to commit crimes and burning down buildings. They need to make laws stricter as well to help detroit.
It's not about the laws, it's about the severe lack of resources required to effectively enforce those laws. Just look at the police problem there. They are severely understaffed and technologically crippled.
That could be solved by selling sport hunting permits allowing hunters to come in and shoot buglers gang bangers drug dealers and arsonists.
Make sure you get the Packard in the first 5 seconds.
Just saw the awesome documentary, 'Burn'... Hoping things look up for the motor city...
It not worth loosing a firefighter over a empty run down house, save the one next door that people live in, but why bother with the run down empty ones
I totally agree with it if theres no one who lives there let it burn and contain it
Sounds good, but even tearing buildings down costs money.
How is it an admission of defeat? The city needed to demo these houses anyway might as well let them burn down. It will get the job done and save firefighter lives
The hazardous materials
This is crazy!!!!!
The best idea that i've heard yet and your killing two birds with one stone. Firefighter safety comes first, were no good to anyone hurt. By letting the abandoned building burn down, it keeps arsonist from coming back to finish them off and keeps us safe all at the same time. It's about time, the "John Wayne Days" are over Brothers and Sisters. Let's all go home safe........
It isn´t the buildings that loves to kill.
The headstone dates would mean that firefighter was 16 years old when he passed away.. is that right?
No, thats how long he served with the DFD.
Bring back the industry, and all this will go away.
I have been to a lot of residential and commercial fires and my common sense can tell me where the point is at for the point of no return. What is done to the frame, to the roof, floors, furniture, interior walls, ceilings, ECT..I have seen places really burnt and gutted out, and having their insurance pulling the ( NOT SURE IF IT IS ARSON CARD) on them and only give them $ 10000.00 till they get it worked out in court or otherwise, which could drag on for another 2-3 years. Its messy.
So if you EVER decide to rebuild. NEVER tear down the four corners of the building. This will make your roofline the same. Which can be changed after all the court bullshit, and city bullshit.
This will help keep the junkies and punks out that don't belong there. I sure some of them have had roots put down for a long time and are guardians to some of these old places, maybe thats why they have not had a situation yet. The trouble HOT SPOTS, just take them out, and over a period of time it will become noticeable, and gradually it will become cheaper as they just burn down and out.
But what is that going to say to the rest of Detroit people. That is ok to burn down houses if there vacant. Now that ties up firefighters and equipment and there could be a (real) fire and someone's home is on fire and you have people trap and no firefighters.
@GavinJLang - Wow. Cold heart.
Who let this happen to this city?
I'd say no one. Here's the thing about Detroit that people sometimes forget. It's manufacturing plants are old, brick, and multi-level. In the city's heyday, automakers were still accustomed to building cars/machines on different levels, moving frames/parts from floor to floor. By the 50's/60's it had become clear that the smartest/fastest thing to do was to make cars and tools in long/flat, one story buildings - which are impossible to build in a metro area. Rather than rebuild an entire city, the big three sent their plants/workers elsewhere, though the admin and HQ buildings stayed in the motor city. Obviously, with that came a significant population decline and an irreparable loss of revenue for the city. What I'm getting at is that there's not really anyone to blame. Detroit served its purpose and - as larger things do in a free market - it outlived its usefulness and grew too large to sustain itself when resources proved limited...
Michael Caliri Republicans? just kidding...
+Michael Caliri Politicians
+edward peders But that one auto factory was the main support beam of Detroit
Detroit has been run by Liberals for decades as has Chicago, New Orleans, and almost all other cities in decline and facing crime, bankruptcy etc.
Makes sense to me!
What happens when the arsonists run out of abandoned buildings? My guess would be they will torch occupied buildings. It is a shame what is happening to Detroit and many other cities across the nation.
i agree with the black guy if no one is living in them why risk your men just to put out a house with no people in it or no nabors makes sence and if its abandoned
A realistic Commisioner
How come the commisioner gets a starbucks grande and the regular firefighters get he house coffee?
@TheWaynelds Well, if someone is living next door obviously protect them, lol, were you serious? Squatters, as far as I know, are trespassing anyway, and will have to deal with whatever happens. Animals taking care of their litters? Seriously? Hardly something to worry about. I don't know where you live in Akron, but maybe you can start a neighborhood watch or something.... Why risk peoples lives over an abandoned shit-hole?
Why not just go into neighbourhoods that are abandoned and do controlled burns. Fire department could go into a block with nobody living on it and burn the houses down themselves to avoid a crackhead from doing it.
Surround & Drowns are a thing
My only problem with this is- "It's not rocket science." That's an insulting comment. No it's not rocket science and the chiefs on the ground already know when and if to do that. What's not "rocket science" is that going around announcing such a strategy on TV tells every murderer in Detroit how to get away with their crime. And offers no hope of closure for their victim's families. Want to get away with murder? The commissioner just told you how. Nice work. Think before you speak.
life in a chocolate city.
***** actually, only 5% of white women marry outside their race, and college educated white women are the least likely of all females to date outside their race. studies have shown that white women who do date outside their race tend to be less educated and more overweight.
as for asian men, i'm sure some of them might make good husbands, unfortunately no women, including asian women, really find them attractive. they're too weak and unmanly.
You're not allowed to say that. That's Not politically correct.
***** Asian fever? white girls can't help themselves around asian males? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAAHHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Asian males are funny because they're so childlike. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
***** HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't think because i'm laughing at you, that i don't feel sorry for you. Seriously, being an asian male must be a curse. Oh please Mr asian gigolo, please don't steal my girl, she's all i've got. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
are you sure this is Detroit USA and not post war Somalia?
Don't blame them just basically large dumpsters
Wow "let it burn" then blame it on the white man.
Burn the whole city to the ground. There are a few other cities in America that are close on the heels of this once great city. Very sad. Stay safe fire crews.
I don't see the problem with letting them burn. Why waste time and resources saving a half burned, abandoned pile of trash? I don't see people rushing to move there any time soon. Let it burn.
@catman5169 The only thing with doing that is FINDING the arsonists...
if they save them some dick head will torch it again.
It's just plain dumb to go on offensive mode in knocking down a fire in an abandoned building. No one should be in there to begin with, and they're just making/creating trouble!
Take the arsonist,time him/her up, deposit in burning building...let 'er go boys, let 'er go. Soon, less abandoned buildings and less arsonists.
What did Obama do to fix this problem?
Let it all turn to prairie.
Detroit is finished Just like America
William Drewes What?
detroits coming back slowly, leduffs an outsider and will never understand. ruin porn is sooooo 2007 time 2 focus on the posi ~
It's too late for detroit:Detroit is officially a wasteland sad a city of ruins