I bought a replica of a Chanel brooch for $20 to compare materials etc. The real brooch cost $800 and was made of the exact same materials - brass, synthetic pearls, glass. The other one is a $40 one LYXBAGS Backpack Replica - also works for Compare - I can't find any difference and still use it for the gym
I loved all the beautiful and tasteful bags. Congratulations Mirbag
Love LYXBAGS the way you show it! You really focus on showing off the bag. I don't think any other TH-camr can show off bags in as much detail as you.
Fabulous bag not in love with the colour. Still it's fabulous if only I was younger fab luv it ❤
What a lovely colour 😍
Thank you!!! ♡♡
So pretty 😍😍 and the color 😍
Please don't stop posting lol (I have just subscribed to you. Cause your videos are straight to the point!
How can this channel be so underrated?😨 You deserve more and keep going. I like your videos. 🌸💕
Thank you so much!! ♡
I agree with you 💯
You should add some background music also to make it more interesting ❤️
Thank you for your feedback! ♡ I have 2 other videos that have background music.
I bought a replica of a Chanel brooch for $20 to compare materials etc. The real brooch cost $800 and was made of the exact same materials - brass, synthetic pearls, glass. The other one is a $40 one LYXBAGS Backpack Replica - also works for Compare - I can't find any difference and still use it for the gym
Absolutely not delicate. Nervous mooves, not asmr. Dior deserves more attention than yours.