Every time I listen, I keep finding new expression of Bhāva in this - it's like somehow they managed to squeeze in an entire lifetime of devotion into these 13 minutes. Behag at its finest.
Fantastic soul full singing with beautiful violin and mrithangam... God bless Subramanian violinist as well business executive in Dubai. Very very un imaginable behag my liked ragam❤
Every note, every word so consciously rendered. Thankyou tea.
Every note is divine
Every time I listen, I keep finding new expression of Bhāva in this - it's like somehow they managed to squeeze in an entire lifetime of devotion into these 13 minutes. Behag at its finest.
Sayee Rakshit and Akshay added on so beautifully . What a pleasure to hear this. Every Swara of Behag was elaborated so beautifully by Vignesh🙏🏼
Beautiful behag made all the more enchanting by VI. Thanks
Fantastic soul full singing with beautiful violin and mrithangam... God bless
Subramanian violinist as well business executive in Dubai.
Very very un imaginable behag my liked ragam❤
That slow meandering flow of swaras vocally, percussionally and through the violin strings... so transcendental. Thankyou
Wonderfully rendered VI. Enjoyed this so much. Violin was so Wonderful too. The naadam was so serene.
No words can define
Best rendition ever heared
Thanks subramanian
Also violinist from dubai
So so grandly peaceful
Everlasting super rendering h
God's willing u all have blessing great future
Unforgettable ❤
No one would have done like this before
God bless all the accompanying
Soulful musiv
Very nice. Obviously has TMK’s touch.
Is he TMK’s disciple?